(a) reviews by Member States of active substances in Annex I in particular pursuant to renewals of authorisations in accordance with Article 4(4) of Directive 91/414/EEC; (b) reviews by the Commission pursuant to Article 5(5) of Directive 91/414/EEC; (c) assessments carried out under Directive 79/117/EEC.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002 of 14 August 2002 laying down further detailed rules for the implementation of the third stage of the programme of work referred to in Article 8(2) of Council Directive 91/414/EEC and amending Regulation (EC) No 451/2000 (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1044/2003of 18 June 2003amending Regulations (EC) No 451/2000 and (EC) No 1490/2002(Text with EEA relevance), 32003R1044, June 19, 2003
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1744/2004of 7 October 2004amending Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002 as regards the replacement of a rapporteur Member State(Text with EEA relevance), 32004R1744, October 8, 2004
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1095/2007of 20 September 2007amending Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002 laying down further detailed rules for the implementation of the third stage of the programme of work referred to in Article 8(2) of Council Directive 91/414/EEC and Regulation (EC) No 2229/2004 laying down further detailed rules for the implementation of the fourth stage of the programme of work referred to in Article 8(2) of Council Directive 91/414/EEC(Text with EEA relevance), 32007R1095, September 21, 2007
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 741/2010of 17 August 2010amending Regulations (EC) No 1490/2002 and (EC) No 2229/2004 as regards the date until which authorisations may continue to be in force in cases where the notifier has submitted an application in accordance with the accelerated procedure under Regulation (EC) No 33/2008(Text with EEA relevance), 32010R0741, August 18, 2010
(a) "notifier" means the natural or legal person who submitted a notification in accordance with the terms specified in Regulation (EC) No 451/2000 as listed in Annex II; (b) "Committee" means the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, referred to in Article 19 of Directive 91/414/EEC; (c) "data list" means a list of all the data which is available to be submitted in the full data package; (d) "full data package" means information and results of studies sufficient to satisfy the requirements of Annexes II and III to Directive 91/414/EEC in relation to a limited range of representative uses of the active substance concerned.
(a) a copy of the notification; in the case of a joint application made by several producers, a copy of the notifications made in accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 451/2000 and the name of the person designated by the producers concerned as being responsible for the joint dossier and the processing of the dossier in accordance with this Regulation; (b) a limited range of representative uses of the active substance, in respect of which the data submitted by the notifier in the dossier shall demonstrate that for one or more preparations, the requirements set out in Article 5 of Directive 91/414/EEC for inclusion of the active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, can be met; (c) (i) for each point of Annex II to Directive 91/414/EEC, the summaries and results of studies and trials, the name of the person or institute that has carried out the trials; (ii) for each point of Annex III to Directive 91/414/EEC the summaries and results of studies and trials, the name of the person or institute that has carried out the trials, relevant to the assessment of the criteria referred to in Article 5 of Directive 91/414/EEC for one or more preparations which are representative for the uses referred to in subparagraph (b) taking into account that data gaps in the information of the Annex II dossier resulting from the proposed limited range of representative uses of the active substance may lead to restrictions in the inclusion into Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC; (iii) and for active substances listed in Annex I, part B, for studies not yet fully completed the evidence that these studies have been commissioned as required by Article 10(4) of Regulation (EC) No 451/2000 with an undertaking that they will be submitted at the latest by 31 May 2005 ;
(d) a checklist to be filled in by the notifier, demonstrating that the dossier is complete.
to include the active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, stating the conditions for inclusion, or not to include the active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, stating the reasons for the non-inclusion.
(a) the draft assessment report except the elements thereof which have been accepted as confidential in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 91/414/EEC; (b) the list of any data required for the evaluation in view of the possible inclusion of the active substance in Annex I to that Directive as finalised by the EFSA where it has finalised such a list.
(a) receipt of the draft assessment report where Article 11b or Article 11f applies; (b) receipt of the conclusion established by the EFSA where Article 11c applies; (c) receipt of a written withdrawal of the notifier’s support where Article 11e applies.
