1. promoting the development and structural adjustment of regions whose development is lagging behind, hereinafter referred to as "Objective 1"; 2. supporting the economic and social conversion of areas facing structural difficulties, hereinafter referred to as "Objective 2"; 3. supporting the adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems of education, training and employment, hereinafter referred to as "Objective 3". This objective shall provide financial assistance outside the regions covered by Objective 1 and provide a policy frame of reference for all measures to promote human resources in a national territory without prejudice to the specific features of each region.
Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1447/2001of 28 June 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds, 32001R1447, July 21, 2001
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1105/2003of 26 May 2003amending Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds, 32003R1105, June 27, 2003
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
- Council Regulation (EC) No 173/2005of 24 January 2005amending Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds concerning the extension of the duration of the PEACE programme and the granting of new commitment appropriations, 32005R0173, February 2, 2005
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006of 11 July 2006laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, 32006R1083, July 31, 2006
(a) the total population in the NUTS III areas of each Member State which meet the criteria referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6; (b) the severity of the structural problems at national level in each Member State as compared with the other Member States concerned. Such severity shall be assessed on the basis of total unemployment and long-term unemployment outside the regions eligible under Objective 1; (c) the need to ensure that each Member State makes a fair contribution to the overall concentration effort as defined in this subparagraph; the maximum reduction in the population covered by Objective 2 shall not exceed one third compared to the population covered by Objectives 2 and 5b as set out in Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88, in 1999.For the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, the population ceiling for Objective 2 support shall be 31 % of the population of all NUTS II regions covered by Objective 2 in each of these countries.
(a) the NUTS level III regions, or the most seriously affected areas within those regions, which satisfy either the criteria set out in paragraph 5 or those set out in paragraph 6; (b) the areas satisfying the criteria referred to in paragraph 7 or paragraph 8 or Member States' specific criteria referred to in paragraph 9.
(a) an average rate of unemployment over the last three years above the Community average; (b) a percentage share of industrial employment in total employment equal to or greater than the Community average in any reference year from 1985 onwards; (c) an observable fall in industrial employment compared with the reference year chosen in accordance with (b).
(a) either a population density of less than 100 people per km 2 , or a percentage share of agricultural employment in total employment which is equal to, or higher than, twice the Community average in any reference year from 1985;(b) either an average unemployment rate over the last three years above the Community average, or a decline in population since 1985.
(a) a rate of long-term unemployment higher than the Community average; (b) a high level of poverty, including precarious housing conditions; (c) a particularly damaged environment; (d) a high crime and delinquency rate; (e) a low level of education among the population.
(a) areas meeting the criteria set out in paragraph 5 which are adjacent to an industrial area, areas meeting the criteria set out in paragraph 6 which are adjacent to a rural area, areas which meet either the criteria set out in paragraph 5 or those set out in paragraph 6 which are adjacent to a region covered by Objective 1; (b) rural areas with socio-economic problems arising either from the ageing or decline of the agricultural working population; (c) areas facing or threatened by serious structural problems on account of relevant, verifiable characteristics, or a high level of unemployment arising from an ongoing or planned restructuring of one or more activities in the agricultural, industrial or service sector.
93,49 % of the Structural Funds will be allocated to Objective 1 (i.e. a total of EUR 13,2343 billion); 0,86 % of the Structural Funds will be allocated to Objective 2 (i.e. a total of EUR 0,1212 billion); 0,79 % of the Structural Funds will be allocated to Objective 3 (i.e. a total of EUR 0,1116 billion).
the regional and local authorities and other competent public authorities, the economic and social partners, any other relevant competent bodies within this framework.
