Commission Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 of 12 July 1999 determining the control procedures under Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to certain countries to which OECD Decision C(92)39 final does not apply (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 334/2000of 14 February 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 as regards the control procedures to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to Malaysia(Text with EEA relevance), 300R0334, February 15, 2000
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 354/2000of 16 February 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 concerning the control procedures to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to China(Text with EEA relevance), 300R0354, February 17, 2000
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1208/2000of 8 June 2000amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 establishing common rules and procedures to apply to shipments of certain types of waste from the European Community to Bulgaria and Nigeria, and Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 concerning the control procedures to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to Bulgaria and Nigeria(Text with EEA relevance), 300R1208, June 9, 2000
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1552/2000of 14 July 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 concerning the control procedures to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to: Estonia, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Lithuania, San Marino and Thailand(Text with EEA relevance), 300R1552, July 15, 2000
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 77/2001of 5 January 2001amending the Annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 and Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 as regards shipments of certain types of waste to Albania, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Jamaica, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Tunisia and Zimbabwe(Text with EEA relevance), 301R0077, January 16, 2001
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1800/2001of 13 September 2001amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 and Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 as regards shipments of certain types of waste to Guinea(Text with EEA relevance), 301R1800, September 14, 2001
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2243/2001of 16 November 2001amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 as regards shipments of certain types of waste to Cameroon, Paraguay and Singapore(Text with EEA relevance), 301R2243, November 20, 2001
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 103T, September 23, 2003
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2118/2003of 2 December 2003amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 and Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 as regards shipments of certain types of waste to Tanzania and to Serbia and Montenegro(Text with EEA relevance), 303R2118, December 3, 2003
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 105/2005of 17 November 2004amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 and Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 as regards shipments of certain types of waste to China and Saudi Arabia(Text with EEA relevance), 305R0105, January 22, 2005
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999 of 12 July 1999 determining the control procedures under Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to certain countries to which OECD Decision C(92)39 final does not apply, 399R1547R(02), December 15, 1999
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999of 12 July 1999determining the control procedures under Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 to apply to shipments of certain types of waste to certain countries to which OECD Decision C(92)39 final does not apply(Text with EEA relevance) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on supervision and control of application shipments of waste within, into and out of the European CommunityOJ L 30, 6.2.1993, p. 1., as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2408/98OJ L 298, 7.11.1998, p. 19., and in particular Article 17(3) thereof,After consultation of the countries of destination concerned,(1)Whereas Article 1(3)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 excludes from its scope of application shipments of waste destined for recovery only and listed in Annex II to the same Regulation, as that Annex has been amended by Commission Decision 98/368/ECOJ L 165, 10.6.1998, p. 20., except as provided for by, inter alia, Articles 17(1), (2) and (3);(2)Whereas in accordance with Article 17(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 the Commission has notified to every country to which OECD Council Decision C(92) 39 Final of 30 March 1992 concerning the control of transfrontier movements of waste destined for recovery operations does not apply the list of waste included in Annex II to the said Regulation; whereas the Commission has requested confirmed that such waste is not subject to control in the country of destination, or has asked that such countries indicate whether the waste should be subject to the control procedures which apply to Annex III or IV to the said Regulation, or to the procedure laid down in Article 15 thereof;(3)Whereas certain countries indicated that such waste should be subject to one of these control procedures; whereas the Commission, acting pursuant to the provisions of Article 17(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93, adopted Decision 94/575/EC of 20 July 1994 determining the control procedure under Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 as regards certain shipments of waste to certain non-OECD countriesOJ L 220, 25.8.1994, p. 15.;(4)Whereas some OECD countries still do not apply OECD Decision C(92) 39 Final, but may do so in the future;(5)Whereas certain further third countries have also indicated that one of the control procedures provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 should be applied;(6)Whereas the Commission has notified the requests of these third countries to the Committee established pursuant to Article 18 of Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975 on wasteOJ L 194, 25.7.1975, p. 39., as last amended by Commission Decision 96/350/ECOJ L 135, 6.6.1996, p. 32.;(7)Whereas in accordance with Article 17(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 where such waste is subject to control in the country of destination, or upon request of such a country, exports of such waste to that country are to be subjected to control;(8)Whereas it is appropriate to update and bring together all of these export arrangements in respect of the above countries in a single text, and, in the interests of clarity and legal certainty, to list those categories of waste which are not subject to control procedures; whereas Decision 94/575/EC should therefore be repealed;(9)Whereas with regard to shipments to ACP States, Article 39 of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, signed at Lomé on 15 December 1989OJ L 229, 17.8.1991, p. 3., prohibits export to those countries of Hazardous wastes listed in Annexes I and II to the Basel Convention on the Control of transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, which was concluded on behalf of the Community by Council Decision 93/98/EECOJ L 39, 16.2.1993, p. 1.; whereas, furthermore, certain items of such waste may be found in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93; whereas, in those circumstances and in order to comply with the Community's international obligations, it must be made clear that such shipments of such items to ACP countries are prohibited,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 11.The control procedure applicable to wastes listed in Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 shall apply to exports to the countries listed in Annex A to this Regulation in respect of those categories of waste listed in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 which are also set out in Annex A.2.The control procedure applicable to wastes listed in Annex IV to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 shall apply to exports to the countries listed in Annex B to this Regulation in respect of those categories of waste listed in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 which are also set out in Annex B.3.The control procedure laid down in Article 15 to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 shall apply to exports to the countries listed in Annex C to this Regulation in respect of those categories of waste listed in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 which are also set out in Annex C.4.Without prejudice to points (b) to (e) of Article 1(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93, or to Article 11 thereof, no control procedure shall apply to exports to the countries listed in Annex D to this Regulation in respect of those categories of waste listed in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 which are also set out in Annex D.5.Once an OECD country which is listed in Annex A, B and/or C and to which OECD Decision C(92) 39 Final does not apply at the time of entry into force of this Regulation, implements that OECD Decision, this Regulation shall no longer apply to that country.