(a) a draft directive including the active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, setting out where appropriate the conditions, including the time limit, for such inclusion; or (b) a draft decision addressed to the Member States requiring them to withdraw, within six months, the authorisations of plant protection products containing the active substance, pursuant to the fourth subparagraph of Article 8(2) of Directive 91/414/EEC, whereby that active substance is not included in Annex I to that Directive, mentioning the reasons for the non-inclusion.
(a) require the payment of a fee or charge for each submission of a dossier; (b) ensure that the amount of the fee or charge shall be established in a transparent manner with the view to correspond to the real cost of the examination and administrative treatment of a dossier; however this does not exclude that Member States provide for a scale of fixed charges based on average costs for the calculation of the total fee; (c) ensure that the fee or charge is received in accordance with the instructions given by the organisation in each Member State listed in Annex IV and that the income from the fee or charge is used to finance exclusively the costs actually incurred by the Member State for the evaluation and administrative treatment of the dossiers for which that Member State is rapporteur or to finance general activities of the Member States resulting from Articles 9, 10 or 11; (d) require that a first part of the fee or charge, covering the costs of the rapporteur Member State's obligations resulting from Article 6 and Article 9 is paid at the time of the submission of the data lists referred to in Article 6; this part will not be refundable under any circumstance.
1. Article 8 is replaced by the following: "Article 8 Evaluation of dossiers by rapporteur Member States and the EFSA 1. The rapporteur Member State shall evaluate and report only on those active substances for which at least one dossier has been determined to be complete in accordance with Article 6(2) and (3). For such active substances it shall evaluate and report only on the complete dossiers and for the other dossiers it shall check the identity and impurities of the active substance. The rapporteur Member State shall take into consideration the information available on potentially dangerous effects in the other dossiers submitted by any notifier or by any third party in accordance with the provisions of Article 5(4)(d). It shall send a draft report of its assessment of the dossier to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as quickly as possible, and at the latest 12 months after the dossier was determined to be complete. The draft assessment report shall be submitted in the format recommended in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 19 of the Directive. At the same time, the rapporteur Member State shall make a recommendation to the Commission either: to include the active substance in Annex I to the Directive, stating the conditions for inclusion, or not to include the active substance in Annex I to the Directive, stating the reasons for the non-inclusion.
The rapporteur Member State shall in particular include in the draft assessment report a reference to each test and study report, for each point of Annex II and Annex III to the Directive, relied on for the assessment. This reference shall be made in the form of a list of test and study reports including the title, the author(s), the date of the study or test report and the date of publication, the standard to which the test or study was conducted, the holder's name and, if any, the claim made by the holder or notifier for data protection. It shall also mention for the other notified sources of the active substances for which the dossier was considered not to be complete whether it can be concluded that such active substances are comparable within the meaning of Article 13(5) of the Directive. 2. Without prejudice to Article 7 of the Directive, submission of new studies shall not be accepted, except for the studies as referred to in Article 6(2)(c), third indent. The rapporteur Member State may request the notifiers to submit further data which are necessary to clarify the dossier. When doing so the rapporteur Member State shall set a time limit within which the information should be provided; this time limit shall not affect the time limit for the submission of the report referred to in paragraph 1. The rapporteur Member State may, from the start of this examination, consult with experts from the EFSA and may request additional technical or scientific information from other Member States to assist the evaluation. The rapporteur Member State may perform the evaluation together with a co-rapporteur Member State. The rapporteur Member State shall request the notifiers to submit an updated summary dossier to the EFSA, the other Member States and on request to the Commission at the same time as the rapporteur's draft assessment report is sent to the EFSA. The Member States, the EFSA or the Commission may request through the rapporteur Member State that notifiers also send them the updated complete dossiers or parts thereof. 