(a) programming: means the organising, decision-making and financing process carried out in a number of stages to implement on a multiannual basis the joint action of the Community and the Member States to attain the Objectives referred to in Article 1;(b) development plan (hereinafter referred to as"the plan": means the analysis of the situation prepared by a Member State in the light of the objectives referred to in Article 1 and the priority needs for attaining those objectives, together with the strategy, the planned action priorities, their specific goals and the related indicative financial resources;(c) Objective 3 policy frame of reference: means a document which sets the context for assistance concerning employment and human-resource development throughout the territory of each Member State, and which identifies the relationship with the priorities set out in the National Action Plan for Employment;(d) Community support framework: means the document approved by the Commission, in agreement with the Member State concerned, following appraisal of the plan submitted by a Member State and containing the strategy and priorities for action of the Funds and the Member State, their specific objectives, the contribution of the Funds and the other financial resources. This document shall be divided into priorities and implemented by means of one or more operational programmes;(e) assistance: means the forms of assistance provided by the Funds, i.e.:(i) operational programmes or single programming documents; (ii) Community initiative programmes; (iii) support for technical assistance and innovative measures;
(f) operational programme: means the document approved by the Commission to implement a Community support framework and comprising a consistent set of priorities comprising multiannual measures and which may be implemented through recourse to one or more Funds, to one or more of the other existing financial instruments and to the EIB. An integrated operational programme means an operational programme financed by more than one Fund;(g) single programming document: means a single document approved by the Commission and containing the same information to be found in a Community support framework and operational programme;(h) priority: means one of the priorities of the strategy adopted in a Community support framework or assistance; to it is assigned a contribution from the Funds and other financial instruments and the relevant financial resources of the Member State and a set of specified targets;(i) global grant: means that part of assistance the implementation and management of which may be entrusted to one or more approved intermediaries in accordance with Article 27(1), including local authorities, regional development bodies or non-governmental organisations, used preferably to assist local development initiatives. The decision to employ a global grant shall be taken in agreement with the Commission by the Member State or, in agreement with the Member State, by the managing authority.In the case of Community initiative programmes and innovative measures, the Commission may decide to employ a global grant for all or part of the assistance. In the case of Community initiatives, this decision may only be taken with the prior agreement of the Member States concerned. (j) measure: means the means by which a priority is implemented over several years which enable operations to be financed. Any aid scheme pursuant to Article 87 of the Treaty or any aid granted by bodies designated by the Member States, or any group of aid schemes or aid grants of this type or any combination thereof which have the same purpose and are defined as a measure;(k) operation: means any project or action carried out by the final beneficiaries of assistance;(l) final beneficiaries: means the bodies and public or private firms responsible for commissioning operations. In the case of aid schemes pursuant to Article 87 of the Treaty and in the case of aid granted by bodies designated by the Member States, the final beneficiaries are the bodies which grant the aid;(m) programme complement: means the document implementing the assistance strategy and priorities and containing detailed elements at measure level, as set out in Article 18(3), drawn up by the Member State or managing authority and revised as necessary in accordance with Article 34(3). It is sent to the Commission for information;(n) managing authority: means any public or private authority or body at national, regional or local level designated by the Member State, or the Member State when it is itself carrying out this function, to manage assistance for the purposes of this Regulation. If the Member State designates a managing authority other than itself, it shall determine all the modalities of its relationship with the managing authority and of the latter's relationship with the Commission. If the Member State so decides, the managing authority may be the same body as the paying authority for the assistance concerned;o) paying authority: means one or more national, regional or local authorities or bodies designated by the Member States for the purposes of drawing up and submitting payment applications and receiving payments from the Commission. The Member State shall determine all the modalities of its relationship with the paying authority and of the latter's relationship with the Commission.
(a) the plans, the Community support frameworks, the operational programmes and the single programming documents (as defined in Article 9) including the frame of reference where relevant in accordance with Article 9(1)(c); (b) the monitoring and evaluation of assistance under an Objective; (c) the guidelines referred to in paragraph 3.
(a) an ex-ante verification as described in the third subparagraph of paragraph 2, to provide a frame of reference for the whole programming period;(b) a mid-term verification no later than three years after approval of the Community support framework or the single programming documents and as a general rule no later than 31 December 2003 , following which the Commission and the Member State may agree to revise the level of structural expenditure to be attained if the economic situation has resulted in developments in public revenue or employment in the Member State concerned significantly different from those expected at the time of theex-ante verification;(c) a verification by 31 December 2005 .
