Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 of 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 308/1999of 8 February 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 31999R0308, February 12, 1999
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1459/1999of 24 June 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 31999R1459, July 3, 1999
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2723/1999of 17 December 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 31999R2723, December 22, 1999
- Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2000of 17 April 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1626/94 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean and Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 32000R0812, April 20, 2000
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1298/2000of 8 June 2000amending for the fifth time Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 32000R1298, June 22, 2000
- Council Regulation (EC) No 724/2001of 4 April 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 32001R0724, April 12, 2001
- Council Regulation (EC) No 973/2001of 14 May 2001laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species, 32001R0973, May 19, 2001
- Council Regulation (EC) No 602/2004of 22 March 2004amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 as regards the protection of deepwater coral reefs from the effects of trawling in an area north west of Scotland, 32004R0602, April 1, 2004
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1568/2005of 20 September 2005amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 as regards the protection of deep-water coral reefs from the effects of fishing in certain areas of the Atlantic Ocean, 32005R1568, September 28, 2005
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005of 20 December 2005establishing measures for the recovery of the Southern hake and Norway lobster stocks in the Cantabrian Sea and Western Iberian peninsula and amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms, 32005R2166, December 28, 2005
- Regulation (EU) No 579/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 8 June 2011amending Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms and Council Regulation (EC) No 1288/2009 establishing transitional technical measures from 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011, 32011R0579, June 24, 2011
- Regulation (EU) No 227/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 13 March 2013amending Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms and Council Regulation (EC) No 1434/98 specifying conditions under which herring may be landed for industrial purposes other than direct human consumption, 32013R0227, March 20, 2013
- Council Regulation (EU) No 1385/2013of 17 December 2013amending Council Regulations (EC) No 850/98 and (EC) No 1224/2009, and Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009, (EU) No 1379/2013 and (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, following the amendment of the status of Mayotte with regard to the European Union, 32013R1385, December 28, 2013
- Regulation (EU) 2015/812 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 20 May 2015amending Council Regulations (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 2187/2005, (EC) No 1967/2006, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 254/2002, (EC) No 2347/2002 and (EC) No 1224/2009, and Regulations (EU) No 1379/2013 and (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards the landing obligation, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1434/98, 32015R0812, May 29, 2015
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 707/98 of 30 March 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87 establishing an agricultural product nomenclature for export refunds, 31998R0850R(01), November 27, 1998
the Kattegat is limited in the north by a line drawn from Skagen Lighthouse to the lighthouse in Tistlarna, and from there to the nearest point on the Swedish coast, and in the south by a line drawn from Hasenøre Head to Gniben Point, from Korshage to Spodsbjerg, and from Gilbjerg Head to the Kullen, the Skagerrak is limited in the west by a line drawn form the lighthouse of Hanstholm to the lighthouse of Lindesnes, and in the south by a line drawn form Skagen Lighthouse to the lighthouse of Tistlarna, and from there to the nearest point on the Swedish coast, the North Sea shall comprise ICES sub-area IV, the adjacent part of ICES Division IIa lying south of latitude 64 o N, and that part of ICES Division IIIa which is not covered by the definition of the Skagerrak given in the second indent.
(a) The use, during any fishing voyage, of any combination of towed nets of more than one range of mesh size shall be prohibited, within the totality of Regions l and 2 except Skagerrak and Kattegat, and depending where applicable on the time period, unless the mesh sizes of such nets used are in compliance with no more than one of the permitted combinations of mesh size ranges laid down in Annex VIII, and within Region 3 except ICES Division IXa east of longitude 7 o 23′ 48″ W unless the mesh sizes of such nets used are in compliance with no more than one of the permitted combinations of mesh size ranges laid down in Annex IX.
(b) Within each of the regions or geographical areas mentioned in Annexes III, IV, and V, and depending, where applicable, on the time period, the use, during any fishing voyage, of any combination of towed nets of the mesh size ranges specified in the relevant Annex shall be allowed. (c) Masters of fishing vessels who during any fishing voyage do not complete a logbook in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 shall not use during that voyage any combination of towed nets of more than one range of mesh size within Union fishing waters. This requirement shall not apply to fishing voyages within Union fishing waters in Regions 4, 5 and 6. (d) Vessels may carry on board during any fishing voyage any combination of towed nets of mesh size ranges which do not comply with the conditions laid down in subparagraphs (a) or (b), provided that all such nets are lashed and stowed in accordance with the provisions of Article 20(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93. Any towed net which is not lashed and stowed in accordance with the aforementioned provisions shall be considered to be in use. (e) Whenever more than one net is towed simultaneously by a fishing vessel or by more than one fishing vessel, each net shall be of the same mesh size range. (f) The use of any towed net of mesh size: less than 16 mm shall be prohibited in Region 3 except ICES Division IXa east of longitude 7 o 23′ 48″ W,less than 40 mm shall be prohibited in ICES Division IXa east of longitude 7 o 23′ 48″ W,less than 20 mm shall be prohibited in Regions 4 and 5, less than 45 mm shall be prohibited in Region 6.
(a) For each fishing voyage during which any combination of towed nets of more than one range of mesh size is used, landings shall be prohibited whenever: (i) the catches are taken in Regions 1 or 2 except for the Skagerrak and Kattegat and any one of the nets used is of mesh size equal to or greater than 100 mm, unless the percentage composition of the catches retained on board is in compliance with the relevant conditions laid down in Annex X(A); or (ii) the catches are taken in the Skagerrak and Kattegat and any one of the nets used is of mesh size equal to or greater than 90 mm, unless the percentage composition of the catches retained on board is in compliance with the relevant conditions laid down in Annex X(B); or (iii) the catches are taken in Region 3 except for ICES Division IXa east of 7 o 23′ 48″ W and any one of the nets used is of mesh size equal to or greater than 70 mm, unless the percentage composition of the catches retained on board is in compliance with the relevant conditions laid down in Annex XI(A); or(iv) the catches are taken in ICES Division IXa east of 7 o 23′ 48″ W and any one of the nets used is of mesh size equal to or greater than 55 mm, unless the percentage composition of the catches retained on board is in compliance with the relevant conditions laid down in Annex XI(B);
(b) For each fishing voyage, during which only towed nets of one range of mesh size are used, landings shall be prohibited whenever the catch taken in each of the regions or geographical areas mentioned in Annexes I to V, and retained on board, does not comply with the corresponding conditions laid down in the relevant annex.
(a) The percentage of target species and of other species shall be obtained by aggregating all quantities retained on board, or transshipped, of target species and other species as set out in Annexes I to V. (b) However, detailed rules for obtaining the percentage of target species and of other species retained on board when these have been taken by a net or nets towed simultaneously by more than one fishing vessel, shall be drawn up in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 48.
(a) The carrying on board or the use of any demersal trawl, Danish seine or similar towed net having more than 100 meshes in any circumference of the cod-end stricto sensu, excluding the joinings and selvedges shall be prohibited. This provision shall apply to demersal trawls, Danish seines or similar towed nets of which the mesh size lies within the range 90 to 119 millimetres. (b) The first subparagraph shall not apply to beam trawls.
(a) Square-meshed panels of a mesh size of at least 80 millimetres may be inserted into any towed net. (b) Alternatively, any demersal trawl, Danish seine or similar towed net of which the mesh size is equal to, or greater than, 100 millimetres may be equipped with panels authorised in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 1866/86 of 12 June 1986 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources in the waters of the Baltic Sea, the Belts and the Sound .OJ L 162, 18.6.1986, p. 1 . Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1821/96 (OJ L 241, 21.9.1996, p. 8 ).
(a) shall be placed in the top half or top sheet of a net in front of any extension piece or at any point between the front of any extension piece and the posterior of the cod-end; (b) shall not be obstructed in any way by either internal or external attachments; (c) shall be at least three metres in length except when incorporated into nets towed by vessels of less than 112 kilowatts, when it must be of at least two metres in length; (d) shall be constructed of knotless netting or of netting constructed with non-slip knots, and shall be inserted in such a way that the meshes remain fully open at all times while fishing; (e) shall be constructed so that the number of meshes in the anterior row of meshes of the panel is equal to or greater than the number of meshes in the posterior row of meshes in the panel.
(a) to tranship marine organisms and (b) to retain on board or land any quantity of marine organisms unless at least 95 % by weight thereof consists of bivalve molluscs.
(a) the catch taken with that net and retained on board includes a percentage of target species no less than 70 %; and (b) in the case of bottom set gillnets and entangling nets, its mesh size corresponds to one of the categories set out in the relevant Annex, in the case of trammel nets, its mesh size in that part of the net having the smallest meshes corresponds to one of the categories set out in the relevant Annex.
(a) For catches of edible crabs made by pots or creels, a maximum of 1 % by weight of the total catch of edible crabs or parts thereof retained on board during any fishing voyage or landed at the end of any fishing voyage may consist of detached crab claws. (b) For catches of edible crabs made by any fishing gear other than pots or creels, a maximum of 75 kg of detached crab claws may be retained on board at any moment in time during a fishing voyage or may be landed at the end of any fishing voyage.
(a) from 1 January to 30 April, within the geographical area situated to the north-east of a line drawn between Mull of Kintyre and Corsewall Point; (b) from 1 July to 31 October, within the geographical area bounded by the following coordinates: the west coast of Denmark at latitude 55 o 30′ N,latitude 55 o 30′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,latitude 57 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,the west coast of Denmark at latitude 57 o 00′ N;
(c) from 15 August to 15 September, within the zone extending from six to 12 miles off the east coast of the United Kingdom as measured from the baselines between latitudes 55 o 30′ N and 55o 45′ N;(d) from 15 August to 30 September, within the geographical area bounded by a line joining the following points: the Butt of Lewis, Cape Wrath, latitude 58 o 55′ N, longitude 5o 00′ W,latitude 58 o 55′ N, longitude 7o 10′ W,latitude 58 o 20′ N, longitude 8o 20′ W,latitude 57 o 40′ N, longitude 8o 20′ W,the west coast of North Uist at latitude 57 o 40′ N, then along the north coast of the island as far as latitude 57o 40′ 36″ N, longitude 7o 20′ 39″ W,latitude 57 o 50′ 3″ N, longitude 7o 8′ 6″ W,north-east along the west coast of Lewis as far as the point of departure (Butt of Lewis);
(e) from 15 August to 30 September, within the zone extending from six to 12 miles off the east coast of the United Kingdom as measured from the baselines between latitudes 54 o 10′ N and 54o 45′ N;(f) (i) from 21 September to 15 November, within the part of ICES Division VIIa bounded by the coast of the Isle of Man and straight lines drawn consecutively between the following coordinates: latitude 54 o 20′00″ N, longitude 04o 25′05″ W and latitude 54o 20′00″ N, longitude 03o 57′02″ W,latitude 54 o 20′00″ N, longitude 03o 57′02″ W and latitude 54o 17′05″ N, longitude 03o 56′08″ W,latitude 54 o 17′05″ N, longitude 03o 56′08″ W and latitude 54o 14′06″ N, longitude 03o 57′05″ W,latitude 54 o 14′06″ N, longitude 03o 57′05″ W and latitude 54o 00′00″ N, longitude 04o 07′05″ W,latitude 54 o 00′00″ N, longitude 04o 07′05″ W and latitude 53o 51′05″ N, longitude 04o 27′08″ W,latitude 53 o 51′05″ N, longitude 04o 27′08″ W and latitude 53o 48′00″ N, longitude 04o 50′00″ W,latitude 53 o 48′05″ N, longitude 04o 50′00″ W and latitude 54o 04′05″ N, longitude 04o 50′00″ W;
(ii) from 21 September to 31 December, within the part of ICES Division VIIa bounded by the following coordinates: the east coast of Northern Ireland at latitude 54 o 15′ N,latitude 54 o 15′ N, longitude 5o 15′ W,latitude 53 o 50′ N, longitude 5o 50′ W,the east coast of Ireland at latitude 53 o 50′ N;
(g) throughout the year within ICES Division VIIa, in the geographical area between the west coasts of Scotland, England and Wales, and a line drawn 12 miles from the baselines of the coasts bounded to the south by latitude 53 o 20′ N and to the north-west by a line drawn between the Mull of Galloway (Scotland) and the Point of Ayre (Isle of Man);(h) throughout the year within Logan Bay, defined as the waters east of a line drawn from the Mull of Logan situated at latitude 54 o 44′ N and longitude 4o 59′ W, to Laggantalluch Head, situated at latitude 54o 41′ N and longitude 4o 58′ W;(i) in 1997, and every third year thereafter, from the second Friday in January, for a period of 16 consecutive days within the area bounded by the following coordinates: the south-east coast of Ireland at latitude 52 o 00′ N,latitude 52 o 00′ N, longitude 6o 00′ W,latitude 52 o 30′ N, longitude 6o 00′ W,the south-east coast of Ireland at latitude 52 o 30′;
(j) in 1997, and every third year thereafter from the first Friday in November for a period of 16 consecutive days within the area bounded by the following coordinates: the south coast of Ireland at longitude 9 o 00′ W,latitude 51 o 15′ N, longitude 9o 00′ W,latitude 51 o 15′ N, longitude 11o 00′ W,latitude 52 o 30′ N, longitude 11o 00′ W,the west coast of Ireland at latitude 52 o 30′ N;
(k) in 1998, and every third year thereafter, from the first Friday in November for a period of 16 consecutive days within the area bounded by the following coordinates: the south coast of Ireland at longitude 9 o 00′ W,latitude 51 o 15′ N, longitude 9o 00′ W,latitude 51 o 15′ N, longitude 7o 30′ W,the south coast of Ireland at latitude 52 o 00′ N.
(a) a towed gear with a mesh size of less than 55 mm; (b) purse seines; (c) gillnets, entangling nets, trammel nets with a mesh size of less than 55 mm; or (d) drift nets with a mesh size of less than 55 mm except when in accordance with paragraph 3.
(a) a towed gear with a mesh size of less than 55 mm; (b) purse seines; or (c) gillnets, entangling nets, trammel nets and drift nets with a mesh size of less than 55 mm.
(a) from 1 January to 31 March, and from 1 October to 31 December, within ICES statistical area 39E8. For the purpose of this Regulation, this ICES area shall be the area bounded by a line due east from the United Kingdom east coast along latitude 55 o 00′ N to a point at longitude 1o 00′ W, from there due north to a point at latitude 55o 30′ N and from there due west to the United Kingdom coast;(b) from 1 January to 31 March, and from 1 October to 31 December, within the inner waters of the Moray Firth west of longitude 3 o 30′ W, and in the inner waters of the Firth of Forth west of longitude 3o 00′ W,(c) from 1 July to 31 October, within the geographical area bounded by the following coordinates: the west coast of Denmark at latitude 55 o 30′ N,latitude 55 o 30′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,latitude 57 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,the west coast of Denmark at latitude 57 o 00′ N.
(a) a towed gear with a mesh size of less than 32 mm; (b) purse seines; or (c) gillnets, entangling nets, trammel nets and drift nets with a mesh size of less than 30 mm.
a point on the south coast of the United Kingdom at longitude 2 o 00′ W,latitude 49 o 30′ N, longitude 2o 00′ W,latitude 49 o 30′ N, longitude 7o 00′ W,latitude 52 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 00′ W,a point on the west coast of the United Kingdom at latitude 52 o 00′ N,
(a) a towed gear with a mesh size of less than 70 mm; or (b) purse seines.
(a) to vessels fishing exclusively with gill nets and/or hand lines; (b) to vessels fishing with demersal trawls, Danish seines or other similar towed nets, provided that they have on board a minimum of 75 % by live weight of marine organisms with the exception of anchovy, herring, horse mackerel, mackerel, pelagic cephalopods and sardine, calculated as a percentage of the total live weight of all the marine organisms on board; (c) to vessels which are not equipped for fishing and to which mackerel are being transhipped.
for France: Mimer, telex: Paris 25 08 23, for Ireland: Department of Marine, telex: Dublin 91798 MRNE, for the United Kingdom: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, telex: London 21274.
within the waters situated outside the six-mile limit measured from Member States' baselines in regions 1, 2, 3 and 4, by way of derogation from Article 2(1), outside the waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States in regions 1, 2, 3, and 4, except in the waters under the jurisdiction of Greenland and the Faroe Islands, when fishing with any towed net.
a point at 56 o N on the east coast of the United Kingdom as far as 2o E,the running north to 58 o N, west to 0o 30′ W, north to 59o 15′ N, east to 1o E, north to 60o N, west to longitude 0o 00′;from there north to 60 o 30′ N, west to the coast of the Shetland Isles, then west from 60o N on the west coast of the Shetlands to 3o W, south to 58o 30′ N,and finally west to the coast of the United Kingdom.
(a) from 1 October to 31 January of the following year, within the geographical area bounded by a line sequentially joining the following coordinates: latitude 43 o 46,5′ N, longitude 7o 54,4′ W,latitude 44 o 1,5′ N, longitude 7o 54,4′ W,latitude 43 o 25′ N, longitude 9o 12′ W,latitude 43 o 10′ N, longitude 9o 12′ W;
(b) from 1 October to 31 December, within the geographical area bounded by a line joining the following coordinates: the point on the west coast of Spain called Cabo Corrubedo (latitude 42 o 35′ N, longitude 9o 05′ W),latitude 42 o 35′ N, longitude 9o 25′ W,latitude 43 o 00′ N, longitude 9o 30′ W,the point on the west coast of Spain at latitude 43 o 00′ N;
(c) from 1 December to the last day of February in the following year, within the geographical area bounded by a line joining the following coordinates: a point on the west coast of Portugal at latitude 37 o 50′ N,latitude 37 o 50′ N, longitude 9o 08′ W,latitude 37 o 00′ N, longitude 9o 07′ W,a point on the west coast of Portugal at latitude 37 o 00′ N.
(a) the area within 12 miles of the coasts of France, north of latitude 51 o 00′ N, Belgium, and the Netherlands up to latitude 53o 00′ N, measured from the baselines;(b) the area bounded by a line joining the following coordinates: a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 57 o 00′ N,latitude 57 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 15′ E,latitude 55 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 15′ E,latitude 55 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,latitude 54 o 30′ N, longitude 7o 00′ E,latitude 54 o 30′ N, longitude 7o 30′ E,latitude 54 o 00′ N, longitude 7o 30′ E,latitude 54 o 00′ N, longitude 6o 00′ E,latitude 53 o 50′ N, longitude 6o 00′ E,latitude 53 o 50′ N, longitude 5o 00′ E,latitude 53 o 30′ N, longitude 5o 00′ E,latitude 53 o 30′ N, longitude 4o 15′ E,latitude 53 o 00′ N, longitude 4o 15′ E,a point on the coast of the Netherlands at latitude 53 o 00′ N;
(c) the area within 12 miles of the west coast of Denmark from latitude 57 o 00′ N as far north as the Hirtshals Lighthouse, measured from the baselines.
(a) However, vessels to which a special fishing permit has been issued in accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94 shall be authorised to fish in the areas referred to in paragraph 1 using beam trawls. The use of any beam trawl of which the beam length, or of any beam trawls of which the aggregate beam length, measured as the sum of the length of each beam, is greater than nine metres, or can be extended to a length greater than nine metres, shall be prohibited, except when operating with gear having a mesh size between 16 and 31 millimetres. The length of a beam shall be measured between its extremities including all attachments thereto. (b) Notwithstanding Article 1(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94, special fishing permits for the purposes indicated in (a) may be issued for vessels exceeding eight metres length overall. (c) Vessels to which a special fishing permit as referred to in (a) and (b) has been issued shall comply with the following criteria: they must be included in a list to be provided to the Commission by each Member State such that the total engine power of the vessels within each list does not exceed the total engine power in evidence for each Member State at 1 January 1998 ,their engine power does not exceed 221 kilowatts (kW) at any time and, in the case of derated engines did not exceed 300 kW before derating.
(d) Any individual vessel on the list may be replaced by another vessel or vessels, provided that: no replacement will lead to an increase for each Member State in its total engine power indicated in the first indent of (c), the engine power of any replacement vessel does not exceed 221 kW at any time, the engine of any replacement vessel is not derated, and the length overall of any replacement vessel does not exceed 24 metres.
(e) An engine of any individual vessel included in the list for any Member State may be replaced, provided that: the replacement of an engine does not lead to the vessel's engine power exceeding 221 kW at any time, the replacement engine is not derated, and the power of the replacement engine is not such that replacement will lead to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in the first indent of (c) for that Member State.
(f) Fishing vessels which do not comply with the criteria specified in this paragraph shall have their special fishing permit withdrawn.
the replacement vessel does not exceed 70 GRT and does not exceed an overall length of 20 metres, or the capacity of the replacement vessel does not exceed 180 kW and that the replacement vessel does not exceed an overall length of 20 metres.
(a) By way of derogation from paragraph 1: vessels whose engine power does not exceed 221 kW at any time and, in the case of derated engines did not exceed 300 kW before derating, shall be authorised to fish in the areas referred to in that paragraph using demersal otter trawls or Danish seine, paired vessels whose combined engine power does not exceed 221 kW at any time and, in the case of derated engines did not exceed 300 kW before derating, shall be authorised to fish in said areas using demersal pair trawls.
(b) However, vessels whose engine power exceeds 221 kW shall be permitted to use demersal otter trawls or Danish seine, or paired vessels whose combined engine power exceeds 221 kW shall be permitted to use demersal pair trawls, provided that: (i) the catch of sand eel and/or sprat retained on board and caught in the said areas constitutes at least 90 % of the total live weight of the marine organisms on board and caught in the said areas, and the quantities of plaice and/or sole retained on board and caught in the said areas do not exceed 2 % of the total live weight of the marine organisms on board and caught in the said areas; or
(ii) in the case of demersal otter trawls or demersal pair trawls, the mesh size used is at least 100 millimetres, and the quantities of plaice and/or sole retained on board and caught in the said areas do not exceed 5 % of the total weight of the marine organisms on board and caught in the said areas; or
(iii) the mesh size used is at least 80 millimetres, and the use of such mesh sizes is restricted to an area within 12 miles of the coast of France north of latitude 51 o 00′ N, andthe quantities of plaice and/or sole retained on board and caught in the said areas, do not exceed 5 % of the total live weight of the marine organisms on board and caught in the said areas; or
(iv) in the case of Danish seine, the mesh size used is at least 100 millimetres.
Where sand eel and/or sprat and plaice and/or sole are subject to the landing obligation set out in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of this point shall not apply. Fishing for sand eel and/or sprat and plaice and/or sole by vessels using fishing gears not specified in this point shall be prohibited.
the east coast of England at latitude 55°30′ N, latitude 55°30′ N, longitude 01°00′ W, latitude 58°00′ N, longitude 01°00′ W, latitude 58°00′ N, longitude 02°00′ W, the east coast of Scotland at longitude 02°00′ W.
(i) bottom trawls or similar towed nets operating in contact with the bottom of the sea, and (ii) creels shall be prohibited in the geographical areas bounded by rhumb lines joining the following positions as measured according to the WGS84 standard: (a) from 1 June to 31 August: latitude 42°23′ N, longitude 08°57′ W latitude 42°00′ N, longitude 08°57′ W latitude 42°00′ N, longitude 09°14′ W latitude 42°04′ N, longitude 09°14′ W latitude 42°09′ N, longitude 09°09′ W latitude 42°12′ N, longitude 09°09′ W latitude 42°23′ N, longitude 09°15′ W latitude 42°23′ N, longitude 08°57′ W;
(b) from 1 May to 31 August: latitude 37°45′ N, longitude 09°00′ W latitude 38°10′ N, longitude 09°00′ W latitude 38°10′ N, longitude 09°15′ W latitude 37°45′ N, longitude 09°20′ W.
57°00′ N, 15°00′ W 57°00′ N, 14°00′ W 56°30′ N, 14°00′ W 56°30′ N, 15°00′ W 57°00′ N, 15°00′ W.
54°30′ N, 10°35′ W 55°20′ N, 09°50′ W 55°30′ N, 09°20′ W 56°40′ N, 08°55′ W 57°00′ N, 09°00′ W 57°20′ N, 09°20′ W 57°50′ N, 09°20′ W 58°10′ N, 09°00′ W 58°40′ N, 07°40′ W 59°00′ N, 07°30′ W 59°20′ N, 06°30′ W 59°40′ N, 06°05′ W 59°40′ N, 05°30′ W 60°00′ N, 04°50′ W 60°15′ N, 04°00′ W.
(a) no fishing gears other than inshore static nets fixed with stakes, scallop dredges, mussel dredges, handlines, mechanised jigging, draft nets and beach seines, pots and creels are carried on board or deployed; and (b) no fish other than mackerel, pollack, saithe and salmon, or shellfish other than molluscs and crustaceans are retained on board, landed or brought ashore.
(a) no net of mesh size greater than or equal to 55 millimetres is carried on board; and (b) no fish other than herring, mackerel, pilchard/sardines, sardinelles, horse mackerel, sprat, blue whiting, boarfish and argentines are retained on board.
(a) they are only deployed in the area south of 59° N; (b) the maximum length of gillnet deployed is 20 km per vessel; (c) the maximum soak time is 24 hours; and (d) no more than 5 % of the catch is made up of whiting and cod.
(a) they are only deployed within 3 nautical miles of the coastline and for a maximum of 10 days per calendar month; (b) the maximum length of gillnet deployed is 1000 metres;(c) the maximum soak time is 24 hours; and (d) at least 70 % of the catch is made up of lesser spotted dogfish.
(a) the fishing gear used incorporates a sorting grid in accordance with points 2 to 5 of Annex XIVa, or a square-mesh panel as described in Annex XIVc, or is another gear with equivalent high selectivity; (b) the fishing gear is constructed with a minimum mesh size of 80 millimetres; (c) at least 30 % of the retained catch by weight is Norway lobster.
59°05′ N, 06°45′ W 59°30′ N, 06°00′ W 59°40′ N, 05°00′ W 60°00′ N, 04°00′ W 59°30′ N, 04°00′ W 59°05′ N, 06°45′ W.
(a) all nets on board the vessel are constructed with a minimum mesh size of 120 millimetres for vessels with an overall length of more than 15 metres and of 110 millimetres for all other vessels; (b) where the catch retained on board includes less than 90 % saithe the fishing gear used incorporates a square mesh panel as described in Annex XIVc; and (c) where the overall length of the vessel is less than or equal to 15 metres, regardless of the quantity of saithe retained on board, the fishing gear used incorporates a square-mesh panel as described in Annex XIVd.
59°05′ N, 06°45′ W 59°30′ N, 06°00′ W 59°40′ N, 05°00′ W 60°00′ N, 04°00′ W 59°30′ N, 04°00′ W 59°05′ N, 06°45′ W.
55°25′ N, 07°07′ W 55°25′ N, 07°00′ W 55°18′ N, 06°50′ W 55°17′ N, 06°50′ W 55°17′ N, 06°52′ W 55°25′ N, 07°07′ W.
(a) no fishing gears other than inshore static nets fixed with stakes, scallop dredges, mussel dredges, draft nets and beach seines, handlines, mechanised jigging, pots and creels are carried on board or deployed; and (b) no fish other than mackerel, pollack, salmon, or shellfish other than molluscs and crustaceans are landed, retained on board or brought ashore.
(a) no net of mesh size greater than or equal to 55 millimetres is carried on board; and (b) no fish other than herring, mackerel, pilchard/sardines, sardinelles, horse mackerel, sprat, blue whiting, boarfish and argentines are retained on board.
(a) Edge of Scottish continental shelf 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W 59°55′ N, 06°47′ W 59°51′ N, 06°28′ W 59°45′ N, 06°38′ W 59°27′ N, 06°42′ W 59°22′ N, 06°47′ W 59°15′ N, 07°15′ W 59°07′ N, 07°31′ W 58°52′ N, 07°44′ W 58°44′ N, 08°11′ W 58°43′ N, 08°27′ W 58°28′ N, 09°16′ W 58°15′ N, 09°32′ W 58°15′ N, 09°45′ W 58°30′ N, 09°45′ W 59°30′ N, 07°00′ W 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W;
(b) Edge of Rosemary bank 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W 59°00′ N, 11°00′ W 59°00′ N, 09°00′ W 59°30′ N, 09°00′ W 59°30′ N, 10°00′ W 60°00′ N, 10°00′ W 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W
59°15′ N, 10°24′ W 59°10′ N, 10°22′ W 59°08′ N, 10°07′ W 59°11′ N, 09°59′ W 59°15′ N, 09°58′ W 59°22′ N, 10°02′ W 59°23′ N, 10°11′ W 59°20′ N, 10°19′ W 59°15′ N, 10°24′ W.
(a) it shall immediately cease fishing and exit the area in which it is present; (b) it may not re-enter either of the areas until its catch has been landed; (c) it may not return to the sea any quantity of blue ling.
60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W 60°56.02′ N, 27°31.16′ W 60°59.76′ N, 27°43.48′ W 61°03.00′ N, 27°39.41′ W 60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W.
64°45′ N, 28°30′ W 62°50′ N, 25°45′ W 61°55′ N, 26°45′ W 61°00′ N, 26°30′ W 59°00′ N, 30°00′ W 59°00′ N, 34°00′ W 61°30′ N, 34°00′ W 62°50′ N, 36°00′ W 64°45′ N, 28°30′ W.
(a) the North Sea north of a line joined by the following points: a point on the east coast of the United Kingdom at latitude 55 o N,then east to latitude 55 o N, longitude 5o E,then north to latitude 56 o N,and finally east to a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 56 o N;
(b) ICES Division Vb and ICES sub-area VI north of latitude 56 o N.
Latitude 59 | Longitude 6 |
Latitude 59 | Longitude 6 |
Latitude 59 | Longitude 6 |
Latitude 59 | Longitude 7 |
Latitude 59 | Longitude 7 |
Latitude 59 | Longitude 7 |
(a) area named "Madeira and Canaries" Latitude 27° 00′ N longitude 19° 00′ W Latitude 26° 00′ N longitude 15° 00′ W Latitude 29° 00′ N longitude 13° 00′ W Latitude 36° 00′ N longitude 13° 00′ W Latitude 36° 00′ N longitude 19° 00′ W (b) area named "Azores" Latitude 36° 00′ N longitude 23° 00′ W Latitude 39° 00′ N longitude 23° 00′ W Latitude 42° 00′ N longitude 26° 00′ W Latitude 42° 00′ N longitude 31° 00′ W Latitude 39° 00′ N longitude 34° 00′ W Latitude 36° 00′ N longitude 34° 00′ W.
a point on the east coast of the United Kingdom at latitude 55° N, then east to latitude 55° N, longitude 5° E, then north to latitude 56° N, and finally east to a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 56° N.
(a) no more than 5 % of the beam trawler fleet per Member State use the electric pulse trawl; (b) the maximum electrical power in kW for each beam trawl is no more than the length in metres of the beam multiplied by 1,25; (c) the effective voltage between the electrodes is no more than 15 V; (d) the vessel is equipped with an automatic computer management system which records the maximum power used per beam and the effective voltage between electrodes for at least the last 100 tows. It is not possible for non-authorised personnel to modify this automatic computer management system; (e) it is prohibited to use one or more tickler chains in front of the footrope.
(a) the vessel does not simultaneously carry or use on board either towed gear of mesh size less than 70 millimetres or one or more purse seines or similar fishing gears; or (b) (i) the whole of the catch which may be lawfully retained on board is stored in a frozen state, the graded fish are frozen immediately after grading and no graded fish are returned to the sea except as required by Article 19; and (ii) the equipment is installed and located on the vessel in such a way as to ensure immediate freezing and not to allow the return of marine organisms to the sea.
(a) a vessel which entered into service before 1 January 1987 , and whose engine power does not exceed 221 kW, and in the case of derated engines did not exceed 300 kW before derating;(b) a vessel which entered into service after 31 December 1986 whose engine is not derated, whose engine power does not exceed 221 kW, and whose length overall does not exceed 24 metres;(c) a vessel which had its engine replaced after 31 December 1986 with an engine which is not derated and whose power does not exceed 221 kW.
the east coast of Ireland and the east coast of Northern Ireland, and straight lines sequentially joining the following geographical coordinates: a point on the east coast of the Ards peninsula in Northern Ireland at 54°30′ N, 54°30′ N, 04°50′ W, 53°15′ N, 04°50′ W, a point on the east coast of Ireland at 53°15′ N.
(a) the use of demersal otter trawls shall be permitted, provided that no other type of fishing gear is retained on board and that such nets: are of the mesh size ranges 70-79 millimetres or 80-99 millimetres, are of only one of the permitted mesh size ranges, incorporate no individual mesh, irrespective of its position within the net, with a mesh size greater than 300 millimetres, and are deployed only within an area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system: 53°30′ N, 05°30′ W 53°30′ N, 05°20′ W 54°20′ N, 04°50′ W 54°30′ N, 05°10′ W 54°30′ N, 05°20′ W 54°00′ N, 05°50′ W 54°00′ N, 06°10′ W 53°45′ N, 06°10′ W 53°45′ N, 05°30′ W 53°30′ N, 05°30′ W;
(b) the use of any demersal trawl, seine or similar towed net with a separator panel or a sorting grid shall be permitted, provided that no other type of fishing gear is retained on board and that such nets: comply with the conditions laid down in point (a), in the case of a separator panel, are constructed in conformity with the technical details provided in the Annex of Council Regulation (EC) No 254/2002 of 12 February 2002 establishing measures to be applicable in 2002 for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea (ICES) division VIIa) , andOJ L 41, 13.2.2002, p. 1 .in the case of sorting grids, are in accordance with points 2 to 5 of Annex XIVa to this Regulation;
(c) the use of demersal trawl, seine or similar towed net with a separator panel or a sorting grid shall also be permitted within an area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system: 53°45′ N, 06°00′ W 53°45′ N, 05°30′ W 53°30′ N, 05°30′ W 53°30′ N, 06°00′ W 53°45′ N, 06°00′ W.
(a) Gillnets in ICES divisions IIIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIb, VII b, c, j, k and ICES sub-area XII east of 27° W with a mesh size equal to or greater than 120 millimetres and less than 150 millimetres, gillnets in ICES divisions VIIIa, b, d and ICES sub-area X with a mesh size equal to or greater than 100 millimetres and less than 130 millimetres and gillnets in ICES divisions VIIIc and ICES sub-area IX with a mesh size equal to or greater than 80 millimetres and less than 110 millimetres, provided that: they are deployed in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 metres, they are no more than 100 meshes deep, and have a hanging ratio of not less than 0,5, they are rigged with floats or equivalent flotation, they each have a maximum length of 5 nautical miles, and the total length of all nets deployed at any one time does not exceed 25 km per vessel, the maximum soak time is 24 hours;
(b) Entangling nets with a mesh size equal to or greater than 250 millimetres, provided that: they are deployed in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 metres, they are no more than 15 meshes deep, and have a hanging ratio of not less than 0,33, they are not rigged with floats or other means of floatation, they each have a maximum length of 10 km, and the total length of all nets deployed at any one time does not exceed 100 km per vessel, the maximum soak time is 72 hours;
(c) Gillnets in ICES divisions IIIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIb, VIIb, c, j, k and ICES sub-area XII east of 27° W with a mesh size equal to or greater than 100 millimetres and less than 130 millimetres, provided that: they are deployed in waters with a charted depth of more than 200 metres and less than 600 metres, they are no more than 100 meshes deep, and have a hanging ratio of not less than 0,5, they are rigged with floats or equivalent floatation, they each have a maximum length of 4 nautical miles, and the total length of all nets deployed at any one time does not exceed 20 km per vessel, the maximum soak time is 24 hours, no less than 85 % of the retained catch by weight is hake, the number of vessels participating in the fishery does not rise above the level recorded in 2008, prior to leaving port the master of the vessel participating in this fishery records in the log-book, the quantity and total length of gear carried on board the vessel. At least 15 % of departures shall be subject to inspection, as verified in the Union logbook for that trip at the time of landing the master of the vessel has on board 90 % of the gear, and the quantity of all species caught greater than 50 kg, including all quantities discarded greater than 50 kg, is recorded in the Union logbook;
(d) Trammel nets in ICES sub-area IX with a mesh size equal to or greater than 220 millimetres, provided that: they are deployed in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 metres, they are no more than 30 meshes deep, and have a hanging ratio of not less than 0,44, they are not rigged with floats or other means of floatation, they each have a maximum length of 5 km, and the total length of all nets deployed at any one time does not exceed 20 km per vessel, the maximum soak time is 72 hours.
(a) the gear is not properly marked; (b) the buoy markings or VMS data indicate that the owner has not been located at a distance less than 100 nautical miles from the gear for more than 120 hours; (c) the gear is deployed in waters with a charted depth greater than that which is permitted; (d) the gear is of an illegal mesh size.
the mesh size of the net deployed, the nominal length of one net, the number of nets in a fleet, the total number of fleets deployed, the position of each fleet deployed, the depth of each fleet deployed, the soak time of each fleet deployed, the quantity of any gear lost, its last known position and date of loss.
