Commission Regulation (EC) No 80/2001 of 16 January 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 as regards notifications concerning recognition of producer organisations, the fixing of prices and intervention within the scope of the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2494/2001of 19 December 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 80/2001 as regards the options for disposing of fishery products withdrawn from the market, 301R2494, December 20, 2001
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 103T, September 23, 2003
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1792/2006of 23 October 2006adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement of persons, competition policy, agriculture (veterinary and phytosanitary legislation), fisheries, transport policy, taxation, statistics, social policy and employment, environment, customs union, and external relations by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 306R1792, December 20, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 80/2001of 16 January 2001laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 as regards notifications concerning recognition of producer organisations, the fixing of prices and intervention within the scope of the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 of 17 December 1999 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture productsOJ L 17, 21.1.2000, p. 22., and in particular Article 34(2) thereof, Whereas: (1)In accordance with Article 13(6) of Regulation (EC) No 104/2000, the Commission publishes annually a list of recognised producer organisations and associations thereof. Member States must therefore provide it with adequate information. (2)The Commission has to be able to monitor the price stabilisation activities of the producer organisations and the way in which they apply the systems of financial compensation and carry-over premiums. (3)The Community intervention arrangements pursuant to Articles 21 to 26 of Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 require information to be available on the prices recorded in clearly defined regions at regular intervals. (4)A system of electronic transmission of data between the Member States and the Commission has been introduced within the framework of management of the common fisheries policy (FIDES II system). It should be used for the purposes of collecting the information referred to in this Regulation. (5)The data formerly collected under Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2210/93 of 26 July 1993 on the communication of information for the purposes of the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture productsOJ L 197, 6.8.1993, p. 8., as amended by Regulation (EC) No 843/95OJ L 85, 19.4.1995, p. 13., should therefore be simplified, harmonised and supplemented. A new Regulation should therefore be drawn up and Regulation (EEC) No 2210/93 should be repealed. (6)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Fishery Products, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
CHAPTER I Notifications regarding recognition of producer organisations and associations thereof
Article 1 Member States shall notify the Commission of the information referred to in Articles 6(1)(c) and 13(3)(d) of Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 within two months of the date of the adopted decision at the latest. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
CHAPTER II Prices and intervention
Article 2 Member States shall notify to the Commission, no later than two months after the beginning of each fishing year, the information referred to in Article 17(4) of Regulation (EC) No 104/2000. Member States shall notify the Commission immediately of any change in the details referred to in the first paragraph. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex II to this Regulation.
Article 3 For the species listed in Annexes I and IV to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000, Member States shall notify the Commission of the quantities landed, sold, withdrawn and carried over throughout their territory, together with the value of the quantities sold, in each quarter in the various regions defined in Table 1 of Annex VIII to this Regulation, no later than seven weeks after the quarter in question. Where there is a crisis for one or more species listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000, Member States shall notify the Commission of the quantities landed, sold, withdrawn and carried over throughout their territory, together with the value of the quantities sold, in each fortnight in the various regions defined in Table 1 of the Annex VIII to this Regulation, no later than two weeks after the fortnight in question. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex III to this Regulation.
Article 4 Member States shall notify the Commission every quarter, for each product listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 that has been withdrawn, of the value and the quantities disposed of, broken down by the disposal options laid down in Article 1 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1501/83OJ L 152, 10.6.1983, p. 22., no later than eight weeks after the quarter in question. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.
Article 5 Member States shall notify the Commission, for each product listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000, of the quantities landed, sold, and stored, together with the value of the quantities sold, in each quarter in the various regions defined in Table 1 of the Annex VIII to this Regulation, no later than six weeks after the quarter in question. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex V to this Regulation.
Article 6 Member States shall notify the Commission, for each product listed in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000, of the quantities landed, sold, and delivered to industry by producer organisation, together with the value of the quantities delivered to industry, in each month in the various regions defined in Table 1 of Annex VIII to this Regulation, no later than six weeks after the month in question. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex VI to this Regulation.
Article 7 Member States shall provide the Commission each year, within three months of the end of the year in question, with information to enable the technical costs relating to the operations required for stabilisation and storage provided for in Articles 23 and 25 of Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 to be determined. This information and the format in which it is to be sent shall be as set out in Annex VII to this Regulation.
CHAPTER III General and final provisions
Article 8 Member States shall send the information to the Commission by electronic means, using the transmission systems currently used for data exchange within the framework of management of the common fisheries policy (FIDES II system).
