Commission Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 of 17 January 2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries
Modified by
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002of 23 July 2002amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 24 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries(Official Journal of the European Communities L 195 of 24 July 2002)
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 24 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries(Official Journal of the European Communities L 195 of 24 July 2002)
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 23 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries(Official Journal of the European Communities L 195 of 24 July 2002), 32002R133732002R1337R(01)32002R1337R(02)32002R1337R(03), July 24, 2002
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2385/2002of 30 December 2002continuing and amending prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products originating in certain third countries, 32002R2385, December 31, 2002
Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
Commission Regulation (EC) No 886/2004of 4 March 2004adapting certain regulations and decisions in the field of free movement of goods, competition policy, agriculture, environment and external relations by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, 32004R0886, May 1, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 469/2005of 23 March 2005continuing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products originating in certain third countries, 32005R0469, March 24, 2005
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1915/2006of 18 December 2006continuing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products originating in certain third countries, 32006R1915, December 21, 2006
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1241/2009of 16 December 2009continuing and updating the scope of prior surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products originating in certain third countries, 32009R1241, December 17, 2009
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 24 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries, 32002R1337R(01), October 12, 2002
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 24 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries, 32002R1337R(02), October 17, 2002
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1337/2002 of 23 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 76/2002 introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countries, 32002R1337R(03), October 31, 2002
Commission Regulation (EC) No 76/2002of 17 January 2002introducing prior Community surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties originating in certain third countriesTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3285/94 of 22 December 1994 on common rules for imports and repealing Regulation (EC) No 518/94OJ L 349, 31.12.1994, p. 53., as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2474/2000OJ L 286, 11.11.2000, p. 1., and in particular Article 11 thereof,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 519/94 of 7 March 1994 on common rules for imports from certain third countries and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 1765/82, (EEC) No 1766/82 and (EEC) No 3420/83OJ L 67, 10.3.1994, p. 89., as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1138/98OJ L 159, 3.6.1998, p. 1., and in particular Article 9(1) thereof,Consultations having taken place within the committees set up under the Regulations referred to above,Whereas:(1)In accordance with Regulations (EC) No 3285/94 and (EC) No 519/94, products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community are subject to the common rules for imports, and it is therefore necessary that the arrangements for Community surveillance measures in respect of ECSC products be adopted in accordance with those Regulations.(2)The situation on the steel market has worsened considerably in 2001 under the combined impact of a number of factors, chief among them being a marked downturn in the world economy evident from the outset of the year and the recession that began to affect some economies, including that of the United States, in the latter half of the year.(3)The steel market has also been unsettled by the uncertainty and hedging caused by the possibility of import restrictions on the US market following the US administration's "Section 201" safeguard investigation.(4)Should import restrictions actually be applied on the US market, they are likely to cause major fluctuations in the structure of international trade, and in particular the deflection of trade towards the Community market. Such deflection could seriously harm the Community steel industry.