3. As soon as it becomes evident to a rapporteur Member State that it will be unable to comply with the time limit specified in paragraph 1 for the submission of the draft assessment report to the EFSA, it shall inform the Commission and the EFSA and give the reasons for the delay. All Member States shall provide to the Commission and the EFSA a report of their progress on the evaluation of the active substances for which they are rapporteur. Such report has to be made by 30 April 2003 .4. After receiving the updated summary dossier and the draft assessment report referred to in paragraph 1, the EFSA shall, within 30 days, acknowledge receipt of the report to the rapporteur Member State. In exceptional cases where the draft assessment report clearly does not fulfil the requirements concerning the format recommended by the Commission, the Commission shall agree with the EFSA and the rapporteur Member State on a period for resubmission of an amended report. This period shall not exceed four months. 5. The EFSA shall circulate the rapporteur's draft assessment report to the Member States and may organise a consultation of experts including the rapporteur Member State. The EFSA may consult some or all of the notifiers of active substances specified in Annex I on the report or parts of the report on the relevant active substance. Without prejudice to Article 7 of the Directive, submission of new studies shall not be accepted. The rapporteur Member State, with the agreement of the EFSA, may request the notifiers to submit within specified periods further data considered by the rapporteur member state of the EFSA necessary to clarify the dossier. 6. The EFSA shall make available at specific request or keep available for consultation by any person the following: (a) the information referred to in the last subparagraph of paragraph 1, except the elements thereof which have been accepted as confidential in accordance with Article 14 of the Directive; (b) the name of the active substance; (c) the content of the pure active substance in the manufactured material; (d) the list of any data required for consideration of the possible inclusion of the active substance into Annex I to the Directive, first as contained in the rapporteur's report and secondly as finalised by the EFSA; (e) the draft assessment report, except the elements thereof which have been accepted as confidential in accordance with Article 14 of the Directive.
7. The EFSA shall evaluate the rapporteur's draft assessment report and deliver its opinion on whether the active substance can be expected to meet the safety requirements of the Directive to the Commission at the latest one year after receipt of the rapporteur Member State draft assessment report. Where appropriate, the EFSA shall give its opinion on the available options claimed to meet the safety requirements. The Commission and the EFSA shall agree on a schedule for the delivery of the opinions in order to facilitate the planning of the work. The Commission and the EFSA shall agree on the format in which the opinion of the EFSA is submitted. 8. At the latest six months after receipt of the EFSA opinion referred to in paragraph 7, the Commission shall submit the draft review report. Without prejudice to any proposal it may submit with a view to amending the Annex to Directive 79/117/EEC, and on the basis of the finalised review report it shall submit to the Committee: (a) a draft directive to include the active substance in Annex I to the Directive, setting out where appropriate the conditions, including the time limit, for such inclusion, or (b) a draft decision addressed to the Member States to withdraw the authorisations of plant-protection products containing the active substance, pursuant to the fourth subparagraph of Article 8(2) of the Directive, whereby that active substance is not included in Annex I to the Directive, mentioning the reasons for the non-inclusion.
The directive or decision shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 19 of the Directive. 9. Where the Commission submits a draft directive or a draft decision in accordance with paragraph 8, it shall at the same time submit the conclusions of the Committee's examination in the format of a finalised review report to be noted in the summary record of the meeting. The finalised review report, excluding any parts which refer to confidential information contained in the dossiers and determined as such in accordance with Article 14 of the Directive, shall be made available for public consultation." 2. In Article 10(4), the first sentence is replaced by the following: "The time limit for the submission of a list of available studies shall be 23 May 2003 . A full data package shall be available on23 May 2003 at the latest."3. In Article 11(2), the second sentence is replaced by the following: "Member States shall withdraw by 25 July 2003 authorisations of plant-protection products containing active substances for which no admissible notification has been submitted. Authorisations of plant-protection products containing active substances for which no list of available studies has been submitted or for which no full data package is available shall be withdrawn by the deadline referred to in the Decision on the non-inclusion of the active substance concerned."4. In Annex I, part A, in relation to the active substance Tolclofos-methyl "The Netherlands" is replaced by "Sweden".