Article 2The provisions of Article 1 shall be without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in the Fourth ACP-EC Convention as regards shipments of waste to ACP countries.
Article 3Decision 94/575/EC is hereby repealed.
Article 4This Regulation shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ACountries to which shipments of certain categories of waste listed in Annex II (the "green" list) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93, should be carried out under the control procedure applying to waste listed in Annex III (the "amber" list) to the same Regulation are set out below. The categories of waste listed in Annex II which are covered are also given.BULGARIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
NB.Mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams.
GA 010ex711210— Of gold
GA 030ex711290— Of other precious metals, e.g. silver
(b)The following ferrous waste and scrap of iron or steel:
GA 040720410Waste and scrap of cast iron
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels
GA 070720430Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 100720450Re-melting scrap ingots
GA 110ex730210Used iron and steel rails.
(c)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap.
2.In sectin GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 010262011Hard zinc spelter
GB 020Zinc containing drosses:
GB 021— Galvanising slab zinc top dross (> 90 % Zn)
GB 022— Galvanising slab zinc bottom dross (> 92 % Zn)
GB 023— Zinc die cast dross (> 85 % Zn)
GB 024— Hot dip galvanisers slab zinc dross(batch) (> 92 % Zn)
GB 025— Zinc skimmings
GB 030— Aluminium skimmings
GB 040ex262090Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining.
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 060Spent metal bearing catalysts containing any of:Precious metals: gold, silver,Platinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinumTransition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobiujm, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rheniumLanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium.
4.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
These cannot be polymerised and are used as plasticisers.
GH 0103915Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 011ex391510— Polymers of ethylene
GH 012ex391520— Polymers of styrene
GH 013ex391530— Polymers of vinyl chloride.
GH 014ex391590Polymerised or co-polymers: for example:PolypropylenePolyethylene terephthalateAcrylonitrile copolymerButadiene copolymerStyrene copolymerPlyamidesPolybutylene terephthalatesPolycarbonatesPolyphenylene sulphidesAcrylic polymersParaffins (C10-C13) Polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons)Polysiloxalanes (silicones)Polymethyl methacrylatePolyvinyl alcoholPolyvinyl butyralPolyvinyl acetatePolymers of fluorinated ethylene (Teflon, PTFE).
CYPRUSAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.HUNGARYAlthough this country is a member of the OECD, it does not apply OECD Council Decision C(92) 39 Final. When this country implements Decision C(92) 39 Final, this Regulation will no longer be applicable to it.All types in Annex II except those listed in Annex B.INDONESIAIn section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy waste in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following ferrous waste and scrap of iron or steel:
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 100720450Re-melting scrap ingots.
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
See Annex III of Decision 98/368/EC (OJ L 165, 10.6.1998, p. 20).
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 180ex810191Tungsten waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap.
JAMAICA1.All types included in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy waste in metallic, non dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types included in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").3.All types included in section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form").4.All types included in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").5.All types included in section GF ("Ceramic waste in non-dispersible form").6.All types included in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").7.All types included in section GJ ("Textile wastes").8.All types included in section GL ("Untreated cork and wood wastes").LITHUANIA1.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").2.All types in section GC ("Other wastes containing metals").3.All types in section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form").4.All types in section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form").5.All types in section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material").6.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
These cannot be polymerised and are used as plasticisers.
GH 012ex391520— Polymers of styrene
GH 013ex391530— Polymers of vinyl chloride
GH 014ex391590Acrylonitrile copolymerButadiene copolymerStyrene copolymerPolyamidesPolybutylene terephthalatesPolycarbonatesPolyphenylene sulphidesAcrylic polymersParaffins (C10-C13) Polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons)Polysiloxalanes (silicones)Polymethyl methacrylatePolyvinyl alcoholPolyvinyl butyralPolyvinyl acetatePolymers of fluorinated ethylene (Teflon, PTFE)
GH 015ex391590Resins or condensation products, for example:urea formaldehyde resinsphenol formaldehyde resinsmelamine formaldehyde resinsepoxy resinsalkyd resinspolyamides.
7.In section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").
