lettuces, falling within CN codes 070511 and070519 ,curled-leaved and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives, falling within CN code 070529 .
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1543/2001 of 27 July 2001 laying down the marketing standard for lettuces and curled-leaved and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 46/2003of 10 January 2003amending the marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables as regards mixes of different types of fresh fruit and vegetables in the same sales packageCommission Regulation (EC) No 6/2005of 4 January 2005correcting Regulations (EC) No 46/2003 and (EC) No 47/2003 as regards mixes of different types of fresh fruit and vegetables in the same sales package, 303R0046305R0006, January 11, 2003
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 6/2005of 4 January 2005correcting Regulations (EC) No 46/2003 and (EC) No 47/2003 as regards mixes of different types of fresh fruit and vegetables in the same sales package, 305R0006, January 5, 2005
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 907/2004of 29 April 2004amending the marketing standards applicable for fresh fruit and vegetables with regards to presentation and labelling, 304R0907, April 30, 2004
lettuces of varieties (cultivars) grown from: Lactuca sativa L. var.capitata L. (head (cabbage) lettuces including crisphead and "Iceberg" type lettuces).Lactuca sativa L. var.longifolia Lam. (Cos or Romaine lettuces),Lactuca sativa L. var.crispa L. (leaf lettuces) andcrosses of these varieties,
curled-leaved endives of varieties (cultivars) grown from C ichorium endivia L. var.crispum Lam.,broad-leaved (Batavian) endives (escaroles) of varieties (cultivars) grown from Cichorium endivia L. var.latifolium Lam.,
intact, sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded, clean and trimmed, i.e. practically free from all earth or other growing medium and practically free of any visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, turgescent, practically free from pests, practically free from damage caused by pests, not running to seed, free of abnormal external moisture, free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
to withstand transport and handling, and to arrive in a satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
(i) Class I Produce in this class must be of good quality. It must be characteristic of the variety or commercial type, especially the colour. The produce must also be: well formed, firm, taking into account the cultivation methods and the type of produce, free from damage or deterioration impairing edibility, free from frost damage.
Head lettuces must have a single well-formed heart. However, in the case of head lettuces grown under protection, the heart may be small. Cos lettuces must have a heart, which may be small. The centre of curled-leaved endives and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives must be yellow in colour. (ii) Class II This class includes produce which does not qualify for inclusion in Class I, but satisfies the minimum requirements specified above. The produce must be: reasonably well formed, free from damage and deterioration which may seriously impair edibility.
The following defects may be allowed provided the produce retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation: slight defects in colouring, slight damage caused by pests.
Head lettuces must have a heart, which may be small. However, in the case of head lettuces grown under protection, absence of heart is permissible. Cos lettuces may show no heart.
Open-grown | Grown under protection | |
Head lettuces (excluding crisphead and "Iceberg" type lettuces) and Cos or Romaine lettuces (excluding "Little gem" type lettuces) | 150 g | 100 g |
Crisphead and "Iceberg" type lettuces | 300 g | 200 g |
Leaf lettuces and "Little gem" type lettuces | 100 g | 100 g |
Curled-leaved endives and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives | 200 g | 150 g |
(a) Lettuces In all classes, the difference between the lightest and heaviest units in each package must not exceed: 40 g when the lightest units weighs less than 150 g per unit, 100 g when the lightest unit weighs between 150 g and 300 g per unit, 150 g when the lightest unit weighs between 300 g and 450 g per unit, 300 g when the lightest unit weighs more than 450 g per unit.
(b) Curled-leaved and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives In all classes, the difference between the lightest and heaviest units in each package must not exceed 300 g.
(i) Class I 10 % by number of units not satisfying the requirements of the class but meeting those of Class II or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class. (ii) Class II 10 % by number of units satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements, with the exception of produce affected by rotting or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption.
for all packages with the exception of pre-packages, by the officially issued or accepted code mark representing the packer and/or the dispatcher, indicated in close connection with the reference "Packer and/or Dispatcher" (or equivalent abbreviations); for pre-packages only, by the name and the address of a seller established within the Community indicated in close connection with the mention "Packed for:" or an equivalent mention. In this case, the labelling shall also include a code representing the packer and/or the dispatcher. The seller shall give all information deemed necessary by the inspection body as to the meaning of this code.
"Lettuces", "Butterhead lettuces", "Batavia", "Crisphead lettuces (Iceberg)", "Cos lettuces", "Leaf lettuce" (or, for example and if appropriate, "Oak leaf", "Lollo bionda", "Lollo rossa", "Curled-leaved endives" or "Broad-leaved (Batavian) endives" or other synonyms if the contents are not visible from the outside "Little gem" where appropriate or other synonyms An indication "grown under protection", or other appropriate indication, where appropriate Name of the variety (optional) Where different types of produce are mixed together: the indication "Mixed salads", or, the indication of each type of produce, and, where the contents are not visible from the outside, the indication of the number of pieces of each type.
Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.
Class Size, expressed by the minimum weight per unit or the number of units Net weight (optional),