(5)Available economic indicators and estimates for 2001 show the following trends:A.Production. Production of crude steel in the Community in 2001 is expected to be about 159 million tonnes. This estimate is not only 2,5 % lower than production in 2000 (163,2 million tonnes), it is also lower than the levels recorded in 1997 (159,4 million tonnes) and 1998 (159,7 million tonnes).B.Imports. Imports of ECSC iron and steel products into the Community from all third countries will remain appreciably the same as in 2000, at about 25 million tonnes. By way of comparison, Community imports of these products totalled 12,2 million tonnes in 1996. This means that steel imports into the Community have more than doubled in the past five years.C.Exports. At a probable level of about 21 million tonnes, Community exports of ECSC iron and steel products in 2001 are about 8 % down on the previous year. By way of comparison, Community imports of these products amounted to 28 million tonnes in 1996. Community exports to the US and Canada have been hit particularly hard, falling by an estimated 36 % and 32 % respectively. This trend will worsen in 2002 if restrictions are introduced on the US market. For 2001 as a whole, the Community is expected to be a net importer of iron and steel products, with a trade deficit in excess of 4 million tonnes. In 1996 the Community recorded a trade surplus of the order of 15,8 million tonnes.D.Prices. Prices for iron and steel products in 2001 were 18 % lower on average than in 2000.(6)Since the scope of the Section 201 safeguard investigation includes pipes and tubes, the possibility of US restrictions on these products cannot be excluded. Prior surveillance should therefore be extended to pipes and tubes.(7)The Community's external trade statistics are not available within the periods established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1917/2000OJ L 229, 9.9.2000, p. 14., as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1669/2001OJ L 224, 21.8.2001, p. 3..(8)The interests of the Community require that imports of certain iron and steel products should be subject to prior Community surveillance in order to provide statistical information permitting rapid analysis of import trends.(9)The completion of the internal market requires that the formalities to be accomplished by Community importers be identical wherever the goods may be cleared.(10)Release for free circulation of the products covered by this Regulation should be made subject to presentation of a surveillance document meeting uniform criteria.(11)That document should, on simple application by the importer, be endorsed by the authorities of the Member States within a certain period but without the importer thereby acquiring any right to import. The document should therefore be valid only as long as the import rules remain unchanged.(12)The surveillance documents issued for the purposes of Community surveillance must be valid throughout the Community, regardless of the Member State of issue.(13)The Member States and the Commission should exchange the information resulting from Community surveillance as fully as possible.(14)The issue of surveillance documents, while subject to standard conditions at Community level, is to be the responsibility of the national authorities.(15)It should be reiterated that for certain iron and steel products the issue of a surveillance document is subject to presentation of an export document in accordance with arrangements established within the framework of double-checking agreements with certain third countries, and the present Regulation does not apply to products originating in those countries which are subject to such a double-checking system,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 11.The release for free circulation in the Community of iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and the EC Treaties listed in Annex 1 shall be subject to prior Community surveillance in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EC) No 3285/94 and Articles 9 and 10 of Regulation (EC) No 519/94. This applies to imports originating in all non-member countries. However, products which are subject to a double-checking agreement established between a non-member country and the Community shall be subject to the conditions established by that agreement and not to this Regulation.2.The classification of the products covered by this Regulation is based on the tariff and statistical nomenclature of the Community (hereinafter called the "combined nomenclature", or in abbreviated form "CN"). The origin of the products covered by this Regulation shall be determined in accordance with the rules in force in the Community.3.Imports whose net weight does not exceed 2500 kilograms are excluded from the application of this Regulation.Article 21.The release for free circulation in the Community of the products referred to in Article 1 shall be subject to presentation of a surveillance document issued by the relevant authorities of a Member State.2.The surveillance document referred to in paragraph 1 shall be issued automatically by the competent authorities in the Member States, without charge and for any quantities requested, within five working days of presentation of an application by any Community importer, wherever it may be established in the Community. This application shall be deemed to have been received by the competent national authority no later than three working days after submission, unless it is proven otherwise.3.A surveillance document issued by one of the authorities listed in Annex II shall be valid throughout the Community.4.The surveillance document shall be made out on a