(a) a description, quantified where it lends itself to quantification, of the current situation either with regard to disparities, gaps and potential for development in the regions covered by Objective 1, or in terms of conversion in the areas covered by Objective 2, or in terms of developing human resources and employment policy in the Member State and the areas covered by Objective 3; also, a description of the financial resources deployed and the main results of operations undertaken in the previous programming period with regard to the evaluation results available; (b) a description of an appropriate strategy to attain the objectives referred to in Article 1 and the priorities selected for the sustainable development and conversion of regions and areas, including rural areas, and the related development of human resources and the adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems for education, training and employment. In addition to the other items listed in this point, Member States shall demonstrate in each Objective 3 plan that the priorities planned are consistent with the prevailing national employment plan, by reference to a description of the main aims of the strategy and the main means of attaining them. Similarly, Member States shall demonstrate that the activities provided for in each Objective 2 plan on human resources and employment to be assisted by the ESF are integrated into the conversion strategy, coordinated with the other Funds and consistent with the ex-ante evaluation relating to human resources and employment as referred to in Article 41(2). If these needs do not amount to a significant sum, they shall be covered by Objective 3;(c) an indication of the planned use and form of the financial contribution from the Funds and, where appropriate, the EIB and the other financial instruments including, for information, the total amount from the EAGGF Guarantee Section for the measures referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999; the expected requirement for technical assistance; an indication as regards additionality in accordance with Article 11(2), whereby for Objective 1 this should take the form of an indicative overall financing table summarising the public or equivalent and, where appropriate, estimated private resources and the Community structural resources allocated corresponding to each priority proposed in the plan. In any case, the plans shall distinguish between the financial envelopes allocated to areas receiving transitional support and those allocated to other areas covered by Objective 1 or 2. In the case of ESF assistance under Objective 2 or 3, the percentage contribution may be higher in Objective 2 areas than in others. In the case of Objective 3, this financing plan shows the concentration of appropriations planned for the areas facing structural problems of economic and social conversion; (d) an account of arrangements made to consult partners.
(a) a statement of the strategy and priorities for joint Community and national action; their specific objectives, quantified where they lend themselves to quantification; evaluation of the expected impact in accordance with Article 41(2); an indication of how this strategy and these priorities have taken account of the indicative guidance referred to in Article 10(3), the economic policies, the strategy for developing employment through improving the adaptability and skills of people and, where appropriate, the regional policies of the Member State concerned; (b) an indication of the nature and the duration of the operational programmes not decided at the same time as the Community support framework, including their specific aims and the priorities selected; (c) an indicative financing plan specifying, in accordance with Articles 28 and 29, for each priority and each year, the financial allocation envisaged for the contribution of each Fund, where appropriate the EIB, the other financial instruments — including, for information, the total amount from the EAGGF Guarantee Section for the measures referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 — where they contribute directly to the financing plan concerned and the total amount of eligible public and estimated private funding relating to the contribution of each Fund. In the case of Objective 3, that financing plan shall show the concentration of appropriations planned for the areas facing structural problems of economic and social conversion. This financing plan shall distinguish the funding planned for the regions receiving transitional support. The total contribution of the Funds planned for each year for each Community support framework shall be compatible with the relevant financial perspective, taking account of the degressivity referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 7(3); (d) the provisions for implementing a Community support framework including: designation by the Member State of a managing authority within the meaning of Article 9(n) responsible for managing the Community support framework in accordance with Article 34, arrangements for involving the partners in the Monitoring Committees described in Article 35;
(e) where appropriate, information on the appropriations required for preparing, monitoring and evaluating assistance.
(a) the priorities of the programme, their consistency with the relevant Community support framework, their specific targets, quantified where they lend themselves to quantification, and an evaluation of the impact expected, in accordance with Article 41(2); (b) a summary description of the measures planned to implement the priorities, including the information needed to check compliance with aid schemes pursuant to Article 87 of the Treaty; where appropriate, the nature of the measures required to prepare, monitor and evaluate the operational programme; (c) an indicative financing plan specifying for each priority and each year, in accordance with Articles 28 and 29, the financial allocation envisaged for the contribution of each Fund, the EIB where appropriate, and the other financial instruments — including, for information, the total amount from the EAGGF Guarantee Section for the measures referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 — in so far as they contribute directly to the financing plan, as well as the total amount of eligible public and estimated private funding relating to the contribution of each Fund. This financing plan shall distinguish in the total contribution of the various Funds the funding planned for the regions receiving transitional support. The total contribution of the Funds planned for each year shall be compatible with the relevant financial perspective, taking account of the degressivity referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 7(3); (d) the provisions for implementing an operational programme shall include: (i) designation by the Member State of a managing authority within the meaning of Article 9(n) responsible for managing the operational programme in accordance with Article 34; (ii) a description of the arrangements for managing the operational programme; (iii) a description of the systems for monitoring and evaluation, including the role of the Monitoring Committee; (iv) a definition of the procedures concerning the mobilisation and circulation of financial flows to ensure their transparency; (v) a description of the specific arrangements and procedures for checking on the operational programme.