Article 9 Regulation (EEC) No 2210/93 is hereby repealed.
Article 10 This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2001.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. ANNEX I
Information on producer organisations and associations thereof
Registration No Field name Type Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-PO
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
4 Type of message <TYP> Text 3 INS = newMOD = amendmentDEL = recognition withdrawn
5 No of PO or PO association <NOP> Text 7 Only for message type "MOD" or "DEL"
6 Name <NOM> Text
7 Official abbreviation <ABB> where available
8 National No <NID> where available
9 Area of competence <ARE> Text
10 Activity <ACT> Text 6 Tab. 10
11 Date set up <DCE> YYYYMMDD
12 Date consitution drawn up <DST> YYYYMMDD
13 Date recognition granted <DRE> YYYYMMDD
14 Date recognition withdrawn <DRA> YYYYMMDD Only for message type "DEL"
15 Address 1 <ADR1> Text
16 Address 2 <ADR2> Text
17 Address 3 <ADR3>
18 Postcode <CPO> Text
19 Place <LOC> Text
20 Telephone No 1 <TEL1> Text + nn(nn)nnn.nnn.nnn
21 Telephone No 2 <TEL2> Text + nn(nn)nnn.nnn.nnn
22 Fax No <FAX> Text + nn(nn)nnn.nnn.nnn
23 E-mail <MEL> Text
24 Address of website <WEB> Text
25 et seq. No of member PO <ADH> Text For PO associations, list of member POs
ANNEX II Withdrawal prices applied by producer organisationsSend two months after the beginning of the fishing year
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-PO-WP
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> Y 1 Y = annual
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 8 PPP = sequenceYYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. PO identification code <DAT> Text 7 CCC-999
Species code Text 3 Tab. 7
Preservation code Text 3 Tab. 4
Presentation code Text 2 Tab. 3
Freshness code Text 2 Tab. 5
Size code Text 3 Tab. 2
Withdrawal price Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8, per 1000 kg
Region where withdrawal price adjusted by a regional coefficient Text Tab. 8
ANNEX III Products in Annex I and IV to Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000Quarterly notification
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-FRESH
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> Q or C 1 Q = quarterC = crisis
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 8 PPP = sequence1-4 for quarter1-24 for fortnightYYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. Region of landing (NUTS code) <DAT> Text 7 Tab. 1
Species code Text 3 Tab. 7
Preservation code Text 3 Tab. 4
Presentation code Text 2 Tab. 3
Freshness code Text 2 Tab. 5
Size code Text 3 Tab. 2
Value of quantities sold Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
Quantities sold Whole number kg
Quantities withdrawn at Community price Whole number kg
Quantities withdrawn at autonomous price Whole number kg
Quantities carried over Whole number kg
ANNEX IV Products in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000Use of products withdrawn from the marketQuarterly notification
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-STD-VAL
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> Q 1 Q = quarter
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 8 PPP = sequence1-4YYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. Species code <DAT> Text 3 Tab. 7
Destination code Text 6 Tab. 9
Value of quantities sold or transferred Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8"0" permitted for quantities transferred
Quantities sold or transferred Whole number kg
Products in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 (Quarterly notification)