form corresponding to the model at Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 3285/94As modified by Council Regulation (EC) 139/96 of 22 January 1996 (OJ L 21, 27.7.1996, p. 7), and taking into account the provisions of Article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97 of 17 June 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (OJ L 162, 19.6.1997, p. 1). on common rules for imports or in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 519/94 on common rules for imports from certain third countries. The importer's application shall include the following elements:(a)the name and full address of the applicant (including telephone and fax numbers, and possible identification number used by the competent national authorities) and VAT registration number, if subject to VAT;(b)if applicable, the name and full address of the declarant or representative of the applicant (including telephone and fax numbers);(c)the full name and address of the exporter;(d)the exact description of the goods, including:their trade name,the combined nomenclature (CN) code(s),the country of origin,the country of consignment;(e)the net weight expressed in kg, and the quantity in the unit prescribed where other than net weight, by combined nomenclature heading;(f)the cif value of the goods in euro at the Community frontier by combined nomenclature heading;(g)whether the products concerned are seconds or of substandard qualityUnder the criteria given in OJ C 180, 11.7.1991, p. 4.;(h)the proposed period and place of customs clearance;(i)whether the application is a repeat of a previous application concerning the same contract;(j)the following declaration, dated and signed by the applicant with the transcription of his name in capital letters:"I, the undersigned, certify that the information provided in this application is true and given in good faith, and that I am established in the Community."The importer shall also submit a copy of the contract of sale or purchase and of the pro forma invoice. If so requested, for example in cases where the goods are not directly purchased in the country of production, the importer shall present a certificate of production issued by the producing steel mill.5.Surveillance documents may be used only for such time as arrangements for liberalisation of imports remain in force in respect of the transactions concerned. Without prejudice to possible changes in the import regulations in force or decisions taken in the framework of an agreement or the management of a quota:the period of validity of the surveillance document is hereby fixed at four months,unused or partly used surveillance documents may be renewed for an equal period.6.The importer shall return surveillance documents to the issuing authority at the end of their period of validity.7.The competent authorities may allow the submission of declarations or requests to be transmitted or printed by electronic means, under the conditions fixed by them. However, all documents and evidence must be available to the competent authorities.8.The surveillance document may be issued by electronic means as long as the customs offices involved have access to the document via a computer network.Article 31.A finding that the unit price at which the transaction is effected varies from that indicated in the surveillance document by less than 5 % in either direction or that the total quantity of the products presented for import exceeds the quantity given in the surveillance document by less than 5 % shall not preclude the release for free circulation of the products in question.2.Applications for surveillance documents and the documents themselves shall be confidential. They shall be restricted to the competent authorities and the applicant.Article 41.The Member States shall communicate to the Commission:(a)on as regular and up-to-date a basis as possible and at least by the last day of each month, details of the quantities and values (calculated in euro) for which surveillance documents have been issued;(b)within six weeks of the end of each month, details of imports during that month, in accordance with Article 32 of Regulation No (EC) 1917/2000.The information provided by Member States shall be broken down by product, CN code and by country.2.The Member States shall give notification of any anomalies or cases of fraud which they discover and, where relevant, the basis on which they have refused to grant a surveillance document.Article 4aAs regards release for free circulation in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia as of 1 May 2004 of the steel products covered by this Commission Regulation and shipped before 1 May 2004, a surveillance document is not required provided that the goods have been shipped before 1 May 2004. The presentation of the bill of lading or another transport document deemed to be equivalent by Community authorities proving the shipment date is required.Article 5Any notices to be given under this Regulation shall be given to the Commission of the European Communities and shall be communicated electronically via the integrated network set up for this purpose, unless for imperative technical reasons it is necessary to use other means of communication temporarily.Article 6This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall apply from 1 January to 31 December 2012.