(a) the measures implementing the corresponding priorities in the operational programme; ex-ante evaluation, in accordance with Article 41(3), of quantified measures, where they lend themselves to quantification; the relevant monitoring indicators in accordance with Article 36;(b) the definition of the types of final beneficiary of measures; (c) the financing plan specifying for each measure, in accordance with Articles 28 and 29, the financial allocation envisaged for the contribution of the Fund concerned, the EIB where appropriate, and the other existing financial instruments and the amount of eligible public or equivalent funding and estimated private funding relating to the contribution of the Funds; the percentage contribution of a Fund to a measure shall be determined in accordance with Article 29 and the total amount of Community funds allocated to the priority concerned. This financing plan shall distinguish the funding planned for the regions receiving transitional support. The financing plan shall be accompanied by a description of the arrangements for providing the co-financing for measures, taking account of the institutional, legal and financial systems of the Member State concerned; (d) measures intended to publicise the operational programme in accordance with Article 46; (e) a description of arrangements agreed between the Commission and the Member State concerned for the computerised exchange, where possible, of the data required to fulfil the management, monitoring and evaluation requirements of this Regulation.
(a) a statement of the strategy and priorities for joint Community and national action; their specific objectives, quantified where they lend themselves to quantification; an evaluation of the expected impact, including on the environmental situation, in accordance with Article 41(2); an indication of how this strategy and these priorities have taken account of the indicative guidelines referred to in Article 10(3), the economic policies, the strategy for developing employment through improving the adaptability and skills of people and, where appropriate, the regional policies of the Member State concerned; (b) a summary description of the measures planned to implement the priorities, including the information needed to check the compliance with aid schemes pursuant to Article 87 of the Treaty; where appropriate, the nature of the measures required to prepare, monitor and evaluate the single programming document; (c) an indicative financing plan specifying for each priority and each year, in accordance with Articles 28 and 29, the financial allocation envisaged for the contribution of each Fund, the EIB where appropriate, and the other financial instruments — including, for information, the total amount from the EAGGF Guarantee Section for the measures referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 — in so far as they contribute directly to the financing plan, as well as the total amount of eligible public or equivalent and estimated private funding relating to the contribution of each Fund. This financing plan shall distinguish the funding planned for the regions receiving transitional support. The total contribution of the Funds planned for each year shall be compatible with the relevant financial perspective, taking account of the degressivity referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 7(3). In the case of Objective 3, the financing plan shall indicate the concentration of appropriations planned for the areas facing structural, economic and social reconversion problems; (d) the provisions for implementing a single programming document shall include: (i) the designation by the Member State of a managing authority within the meaning of Article 9 responsible for managing the single programming document in accordance with Article 34; (ii) a description of the arrangements for managing the single programming document; (iii) a description of the systems for monitoring and evaluation, including the role of the Monitoring Committee; (iv) a definition of the procedures concerning the mobilisation and circulation of funding to ensure that flows are transparent; (v) a description of the specific arrangements and procedures for checking on the single programming document;
(e) where appropriate, information on the resources required for preparing, monitoring and evaluating assistance.
(a) cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation intended to encourage the harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of the whole of the Community area ("Interreg"); (b) economic and social regeneration of cities and of urban neighbourhoods in crisis with a view to promoting a sustainable urban development ("URBAN"); (c) rural development ("Leader"); (d) transnational cooperation to promote new means of combating all forms of discrimination and inequalities in connection with the labour market ("EQUAL").
(a) studies, including studies of a general nature, concerning the operations of the Funds; (b) measures of technical assistance, the exchange of experience and information aimed at the partners, the final beneficiaries of assistance from the Funds and the general public; (c) the installation, operation and interconnection of computerised systems for management, monitoring and evaluation; (d) improvements in evaluation methods and exchange of information on practices in this field.
(a) a description of the proposed assistance, its scope, including geographical coverage, and specific aims; (b) the bodies to be responsible for implementing the assistance and the beneficiaries; (c) the timetable and financing plan, including contributions from any other source of Community finance; (d) provisions to ensure efficient and correct implementation; (e) any other information necessary to verify compatibility with Community policies and with the guidelines referred to in Article 10(3).
(a) which comprise an economically indivisible series of works fulfilling a precise technical function and which have clearly identified aims; and (b) whose total cost taken into account in determining the contribution of the Funds exceeds EUR 50 million.
