Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on end-of life vehicles - Commission Statements
Modified by
- Commission Decisionof 27 June 2002amending Annex II of Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(notified under document number C(2002) 2238)(Text with EEA relevance)(2002/525/EC), 32002D0525, June 29, 2002
- Commission Decisionof 24 January 2005amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of life vehicles(notified under document number C(2004) 2735)(Text with EEA relevance)(2005/63/EC), 32005D0063, January 28, 2005
- Commission Decisionof 10 June 2005amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of life vehicles(notified under document number C(2005) 1707)(Text with EEA relevance)(2005/438/EC), 32005D0438, June 15, 2005
- Council Decisionof 20 September 2005amending Annex II of Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(Text with EEA relevance)(2005/673/EC), 32005D0673, September 30, 2005
- Directive 2008/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2008amending Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the Commission, 32008L0033, March 20, 2008
- Commission Decisionof 1 August 2008amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(notified under document number C(2008) 4017)(Text with EEA relevance)(2008/689/EC), 32008D0689, August 23, 2008
- Directive 2008/112/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 16 December 2008amending Council Directives 76/768/EEC, 88/378/EEC, 1999/13/EC and Directives 2000/53/EC, 2002/96/EC and 2004/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council in order to adapt them to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures(Text with EEA relevance), 32008L0112, December 23, 2008
- Commission Decisionof 23 February 2010amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(notified under document C(2010) 972)(Text with EEA relevance)(2010/115/EU), 32010D0115, February 25, 2010
- Commission Directive 2011/37/EUof 30 March 2011amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(Text with EEA relevance), 32011L0037, March 31, 2011
- Commission Directive 2013/28/EUof 17 May 2013amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(Text with EEA relevance), 32013L0028, May 22, 2013
- Commission Directive (EU) 2016/774of 18 May 2016amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of-life vehicles(Text with EEA relevance), 32016L0774, May 19, 2016
- Commission Directive (EU) 2017/2096of 15 November 2017amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of life vehicles(Text with EEA relevance), 32017L2096, November 16, 2017
- Directive (EU) 2018/849 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 30 May 2018amending Directives 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles, 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators, and 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment(Text with EEA relevance), 32018L0849, June 14, 2018
1. "vehicle" means any vehicle designated as category M 1 or N1 defined in Annex IIA to Directive 70/156/EEC, and three wheel motor vehicles as defined in Directive 92/61/EEC, but excluding motor tricycles;2. "end-of life vehicle" means a vehicle which is waste within the meaning of Article 1(a) of Directive 75/442/EEC; 3. "producer" means the vehicle manufacturer or the professional importer of a vehicle into a Member State; 4. "prevention" means measures aiming at the reduction of the quantity and the harmfulness for the environment of end-of life vehicles, their materials and substances; 5. "treatment" means any activity after the end-of life vehicle has been handed over to a facility for depollution, dismantling, shearing, shredding, recovery or preparation for disposal of the shredder wastes, and any other operation carried out for the recovery and/or disposal of the end-of life vehicle and its components; 6. "reuse" means any operation by which components of end-of life vehicles are used for the same purpose for which they were conceived; 7. "recycling" means the reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes but excluding energy recovery. Energy recovery means the use of combustible waste as a means to generate energy through direct incineration with or without other waste but with recovery of the heat; 8. "recovery" means any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex IIB to Directive 75/442/EEC; 9. "disposal" means any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex IIA to Directive 75/442/EEC; 10. "economic operators" means producers, distributors, collectors, motor vehicle insurance companies, dismantlers, shredders, recoverers, recyclers and other treatment operators of end-of life vehicles, including their components and materials; 11. "hazardous substance" means any substance which fulfils the criteria for any of the following hazard classes or categories set out in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures ;OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1 .(a) hazard classes 2.1 to 2.4, 2.6 and 2.7, 2.8 types A and B, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13 categories 1 and 2, 2.14 categories 1 and 2, 2.15 types A to F; (b) hazard classes 3.1 to 3.6, 3.7 adverse effects on sexual function and fertility or on development, 3.8 effects other than narcotic effects, 3.9 and 3.10; (c) hazard class 4.1; (d) hazard class 5.1;
12. "shredder" means any device used for tearing into pieces or fragmenting end-of life vehicles, including for the purpose of obtaining directly reusable metal scrap; 13. "dismantling information" means all information required for the correct and environmentally sound treatment of end-of life vehicles. It shall be made available to authorised treatment facilities by vehicle manufacturers and component producers in the form of manuals or by means of electronic media (e.g. CD-ROM, on-line services).