A | B | C |
Name | Rapporteur Member State | Notifiers |
Abamectin | Netherlands | IBE-ES |
PRO-ES | ||
SNO-FR | ||
SYN-GB | ||
Acetochlor | Spain | DAS-GB |
MON-BE | ||
RIV-IE | ||
Amidosulfuron | Austria | AVS-DE |
Benfluralin | Belgium | DAS-GB |
MAK-BE | ||
Bifenox | Belgium | FSG-DE |
Bifenthrin | France | FMC-BE |
Bitertanol | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
Bromuconazole | Belgium | AVS-FR |
Buprofezin | Finland | NIH-GB |
Butralin | France | CFP-FR |
Carbetamide | France | FSG-DE |
Chlorflurenol | Germany | SCC-DE |
Chloridazon | Germany | BAS-DE |
Chloropicrin | Italy | EBR-NL |
RIV-IE | ||
Chlorthal-dimethyl | Greece | AMV-GB |
Cinosulfuron | Italy | SYN-GB |
Clethodim | Netherlands | TOM-FR |
Clofentezine | United Kingdom | MAK-BE |
Clomazone | Denmark | FMC-BE |
Coppercompounds | France | EUC-GB |
Cresylic acid | Netherlands | ASP-NL |
Cyanamide | Germany | DUS-DE |
Cycloxydim | Austria | BAS-DE |
Dichlorophen | Ireland | CCD-GB |
Diclofop | France | AVS-DE |
PPC-ES | ||
Dicloran | Spain | MAI-PT |
Diflubenzuron | Sweden | UNI-NL |
Diflufenican | United Kingdom | AVS-DE |
HRM-BE | ||
MAK-BE | ||
Dimethipin | Greece | CRO-GB |
Dithianon | Greece | BAS-BE |
HRM-BE | ||
Epoxiconazole | Germany | BAS-DE |
MAK-BE | ||
Etofenprox | Italy | LKC-UK |
Fenazaquin | Greece | DAS-GB |
Fenbuconazole | United Kingdom | DAS-GB |
Fenoxaprop-P | Austria | AVS-DE |
Fenpropidin | Sweden | SYN-GB |
Fenpropimorph | Germany | BAS-DE |
Fenpyroximate | Germany | NIH-GB |
Fluazifop-P | France | SYN-GB |
Fluazinam | Austria | ISK-BE |
Fludioxonyl | Denmark | SYN-GB |
Fluometuron | Greece | MAK-BE |
NLI-AT | ||
Fluquinconazole | Ireland | AVS-FR |
Flurenol | Germany | SCC-DE |
Flutolanil | Finland | NIH-GB |
Fuberidazole | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
Hexaflumuron | Portugal | DAS-GB |
Hexythiazox | Finland | NPS-DE |
Imidacloprid | Germany | BAY-DE |
Kasugamycin | Netherlands | LAI-ES |
Mefluidide | Ireland | MKC-BE |
Mepiquat | United Kingdom | BAS-DE |
Metaldehyde | Austria | LON-DE |
Metazachlor | United Kingdom | BAS-DE |
FSG-DE | ||
MAK-BE | ||
Methyl bromide | United Kingdom | EBR-NL |
Myclobutanil | Belgium | DAS-GB |
Napropamide | Denmark | UPL-GB |
Nicosulfuron | United Kingdom | ISK-BE |
Nuarimol | Portugal | DAS-GB |
Pencycuron | Netherlands | BAY-DE |
Polyoxin | Spain | LAI-ES |
Pretilachlor | Italy | SYN-GB |
Propaquizafop | Italy | MAK-BE |
Prosulfocarb | Sweden | SYN-GB |
Pyriproxyfen | Netherlands | SUM-FR |
Quinoclamine | Sweden | AKA-DE |
Streptomycine | Netherlands | DSM-NL |
Tebufenozide | Germany | DAS-GB |
Teflubenzuron | France | BAS-BE |
Tetraconazole | Italy | ISA-IT |
Thiobencarb | Spain | KCI-GB |
Tralkoxydim | United Kingdom | SYN-GB |
Triadimefon | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
Triadimenol | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
MAK-BE | ||
Tridemorph | Germany | BAS-DE |
Triflumizole | Netherlands | CRE-NL |
Triflumuron | Italy | BAY-DE |
Triflusulfuron | France | DPD-FR |
Zeta-Cypermethrin | Belgium | FMC-BE |
A | B | C |
