Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2006/80/ECof 23 October 2006adapting certain directives in the field of energy, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 32006L0080, December 20, 2006
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 65/2014of 1 October 2013supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of domestic ovens and range hoods(Text with EEA relevance), 32014R0065, January 31, 2014
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens, 32002L0040R(01), February 8, 2003
Commission Directive 2002/40/ECof 8 May 2002implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens(Text with EEA relevance) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources of household appliancesOJ L 297, 13.10.1992, p. 16., and in particular Article 9 thereof,Whereas:(1)Directive 92/75/EEC requires the Commission to adopt implementing Directives in respect of various household appliances including electric ovens.(2)Electricity use by electric ovens accounts for a significant part of total Community household energy demand. The scope for a reduction of energy use by these appliances is substantial.(3)Harmonised standards are technical specifications adopted by the European standardisation bodies, as listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society servicesOJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37., as amended by Directive 98/48/ECOJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18..(4)Information concerning noise emissions should be given where required by Member States pursuant to Council Directive 86/594/EEC of 1 December 1986 on airborne noise emitted by household appliancesOJ L 344, 6.12.1986, p. 24..(5)Council Directive 79/531/EEC of 14 May 1979 applying to electric ovens Directive 79/530/EEC on the indication by labelling of the energy consumption of household appliancesOJ L 145, 13.6.1979, p. 7., as last amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden, should be repealed as from the date on which this Directive becomes applicable.(6)The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the committee set up under Article 10 of Directive 92/75/EEC,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 11.This Directive shall apply to electric mains operated household electric ovens including ovens being part of larger appliances.2.This Directive shall not apply to the following ovens:(a)ovens that can also use other energy sources;(b)ovens which do not fall within the scope of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2;(c)portable ovens, being appliances other than fixed appliances, having a mass of less than 18 kg, provided they are not designed for built-in installations.3.The energy consumption of the steam functions, other than the hot steam function, are not covered by this Directive.
Article 21.The information required by this Directive shall be obtained by means of measurements made in accordance with harmonised standards adopted by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (Cenelec) under mandate from the Commission in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC, the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and for which Member States have published the reference numbers of the national standards transposing those harmonised standards.The provisions of Annexes I, II and III to this Directive requiring the giving of information relating to noise shall apply only where that information is required by Member States under Article 3 of Directive 86/594/EEC. This information shall be measured in accordance with that Directive.2.In this Directive expressions used have the same meaning as in Directive 92/75/EEC.
Article 31.The technical documentation referred to in Article 2(3) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall include:(a)the name and address of the supplier;(b)a general description of the model, sufficient for it to be unequivocally and easily identified;(c)information, including drawings as relevant, on the main design features of the model and in particular items which appreciably affect its energy consumption;(d)reports of relevant measurement tests carried out under the test procedures of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2(1);(e)operating instructions, if any.2.The label referred to in Article 2(1) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall be as specified in Annex I to this Directive.The label shall be placed on the door of the appliance, in such a way as to be clearly visible and not obscured. For multi-cavity ovens, each cavity shall have its own label, except a cavity which does not fall within the scope of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2.3.The content and format of the fiche referred to in Article 2(1) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall be as specified in Annex II to this Directive.4.Where the appliances are offered for sale, hire, or hire purchase by way of a printed or written communication or by other means whereby the potential customer cannot be expected to see the appliance displayed, such as a written offer, a mail order catalogue, advertisements on the Internet or other electronic media, that communication shall include all the information specified in Annex III.This requirement shall also apply in respect of offers for built-in ovens for integrated kitchens.5.The energy efficiency class of each cavity of an oven shall be determined in accordance with Annex IV.6.The appropriate terms to be used on the label and the fiche as referred to in Article 2(1) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall be selected from the table set out in Annex V to this Directive.
Article 4Member States shall permit, until 30 June 2003, the placing on the market, the marketing and/or the display of products and the distribution of communications referred to in Article 3(4) which do not conform to this Directive.
Article 51.Member States shall adopt and publish, by 31 December 2002, the provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.They shall apply those provisions with effect from 1 January 2003.When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 6Directive 79/531/EEC is repealed with effect from 1 January 2003.