(a) vehicle manufacturers, in liaison with material and equipment manufacturers, to limit the use of hazardous substances in vehicles and to reduce them as far as possible from the conception of the vehicle onwards, so as in particular to prevent their release into the environment, make recycling easier, and avoid the need to dispose of hazardous waste; (b) the design and production of new vehicles which take into full account and facilitate the dismantling, reuse and recovery, in particular the recycling, of end-of life vehicles, their components and materials; (c) vehicle manufacturers, in liaison with material and equipment manufacturers, to integrate an increasing quantity of recycled material in vehicles and other products, in order to develop the markets for recycled materials.
(a) Member States shall ensure that materials and components of vehicles put on the market after 1 July 2003 do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium or hexavalent chromium other than in cases listed in Annex II under the conditions specified therein;(b) The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 9a, amending Annex II on a regular basis to adapt it to technical and scientific progress, in order to: (i) as necessary, establish maximum concentration values up to which the existence of the substances referred to in point (a) of this paragraph in specific materials and components of vehicles is to be tolerated; (ii) exempt certain materials and components of vehicles from point (a) of this paragraph if the use of the substances referred to in that point is unavoidable; (iii) delete materials and components of vehicles from Annex II if the use of the substances referred to in point (a) of this paragraph is avoidable; (iv) under points (i) and (ii) designate those materials and components of vehicles that can be stripped before further treatment and require them to be labelled or made identifiable by other appropriate means.
The Commission shall adopt a separate delegated act with respect to each substance, material or component concerned by points (i) to (iv); (c) the Commission shall amend Annex II for the first time not later than 21 October 2001 . In any case none of the exemptions listed therein shall be deleted from the Annex before1 January 2003 .
that economic operators set up systems for the collection of all end-of life vehicles and, as far as technically feasible, of waste used parts removed when passenger cars are repaired, the adequate availability of collection facilities within their territory.
(a) type and quantities of waste to be treated; (b) general technical requirements to be complied with; (c) safety precautions to be taken,
(a) end-of life vehicles shall be stripped before further treatment or other equivalent arrangements are made in order to reduce any adverse impact on the environment. Components or materials labelled or otherwise made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2) shall be stripped before further treatment; (b) hazardous materials and components shall be removed and segregated in a selective way so as not to contaminate subsequent shredder waste from end-of life vehicles; (c) stripping operations and storage shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure the suitability of vehicle components for reuse and recovery, and in particular for recycling.
(a) no later than 1 January 2006 , for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit the reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year;for vehicles produced before 1 January 1980 , Member States may lay down lower targets, but not lower than 75 % for reuse and recovery and not lower than 70 % for reuse and recycling. Member States making use of this subparagraph shall inform the Commission and the other Member States of the reasons therefor;(b) no later than 1 January 2015 , for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 95 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year.
the design of vehicles and their components with a view to their recoverability and recyclability, the environmentally sound treatment of end-of life vehicles, in particular the removal of all fluids and dismantling, the development and optimisation of ways to reuse, recycle and recover end-of life vehicles and their components, the progress achieved with regard to recovery and recycling to reduce the waste to be disposed of and to increase the recovery and recycling rates.
(a) agreements shall be enforceable; (b) agreements need to specify objectives with the corresponding deadlines; (c) agreements shall be published in the national official journal or an official document equally accessible to the public and transmitted to the Commission; (d) the results achieved under an agreement shall be monitored regularly, reported to the competent authorities and to the Commission and made available to the public under the conditions set out in the agreement; (e) the competent authorities shall make provisions to examine the progress reached under an agreement; (f) in case of non-compliance with an agreement Member States must implement the relevant provisions of this Directive by legislative, regulatory or administrative measures.
as from 1 July 2002 for vehicles put on the market as from this date,as from 1 January 2007 for vehicles put on the market before the date referred to in the first indent.
impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degeasers, equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations.
impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degreasers, appropriate storage for dismantled spare parts, including impermeable storage for oil-contaminated spare parts, appropriate containers for storage of batteries (with electrolyte neutralisation on site or elsewhere), filters and PCB/PCT-containing condensers, appropriate storage tanks for the segregated storage of end-of-life vehicle fluids: fuel, motor oil, gearbox oil, transmission oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, battery acids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle, equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations, appropriate storage for used tyres, including the prevention of fire hazards and excessive stockpiling.
removal of batteries and liquified gas tanks, removal or neutralisation of potential explosive components, (e.g. air bags), removal and separate collection and storage of fuel, motor oil, transmission oil, gearbox oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle, unless they are necessary for the re-use of the parts concerned, removal, as far as feasible, of all components identified as containing mercury.
removal or catalysts, removal of metal components containing copper, aluminium and magnesium if these metals are not segregated in the shredding process, removal of tyres and large plastic components (bumpers, dashboard, fluid containers, etc), if these materials are not segregated in the shredding process in such a way that they can be effectively recycled as materials, removal of glass.
Materials and components | Scope and expiry date of the exemption | To be labelled or made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2)(b)(iv) |
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for engine types developed before | ||
| X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before |
1. "vehicle" means any vehicle designated as category M 1 or N1 defined in Annex IIA to Directive 70/156/EEC, and three wheel motor vehicles as defined in Directive 92/61/EEC, but excluding motor tricycles;2. "end-of life vehicle" means a vehicle which is waste within the meaning of Article 1(a) of Directive 75/442/EEC; 3. "producer" means the vehicle manufacturer or the professional importer of a vehicle into a Member State; 4. "prevention" means measures aiming at the reduction of the quantity and the harmfulness for the environment of end-of life vehicles, their materials and substances; 5. "treatment" means any activity after the end-of life vehicle has been handed over to a facility for depollution, dismantling, shearing, shredding, recovery or preparation for disposal of the shredder wastes, and any other operation carried out for the recovery and/or disposal of the end-of life vehicle and its components; 6. "reuse" means any operation by which components of end-of life vehicles are used for the same purpose for which they were conceived; 7. "recycling" means the reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes but excluding energy recovery. Energy recovery means the use of combustible waste as a means to generate energy through direct incineration with or without other waste but with recovery of the heat; 8. "recovery" means any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex IIB to Directive 75/442/EEC; 9. "disposal" means any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex IIA to Directive 75/442/EEC; 10. "economic operators" means producers, distributors, collectors, motor vehicle insurance companies, dismantlers, shredders, recoverers, recyclers and other treatment operators of end-of life vehicles, including their components and materials; 11. "hazardous substance" means any substance which fulfils the criteria for any of the following hazard classes or categories set out in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures ;OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1 .(a) hazard classes 2.1 to 2.4, 2.6 and 2.7, 2.8 types A and B, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13 categories 1 and 2, 2.14 categories 1 and 2, 2.15 types A to F; (b) hazard classes 3.1 to 3.6, 3.7 adverse effects on sexual function and fertility or on development, 3.8 effects other than narcotic effects, 3.9 and 3.10; (c) hazard class 4.1; (d) hazard class 5.1;
12. "shredder" means any device used for tearing into pieces or fragmenting end-of life vehicles, including for the purpose of obtaining directly reusable metal scrap; 13. "dismantling information" means all information required for the correct and environmentally sound treatment of end-of life vehicles. It shall be made available to authorised treatment facilities by vehicle manufacturers and component producers in the form of manuals or by means of electronic media (e.g. CD-ROM, on-line services).
(a) vehicle manufacturers, in liaison with material and equipment manufacturers, to limit the use of hazardous substances in vehicles and to reduce them as far as possible from the conception of the vehicle onwards, so as in particular to prevent their release into the environment, make recycling easier, and avoid the need to dispose of hazardous waste; (b) the design and production of new vehicles which take into full account and facilitate the dismantling, reuse and recovery, in particular the recycling, of end-of life vehicles, their components and materials; (c) vehicle manufacturers, in liaison with material and equipment manufacturers, to integrate an increasing quantity of recycled material in vehicles and other products, in order to develop the markets for recycled materials.