(a) the body to be responsible for implementation; (b) the nature of the investment and a description of it, its financial volume and location; (c) the timetable for implementing the project; (d) a cost-benefit analysis, including financial costs and benefits, a risk assessment and information on the economic viability of the project; (e) plus: in the case of investment in infrastructure: the analysis of the costs and the socio-economic benefits of the project, including an indication of the anticipated rate of use, the foreseeable impact on the development or conversion of the region concerned, and the application of Community rules on public contracting, in the case of investment in production facilities: the analysis of the market prospects in the sector concerned and the anticipated return on the project,
(f) the direct and indirect effects on the employment situation, as far as possible in the Community; (g) information allowing an evaluation to be made of the environmental impact and the implementation of the precautionary principle and the principles that preventive action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay and compliance with the Community rules on the environment; (h) information needed to assess compliance with competition rules, inter alia rules on State aids;(i) an indication of the influence of the contribution of the Funds on whether the project will be implemented; (j) the financing plan and the total financial resources expected from the contribution of the Funds and any other source of Community finance.
(a) the type of investment planned and, where applicable, the revenue expected; (b) the results of the cost-benefit analysis; (c) the result of the evaluation of the impact on the environment; (d) consistency with the priorities in the corresponding assistance; (e) compliance with other Community policies; (f) the expected economic and social benefits, particularly in terms of employment, having regard to the financial resources deployed; (g) the coordination of the financial instruments and the combination of assistance and loans referred to in Article 10(2).
(a) the measures to be implemented; (b) the criteria for choosing beneficiaries; (c) the conditions and rates of assistance from the Funds, including the use of any interest accruing; (d) the arrangements for monitoring, evaluating and ensuring the financial control of the global grant; (e) where applicable, any use of a bank guarantee, in which case the Commission must be informed.
(a) the gravity of the specific problems, in particular of a regional or social nature, to be tackled by the assistance; (b) the financial capacity of the Member State concerned, taking into account in particular its relative prosperity and the need to avoid excessive increases in budget expenditure; (c) within the framework of the objectives of the Funds set out in Article 1, the importance attaching to the assistance and the priorities from the Community viewpoint, where appropriate, for the elimination of inequalities and the promotion of equality between men and women and for the protection and improvement of the environment, principally through the application of the precautionary principle, of the principle of preventive action, and the polluter-pays principle; (d) the importance attaching to the assistance and priorities from the regional and national viewpoint; (e) the particular characteristics of the type of assistance and priority concerned, to take account of the needs identified by the ex-ante evaluation, in particular with regard to human resources and employment;(f) the optimum utilisation of financial resources in the financing plans, including the combination of public and private resources, the use made of appropriate financial instruments in accordance with Article 10(2), and the choice of forms of financing as set out in Article 28(3).
(a) a maximum of 75 % of the total eligible cost and, as a general rule, at least 50 % of eligible public expenditure in the case of measures carried out in the regions covered by Objective 1. Where the regions are located in a Member State covered by the Cohesion Fund, the Community contribution may rise, in exceptional and duly justified cases, to a maximum of 80 % of the total eligible cost and to a maximum of 85 % of the total eligible cost for the outlying Greek islands which are under a handicap due to their distant location. The Community contribution for all the outermost regions may rise, in exceptional and duly justified cases, to a maximum of 85 % of the total eligible cost; (b) a maximum of 50 % of the total eligible cost and, as a general rule, at least 25 % of eligible public expenditure in the case of measures carried out in areas covered by Objective 2 or 3.
(a) in the case of investment in infrastructure generating substantial net revenue, the contribution may not exceed: (i) 40 % of the total eligible cost in the regions covered by Objective 1, which may be increased by not more than an extra 10 % in the Member States covered by the Cohesion Fund; (ii) 25 % of the total eligible cost in the areas covered by Objective 2; (iii) these rates may be increased by an amount for forms of finance other than direct assistance, provided that this increase does not exceed 10 % of the total eligible cost;
(b) in the case of investments in firms, the contribution may not exceed: (i) 35 % of the total eligible cost in the regions covered by Objective 1; (ii) 50 % of the total eligible cost in the outermost regions and, exceptionally, also in the smaller Aegean islands in the case of investments in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999, in the case of investments in small and medium-sized firms; (iii) 15 % of the total eligible cost in the areas covered by Objective 2; (iv) in the case of investments in small and medium-sized undertakings, these rates may be increased by an amount for forms of finance other than direct assistance, provided that this increase does not exceed 10 % of the total eligible cost.
(a) affecting its nature or its implementation conditions or giving to a firm or a public body an undue advantage; and (b) resulting either from a change in the nature of ownership in an item of infrastructure or a cessation or change of location in a productive activity.