Name | Rapporteur Member State | Notifiers |
8-Hydroxyquinoline | Spain | ASU-DE |
PRO-ES | ||
Aclonifen | Germany | AVS-DE |
Acrinathrin | France | AVS-DE |
Aluminium phosphide | Germany | DET-DE |
Ammonium sulphamate | Ireland | DAP-GB |
Asulam | United Kingdom | AVS-DE |
Azocyclotin | Italy | CRX-FR |
Bensulfuron | Italy | DPD-FR |
Bupirimate | Netherlands | MAK-BE |
Calcium phosphide | Germany | CFW-DE |
Carboxin | United Kingdom | CRO-GB |
Chlorate | France | ATO-FR |
Chlormequat | United Kingdom | BCL-IE |
CTF-AT | ||
FSG-DE | ||
PUS-FR | ||
Chlorsulfuron | Greece | DPD-FR |
Cyhexatin | Italy | CRX-FR |
OXO-IT | ||
Cymoxanil | Austria | CAL-FR |
DPD-FR | ||
OXO-IT | ||
PUS-FR | ||
Cyproconazole | Ireland | SYN-GB |
Cyromazine | Greece | SYN-GB |
Dazomet | Belgium | BAS-DE |
Dicamba | Denmark | GHA-GB |
SYN-GB | ||
Dichlobenil | Netherlands | UNI-NL |
Dichlorobenzoic acid methylester | Germany | ASU-DE |
Dicofol | Spain | DAS-GB |
MAK-BE | ||
Diethofencarb | France | SUM-FR |
Difenoconazole | Sweden | SYN-GB |
Dimethachlor | Germany | SYN-GB |
Diniconazole | France | SUM-FR |
Diphenylamine | Ireland | CRX-FR |
CSI-UK | ||
Dodemorph | Netherlands | BAS-DE |
Dodine | Portugal | CAG-BE |
OXO-IT | ||
Ethalfluralin | Greece | DAS-GB |
Etridiazole | Netherlands | UNI-NL |
Fenbutatin oxide | Belgium | BAS-BE |
CRX-FR | ||
Fenoxycarb | Netherlands | SYN-GB |
Flamprop-M | Sweden | BAS-BE |
Flufenoxuron | France | BAS-BE |
Flurochloridone | Spain | MAK-BE |
Flurprimidole | Finland | DAS-GB |
Flutriafol | United Kingdom | CHE-DK |
Guazatine | United Kingdom | MAK-BE |
Hexaconazole | Italy | IQV-ES |
SYN-GB | ||
Hymexazol | Finland | TSG-GB |
Imazamethabenz | United Kingdom | BAS-BE |
Imazaquin | Belgium | BAS-BE |
Imazethapyr | Italy | BAS-BE |
Isoxaben | Sweden | DAS-GB |
Lenacil | Belgium | HRM-BE |
SCH-DE | ||
Lufenuron | Portugal | SYN-GB |
Magnesium phosphide | Germany | DET-DE |
Metam | Belgium | FMF-ES |
LAI-ES | ||
MAK-BE | ||
UCB-BE | ||
Metamitron | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
BCL-IE | ||
EXC-BE | ||
FSG-DE | ||
HRM-BE | ||
MAK-BE | ||
PUS-FR | ||
UPL-GB | ||
Methabenzthiazuron | Sweden | PUS-FR |
Metosulam | France | BAY-DE |
Monocarbamide-dihydrogensulphate | Spain | AGX-GB |
Oryzalin | France | DAS-GB |
Oxadiazon | Italy | AVS-DE |
Oxyfluorfen | Spain | DAS-GB |
MAK-BE | ||
PPC-ES | ||
Paclobutrazol | United Kingdom | SYN-GB |
Penconazole | Germany | SYN-GB |
Picloram | United Kingdom | DAS-GB |
Primisulfuron | Austria | SYN-GB |
Prochloraz | Ireland | AVS-FR |
BCL-IE | ||
MAK-BE | ||
PUS-FR | ||
SPC-FR | ||
Propachlor | Netherlands | MAK-BE |
MON-BE | ||
Propanil | Italy | DAS-GB |
MAK-BE | ||
RCO-PT | ||
Propargite | France | CRO-GB |
PPC-ES | ||
Pyridaben | Netherlands | NCI-DE |
Quinclorac | Portugal | BAS-DE |
Quinmerac | United Kingdom | BAS-DE |
Quizalofop-P | Finland | CRO-GB |
MAK-BE | ||
NCI-DE | ||
Sintofen | France | DPD-FR |
Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate | Greece | CAL-FR |
Sodium o-nitrophenolate | Greece | CAL-FR |
Sodium p-nitrophenolate | Greece | CAL-FR |