Article 7This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Article 8This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
nullANNEX ILABELLabel design1.The label shall be the relevant language version chosen from the following illustrations:2.The following notes define the information to be included:NoteI.Supplier's name or trade mark.II.Supplier's model identifier.III.The energy efficiency class of the cavity(ies) of the model determined in accordance with Annex IV. The head of the arrow containing the indicator letter shall be placed at the same level as the head of the relevant class arrow.The height of the arrow containing the indicator letter shall not be less than — and not more than twice — the height of the classes arrows.IV.Without prejudice to any requirements under the Community eco-label scheme, where a model has been granted a "European Union eco-label" under Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 on a revised Community eco-label award schemeOJ L 237, 21.9.2000, p. 1., a copy of the eco-label may be added here.V.Energy consumption in kWh for the heating function(s) (conventional and/or the forced air convection) (of appliances) based on standard load determined in accordance with the test procedures of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2.VI.Usable volume of the cavity in litres, determined in accordance with the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2.VII.The size of appliance determined as follows:
small:12 l ≤ volume < 35 l
medium:35 l ≤ volume < 65 l
large:65 l ≤ volume.
This indicator arrow shall be placed at the same level as the relevant size.
VIII.Where applicable, noise measured during the function determining the energy efficiency, determined in accordance with Directive 86/594/EECThe relevant standards are EN 60704 -2-10 (noise measurement) and EN 60704-3 (verification)..
NB:The equivalent terms in other languages to those given above are set out in Annex V.
Printing3.The following defines certain aspects of the label:Colours used:CMYK — cyan, magenta, yellow, black.Ex. 07X0: 0 % cyan, 70 % magenta, 100 % yellow, 0 % black.ArrowsAX0X0B70X0C30X0D00X0E03X0F07X0G0XX0Outline colour: X070The background colour of the energy efficiency class indicator arrow is black.All text is in black. The background is white.
ANNEX IIFICHEThe fiche shall contain the following information. The information may be given in the form of a table covering a number of models supplied by the same supplier, in which case it shall be given in the order specified, or given close to the description of the appliance:1.supplier's trade mark;2.supplier's model identifier;3.the energy efficiency class of the cavity(ies) of the model determined in accordance with Annex IV. Expressed as "Energy efficiency class on a scale of A (more efficient) to G (less efficient)". Where this information is provided in a table this may be expressed by other means provided it is clear that the scale is from A (more efficient) to G (less efficient). The indication of the heating function in which the energy efficiency class is determined;4.where the information is provided in a table, and where some of the appliances listed in the table have been granted a "European Union eco-label" under Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000, this information may be included here. In this case the row heading shall state "European Union eco-label", and the entry shall consist of a copy of the eco-label mark. This provision is without prejudice to any requirements under the Community eco-label scheme; consumption in kWh for the heating function(s), (conventional and/or forced air convection and/or hot steam) (of appliances) based on standard load determined in accordance with the test procedures of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2;6.usable volume of the cavity in litres, determined in accordance with the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2;7.
the size determined as follows:
small:12 l ≤ volume < 35 l
medium:35 l ≤ volume < 65 l
large:65 l ≤ volume.
This indicator arrow shall be placed at the same level as the relevant size;
8.time taken to "cook" standard load determined in accordance with the test procedures of the harmonised standards referred to in Article 2;9.where applicable, noise measured during the function determining the energy efficiency, determined in accordance with Directive 86/594/EECThe relevant standards are EN 60704-2-10 (noise measurement) and EN 60704-3 (verification).;10.the declaration of the power consumption when no heating function is performed and the oven is in the lowest power consuming mode as soon as a suitable harmonised standard for stand-by-losses becomes available;11.the area of the largest baking sheet expressed in cm2 and determined as "surface area" according to the harmonised standard referred to in Article 2.
If a copy of the label, either in colour or black and white is included in the fiche, then only the further information needs to be added.NB:The equivalent terms in other languages to those given above are set out in Annex V.
ANNEX IIIMAIL ORDER AND OTHER DISTANCE SELLINGMail order catalogues, communications, written offers, advertisements on the Internet or on other electronic media referred to in Article 3(4), including offers for built-in ovens for integrated kitchens, shall contain the following information, given in the order specified:
1. supplier's trade mark and model identifier(Annex II, points 1 and 2)
2. energy efficiency class(Annex II, point 3)
3. energy consumption(Annex II, point 5)
4. usable volume(Annex II, point 6)
5. size(Annex II, point 7)
6. noise(Annex II, point 9).