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-FROZEN
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> Q 1 Q = quarter
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 8 PPP = sequence 1 – 4YYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. Region of landing (NUTS code) <DAT> Text 7 Tab. 1
Species code <DAT> Text 3 Tab. 7
Preservation code Text 3 Tab. 4
Presentation code Text 2 Tab. 3
Freshness code Text 2 Tab. 5
Size code Text 3 Tab. 2
Value of quantities sold Whole number In accordance with curreny indicated in registration No 8
Quantites sold before storage Whole number kg
Quantites placed in storage Whole number kg
Quantites removed from storage Whole number kg
ANNEX VI Products in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000Frequency: monthly
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-TUNA
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> M 1 M = monthly
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 7 PPP = sequence 1-12YYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. Producer organisation <DAT> Text 7 CCC-999
Species code Text 3 Tab. 7
Preservation code Text 3 Tab. 4
Presentation code Text 2 Tab. 3
Size code Text 3 Tab. 2
Value of quantities sold and delivered to industry Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
Quantities sold and delivered to industry Whole number kg
ANNEX VII Products in Annexes I and II to Regulation (EC) No 104/2000Frequency: annual
Registration No Data concerned Identification of type of data Format Size Code
1 Message identification <REQUEST.NAME> Text MK-TECH
2 Member State <REQUEST.COUNTRY.ISO_A3> Text 3 Tab. 1
3 Serial No <LOT> Numeric 4 Serial No allocated by the Member State
5 Date sent <DSE> YYYYMMDD 8
6 Type of period <PTYP> Y 1 Y = annual
7 Identification of period <IDP> PPP/YYYY 7 PPP = 1YYYY = year
8 Currency used <MON> Text 3 Tab. 6
9 et seq. Product code <DAT> Text 3 1AB = Annex I product, AB1C = Annex I product, C2 = Annex II product
Technical costs code Text 2 Tab. 11
Labour costs Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
Energy costs Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
Transport costs Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
Other costs (packaging, marinade, direct wrapping, etc.) Whole number In accordance with currency indicated in registration No 8
NUTS codes "ISO-A3" Country NUTS name
BEL Belgique-België
BE1 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
BE21 Antwerpen
BE22 Limburg
BE23 Oost-Vlaanderen
BE24 Vlaams-Brabant
BE25 West-Vlaanderen
BE31 Brabant Wallon
BE32 Hainaut
BE33 Liège
BE34 Luxembourg
BE35 Namur
CZ Česká republika
CZ01 Praha
DNK Danmark
DK001 Københavns Kommune og Frederiksberg Kommune
DK002 Københavns Amt
DK003 Frederiksborg Amt
DK004 Roskilde Amt
DK005 Vestsjællands Amt
DK006 Storstrøms Amt
DK007 Bornholms Amt
DK008 Fyns Amt
DK009 Sønderjyllands Amt
DK00A Ribe Amt
DK00B Vejle Amt
DK00C Ringkøbing Amt
DK00D Århus Amt
DK00E Viborg Amt
DK00F Nordjyllands Amt
DEU Deutschland
DE11 Stuttgart
DE12 Karlsruhe
DE13 Freiburg
DE14 Tübingen
DE21 Oberbayern
DE22 Niederbayern
DE23 Oberpfalz
DE24 Oberfranken
DE25 Mittelfranken
DE26 Unterfranken
DE27 Schwaben
DE3 Berlin
DE4 Brandenburg
DE5 Bremen
DE6 Hamburg
DE71 Darmstadt
DE72 Gießen
DE73 Kassel
DE8 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
DE91 Braunschweig
DE92 Hannover
DE93 Lüneburg
DE94 Weser-Ems
DEA1 Düsseldorf
DEA2 Köln
DEA3 Münster
DEA4 Detmold
DEA5 Arnsberg
DEB1 Koblenz
DEB2 Trier
DEB3 Rheinhessen-Pfalz
DEC Saarland
DED1 Chemnitz
DED2 Dresden
DED3 Leipzig
DEE1 Dessau
DEE2 Halle
DEE3 Magdeburg
DEF Schleswig-Holstein
DEG Thüringen
EE Eesti
EE001 Põhja-Eesti