GI 014470790Other, including but not limited to:1.Laminated paperboard2.Unsorted waste and scrap.
8.All types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").9.All types in section GK ("Rubber wastes").10.All types in section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries").11.All types in section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use").12.All types in section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials").
MACAUAll types in Annex II.MALAYSIA1.In section GA (Metal and metal-alloy wastes in mettallic, non-dispersible form):
GA 150780200Waste and scrap of lead
GA 240ex810710Waste and scrap of cadmium.
2.In section GG (Other, wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material).
GG 010Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desulphurisation
GG 020Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants
GG 040ex2621Fly ash from coal-fired power plants
GG 100Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9)
GG 110ex262100Neutralised red mud from alumina production
GG 140Broken concrete.
3.All types included in section GH (Solid plastic waste).4.All types included in section GJ (Textile wastes).5.All types included in section GK (Rubber waste).6.All types included in section GM (Waste arising from agro-food industries).7.All types included in section GN (Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use).8.In section GO (Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials):
GO 010ex050100Waste of human hair
GO 020Waste straw
GO 030Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed
GO 050Single-use cameras without batteries.
POLANDAlthough this country is a member of the OECD, it does not apply OECD Council Decision C(92) 39 Final. When this country implements Decision C(92) 39 Final, this Regulation will no longer be applicable to it.All types in Annex II.SAN MARINO1.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste
GC 040Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids.
2.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material")
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash.
3.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
4.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials")
GO 030Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed.
SINGAPORE1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
NB. Mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams.
GA 010ex711210— Of gold
GA 020ex711220— Of platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GA 030ex711290— Other precious metals, e.g. silver
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
ex811291Wastes and scrap of:
GA 350Niobium
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 020Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc.) and reclaimed electronic components suitable for base and precious metal recovery
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards.
3.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 020ex251400Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise.
THAILAND:1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
ex811291Wastes and scrap of:
GA 330— Hafnium
GA 340— Indium
GA 350— Niobium
GA 360— Rhenium
GA 370— Gallium
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellerium waster and scrap
GA 420ex280530Rare earth waste and scrap.
2.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 050Spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts (e.g. aluminium oxide, zeolites)
GC 060Spent metal bearing catalysts containing any of:Precious metals: gold, silverPlatinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinumTransition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rheniumLanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards.
4.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 040ex252930Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste
GD 050ex252910Feldspar waste
GD 060ex252921Fluospar waste.
5.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").6.All types in section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form").7.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material")
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired powder plants
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 080ex262100Slag from copper production, chemically stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201), mainly for construction and abrasive applications
GG 090Sulphur in solid form
GG 110ex262100Neutralised red mud from alumina production
GG 140Broken concrete.
8.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")9.All types in section GK ("Rubber wastes").10.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials")
GO 020Waste straw
GO 030Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed.
TUNISIA1.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals"):
GC 010Electrical assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys
GC 020Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc.) and reclaimed electronic components suitable for base and precious metal recovery
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste
GC 040Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids
The following metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form:
NB: mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals and their alloys or amalgams.
GC 150Gold
GC 160Platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GC 170Other precious metals, e.g. silver
3.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").4.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").5.In section GJ ("Textiles wastes"):
GJ 033520299— Other
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GJ 132ex631090— Other
GJ 140ex6310Waste textile floor coverings, carpets.
6.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
7.All types in section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries").
ANNEX BCountries to which shipments of certain categories of waste listed in Annex II (the "green" list) to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 should be carried out under the control procedure applying to waste listed in Annex IV (the "red" list) of the same Regulation are set out below. The categories of waste listed in Annex II which are covered are also given:ARGENTINAAll types in Annex II.BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAAll types in Annex II.BRAZIL1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
See Annex III to Commission Decision 98/368/EC (OJ L 165, 10.6.1998, p. 20).
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting, and refining of metals"):
GB 020Zinc containing drosses
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals"):
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.The following metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form:
GC 070ex261900Slag arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards
GC 090Molybdenum
GC 100Tungsten
GC 110Tantalum
4.In section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form"):
GF 020ex811300Cermet waste and scrap (metal ceramic composites)
5.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use"):
GN 040ex411000Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather sludges.
CHINAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.COLOMBIAAll types in Annex II except:1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")All types of waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys.
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 180ex810191Tungsten waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
ex811291Wastes and scrap of:
GA 330— Hafnium
GA 340— Indium
GA 350— Niobium
GA 360— Rhenium
GA 370— Gallium
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap
GA 420ex280530Rare earth waste and scrap
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 040ex262090Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining.
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards .
4.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 040ex252930Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste
GD 050ex252910Feldspar waste
GD 060ex252921Fluospar waste.
5.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials")
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 080ex262100Slag from copper production, chemically stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications
GG 100Limestone from production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9).
6.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
GH 013ex391530Waste, parings and scrap of plastics ofPolymers of vinyl chloride
GH 015ex391590Resins or condensation products, for example:Urea formaldehyde resinsPhenol formaldehyde resinsMelamine formaldehyde resinsEpoxy resinsAlkyd resinsPolyamides.