(a) Member States shall ensure that materials and components of vehicles put on the market after 1 July 2003 do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium or hexavalent chromium other than in cases listed in Annex II under the conditions specified therein;(b) The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 9a, amending Annex II on a regular basis to adapt it to technical and scientific progress, in order to: (i) as necessary, establish maximum concentration values up to which the existence of the substances referred to in point (a) of this paragraph in specific materials and components of vehicles is to be tolerated; (ii) exempt certain materials and components of vehicles from point (a) of this paragraph if the use of the substances referred to in that point is unavoidable; (iii) delete materials and components of vehicles from Annex II if the use of the substances referred to in point (a) of this paragraph is avoidable; (iv) under points (i) and (ii) designate those materials and components of vehicles that can be stripped before further treatment and require them to be labelled or made identifiable by other appropriate means.
The Commission shall adopt a separate delegated act with respect to each substance, material or component concerned by points (i) to (iv); (c) the Commission shall amend Annex II for the first time not later than 21 October 2001 . In any case none of the exemptions listed therein shall be deleted from the Annex before1 January 2003 .
that economic operators set up systems for the collection of all end-of life vehicles and, as far as technically feasible, of waste used parts removed when passenger cars are repaired, the adequate availability of collection facilities within their territory.
(a) type and quantities of waste to be treated; (b) general technical requirements to be complied with; (c) safety precautions to be taken,
(a) end-of life vehicles shall be stripped before further treatment or other equivalent arrangements are made in order to reduce any adverse impact on the environment. Components or materials labelled or otherwise made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2) shall be stripped before further treatment; (b) hazardous materials and components shall be removed and segregated in a selective way so as not to contaminate subsequent shredder waste from end-of life vehicles; (c) stripping operations and storage shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure the suitability of vehicle components for reuse and recovery, and in particular for recycling.
(a) no later than 1 January 2006 , for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit the reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year;for vehicles produced before 1 January 1980 , Member States may lay down lower targets, but not lower than 75 % for reuse and recovery and not lower than 70 % for reuse and recycling. Member States making use of this subparagraph shall inform the Commission and the other Member States of the reasons therefor;(b) no later than 1 January 2015 , for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 95 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year.
the design of vehicles and their components with a view to their recoverability and recyclability, the environmentally sound treatment of end-of life vehicles, in particular the removal of all fluids and dismantling, the development and optimisation of ways to reuse, recycle and recover end-of life vehicles and their components, the progress achieved with regard to recovery and recycling to reduce the waste to be disposed of and to increase the recovery and recycling rates.
(a) agreements shall be enforceable; (b) agreements need to specify objectives with the corresponding deadlines; (c) agreements shall be published in the national official journal or an official document equally accessible to the public and transmitted to the Commission; (d) the results achieved under an agreement shall be monitored regularly, reported to the competent authorities and to the Commission and made available to the public under the conditions set out in the agreement; (e) the competent authorities shall make provisions to examine the progress reached under an agreement; (f) in case of non-compliance with an agreement Member States must implement the relevant provisions of this Directive by legislative, regulatory or administrative measures.
as from 1 July 2002 for vehicles put on the market as from this date,as from 1 January 2007 for vehicles put on the market before the date referred to in the first indent.
impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degeasers, equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations.
impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degreasers, appropriate storage for dismantled spare parts, including impermeable storage for oil-contaminated spare parts, appropriate containers for storage of batteries (with electrolyte neutralisation on site or elsewhere), filters and PCB/PCT-containing condensers, appropriate storage tanks for the segregated storage of end-of-life vehicle fluids: fuel, motor oil, gearbox oil, transmission oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, battery acids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle, equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations, appropriate storage for used tyres, including the prevention of fire hazards and excessive stockpiling.
removal of batteries and liquified gas tanks, removal or neutralisation of potential explosive components, (e.g. air bags), removal and separate collection and storage of fuel, motor oil, transmission oil, gearbox oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle, unless they are necessary for the re-use of the parts concerned, removal, as far as feasible, of all components identified as containing mercury.
removal or catalysts, removal of metal components containing copper, aluminium and magnesium if these metals are not segregated in the shredding process, removal of tyres and large plastic components (bumpers, dashboard, fluid containers, etc), if these materials are not segregated in the shredding process in such a way that they can be effectively recycled as materials, removal of glass.
Materials and components | Scope and expiry date of the exemption | To be labelled or made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2)(b)(iv) |
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
X | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for engine types developed before | ||
| X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | ||
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before | ||
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Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
Vehicles type-approved before | X | |
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before |