Part of the Reykjanes Ridge: 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49.0135′ W 55°05.4804′ N, 35°58.9784′ W 54°58.9914′ N, 34°41.3634′ W 54°41.1841′ N, 34°00.0514′ W 54°00′ N, 34°00′ W 53°54.6406′ N, 34°49.9842′ W 53°58.9668′ N, 36°39.1260′ W 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49.0135′ W
Northern MAR Area: 59°45′ N, 33°30′ W 57°30′ N, 27°30′ W 56°45′ N, 28°30′ W 59°15′ N, 34°30′ W 59°45′ N, 33°30′ W
Middle MAR Area (Charlie-Gibbs Fracture zone and Subpolar Frontal Region): 53°30′ N, 38°00′ W 53°30′ N, 36°49′ W 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49′ W 54°58.9914′ N, 34°41.3634′ W 54°41.1841′ N, 34°00′ W 53°30′ N, 30°00′ W 51°30′ N, 28°00′ W 49°00′ N, 26°30′ W 49°00′ N, 30°30′ W 51°30′ N, 32°00′ W 51°30′ N, 38°00′ W 53°30′ N, 38°00′ W
Southern MAR Area: 44°30′ N, 30°30′ W 44°30′ N, 27°00′ W 43°15′ N, 27°15′ W 43°15′ N, 31°00′ W 44°30′ N, 30°30′ W
The Altair Seamounts: 45°00′ N, 34°35′ W 45°00′ N, 33°45′ W 44°25′ N, 33°45′ W 44°25′ N, 34°35′ W 45°00′ N, 34°35′ W
The Antialtair Seamounts: 43°45′ N, 22°50′ W 43°45′ N, 22°05′ W 43°25′ N, 22°05′ W 43°25′ N, 22°50′ W 43°45′ N, 22°50′ W
Hatton Bank: 59°26′ N, 14°30′ W 59°12′ N, 15°08′ W 59°01′ N, 17°00′ W 58°50′ N, 17°38′ W 58°30′ N, 17°52′ W 58°30′ N, 18°22′ W 58°03′ N, 18°22′ W 58°03′ N, 17°30′ W 57°55′ N, 17°30′ W 57°45′ N, 19°15′ W 58°11.15′ N, 18°57.51′ W 58°11.57′ N, 19°11.97′ W 58°27.75′ N, 19°11.65′ W 58°39.09′ N, 19°14.28′ W 58°38.11′ N, 19°01.29′ W 58°53.14′ N, 18°43.54′ W 59°00.29′ N, 18°01.31′ W 59°08.01′ N, 17°49.31′ W 59°08.75′ N, 18°01.47′ W 59°15.16′ N, 18°01.56′ W 59°24.17′ N, 17°31.22′ W 59°21.77′ N, 17°15.36′ W 59°26.91′ N, 17°01.66′ W 59°42.69′ N, 16°45.96′ W 59°20.97′ N, 15°44.75′ W 59°21′ N, 15°40′ W 59°26′ N, 14°30′ W
North-West Rockall: 57°00′ N, 14°53′ W 57°37′ N, 14°42′ W 57°55′ N, 14°24′ W 58°15′ N, 13°50′ W 57°57′ N, 13°09′ W 57°50′ N, 13°14′ W 57°57′ N, 13°45′ W 57°49′ N, 14°06′ W 57°29′ N, 14°19′ W 57°22′ N, 14°19′ W 57°00′ N, 14°34′ W 56°56′ N, 14°36′ W 56°56′ N, 14°51′ W 57°00′ N, 14°53′ W
South-West Rockall (Empress of Britain Bank): 56°24′ N, 15°37′ W 56°21′ N, 14°58′ W 56°04′ N, 15°10′ W 55°51′ N, 15°37′ W 56°10′ N, 15°52′ W 56°24′ N, 15°37′ W
Logachev Mound: 55°17′ N, 16°10′ W 55°34′ N, 15°07′ W 55°50′ N, 15°15′ W 55°33′ N, 16°16′ W 55°17′ N, 16°10′ W
West Rockall Mound: 57°20′ N, 16°30′ W 57°05′ N, 15°58′ W 56°21′ N, 17°17′ W 56°40′ N, 17°50′ W 57°20′ N, 16°30′ W
Belgica Mound Province: 51°29.4′ N, 11°51.6′ W 51°32.4′ N, 11°41.4′ W 51°15.6′ N, 11°33.0′ W 51°13.8′ N, 11°44.4′ W 51°29.4′ N, 11°51.6′ W
Hovland Mound Province: 52°16.2′ N, 13°12.6′ W 52°24.0′ N, 12°58.2′ W 52°16.8′ N, 12°54.0′ W 52°16.8′ N, 12°29.4′ W 52°04.2′ N, 12°29.4′ W 52°04.2′ N, 12°52.8′ W 52°09.0′ N, 12°56.4′ W 52°09.0′ N, 13°10.8′ W 52°16.2′ N, 13°12.6′ W
North-West Porcupine Bank Area I: 53°30.6′ N, 14°32.4′ W 53°35.4′ N, 14°27.6′ W 53°40.8′ N, 14°15.6′ W 53°34.2′ N, 14°11.4′ W 53°31.8′ N, 14°14.4′ W 53°24.0′ N, 14°28.8′ W 53°30.6′ N, 14°32.4′ W
North-West Porcupine Bank Area II: 53°43.2′ N, 14°10.8′ W 53°51.6′ N, 13°53.4′ W 53°45.6′ N, 13°49.8′ W 53°36.6′ N, 14°07.2′ W 53°43.2′ N, 14°10.8′ W
South-West Porcupine Bank: 51°54.6′ N, 15°07.2′ W 51°54.6′ N, 14°55.2′ W 51°42.0′ N, 14°55.2′ W 51°42.0′ N, 15°10.2′ W 51°49.2′ N, 15°06.0′ W 51°54.6′ N, 15°07.2′ W
44°12′ N, 05°16′ W 44°12′ N, 04°26′ W 43°53′ N, 04°26′ W 43°53′ N, 05°16′ W 44°12′ N, 05°16′ W
for northern shrimp ( Pandalus borealis ), nets with a minimum mesh size of 30 millimetres may be used,for eelpout ( Zoarces viviparus ), gobies (Gobiidae ) or scorpion fish (Cottus ssp.) to be used as bait, nets with any mesh size may be used.
they meet the standards laid down in Annex XII to this Regulation and the marketing standards adopted pursuant to Article 2 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3759/92 of 17 December 1992 on the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products , orOJ L 388, 31.12.1992, p. 1 . Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3318/94 (OJ L 350, 31.12.1994, p. 15 ).they are sold directly for purposes other than human consumption.
(a) in the case of strictly local stocks which are of interest solely to the Member State concerned; or (b) in the form of conditions or detailed arrangements designed to limit catches by technical measures: (i) supplementing those laid down in the Union legislation on fisheries; or (ii) going beyond the minimum requirements laid down in the said legislation;
technical rules for the determination of twine thickness, technical rules for the determination of mesh size, rules for sampling, lists and technical descriptions of devices that may be attached to nets, technical rules for measuring engine power, technical rules relating to square-meshed netting, technical rules relating to netting materials, amendments to rules for the use of mesh size combinations.
Articles 1 to 10, Articles 12 to 17, Annexes I to VII.
