Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97 of 20 December 1996 concerning structural business statistics
Modified by
  • Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 410/98 of 16 February 1998, 31998R0410, February 21, 1998
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1614/2002of 6 September 2002adjusting Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97 to economic and technical developments and amending Commission Regulations (EC) No 2700/98, (EC) No 2701/98 and (EC) No 2702/98, 32002R1614, September 12, 2002
  • Regulation (EC) No 2056/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 5 November 2002amending Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97 concerning structural business statistics(Text with EEA relevance), 32002R2056, November 21, 2002
  • Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 32003R1882, October 31, 2003
  • Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2008concerning structural business statistics(recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32008R0295, April 9, 2008
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97of 20 December 1996concerning structural business statistics THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 213 thereof,Having regard to the draft Regulation submitted by the CommissionOJ No C 146, 13. 6. 1995, p. 6.,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ No C 96, 1. 4. 1996, p. 236.,Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social CommitteeOJ No C 236, 11. 9. 1995, p. 61.,(1)Whereas in its resolution of 14 November 1989 on internal trade in the context of the internal marketOJ No C 297, 25. 11. 1989, p. 2. the Council requested the Commission in particular to improve trade statistics by making them compatible with Community definitions and increasing, as far as necessary, the supply of such statistics to the Statistical Office of the European Communities;(2)Whereas in Decision 92/326/EECOJ No L 179, 1. 7. 1992, p. 131. the Council adopted a two-year programme (1992 to 1993) for the development of European statistics on services; whereas this programme includes the compilation of harmonized statistics at national and regional levels, particularly for the distributive trades;(3)Whereas in its Directive 78/660/EECOJ No L 222, 14. 8. 1978, p. 11. Directive as last amended by Directive 94/8/EC (OJ No L 82, 25. 3. 1994, p. 33). the Council adopted measures to improve the coordination of national provisions concerning the presentation and content of annual accounts and annual reports, the valuation methods used therein and their publication in respect of certain types of company;(4)Whereas the Community has, in the mean time, made substantial progress towards integration; whereas new economic, competition, social, environmental and enterprise policies and guidelines call for initiatives and decisions based on valid statistics; whereas the information provided for under existing Community legislation or available in Member States is insufficient, inadequate or insufficiently comparable to serve as a reliable basis for the work of the Commission;(5)Whereas by its Decision 93/379/EECOJ No L 161, 2. 7. 1993, p. 68. the Council adopted a multiannual programme of Community measures to intensify the priority areas and to ensure the continuity and consolidation of policy for enterprise, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Community; whereas statistics are needed to assess the impact of the measures undertaken to achieve the objectives laid down in the Decision, in particular to have statistics which are comparable for businesses of all sectors, statistics on the national and international subcontracting relations between businesses and improved statistics on small and medium-sized enterprises; whereas these needs must not lead to the imposition of unreasonably onerous reporting requirements on small and medium-sized enterprises;(6)Whereas in its Decision 93/464/EECOJ No L 219, 28. 8. 1993, p. 1. the Council adopted a framework programme for priority actions in the field of statistical information for 1993 to 1997;(7)Whereas there is a need for statistics on business conduct, in particular concerning research, development and innovation, environmental protection, investment, eco-industries, tourism and high-technology industries; whereas the development of the Community and the operation of the internal market increase the need for comparable data on the structure of earnings of employees, the cost of labour and on training;(8)Whereas there is a need for complete and reliable statistical sources in order to enable a correct application of Council Directive 89/130/EEC, Euratom of 13 February 1989 on the harmonization of the compilation of the gross national product at market pricesOJ No L 49, 21. 2. 1989, p. 26.;(9)Whereas the compilation of national and regional accounts according to the European system of integrated economic accounts (ESA) requires the development of comparable, complete and reliable statistical sources;(10)Whereas there is a need for regional indicators and accounts;(11)Whereas, in order to carry out the tasks entrusted to it under the Treaties, especially with regard to the internal market, the Commission must have exhaustive, up-to-date, reliable and comparable information on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of enterprises in the Community;(12)Whereas standardization is required to meet Community needs for information concerning economic convergence;(13)Whereas businesses and their professional associations need such information in order to understand their markets and to compare their activity and performance with those of their competitors, at regional, national and international level;(14)Whereas the creation of common statistical standards that permit the production of harmonized data is an action which can only be undertaken efficiently at Community level; whereas such standards will be implemented in each Member State under the authority of the bodies and institutions in charge of compiling official statistics;(15)Whereas the best method of ascertaining the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of enterprises in the Community consists in compiling statistics in accordance with common methodological principles and common definitions of characteristics; whereas it is only from coordinated compilation that harmonized statistics can be drawn up with reliability, speed, flexibility and the level of detail required to meet the needs of the Commission and of enterprises;(16)Whereas the definition of kind-of-activity units (KAU) corresponds to one or more operational subdivisions of the enterprise; whereas, for a KAU to be observable, the enterprise's information system must be capable of indicating or calculating for each KAU at least the value of production, intermediate consumption, manpower costs, the operating surplus and employment and gross fixed capital formation; whereas KAUs falling within a particular heading in the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE REV. 1) can produce products outside the homogeneous group, on account of secondary activities connected with them which cannot be separately identified from available accounting documents; whereas it can be concluded that the enterprise and the KAU are indentical when it proves impossible for an enterprise to indicate or calculate information on all of the variables listed in this recital for one or more operational subdivisions;(17)Whereas the statistical data compiled within a Community system must be of a satisfactory quality and this quality, as well as the burden it entails, must be comparable from one Member State to another; whereas it is therefore necessary to establish jointly the criteria enabling these requirements to be met;(18)Whereas it is necessary to simplify the administrative procedures for enterprises, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, including the promotion of new technologies for data collection and compilation of statistics; whereas it may still be necessary to collect directly from enterprises the data necessary to compile structural business statistics, using methods and techniques which will ensure that they are exhaustive, reliable and up to date, without giving rise for the parties concerned, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises, to a burden which is disproportionate in relation to the results which users of the statistics can reasonably expect;(19)Whereas the signing of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) has led to a substantial need for information on the size of the signatories' markets and their shares of those markets for the purpose of managing and developing that Agreement;(20)Whereas it is necessary to have a legal framework common to all business activities and domains of business statistics covering also the activities and domains for which statistics are not yet developed;(21)Whereas Directive No 64/475/EECCouncil Directive 64/475/EEC of 30 July 1964 concerning coordinated annual surveys of investment in industry (OJ No L 131, 13. 8. 1964, p. 2193). Directive as last amended by the 1985 Act of Accession. and Directive No 72/221/EECCouncil Directive 72/211/EEC of 6 June 1972 concerning coordinated annual surveys of industrial activity (OJ No L 133, 10. 6. 1972, p. 57). Directive as last amended by the 1985 Act of Accession., which aimed to provide a body of coherent statistics, have not been able to take account of economic and technical changes that have occurred since their adoption and should therefore be repealed;(22)Whereas, in order to enable the rules for the collection and statistical processing of data and for processing and transmission of the results to be clarified further, it is necessary to confer on the Commission, assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee set up by Decision 89/382/EEC, EuratomOJ No L 181, 28. 6. 1989, p. 47., the power to adopt measures for the application of this Regulation,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The objective of this Regulation shall be to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of businesses in the Community.
Article 2The compilation of statistics shall have as its purpose, in particular, to analyse:(i)the structure and evolution of the activities of businesses;(ii)the factors of production used and other elements allowing business activity, performance and competitiveness to be measured;(iii)the regional, national, Community and international development of businesses and markets;(iv)business conduct;(v)small and medium-sized enterprises;(vi)specific characteristics of enterprises related to particular groupings of activities.
Article 31.This Regulation shall cover all market activities in Sections C to K and M to O of the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE REV. 1).2.Statistical units of the types listed in Section I of the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the European CommunityOJ No L 76, 30. 3. 1993, p. 1. Regulation as amended by the 1994 Act of Accession. and which are classified under one of the activities referred to in paragraph 1 shall be included in the scope of this Regulation. The use of particular units for the compilation of statistics shall be specified in the Annexes to this Regulation.