(a) the programme complement containing the information specified in Article 18(3) has been presented to the Commission; (b) the latest annual implementation report due, containing the information specified in Article 37 has been forwarded to the Commission; (c) the mid-term evaluation of the assistance referred to in Article 42, when due, has been forwarded to the Commission; (d) decisions taken by the managing authority and the Monitoring Committee are consistent with the total amount of the contribution from the Funds granted to the priorities concerned; (e) any recommendations as referred to in Article 34(2) have been acted upon within the specified period, or reasons have been communicated by the Member State to explain why no measure has been taken, where those recommendations are intended to remedy serious shortcomings in the monitoring or management system which undermine proper financial management of the assistance; any requests for corrective measures as referred to in Article 38(4) have been acted upon, if the application relates to the measure or measures concerned; (f) no suspension of payments under the first subparagraph of Article 39(2) has been decided, and no decision has been taken by the Commission to embark on an infringement procedure within the meaning of Article 226 of the Treaty concerning the measure(s) that is or are the subject of the application in question.
(a) the paying authority submits to the Commission within six months of the deadline for payment laid down in the decision granting a contribution from the Funds, a certified statement of expenditure actually paid; (b) the final report on implementation has been submitted to and approved by the Commission; (c) the Member State has sent the Commission the statement referred to in Article 38(1)(f).
(a) setting up a system to gather reliable financial and statistical information on implementation, for the monitoring indicators referred to in Article 36, and for evaluation in compliance with Articles 42 and 43; and for forwarding this data in accordance with arrangements agreed between the Member State and the Commission, using where possible computer systems permitting the exchange of data with the Commission, as defined in Article 18(3)(e); (b) adjustment in accordance with paragraph 3 and the implementation of the programme complement within the meaning of Article 18(3), without prejudice to Article 35; (c) drawing up and, after obtaining the approval of the Monitoring Committee, submitting to the Commission the annual implementation report; (d) organising, in cooperation with the Commission and the Member State, the mid-term evaluation referred to in Article 42; (e) ensuring that those bodies taking part in the management and implementation of the assistance maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the assistance; (f) ensuring the correctness of operations financed under the assistance, particularly by implementing internal controls in keeping with the principles of sound financial management and acting in response to any observations or requests for corrective measures adopted pursuant to Article 38(4), first subparagraph, or recommendations for adjustment made under paragraph 2 of this Article in accordance with the provisions of those Articles; (g) ensuring compliance with Community policies as stipulated in Article 12; in the context of the application of Community rules on the award of public contracts, notices sent for publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities shall specify those projects in respect of which a contribution from the Funds has been applied for or granted;(h) compliance with the obligations concerning information and publicity referred to in Article 46.
(a) pursuant to Article 15, it shall confirm or adjust the programme complement, including the physical and financial indicators to be used to monitor the assistance. Its approval must be obtained before any further adjustment is made; (b) it shall consider and approve the criteria for selecting the operations financed under each measure within six months of approval of the assistance; (c) it shall periodically review progress made towards achieving the specific objectives of the assistance; (d) it shall examine the results of implementation, particularly achievement of the targets set for the different measures and the mid-term evaluation referred to in Article 42; (e) it shall consider and approve the annual and final implementation reports before they are sent to the Commission; (f) it shall consider and approve any proposal to amend the contents of the Commission decision on the contribution of the Funds; (g) it may in any event propose to the managing authority any adjustment or review of the assistance likely to make possible the attainment of the objectives referred to in Article 1 or to improve the management of assistance, including in respect of financial management. Any adjustment to the assistance shall be made in accordance with Article 34(3).
(a) the specific targets, quantified where they lend themselves to quantification, for the measures and priorities, and their mutual consistency; (b) the stage reached in the assistance in terms of physical implementation, results and, as soon as practicable, its impact at the appropriate level (priority or measure); (c) the progress of the financing plan.
(a) any change in general conditions which is of relevance to the implementation of the assistance, in particular the main socio-economic trends, changes in national, regional or sectoral policies or in the frame of reference referred to in Article 9(c) and, where applicable, their implications for the mutual consistency of assistance from the different Funds and consistency between Fund assistance and that from other financial instruments; (b) the progress in the implementation of priorities and measures for each of the Funds in relation to their specific targets, with a quantification, wherever and whenever they lend themselves to quantification, of the physical indicators and indicators of results and of impact referred to in Article 36 at the appropriate level (priority or measure); (c) the financial implementation of the assistance, summarising for each measure the total expenditure actually paid out by the paying authority and a record of the total payments received from the Commission and quantifying the financial indicators referred to in Article 36(2)(c); financial implementation in the areas receiving transitional support shall be presented separately in respect of each priority; financial implementation of the EAGGF Guarantee Section for the measures referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 shall be presented at the level of the total amount of the financial implementation; (d) the steps taken by the managing authority and the Monitoring Committee to ensure the quality and effectiveness of implementation, in particular: (i) monitoring, financial control and evaluation measures, including data collection arrangements; (ii) a summary of any significant problems encountered in managing the assistance and any measures taken, including action on recommendations for adjustments made pursuant to Article 34(2) or requests for corrective measures pursuant to Article 38(4); (iii) the use made of technical assistance; (iv) the measures taken to ensure publicity for the assistance in accordance with Article 46;
(e) the steps taken to ensure compatibility with Community policies as stipulated in Article 12 and to ensure coordination of all the Community structural assistance referred to in Article 17(1) and the second subparagraph of Article 19(2); (f) a separate section, where appropriate, on the progress and financing of major projects and global grants.
(a) verifying that management and control arrangements have been set up and are being implemented in such a way as to ensure that Community funds are being used efficiently and correctly; (b) providing the Commission with a description of these arrangements; (c) ensuring that assistance is managed in accordance with all the applicable Community rules and that the funds placed at their disposal are used in accordance with the principles of sound financial management; (d) certifying that the declarations of expenditure presented to the Commission are accurate and ensuring that they result from accounting systems based on verifiable supporting documents; (e) preventing, detecting and correcting irregularities, notifying these to the Commission, in accordance with the rules, and keeping the Commission informed of the progress of administrative and legal proceedings; (f) presenting to the Commission, when each assistance is wound up, a declaration drawn up by a person or department having a function independent of the designated managing authority. This declaration shall summarise the conclusions of the checks carried out during previous years and shall assess the validity of the application for payment of the final balance and the legality and regularity of the transactions covered by the final certificate of expenditure. The Member States may attach their own opinion to this certificate if they consider it necessary; (g) cooperating with the Commission to ensure that Community funds are used in accordance with the principles of sound financial management; (h) recovering any amounts lost as a result of an irregularity detected and, where appropriate, charging interest on late payments.
(a) the results of the checks carried out by the Member State and the Commission; (b) any comments made by other national or Community control bodies or institutions; (c) the financial impact of the irregularities noted, the steps already taken or still required to correct them and, where necessary, adjustments to the management and control systems.
(a) a Member State has not complied with its obligations under paragraph 1; or (b) all or part of an operation justifies neither part nor the whole of the contribution from the Funds; or (c) there are serious failings in the management or control systems which could lead to systemic irregularities;
(a) reduce the payment on account referred to in Article 32(2); or (b) make the financial corrections required by cancelling all or part of the contribution of the Funds to the assistance concerned.
(a) their overall impact on the goals set out in Article 158 of the Treaty, and in particular the strengthening of the economic and social cohesion of the Community; (b) the impact of the priorities proposed in the development plans and of the priorities incorporated in each Community support framework and in each case of assistance.
(a) an ex-ante evaluation of the social and economic situation, mainly trends in the national labour market, including regions encountering particular employment problems and of the overall strategy in the field of human resource development and the way in which this strategy is linked to the national employment strategy as set out in the national action plans;(b) an ex-ante evaluation of the environmental situation of the region concerned, in particular of those environmental sectors which will presumably be considerably affected by the assistance; the arrangements to integrate the environmental dimension into the assistance and how far they fit in with existing short- and long-term national, regional and local objectives (e.g. environmental management plans); the arrangements for ensuring compliance with the Community rules on the environment. Theex-ante evaluation shall give a description, quantified as far as possible, of the existing environmental situation and an estimate of the expected impact of the strategy and assistance on the environmental situation;(c) an ex-ante evaluation of the situation in terms of equality between men and women with regard to labour market opportunities and treatment at work, including the specific constraints on each group; an estimate of the expected impact of the strategy and assistance, particularly on the integration of women and men into the labour market, on education and vocational training, on the establishment of women in business and on the reconciliation of family and working life.
(a) progress in achieving economic and social cohesion, including the socio-economic situation of the regions and any changes observed, and an analysis of direct investment flows and their impact on the Community employment situation; (b) the role of the Funds, the Cohesion Fund, the EIB and other financial instruments as well as the impact of other Community and national policies in accomplishing this process; (c) any proposals concerning Community measures and policies which may need to be adopted in order to strengthen economic and social cohesion.