EE002 Kesk-Eesti
EE003 Kirde-Eesti
EE004 Lääne-Eesti
EE005 Lõuna-Eesti
GRC Ellada
GR11 Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
GR12 Kentriki Makedonia
GR13 Dytiki Makedonia
GR14 Thessalia
GR21 Ipeiros
GR22 Ionia Nisia
GR23 Dytiki Ellada
GR24 Sterea Ellada
GR25 Peloponnisos
GR3 Attiki
GR41 Voreio Aigaio
GR42 Notio Aigaio
GR43 Kriti
ESP España
ES11 Galicia
ES12 Asturias
ES13 Cantabria
ES21 País Vasco
ES22 Navarra
ES23 La Rioja
ES24 Aragón
ES3 Madrid
ES41 Castilla-León
ES42 Castilla-La Mancha
ES43 Extremadura
ES51 Cataluña
ES52 Comunidad Valenciana
ES53 Baleares
ES61 Andalucía
ES62 Murcia
ES63 Ceuta y Melilla
ES7 Canarias
FRA France
FR1 Île-de-France
FR21 Champagne-Ardenne
FR22 Picardie
FR23 Haute-Normandie
FR24 Centre
FR25 Basse-Normandie
FR26 Bourgogne
FR3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais
FR41 Lorraine
FR42 Alsace
FR43 Franche-Comté
FR51 Pays-de-la-Loire
FR521 Côtes-d'Armor
FR522 Finistère
FR523 Ille-et-Vilaine
FR524 Morbihan
FR53 Poitou-Charentes
FR61 Aquitaine
FR62 Midi-Pyrénées
FR63 Limousin
FR71 Rhône-Alpes
FR72 Auvergne
FR81 Languedoc-Roussillon
FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
FR83 Corse
FR91 Guadeloupe
FR92 Martinique
FR93 Guyane
FR94 Réunion
IRL Ireland
IE011 Border
IE012 Midland
IE013 West
IE021 Dublin
IE022 Mid-east
IE023 Mid-west
IE024 South-east (IRL)
IE025 South-west (IRL)
ITA Italia
IT11 Piemonte
IT12 Valle d'Aosta
IT13 Liguria
IT2 Lombardia
IT31 Trentino-Alto Adige
IT32 Veneto
IT33 Friuli-Venezia Giulia
IT4 Emilia-Romagna
IT51 Toscana
IT52 Umbria
IT53 Marche
IT6 Lazio
IT71 Abruzzo
IT72 Molise
IT8 Campania
IT91 Puglia
IT92 Basilicata
IT93 Calabria
ITA Sicilia
ITB Sardegna
CY Κύπρος
LV Latvija
LV001 Rīga
LV002 Vidzeme
LV003 Kurzeme
LV004 Zemgale
LV005 Latgale
LT Lietuva
LT001 Alytaus (apskritis)
LT002 Kauno (apskritis)
LT003 Klaipėdos (apskritis)
LT004 Marijampolės (apskritis)
LT005 Panevėžio (apskritis)
LT006 Šiaulių (apskritis)
LT007 Tauragės (apskritis)
LT008 Telšių (apskritis)
LT009 Utenos (apskritis)
LT00A Vilniaus (apskritis)
LUX Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) Luxembourg (Grand-Duché)
HU Magyarorszàg
HU01 Közép-Magyarország
HU02 Közép-Dunántúl
HU03 Nyugat-Dunántúl
HU04 Dél-Dunántúl
HU05 Észak-Magyarország
HU06 Észak-Alföld
HU07 Dél-Alföld
MT Malta
NL11 Nederland Groningen
NL12 Friesland
NL13 Drenthe
NL21 Overijssel
NL22 Gelderland
NL23 Flevoland
NL31 Utrecht
NL32 Noord-Holland
NL33 Zuid-Holland
NL34 Zeeland
NL41 Noord-Brabant
NL42 Limburg
AUT Österreich
AT11 Burgenland
AT12 Niederösterreich
AT13 Wien
AT21 Kärnten
AT22 Steiermark
AT31 Oberösterreich
AT32 Salzburg
AT33 Tirol
AT34 Vorarlberg
PL Polska
PL01 Dolnośląskie
PL02 Kujawsko-Pomorskie
PL03 Lubelskie
PL04 Lubuskie
PL05 Łódzkie
PL06 Małopolskie
PL07 Mazowieckie
PL08 Opolskie
PL09 Podkarpackie
PL0A Podlaskie
PL0B Pomorskie
PL0C Śląskie
PL0D Świętokrzyskie
PL0E Warmińsko-Mazurskie
PL0F Wielkopolskie
PL0G Zachodniopomorskie
PRT Portugal
PT11 Norte
PT12 Centro (P)
PT13 Lisboa e Vale do Tejo
PT14 Alentejo
PT15 Algarve
PT2 Açores
PT3 Madeira
SI Slovenija
SK Slovensko Slovenská republika
SWE Suomi/Finland
FI13 Itä-Suomi
FI14 Väli-Suomi
FI15 Pohjois-Suomi
FI16 Uusimaa (Suuralue)
FI17 Etelä-Suomi
FI2 Åland
SWE Sverige
SE01 Stockholm
SE02 Östra Mellansverige
SE04 Sydsverige
SE06 Norra Mellansverige
SE07 Mellersta Norrland
SE08 Övre Norrland
SE09 Småland med Öarna
SE0A Västsverige
GBR United Kingdom
UKC1 Tees Valley and Durham
UKC2 Northumberland and Tyne and Wear
UKD1 Cumbria
UKD2 Cheshire
UKD3 Greater Manchester
UKD4 Lancashire
UKD5 Merseyside
UKE1 East Riding and North Lincolnshire
UKE2 North Yorkshire
UKE3 South Yorkshire
UKE4 West Yorkshire