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXList of products subject to prior 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Louvain 441000 BruxellesBELGIQUETél. +32 25486469Fax +32 22775063Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, Kmo, Middenstand & EnergieAlgemene Directie Economisch PotentieelDienst VergunningenLeuvenseweg 441000 BrusselBELGIËTel. +32 25486469Fax +32 22775063БЪЛГАРИЯМинистерство на икономиката, енергетиката и туризма Дирекция дирекция "Регистриране, лицензиране и контрол"ул. "Славянска"№ 81052 СофияТел. +359 29407008 / +359 29407673 /+359 29407800Факс +359 29815041 /+359 29804710 / +359 29883654ČESKÁ REPUBLIKAMinisterstvo průmyslu a obchoduLicenční správaNa Františku 32110 15 Praha 1ČESKÁ REPUBLIKATel. +420 224907111Fax +420 224212133DANMARKErhvervs- og ByggestyrelsenØkonomi- og ErhvervsministerietLangelinie Allé 172100 København ØTlf. +45 35466030Fax +45 35466029Fax +45 35466001DEUTSCHLANDBundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle, (BAFA)Frankfurter Straße 29-3565760 Eschborn 1DEUTSCHLANDTel. +49 61969080Fax +49 6196908800EESTIMajandus- ja KommunikatsiooniministeeriumHarju 1115072 TallinnTel. +372 6256400Faks +372 6313660FRANCEMinistère de l’économie, de l’Industrie et de l’emploiDirection générale de la compétitivité, de l’industrie et des servicesSous-direction "industries de santé, de la chimie et des nouveaux matériaux"Bureau "matérieaux du futur et nouveaux procédés"Le Bervil12 rue Villiot75572 Paris Cedex 12FRANCETél. +33 153449026Fax +33 153449172ITALIAMinistero delle Attività produttiveDirezione generale per la politica commerciale e per la gestione del regime degli scambiViale America 34100144 Roma RMITALIATel. +39 0659647517 / +39 0659932471 / +39 0659932245 / +39 0659932260Fax +39 0659932235 / +39 0659932636ΚΥΠΡΟΣ/KYPROSΥπουργείο Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και ΤουρισμούΥπηρεσία ΕμπορίουΜονάδα Έκδοσης Αδειών Εισαγωγής/ΕξαγωγήςΟδός Ανδρέα Αραούζου Αρ. 61421 ΛευκωσίαΚΥΠΡΟΣ/KYPROSΤηλ. +357 22867100Φαξ +357 22375120IRELANDDepartment of Enterprise, Trade and EmploymentImport/Export Licensing, Block CEarlsfort CentreHatch StreetDublin 2IRELANDTel. +353 16312121Fax +353 16312562ΕΛΛΑΣΥπουργείο Οικονομίας, Ανταγωνιστικότητας & ΝαυτιλίαςΓενική Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς Οικονομικής ΠολιτικήςΔιεύθυνση Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών-Εξαγωγών, Εμπορικής ΆμυναςΚορνάρου 1105 63 ΑθήναΕΛΛΑΣΤηλ. +30 2103286021/22Φαξ +30 2103286094ESPAÑAMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y ComercioSecretaría General de Comercio ExteriorSubdirección General de Comercio Exterior de Productos IndustrialesPaseo de la Castellana 16228046 MadridESPAÑATel. +34 913493817 / +34 9134937488Fax +34 913493831LATVIJALatvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrijaBrīvības iela 55Rīga, LV-1519Tel. +371 670132 99/00 / +371 67013248Fakss +371 67280882LIETUVALietuvos Respublikos ūkio ministerijaPrekybos departamentasGedimino pr. 38/2LT-01104 VilniusTel. +370 52628750 / +370 52619488Faks. +370 52623974LUXEMBOURGMinistère de l’économie et du commerce extérieuOffice des licencesBP 1132011 LuxembourgLUXEMBOURGTél. +352 4782371Fax +352 466138MAGYARORSZÁGMagyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési HivatalBudapestMargit krt. 85.1024MAGYARORSZÁGTel. +36 13367303Fax +36 13367302E-mail:żjoni għall-KummerċServizzi KummerċjaliLascarisVallettaCMR 02Tel. +356 21237112Fax +356 25690299NEDERLANDBelastingdienst/Douane centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoerPostbus 30003, Engelse Kamp 29700 RD GroningenNEDERLANDTel. +31 505232600Fax +31 505232210ROMÂNIAMinisterul Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii, Comerțului și Mediului de AfaceriDirecția Generală Politici ComercialeStr. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 16, sector 1010036 BucureștiTel. +40 213150081Fax +40 213150454e-mail: za financeCarinska uprava Republike SlovenijeCarinski urad JeseniceSpodnji plavž 6CSI-4270 JeseniceSLOVENIJATel. +386 42974470Faks +386 42974472SLOVENSKOMinisterstvo hospodárstvaMierová 19827 15 Bratislava 212Slovenská republikaTel. +421 248542021 / +421 248547119Fax +421 248543116ÖSTERREICHBundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und JugendAußenwirtschaftsadministrationAbteilung C2/2Stubenring 11011 WienTel. +43 171100-0Fax +43 171100/83 86POLSKAMinisterstwo GospodarkiPlac Trzech Krzyży 3/500-507 WarszawaPOLSKATel. +48 226935553Fax +48 226934021PORTUGALMinistério das Finanças e da Administração PúblicaDirecção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos ImpostosEspeciais sobre o ConsumoRua da Alfândega, n.o 5, r/c1149-006 LisboaPORTUGALTel. +35 1218814263Fax +35 1218813990SUOMI/FINLANDTullihallitusPL 512FI-00101 HelsinkiP. +358 96141F. +358 204922852TullstyrelsenPB 512FI-00101 HelsingforsFax +358 204922852SVERIGEKommerskollegiumBox 6803SE-113 86 StockholmTfn +46 86904800Fax +46 8306759UNITED KINGDOMDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills Import Licensing BranchQueensway House — West PrecinctBillinghamTS23 2NFUNITED KINGDOMTel. +44 1642364333 / +44 1642364334Fax +44 1642364269E-mail: