| Annex A | Annex B | Annex C | Common name |
Tachyglossidae | | | | Echidnas, spiny ant eaters |
| | Zaglossus spp. (II) | | Long-nosed echidnas |
Dasyuridae | | | | Dunnarts, marsupial mice, planigales |
| Sminthopsis longicaudata (I) | | | Long-tailed dunnart |
| Sminthopsis psammophila (I) | | | Sandhill dunnart |
Thylacinidae | | | | Tasmanian wolf, thylacine |
| Thylacinus cynocephalus (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Thylacine |
Peramelidae | | | | Bandicoots |
| Chaeropus ecaudatus (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Pig-footed bandicoot |
| Macrotis lagotis (I) | | | Greater bilby |
| Macrotis leucura (I) | | | Lesser bilby |
| Perameles bougainville (I) | | | Western barred bandicoot |
Phalangeridae | | | | Cuscus |
| | Phalanger orientalis (II) | | Grey cuscus |
| | Spilocuscus maculatus (II) | | Common spotted cuscus |
Vombatidae | | | | Wombats |
| Lasiorhinus krefftii (I) | | | Northern hairy-nosed wombat |
Macropodidae | | | | Kangaroos, wallabies |
| | Dendrolagus dorianus | | Unicoloured tree kangaroo |
| | Dendrolagus goodfellowi | | Goodfellow's tree kangaroo |
| | Dendrolagus inustus (II) | | Grizzled tree-kangaroo |
| | Dendrolagus matschiei | | Matschie's tree kangaroo |
| | Dendrolagus ursinus (II) | | Vogelkop tree-kangaroo |
| Lagorchestes hirsutus (I) | | | Rufous hare-wallaby |
| Lagostrophus fasciatus (I) | | | Banded hare-wallaby |
| Onychogalea fraenata (I) | | | Bridled nailtail wallaby |
| Onychogalea lunata (I) | | | Crescent nailtail wallaby |
Potoroidae | | | | Rat-kangaroos |
| Bettongia spp. (I) | | | Bettongs |
| Caloprymnus campestris (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Desert rat-kangaroo |
SCANDENTIA | | | | |
Tupaiidae | | | | Tree shrews |
| | Tupaiidae spp. | | Tree shrews |
CHIROPTERA | | | | |
Phyllostomidae | | | | Broad-nosed bats |
| | | Platyrrhinus lineatus (III Uruguay) | White-lined bat |
Pteropodidae | | | | Fruit bats, flying foxes |
| | Acerodon spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Flying-foxes |
| Acerodon jubatus (I) | | | Golden-capped fruit bat |
| Acerodon lucifer (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Panay giant fruit bat |
| | Pteropus spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Flying-foxes |
| Pteropus insularis (I) | | | Truk flying-fox |
| Pteropus livingstonei (II) | | | Comoro black flying-fox |
| Pteropus mariannus (I) | | | Micronesian flying-fox |
| Pteropus molossinus (I) | | | Pohnpei flying-fox |
| Pteropus phaeocephalus (I) | | | Mortlock flying-fox |
| Pteropus pilosus (I) | | | Large Palau flying-fox |
| Pteropus rodricensis (II) | | | Rodriques flying-fox |
| Pteropus samoensis (I) | | | Samoan flying-fox |
| Pteropus tonganus (I) | | | Insular flying-fox |
| Pteropus voeltzkowi (II) | | | Pemba flying-fox |
PRIMATES | | | | Primates (apes and monkeys) |
| | PRIMATES spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Primates |
Lemuridae | | | | Large Lemurs |
| Lemuridae spp. (I) | | | Large Lemurs |
Megaladapidae | | | | Sportive lemurs |
| Megaladapidae spp. (I) | | | Sportive lemurs |
Cheirogaleidae | | | | Dwarf lemurs and mouse-lemurs |
| Cheirogaleidae spp. (I) | | | Dwarf lemurs and mouse-lemurs |
Indridae | | | | Indri, sifakas and woolly lemurs |
| Indridae spp. (I) | | | Indri, sifakas and woolly lemurs |
Daubentoniidae | | | | Aye-aye |
| Daubentonia madagascariensis (I) | | | Aye-aye |
Tarsiidae | | | | Tarsiers |
| Tarsius spp. (II) | | | Tarsiers |
Callithricidae | | | | Marmosets, tamarins |
| Callimico goeldii (I) | | | Goeldi's marmoset |
| Callithrix aurita (I) | | | Buffy-tufted-ear marmoset |
| Callithrix flaviceps (I) | | | Buffy-headed marmoset |
| Leontopithecus spp. (I) | | | Lion tamarins |
| Saguinus bicolor (I) | | | Bare-faced tamarin |
| Saguinus geoffroyi (I) | | | Rufous-naped tamarin |
| Saguinus leucopus (I) | | | White-footed tamarin |
| Saguinus oedipus (I) | | | Cotton-headed tamarin |
Cebidae | | | | New-world monkeys |
| Alouatta coibensis (I) | | | Coiba Island howler |
| Alouatta palliata (I) | | | Mantled howler |
| Alouatta pigra (I) | | | Guatemalan howler |
| Ateles geoffroyi frontatus (I) | | | Black-browed spider monkey |
| Ateles geoffroyi panamensis (I) | | | Red spider monkey |
| Brachyteles arachnoides (I) | | | Woolly spider monkey |
| Cacajao spp. (I) | | | Uakaris |
| Callicebus personatus (II) | | | Masked titi |
| Chiropotes albinasus (I) | | | White-nosed saki |
| Lagothrix flavicauda (I) | | | Yellow-tailed woolly monkey |
| Saimiri oerstedii (I) | | | Central American squirrel monkey |
Cercopithecidae | | | | Old-world monkeys |
| Cercocebus galeritus (I/II)(The subspecies Cercocebusgaleritusgaleritus is listed in Appendix I) | | | Crested mangabey |
| Cercopithecus diana (I) | | | Diana guenon |
| Cercopithecus solatus (II) | | | Sun-tailed monkey |
| Colobus satanas (II) | | | Black colobus |
| Macaca silenus (I) | | | Lion-tailed macaque |
| Mandrillus leucophaeus (I) | | | Drill |
| Mandrillus sphinx (I) | | | Mandrill |
| Nasalis concolor (I) | | | Pig-tailed langur |
| Nasalis larvatus (I) | | | Proboscis monkey |
| Presbytis potenziani (I) | | | Mentawai leaf monkey |
| Procolobus pennantii (I/II)(The species is listed in Appendix II but the subspecies Procolobuspennantiikirkii is listed in Appendix I) | | | Eastern red colobus |
| Procolobus preussi (II) | | | Preuss's colobus |
| Procolobus rufomitratus (I) | | | Tana River colobus |
| Pygathrix spp. (I) | | | Snub-nosed monkeys |
| Semnopithecus entellus (I) | | | Hanuman langur |
| Trachypithecus francoisi (II) | | | François' leaf monkey |
| Trachypithecus geei (I) | | | Golden langur |
| Trachypithecus johnii (II) | | | Nilgiri langur |
| Trachypithecus pileatus (I) | | | Capped langur |
Hylobatidae | | | | Gibbons |
| Hylobatidae spp. (I) | | | Gibbons |
Hominidae | | | | Chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utan |
| Gorilla gorilla (I) | | | Gorilla |
| Pan spp. (I) | | | Chimpanzees |
| Pongo pygmaeus (I) | | | Orang-utan |
XENARTHRA | | | | |
Myrmecophagidae | | | | American anteaters |
| | Myrmecophaga tridactyla (II) | | Giant anteater |
| | | Tamandua mexicana (III Guatemala) | Tamandua |
Bradypodidae | | | | Three-toed sloths |
| | Bradypus variegatus (II) | | Brown-throated sloth |
Megalonychidae | | | | Two-toed sloth |
| | | Choloepus hoffmanni (III Costa Rica) | Hoffmann's two-toed sloth |
Dasypodidae | | | | Armadillos |
| | | Cabassous centralis (III Costa Rica) | Northern naked-tailed armadillo |
| | | Cabassous tatouay (III Uruguay) | Greater naked-tailed armadillo |
| | Chaetophractus nationi (II) (A zero annual export quota has been established. All specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Annex A and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly) | | Hairy armadillo |
| Priodontes maximus (I) | | | Giant armadillo |
PHOLIDOTA | | | | |
Manidae | | | | Pangolins |
| | Manis spp. (II)(A zero annual export quota has been established for Manis crassicaudata, Manispentadactyla and Manisjavanica for specimens removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes) | | Pangolins |
LAGOMORPHA | | | | |
Leporidae | | | | Hares, rabbits |
| Caprolagus hispidus (I) | | | Hispid rabbit |
| Romerolagus diazi (I) | | | Volcano rabbit |
RODENTIA | | | | |
Sciuridae | | | | Ground squirrels, tree squirrels |
| Cynomys mexicanus (I) | | | Mexican prairie dog |
| | | Epixerus ebii (III Ghana) | Ebian's palm squirrel |
| | | Marmota caudata (III India) | Long-tailed marmot |
| | | Marmota himalayana (III India) | Himalayan marmot |
| | Ratufa spp. (II) | | Giant squirrels |
| | | Sciurus deppei (III Costa Rica) | Deppe's squirrel |
Anomaluridae | | | | African flying squirrels |
| | | Anomalurus beecrofti (III Ghana) | Beecroft's flying squirrel |
| | | Anomalurus derbianus (III Ghana) | Lord Derby's flying squirrel |
| | | Anomalurus pelii (III Ghana) | Pel's flying squirrel |
| | | Idiurus macrotis (III Ghana) | Long-eared flying squirrel |
Muridae | | | | Mice, rats |
| Leporillus conditor (I) | | | Greater stick-nest rat |
| Pseudomys praeconis (I) | | | Shark Bay mouse |
| Xeromys myoides (I) | | | False water-rat |
| Zyzomys pedunculatus (I) | | | Central rock-rat |
Hystricidae | | | | Old-world porcupines |
| Hystrix cristata(III Ghana) | | | North African crested porcupine |
Erethizontidae | | | | New-world porcupines |
| | | Sphiggurus mexicanus (III Honduras) | Mexican tree porcupine |
| | | Sphiggurus spinosus (III Uruguay) | Spiny tree porcupine |
Agoutidae | | | | Paca |
| | | Agouti paca (III Honduras) | Spotted paca |
Dasyproctidae | | | | Central american agoutis |
| | | Dasyprocta punctata (III Honduras) | Central American agouti |
Chinchillidae | | | | Chinchillas |
| Chinchilla spp. (I) (Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | | Chinchillas |
CETACEA | | | | Cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises, whales) |
| CETACEA spp. (I/II) | | | Cetaceans |
CARNIVORA | | | | |
Canidae | | | | Dogs, foxes, wolves |
| | | Canis aureus (III India) | Golden jackal |
| Canis lupus(I/II)(All populations except those of Spain north of the Douro and Greece north of the 39th parallel. Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan are listed in Appendix I; all other populations are listed in Appendix II.) | Canis lupus (II) (Populations of Spain north of the Douro and Greece north of the 39th parallel) | | Grey wolf |
| Canis simensis | | | Ethiopian wolf |
| | Cerdocyon thous (II) | | Forest fox |
| | Chrysocyon brachyurus (II) | | Maned wolf |
| | Cuon alpinus (II) | | Asiatic wild dog |
| | Pseudalopex culpaeus (II) | | Colpeo fox |
| | Pseudalopex griseus (II) | | Argentine grey fox |
| | Pseudalopex gymnocercus (II) | | Pampa fox |
| Speothos venaticus (I) | | | Bush dog |
| | | Vulpes bengalensis (III India) | Bengal fox |
| | Vulpes cana (II) | | Blanford's fox |
| | Vulpes zerda (II) | | Fennec fox |
Ursidae | | | | Bears |
| | Ursidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Bears |
| Ailuropoda melanoleuca (I) | | | Giant panda |
| Ailurus fulgens (I) | | | Lesser panda |
| Helarctos malayanus (I) | | | Sun bear |
| Melursus ursinus (I) | | | Sloth bear |
| Tremarctos ornatus (I) | | | Spectacled bear |
| Ursus arctos(I/II)(Only the populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico and Mongolia and the subspecies Ursusarctosisabellinus are listed in Appendix I; all other populations and subspecies are listed in Appendix II). | | | Brown bear |
| Ursus thibetanus (I) | | | Asiatic black bear |
Procyonidae | | | | Coati, coatimundi |
| | | Bassaricyon gabbii (III Costa Rica) | Bushy-tailed olingo |
| | | Bassariscus sumichrasti (III Costa Rica) | Central American cacomistle |
| | | Nasua narica (III Honduras) | Coati |
| | | Nasua nasua solitaria (III Uruguay) | South Brazilian coati |
| | | Potos flavus (III Honduras) | Kinkajou |
Mustelidae | | | | Badgers, martens, weasels etc. |
- Lutrinae
| | | | Otters |
| | Lutrinae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Otters |
| Aonyx congicus (I) (Only the populations of Cameroon and Nigeria; all other populations are included in Annex B) | | | Cameroon clawless otter |
| Enhydra lutris nereis (I) | | | Southern sea otter |
| Lontra felina (I) | | | Marine otter |
| Lontra longicaudis (I) | | | South American river otter |
| Lontra provocax (I) | | | Southern river otter |
| Lutra lutra (I) | | | Eurasian otter |
| Pteronura brasiliensis (I) | | | Giant otter |
- Mellivorinae
| | | | Honey badgers |
| | | Mellivora capensis (III Botswana/Ghana) | Honey badger |
- Mephitinae
| | | | Skunks |
| | Conepatus humboldtii (II) | | Patagonian hog-nosed skunk |
Mustelinae | | | | Grisons, martens, tayra, weasels |
| | | Eira barbara (III Honduras) | Tayra |
| | | Galictis vittata (III Costa Rica) | Greater grison |
| | | Martes flavigula (III India) | Yellow-throated marten |
| | | Martes foina intermedia (III India) | Stone marten |
| | | Martes gwatkinsii (III India) | Nilgiri marten |
| Mustela nigripes (I) | | | Black-footed ferret |
Viverridae | | | | Binturong, civets, falanouc, fossa, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civet |
| | | Arctictis binturong (III India) | Binturong |
| | | Civettictis civetta (III Botswana) | African civet |
| | Cryptoprocta ferox (II) | | Fossa |
| | Cynogale bennettii (II) | | Otter-civet |
| | Eupleres goudotii (II) | | Falanouc |
| | Fossa fossana (II) | | Malagasy civet |
| | Hemigalus derbyanus (II) | | Banded palm civet |
| | | Paguma larvata (III India) | Masked palm civet |
| | | Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (III India) | Common palm civet |
| | | Paradoxurus jerdoni (III India) | Jerdon's palm civet |
| | Prionodon linsang (II) | | Banded linsang |
| Prionodon pardicolor (I) | | | Spotted linsang |
| | | Viverra civettina (III India) | Malabar large-spotted civet |
| | | Viverra zibetha (III India) | Large Indian civet |
| | | Viverricula indica (III India) | Small Indian civet |
Herpestidae | | | | Mongooses |
| | | Herpestes brachyurus fuscus (III India) | Indian brown mongoose |
| | | Herpestes edwardsii (III India) | Indian grey mongoose |
| | | Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus (III India) | Small Indian mongoose |
| | | Herpestes smithii (III India) | Ruddy mongoose |
| | | Herpestes urva (III India) | Crab-eating mongoose |
| | | Herpestes vitticollis (III India) | Stripe-necked mongoose |
Hyaenidae | | | | Aardwolf, hyenas |
| | | Proteles cristatus (III Botswana) | Aardwolf |
Felidae | | | | Cats, cheetahs, leopards, lions, tigers etc. |
| | Felidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A. Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | Cats |
| Acinonyx jubatus (I) (Annual export quotas for live specimens and hunting trophies are granted as follows: Botswana: 5; Namibia: 150; Zimbabwe: 50. The trade in such specimens is subject to the provisions of Article 4.1. of this Regulation.) | | | Cheetah |
| Caracal caracal (I) (Only the population of Asia; all other populations are included in Annex B) | | | Asian Caracal |
| Catopuma temminckii (I) | | | Asiatic golden cat |
| Felis nigripes (I) | | | Black-footed cat |
| Felis silvestris(II) | | | Wild cat |
| Herpailurus yaguarondi(I) (Only the populations of Central and North America; all other populations are included in Annex B) | | | Jaguarundi |
| Leopardus pardalis (I) | | | Ocelot |
| Leopardus tigrinus (I) | | | Little spotted cat |
| Leopardus wiedii (I) | | | Margay |
| Lynx lynx(II) | | | Eurasian lynx |
| Lynx pardinus (I) | | | Iberian lynx |
| Neofelis nebulosa (I) | | | Clouded leopard |
| Oncifelis geoffroyi (I) | | | Geoffroy's cat |
| Oreailurus jacobita (I) | | | Andean cat |
| Panthera leo persica (I) | | | Asiatic lion |
| Panthera onca (I) | | | Jaguar |
| Panthera pardus (I) | | | Leopard |
| Panthera tigris (I) | | | Tiger |
| Pardofelis marmorata (I) | | | Marbled cat |
| Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis (I) (Only the populations of Bangladesh, India and Thailand; all other populations are included in Annex B.) | | | Bengal leopard cat |
| Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis (II) | | | Iriomote cat |
| Prionailurus planiceps (I) | | | Flat-headed cat |
| Prionailurus rubiginosus (I) (Only the population of India; all other populations are included in Annex B.) | | | Rusty-spotted cat |
| Puma concolor coryi (I) | | | Florida puma |
| Puma concolor costaricensis (I) | | | Costa Rican puma |
| Puma concolor couguar (I) | | | Eastern puma |
| Uncia uncia (I) | | | Snow leopard |
Otariidae | | | | Fur seals, sealions |
| | Arctocephalus spp (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Fur seals |
| Arctocephalus philippii (II) | | | Juan Fernandez fur seal |
| Arctocephalus townsendi (I) | | | Guadelupe fur seal |
Odobenidae | | | | Walrus |
| | Odobenus rosmarus (III Canada) | | Walrus |
Phocidae | | | | Seals |
| | Mirounga leonina (II) | | Southern elephant-seal |
| Monachus spp. (I) | | | Monk seals |
Elephantidae | | | | Elephants |
| Elephas maximus (I) | | | Asian elephant |
| Loxodonta africana (I) —(Except for the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are included in Annex B) | Loxodonta africana (II)(Only the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe; all other populations are included in Annex A) | | African elephant |
SIRENIA | | | | |
Dugongidae | | | | Dugong |
| Dugong dugon (I) | | | Dugong |
Trichechidae | | | | Manatees |
| Trichechidae spp. (I/II) (Trichechusinunguis and Trichechusmanatus are listed in Appendix I. Trichechussenegalensis is listed in Appendix II.) | | | Manatees |
Equidae | | | | Horses, wild asses, zebras |
| Equus africanus (I) (Excludes the domesticated form referenced as Equus asinus, which is not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | | African ass |
| Equus grevyi (I) | | | Grevy's zebra |
| Equus hemionus (I/II) (The species is listed in Appendix II but subspecies Equus hemionus hemionus is listed in Appendix I) | | | Asiatic wild ass |
| Equus kiang (II) | | | Kiang |
| | Equus onager (II) (Except for the subspecies included in Annex A) | | Onager ass |
| Equus onager khur (I) | | | Indian wild ass |
| Equus przewalskii (I) | | | Przewalski's horse |
| | Equus zebra hartmannae (II) | | Hartmann's mountain zebra |
| Equus zebra zebra (I) | | | Cape mountain zebra |
Tapiridae | | | | Tapirs |
| Tapiridae spp. (I) (Except for the species included in Annex B) | | | Tapirs |
| | Tapirus terrestris (II) | | Brazilian tapir |
Rhinocerotidae | | | | Rhinoceroses |
| Rhinocerotidae spp. (I) (Except for the subspecies included in Annex B) | | | Rhinoceroses |
| | Ceratotherium simum simum (II) (Only the populations of South Africa and Swaziland; all other populations are included in Annex A. For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations and trade in hunting trophies. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Annex A and trade in them shall be regulated accordingly) | | Southern white rhinoceros |
Tragulidae | | | | Mouse-deer |
| | | Hyemoschus aquaticus (III Ghana) | Water chevrotain |
Suidae | | | | Babirusa, hogs, pigs |
| Babyrousa babyrussa (I) | | | Babirusa |
| Sus salvanius (I) | | | Pygmy hog |
Tayassuidae | | | | Peccaries |
| | Tayassuidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A and excluding the populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States, which are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) — | | Peccaries |
| Catagonus wagneri (I) | | | Chacoan peccary |
Hippopotamidae | | | | Hippopotamuses |
| | Hexaprotodon liberiensis (II) | | Pygmy hippopotamus |
| | Hippopotamus amphibius (II) | | Hippopotamus |
Camelidae | | | | Camels, guanaco, vicuña |
| | Lama guanicoe (II) | | Guanaco |
| Vicugna vicugna (I) (Except for the populations of: Argentina [the population of the Provinces of Jujuy and Catamarca and the semi‐captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan]; Bolivia [the whole population]; Chile [population of the Primera Región]; and Peru [the whole population]; which are included in Annex B) | Vicugna vicugna (II) (Only the populations of Argentina[the population of the Provinces of Jujuy and Catamarca and the semi‐captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan]; Bolivia[the whole population]; Chile[population of the Primera Región]; Peru[the whole population]; all other populations are included in Annex A) | | Vicuña |
Moschidae | | | | Musk deer |
| Moschus spp. (I) (Only the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan; all other populations are included in Annex B) | Moschus spp. (II) (Except for the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Annex A) | | Musk deer |
Cervidae | | | | Deer, huemuls, muntjacs, pudus |
| Axis calamianensis (I) | | | Calamian deer |
| Axis kuhlii (I) | | | Kuhl's hog deer |
| Axis porcinus annamiticus (I) | | | Indochina hog deer |
| Blastocerus dichotomus (I) | | | Marsh deer |
| Cervus duvaucelii (I) | | | Swamp deer |
| | Cervus elaphus bactrianus (II) | | Bactrian deer |
| | | Cervus elaphus barbarus (III Tunisia) | Barbary deer |
| Cervus elaphus hanglu (I) | | | Hangul |
| Cervus eldii (I) | | | Thamin |
| Dama mesopotamica (I) | | | Persian fallow deer |
| Hippocamelus spp. (I) | | | Huemuls |
| | | Mazama americana cerasina (III Guatemala) | Middle American red brocket |
| Megamuntiacus vuquanghensis (I) | | | Giant muntjac |
| Muntiacus crinifrons (I) | | | Black muntjac |
| | | Odocoileus virginianus mayensis (III Guatemala) | Guatemalan white-tailed deer |
| Ozotoceros bezoarticus (I) | | | Pampas deer |
| | Pudu mephistophiles (II) | | Northern pudu |
| Pudu puda (I) | | | Southern pudu |
Antilocapridae | | | | Pronghorn |
| Antilocapra americana (I) (Only the population of Mexico; no other population is included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | | Mexican pronghorn |
Bovidae | | | | Antelopes, cattle, duikers, gazelles, goats, sheep etc. |
| Addax nasomaculatus (I) | | | Addax |
| | Ammotragus lervia (II) | | Barbary sheep |
| | Bison bison athabascae (II) | | Wood bison |
| | | Antilope cervicapra (III Nepal) | Blackbuck |
| Bos gaurus (I) (Excludes the domesticated form referenced as Bos frontalis which is not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | | Gaur |
| Bos mutus (I) (Excludes the domesticated form referenced as Bos grunniens which is not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | | Wild yak |
| Bos sauveli (I) | | | Kouprey |
| | | Bubalus arnee (III Nepal) (Excludes the domesticated form which is referenced as Bubalus bubalis which is not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | Wild Asiatic buffalo |
| Bubalus depressicornis (I) | | | Lowland anoa |
| Bubalus mindorensis (I) | | | Tamaraw |
| Bubalus quarlesi (I) | | | Mountain anoa |
| | Budorcas taxicolor (II) | | Takin |
| Capra falconeri (I) | | | Markhor |
| | Cephalophus dorsalis (II) | | Bay duiker |
| Cephalophus jentinki (I) | | | Jentink's duiker |
| | Cephalophus monticola (II) | | Blue duiker |
| | Cephalophus ogilbyi (II) | | Ogilby's duiker |
| | Cephalophus silvicultor (II) | | Yellow-backed duiker |
| | Cephalophus zebra (II) | | Banded duiker |
| | | Damaliscus lunatus (III Ghana) | Tsessebi |
| | Damaliscus pygargus pygargus (II) | | Bontebok |
| | Gazella cuvieri (III Tunisia) | | Edmi gazelle |
| Gazella dama (I) | | | Dama gazelle |
| | Gazella dorcas (III Tunisia) | | Dorcas gazelle |
| | Gazella leptoceros (III Tunisia) | | Rhim |
| Hippotragus niger variani (I) | | | Giant sable antelope |
| | Kobus leche (II) | | Lechwe |
| Naemorhedus baileyi (I) | | | Red goral |
| Naemorhedus caudatus (I) | | | Chinese goral |
| Naemorhedus goral (I) | | | Goral |
| Naemorhedus sumatraensis (I) | | | Mainland serow |
| Oryx dammah (I) | | | Scimitar-horned oryx |
| Oryx leucoryx (I) | | | Arabian oryx |
| | Ovis ammon (II) (Except for the subspecies included in Annex A) | | Argali |
| Ovis ammon hodgsonii (I) | | | Tibetan argali |
| Ovis ammon nigrimontana (I) | | | Kara Tau argali |
| | Ovis canadensis (II) (Only the population of Mexico; no other population is included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | Mexican bighorn sheep |
| Ovis orientalis ophion (I) | | | Cyprus mouflon |
| | Ovis vignei (II) (Except for the subspecies included in Annex A) | | Urial |
| Ovis vignei vignei (I) | | | Ladakh urial |
| Pantholops hodgsonii (I) | | | Chiru |
| Pseudoryx nghetinhensis (I) | | | Vu Quang ox |
| Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata (I) | | | Abruzzo chamois |
| | Saiga tatarica (II) | | Saiga antelope |
| | | Tetracerus quadricornis (III Nepal) | Four-horned antelope |
| | | Tragelaphus eurycerus (III Ghana) | Bongo |
| | | Tragelaphus spekii (III Ghana) | Sitatunga |
AVESBirds |
Struthionidae | | | | Ostrich |
| Struthio camelus (I) (Only the populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan; all other populations are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | | Ostrich |
RHEIFORMES | | | | |
Rheidae | | | | Rheas |
| | Rhea americana (II) | | Greater rhea |
| Rhea pennata(I) (Except for the populations of Rheapennatapennata of Argentina and Chile, which are included in Annex B) | | | Lesser rhea |
| | Rhea pennata pennata (II) (Only the populations of Argentina and Chile) | | Lesser rhea |
Tinamidae | | | | Tinamous |
| Tinamus solitarius (I) | | | Solitary tinamou |
Spheniscidae | | | | Penguins |
| | Spheniscus demersus (II) | | Jackass penguin |
| Spheniscus humboldti (I) | | | Humboldt penguin |
Podicipedidae | | | | Grebes |
| Podilymbus gigas (I) | | | Atitlan Grebe |
Diomedeidae | | | | Albatrosses |
| Diomedea albatrus (I) | | | Short-tailed albatross |
Pelecanidae | | | | Pelicans |
| Pelecanus crispus (I) | | | Dalmatian pelican |
Sulidae | | | | Boobies |
| Papasula abbotti (I) | | | Abbott's booby |
Fregatidae | | | | Frigatebirds |
| Fregata andrewsi (I) | | | Christmas frigatebird |
Ardeidae | | | | Egrets, herons |
| | | Ardea goliath (III Ghana) | Goliath heron |
| Bubulcus ibis(III Ghana) | | | Cattle egret |
| Casmerodius albus(III Ghana) | | | Great egret |
| Egretta garzetta(III Ghana) | | | Little egret |
Balaenicipitidae | | | | Shoebill, whale-headed stork |
| | Balaeniceps rex (II) | | Shoebill |
Ciconiidae | | | | Storks |
| Ciconia boyciana (I) | | | Oriental stork |
| Ciconia nigra(II) | | | Black stork |
| Ciconia stormi | | | Storm's stork |
| | | Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis (III Ghana) | Saddle-billed stork |
| Jabiru mycteria (I) | | | Jabiru |
| | | Leptoptilos crumeniferus (III Ghana) | Marabou stork |
| Leptoptilos dubius | | | Greater adjutant stork |
| Mycteria cinerea (I) | | | Milky stork |
Threskiornithidae | | | | Ibises, spoonbills |
| | | Bostrychia hagedash (III Ghana) | Hadada ibis |
| | | Bostrychia rara (III Ghana) | Spot-breasted ibis |
| | Eudocimus ruber (II) | | Scarlet ibis |
| Geronticus calvus (II) | | | Bald ibis |
| Geronticus eremita (I) | | | Waldrapp |
| Nipponia nippon (I) | | | Crested ibis |
| Platalea leucorodia(II) | | | Eurasian spoonbill |
| Pseudibis gigantea | | | Giant ibis |
| | | Threskiornis aethiopicus (III Ghana) | Sacred ibis |
Phoenicopteridae | | | | Flamingos |
| | Phoenicopteridae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Flamingos |
| Phoenicopterus ruber(II) | | | Greater flamingo |
Anatidae | | | | Ducks, geese, swans etc. |
| | | Alopochen aegyptiacus (III Ghana) | Egyptian goose |
| | | Anas acuta (III Ghana) | Northern pintail |
| Anas aucklandica (I) | | | Brown teal |
| | Anas bernieri (II) | | Madagascar teal |
| | | Anas capensis (III Ghana) | Cape teal |
| | | Anas clypeata (III Ghana) | Northern shoveler |
| | | Anas crecca (III Ghana) | Common teal |
| | Anas formosa (II) | | Baikal teal |
| Anas laysanensis (I) | | | Laysan duck |
| Anas oustaleti (I) | | | Marianas mallard |
| | | Anas penelope (III Ghana) | Eurasian wigeon |
| Anas querquedula(III Ghana) | | | Garganey |
| Aythya innotata | | | Madagascar pochard |
| Aythya nyroca(III Ghana) | | | Ferruginous duck |
| Branta canadensis leucopareia (I) | | | Aleutian goose |
| Branta ruficollis (II) | | | Red-breasted goose |
| Branta sandvicensis (I) | | | Nene |
| | | Cairina moschata (III Honduras) | Muscovy duck |
| Cairina scutulata (I) | | | White-winged duck |
| | Coscoroba coscoroba (II) | | Coscoroba swan |
| | Cygnus melanocorypha (II) | | Black-necked swan |
| | Dendrocygna arborea (II) | | West Indian whistling-duck |
| | | Dendrocygna autumnalis (III Honduras) | Black-bellied whistling-duck |
| | | Dendrocygna bicolor (III Ghana/Honduras) | Fulvous whistling-duck |
| | | Dendrocygna viduata (III Ghana) | White-faced whistling-duck |
| Mergus octosetaceus | | | Brazilian merganser |
| | | Nettapus auritus (III Ghana) | African pygmy-goose |
| | Oxyura jamaicensis | | Ruddy duck |
| Oxyura leucocephala (II) | | | White-headed duck |
| | | Plectropterus gambensis (III Ghana) | Spur-winged goose |
| | | Pteronetta hartlaubii (III Ghana) | Hartlaub's duck |
| Rhodonessa caryophyllacea (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Pink-headed duck |
| | Sarkidiornis melanotos (II) | | Comb duck |
| Tadorna cristata | | | Crested shelduck |
FALCONIFORMES | | | | Diurnal birds of prey (eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures) |
| | FALCONIFORMES spp. (II) — (Except for the species included in Annex A and for one species of the family Cathartidae included in Annex C; the other species of that family are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | Diurnal birds of prey |
Cathartidae | | | | New world vultures |
| Gymnogyps californianus (I) | | | California condor |
| | | Sarcoramphus papa (III Honduras) | King vulture |
| Vultur gryphus (I) | | | Andean condor |
Pandionidae | | | | Ospreys |
| Pandion haliaetus(II) | | | Osprey |
Accipitridae | | | | Hawk, eagles |
| Accipiter brevipes(II) | | | Levant sparrowhawk |
| Accipiter gentilis(II) | | | Northern goshawk |
| Accipiter nisus(II) | | | Eurasian sparrowhawk |
| Aegypius monachus(II) | | | Cinereous vulture |
| Aquila adalberti (I) | | | Adalbert's eagle |
| Aquila chrysaetos(II) | | | Golden eagle |
| Aquila clanga(II) | | | Greater spotted eagle |
| Aquila heliaca (I) | | | Imperial eagle |
| Aquila pomarina(II) | | | Lesser spotted eagle |
| Buteo buteo(II) | | | Common buzzard |
| Buteo lagopus(II) | | | Rough legged buzzard |
| Buteo rufinus(II) | | | Long-legged buzzard |
| Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii (I) | | | Cuban hook-billed kite |
| Circaetus gallicus(II) | | | Short-toed snake-eagle |
| Circus aeruginosus(II) | | | Western marsh-harrier |
| Circus cyaneus(II) | | | Northern harrier |
| Circus macrourus(II) | | | Pallid harrier |
| Circus pygargus(II) | | | Montagu's harrier |
| Elanus caeruleus(II) | | | Black-winged kite |
| Eutriorchis astur (II) | | | Madagascar serpent-eagle |
| Gypaetus barbatus(II) | | | Lammergeier |
| Gyps fulvus(II) | | | Eurasian griffon |
| Haliaeetus spp. (I/II) (Haliaeetus albicilla is listed in Appendix I; the other species are listed in Appendix II) | | | Sea-eagles |
| Harpia harpyja (I) | | | Harpy eagle |
| Hieraaetus fasciatus(II) | | | Bonelli's eagle |
| Hieraaetus pennatus(II) | | | Booted eagle |
| Leucopternis occidentalis (II) | | | Grey-backed hawk |
| Milvus migrans(II) | | | Black kite |
| Milvus milvus(II) | | | Red kite |
| Neophron percnopterus(II) | | | Egyptian vulture |
| Pernis apivorus(II) | | | European honey-buzzard |
| Pithecophaga jefferyi (I) | | | Great Philippine eagle |
Falconidae | | | | Falcons |
| Falco araea (I) | | | Seychelles kestrel |
| Falco biarmicus(II) | | | Lanner falcon |
| Falco cherrug(II) | | | Saker falcon |
| Falco columbarius(II) | | | Merlin |
| Falco eleonorae(II) | | | Eleonora's falcon |
| Falco jugger (I) | | | Laggar falcon |
| Falco naumanni(II) | | | Lesser kestrel |
| Falco newtoni(I) (Only the population of the Seychelles) | | | Newton's kestrel |
| Falco pelegrinoides (I) | | | Barbary falcon |
| Falco peregrinus (I) | | | Peregrine falcon |
| Falco punctatus (I) | | | Mauritius kestrel |
| Falco rusticolus (I) | | | Gyrfalcon |
| Falco subbuteo(II) | | | Eurasian hobby |
| Falco tinnunculus(II) | | | Common kestrel |
| Falco vespertinus(II) | | | Red-footed falcon |
Megapodiidae | | | | Megapodes, scrubfowl |
| Macrocephalon maleo (I) | | | Maleo |
Cracidae | | Crax spp.* (-/III) (The following species are listed in Appendix III: Craxalberti, Craxdaubentoni and Craxglobulosa for Colombia and Craxrubra for Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Honduras) | | Curassows |
| Crax alberti (III Colombia) | | | Blue-knobbed curassow |
| Crax blumenbachii (I) | | | Red-billed curassow |
| Mitu mitu (I) | | | Alagoas curassow |
| Oreophasis derbianus (I) | | | Horned guan |
| | Ortalis vetula (III Guatemala/Honduras) | | Plain chachalaca |
| | Pauxi spp. (-/III) (Pauxipauxi is listed in Appendix III for Colombia) | | Helmeted curassows |
| Penelope albipennis (I) | | | White-winged guan |
| | | Penelope purpurascens (III Honduras) | Crested guan |
| | Penelopina nigra (III Guatemama) | | Highland guan |
| Pipile jacutinga (I) | | | Black-fronted piping guan |
| Pipile pipile (I) | | | Trinidad piping guan |
Phasianidae | | | | Grouse, guineafowl, partridges, pheasants, tragopans |
| | Agelastes meleagrides (III Ghana) | | White-breasted guineafowl |
| | | Agriocharis ocellata (III Guatemala) | Ocellated turkey |
| | Arborophila charltonii (III Malaysia) | | Chestnut-necklaced partridge |
| | Arborophila orientalis (III Malaysia) | | Grey-breasted partridge |
| | Argusianus argus (II) | | Great argus |
| | | Caloperdix oculea (III Malaysia) | Ferruginous partridge |
| Catreus wallichii (I) | | | Cheer pheasant |
| Colinus virginianus ridgwayi (I) | | | Masked bobwhite |
| Crossoptilon crossoptilon (I) | | | White eared-pheasant |
| Crossoptilon harmani (I) | | | Tibetan eared-pheasant |
| Crossoptilon mantchuricum (I) | | | Brown eared-pheasant |
| | Gallus sonneratii (II) | | Grey junglefowl |
| | Ithaginis cruentus (II) | | Blood pheasant |
| Lophophorus impejanus (I) | | | Himalayan monal |
| Lophophorus lhuysii (I) | | | Chinese monal |
| Lophophorus sclateri (I) | | | Sclater's monal |
| | Lophura bulweri | | Bulwer's pheasant |
| | Lophura diardi | | Siamese fireback |
| Lophura edwardsi (I) | | | Edwards' pheasant |
| | Lophura erythrophthalma (III Malaysia) | | Crestless fireback |
| | Lophura hatinhensis | | Vietnamese fireback |
| | Lophura hoogerwerfi | | Sumatran pheasant |
| | Lophura ignita (III Malaysia) | | Crested fireback |
| Lophura imperialis (I) | | | Imperial pheasant |
| | Lophura inornata | | Salvadori's pheasant |
| | Lophura leucomelanos | | Kalij pheasant |
| Lophura swinhoii (I) | | | Swinhoe's pheasant |
| | | Melanoperdix nigra (III Malaysia) | Black partridge |
| Odontophorus strophium | | | Gorgeted wood-quail |
| Ophrysia superciliosa | | | Himalayan quail |
| | Pavo muticus (II) | | Green peafowl |
| | Polyplectron bicalcaratum (II) | | Grey peacock-pheasant |
| Polyplectron emphanum (I) | | | Palawan peacock pheasant |
| | Polyplectron germaini (II) | | Germain's peacock-pheasant |
| | | Polyplectron inopinatum (III Malaysia) | Mountain peacock-pheasant |
| | Polyplectron malacense (II) | | Malayan peacock-pheasant |
| | Polyplectron schleiermacheri (II) | | Bornean peacock-pheasant |
| Rheinardia ocellata (I) | | | Crested argus |
| | | Rhizothera longirostris (III Malaysia) | Long-billed partridge |
| | | Rollulus rouloul (III Malaysia) | Crested partridge |
| Syrmaticus ellioti (I) | | | Elliot's pheasant |
| Syrmaticus humiae (I) | | | Hume's pheasant |
| Syrmaticus mikado (I) | | | Mikado pheasant |
| Tetraogallus caspius (I) | | | Caspian snowcock |
| Tetraogallus tibetanus (I) | | | Tibetan snowcock |
| Tragopan blythii (I) | | | Blyth's tragopan |
| Tragopan caboti (I) | | | Cabot's tragopan |
| Tragopan melanocephalus (I) | | | Western tragopan |
| | | Tragopan satyra (III Nepal) | Satyr tragopan |
| Tympanuchus cupido attwateri (I) | | | Attwater's prairie-chicken |
GRUIFORMES | | | | |
Gruidae | | | | Cranes |
| | Gruidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Cranes |
| Grus americana (I) | | | Whooping crane |
| Grus canadensis (I/II) (The species is listed in Appendix II but subspecies Gruscanadensisnesiotes and Gruscanadensispulla are listed in Appendix I) | | | Sandhill crane |
| Grus grus(II) | | | Common crane |
| Grus japonensis (I) | | | Red-crowned crane |
| Grus leucogeranus (I) | | | Siberian crane |
| Grus monacha (I) | | | Hooded crane |
| Grus nigricollis (I) | | | Black-necked crane |
| Grus vipio (I) | | | White-necked crane |
Rallidae | | | | Coots, rails |
| Gallirallus sylvestris (I) | | | Lord Howe rail |
Rhynochetidae | | | | Kagu |
| Rhynochetos jubatus (I) | | | Kagu |
Otididae | | | | Bustards |
| | Otididae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Bustards |
| Ardeotis nigriceps (I) | | | Indian bustard |
| Chlamydotis undulata (I) | | | Houbara bustard |
| Eupodotis indica (II) | | | Lesser florican |
| Eupodotis bengalensis (I) | | | Bengal florican |
| Otis tarda(II) | | | Great bustard |
| Tetrax tetrax(II) | | | Little bustard |
Burhinidae | | | | Thick-knees |
| | | Burhinus bistriatus (III Guatemala) | Double-striped thick-knee |
Scolopacidae | | | | Curlews, greenshanks |
| Numenius borealis (I) | | | Eskimo curlew |
| Numenius tenuirostris (I) | | | Slender-billed curlew |
| Tringa guttifer (I) | | | Nordmann's greenshank |
Laridae | | | | Gulls, terns |
| Larus relictus (I) | | | Relict gull |
Columbidae | | | | Doves, pigeons |
| Caloenas nicobarica (I) | | | Nicobar pigeon |
| | Columba caribaea | | Ring-tailed pigeon |
| Claravis godefrida | | | Purple-winged ground-dove |
| | | Columba guinea (III Ghana) | Speckled pigeon |
| | | Columba iriditorques (III Ghana) | Western bronze-naped pigeon |
| Columba livia(III Ghana) | | | Rock pigeon |
| | | Columba mayeri (III Mauritius) | Pink pigeon |
| | | Columba unicincta (III Ghana) | Afep pigeon |
| | Didunculus strigirostris | | Tooth-billed pigeon |
| Ducula mindorensis (I) | | | Mindoro zone-tailed pigeon |
| | Gallicolumba luzonica (II) | | Luzon bleeding-heart |
| | Goura spp. (II) | | Crowned-pigeons |
| Leptotila wellsi | | | Grenada dove |
| | | Oena capensis (III Ghana) | Namaqua dove |
| | | Streptopelia decipiens (III Ghana) | Mourning collared-dove |
| | | Streptopelia roseogrisea (III Ghana) | African collared-dove |
| | | Streptopelia semitorquata (III Ghana) | Red-eyed dove |
| | | Streptopelia senegalensis (III Ghana) | Laughing dove |
| Streptopelia turtur(III Ghana) | | | European turtle-dove |
| | | Streptopelia vinacea (III Ghana) | Vinaceous dove |
| | | Treron calva (III Ghana) | African green-pigeon |
| | | Treron waalia (III Ghana) | Bruce's green-pigeon |
| | | Turtur abyssinicus (III Ghana) | Black-billed wood-dove |
| | | Turtur afer (III Ghana) | Blue-spotted wood-dove |
| | | Turtur brehmeri (III Ghana) | Blue-headed wood-dove |
| | | Turtur tympanistria (III Ghana) | Tambourine dove |
PSITTACIFORMES | | | | Cockatoos, lories, macaws, parakeets, parrots etc. |
| | PSITTACIFORMES spp. (II) —(Except for the species included in Annex A and Annex C and excluding Agapornis roseicollis, Melopsittacusundulatus and Nymphicushollandicus, which are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | Parrots, etc. |
Psittacidae | | | | Amazons, cockatoos, lories, lorikeets, macaws, parakeets, parrots |
| Amazona arausiaca (I) | | | Red-necked parrot |
| Amazona barbadensis (I) | | | Yellow-shouldered parrot |
| Amazona brasiliensis (I) | | | Red-tailed parrot |
| Amazona finschi (I) | | | Lilac-crowned parrot |
| Amazona guildingii (I) | | | St Vincent parrot |
| Amazona imperialis (I) | | | Imperial parrot |
| Amazona leucocephala (I) | | | Cuban parrot |
| Amazona ochrocephala auropalliata (I) | | | Yellow-naped parrot |
| Amazona ochrocephala belizensis (I) | | | |
| Amazona ochrocephala caribaea (I) | | | |
| Amazona ochrocephala oratrix (I) | | | Yellow-headed parrot |
| Amazona ochrocephala parvipes (I) | | | |
| Amazona ochrocephala tresmariae (I) | | | |
| Amazona pretrei (I) | | | Red-spectacled parrot |
| Amazona rhodocorytha (I) | | | Red-browed parrot |
| Amazona tucumana (I) | | | Tucuman parrot |
| Amazona versicolor (I) | | | Saint Lucia parrot |
| Amazona vinacea (I) | | | Vinaceous parrot |
| Amazona viridigenalis (I) | | | Green-cheeked parrot |
| Amazona vittata (I) | | | Puerto Rican parrot |
| Anodorhynchus spp. (I) | | | Blue macaws |
| Ara ambigua (I) | | | Great green macaw |
| Ara glaucogularis (I) | | | Blue-throated macaw |
| Ara macao (I) | | | Scarlet macaw |
| Ara militaris (I) | | | Military macaw |
| Ara rubrogenys (I) | | | Red-fronted macaw |
| Cacatua goffini (I) | | | Tanimbar cockatoo |
| Cacatua haematuropygia (I) | | | Philippine cockatoo |
| Cacatua moluccensis (I) | | | Salmon-crested cockatoo |
| Cacatua sulphurea (I) | | | Yellow-crested cockatoo |
| Cyanopsitta spixii (I) | | | Spix's macaw |
| Cyanoramphus forbesi (I) | | | Chatham Island yellow-fronted parakeet |
| Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae (I) | | | Red-fronted parakeet |
| Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni (I) | | | Coxen's double-eyed fig parrot |
| Eos histrio (I) | | | Red and blue lory |
| Eunymphicus cornutus (I) | | | Horned parakeet |
| Geopsittacus occidentalis (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Night parrot |
| Guarouba guarouba (I) | | | Golden parakeet |
| Neophema chrysogaster (I) | | | Orange-bellied parrot |
| Ognorhynchus icterotis (I) | | | Yellow-eared parrot |
| Pezoporus wallicus (I) | | | Ground parrot |
| Pionopsitta pileata (I) | | | Pileated parrot |
| Probosciger aterrimus (I) | | | Palm cockatoo |
| Propyrrhura couloni (I) | | | Blue-headed macaw |
| Propyrrhura maracana (I) | | | Blue-winged macaw |
| Psephotus chrysopterygius (I) | | | Golden-shouldered parrot |
| Psephotus dissimilis (I) | | | Hooded parrot |
| Psephotus pulcherrimus (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Paradise parrot |
| Psittacula echo (I) | | | Mauritius parakeet |
| | | Psittacula krameri (III Ghana) | Rose-ringed parakeet |
| Pyrrhura cruentata (I) | | | Blue-throated parakeet |
| Rhynchopsitta spp. (I) | | | Thick-billed parrots |
| Strigops habroptilus (I) | | | Kakapo |
| Vini spp. (I/II) (Viniultramarina is listed in Appendix I, the other species are listed in Appendix II) | | | Blue lorikeets |
Musophagidae | | | | Turacos |
| | Corythaeola cristata (III Ghana) | | Great blue turaco |
| | Crinifer piscator (III Ghana) | | Western grey plantain-eater |
| | Musophaga porphyreolopha (II) | | Purple-crested turaco |
| | Musophaga violacea (III Ghana) | | Violet turaco |
| | Tauraco spp. (II)(Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Turacos |
| Tauraco bannermani (II) | | | Bannerman's turaco |
STRIGIFORMES | | | | Owls |
| | STRIGIFORMES spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Owls |
Tytonidae | | | | Barn owls |
| Tyto alba(II) | | | Barn owl |
| Tyto soumagnei (I) | | | Soumagne's owl |
Strigidae | | | | Owls |
| Aegolius funereus(II) | | | Boreal owl |
| Asio flammeus(II) | | | Short-eared owl |
| Asio otus(II) | | | Long-eared owl |
| Athene blewitti (I) | | | Forest owlet |
| Athene noctua(II) | | | Little owl |
| Bubo bubo(II) | | | Eurasian eagle-owl |
| Glaucidium passerinum(II) | | | Eurasian pygmy-owl |
| Mimizuku gurneyi (I) | | | Lesser eagle-owl |
| Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata (I) | | | Norfolk boobook |
| Ninox squamipila natalis (I) | | | Christmas hawk-owl |
| Nyctea scandiaca(II) | | | Snowy owl |
| Otus ireneae (II) | | | Sokoke scops-owl |
| Otus scops(II) | | | Eurasian scops-owl |
| Strix aluco(II) | | | Tawny owl |
| Strix nebulosa(II) | | | Great grey owl |
| Strix uralensis(II) | | | Ural owl |
| Surnia ulula(II) | | | Northern hawk owl |
Trochilidae | | | | Hummingbirds |
| | Trochilidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Hummingbirds |
| Glaucis dohrnii (I) | | | Hook-billed hermit |
Trogonidae | | | | Quetzals |
| Pharomachrus mocinno (I) | | | Resplendent quetzal |
Bucerotidae | | | | Hornbills |
| | Aceros spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Hornbills |
| Aceros nipalensis (I) | | | Rufous-necked hornbill |
| Aceros subruficollis (I) | | | Plain-pouched hornbill |
| | Anorrhinus spp. (II) | | Hornbills |
| | Anthracoceros spp. (II) | | Hornbills |
| | Buceros spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Hornbills |
| Buceros bicornis (I) | | | Great hornbill |
| Buceros vigil (I) | | | Helmeted hornbill |
| | Penelopides spp. (II) | | Hornbills |
PICIFORMES | | | | |
Capitonidae | | | | Barbets |
| | Semnornis ramphastinus (III Colombia) | | Toucan barbet |
Ramphastidae | | | | Toucans |
| | Baillonius bailloni (III Argentina) | | Saffron toucanet |
| | Pteroglossus aracari (II) | | Black-necked aracari |
| | Pteroglossus castanotis (III Argentina) | | Chestnut-eared aracari |
| | Pteroglossus viridis (II) | | Green aracari |
| | Ramphastos dicolorus (III Argentina) | | Red-breasted toucan |
| | Ramphastos sulfuratus (II) | | Keel-billed toucan |
| | Ramphastos toco (II) | | Toco toucan |
| | Ramphastos tucanus (II) | | Red-billed toucan |
| | Ramphastos vitellinus (II) | | Channel-billed toucan |
| | Selenidera maculirostris (III Argentina) | | Spot-billed toucanet |
Picidae | | | | Woodpeckers |
| Campephilus imperialis (I) | | | Imperial woodpecker |
| Dryocopus javensis richardsi (I) | | | Tristam's woodpecker |
Cotingidae | | | | Cotingas |
| | | Cephalopterus ornatus (III Colombia) | Amazonian umbrella bird |
| | | Cephalopterus penduliger (III Colombia) | Long-wattled umbrella bird |
| Cotinga maculata (I) | | | Banded cotinga |
| | Rupicola spp. (II) | | Cocks-of-the-rock |
| Xipholena atropurpurea (I) | | | White-winged cotinga |
Pittidae | | | | Pittas |
| | Pitta guajana (II) | | Banded pitta |
| Pitta gurneyi (I) | | | Gurney's pitta |
| Pitta kochi (I) | | | Whiskered pitta |
| | Pitta nympha (II) | | Fairy pitta |
Atrichornithidae | | | | Scrub-birds |
| Atrichornis clamosus (I) | | | Noisy scrub-bird |
Hirundinidae | | | | Martins |
| Pseudochelidon sirintarae (I) | | | White-eyed river-martin |
Pycnonotidae | | | | Bulbuls |
| | Pycnonotus zeylanicus (II) | | Straw-headed bulbul |
Muscicapidae | | | | Old-world flycatchers |
| Bebrornis rodericanus (III Mauritius) | | | Rodriguez brush-warbler |
| | Cyornis ruckii (II) | | Rueck's blue-flycatcher |
| Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis (possibly extinct) (I) | | | Western rufous bristlebird |
| Dasyornis longirostris (I) | | | Western bristlebird |
| | Garrulax canorus (II) | | Melodious laughing thrush |
| | Leiothrix argentauris (II) | | Silver-eared mesia |
| | Leiothrix lutea (II) | | Red-billed leiothrix |
| | Liocichla omeiensis (II) | | Omei shan liocichla |
| Picathartes gymnocephalus (I) | | | White-necked rockfowl |
| Picathartes oreas (I) | | | Grey-necked rockfowl |
| | | Terpsiphone bourbonnensis (III Mauritius) | Mascarene paradise-flycatcher |
Nectariniidae | | | | Sunbirds |
| | Anthreptes pallidigaster | | Amani sunbird |
| | Anthreptes rubritorques | | Banded sunbird |
Zosteropidae | | | | White-eyes |
| Zosterops albogularis (I) | | | White-chested white-eye |
Meliphagidae | | | | Honey-eaters |
| Lichenostomus melanops cassidix (I) | | | Helmeted honeyeater |
Emberizidae | | | | Cardinals, tanagers |
| | Gubernatrix cristata (II) | | Yellow cardinal |
| | Paroaria capitata (II) | | Yellow-billed cardinal |
| | Paroaria coronata (II) | | Red-crested cardinal |
| | Tangara fastuosa (II) | | Seven-coloured tanager |
Icteridae | | | | New-world blackbirds |
| Agelaius flavus (I) | | | Saffron-cowled blackbird |
Fringillidae | | | | Finches |
| Carduelis cucullata (I) | | | Red siskin |
| | Carduelis yarrellii (II) | | Yellow-faced siskin |
| | | Serinus canicapillus (III Ghana) | West African seedeater |
| | | Serinus leucopygius (III Ghana) | White-rumped seedeater |
| | | Serinus mozambicus (III Ghana) | Yellow-fronted canary |
Estrildidae | | | | Mannikins, waxbills |
| | | Amadina fasciata (III Ghana) | Cut throat |
| | Amandava formosa (II) | | Green avadavat |
| | | Amandava subflava (III Ghana) | Zebra waxbill |
| | | Estrilda astrild (III Ghana) | Common waxbill |
| | | Estrilda caerulescens (III Ghana) | Lavender waxbill |
| | | Estrilda melpoda (III Ghana) | Orange-cheeked waxbill |
| | | Estrilda troglodytes (III Ghana) | Black-rumped waxbill |
| | | Lagonosticta rara (III Ghana) | Black-bellied firefinch |
| | | Lagonosticta rubricata (III Ghana) | African firefinch |
| | | Lagonosticta rufopicta (III Ghana) | Bar-breasted firefinch |
| | | Lagonosticta senegala (III Ghana) | Red-billed firefinch |
| | | Lagonosticta vinacea (III Ghana) | Black-faced firefinch |
| | | Lonchura bicolor (III Ghana) | Black-and-white mannikin |
| | | Lonchura cantans (III Ghana) | African silverbill |
| | | Lonchura cucullata (III Ghana) | Bronze mannikin |
| | | Lonchura fringilloides (III Ghana) | Magpie mannikin |
| | | Mandingoa nitidula (III Ghana) | Green-backed twinspot |
| | | Nesocharis capistrata (III Ghana) | Grey-headed olive-back |
| | | Nigrita bicolor (III Ghana) | Chestnut-breasted negrofinch |
| | | Nigrita canicapilla (III Ghana) | Grey-headed negrofinch |
| | | Nigrita fusconota (III Ghana) | White-breasted negrofinch |
| | | Nigrita luteifrons (III Ghana) | Pale-fronted negrofinch |
| | | Ortygospiza atricollis (III Ghana) | African quailfinch |
| | Padda fuscata | | Timor sparrow |
| | Padda oryzivora (II) | | Java sparrow |
| | | Parmoptila rubrifrons (III Ghana) | Jameson's antpecker |
| | | Pholidornis rushiae (III Ghana) | Tit-hylia |
| | Poephila cincta cincta (II) | | Southern black-throated finch |
| | | Pyrenestes ostrinus (III Ghana) | Black-bellied seedcracker |
| | | Pytilia hypogrammica (III Ghana) | Red-faced pytilia |
| | | Pytilia phoenicoptera (III Ghana) | Red-winged pytilia |
| | | Spermophaga haematina (III Ghana) | Western bluebill |
| | | Uraeginthus bengalus (III Ghana) | Red-cheeked cordonbleu |
Ploceidae | | | | Weavers, whydahs |
| | | Amblyospiza albifrons (III Ghana) | Grosbeak weaver |
| | | Anaplectes rubriceps (III Ghana) | Red-headed weaver |
| | | Anomalospiza imberbis (III Ghana) | Parasitic weaver |
| | | Bubalornis albirostris (III Ghana) | White-billed buffalo weaver |
| | | Euplectes afer (III Ghana) | Yellow-crowned bishop |
| | | Euplectes ardens (III Ghana) | Red-collared widowbird |
| | | Euplectes franciscanus (III Ghana) | Orange bishop |
| | | Euplectes hordeaceus (III Ghana) | Black-winged bishop |
| | | Euplectes macrourus (III Ghana) | Yellow-mantled widowbird |
| | | Malimbus cassini (III Ghana) | Black-throated malimbe |
| | | Malimbus malimbicus (III Ghana) | Crested malimbe |
| | | Malimbus nitens (III Ghana) | Gray's malimbe |
| | | Malimbus rubricollis (III Ghana) | Red-headed malimbe |
| | | Malimbus scutatus (III Ghana) | Red-vented malimbe |
| | | Pachyphantes superciliosus (III Ghana) | Compact weaver |
| | | Passer griseus (III Ghana) | Grey-headed sparrow |
| | | Petronia dentata (III Ghana) | Bush petronia |
| | | Plocepasser superciliosus (III Ghana) | Chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver |
| | | Ploceus albinucha (III Ghana) | Maxwell's black weaver |
| | | Ploceus aurantius (III Ghana) | Orange weaver |
| | | Ploceus cucullatus (III Ghana) | Village weaver |
| | | Ploceus heuglini (III Ghana) | Heuglin's masked-weaver |
| | | Ploceus luteolus (III Ghana) | Little weaver |
| | | Ploceus melanocephalus (III Ghana) | Black-headed weaver |
| | | Ploceus nigerrimus (III Ghana) | Vieillot's black weaver |
| | | Ploceus nigricollis (III Ghana) | Black-necked weaver |
| | | Ploceus pelzelni (III Ghana) | Slender-billed weaver |
| | | Ploceus preussi (III Ghana) | Preuss's weaver |
| | | Ploceus tricolor (III Ghana) | Yellow-mantled weaver |
| | | Ploceus vitellinus (III Ghana) | Vitelline masked-weaver |
| | | Quelea erythrops (III Ghana) | Red-headed quelea |
| | | Sporopipes frontalis (III Ghana) | Speckle-fronted weaver |
| | | Vidua chalybeata (III Ghana) | Village indigobird |
| | | Vidua interjecta (III Ghana) | Uelle paradise-whydah |
| | | Vidua larvaticola (III Ghana) | Baka indigobird |
| | | Vidua macroura (III Ghana) | Pin-tailed whydah |
| | | Vidua orientalis (III Ghana) | Northern paradise whydah |
| | | Vidua raricola (III Ghana) | Jambandu indigobird |
| | | Vidua togoensis (III Ghana) | Togo paradise-whydah |
| | | Vidua wilsoni (III Ghana) | Pale-winged indigobird |
Sturnidae | | | | Mynas |
| | Gracula religiosa (II) | | Hill myna |
| Leucopsar rothschildi (I) | | | Bali myna |
Paradisaeidae | | | | Birds of paradise |
| | Paradisaeidae spp. (II) | | Birds of paradise |
REPTILIAReptiles |
Dermatemydidae | | | | Central American river turtle |
| | Dermatemys mawii (II) | | Central American river turtle |
Platysternidae | | | | Big-headed turtle |
| | Platysternon megacephalum (II) | | Big-headed turtle |
Emydidae | | | | Box turtles, freshwater turtles |
| | Annamemys annamensis (II) | | Annam pond turtle |
| Batagur baska (I) | | | Batagur |
| | Callagur borneoensis (II) | | Painted terrapin |
| | | Chinemys megalocephala (III China) | Big-headed pond turtle |
| | | Chinemys nigricans (III China) | Red-necked turtle |
| | | Chinemys reevesii (III China) | Reeve's turle |
| | Chrysemys picta | | |
| | Clemmys insculpta (II) | | Wood turtle |
| Clemmys muhlenbergii (I) | | | Bog turtle |
| | Cuora spp. (II) | | Asian box turtles |
| Geoclemys hamiltonii (I) | | | Black pond turtle |
| | | Geoemyda spengleri (III China) | Black-breasted leaf turtle |
| | Heosemys depressa (II) | | Arakan forest turtle |
| | Heosemys grandis (II) | | Giant Asian turtle |
| | Heosemys leytensis (II) | | Philippine pond turtle |
| | Heosemys spinosa (II) | | Spiny turtle |
| | Hieremys annandalii (II) | | Yellow-headed temple turtle |
| | Kachuga spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Roofed turtles |
| Kachuga tecta (I) | | | Indian sawback turtle |
| | Leucocephalon yuwonoi (II) | | Sulawesi forest turtle |
| | Malayemys subtrijuga (II) | | Malayan snail-eating turtle |
| | | Mauremys iversoni (III China) | Fujian pond turtle |
| | Mauremys mutica (II) | | Yellow pond turtle |
| | | Mauremys pritchardi (III China) | Pritchard's pond turtle |
| Melanochelys tricarinata (I) | | | Three-keeled land tortoise |
| Morenia ocellata (I) | | | Burmese swamp turtle |
| | Notochelys platynota (II) | | Malayan flat-shelled turtle |
| | | Ocadia glyphistoma (III China) | Notch-mouthed stripe-necked turtle |
| | | Ocadia philippeni (III China) | Philippen's stripe-necked turtle |
| | | Ocadia sinensis (III China) | Chinese stripe-necked turtle |
| | Orlitia borneensis (II) | | Malayan giant turtle |
| | Pyxidea mouhotii (II) | | Keeled bix turtle |
| | | Sacalia bealei (III China) | Beal's eyed turtle |
| | | Sacalia pseudocellata (III China) | Chinese false-eyed turtle |
| | | Sacalia quadriocellata (III China) | Four-eyed turtle |
| | Siebenrockiella crassicollis (II) | | Black marsh turtle |
| | Terrapene spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Box-turtles |
| Terrapene coahuila (I) | | | Aquatic box turtle |
| | Trachemys scripta elegans | | Red-eared terrapin |
Testudinidae | | | | Tortoises |
| | Testudinidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A; a zero annual export quota has been established for Geochelonesulcata for specimens removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes.) | | Tortoises |
| Geochelone nigra (I) | | | Galapagos giant tortoise |
| Geochelone radiata (I) | | | Radiated tortoise |
| Geochelone yniphora (I) | | | Angonoka |
| Gopherus flavomarginatus (I) | | | Bolson tortoise |
| Malacochersus tornieri (II) | | | Pancake tortoise |
| Psammobates geometricus (I) | | | Geometric tortoise |
| Pyxis arachnoides (I) | | | Madagascar spider tortoise |
| Pyxis planicauda (I) | | | Madagascar flat-shelled tortoise |
| Testudo graeca(II) | | | Spur-thighed tortoise |
| Testudo hermanni(II) | | | Hermann's tortoise |
| Testudo kleinmanni (I) | | | Egyptian tortoise |
| Testudo marginata(II) | | | Marginated tortoise |
| Testudo werneri (I) | | | |
Cheloniidae | | | | Sea turtles |
| Cheloniidae spp. (I) | | | Sea turtles |
Dermochelyidae | | | | Leatherback turtle |
| Dermochelys coriacea (I) | | | Leatherback turtle |
Trionychidae | | | | Softshell turtles, terrapins |
| | Amyda cartilaginea (II) | | Southeast Asian soft-shelled turtle |
| Apalone ater (I) | | | Cuatro Cienagas soft-shell turtle |
| Aspideretes gangeticus (I) | | | Indian soft-shell turtle |
| Aspideretes hurum (I) | | | Peacock soft-shell turtle |
| Aspideretes nigricans (I) | | | Black soft-shell turtle |
| | Chitra spp. (II) | | Narrow-headed softshell turtles |
| | Lissemys punctata (II) | | Indo-Gangetic flap-shelled turtle |
| | | Palea steindachneri (III China) | Wattle-necked softshell turtle |
| | Pelochelys spp. (II) | | Giant softshell turtles |
| | | Pelodiscus axenaria (III China) | |
| | | Pelodiscus maackii (III China) | |
| | | Pelodiscus parviformis (III China) | |
| | | Pelodiscus sinensis (III China) | Chinese softshell turtle |
| | | Rafetus swinhoei (III China) | Yangtze softshell turtle |
| | | Trionyx triunguis (III Ghana) | African soft-shell turtle |
Pelomedusidae | | | | Afro-American sideneck turtles |
| | Erymnochelys madagascariensis (II) | | Madagascar sideneck turtle |
| | | Pelomedusa subrufa (III Ghana) | Helmeted turtle |
| | Peltocephalus dumeriliana (II) | | Big-headed sideneck turtle |
| | | Pelusios adansonii (III Ghana) | Adanson's mud turtle |
| | | Pelusios castaneus (III Ghana) | West African mud turtle |
| | | Pelusios gabonensis (III Ghana) | African forest turtle |
| | | Pelusios niger (III Ghana) | West African black forest turtle |
| | Podocnemis spp. (II) | | Sideneck turtles |
Carettochelyidae | | | | Pig-nosed turtles |
| | Carettochelys insculpta (II) | | Pig-nosed turtle |
Chelidae | | | | Austro-American sideneck turtles |
| | Chelodina mccordi (II) | | Roti snake-necked turtle |
| Pseudemydura umbrina (I) | | | Western swamp turtle |
CROCODYLIA | | | | Caimans, crocodiles, alligators |
| | CROCODYLIA spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Caimans, crocodiles, alligators |
Alligatoridae | | | | Alligators, caimans |
| Alligator sinensis (I) | | | Chinese alligator |
| Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis (I) | | | Rio Apaporis spectacled caiman |
| Caiman latirostris (I) (Except for the population of Argentina, which is included in Annex B) | | | Broad-nosed caiman |
| Melanosuchus niger (I) (Except for the population of Ecuador, which is included in Annex B, and is subject to a zero annual export quota until an annual export quota has been approved by the CITES Secretariat and the IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group) | | | Black caiman |
Crocodylidae | | | | Crocodiles |
| Crocodylus acutus (I) (Except for the population of Cuba, which is included in Annex B) | | | American crocodile |
| Crocodylus cataphractus (I) | | | African slender-snouted crocodile |
| Crocodylus intermedius (I) | | | Orinoco crocodile |
| Crocodylus mindorensis (I) | | | Philippine crocodile |
| Crocodylus moreletii (I) | | | Morelet's crocodile |
| Crocodylus niloticus (I) (Except for the populations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania [subject to an annual export quota of no more than 1600 wild specimens including hunting trophies, in addition to ranched specimens], Zambia and Zimbabwe; these populations are included in Annex B) | | | Nile crocodile |
| Crocodylus palustris (I) | | | Mugger crocodile |
| Crocodylus porosus (I) (Except for the populations of Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, which are included in Annex B) | | | Estuarine crocodile |
| Crocodylus rhombifer (I) | | | Cuban crocodile |
| Crocodylus siamensis (I) | | | Siamese crocodile |
| Osteolaemus tetraspis (I) | | | West African dwarf crocodile |
| Tomistoma schlegelii (I) | | | False gharial |
Gavialidae | | | | Gavial or gharial |
| Gavialis gangeticus (I) | | | Gharial |
Sphenodontidae | | | | Tuataras |
| Sphenodon spp. (I) | | | Tuataras |
SAURIA | | | | |
Gekkonidae | | | | Geckos |
| | Cyrtodactylus serpensinsula (II) | | Serpent Island gecko |
| | | Hoplodactylus spp. (III New Zealand) | Sticky-toed geckos |
| | | Naultinus spp. (III New Zealand) | New Zealand tree geckos |
| | Phelsuma spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Day geckos |
| Phelsuma guentheri (II) | | | Round Island day gecko |
| | Uroplatus spp. (II) | | Flat-tailed geckos |
Agamidae | | | | Spiny-tailed lizards (Agamas, mastigures) |
| | Uromastyx spp. (II) | | Spiny-tailed lizards |
Chamaeleonidae | | | | Chameleons |
| | Bradypodion spp. (II) | | Dwarf chameleons |
| | Brookesia spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Dwarf chameleons |
| Brookesia perarmata (I) | | | Dwarf spiny chameleon |
| | Calumma spp. (II) | | Madagascar Chameleons |
| | Chamaeleo spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Chameleons |
| Chamaeleo chamaeleon(II) | | | European chameleon |
| | Furcifer spp. (II) | | Madagascar Chameleons |
Iguanidae | | | | Iguanas |
| | Amblyrhynchus cristatus (II) | | Galapagos marine iguana |
| Brachylophus spp. (I) | | | Fiji iguanas |
| | Conolophus spp. (II) | | Galapagos land iguanas |
| Cyclura spp. (I) | | | Ground iguanas |
| | Iguana spp. (II) | | Iguanas |
| | Liolaemus gravenhorstii | | Striped ground iguana |
| | Phrynosoma coronatum (II) | | Coast horned lizard |
| Sauromalus varius (I) | | | San Esteban Island chuckwalla |
Lacertidae | | | | Lizards |
| Gallotia simonyi (I) | | | Hierro giant lizard |
| Podarcis lilfordi(II) | | | Lilford's wall lizard |
| Podarcis pityusensis(II) | | | Ibiza wall lizard |
Cordylidae | | | | Spiny-tailed lizards |
| | Cordylus spp. (II) | | Girdled lizards |
Teiidae | | | | Caiman lizards, tegu lizards |
| | Crocodilurus amazonicus (II) | | Dragon lizard |
| | Dracaena spp. (II) | | Caiman lizards |
| | Tupinambis spp.(II) | | Tegus |
Scincidae | | | | Skinks |
| | Corucia zebrata (II) | | Prehensile-tailed skink |
Xenosauridae | | | | Chinese crocodile lizard |
| | Shinisaurus crocodilurus (II) | | Chinese crocodile lizard |
Helodermatidae | | | | Gila monster and beaded lizard |
| | Heloderma spp. (II) | | Gila monster and beaded lizard |
Varanidae | | | | Monitor lizards |
| | Varanus spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Monitor lizards |
| Varanus bengalensis (I) | | | Indian monitor |
| Varanus flavescens (I) | | | Yellow monitor |
| Varanus griseus (I) | | | Desert monitor |
| Varanus komodoensis (I) | | | Komodo dragon |
| Varanus nebulosus (I) | | | Clouded monitor |
| Varanus olivaceus (II) | | | Gray's monitor |
SERPENTES | | | | Snakes |
Loxocemidae | | | | Mexican dwarf boa |
| | Loxocemidae spp. (II) | | Mexican dwarf boa |
Pythonidae | | | | Pythons |
| | Pythonidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Pythons |
| Python molurus molurus (I) | | | Indian python |
Boidae | | | | Boas |
| | Boidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Boas |
| Acrantophis spp. (I) | | | Madagascar ground boas |
| Boa constrictor occidentalis (I) | | | Argentine boa constrictor |
| Epicrates inornatus (I) | | | Puerto Rican boa |
| Epicrates monensis (I) | | | Virgin Island tree boa |
| Epicrates subflavus (I) | | | Jamaican boa |
| Eryx jaculus(II) | | | Spotted sand boa |
| Sanzinia madagascariensis (I) | | | Madagascar tree boa |
Bolyeriidae | | | | Round Island boas |
| | Bolyeriidae spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Round Island boas |
| Bolyeria multocarinata (I) | | | Round Island boa |
| Casarea dussumieri (I) | | | Round Island keel-scaled boa |
Tropidophiidae | | | | Wood boas |
| | Tropidophiidae spp. (II) | | Wood boas |
Colubridae | | | | Typical snakes, water snakes, whip snakes |
| | | Atretium schistosum (III India) | Olive keel-back |
| | | Cerberus rhynchops (III India) | Dog-faced water snake |
| | Clelia clelia (II) | | Mussurana |
| | Cyclagras gigas (II) | | False cobra |
| | Dromicus chamissonis | | Chilean ground snake |
| | Elachistodon westermanni (II) | | Indian egg-eating snake |
| | Ptyas mucosus (II) | | Common rat snake |
| | | Xenochrophis piscator (III India) | Checkered keel-back |
Elapidae | | | | Cobras, coral snakes |
| | Hoplocephalus bungaroides (II) | | Broad-headed snake |
| | | Micrurus diastema (III Honduras) | Atlantic coral snake |
| | | Micrurus nigrocinctus (III Honduras) | Central American coral snake |
| | Naja atra (II) | | Chinese spitting cobra |
| | Naja kaouthia (II) | | Monocellate cobra |
| | Naja mandalayensis (II) | | |
| | Naja naja (II) | | Indian cobra |
| | Naja oxiana (II) | | Central Asian cobra |
| | Naja philippinensis (II) | | North Philippine spitting cobra |
| | Naja sagittifera (II) | | Andaman cobra |
| | Naja samarensis (II) | | South-east Philippine spitting cobra |
| | Naja siamensis (II) | | Indochinese spitting cobra |
| | Naja sputatrix (II) | | South Indonesian spitting cobra |
| | Naja sumatrana (II) | | Golden spitting cobra |
| | Ophiophagus hannah (II) | | King cobra |
Viperidae | | | | Vipers |
| | | Crotalus durissus (III Honduras) | Neotropical rattlesnake |
| | Crotalus durissusunicolor | | Aruba rattlesnake |
| | Crotalus willardi | | Ridge-nosed rattlesnake |
| | | Daboia russelii (III India) | Russell's viper |
| Vipera latifii | | | Latifi's viper |
| Vipera ursinii (I) (Only the population of Europe, except the area which formerly constituted the USSR; these latter populations are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) | | | Orsini's viper |
| | Vipera wagneri (II) | | Wagner's viper |
AMPHIBIAAmphibians |
ANURA | | | | |
Bufonidae | | | | Toads |
| Altiphrynoides spp. (I) | | | Malcolm's Ethiopian toad |
| Atelopus zeteki (I) | | | Golden frog |
| Bufo periglenes (I) | | | Golden toad |
| Bufo superciliaris (I) | | | Cameroon toad |
| Nectophrynoides spp. (I) | | | African viviparous toads |
| Nimbaphrynoides spp. (I) | | | Nimba toads |
| Spinophrynoides spp. (I) | | | Osgood's Ethiopian toad |
Dendrobatidae | | | | Poison frogs |
| | Dendrobates spp. (II) | | Poison-arrow frogs |
| | Epipedobates spp. (II) | | Poison-arrow frogs |
| | Minyobates spp. (II) | | Poison-arrow frogs |
| | Phyllobates spp.(II) | | Poison-arrow frogs |
Mantellidae | | | | Mantella frogs |
| | Mantella spp. (II) | | Mantella frogs |
Microhylidae | | | | Tomato frogs |
| Dyscophus antongilii (I) | | | Tomato frog |
| | Scaphiophryne gottlebei (II) | | Red rain frog |
Ranidae | | | | Frogs |
| | Conraua goliath | | Goliath frog |
| | Euphlyctis hexadactylus (II) | | Six-fingered frog |
| | Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (II) | | Tiger frog |
| | Rana catesbeiana | | American bullfrog |
Myobatrachidae | | | | Gastric brooding frogs |
| | Rheobatrachus spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Gastric brooding frog |
| Rheobatrachus silus (II) | | | Platypus frog |
CAUDATA | | | | |
Ambystomidae | | | | Axolotls |
| | Ambystoma dumerilii (II) | | Lake Patzcuaro salamander |
| | Ambystoma mexicanum (II) | | Axolotl |
Cryptobranchidae | | | | Giant salamanders |
| Andrias spp. (I) | | | Giant salamanders |
ELASMOBRANCHII(Sharks and rays) |
Rhincodontidae | | | | Whale sharks |
| | Rhincodon typus (II) | | Whale shark |
Lamnidae | | | | Great white shark |
| | Carcharodon carcharias (II) | | Great white shark |
Cetorhinidae | | | | Basking Sharks |
| | Cetorhinus maximus (II) | | Basking shark |
ACIPENSERIFORMES | | ACIPENSERIFORMES spp. (II) .(Except for the species included in Annex A) | | Sturgeons and paddlefish |
Acipenseridae | | | | Sturgeons |
| Acipenser brevirostrum (I) | | | Shortnose sturgeon |
| Acipenser sturio (I) | | | Common sturgeon |
Osteoglossidae | | | | Arapaimas, bonytongues |
| | Arapaima gigas (II) | | Arapaima |
| Scleropages formosus (I) | | | Asian arowana |
Cyprinidae | | | | Blind carps, plaeesok |
| | Caecobarbus geertsi (II) | | African blind barb fish |
| Probarbus jullieni (I) | | | Ikan temoleh |
Catostomidae | | | | Cui-ui |
| Chasmistes cujus (I) | | | Cui-ui |
Pangasiidae | | | | Pangasid catfish |
| Pangasianodon gigas (I) | | | Giant catfish |
Syngnathidae | | | | Pipefishes, seahorses |
| | Hippocampus spp. (II) | | Seahorses |
Labridae | | | | Wrasses |
| | Cheilinus undulatus (II) | | Humphead wrasse |
Sciaenidae | | | | Totoabas |
| Totoaba macdonaldi (I) | | | Totoaba |
Coelacanthidae | | | | Coelacanths |
| Latimeria spp. (I) | | | Coelacanths |
Ceratodontidae | | | | Australian lungfishes |
| | Neoceratodus forsteri (II) | | Australian lungfish |
HOLOTHUROIDEASea cucumbers |
Stichopodidae | | | | Sea cucumbers |
| | | Isostichopus fuscus (III Ecuador) | |
ARACHNIDASpiders and scorpions |
SCORPIONES | | | | |
Scorpionidae | | | | Scorpions |
| | Pandinus dictator (II) | | |
| | Pandinus gambiensis (II) | | Giant Senegalese scorpion |
| | Pandinus imperator (II) | | Emperor scorpion |
ARANEAE | | | | |
Theraphosidae | | | | Red-kneed tarantulas, tarantulas |
| | Aphonopelma albiceps (II) | | |
| | Aphonopelma pallidum (II) | | Chihuahua rose-grey tarantula |
| | Brachypelma spp (II) | | Central Americn tarantulas |
INSECTAInsects |
COLEOPTERA | | | | Beetles |
Lucanidae | | | | Stag beetles |
| | | Colophon spp. (III South Africa) | Cape stag beetles |
LEPIDOPTERA | | | | Butterflies |
Papilionidae | | | | Birdwing and swallowtail butterflies |
| | Atrophaneura jophon (II) | | Sri Lankan rose |
| | Atrophaneura palu | | Palu swallowtail butterfly |
| | Atrophaneura pandiyana (II) | | |
| | Baronia brevicornis | | Short-horned baronia |
| | Bhutanitis spp. (II) | | Swallowtail butterflies |
| | Graphium sandawanum | | Apo swallowtail butterfly |
| | Graphium stresemanni | | |
| | Ornithoptera spp. (II) (except for the species included in Annex A) | | Birdwing butterflies |
| Ornithoptera alexandrae (I) | | | Queen Alexandra's birdwing |
| | Papilio benguetanus | | |
| Papilio chikae (I) | | | Luzon peacock swallowtail |
| | Papilio esperanza | | |
| | Papilio grosesmithi | | |
| Papilio homerus (I) | | | Homerus swallowtail |
| Papilio hospiton (I) | | | Corsican swallowtail |
| | Papilio maraho | | Broad-tailed swallowtail |
| | Papilio morondavana | | Madagascan emperor swallowtail |
| | Papilio neumoegeni | | |
| | Parides ascanius | | Fluminense swallowtail butterfly |
| | Parides hahneli | | Hahnel's amazonian swallowtail butterfly |
| Parnassius apollo(II) | | | Mountain apollo |
| | Teinopalpus spp. (II) | | Kaiser-I-Hind butterflies |
| | Trogonoptera spp. (II) | | Birdwing butterflies |
| | Troides spp. (II) | | Birdwing butterflies |
Hirudinidae | | | | Leeches |
| | Hirudo medicinalis (II) | | Medicinal leech |
BIVALVIABivalve molluscs (clams, mussels etc.) |
VENERIDA | | | | |
Tridacnidae | | | | Giant clams |
| | Tridacnidae spp. (II) | | Giant clams |
UNIONIDA | | | | |
Unionidae | | | | Freshwater mussels, pearly mussels |
| Conradilla caelata (I) | | | Birdwing pearly mussel |
| | Cyprogenia aberti (II) | | Western fanshell mussel |
| Dromus dromas (I) | | | Dromedary pearly mussel |
| Epioblasma curtisii (I) | | | Curtis' pearly mussel |
| Epioblasma florentina (I) | | | Yellow-blossom pearly mussel |
| Epioblasma sampsonii (I) | | | Wabash riffleshell |
| Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua (I) | | | White catspaw mussel |
| Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (I) | | | Green-blossom pearly mussel |
| | Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (II) | | Northern riffleshell |
| Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (I) | | | Turbercled-blossom pearly mussel |
| Epioblasma turgidula (I) | | | Turgid-blossom pearly mussel |
| Epioblasma walkeri (I) | | | Tan riffleshell |
| Fusconaia cuneolus (I) | | | Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel |
| Fusconaia edgariana (I) | | | Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel |
| Lampsilis higginsii (I) | | | Higgins' eye pearly mussel |
| Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata (I) | | | Pink mucket pearly mussel |
| Lampsilis satur (I) | | | Sandback pocketbook mussel |
| Lampsilis virescens (I) | | | Alabama lamp pearly mussel |
| Plethobasus cicatricosus (I) | | | White warty-back pearly mussel |
| Plethobasus cooperianus (I) | | | Orange-footed pimpleback mussel |
| | Pleurobema clava (II) | | Clubshell pearly mussel |
| Pleurobema plenum (I) | | | Rough pigtoe pearly mussel |
| Potamilus capax (I) | | | Fat pocketbook pearly mussel |
| Quadrula intermedia (I) | | | Cumberland monkey-face pearly mussel |
| Quadrula sparsa (I) | | | Appalachian monkey-face pearly mussel |
| Toxolasma cylindrellus (I) | | | Pale lilliput pearly mussel |
| Unio nickliniana (I) | | | Nicklin's pearly mussel |
| Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis (I) | | | Tampico pearly mussel |
| Villosa trabalis (I) | | | Cumberland bean pearly mussel |
MYTILOIDA | | | | |
Mytilidae | | | | Marine mussels |
| | Lithophaga lithophaga (II) | | European date mussel |
GASTROPODASlugs, snails and conches |
Achatinellidae | | | | Agate snails, oatu tree snails |
| Achatinella spp. (I) | | | Little agate shells |
Camaenidae | | | | Green tree snail |
| | Papustyla pulcherrima (II) | | Manus green tree snail |
Strombidae | | | | Conches |
| | Strombus gigas (II) | | Queen conch |
ANTHOZOACorals, sea anemones |
Helioporidae | | | | Blue coral |
| | Helioporidae spp. (II) | | Blue coral |
Tubiporidae | | | | Organpipe corals |
| | Tubiporidae spp. (II) | | Organpipe corals |
ANTIPATHARIA | | ANTIPATHARIA spp. (II) | | Black corals |
SCLERACTINIA | | SCLERACTINIA spp. (II) | | Stony corals |
HYDROZOASea ferns, fire corals, stinging medusas |
Milleporidae | | | | Wello fire corals |
| | Milleporidae spp. (II) | | Wello fire corals |
Stylasteridae | | | | Lace corals |
| | Stylasteridae spp. (II) | | Lace corals |
AGAVACEAE | | | | Agaves |
| Agave arizonica (I) | | | New River agave |
| Agave parviflora (I) | | | Santa Cruz striped agave |
| | Agave victoriae-reginae (II) #1 | | Queen Victoria agave |
| Nolina interrata (I) | | | Dehesa bear-grass |
AMARYLLIDACEAE | | | | Amaryllids |
| | Galanthus spp. (II) #1 | | Snowdrops |
| | Sternbergia spp. (II) #1 | | Sternbergias |
APOCYNACEAE | | | | Dogbanes |
| | Hoodia spp. (II) #9 | | Hoodia |
| | Pachypodium spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A)#1 | | Elephant trunks |
| Pachypodium ambongense (I) | | | |
| Pachypodium baronii (I) | | | |
| Pachypodium decaryi (I) | | | |
| | Rauvolfia serpentina (II) #2 | | Snake-root devil-pepper |
ARALIACEAE | | | | Aralias |
| | Panax ginseng (II) + (Only the population of the Russian Federation; no other population is included in the Annexes to this Regulation) #3 | | Ginseng |
| | Panax quinquefolius (II) #3 | | American ginseng |
ARAUCARIACEAE | | | | Auricarias |
| Araucaria araucana (I) | | | Monkey-puzzle tree |
BERBERIDACEAE | | | | Barberries |
| | Podophyllum hexandrum (II) #2 | | Himalayan may-apple |
BROMELIACEAE | | | | Air plants, bromelias |
| | Tillandsia harrisii (II) #1 | | Harris' tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia kammii (II) #1 | | Kamm's tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia kautskyi (II) #1 | | Kautsky's tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia mauryana (II) #1 | | Maury's tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia sprengeliana (II) #1 | | Sprenge's tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia sucrei (II) #1 | | Sucre tillandsia |
| | Tillandsia xerographica (II) #1 | | Xerographic tillandsia |
CACTACEAE | | | | Cacti |
| | CACTACEAE spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A)#4 | | Cacti |
| Ariocarpus spp. (I) | | | Living rock cacti |
| Astrophytum asterias (I) | | | Star cactus |
| Aztekium ritteri (I) | | | Aztec cactus |
| Coryphantha werdermannii (I) | | | Jobali pincushion cactus |
| Discocactus spp. (I) | | | Discocacti |
| Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi (I) | | | Lindsay's hedgehog cacti |
| Echinocereus schmollii (I) | | | Lamb's-tail cactus |
| Escobaria minima (I) | | | Nelle's cactus |
| Escobaria sneedii (I) | | | Sneed's pincushion cactus |
| Mammillaria pectinifera(I) | | | Conchilinque |
| Mammillaria solisioides (I) | | | Pitayita |
| Melocactus conoideus (I) | | | Conelike Turk's-cap cactus |
| Melocactus deinacanthus (I) | | | Wonderfully-bristled Turk's cap cactus |
| Melocactus glaucescens (I) | | | Woolly waxy-stemmed Turk's-cap cactus |
| Melocactus paucispinus (I) | | | Few-spined Turk's-cap cactus |
| Obregonia denegrii (I) | | | Artichoke cactus |
| Pachycereus militaris (I) | | | Grenadier's cap |
| Pediocactus bradyi (I) | | | Brady's pincushion cactus |
| Pediocactus knowltonii (I) | | | Knowlton's cactus |
| Pediocactus paradinei (I) | | | Houserock valley cactus |
| Pediocactus peeblesianus (I) | | | Peebles's Navajo cactus |
| Pediocactus sileri (I) | | | Siler's pincushion cactus |
| Pelecyphora spp. (I) | | | Pine cane cactus |
| Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii (I) | | | Tobusch fishhook cactus |
| Sclerocactus erectocentrus (I) | | | Needle-spined pineapple cactus |
| Sclerocactus glaucus (I) | | | Uinta Basin hookless cactus |
| Sclerocactus mariposensis (I) | | | Mariposa cactus |
| Sclerocactus mesae-verdae (I) | | | Mesa Verde cactus |
| Sclerocactus nyensis (I) | | | Tonopah fishook cactus |
| Sclerocactus papyracanthus (I) | | | Grama-grass cactus |
| Sclerocactus pubispinus (I) | | | Great-Basin fishhook cactus |
| Sclerocactus wrightiae (I) | | | Wright's fishhook cactus |
| Strombocactus spp. (I) | | | Peyote |
| Turbinicarpus spp. (I) | | | Turbinicarps |
| Uebelmannia spp. (I) | | | Uebelmann cacti |
CARYOCARACEAE | | | | Ajos |
| | Caryocar costaricense (II) #1 | | Ajillo |
COMPOSITAE(ASTERACEAE) | | | | Asters, daisies, costus |
| Saussurea costus (I) (also known as S. Costus or Aucklandia) | | | Costus |
CRASSULACEAE | | | | Dudleyas, crassulas |
| | Dudleya stolonifera (II) #1 | | Laguna beach dudleya |
| | Dudleya traskiae (II) | | Santa Barbara Island dudleya |
CUPRESSACEAE | | | | Cypresses |
| Fitzroya cupressoides (I) | | | Alerce |
| Pilgerodendron uviferum (I) | | | Pilgerodendron |
CYATHEACEAE | | | | Tree ferns |
| | Cyathea spp. (II) #1 | | Tree ferns |
CYCADACEAE | | | | Cycads |
| | CYCADACEAE spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) #1 | | Cycads |
| Cycas beddomei (I) | | | Beddome's cycad |
DIAPENSIACEAE | | | | Oconee bells |
| | Shortia galacifolia (II) #1 | | Oconee bells |
DICKSONIACEAE | | | | Tree ferns |
| | Cibotium barometz (II) #1 | | |
| | Dicksonia spp. (II) (Only the populations of the Americas; no other populations are included in the Annexes to this Regulation: includes Dicksonia berteriana, D. externa, D. sellowiana and D. stuebelii) #1 | | Tree ferns |
DIDIEREACEAE | | | | Didiereas |
| | DIDIEREACEAE spp. (II) #1 | | Alluaudias, didiereas |
DIOSCOREACEAE | | | | Yams |
| | Dioscorea deltoidea (II) #1 | | Elephant's foot |
DROSERACEAE | | | | Sundews |
| | Dionaea muscipula (II) #1 | | Venus fly-trap |
EUPHORBIACEAE | | | | Spurges |
| | Euphorbia spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A; succulent species only; artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia trigona, artificially propagated, crested, fan-shaped or colour mutants of Euphorbia lactea, when grafted on artificially propagated root stock of Euphorbia neriifolia and artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia"Milii" when they are traded in shipments of 100 or more plants and readily recognisable as artificially propagated specimens, are not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) #1 | | Euphorbias |
| Euphorbia ambovombensis (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia capsaintemariensis (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia cremersii (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia cylindrifolia (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia decaryi (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia francoisii (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia handiensis(II) | | | |
| Euphorbia lambii(II) | | | |
| Euphorbia moratii (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia parvicyathophora (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia quartziticola (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia tulearensis (I) | | | |
| Euphorbia stygiana(II) | | | |
FOUQUIERIACEAE | | | | Ocotillos, boojums |
| | Fouquieria columnaris (II) #1 | | Boojum tree |
| Fouquieria fasciculata (I) | | | Arbol del barril |
| Fouquieria purpusii (I) | | | |
GNETACEAE | | | | Joint firs |
| | | Gnetum montanum (III Nepal) #1 | |
JUGLANDACEAE | | | | Walnuts, gavilan |
| | Oreomunnea pterocarpa (II) #1 | | Gavilàn |
| Dalbergia nigra (I) | | | Brazilian rosewood |
| | | Dipteryx panamensis (III Costa Rica) | Almendro |
| | Pericopsis elata (II) #5 | | Afrormosia |
| | Platymiscium pleiostachyum (II) #1 | | Quira macawood |
| | Pterocarpus santalinus (II) #7 | | Red sandalwood |
LILIACEAE | | | | Lilies |
| | Aloe spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A and Aloevera; also known as Aloebarbadensis, which is not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) #1 | | Aloes |
| Aloe albida (I) | | | |
| Aloe albiflora (I) | | | |
| Aloe alfredii (I) | | | |
| Aloe bakeri (I) | | | |
| Aloe bellatula (I) | | | |
| Aloe calcairophila (I) | | | |
| Aloe compressa (I) | | | |
| Aloe delphinensis (I) | | | |
| Aloe descoingsii (I) | | | |
| Aloe fragilis (I) | | | |
| Aloe haworthioides (I) | | | |
| Aloe helenae (I) | | | |
| Aloe laeta (I) | | | |
| Aloe parallelifolia (I) | | | |
| Aloe parvula (I) | | | |
| Aloe pillansii (I) | | | |
| Aloe polyphylla (I) | | | |
| Aloe rauhii (I) | | | |
| Aloe suzannae (I) | | | |
| Aloe versicolor (I) | | | |
| Aloe vossii (I) | | | |
MAGNOLIACEAE | | | | Magnolias |
| | | Magnolia liliifera var. obovata (III Nepal) #1 | Safan |
MELIACEAE | | | | Mahoganies |
| | | Cedrela odorata (III Population of Colombia, Population of Peru) #5 | |
| | Swietenia humilis (II) #1 | | Honduras mahogany |
| | Swietenia mahagoni (II) #5 | | Caribbean mahogany |
| | Swietenia macrophylla (II) (Population of the Neotropics - iincludes Central and South America and the Caribbean) #6 | | Big-leaf mahogany |
NEPENTHACEAE | | | | Pitcher plants (old-world) |
| | Nepenthes spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A) #1 | | Tropical pitcher plants |
| Nepenthes khasiana (I) | | | Indian pitcher plant |
| Nepenthes rajah (I) | | | Giant tropical pitcher plant |
ORCHIDACEAE | | | | Orchids |
| | ORCHIDACEAE spp. (II) (Except for the species included in Annex A)#8 | | Orchids |
| For all of the following Annex A species, tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers, are not subject to the provisions of this Regulation) | | | |
| Aerangis ellisii (I) | | | |
| Cephalanthera cucullata(II) | | | Hooded helleborine |
| Cypripedium calceolus(II) | | | Lady's slipper orchid |
| Dendrobium cruentum (I) | | | |
| Goodyera macrophylla(II) | | | |
| Laelia jongheana (I) | | | Madeiran lady's-tresses |
| Laelia lobata (I) | | | |
| Liparis loeselii(II) | | | Fen orchid |
| Ophrys argolica(II) | | | Eyed bee orchid |
| Ophrys lunulata(II) | | | Crescent ophrys |
| Orchis scopulorum(II) | | | Madeiran orchid |
| Paphiopedilum spp. (I) | | | Asian slipper orchids |
| Peristeria elata (I) | | | Holy ghost orchid |
| Phragmipedium spp. (I) | | | South American slipper orchids |
| Renanthera imschootiana (I) | | | Red vanda |
| Spiranthes aestivalis(II) | | | Autumn lady's-tresses |
OROBANCHACEAE | | | | Broomrapes |
| | Cistanche deserticola (II) #1 | | Desert cistanche |
PALMAE(ARECACEAE) | | | | Palms |
| | Beccariophoenix madagascariensis (II) | | |
| Chrysalidocarpus decipiens (I) | | | Butterfly palm |
| | Lemurophoenix halleuxii (II) | | Hovitra varimena |
| | Marojejya darianii (II) | | Ravimbe |
| | Neodypsis decaryi (II) #1 | | Triangle palm |
| | Ravenea louvelii(II) | | Lakamarefo |
| | Ravenea rivularis (II) | | Gora |
| | Satranala decussilvae (II) | | Satranabe |
| | Voanioala gerardii (II) | | Voanioala |
PAPAVERACEAE | | | | Poppies |
| | | Meconopsis regia (III Nepal) #1 | Himalayan poppy |
PINACEAE | | | | Pine family |
| Abies guatemalensis (I) | | | Guatemalan fir |
PODOCARPACEAE | | | | Podocarps |
| | | Podocarpus neriifolius (III Nepal) #1 | |
| Podocarpus parlatorei (I) | | | |
PORTULACACEAE | | | | Portulacas, purslanes |
| | Anacampseros spp. (II) #1 | | Purselanes |
| | Avonia spp. #1 | | |
| | Lewisia serrata (II) #1 | | Saw-toothed lewisia |
PRIMULACEAE | | | | Primulas, cyclamens |
| | Cyclamen spp. (II)#1 | | Cyclamens |
PROTEACEAE | | | | Proteas |
| | Orothamnus zeyheri (II) #1 | | Marsh-rose |
| | Protea odorata (II) #1 | | Ground-rose |
RANUNCULACEAE | | | | Buttercups |
| | Adonis vernalis (II) #2 | | Yellow adonis |
| | Hydrastis canadensis (II) #3 | | |
ROSACEAE | | | | Roses, cherries |
| | Prunus africana (II) #1 | | African cherry |
RUBIACEAE | | | | |
| Balmea stormiae (I) | | | Ayugue |
SARRACENIACEAE | | | | Pitcher plants (new world) |
| | Sarracenia spp. (II) (Except for the species included on Annex A) #1 | | Pitcher plants |
| Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis (I) | | | Alabama canebrake pitcher plant |
| Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii (I) | | | Mountain sweet pitcher plant |
| Sarracenia oreophila (I) | | | Green pitcher plant |
SCROPHULARIACEAE | | | | Figworts |
| | Picrorhiza kurrooa (II) #3 | | Indian gentian |
STANGERIACEAE | | | | Stangerias (cycads) |
| | Bowenia spp. (II) #1 | | Cycads |
| Stangeria eriopus (I) | | | Stangeria |
TAXACEAE | | | | Yews |
| | Taxus chinensis (II)#10 | | Chinese yew |
| | Taxus cuspidata (II)#10 | | Japanese yew |
| | Taxus fuana (II)#10 | | Tibetan yew |
| | Taxus sumatrana (II)#10 | | Sumatran yew |
| | Taxus wallichiana (II) #10 | | Himalayan yew |
| | | Tetracentron sinense (III Nepal) #1 | |
THYMELEACEAE(AQUILARIACEAE) | | | | Agarwood, ramin |
| | Aquilaria spp. (II) #1 | | Agarwood |
| | Gonystylus spp. (II) #1 | | Ramin |
| | Gyrinops spp. (II) #1 | | Agarwood |
VALERIANACEAE | | | | Valerians |
| | Nardostachys grandiflora #3 | | |
WELWITSCHIACEAE | | | | Welwitschias |
| | Welwitschia mirabilis (II) #1 | | Welwitschia |
ZAMIACEAE | | ZAMIACEAE spp. (II) (Except for the species included on Annex A) #1 | | Cycads |
| Ceratozamia spp. (I) | | | Horncones |
| Chigua spp. (I) | | | |
| Encephalartos spp. (I) | | | Bread palms |
| Microcycas calocoma (I) | | | Palm corcho |
ZINGIBERACEAE | | | | Ginger lilies |
| | Hedychium philippinense (II) #1 | | Philippine garland-flower |
ZYGOPHYLLACEAE | | | | Lignum-vitae |
| | Guaiacum spp. (II) #2 | | Lignum-vitae |