Target species | Mesh size range (millimetres) | ||||||||||
< 16 | 16 to 31 | 32 to 54 | 55 to 69 | 70 to 79 | 80 to 99 | ≥ 100 | |||||
Minimum percentage of target species | |||||||||||
95 | 90/60 | 60 | 30 | 90/60 | 90 | 35 | 30 | 70 | None | ||
Sand eels | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | ||||
Sand eels | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Norway pout | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Smelt | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Poor cod | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Silvery cod | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Red bandfish | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Sprat | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Eel | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Anchovy | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Blue whiting | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Argentines | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Sardine | × | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Shrimps/Common prawns | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | ||||
Mackerel | Ø | × | × | × | × | × | × | ||||
Horse mackerel | × | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Herring | × | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Squids | Ø | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Garfish | Ø | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Bib | Ø | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Prawns | Ø | × | × | × | × | × | |||||
Conger | Ø ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Weevers | Ø ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Gurnards | ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Octopus | Ø ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Squat lobsters | Ø ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Norway lobster | Ø ÿ | × | × | × | × | ||||||
Sole | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Plaice | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Hake | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Megrim | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Whiting | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Brill | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Pollack | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Dab | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Cuttlefish | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Sea bass | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Flounder | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Lemon sole | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Dogfish | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Witch | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
John Dory | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Queen scallop | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Variegated scallop | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Red mullets | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Grey mullets | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Grenadiers | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Hairtails | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Anglers | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Skates and rays | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Sea breams | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Turbot | Ø ÿ | × | × | ||||||||
Boarfish (Caproidae) | × | ||||||||||
All other marine organisms | × |
Target species | Mesh size range (millimetres) | |||||||
16 to 31 | 32 to 54 | 55 to 59 | 60 to 69 | ≥ 70 | ||||
Minimum percentage of target species | ||||||||
50 % | 90 % | 90 % | 90 % | 30 % | 70 % | 70 % | None | |
Sand eels | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Norway pout | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Sprat | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Eel | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Anchovy | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Smelt | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Poor cod | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Silvery cod | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Red bandfish | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Sardine | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Swimming crab | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Shrimps | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | |
Mackerel | × | × | × | × | ||||
Horse mackerel | × | × | × | × | ||||
Herring | × | × | × | × | ||||
Blue whiting | × | × | × | × | ||||
Argentines | × | × | × | × | ||||
Squids | × | × | × | × | ||||
Garfish | × | × | × | × | ||||
Pouting | × | × | × | × | ||||
Wedge sole | × | × | × | × | ||||
Prawns | × | × | × | × | × | |||
Breams | × | × | × | |||||
Conger | × | × | × | |||||
Sea breams | × | × | × | |||||
Rockfish | × | × | × | |||||
Sole | × | × | × | |||||
Forkbeard | × | × | ||||||
Weevers | × | × | × | |||||
Gurnards | × | × | × | |||||
Picarels | × | × | × | |||||
Octopus | × | × | × | |||||
Wrasses | × | × | × | |||||
Shrimps | × | × | × | |||||
Cuttlefish | × | × | ||||||
Grenadiers | × | × | ||||||
Dogfish | s | × | × | |||||
Common mora | × | × | ||||||
Squat lobsters | × | × | ||||||
John Dory | × | × | ||||||
Red mullets | × | × | ||||||
Boarfish (Caproidae) | × | |||||||
All other marine organisms | × |
Target species | Mesh size range (millimetres) | |
40 to 54 | ≥ 55 | |
Minimum percentage of target species | ||
60 % | None | |
Grey mullets | × | × |
Sea breams | × | × |
Red mullets | × | × |
Gurnards | × | × |
Weevers | × | × |
Wrasses | × | × |
Forkbeard | × | × |
Wedge sole | × | × |
Spotted flounder | × | × |
Conger | × | × |
Mantis shrimp | × | × |
Shrimps | × | × |
Squids | × | × |
Octopus | × | × |
Cuttlefish | × | × |
Mackerel | × | × |
Horse mackerel | × | × |
Blue whiting | × | × |
Eel | × | × |
Smelt | × | × |
Garfish | × | × |
All other marine organisms | × |
Species | Mesh size range (mm) | |||||||
< 16 | 16-31 | 32-69 | 35-69 | 70-89 | ≥ 90 | |||
Minimum percentage of target species | ||||||||
none | ||||||||
Sand eel ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Sand eel ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Norway pout ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Blue Whiting ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Greater weever ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Molluscs (except Sepia) | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Garfish ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Gray gurnard ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Argentine ( | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Sprat ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Eel ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Common shrimp/Baltic shrimp ( | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Mackerel ( | X | X | X | |||||
Horse mackerel ( | X | X | X | |||||
Herring ( | X | X | X | |||||
Northern shrimp ( | X | X | X | |||||
Common shrimp/Baltic shrimp ( | X | X | X | |||||
Whiting ( | X | X | ||||||
Norway lobster ( | X | X | ||||||
All other marine organisms | X |
Specie | Mesh size range (millimetres) | ||
20 to 39 | 40 to 64 | ≥ 65 | |
Minimum percentage of target species | |||
50 % | 80 % | None | |
Bogue | * | * | * |
Sardine | * | * | * |
Mackerel | * | * | |
Horse mackerel | * | * | |
All other marine organisms | * |
Species | Mesh size range (millimetres) | |
45 to 50 | ≥ 100 | |
Minimum percentage of target species | ||
30 % | None | |
Shrimps | * | * |
All other marine organisms | * |
Species | Mesh | |||||
10-30 mm | 50-70 mm | 90-99 mm | 100-119 mm | 120-219 mm | ≥ 220 mm | |
Sardine | * | * | * | * | * | * |
Eel | * | * | * | * | * | * |
Sprat | * | * | * | * | * | * |
Horse mackerel ( | * | * | * | * | * | |
Herring | * | * | * | * | * | |
Mackerel ( | * | * | * | * | * | |
Red mullets | * | * | * | * | * | |
Garfish ( | * | * | * | * | * | |
Sea bass | * | * | * | * | ||
Grey mullets | * | * | * | * | ||
Lesser spotted dogfish | * | * | * | * | ||
Dab | * | * | * | * | ||
Haddock | * | * | * | |||
Whiting | * | * | * | * | ||
Flounder | * | * | * | * | ||
Sole | * | * | * | * | ||
Plaice | * | * | * | |||
Cuttlefish | * | * | * | |||
Cod | * | * | ||||
Pollack | * | * | ||||
Ling | * | * | ||||
Saithe | * | * | ||||
Hake | * | * | ||||
Picked dogfish | * | * | ||||
Greater spotted dogfish | * | * | ||||
Megrim ( | * | * | ||||
Lumpsucker | * | * | ||||
All other marine organisms | * |
< 40 mm | 40 to 49 mm | 50 to 59 mm | 60 to 79 mm | 80 to 99 mm | ≥ 100 mm | |
Sardine | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Shrimps | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Rainbow wrasse | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Bogue | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Shrimps | × | × | × | × | × | |
Mantis shrimps | × | × | × | × | × | |
Red mullets | × | × | × | × | × | |
Wedge sole | × | × | × | × | × | |
Wrasses | × | × | × | × | × | |
Horse mackerel | × | × | × | × | ||
Mackerel | × | × | × | × | ||
Bib | × | × | × | × | ||
Cuttlefish | × | × | × | × | ||
Gurnards | × | × | × | × | ||
Sea breams | × | × | × | |||
Rockfish | × | × | × | |||
Eyed sole | × | × | × | |||
Shortfinned squids | × | × | × | |||
Conger | × | × | × | |||
Forkbeard | × | × | × | |||
Brill | × | × | × | |||
Weevers | × | × | × | |||
Picarels | × | × | × | |||
Sea bass | × | × | ||||
Whiting | × | × | ||||
Turbot | × | × | ||||
Pollack | × | × | ||||
Flounders | × | × | ||||
Sole | × | |||||
Hake | × | |||||
All other marine organisms | × |
Millimetres | ||
< 16 + 16 to 31 | ||
16 to 31 + 32 to 54 | ||
16 to 31 + 70 to 79 | ||
16 to 31 + 80 to 99 | ||
16 to 31 + ≥ 100 | ||
32 to 54 + 70 to 79 | ||
32 to 54 + 80 to 99 | ||
32 to 54 + ≥ 100 | ||
70 to 79 + 80 to 99 | ||
70 to 79 + ≥ 100 | ||
80 to 99 + ≥ 100 |
Millimetres | ||
16 to 31 + 32 to 54 | ||
16 to 31 + ≥ 70 | ||
32 to 54 + ≥ 70 | ||
55 to 59 + ≥ 70 | ||
60-69 + ≥ 70 |
Species | Minimum conservation reference size | |
Regions 1 to 5, except Skagerrak/Kattegat | Skagerrak/Kattegat | |
Cod | 35 cm | 30 cm |
Haddock | 30 cm | 27 cm |
Saithe | 35 cm | 30 cm |
Pollack | 30 cm | — |
Hake | 27 cm | 30 cm |
Megrim | 20 cm | 25 cm |
Sole | 24 cm | 24 cm |
Plaice | 27 cm | 27 cm |
Whiting | 27 cm | 23 cm |
Ling | 63 cm | — |
Blue ling | 70 cm | — |
Bass | 36 cm | — |
130 (40) mm | ||
Mackerel | 20 cm | |
Herring | 20 cm | 18 cm |
Horse mackerel | 15 cm | 15 cm |
Sardine | 11 cm | — |
Lobster | 85 mm | 220 (78) mm |
Spinous spider crab | 120 mm | — |
Queen scallop | 40 mm | — |
Grooved carpetshell | 40 mm | — |
Carpetshell | 38 mm | — |
Short-necked clam ( | ||
Clam | 40 mm | — |
Hard clam | 6 cm | |
Razor clam | 10 cm | |
Surf clams | 25 mm | |
Donax clams | 25 mm | |
Bean solen | 65 mm | |
Whelk | 45 mm | — |
Octopus ( | ||
Swordfish | 25 kg or 125 cm (lower mandible) | |
Bluefin tuna | 70 cm or 6,4 kg | |
Crawfish | 95 mm | |
Deepwater rose shrimp | 22 mm (carapace length) |
Species | Minimum conservation reference size; Regions 1 to 5, except Skagerrak/Kattegat |
Norway lobster | Whole area, except Region 3 and ICES VIa, VIIa: total length 85 mm, carapace length 25 mm |
ICES VIa, VIIa; Region 3: total length 70 mm, carapace length 20 mm | |
Norway lobster tails | Whole area, except Region 3 and ICES VIa, VIIa: 46 mm |
ICES VIa, VIIa; Regione 3: 37 mm | |
Mackerel | Whole area, except North Sea: 20 cm |
North Sea: 30 cm | |
Anchovy ( | |
Edible crab | Regions 1 and 2 north of 56 |
Region 2 south of 56 | |
ICES Divisions IVb, c south of 56 | |
ICES Divisions VIId, e, f: 140 mm | |
Region 3: 130 mm | |
Scallop | Whole area, except ICES VIIa north of 52 |
ICES VIIa north of 52 |
Species | Minimum conservation reference size: Region 9 |
Turbot |
as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the back of either eye socket to the distal edge of the carapace, and/or, as the total length, from the tip of the rostrum to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae, and/or, in the case of detached Norway lobster tails: from the front edge of the first tail segment present to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae. The tail shall be measured flat, unstretched and on the dorsal side.