Sodium tetrathiocarbonate | Spain | AGX-GB |
Sulcotrione | Germany | BAY-DE |
Tau-fluvalinate | Denmark | MAK-BE |
Tebuconazole | Denmark | BAY-DE |
MAK-BE | ||
Tebufenpyrad | Germany | BAS-BE |
Teflubenzuron | United Kingdom | BAS-BE |
Tefluthrin | Germany | SYN-GB |
Terbuthylazine | United Kingdom | MAK-BE |
OXO-IT | ||
SYN-GB | ||
Thidiazuron | Spain | AVS-FR |
Tri-allate | United Kingdom | MON-BE |
Triazoxide | United Kingdom | BAY-DE |
Tricyclazole | France | DAS-GB |
Code identification | Name | Address |
AGX-GB | Agrilex UK Ltd | |
AKA-DE | Agro-Kanesho Co., Ltd, European Branch | |
AMV-GB | Amvac Chemical UK Ltd | |
ASP-NL | Asepta BV | |
ASU-DE | Stähler Agrochemie GmbH & Co. KG | |
ATO-FR | Atofina | |
AVS-DE | Aventis CropScience GmbH | |
AVS-FR | Aventis CropScience SA | |
BAS-BE | BASF (Belgium) | |
BAS-DE | BASF AG (Deutschland) | |
BAY-DE | Bayer AG | |
BCL-IE | Barclay Chemicals Ltd | |
CAG-BE | Chimac-Agriphar SA | |
CAL-FR | Calliope SAS | |
CCD-GB | Coalite Chemicals Division | |
CFP-FR | CFPI Nufarm | |
CFW-DE | Chemische Fabrik Wülfel GmbH & Co. KG | |
CHE-DK | Cheminova A/S | |
CRE-NL | Certis Europe BV | |
CRO-GB | Crompton Europe Ltd | |
CRX-FR | Cerexagri | |
CSI-UK | CSI-Europe | |
CTF-AT | CCC Task Force | |
DAP-GB | Dax Products Ltd | |
DAS-GB | Dow AgroSciences | |
DET-DE | Detia Freyberg GmbH | |
DPD-FR | DuPont de Nemours (France) SAS | |
DSM-NL | DSM Food Specialties, Agri Ingredients | |
DUS-DE | Degussa AG | |
EBR-NL | Eurobrom BV | |
EUC-GB | European Union Copper Task Force | |
EXC-BE | Excel Industries Ltd | |
FMC-BE | FMC Chemical SPRL | |
FMF-ES | FMC Foret SA | |
FSG-DE | Feinchemie Schwebda GmbH | |
GHA-GB | Gharda Chemicals Ltd Europe | |
HRM-BE | Hermoo Belgium NV | |
IBE-ES | Iberotam SA | |
IQV-ES | Industrias Químicas del Vallés SA | |
ISA-IT | Isagro SPA | |
ISK-BE | ISK Biosciences Europe SA | |
KCI-GB | Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd | |
LAI-ES | Lainco, SA | |
LKC-UK | Landis Kane Consulting | |
LON-DE | Lonza GmbH | |
MAI-PT | Margarita Internacional | |
MAK-BE | Makhteshim Agan | |
MKC-BE | McKenna & Cuneo, L.L.P. | |
MON-BE | Monsanto Europe SA | |
NCI-DE | Nissan Chemical Europe GmbH | |
NIH-GB | Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd | |
NLI-AT | Nufarm GmbH & Co KG | |
NPS-DE | Nisso Chemical Europe GmbH | |
OXO-IT | Oxon Italia SpA | |
PPC-ES | Proplan-Plant Protection Company, SL | |
PRO-ES | Probelte, SA | |
PUS-FR | Phytorus SA | |
RCO-PT | Rice Madeira Company Europe | |
RIV-IE | Rivendell Consulting Ltd | |
SCC-DE | SCC Scientific Consulting Company GmbH | |
SCH-DE | Dr. Schirm AG | |
SNO-FR | SINON EU Corporation | |
SPC-FR | Sipcam-Phyteurop | |
SUM-FR | Sumitomo Chemical Agro Europe SA | |
SYN-DE | Syngenta Agro GmbH | |
SYN-GB | Syngenta Europe Ltd | |
TOM-FR | Tomen France | |
TSG-GB | Sankyo Company Ltd | |
UCB-BE | UCB Chemicals NV | |
UNI-NL | Uniroyal Chemical Europe BV | |
UPL-GB | United Phosphorus Ltd |