UKF1 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
UKF2 Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire
UKF3 Lincolnshire
UKG1 Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire
UKG2 Shropshire and Staffordshire
UKG3 West Midlands
UKH1 East Anglia
UKH2 Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire
UKH3 Essex
UKI1 Inner London
UKI2 Outer London
UKJ1 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
UKJ2 Surrey, East and West Sussex
UKJ3 Hampshire and Isle of Wight
UKJ4 Kent
UKK1 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset
UKK2 Dorset and Somerset
UKK3 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
UKK4 Devon
UKL1 West Wales and the Valleys
UKL2 East Wales
UKM1101 Aberdeen City
UKM1102 Aberdeenshire
UKM1103 North-East Moray
UKM2 Eastern Scotland
UKM3 South-Western Scotland
UKM41 Caithness and Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty
UKM42 Inverness and Nairn and Moray, Badenoch and Strathspey
UKM43 Lochaber, Skye and Lochalsh and Argyll and the Islands
UKM44 Comhairle Nan Eilan (Western Isles)
UKM45 Orkney Islands
UKM46 Shetland Islands
UKM2 Eastern Scotland
UKM3 South-Western Scotland
UKM4 Highlands and Islands
UKN Northern Ireland
BGR България
BG01 Severozapaden
BG02 Severen tsentralen
BG03 Severoiztochen
BG04 Yugozapaden
BG05 Yuzhen tsentralen
BG06 Yugoiztochen
ROU România
RO01 Nord-Est
RO02 Sud-Est
RO03 Sud
RO04 Sud-Vest
RO05 Vest
RO06 Nord-Vest
RO07 Centru
RO08 București
TABLE 2 Size codes
Code Name
1 Size 1
2 Size 2
3 Size 3
4 Size 4
5 Size 5
6 Size 6
M10 ≤ 10 kg
P10 > 10 kg
M4 ≤ 4 kg
M1 ≤ 1,1 kg
50 > 1,8 kg
51 ≤ 1,8 kg
SO Not applicable
M11 < 1,1 kg
M13 < 1,33 kg
B21 ≥ 1,1 kg < 2,1 kg
B27 ≥ 1,33 kg < 2,7 kg
P21 ≥ 2,1 kg
P27 ≥ 2,7 kg
TABLE 3 Presentation codes
Code Presentation
1 Whole
12 Head off
3 Gutted with head
31 Gutted and gilled
32 Gutted and headed
61 Cleaned
25 Side
2 Fillet
62 Cylinder
63 Tubes
21 Standard fillet, with bones
22 Boneless fillets
23 Fillets, with skin
24 Fillets, without skin
51 Minced blocks
5 Pieces and other flesh
11 With or without head
9 Acceptable presentations other than whole or gutted with gills
26 Fillets in minced blocks < 4 kg
70 Cleaned, with head OR whole
71 All acceptable presentations for this species
72 All acceptable presentations other than fillets, pieces and other flesh
6 Cleaned, cylinders, tubes
7 Other presentations
SO Not applicable
TABLE 4 Preservation codes
Code Preservation
SO Not applicable
V Live
C Frozen
CU Cooked in water
S Salted
FC Fresh or frozen
FR Fresh or chilled
PRE Preparation
CSR Canned fish
F Fresh
R Chilled
TABLE 5 Freshness codes
Code Freshness
E Extra
V Live
SO Not applicable
TABLE 6 Currency codes
Code Currency
BEF Belgian franc
DKK Danish krone
DEM German mark
GRD Greek drachma
EUR Euro
PTE Portuguese escudo
FRF French franc
FIM Finnish markka
NLG Dutch guilder
IEP Irish pound (punt)
ITL Italian lira
ATS Austrian schilling
ESP Spanish peseta
SEK Swedish krona
GBP Pound sterling
LUF Luxembourg franc
CZK Czech koruna
EEK Estonian kroon
CYP Cyprus pound
LVL Latvian lats
LTL Lithuanian litas
HUF Hungarian forint
MTL Maltese lira
PLN Polish złoty
SIT Slovenian tolar
SKK Slovak koruna
BGN Bulgarian lev
RON Romanian new leu
Code Species
ALB Thunnus alalunga
ALK Theragra chalcogramma
BFT Thunnus thynnus
BIB Trisopterus luscus
BOG Boops boops
BRA Brama spp.
BRB Spondyliosoma cantharus
BSF Aphanopus carbo
CDZ Gadus spp.
COD Gadus morhua
COE Conger conger
CRE Cancer pagurus
CSH Crangon crangon
CTC Sepia officinalis
CTR Sepiola rondeleti
DAB Limanda limanda
DEC Dentex dentex
DGS Squalus acanthias
DOL Coryphaena hippurus
DPS Parapenaeus longirostris
ENR Engraulis spp.