7.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 050ex530290Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.).
8.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres
GK 030ex401700Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite).
9.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials")
GO 040Waste photographic film base and waste photographic film not containing silver
GO 050Single-use cameras without batteries.
CUBA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap
GA 420ex280530Rare earth waste and scrap.
2.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").3.All types in section GC ("Other wastes containing metals").4.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 060ex252921Fluospar waste.
5.All types in section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form").6.All types in section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material").7.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").8.All types in section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use").9.All types in section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials").
ESTONIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap
GA 420ex280530Rare earth waste and scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 040Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids
GC 050Spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts (e.g. aluminium oxide, zeolites)
GC 060Spent metal bearing catalysts containing any of:Precious metals: gold, silverPlatinum metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinum,Transition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rheniumLanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium.
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards.
3.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials")
GG 010Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash
GG 050Anode butts of petroleum coke and/or bitumen
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 080ex262100Slag from copper production, chemically stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201), mainly for construction and abrasive applications
GG 090Sulphur in solid form
GG 110ex262100Neutralised red mud from alumina production
GG 120Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides.
4.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")(a)Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 013ex391530— Polymers of vinyl chloride
GH 015ex391590Resins or condensation products, for example:urea formaldehyde resinsphenol formaldehyde resinsmelamine formaldehyde resinsepoxy resinsalkyd resinspolyamides.
5.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
GUINEAIn section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GUINEA-BISSAUAll types in Annex II.HONG KONG1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 060Spent metal-bearing catalysts containing any of:platinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinumlanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium.
The following metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form:
NB: mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals and their alloys or amalgams.
GC 090Molybdenum
GC 100Tungsten
GC 110Tantalum
GC 120Titanium
GC 130Niobium
GC 140Rhenium
GC 150Gold
GC 160Platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GC 170Other presious metals, e.g. silver
3.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material")
GG 160Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) from road construction and maintenance, not containing tar.
4.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 140ex6310Waste textile floor coverings, carpets.
5.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries")
GM 140ex1500Waste edible fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (e.g. frying oils).
HUNGARYAlthough this country is a member of the OECD, it does not apply OECD Council Decision C(92)39 final. When this country implements Decision C(92)39 final this Regulation will no longer be appicable to it.1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 050Spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts (e.g. aluminium oxide, zeolites)
GC 060Spent metal bearing catalysts containing any of:Precious metals: gold, silverPlatinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinumTransition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rheniumLanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium.
3.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials")
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 110ex262100Neutralised red mud from alumina production.
4.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
GH 015ex391590Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:resins or condensation products, for example:urea formaldehyde resinsphenol formaldehyde resinsmelamine formaldehyde resinsepoxy resinsalkyd resinspolyamides.
5.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries")
GM 0901522Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
GM 100050690Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised
GM 110ex051191Fish waste.
6.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use")
GN 030ex050590Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation.
INDIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap.
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 010262011Hard zinc spelter
GB 040ex262090Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining.
3.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes") except
GH 014ex391590Polymerized or co-polymers (polyethylene terephthalate).
4.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials
GJ 132ex631090— other.
INDONESIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.JAMAICAAll types in section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries").LITHUANIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
Annex III to Decision 98/368/EC.
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molbdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 040Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids
GC 050Spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts (e.g. aluminium oxide, zeolites)
GC 060Spent metal bearing catalysts containing any of:Precious metals: gold, silverPlatinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinumTransition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rheniumLanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium.
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards .
3.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 040ex252930Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste
GD 050ex252910Feldspar waste
GD 060ex252921Fluospar waste.
4.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials")
GG 010Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash
GG 050Anode butts of petroleum coke and/or bitumen
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 080ex262100Slag from copper production, chemically stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications
GG 090Sulphur in solid form
GG 120Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides
GG 140Broken concrete.
2.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes") except all solid plastic waste listed in Annex A and:
GH 011ex391510Polymers of ethylene.
6.All types in section GK ("Rubber wastes").7.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials")
GO 040Waste photographic film base and waste photographic film not containing silver.
MADAGASCARAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.MALAYSIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.MALTAAll types in Annex II.MAURITIUSAll types in Annex II.NIGERIA1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").3.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").4.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").5.In section GJ ("Textile wastes"):
GJ 0105003Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 011500310— not carded or combed
GJ 012500390— other
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
GJ 021510310— noils of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 022510320— other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210— yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— garnetted stock
GJ 033520299— other
GJ 040530130Flax tow and waste
GJ 050ex530290Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
GJ 060ex530390Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie)
GJ 070ex530490Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave
GJ 080ex530519Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut
GJ 090ex530529Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee)
GJ 100ex530599Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included
GJ 1105505Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres
GJ 111550510— of synthetic fibres
GJ 112550520— of artificial fibres
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn-out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials
GJ 131ex631010— sorted
GJ 132ex631090— other
GJ 140ex6310Waste textile floor coverings, carpets
6.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 010400400Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granules obtained therefrom
GK 030ex401700Waste and scrape of hard rubber (for example, ebonite)
7.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries"):
GM 070ex2307Wine lees
GM 080ex2308Dried and sterilised vegetable waste, residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included
GM 0901522Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
GM 100050690Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised
GM 110ex051191Fish waste
GM 120180200Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste.
PERUIn section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap.
RUSSIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids., form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vandium.
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 180ex810191Tungsten waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromoium waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
ex811291Wastes and scrap of
GA 330— Hafnium
GA 340— Indium
GA 350— Niobium
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap.
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 010262011Hard zinc spelter.
GB 025— Zinc skimmings.
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste.
GC 070ex261900Slag arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards.
4.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 020ex251400Slate waste, whether or not roughy trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise
GD 030252530Mica waste
GD 070ex281122Silica wastes in solid form excluding those used in foundry operations.
5.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic metals")
GG 030ex2621Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants
GG 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash
GG 060ex2803Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production
GG 110ex262100Neutralised red mud from alumina production.
6.All types included in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes"7.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 1105505Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres
GJ 111550510— of synthetic fibres
GJ 112550520— of artificial fibres.
8.All types included in section GK ("Rubber wastes").9.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries")
GM 0901522Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
GM 100050690Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised
GM 110ex051191Fish waste.
10.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use")
GN 010ex050200Waste of pigs', hogs', or boars' bristles and hair or of badger hair and other brushmaking hair
GN 020ex050300Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material
GN 030ex050590Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation.
11.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metal and inorganic materials")
GO 010ex0501Waste of human hair.
SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE1.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials
GJ 131ex631010— Sorted
GJ 132ex631090— Other.
SINGAPORE1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids.,form")(a)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap.
2.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 013ex391530polymers of vinyl cloride.
SLOVAKIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.THAILAND1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap.
2.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material")
GK 040ex2621Coal-fired power plants fly ash.
3.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")4.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use")
GK 040ex411000Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather sludges.
TOGOAll types in Annex II.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOAll types in Annex II.UKRAINEAll types in Annex II.ZAMBIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex D.
ANNEX CCountries to which shipments of certain categories of waste in Annex II (the "green" list) to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 should be carried out under the control procedure laid down in Article 15 of the same Regulation are set out below. The categories of waste listed in Annex II which are covered are also given.BELARUSAll types in Annex II.LATVIAAll types in Annex II.PHILIPPINES1.All types in section GA ("Metals and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 010262011Hard zinc spelter
GB 020Zinc containing drosses:
GB 021— Galvanising slab zinc top dross (> 90 % Zn)
GB 022— Galvanising slab zinc bottom dross (> 92 % Zn)
GB 023— Zinc die cast dross (> 85 % Zn)
GB 024— Hot dip galvanisers slab zinc dross(batch)(> 92 % Zn)
GB 025— Zinc skimmings
GB 030Aluminium skimmings
GB 040ex262090Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining
GB 050ex262090Tantalum bearing tin slags with less than 0,5 % tin.
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 020Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc) and reclaimed electronic components suitable for base and precious metal recovery
4.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
ROMANIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
NB: Mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams.
GA 010ex711210— of gold
GA 020ex711220— of platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GA 030ex711290— other precious metals, e.g. silver
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap
2.In section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form"):
GE 010ex700100Cullet or other waste and scrap of glass except for glass form cathode-ray tubes and other activated (with coatings) glasses
3.In section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes"):
GI 0104707Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard
4.In section GJ ("Textile wastes"):
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn weaste and garnetted stock)
5.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials"):
GO 050Single-use cameras without batteries.
TAIWANIn section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap.
URUGUAYAll types in Annex II.
ANNEX DCountries to which shipments of certain categories of waste listed in Annex II (the "green" list) to Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 will be accepted from the EC without recourse to any of the control procedures provided for in the Regulation. Shipments of these wastes to these countries may continue under the same conditions applying to normal commercial transactions. The categories of waste listed in Annex II which are covered are also given:ALBANIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap
2.All types included in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals").3.All types included in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").4.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials"):
GG 080ex262100Slag from copper production, chemically stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications
5.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").6.In section GJ ("Textile wastes"):
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock:
GJ 021510310— noils of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 022510320— other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock):
GJ 031520210— yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— garnetted stock
GJ 033520299— other.
ANGOLA1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GE ("Glass wastes in non-dispersible form").3.All types in section GI (Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes).4.All types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").5.All types in section GK ("Rubber wastes").BENINAll types in Annex II.BRAZILAll types in Annex II B except those listed in Annex B and except:1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Tellurium waste and scrap
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals"):
GB 010262011Hard zinc spelter
3.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic material"):
GG 160Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) from road construction and maintenance, not containing tar
4.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
BULGARIAAll types in Annex II.BURKINA FASOAll types in section GA ("Metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")BURUNDI1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form"):
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap
2.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").3.In section GJ ("Textile wastes"):
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GJ 140ex6310Waste textile floor coverings, carpets
4.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres
5.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries"):
GM 130Waste from the agro-food industry excluding by-products which meet national and international requirements and standards for human or animal consumption.
CAMEROON1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
N.B. Mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams.
GA 010ex711210Of gold
GA 020ex711220Of platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GA 030ex711290Of other precious metal e.g. silver,
(b)The following ferrous waste and scrap of iron or steel:
GA 040720410Waste and scrap of cast iron
GA 050720421Waste and scrap of stainless steel
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels
GA 070720430Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 100720450Re-melting scrap ingots
GA 110ex730210Used iron and steel rails
(c)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
Annex III to Decision 98/368/EC (OJ L 165, 10.6.1998, p.20).
GA 120720400Copper waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap.
2.In section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals")
GB 050ex262090Tantalum bearing tin slags with less than 0,5 % tin.
3.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste.
GC 040Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids.
4.In section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form")
GE 010ex700100Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses.
5.In section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form")
GF 010Ceramic wastes which have been fired after shaping, including ceramic vessels (before and/or after use).
6.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
GH 0103915Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 011ex391510— polymers of ethylene
GH 012ex391520— polymers of styrene
GH 013ex391530— polymers of vinyl chloride.
7.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").8.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 0105003Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 011500310— Not carded or combed
GJ 012500390— Other
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
GJ 021510310— noils of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 022510320— other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210— yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— garnetted stock
GJ 033520299— other
GJ 090ex530529Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee)
GJ 1105505Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres
GJ 111550510— of synthetic fibres
GJ 112550520— of artificial fibres
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials
GJ 131ex631010— Sorted
GJ 132ex631090— Other.
9.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
10.All types in section GL ("Untreated cork and wood wastes").11.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries")
GM 080ex2308Dried and sterilised vegetable waste, residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICAll types in Annex II.CHADAll types in Annex II.CHILEAll types in Annex II.CHINAPre-shipment inspection is required by the Chinese authorities1.In section GA (Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible form)"Non-dispersible" does not include any waste in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous liquids.
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800210Tin waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap.
2.In section GC (Other wastes containing metals):
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 030ex 890800 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste
GC 070ex 261900 Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards
3.In section GH (Solid plastic wastes):Including, but not limited to:
GH 0103915Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 011ex391510Polymers of ethylene
GH 012ex391520Polymers of styrene
GH 013ex391530Polymers of vinyl chloride
GH 014ex391590Polymers or copolymers, for example:PolypropylenePolyethylene terephthalateAcrylonitrile copolymerButadiene copolymerStyrene copolymerPolyamidesPolybutylene terephthalatesPolycarbonatesPolyphenylene sulphidesAcrylic polymersParaffins (C10-C13) (4)Polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons)Polysiloxalanes (silicones)Polymethyl metharcrylatePolyvinyl alcoholPolyvinyl butyralPolyvinyl acetatePolymers of fluorinated ethylene (Teflon, PTFE)
GH 015ex391590Resins or condensation products, for example:Urea formaldehyde resinsPhenol formaldehyde resinsMelamine formaldehyde resinsEpoxy resinsAlkyd resinsPolyamides.
4.In section GI (Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes):
GI 0104707Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard:
GI 011470710 — Of unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard
GI 012470720 — Of other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass
GI 013470730 — Of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter)
GI 014470790 — Other, including but not limited to:1.Laminated paperboard2.Unsorted waste and scrap.
5.In section GJ (Textile wastes):
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210 — Yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291 — Garnetted stock
GJ 033520299 — Other
GJ 1105505 — Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres
GJ 111550510 — Of synthetic fibres
GJ 112550520 — Of artificial fibres.
6.In section GL (Untreated cork and wood wastes):
GL 010ex 440130Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms
GL 020450190 Cork waste; crushed, granulated or ground cork.
7.In section GM (Wastes arising from agro-food industries):
GM 100050690 Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised.
COMORESIn section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
CONGOAll types in Annex II.CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OFAll types in Annex II.CROATIAAll types in Annex II.CUBAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex B.CYPRUS1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
NB:Mercury is speciafically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams.
GA 010ex711210— Of gold
GA 020ex711220Of platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium)
GA 030ex711290— Of other precious metals, e.g. silver
(b)The following ferrous waste and scrap of iron or steel:
GA 040720410Waste and scrap of cast iron
GA 050720421Waste and scrap of stainless steel
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels
GA 070720430Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 100720450Re-melting scrap ingots
GA 110ex730210Used iron and steel rails.
(c)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap.
2.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 010400400Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granules obtained therefrom
3.In section GM ("Wastes arising from agro-food industries")
GM 080ex2308Dried and sterilised vegetable waste, residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included
GM 100050690Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised
GM 110ex051191Fish waste
EGYPT1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").3.All types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").ESTONIAAll types in Annex IIexcept those listed in Annex B.GAMBIAIn section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
GEORGIAAll types in Annex II.GRENADAIn section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
GUINEAAll types in section GM (Wastes arising from agro-food industries).HONG KONGAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex B.INDIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex B.INDONESIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys:
GG 010ex711210— Of gold
GG 020ex711220— Of platinum (the expression "platinum" includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium).