(a) the activities of each fund, the utilisation of their budget resources and the concentration of assistance, the deployment of the other financial instruments for which the Commission has responsibility and the concentration of their resources; this review shall include: an annual breakdown by Member State of appropriations committed and paid in respect of each fund, including Community initiatives; an annual evaluation of innovative actions and technical assistance;
(b) the coordination of assistance from the Funds among themselves and with the assistance granted by the EIB and the other existing financial instruments; (c) as soon as they are available, the results of the evaluations referred to in Article 42 — indicating any adjustments to the assistance — and in Article 43, and an evaluation of the consistency of measures taken by the Funds with the Community policies referred to in Article 12; (d) a list of the major projects to which the Funds have contributed; (e) the results of checks carried out by the Commission in accordance with Article 38(2) and the lessons to be drawn from them, including an indication of the number of recorded irregularities, the amounts in question and the financial corrections made in respect of Article 39(2); (f) information on the opinions of committees delivered in accordance with Articles 48 to 51.
(a) potential final beneficiaries, trade and professional bodies, the economic and social partners, bodies promoting equality between men and women and the relevant non-governmental organisations about the opportunities afforded by the assistance; (b) the general public about the role played by the Community in the assistance concerned and its results.
(a) the Committee on the Development and Conversion of Regions; (b) the Committee pursuant to Article 147 of the Treaty; (c) the Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development; (d) the Committee on Structures for Fisheries and Aquaculture.
(a) the implementing rules referred to in Article 53(2). Other committees shall be consulted under their consultative competence on the abovementioned implementing rules, in so far as they are concerned; (b) the implementing rules referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1261/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 June 1999 on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) ;See page 43 of this Official Journal. (c) the guidelines relating to the Community initiatives referred to in Article 20(1)(a) ("Interreg") and 20(1)(b) ("Urban"); (d) the guidelines for the different types of innovative measures provided for in application of Article 22, in the case of support from the ERDF.
(a) establishment and revision of the list of areas eligible under Objective 2; (b) the Community support frameworks and the corresponding information contained in the single programming documents, under Objectives 1 and 2; (c) the types of technical-assistance measure in accordance with Article 23 in the case of support from the ERDF; (d) any other questions concerning Articles 20 to 22.
(a) deliver opinions on the draft Commission decisions relating to single programming documents and to Community support frameworks under Objective 3 as well as on the Community support frameworks and corresponding information contained in the single programming documents, under Objectives 1 and 2, in the case of support from the ESF; (b) deliver its opinion on the implementing rules provided for in Article 53(2); (c) be consulted on the implementing rules referred to in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1262/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 June 1999 on the European Social Fund (ESF) ;See page 48 of this Official Journal. (d) deliver opinions on draft Commission guidelines relating to the Community initiative referred to in Article 20(1)(d) ("EQUAL") and for the various types of innovative measure in the context of Article 22 in the case of support from the ESF. The Commission may also refer further questions to it within the meaning of Articles 20 to 22; (e) be consulted on the types of technical-assistance measure in accordance with Article 23 in the case of support from the ESF.
(a) the implementing rules and transitional rules referred to in Articles 34, 50 and 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999; (b) the guidelines relating to the Community initiative referred to in Article 20(1)(c) ("Leader").
(a) the establishment and revision of the list of areas eligible under Objective 2; (b) the parts of the intervention concerning agricultural structures and rural development included in the draft Commission decisions relating to the Community support frameworks and corresponding information contained in the single programming documents, for the regions under Objectives 1 and 2; (c) the implementing rules referred to in Article 53(2); (d) the types of technical-assistance measure in accordance with Article 23 in the case of support from the EAGGF; (e) any other questions concerning Articles 20 to 22.
(a) the implementing rules referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1263/1999; (b) the guidelines for the different types of innovative measures provided for in application of Article 22, in the case of support from the FIFG.
(a) the establishment and revision of the list of areas eligible under Objective 2; (b) the parts of the intervention concerning fisheries structures included in the draft Commission Decision relating to the Community support frameworks and corresponding information contained in the single programming documents under Objective 1; (c) the implementing rules provided for in Article 53(2); (d) the types of technical-assistance measure in accordance with Article 23 in the case of support from the FIFG; (e) any other questions concerning Article 22.
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2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
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2004 | 2005 | 2006 |