FLE Platichthys flesus
GHL Rheinhardtius hippoglossoides
GRC Gadus ogac
GUY Triga spp.
HAD Melanogrammus aeglefinus
HER Clupea harengus
HKE Merluccius merluccius
HKP Merluccius hubbsi
HKX Merluccius spp.
ILL Illex spp.
JAX Trachurus spp.
LEM Mircostomus kitt
LEZ Lepidorhombus spp.
LNZ Molva spp.
MAC Scomber scombrus
MAS Scomber japonicus
MAZ Scomber scombrus, japonicus, Orcynopsis unicolor
MGS Mugil spp.
MNZ Lophius spp.
MUR Mullus surmulettus
MUT Mullus barbatus
NEP Nephrops norvegicus
OCZ Octopus spp.
PAX Pagellus spp.
PCO Gadus macrocephalus
PEN Penaeus spp.
PIL Sardina pilchardus
PLE Pleuronectes platessa
POC Boreogadus saida
POK Pollachius virens
POL Pollachius pollachius
PRA Pandalus borealis
RED Sebastes spp.
ROA Rossia macrosoma
SCE Pecten maximus
SCL Scyliorhinus spp.
SFS Lepidopus caudatus
SKA Raja spp.
SKJ Katsuwonus pelamis
SOO Solea spp.
SPC Spicara smaris
SPR Sprattus sprattus
SQA Illex argentinus
SQC Loligo spp.
SQE Ommastrephes sagittatus
SQE Todarodes sagittatus sagittatus
SQI Illex illecebrosus
SQL Loligo pealei
SQN Loligo patagonica
SQO Loligo opalescens
SQR Loligo vulgaris
SWO Xiphias gladius
TUS Thunnus spp. and Euthynnus spp. excluding Thunnus thunnus and T. obesus
WHB Micromesistius poutassou
WHE Buccinum undatum
WHG Merlangius merlangus
YFT Thunnus albacares
TABLE 8 Regions where the withdrawal price is adjusted by a regional coefficient
Code Region Description of region
MADER Azores and Madeira Islands of Azores and Madeira
BALNOR North Baltic Baltic Sea north of 59° 30′
CANA Canaries Canary Islands
CORN Cornwall Coastal regions and islands of the countries of Cornwall and Devon in the United Kingdom
ECOS Scotland Coastal regions of north-east Scotland from Wick to Aberdeen
ECOIRL Scotland and Northern Ireland Coastal regions from Portpatrick in south-west Scotland to Wick in north-east Scotland, and the islands to the west and north of these regions. Coastal regions and islands of Northern Ireland
ESTECO Scotland (east) Coastal regions of Scotland from Portpatrick to Eyemouth, and the islands to the west and north of these regions
ESPATL Spain (Atlantic) Atlantic coastal regions of Spain (except the Canary Islands)
ESTANG Eastern England Eastern coastal regions of England, from Berwick to Dover. Coastal regions of Scotland from Portpatrick to Eyemouth, and the island to the west and north of these regions. County Down coastal regions
FRAATL France (Atlantic, Channel, North) French coastal regions on the Atlantic, English Channel and North Sea
IRL Ireland Irish coastal regions and islands
NIRL Northern Ireland County Down coastal regions (Northern Ireland)
PRT Portugal Portuguese Atlantic coastal regions
UER Rest of the European Union European Union with the exception of regions to which a regional coefficient applies
EU European Union European Unions as a whole
WECO Scotland (west) Coastal regions from Troon (south-west Scotland) to Wick (north-east Scotland) and the islands to the west and north of these regions
BALSUD Baltic Baltic Sea south of 59° 30′
TABLE 9 Use of withdrawals
Code Use of withdrawals
FMEAL Use following processing into meal (animal feed)
OTHER Use fresh or preserved (animal feed)
NOALIM Use for purposes other than feed
DIST Free distribution
TABLE 10 Type of fishing
Code Type of fishing
D Deep-sea fishing
H High-sea fishing
C Coastal fishing
L Local small-scale fishing
O Other types of fishing
A Aquaculture
TABLE 11 Type of technical cost
Code Type of technical cost
CO Freezing
ST Storage
FL Filleting
SL Salting — drying
MA Marinades
CU Cooking — pasteurisation
VV Storage in fixed tanks