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800210Tin waste and scrap
GA 180ex810191Tungsten waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste.
3.In section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").
GE 010ex700100Cullet or other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated (with coatings) glasses.
4.In section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form")
GF 020ex811300Cermet waste and scrap (metal ceramic composites).
5.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").6.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 0105003Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 011500310— Not carded or combed
GJ 012500390— Other
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
GJ 021510310— Noils of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 022510320— Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— Waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210— Yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— Garnetted stock
GJ 033520299— Other
GJ 040530130Flax tow and waste
GJ 050ex530290Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
GJ 060ex530390Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres (exluding flax, true hemp and ramie)
GJ 070ex530490Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave
GJ 080ex530519Tow, oils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut
GJ 090ex530529Tow, oils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee)
GJ 100ex530599Tow, oils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere speciefied or included
GJ 132ex631090— Other.
7.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
ISRAELAll types in Annex II.JORDANAll types in Annex II.KENYAAll types in Annex II.KUWAITIn section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:
GH 011ex391510— Polymers of ethylene.
LEBANONIn section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
LIECHTENSTEINAll types in Annex II.LITHUANIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex A or B.MADAGASCAR1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following waste and scrap of iron and steel:
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 110ex730210Used iron and steel rails.
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony waste and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap.
2.In section GC ("Other wastes containing metals")
This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium.
GC 030ex890800Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste
GC 070ex261900Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards.
3.In section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: These wastes to be in non-dispersible form")
GD 020ex251400Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise.
4.In section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form"):
GE 010ex700100Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses.
5.In section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form")
GF 020ex811300Cermet waste and scrap (metal ceramic composites).
6.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials")
GG 100Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9)
GG 130Carborundum (silicon carbide).
7.In section GH ("Solid plastic wastes")
GH 014ex391590Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of:Polymerised or co-polymers for example.:polypropylenepolyethylene terephthalateacrylonitrile copolymerbutadiene copolymerstyrene copolymerpolyamidespolybutylene terephthalatespolycarbonatesacrylic polymersparaffins (C10-C13)polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons)polysiloxalanes (silicones)polymethyl methacrylatepolyvinyl alcoholpolyvinyl butyralpolyvinyl acetatepolymers of fluorinated ethylene (Teflon, PTFE)polyphenylene sulphides
GH 015ex391590Resins or condensation products, for example:urea formaldehyde resinsphenol formaldehyde resinsmelamine formaldehyde resinsepoxy resinsalkyd resinspolyamides.
8.All types included in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").9.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 022510320— Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— Waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 031520210— Yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— Garnetted stock
GJ 040530130Flax tow and waste
GJ 050ex530290Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
GJ 1105505Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres
GJ 111550510— of synthetic fibres
GJ 112550520— of artifical fibres
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials
GJ 131ex631010— sorted
GJ 132ex631090— other.
10.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres
GK 030ex401700Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite).
MALAWI1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")2.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").3.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").4.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
MALAYSIAAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex A.MALIAll types in Annex II except:1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")All types of waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys.
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 130750300Nickel waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 180ex810191Tungsten waste and scrap
GA 190ex810291Molybdenum waste and scrap
GA 200ex810310Tantalum waste and scrap
GA 210810420Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190)
GA 220ex810510Cobalt waste and scrap
GA 230ex810600Bismuth waste and scrap
GA 240ex810710Cadmium waste and scrap
GA 250ex810810Titanium waste and scrap
GA 260ex810910Zirconium waste and scrap
GA 270ex811000Antimony wate and scrap
GA 280ex811100Manganese waste and scrap
GA 290ex811211Beryllium waste and scrap
GA 300ex811220Chromium waste and scrap
GA 310ex811230Germanium waste and scrap
GA 320ex811240Vanadium waste and scrap
ex811291Wastes and scrap of:
GA 330— Hafnium
GA 340— Indium
GA 350— Niobium
GA 360— Rhenium
GA 370— Gallium
GA 400ex280490Selenium waste and scrap
GA 410ex280450Telleurium waste and scrap
GA 420ex280530Rare earth waste and scrap
2.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").3.All types in section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form").4.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").5.All types in section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use").
MAURITANIAAll types in Annex II.MONACOAll types in Annex II.MOROCCOAll types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").NETHERLANDS ANTILLESAll types in Annex II.NIGER1.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
2.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
PAKISTAN1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GB ("Metal bearing wastes arising from smelting and refining of metals").3.All types in section GC ("Other wastes containing metals").4.All types in section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form").5.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").6.All types in section GF ("Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form").7.All types in section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials").8.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic wastes").9.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").10.All types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").11.In section GK ("Rubber wastes")
GK 010400400Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granules obtained thereform
GK 030ex401700Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite).