as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the back of either eye socket to the distal edge of the carapace, and/or, as the total length, from the tip of the rostrum to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae.
(a) The size of a spinous spider crab shall be measured, as shown in Figure 4A, as the length of the carapace, along the midline, from the edge of the carapace between the rostrums to the posterior edge of the carapace. (b) The size of an edible crab shall be measured, as shown in Figure 4B as the maximum width of the carapace measured perpendicular to the antero-posterior midline of the carapace.
(a) Carapace length (b) Overall length
Aesop shrimp | |
Anchovy | |
Anglers | |
Argentines | |
Baltic shrimp | |
Bib | |
Bigeye tuna | |
Bivalve molluscs | |
Blue and red shrimp | |
Blue ling | |
Blue whiting | |
Bluefin tuna | |
Bogue | |
Breams | |
Brill | |
Carpetshell | |
Clam (= warty venus) | |
Cod | |
Common mora | |
Common prawn | |
Common shrimp | |
Conger | |
Crawfish | |
Cuttlefish | |
Dap | |
Deeptwater rose shrimp | |
Dogfish, spotted dogfish | |
Donax clams | |
Edible crab | |
Eel | |
Eyed sole | |
Flounder | |
Flounders | |
Forkbeard | |
Garfish | |
Gastropod molluscs | |
Giant red shrimp | |
Grenadiers | |
Grey mullets | |
Grey gurnard | |
Grooved carpetshell | |
Gurnards | |
Haddock | |
Hagfish | |
Hairtails | |
Hake | |
Hard clam | |
Herring | |
Horse mackerel | |
John Dory | |
Lampreys | |
Lemon sole | |
Ling | |
Lobster | |
Lumpsucker, Lumpfish | |
Mackerel | |
Mantis shrimp | |
Megrim | |
Northern shrimp | |
Norway lobster | |
Norway pout | |
Octopus | |
Picarels | |
Picked dogfish, Spurdog | |
Pilchard (= sardine) | |
Plaice | |
Pollack | |
Poor cod | |
Pouting | |
Prawn | |
Queen scallop | |
Rainbow wrasse | |
Razor clam | |
Redband fish | |
Red mullets | |
Rockfish | |
Saithe | |
Salmon | |
Salmonids | |
Sand eels | |
Sardine (= pilchard) | |
Scallop | |
Sea bass | |
Sea breams | |
Sea trout | |
Shortnecked clam | |
Shrimp | |
Silvery cod | |
Skates and rays | |
Skipjack tuna | |
Smelt | |
Sole | |
Spinous spider crab | |
Spotted flounder | |
Sprat | |
Squat lobsters | |
Squids | |
Surf clam | |
Swimming crab | |
Swordfish | |
Thickback sole | |
Tuna | |
Turbot | |
Variegated scallop | |
Warty venus (= clam) | |
Wedge sole | |
Weevers | |
Whelk | |
Whiting | |
Witch | |
Wrasses | |
Yellowfin tuna | |
Boarfish | |
Greater forkbeard | |
Redfish | |
Sardinelles |
Article 1 | Article 1 and 2 |
Article 2(1) | Article 4 |
Article 2(2) | Article 10 |
Article 2(3) | Article 5 |
Article 2(4) | Article 14 and 15 |
Article 2(5) | — |
Article 2(6), first subparagraph | Article 5(1) and Article 12(1) |
Article 2(6), second subparagraph | Article 5(6) |
Article 2(7) | — |
Article 2(8) | — |
Article 2(9), first subparagraph | Article 6 |
Article 2(9), second subparagraph | Article 7 |
Article 2(9), third subparagraph | Article 3(d) |
Article 2(10), first subparagraph (a), (b) and (c) | Article 11(1) |
Article 2(10), first subparagraph (d) | Article 3(g) and (h) |
Article 2(10), first subparagraph (e) | Article 13 |
Article 2(10), second subparagraph | Article 48 |
Article 3 | Article 48 |
Article 4 | Article 16 |
Article 5(1) | Article 17 and Article 18(2) |
Article 5(2) | Annex XIII |
Article 5(3), first subparagraph | Article 19(1) |
Article 5(3), second subparagraph (a) | Article 19(2)(b) |
Article 5(3), second subparagraph (b), first and second indents | Article 19(2)(a) |
Article 5(3), second subparagraph (b), third indent | Article 35 |
Article 5(3), second subparagraph (c) | Article 19(3) |
Article 5(3), third subparagraph | Article 19(2)(a), third sentence |
Article 5(4) | Article 18(3) and (4) |
Article 5(5) | — |
Article 6(1) | Article 26 |
Article 6(2) | Article 36 |
Article 7 | Article 20 |
Article 8(1) | — |
Article 8(2) | Article 21 |
Article 9 | Article 22 |
Article 10(1) | — |
Article 10(2)(a) | Article 30(1) |
Article 10(2)(b) | Article 39 |
Article 10(3) | Article 29 |
Article 10(4) | Article 34(1), (2) and (3) |
Article 10(5) | Article 34(4) |
Article 10(6) | Article 29(6) and Article 34(5) |
Article 10(7) | — |
Article 10(8) | — |
Article 10(9) | Article 37 |
Article 10(10) | Article 23 |
Article 10(11) | Article 28(2), Article 29(5), Article 30(2), second subparagraph, Article 30(3), Article 34(5), and Article 40 |
Article 10(12), first subparagraph | Article 31 |
Article 10(12), second subparagraph | Article 41 |
Article 10(13) | — |
Article 10(14) | Article 30(1), last sentence |
Article 10(15) | Article 28(1) |
Article 10(16) | Article 32 |
Article 10(17) | Article 33 |
Article 10(18) | Article 38 |
Article 10(19) | Article 24(1) |
Article 11 | — |
Article 12 | Article 24(2) |
Article 13 | Article 42 |
Article 14 | Article 43 |
Article 15 | Article 44 |
Article 16 | Article 45 |
Article 17 | Article 46 |
Article 18 | Article 48 |
Article 19 | Article 49 |
Article 20 | Article 50 |
Annex I | Annexes I, II, III, IV and V |
Annex II | Annex XII |
Annex III | Annex XII |
Annex IV | Annex XIII |
Annex V | Annex VI |
Annex VI | Annex VII |
Annex VII | Annex XV |