Where other information contained in the fiche is provided, it shall be in the form defined in Annex II and shall be included in the above table in the order required for the fiche.NB:The equivalent terms in other languages to those given above are set out in Annex V.
ANNEX IVENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASSThe energy efficiency class of a cavity shall be determined as follows:
Table 1 —Small volume cavitiesDetermined according to Annex I, note V.
Energy efficiency classEnergy consumption E (kWh) based on standard load
AE < 0,60
B0,60 ≤ E < 0,80
C0,80 ≤ E < 1,00
D1,00 ≤ E < 1,20
E1,20 ≤ E < 1,40
F1,40 ≤ E < 1,60
G1,60 ≤ E
Table 2 —Medium volume cavitiesDetermined according to Annex I, note V.
Energy efficiency classEnergy consumption E (kWh) based on standard load
AE < 0,80
B0,80 ≤ E < 1,00
C1,00 ≤ E < 1,20
D1,20 ≤ E < 1,40
E1,40 ≤ E < 1,60
F1,60 ≤ E < 1,80
G1,80 ≤ E
Table 3 —Large volume cavitiesDetermined according to Annex I, note V.
Energy efficiency classEnergy consumption E (kWh) based on standard load
AE < 1,00
B1,00 ≤ E < 1,20
C1,20 ≤ E < 1,40
D1,40 ≤ E < 1,60
E1,60 ≤ E < 1,80
F1,80 ≤ E < 2,00
G2,00 ≤ E
TERMS TO BE USED IN LABEL AND FICHEEquivalents in Community languages of the terms to be used:
NoteLabelAnnex IFicheAnnex IIMail orderAnnex IIIESDADEELENFRITNLPTSVFI
Horno eléctricoEl-ovneElektrobacköfenΗλεκτρικός φούρνοςElectric ovenFour électriqueForno elettricoElektrische ovenForno eléctricoElektrisk ugnSähköuuni
Más eficienteLavt forbrugNiedriger VerbrauchΠιο αποδοτικόMore efficientÉconomeBassi consumiEfficiëntMais eficienteLåg förbrukningVähän kuluttava
Menos eficienteHøjt forbrugHoher VerbrauchΛιγότερο αποδοτικόLess efficientPeu économeAlti consumiInefficiëntMenos eficienteHög förbrukningPaljon kuluttava
32Clase de eficiencia energética … en una escala que abarca de A (más eficiente) a G (menos eficiente)Relativt energiforbrug … på skalaen A (lavt forbrug) til G (højt forbrug)Energieeffizienzklasse … auf einer Skala von A (niedriger Verbrauch) bis G (hoher Verbrauch)Τάξη ενεργειακής απόδοσης … σε μια κλίμακα από το Α (πιο αποδοτικό) έως το G (λιγότερο αποδοτικό)Energy efficiency class … on a scale of A (more efficient) to G (less efficient)Classement selon son efficacité énergétique … sur une échelle allant de A (économe) à G (peu économe)Classe di efficienza energetica … su una scala da A (bassi consumi) a G (alti consumi)Energie-efficiëntieklasse … op een schaal van A (efficiënt) tot G (inefficiënt)Classe de eficiência energética … numa escala de A (eficiente) a G (ineficiente)Energieffektivitetsklass på en skala från A (låg förbrukning) till G (hög förbrukning)Energiatehokkuusluokka asteikolla A:sta (vähän kuluttava) G:hen (paljon kuluttava)
Superficie de cocciónBagearealBackflächeΕπιφάνεια ψησίματοςBaking areaSurface de cuissonSuperficie di cotturaBakoppervlakZona de cozeduraBakningsytaPaistoala
V53Consumo de energíaEnergiforbrugEnergieverbrauchΚατανάλωση ενέργειαςEnergy consumptionConsommation d'énergieConsumo di energiaEnergieverbruikConsumo de energiaEnergiförbrukningEnergiankulutus
V53Función de calentamientoOpvarmningsfunktionBeheizungΛειτουργία θέρμανσηςHeating functionFonction chauffageFunzione di riscaldamentoVerhittingsfunctieFunção de aquecimentoVärmningsfunktionKuumennustapa
V53Calentamiento convencionalTraditionel opvarmningKonventionelle BeheizungΣυμβατικήConventionalClassiqueConvezione naturaleConventioneelConvencionalKonventionell värmningYlä-alalämpö
V53Convección forzadaVarmluftUmluft/HeißluftΜε κυκλοφορία θερμού αέραForced air convectionConvection forcéeFunzione di riscaldamento a convezione forzataGeforceerde luchtconvectieConvecção forçada de arVärmning med varmluftKiertoilma
V53Con carga normalBaseret på standardbelastningBei StandardbeladungΜε βάση τυποποιημένο φορτίοBased on standard loadCalculée en charge normaliséeRiferito al carico normalizzatoGebaseerd op normbelastingCom base na carga-padrãoBaserad på provning med standardlastPerustuu standardin mukaiseen testiin
VI64Volumen neto (litros)Nettovolumen (liter)Nettovolumen (Liter)Ωφέλιμος όγκος (Λίτρα)Usable volume (litres)Volume utile (litres)Volume utile (litri)Netto volume (liter)Volume útil LitrosAnvändbar volym (liter)Käyttötilavuus (litraa)
VII75PequeñoLilleKleinΜικρόςSmallFaible volumePiccoloKleinpequenoLitenPieni
VII75MedioMellemstortMittelΜεσαίοςMediumVolume moyenMedioMiddelgrootmédioMedelstorKeskikokoinen
VII75GrandeStortGroßΜεγάλοςLargeGrand volumeGrandeGrootgrandeStorSuuri
8Tiempo de cocción con carga normalTilberedningstid ved standardbelastningKochzeit bei StandardbeladungΧρόνος για ψήσιμο τυποποιημένου φορτίουTime to cook standard loadTemps de cuisson en charge normaleTempo necessario per cottura carico normaleBereidingstijd bij standaardbelastingTempo de cozedura da carga-padrãoTillagningstid för en standardlastPaistoaika vakiokuormalla
VIII96Ruido [dB(A) re 1 pW]Lydeffektniveau dB(A) (Støj)Geräusch (dB(A) re 1 pW)Θόρυβος [dB(Α) ανά 1 pW]Noise (dB(A) re 1 pW)Bruit [dB(A) re 1 pW]Rumore [dB(A) re 1 pW]Geluidsniveau dB(A) re 1 pWNível de ruído dB(A) re 1 pWBullernivå dB(A)Ääni (dB(A) re 1 pW)
Ficha de información detallada en los folletos del productoBrochurerne om produkterne indeholder yderligere oplysningerEin Datenblatt mit weiteren Geräteangaben ist in den Prospekten enthaltenΠερισσότερες πληροφορίες στο ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιοFurther information is contained in product brochuresUne fiche d'information détaillée figure dans la brochureGli opuscoli illustrativi contengono una scheda particolareggiataEen kaart met nadere gegevens is opgenomen in de brochures over het apparaatFicha pormenorizada em folheto do produtoProduktbroschyren innehåller ytterligare informationTuote-esitteissä on lisätietoja
11Superficie de la placa de cocción de mayor tamañoArealet af den største bagepladeGröße des größten BackblechsΗ μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια ψησίματος εκφραζόμενηThe area of the largest baking sheetAire de la surface de la plus grande plaque pour patisserieSuperficie del piano di cottura più grandeOppervlakte van de grootste bakplaatÁrea da superfície da maior placa de pastelariaYtan för den största bakplåtenSuurimman leivinpellin ala
Norma EN 50304Standard: EN 50304Norm EN 50304Πρότυπο EN 50304Norm EN 50304Norme EN 50304Norma EN 50304Norm EN 50304Norma EN 50304Standard EN 50304Standardi EN 50304
Directiva 2002/40/CE sobre etiquetado energético de los hornos eléctricosDirektiv 2002/40/EF om energimærkning af el-ovneRichtlinie Energie-etikettierung 2002/40/EG für ElektrobacköfenΟδηγία 2002/40/ΕΚ για την επισήμανση της κατανάλωσης ηλεκτρικής ενέργειαςEnergy Label Directive 2002/40/EC of electric ovensDirective "Étiquetage énergétique" 2002/40/CE des fours électriquesDirettiva 2002/40/CE sull'etichettatura dei forni elettriciRichtlijn 2002/40/EG over energie-etikettering van elektrische ovensDirectiva "etiquetagem energética" 2002/40/CE dos fornos eléctricosDirektiv 2002/40/EG om energimärkning av elektriska hushållsugnarDirektiivi 2002/40/EY sähköuunien energia-merkinnästä
NoteLabelAnnex IFicheAnnex IIMail orderAnnex IIICSETLVLTHUMTPLSKSL
Elektrická troubaElektriahiElektriskā cepeškrāsnsElektrinė orkaitėVillamos sütőkForn ta' l-ElettrikuPiekarnik elektrycznyElektrická rúra na pečenieElektrična pečica
I11VýrobceTootja või kaubamärkRažotājsGamintojasGyártóManifatturProducentVýrobcaProizvajalec
ÚspornéTõhusamEfektīvākDidžiausias efektyvumasKis fogyasztásL-anqas li jaħluBardziej efektywnaViac úspornýManjša poraba energije
Méně úspornéVähemtõhusMazāk efektīviMažiausias efektyvumasNagy fogyasztásL-aktar li jaħluMniej efektywnaMenej úspornýVečja poraba energije
32Třída energetické účinnosti … na stupnici od A (nejvyšší účinnost, tj. nízká spotřeba elektrické energie) do G (nejnižší účinnost, tj. vysoká spotřeba elektrické energie)Energiatõhususklass … astmestikus A-st (vähe tarbiv) kuni G-ni (palju tarbiv)Energoefektivitātes klase… uz skalas no A (efektīvāk) līdz G (mazāk efektīvi)Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo klasė skalėje nuo A (didžiausias efektyvumas) iki G (mažiausias efektyvumas)Energiahatékonysági osztály az A-tól (A-hatékonyabb) G-ig (G- kevésbé hatékony) terjedő skálánIl-klassi ta' l-effiċjenza ta' l-enerġija … skala ta' bejn A (jaħlu ftit) u Ġ (jaħlu ħafna)Klasa efektywności energetycznej … w skali od A (bardziej efektywna) do G (mniej efektywna)Trieda energetickej hospodárnosti pomocou stupnice od A (viac úsporná) po G (menej úsporná)Razred energijske učinkovitosti na lestvici od A (manjša poraba energije) do G (večja poraba energije)
Užitečná plochaKüpsetusalaCepšanas virsmaKepimo plotasSütőtérL-ispazju tal-ħamiPowierzchnia pieczeniaPriestor na pečeniePovršina za peko
V53Spotřeba energieEnergiatarbivusEnerģijas patēriņšSuvartojamas energijos kiekisEnergiafel-használásIl-konsum ta' l-enerġijaZużycie energiiSpotreba energiePoraba energije
V53Tepelná funkceSoojendus-funktsioonKarsēšanas režīmsKaitinimo tipasFűtési funkcióFunzjoni ta' tisħinFunkcja grzewczaFunkcia pečenieNačin ogrevanja
V53Konvenční tepelná funkceTraditsiooniline (ülevalt ja altpoolt soojendus)ParastsĮprastinisHagyományosKonvenzjonaliZ konwekcją naturalnąKonvenčnéKlasični
V53Nucená konvekce vzduchuPöördõhkPastiprināta gaisa konvekcijaPriverstinės oro konvekcijosMesterségeslevegőáramoltatásKonvezzjoni ta' arja forzataZ wymuszonym obiegiem powietrzaS vnúteným prúdením vzduchuS prisilnim kroženjem zraka
V53S normalizovanou zátěžíPõhineb standard-koormusel (tehtud testil)Balstīts uz standarta devuRemiantis standartine apkrovaStandard terhelés alapjánIbbażat fuq tagħbija normaliPrzy standardowym obciążeniuVztiahnuté na štandadnú záťažPri standardnem bremenu
VI64Užitečný objem (litry)Kasutatav ruum (liitrites)Ietilpība (litros)Naudingasis tūris (litrais)Használható térfogat (liter)Volum li jista'jintuża (litri)Objętość użytkowa (litry)Využiteľný objem (litre)Uporabna prostornina (litri)
8Doba tepelné úpravy normalizované zátěžeValmistusaeg standard-koormuselStandarta devas cepšanas laiksStandartinės apkrovos kepimo trukmėSütési idő: standard terhelésnélĦin biex issajjar tagħbija normaliCzas potrzebny na upieczenie standardowego wsaduČas na upečenie štandardnej záťažeČas peke pri standardnem bremenu
IX96Hluk(dB(A) re 1 pW)Müra(dB(A) re 1 pW)Troksnis(dB(A) re 1 pW)Triukšmo vertė(dB(A) apie 1 pW)Zaj(dB(A) 1 pW)Il-livell tal-ħossdB(A) re 1 pWPoziom hałasu(dB(A) re 1 pW)Hlučnosť(dB(A) re 1 pW)Hrup (dB(A)re 1 pW)
Další údaje jsou v návodu k použitíKasutusjuhend sisaldab lisateavetSīkāka informācija norādīta brošūrāDaugiau informacijos pateikiama gaminio aprašuoseTovábbi információk a termékismer-tetőbenAktar informazzjoni tista' tinkiseb mill-manwali tal-prodottSzczegółowe informacje zawarte są w instrukcji obsługiĎalšie informácie sú obsiahnuté vo výrobkových katalógochOstali podatki so navedeni v prospektu
11Plocha největšího plechu na pečeníSuurima küpsetus-plaadi alaLielākās cepešpannas laukumsDidžiausias kepimo lakšto plotasA legnagyobb tepsi területeL-ispazju ta' l-akbar daqs ta' reċipjent tal-ħamiNajwiększa powierzchnia pieczeniaPlocha najväčšieho plechu na pečeniePovršina največje plošče za peko
Norma EN 50304Standard EN 50304Standarts EN 50304Lietuvos Respublikos standartas LST EN 50304EN 50304 szabványL-Istandard EN 50304Norma EN 50304Norma EN 50304Standard EN 50304
Směrnice 2002/40/ES pro označování elektrických trub energetickými štítkyElektri-ahjude energia-märgista-mise direktiiv 2002/40/EÜElektrisko cepeškrāšņu marķēšanas direktīva 2002/40/EKElektrinių orkaičių vartojamos energijos efektyvumo ženklinimo direktyva 2002/40/EBA villamossütőkenergiafo-gyasztási címkézéséről szólóDirettiva dwar it-tikketta ta' l-Eneġija (2002/40/KE) fuq fran ta' l-elettrikuDyrektywa 2002/40/WE dotycząca etykiet energetycznychSmernica 2002/40/ES o energetickom štítkovaní elektrických rúr na pečenieDirektiva 2002/40/ES o energijski nalepki za električne pečice
LabelFicheMail order
Annex IAnnex IIAnnex III
Електрическа фурнаCuptor electric
По-ефективенMai eficient
По-ниско ефективенMai puțin eficient
32Клас на енергийна ефективност … върху скала от А (най-ефективен) до G (най-нискоефективен)Clasa de eficiență energetică … pe o scară de la A (mai eficient) la G (mai puțin eficient)
Повърхност за печенеSuprafața de coacere
V53Консумация на енергияConsum de energie
V53Функция нагряванеFuncția de încălzire
V53Естествена циркулация на въздухаConvecție naturală
V53Принудителна циркулация на въздухаConvecție forțată
V53Основана на стандартен товарCalculat la sarcina standard
VI64Използваем обем (литри)Volum util (litri)
VII75МалъкVolum scăzut
VII75СреденVolum mediu
VII75ГолямVolum mare
8Време, необходимо за "готвене" при стандартен товарTimp de coacere la sarcina standard
IX96Ниво на шум (dB(A) за 1 pW)Nivel de zgomot (dB(A) re 1 pW)
Допълнителна информация се съдържа в техническия проспектFișa de informații conținută în broșurile produsului
11Площ на най-голямата повърхност за печенеAria celei mai mari plăci de coacere
БДС EN 50304Standard EN 50304
Директива 2002/40/EO за електрически фурниDirectiva 2002/40/CE Etichetarea energetică a cuptoarelor electrice de uz casnic