12.All types in section GL ("Untreated cork and wood wastes").13.In section GM ("Wastes arising from the agro-food industry")
GM 080ex2308Dried and sterilised vegetable waste, residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included
GM 0901522Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
GM 100050690Waste of bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised
GM 110ex051191Fish waste
GM 120180200Cocoa shells, husks, and other cocoa waste
GM 130Wastes from the agro-food industry excluding by-products which meet national and international requirements and standards for human or animal consumption.
14.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use")
GN 020ex050300Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material.
GN 030ex050590Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation.
GN 040ex411000Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather sludges.
15.All types in section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials").
PARAGUAY1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 150ex780200Lead waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap
GA 170800200Tin waste and scrap
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap
2.All types in section GH ("Solid plastic waste")3.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").4.In section GJ ("Textile waste"):
GJ 0105003Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock):
GJ 011500310— Not carded or combed
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210Yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291Garnetted stock
5.In section GL ("Untreated cork and wood wastes")
GL 010ex440130Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pettels or similar forms
GL 020450190Cork waste; crushed, granulated or ground cork.
PHILIPPINESAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex C.RWANDAAll types in Annex II.SAN MARINOAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex A.SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE1.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 111550510Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibresOf synthetic fibres.
2.In section GK ("Rubber wastes").
GK 020401220Used pneumatic tyres.
SAUDI ARABIAGH 014 ex391590 Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons).SERBIA AND MONTENEGROAll types.SIERRA LEONEAll types in Annex II.SINGAPORE1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")
GA 4307204Iron or steel scrap.
SLOVAKIA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")(a)The following ferrous waste and scrap of iron and steel:
GA 040720410Waste and scrap of cast iron
GA 050720421Waste and scrap of stainless steel
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels
GA 070720430Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel
GA 080720441Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimming and stampings, whether or not in bundles
GA 090720449Other ferrous waste and scrap
GA 100720450Re-melting scrap ingots
GA 110ex730210Used iron and steel rails.
(b)The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys:
GA 120740400Copper waste and scrap
GA 140760200Aluminium waste and scrap
GA 160790200Zinc waste and scrap.
2.In section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form")
GE 010ex700100Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass.
GE 020Fibre glass wastes.
3.In section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes")
GI 011470710of unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard
GI 012470720of other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass
GI 013470730of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter).
SLOVENIAAll types in Annex II.SOUTH AFRICAAll types in Annex II.SRI LANKAAll types in Annex II.SURINAMEAll types in Annex II.TAIWANAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex C.TANZANIA1.In section GE (Glass waste in non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any waste in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous liquids. form):
GE 010ex700100Cullet or other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated (with coatings) glasses.
2.In section GJ (Textile wastes):
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
THAILANDAll types in Annex II except those listed in Annex A or B.TUNISIA1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GD ("Wastes from mining operations: these wastes to be in non-dispersible form").3.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").4.All types in section GF ("Ceramic waste in non-dispersible form").5.In section GG ("Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials"):
GG 010Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)
GG 020Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings
GG 090Sulphur in solid form
GG 100Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9)
GG 120Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides
GG 130Carborundum (silicon carbide)
GG 140Broken concrete
GG 150ex262090Lithium-tantalum and lithium-niobium containing glass scraps
GG 160Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) from road construction and maintenance, not containing tar
6.In section GJ ("Textile waste"):
GJ 0105003Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 011500310— not carded or combed
GJ 012500390— other
GJ 0205103Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
GJ 021510310— noils of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 022510320— other waste of wool or of fine animal hair
GJ 023510330— waste of coarse animal hair
GJ 0305202Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
GJ 031520210— yarn waste (including thread waste)
GJ 032520291— garnetted stock
GJ 040530130Flax tow and waste
GJ 050ex530290Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
GJ 060ex530390Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie)
GJ 070ex530490Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave
GJ 080ex530519Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut
GJ 090ex530529Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee)
GJ 100ex530599Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included
GJ 130ex6310Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile materials:
GJ 131ex631010— sorted
7.In section GK ("Rubber wastes"):
GK 010400400Waste, paring and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granulates obtained therefrom
GK 030ex401700Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite)
8.All types in section GL ("Untreated cork and wood wastes").9.In section GN ("Wastes arising from tanning and fellmongery operations and leather use)":
GN 010ex050200Waste of pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair or of badger hair and other brush-making hair
GN 020ex050300Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material
GN 040ex411000Parings and other leather waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather sludges.
10.In section GO ("Other wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials"):
GO 010ex050100Waste of human hair
GO 020Waste straw.
UGANDA1.In section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form")
GA 050720421Waste and scrap of stainless steel
GA 060720429Waste and scrap of other alloy steels.
2.In section GJ ("Textile wastes")
GJ 120630900Worn clothing and other worn textile articles.
ZAMBIA1.All types in section GA ("Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible"Non-dispersible" does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. form").2.All types in section GE ("Glass waste in non-dispersible form").3.All types in section GI ("Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes").4.All types in section GJ ("Textile wastes").5.All types in section GK ("Rubber wastes").ZIMBABWEAll types in Annex II.