(a) it is not classified or proposed for classification as C (carcinogenic effects) M (mutagenic effects) R (toxic to reproduction) in categories 1, 2 or 3 in accordance with Directive 67/548/EEC; (b) either not requested or, if required, an ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake), AOEL (Acceptable Operator Exposure Level) and ARfD (Acute Reference Dose) can be established on the basis of the standard assessment factor of 100; (c) it is not considered to have the potential to meet the criteria of a persistent organic pollutant set out in Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council ;OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 7 ; corrected byOJ L 229, 29.6.2004, p. 5 .(d) it is not considered to have the potential to meet the criteria set out in Annex XIII to the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council .OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1 ; corrected byOJ L 136, 29.5.2007, p. 3 .
(a) operator exposure is less than or equal to 75 % of the AOEL in modelled scenarios, considered relevant for the intended use and where the use of such modelling is appropriate to the supported use and at maximum using gloves as personal protective equipment (PPE); (b) bystander exposure and worker exposure is less than or equal to 75 % AOEL in modelled scenarios, considered relevant for the intended use and where the use of such modelling is appropriate to the supported use and without the use of PPE; (c) consumer exposure is less than or equal to 75 % of the ADI or ARfD (where such a value is necessarily established) in all available EU consumer diets on the basis of the MRLs (Maximum Residues Level) proposed for the active substance (without special refinements); (d) leaching to groundwater is below 0,1 μg/l in at least half of the scenarios considered relevant for the intended use, or in relevant lysimeter/field studies, for both the parent substance and relevant metabolites; (e) buffer zones for the protection of the environment do not exceed 30m without any further risk mitigation measures (e.g. drift reducing nozzles); (f) the risk to non-target organisms is acceptable based on standard refinements.
(a) operator exposure is greater than 100 % AOEL in all modelled scenarios with the use of PPE/RPE (Personal Protective Equipment/Respiratory Protective Equipment), where the use of such modelling is appropriate to the supported use, and where actual exposure data, if available, also indicate that the AOEL will be exceeded under normal conditions of use; (b) bystander exposure and worker exposure is greater than 100 % AOEL in modelled scenarios, where the use of such modelling is appropriate to the supported use, and where actual exposure data, if available, indicate that the AOEL will be exceeded for these groups under normal conditions of use; (c) consumer exposure is greater than 100 % of the ADI or ARfD (where such a value is required) in at least one of the available EU consumer diets on the basis of the MRLs (Maximum Residues Level) proposed for the active substance; (d) leaching to groundwater is equal to or above 0,1 μg/l in all modelled scenarios either for the parent substance or for relevant metabolites.