Commission Regulation (EC) No 327/98 of 10 February 1998 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice
Modified by
Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97of 17 June 1997on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro, 397R1103, June 19, 1997
Commission Regulation (EC) No 648/98of 23 March 1998amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice, 398R0648, March 24, 1998
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2458/2001of 14 December 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice, 301R2458, December 15, 2001
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1950/2005of 28 November 2005adapting several Regulations concerning the cereal, rice and potato starch markets by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 305R1950, November 29, 2005
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2152/2005of 23 December 2005amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice and Regulation (EC) No 1549/2004 derogating from Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 as regards the arrangements for importing rice and laying down separate transitional rules for imports of basmati rice
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2152/2005 of 23 December 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice and Regulation (EC) No 1549/2004 derogating from Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 as regards the arrangements for importing rice and laying down separate transitional rules for imports of basmati rice(Official Journal of the European Union L 342 of 24 December 2005), 305R2152305R2152R(01), December 24, 2005
Commission Regulation (EC) No 965/2006of 29 June 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 965/2006 of 29 June 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice(Official Journal of the European Union L 176 of 30 June 2006), 306R0965306R0965R(01), June 30, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1996/2006of 22 December 2006adapting several Regulations concerning the cereals market by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, 306R1996, December 30, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2019/2006of 21 December 2006amending Regulations (EC) Nos 2058/96, 327/98 and 955/2005 opening and providing for the administration of tariff quotas for imports of rice, 306R2019, December 29, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 488/2007of 30 April 2007correcting the Danish, Finnish and Swedish versions of Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice, 307R0488, May 1, 2007
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1538/2007of 20 December 2007amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice, 307R1538, December 21, 2007
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2152/2005 of 23 December 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice and Regulation (EC) No 1549/2004 derogating from Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 as regards the arrangements for importing rice and laying down separate transitional rules for imports of basmati rice, 305R2152R(01), March 31, 2006
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 965/2006 of 29 June 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice, 306R0965R(01), September 19, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 327/98of 10 February 1998opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken riceTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1095/96 of 18 June 1996 on the implementation of the concessions set out in Schedule CXL drawn up in the wake of the conclusion of the GATT XXIV(6) negotiationsOJ L 146, 20. 6. 1996, p. 1., and in particular Article 1 thereof,Having regard to Council Decision 96/317/EC of 13 May 1996 concerning the conclusion of the results of the consultations with Thailand pursuant to GATT Article XXIIIOJ L 122, 22. 5. 1996, p. 15., and in particular Article 3 thereof,Whereas, under the negotiations conducted pursuant to GATT Article XXIV(6) in the wake of the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Community, it was agreed to open from 1 January 1996 annual import quotas for 63000 tonnes of semi-milled and wholly milled rice covered by CN code 100630 at zero duty and for 20000 tonnes of husked rice covered by CN code 100620 at a fixed duty of ECU 88 per tonne; whereas these quotas were included in the European Community list provided for in Article II(1)(a) of GATT 1994; whereas during the negotiations it was agreed with the United States of America that further consultations should take place on how to implement the agreed quotas; whereas these consultations have not yet been brought to an end; whereas imports of rice from the United States under the tariff quotas should occur only when the consultations have been concluded;Whereas, under the consultations with Thailand pursuant to GATT Article XXIII, it was agreed to open an annual quota for 80000 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000 at an import duty reduced by ECU 28 per tonne;Whereas the aforementioned commitments provide that the administration of those quotas is to take account of traditional suppliers;Whereas, with a view to preventing imports under those quotas from causing disturbance in the normal marketing of Community-grown rice, such imports should be staggered over the year so they can be absorbed more easily by the Community market;Whereas, with a view to the sound administration of the aforementioned quotas and in particular in order to ensure that the quantities fixed are not exceeded, special detailed rules must be laid down to cover the submission of applications and the issue of licences; whereas such detailed rules must either supplement or derogate from Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 of 16 November 1998 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural productsOJ L 331, 2. 12. 1988, p. 1., as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1404/97OJ L 194, 23. 7. 1997, p. 5.;Whereas it should be stipulated that Commission Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 of 23 May 1995 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and riceOJ L 117, 24. 5. 1995, p. 2., as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 932/97OJ L 135, 27. 5. 1997, p. 2., applies under this Regulation;Whereas the Commission adopted measures concerning the opening and administration of these tariff quotas on 5 July 1996; whereas these measures were not in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Cereals; whereas the Commission deferred their application and communicated them to the Council; whereas, in accordance with Article 23(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92OJ L 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21., as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 923/96OJ L 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37., the Council took a different decision within one month; whereas that decision relates to the monitoring by the Commission of traditional trade flows to the Community, particularly in terms of imports in small packages, and to the possible risk of subsidisation; whereas, therefore, the provisions introduced by the Council in this respect in Regulation (EC) No 1522/96 of 24 July 1996 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken riceOJ L 190, 31. 7. 1996, p. 1., as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 112/97OJ L 20, 23. 1. 1997, p. 23., should be included;Whereas, under the consultations with Thailand pursuant to GATT Article XXIII, it was agreed to adapt certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1522/96, in particular those relating to the period of validity of import licences and the distribution of quota quantities for wholly milled rice and broken rice; whereas, in order to abide by the outcome of these consultations, the January 1998 tranche for semi-milled and wholly milled rice originating in Thailand and for broken rice of all countries of origin should be completed by an additional tranche to be opened as from the entry into force of this Regulation;Whereas, for the sake of clarity and simplification, Regulation (EC) No 1522/96 should be repealed and replaced by this Regulation;Whereas the Management Committee for Cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 11.The following annual global tariff quotas are hereby opened on 1 January each year:(a)63000 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630, at zero duty;(b)1634 tonnes of husked rice covered by CN code 100620 at an ad valorem duty fixed at 15 %;(c)100000 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000, with a reduction of 30,77 % in the duty fixed in Article 11d of Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 96.;(d)40216 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630, at zero duty;(e)31788 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000, at zero duty.These overall import tariff quotas shall be broken down into import tariff quotas by country of origin and divided among a number of subperiods in accordance with Annex IX.Commission Regulations (EC) Nos 1291/2000OJ L 152, 24.6.2000, p. 1., 1342/2003OJ L 189, 29.7.2003, p. 12. and 1301/2006OJ L 238, 1.9.2006, p. 13. shall apply to the quota referred to in the first paragraph, save as otherwise provided for in this Regulation.2.An annual quota of 7 tonnes of paddy rice covered by CN code 100610, at an ad valorem duty fixed at 15 %, shall be opened on 1 January each year under serial number 09.0083.It shall be managed by the Commission in accordance with Articles 308a to 308c of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1..Article 2For quantities not covered by import licences issued for the quotas referred to in Article 1(1)(a), (b) and (e) in respect of the subperiod of the month of September, import licence applications may be submitted in respect of all origins covered by the overall import tariff quota in the subperiod of the month of October.Article 3Whereas import licence applications are submitted in respect of rice and broken rice originating in Thailand and rice originating in Australia or the United States under the quantities referred to in Article 1(1)(a) and (c), they shall be accompanied by the original of the export licence drawn up in accordance with Annexes I, II and IV and issued by the competent body in the countries indicated therein.The entries shall be optional for Sections 7, 8 and 9 of Annex I.Export licences issued in respect of the import tariff quotas provided for in Article 1(1) shall be valid for the quota period concerned only.Article 41.Licence applications shall be lodged in the first 10 working days of the first month of each subperiod.2.Notwithstanding Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1162/95, the security for the import licences shall be:ECU 46 per tonne for the quotas provided for in Article 1(1)(a) and (d),ECU 22 per tonne for the quotas provided for in Article 1(1)(b),ECU 5 per tonne for the quotas provided for in Article 1(1)(c) and (e).3.The country of origin shall be entered in section 8 of licence applications and of the import licences and the word "yes" shall be marked with a cross.Licences shall be valid only for products originating in the country indicated in section 8.4.Section 24 of the licences shall bear one of the following entries:(a)in the case of the quota referred to in Article 1(1)(a), one of the entries listed in Annex V;(b)in the case of the quota referred to in Article 1(1)(b), one of the entries listed in Annex VI;(c)in the case of the quota referred to in Article 1(1)(c), one of the entries listed in Annex VII;(d)in the case of the quota referred to in Article 1(1)(d), one of the entries listed in Annex VIII;(e)in the case of the quota referred to in Article 1(1)(e), one of the indications in Annex XI.5.Notwithstanding Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, in the case of the tariff quotas concerned by the import licence applications referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of this Regulation, applicants may submit several applications for the same quota serial number by import tariff quota subperiod.Article 5The award coefficient referred to in Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006 shall be fixed by the Commission within 10 days of the final day for notification referred to in point (a) of Article 8 of this Regulation. At the same time the Commission shall fix the quantities available respect of the following subperiod and, where applicable, in respect of the additional subperiod of the month of October.If the award coefficient referred to in the first subparagraph results in one or more quantities of less than 20 tonnes per application, Member States shall allocate the total of such quantities by drawing lots among the operators concerned for each quantity of 20 tonnes, with the remainder distributed equally between the 20-tonne quantities. However, where adding together the quantities of less than 20 tonnes does not result in the constitution of a 20-tonne quantity, the remainder shall be distributed by the Member State equally between the operators whose licences are for 20 tonnes or more.Where, following the application of the second paragraph, the quantity for which a licence is to be issued is less than 20 tonnes, the licence application may be withdrawn by the operator within two working days following the date of entry into force of the Regulation fixing the award coefficient.Article 6Within three working days of the date of publication of the Commission’s Decision fixing the quantities available, as provided for in Article 5, import licences shall be issued for the quantities resulting from the application of Article 5.Article 71.The fourth indent of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 shall not apply.2.The benefits in terms of customs duties provided for in Article 1(1) shall not apply to quantities imported under the tolerance specified in Article 8(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88.3.Article 33(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 shall apply.4.Notwithstanding Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003OJ L 189, 29.7.2003, p. 12. and pursuant to Article 23(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000OJ L 152, 24.6.2000, p. 1., import licences for husked, semi-milled and wholly milled rice shall be valid from the date of their actual issue until the end of the third month following that date.However, the duration of validity of the import licences may not exceed 31 December of the year of issue.5.Under the quotas referred to in Article 1(1), the release of the products into free circulation in the Community shall be subject to the presentation of a certificate of origin issued by the competent national authorities of those countries in accordance with Article 47 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.However, in respect of those parts of the quotas relating to countries for which an export licence is required in accordance with Article 3 of this Regulation or in respect of quotas the origin of which is described as "all countries", a certificate of origin is not required.Article 8The Member States shall send the Commission, by electronic means:(a)no later than the second working day following the final day for the submission of licence applications at 18.00 (Brussels time), the information on the import licence applications referred to in Article 11(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, with a break-down by eight-digit CN code and by country of origin of the quantities covered by those applications, specifying the number of the import licence and the number of the export licence where this is required;(b)no later than the second working day following the issue of the import licences, information on the licences issued, as referred to in Article 11(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, with a break-down by eight-digit CN code and by country of origin of the quantities for which import licences have been issued, specifying the number of the import licence and the quantities for which licence applications have been withdrawn in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 5;(c)no later than the last day of each month, the total quantities actually released for free circulation under this quota during the previous month but one, broken down by eight-digit CN code and by country of origin, giving details of the packaging if that packaging is less than or equal to 5 kg. If no quantities have been released for free circulation during the period, a "nil" notification shall be sent.Article 91.The Commission shall monitor the quantities of goods imported under this Regulation, with a view in particular to establishing:the extent to which traditional trade flows, in terms of volume and presentation, to the enlarged Community are significantly changed, andwhether there is subsidisation between exports benefiting directly from this Regulation and exports subject to the normal import charge.2.If either of the criteria set out in the indents in paragraph 1 is met, and in particular if the imports of rice in packages of five kilograms or less exceed the figure of 33428 tonnes, and in any event on an annual basis, the Commission shall submit a report to the Council accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate proposals to avoid disruption of the Community rice sector.3.Quantities imported in packages of the kind referred to in paragraph 2 and released for free circulation shall be indicated in the relevant import licence in accordance with Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 3719/88.Article 101.Regulation (EC) No 1522/96 is replaced.2.This Regulation shall not apply to licences issued pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1522/96.Article 11This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANEXO I —BILAG I —ANHANG I —ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ Ι —ANNEX I —ANNEXE I —ALLEGATO I —BIJLAGE I —ANEXO I —LIITE I —BILAGA IANNEX II"ANEXO II —BILAG II —ANHANG II —ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ II —ANNEX II —ANNEXE II —ALLEGATO II —BIJLAGE II —ANEXO II —LIITE II —BILAGA II"ANNEX III
RICE — Regulation (EC) No 327/98Import licence applicationIssue of import licenceRelease into free circulationAddressee: DG AGRI/D/-2E-mail address: where not applicable.Complete only if affirmative.
Export licence No
Import licence No
Quota number
CN code
Country of origin
Name and address of applicant/holder
Packaging ≤ 5 kg
ANEXO IV —BILAG IV —ANHANG IV —ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ IV —ANNEX IV —ANNEXE IV —ALLEGATO IV —BIJLAGE IV —ANEXO IV —LIITE IV —BILAGA IVANNEX VEntries referred to in article 4, paragraph 4, point a)in Bulgarian: Освободено от мито до максимално количество, посочено в графи 17 и 18 от настоящата лицензия [Регламент (ЕО) № 327/98]in Spanish: Exención del derecho de aduana hasta la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 8 del presente certificado [Reglamento (CE) no 327/98]in Czech: Osvobozeno od cla až do množství uvedeného v kolonkách 17 a 18 této licence (nařízení (ES) č. 327/98)in Danish: Toldfri op til den mængde, der er angivet i rubrik 17 og 18 i denne licens (Forordning (EF) nr. 327/98)in German: Zollfrei bis zu der in den Feldern 17 und 18 dieser Lizenz angegebenen Menge (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 327/98)in Estonian: Tollimaksuvabastus kuni käesoleva litsentsi lahtrites 17 ja 18 osutatud koguseni (Määrus (EÜ) nr 327/98)in Greek: Ατελώς μέχρι την ποσότητα που ορίζεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18 του παρόντος πιστοποιητικού [κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 327/98]in English: Exemption from customs duty up to the quantity indicated in sections 17 and 18 of this licence (Regulation (EC) No 327/98)in French: Exemption du droit de douane jusqu'à la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18 du présent certificat [règlement (CE) no 327/98]in Italian: Esenzione dal dazio doganale limitatamente alla quantità indicata nelle caselle 17 e 18 del presente titolo [regolamento (CE) n. 327/98]in Latvian: Atbrīvojums no muitas nodokļa līdz daudzumam, kas norādīts šīs licences 17. un 18. iedaļā (Regula (EK) Nr. 327/98)in Lithuanian: Muitas netaikomas mažesniems kiekiams nei nurodyta šios licenzijos 17 ir 18 skirsniuosein Hungarian: Az ezen engedély 17. és 18. rovatában megjelölt mennyiségig vámmentes (327/98/EK rendelet)in Maltese: Eżenzjoni mid-dwana sal-kwantità murija fit-taqsimiet 17 u 18 ta’ din il-liċenzja (Regolament (KE) Nru 327/98)in Dutch: Vrijgesteld van douanerecht voor ten hoogste de in de vakken 17 en 18 van dit certificaat vermelde hoeveelheid (Verordening (EG) nr. 327/98)in Polish: Zwolnienie z opłaty celnej ilości określonej w sekcji 17 i 18 niniejszego pozwolenia (rozporządzenie (WE) nr 327/98)in Portuguese: Isenção de direito aduaneiro até à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18 do presente certificado [Regulamento (CE) n.o 327/98]in Romanian: Scutit de drepturi vamale până la concurența cantității menționate în căsuțele 17 si 18 din prezenta licență [Regulamentul (CE) nr. 327/98]in Slovak: Oslobodenie od cla do množstva uvedeného v oddieloch 17 a 18 tejto licencie (nariadenie (ES) č. 327/98)in Slovenian: Oprostitev carin do količine, navedene v oddelkih 17 in 18 tega dovoljenja (Uredba (ES) št. 327/98)in Finnish: Tullivapaa tämän todistuksen kohdissa 17 ja 18 esitettyyn määrään asti (asetus (EY) N:o 327/98)in Swedish: Tullfri upp till den mängd som anges i fält 17 och 18 i denna licens (förordning (EG) nr 327/98)ANNEX VIEntries referred to in Article 4, paragraph 4, point b)in Bulgarian:Мита, ограничени до 15 % ad valorem до максимално количество, посочено в графи 17 и 18 от настоящата лицензия [Регламент (ЕО) № 327/98]In Spanishl: Derechos de aduana limitados al 15 % ad valorem hasta la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 18 del presente certificado [Reglamento (CE) no 327/98]In Czech: Cla omezená na valorickou sazbu ve výši 15 % až do množství uvedeného v kolonkách 17 a 18 této licence (nařízení (ES) č. 327/98)In Danish: Toldsatsen begrænses til 15 % af værdien op til den mængde, der er angivet i rubrik 17 og 18 i denne licens (forordning (EF) nr. 327/98)In German: Zollsatz beschränkt auf 15 % des Zollwerts bis zu der in den Feldern 17 und 18 dieser Lizenz angegebenen Menge (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 327/98)In Estonian: Väärtuseline tollimaks piiratud 15 protsendini käesoleva sertifikaadi lahtrites 17 ja 18 märgitud kogusteni (määrus (EÜ) nr 327/98)In Greek: Τελωνειακός δασμός κατ’ ανώτατο όριο 15 % κατ’ αξία έως την ποσότητα που ορίζεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18 του παρόντος πιστοποιητικού [κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 327/98]In English: Customs duties limited to 15 % ad valorem up to the quantity indicated in boxes 17 and 18 of this licence (Regulation (EC) No 327/98)In French: Droits de douane limités à 15 % ad valorem jusqu'à la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18 du présent certificat [règlement (CE) no 327/98]In Italian: Dazio limitato al 15 % ad valorem fino a concorrenza del quantitativo indicato nelle caselle 17 e 18 del presente titolo [regolamento (CE) n. 327/98]In Latvian: Muitas nodoklis 15 % ad valorem par daudzumu, kas norādīts šīs atļaujas (Regula (EK) Nr. 327/98) 17. un 18. ailēIn Lithuanian: Ne didesnis nei 15 % muitas ad valorem neviršijant šios licencijos 17 ir 18 langeliuose nurodyto kiekio (Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 327/98)In Hungarian: 15 %-os értékvám az ezen engedély 17. és 18. rovatában feltüntetett mennyiségig (327/98/EK rendelet)In Maltese: Id-dazji doganali huma stipulati għal 15 % ad valorem sal-kwantità indicata fil-kaxxi 17 u 18 ta' din il-liċenzja (Regolament (KE) Nru 327/98)In Ducth: Douanerecht beperkt tot 15 % ad valorem voor hoeveelheden die niet groter zijn dan de in de vakken 17 en 18 van dit certificaat vermelde hoeveelheid (Verordening (EG) nr. 327/98)In Polish: Cło ograniczone do 15 % ad valorem do ilości wskazanej w polach 17 i 18 niniejszego pozwolenia (rozporządzenie (WE) nr 327/98)In Portuguese: Direito aduaneiro limitado a 15 % ad valorem até à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18 do presente certificado [Regulamento (CE) n.o 327/98]In Romanian: Drepturi vamale limitate la 15 % ad valorem până la concurența cantității menționate în căsuțele 17 și 18 din prezenta licență [Regulamentul (CE) nr. 327/98]In Slovak: Clá znížené na 15 % ad valorem až po množstvo uvedené v kolónkach 17 a 18 tejto licencie [nariadenie (ES) č. 327/98]In Slovenian: Carinska dajatev, omejena na 15 % ad valorem do količine, navedene v rubrikah 17 in 18 tega dovoljenja (Uredba (ES) št. 327/98)In Finnish: Arvotulli rajoitettu 15 prosenttiin tämän todistuksen 17 ja 18 artiklassa ilmoitettuun määrään asti (asetus (EY) N:o 327/98)In Swedish: Tull begränsad till 15 % av värdet upp till den kvantitet som anges i fält 17 och 18 i den här licensen (förordning (EG) nr 327/98)ANNEX VIIEntries referred in article 4, paragraph 4, point c)in Bulgarian: Ставка на мито, намалена с 30,77 % от ставката на митото, определено в член 11г от Регламент (ЕО) № 1785/2003, приложима до максимално количество, посочено в графи 17 и 18 от настоящата лицензия [Регламент (ЕО) № 327/98]In Spanishl: Derecho reducido en un 30,77 % del derecho fijado en el artículo 11 quinquies del Reglamento (CE) no 1785/2003, hasta la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 18 del presente certificado [Reglamento (CE) no 327/98]In Czech: Clo snížené o 30,77 % cla stanoveného v článku 11d nařízení (ES) č. 1785/2003 až na množství uvedené v kolonkách 17 a 18 této licence (nařízení (ES) č. 327/98)In Danish: Nedsættelse på 30,77 % af den told, der er fastsat i artikel 11d i forordning (EF) nr. 1785/2003, op til den mængde, der er angivet i rubrik 17 og 18 i denne licens (forordning (EF) nr. 327/98)In German:: Zollsatz ermäßigt um 30,77 % des in Artikel 11d der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1785/2003 festgesetzten Zollsatzes bis zu der in den Feldern 17 und 18 dieser Lizenz angegebenen Menge (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 327/98)In Estonian: Määruse (EÜ) nr 1785/2003 artiklis 11d kindlaks määratud tollimaks, mida on alandatud 30,77 % võrra käesoleva sertifikaadi lahtrites 17 ja 18 märgitud kogusteni (määrus (EÜ) nr 327/98)In Greek: Δασμός μειωμένος κατά 30,77 % του δασμού που καθορίζεται στο άρθρο 11δ του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1785/2003, έως την ποσότητα που αναγράφεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18 του παρόντος πιστοποιητικού [κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 327/98]In English: Reduced rate of duty of 30,77 % of the duty set in Article 11d of Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 up to the quantity indicated in boxes 17 and 18 of this licence (Regulation (EC) No 327/98)In French: Droit réduit de 30,77 % du droit fixé à l’article 11 quinquies du règlement (CE) no 1785/2003 jusqu’à la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18 du présent certificat [règlement (CE) no 327/98]In Italian: Dazio ridotto in ragione del 30,77 % del dazio fissato all’articolo 11 quinquies del regolamento (CE) n. 1785/2003 fino a concorrenza del quantitativo indicato nelle caselle 17 e 18 del presente titolo [regolamento (CE) n. 327/98]In Latvian: Ievedmuitas nodoklis samazināts par 30,77 %, salīdzinot ar nodokli, kas noteikts Regulas (EK) Nr. 1785/2003 11.d pantā, līdz šīs atļaujas 17. un 18. ailē norādītajam daudzumam (Regula (EK) Nr. 327/98)In Lithuanian: Reglamento (EB) Nr. 1785/2003 11d straipsnyje nustatyto muito mokesčio sumažinimas 30,77 % mažesniems kiekiams nei nurodyta šios licencijos 17 ir 18 skirsniuose (Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 327/98)In Hungarian: Az 1785/2003/EK rendelet 11.d. cikkében meghatározott vám 30,77 %-os csökkentett vámja az ezen bizonyítvány 17. és 18. rovatában megjelölt mennyiségig (327/98/EK rendelet)In Maltese: Dazju mnaqqas ta’ 30.77 % tat-dazju fiss fl-Artikolu 11(d) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1785/2003 sal-kwantità indikata fis-sezzjoni 17 u 18 ta’ dan iċ-ċertifikat (ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 327/98)In Ducth: Recht verlaagd met 30,77 % van het in artikel 11 quinquies van Verordening (EG) nr. 1785/2003 vastgestelde recht voor hoeveelheden die niet groter zijn dan de in de vakken 17 en 18 van dit certificaat vermelde hoeveelheid (Verordening (EG) nr. 327/98)In Polish: Obniżona stawka celna odpowiadająca 30,77 % stawki określonej w art. 11d rozporządzenia (WE) nr 1785/2003 do ilości wskazanej w sekcjach 17 i 18 niniejszego pozwolenia (rozporządzenie (WE) nr 327/98)In Portuguese: Direito reduzido de 30,77 % do direito fixado no artigo 11.o-D do Regulamento (CE) n.o 1785/2003 até à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18 do presente certificado [Regulamento (CE) n.o 327/98]In Romanian: Drept redus cu 30,77 % din dreptul stabilit de articolul 11 litera (d) din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1785/2003 până la concurența cantității menționate în căsuțele 17 și 18 din prezenta licență [Regulamentul (CE) nr. 327/98]In Slovak: Clo znížené o 30,77 % cla stanoveného článkom 11d nariadenia (ES) č. 1785/2003 až na množstvo uvedené v kolónkach 17 a 18 tejto licencie [nariadenie (ES) č. 327/98]In Slovenian: Dajatev, znižana za 30,77 % od dajatve iz člena 11(d) Uredbe (ES) št. 1785/2003 do količine, navedene v rubrikah 17 in 18 tega potrdila (Uredba (ES) št. 327/98)In Finnish: Tulli, jonka määrää on alennettu 30,77 % asetuksen (EY) N:o 1785/2003 11 d artiklassa vahvistetusta tullista tämän todistuksen kohdissa 17 ja 18 ilmoitettuun määrään asti (asetus (EY) N:o 327/98)In Swedish: Tullsatsen nedsatt med 30,77 % av den tullsats som anges i artikel 11d i förordning (EG) nr 1785/2003 upp till den mängd som anges i fält 17 och 18 i denna licens (förordning (EG) nr 327/98).ANNEX VIIIEntries referred to in Article 4, paragraph 4, point d)in Bulgarian: Освободено от мито до максимално количество, посочено в графи 17 и 18 от настоящата лицензия [член 1, параграф 1, буква г) от Регламент (ЕО) № 327/98]In Spanishl: Exención del derecho de aduana hasta la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 18 del presente certificado [Reglamento (CE) no 327/98, artículo 1, apartado 1, letra d)]In Czech: Osvobození od cla až do množství stanoveného v kolonkách 17 a 18 této licence (čl. 1 odst. 1 písm. d) nařízení (ES) č. 327/98)In Danish: Toldfri op til den mængde, der er angivet i rubrik 17 og 18 i denne licens (forordning (EF) nr. 327/98, artikel 1, stk. 1, litra d))In German: Zollfrei bis zu der in den Feldern 17 und 18 dieser Lizenz angegebenen Menge (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 327/98, Artikel 1 Absatz 1 Buchstabe d)In Estonian: Tollimaksuvabastus kuni käesoleva litsentsi lahtrites 17 ja 18 näidatud koguseni (määruse (EÜ) nr 327/98 artikli 1 lõike 1 punkt d)In Greek: Απαλλαγή από τον τελωνειακό δασμό έως την ποσότητα που αναγράφεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18 του παρόντος πιστοποιητικού [κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 327/98 άρθρο 1 παράγραφος 1 στοιχείο δ)In English: Exemption from customs duty up to the quantity indicated in boxes 17 and 18 of this licence (Regulation (EC) No 327/98, Article 1(1)(d))In French: Exemption du droit de douane jusqu'à la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18 du présent certificat [règlement (CE) no 327/98, article 1er, paragraphe 1, point d)]In Italian: Esenzione dal dazio doganale fino a concorrenza del quantitativo indicato nelle caselle 17 e 18 del presente titolo [regolamento (CE) n. 327/98, articolo 1, paragrafo 1, lettera d)]In Latvian: Atbrīvojumi no muitas nodokļa līdz šīs atļaujas 17. un 18. ailē norādītajam daudzumam (Regulas (EK) Nr. 327/98 1. panta 1. punkta d) apakšpunkts)In Lithuanian: Atleidimas nuo muito mokesčio neviršijant šios licencijos 17 ir 18 langeliuose nurodyto kiekio (Reglamento (EB) Nr. 327/98 1 straipsnio 1 dalies d punktas)In Hungarian: Vámmentes az ezen engedély 17. és 18. rovatában feltüntetett mennyiségig (327/98/EK rendelet 1. cikk (1) bekezdés d) pont)In Maltese: Eżenzjoni tad-dazju tad-dwana sal-kwantità indikata fil-każi 17 u 18 taċ-ċertifikat preżenti [Artikolu 1, paragrafu 1, punt d) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 327/98]In Ducth: Vrijstelling van douanerecht voor hoeveelheden die niet groter zijn dan de in de vakken 17 en 18 van dit certificaat vermelde hoeveelheid (artikel 1, lid 1, onder d), van Verordening (EG) nr. 327/98)In Polish: Zwolnienie z cła ilości do wysokości wskazanej w sekcjach 17 i 18 niniejszego pozwolenia (art. 1 ust. 1 lit. d) rozporządzenia (WE) nr 327/98)In Portuguese: Isenção do direito aduaneiro até à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18 do presente certificado [Regulamento (CE) n.o 327/98, alínea d) do n.o 1 do artigo 1.o]In Romanian: Scutit de drepturi vamale până la concurența cantității menționate în căsuțele 17 și 18 din prezenta licență [Regulamentul (CE) nr. 327/98, articolul 1, alineatul (1), litera (d)In Slovak: Oslobodenie od cla až po množstvo uvedené v kolónkach 17 a 18 tejto licencie [článok 1 ods. 1 písm. d) nariadenia (ES) č. 327/98]In Slovenian: Oprostitev uvozne dajatve do količine, navedene v poljih 17 in 18 tega dovoljenja (člen 1(1)(d) Uredbe (ES) št. 327/98)In Finnish: Tullivapaa tämän todistuksen 17 ja 18 artiklassa ilmoitettuun määrään asti (asetuksen (EY) N:o 327/98 1 artiklan 1 kohdan d alakohta)In Swedish: Tullfri upp till den mängd som anges i fälten 17 och 18 i denna licens (förordning (EG) nr 327/98, artikel 1.1 d)ANNEX IXQuotas and subperiods with effect from 2007(a)Quota of 63000 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630 as provided for in Article 1(1)(a):
Remaining quantity not used in previous subperiods published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Subperiods (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
All countries
(b)Quota of 1634 tonnes of husked rice covered by CN code 100620 as provided for in Article 1(1)(b):
Remaining quantity not used in previous subperiods published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Subperiods (quantities in tonnes)
All countries
(c)Quota of 100000 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000 as provided for in Article 1(1)(c):
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Subperiods (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
(d)Quota of 40216 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630 as provided for in Article 1(1)(d):
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Subperiods (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
All countries
(e)Quota of 31788 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000 as provided for in Article 1(1)(e):
Remaining quantity not used in previous subperiods published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Subperiods (quantities in tonnes)
All countries
ANNEX XQuotas and tranches for 2006(a)Quota of 63000 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630 as provided for in Article 1(1)(a):
Remaining quantity not used in previous tranches published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Tranches (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
All countries
(b)Quota of 1634 tonnes of husked rice covered by CN code 100620 as provided for in Article 1(1)(b):
Remaining quantity not used in previous tranches published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Tranches (quantities in tonnes)
All countries
(c)Quota of 106667 tonnes of broken rice as covered by CN code 10064000 provided for in Article 1(1)(c):
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Tranches (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
(d)Quota of 44716 tonnes of wholly milled or semi-milled rice covered by CN code 100630 as provided for in Article 1(1)(d):
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Tranches (quantities in tonnes)
United States of America
Other origins
All countries
(e)Quota of 31788 tonnes of broken rice covered by CN code 10064000 as provided for in Article 1(1)(e):
Remaining quantity not used in previous tranches published by Commission Regulation.
Quantity (tonnes)
Serial number
Tranches (quantities in tonnes)
All countries
ANNEX XIEntries referred to in Article 4, paragraph 4, point e)in Bulgarian: Освободено от мито до максимално количество, посочено в графи 17 и 18 от настоящата лицензия [член 1, параграф 1, буква д) от Регламент (ЕО) № 327/98]In Spanishl: Exención del derecho de aduana hasta la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 18 del presente certificado [Reglamento (CE) no 327/98, artículo 1, apartado 1, letra e)]In Czech: Osvobození od cla až do množství uvedeného v kolonkách 17 a 18 této licence (čl. 1 odst. 1 písm. e) nařízení (ES) č. 327/98)In Danish: Toldfri op til den mængde, der er angivet i rubrik 17 og 18 i denne licens (forordning (EF) nr. 327/98, artikel 1, stk. 1, litra e))In German: Zollfrei bis zu der in den Feldern 17 und 18 dieser Lizenz angegebenen Menge (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 327/98, Artikel 1 Absatz 1 Buchstabe e)In Estonian: Tollimaksuvabastus kuni käesoleva litsentsi lahtrites 17 ja 18 näidatud koguseni (määruse (EÜ) nr 327/98 artikli 1 lõike 1 punkt e))In Greek: Απαλλαγή από τον τελωνειακό δασμό έως την ποσότητα που αναγράφεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18 του παρόντος πιστοποιητικού [κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 327/98, άρθρο 1 παράγραφος 1 στοιχείο ε)]In English: Exemption from customs duty up to the quantity indicated in boxes 17 and 18 of this licence (Regulation (EC) No 327/98, Article 1(1)(e))In French: Exemption du droit de douane jusqu'à la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18 du présent certificat [règlement (CE) no 327/98, article 1er, paragraphe 1, point e)]In Italian: Esenzione dal dazio doganale fino a concorrenza del quantitativo indicato nelle caselle 17 e 18 del presente titolo [regolamento (CE) n. 327/98, articolo 1, paragrafo 1, lettera e)]In Latvian: Atbrīvojumi no muitas nodokļa līdz šīs atļaujas 17. un 18. ailē norādītajam daudzumam (Regulas (EK) Nr. 327/98 1. panta 1. punkta e) apakšpunkts)In Lithuanian: Atleidimas nuo muito mokesčio neviršijant šios licencijos 17 ir 18 langeliuose nurodyto kiekio (Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 327/98, 1 straipsnio 1 dalies e) punktas)In Hungarian: Vámmentes az ezen engedély 17. és 18. rovatában feltüntetett mennyiségig (327/98/EK rendelet 1. cikk (1) bekezdés e) pont)In Maltese: Eżenzjoni tad-dazju tad-dwana sal-kwantità indikata fil-każi 17 u 18 taċ-ċertifikat preżenti (Artikolu 1, paragrafu 1, punt e) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 327/98)In Ducth: Vrijstelling van douanerecht voor hoeveelheden die niet groter zijn dan de in de vakken 17 en 18 van dit certificaat vermelde hoeveelheid (artikel 1, lid 1, onder e), van Verordening (EG) nr. 327/98)In Polish: Zwolnienie z cła ilości do wysokości wskazanej w sekcjach 17 i 18 niniejszego pozwolenia (rozporządzenie (WE) nr 327/98, art. 1 ust. 1 lit. e))In Portuguese: Isenção do direito aduaneiro até à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18 do presente certificado [Regulamento (CE) n.o 327/98, alínea e) do n.o 1 do artigo 1.o]In Romanian: Scutit de drepturi vamale până la concurența cantității menționate în căsuțele 17 și 18 din prezenta licență [Regulamentul (CE) nr. 327/98, articolul 1, alineatul (1) litera (e)]In Slovak: Oslobodenie od cla až po množstvo uvedené v kolónkach 17 a 18 tejto licencie [článok 1 ods. 1 písm. e) nariadenia (ES) č. 327/98]In Slovenian: Oprostitev carinske dajatve do količine, navedene v poljih 17 in 18 tega dovoljenja (, člen 1(1)(e) Uredbe (ES) št. 327/98)In Finnish: Tullivapaa tämän todistuksen 17 ja 18 artiklassa ilmoitettuun määrään asti (asetuksen (EY) N:o 327/98 1 artiklan 1 kohdan e) alakohta)In Swedish: Tullfri upp till den mängd som anges i fälten 17 och 18 i denna licens (Förordning (EG) nr 327/98, artikel 1.1.e)).