Article 41.The statistics to be compiled for the areas referred to in Article 2 shall be grouped as modules. The modules shall be defined in the Annexes to this Regulation.2.The following information shall be laid down in each module:(i)the activities for which the statistics are to be compiled, drawn from the coverage indicated in Article 3 (1);(ii)the types of statistical unit to be used for the compilation of the statistics, drawn from the list of statistical units referred to in Article 3 (2);(iii)lists of characteristics for which statistics are to be compiled for the domains listed in Article 2 and the reference periods for those characteristics;(iv)a list of statistics to be compiled on business demography;(v)the frequency for the compilation of the statistics, which shall be yearly or multi-yearly. If the compilation is multi-yearly, it shall be done at least once every 10 years;(vi)the timetable showing the first reference years for the statistics to be compiled;(vii)the standards relating to representativeness and quality evaluation;(viii)the period of time from the end of the reference period within which the statistics are to be transmitted;(ix)the maximum length of the transitional period which may be conceded.
Article 5The modules in this Regulation shall be:a common module for annual structural statistics defined in Annex 1,a detailed module for structural statistics in industry defined in Annex 2,a detailed module for structural statistics in trade defined in Annex 3,a detailed module for structural statistics in construction defined in Annex 4.a detailed module for structural statistics in insurance defined in Annex 5,a detailed module for structural statistics on credit institutions defined in Annex 6,a detailed module for structural statistics on pension funds defined in Annex 7.
Article 61.Member States shall acquire the necessary data for the observation of the characteristics in the lists referred to in the modules in Article 5.2.Member States may acquire the necessary data using a combination of different sources specified below, applying the principle of administrative simplification:compulsory surveys: the legal units, to which the statistical units called on by the Member States belong or of which they are composed, shall be obliged to give accurate and complete information within the prescribed deadlines,other sources which are at least equivalent as regards accuracy and quality,statistical estimation procedures where some of the characteristics have not been observed for all of the units.3.In order to reduce response burdens, the national authorities and the Community authority shall, under the limits and the conditions fixed by each Member State and by the Commission in their respective spheres of competence, have access to administrative data sources covering the fields of activity of their own public administrations to the extent that these data are necessary to meet the accuracy requirements referred to in Article 7.4.Member States and the Commission, within their respective fields of competence, shall promote the conditions for increased use of electronic data transmission and automatic data-processing.
Article 71.Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the data transmitted reflect the structure of the population of the statistical units laid down in the Annexes.2.Quality evaluation shall be carried out comparing the benefits of the availability of the data with the costs of collection and the burden on business, especially on small enterprises.3.Member States shall transmit to the Commission, at its request, all the information necessary for the evaluation referred to in paragraph 2.
Article 81.From the collected and estimated data Member States shall produce comparable results, following the breakdown stipulated for each module in Article 5.2.In order that Community aggregates may be compiled, Member States will produce component national results according to the levels of NACE REV. 1, laid down in the modules in the Annexes, or determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13.
Article 91.Member States shall transmit the results provided for in Article 8 of this Regulation, including confidential data, to the Statistical Office of the European Communities in accordance with the existing Community provisions on transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality. These Community provisions shall apply to the treatment of the results, in so far as they include confidential data.2.The results shall be transmitted in an appropriate technical format and within a period of time from the end of the reference period which shall be laid down for each module referred to in Article 5 and shall be no longer than 18 months. In addition, a small number of estimated preliminary results shall be transmitted within a period of time from the end of the reference period which shall be laid down for each module referred to in Article 5 and shall be no longer than 10 months.
Article 10Member States shall transmit to the Commission, at its request, any relevant information with regard to the implementation of the Regulation in the Member States.
Article 111.During the transitional periods, derogations from the provisions of the Annexes may be accepted in so far as the national statistical systems require major adaptations.2.A supplementary transitional period may be accorded to a Member State for the compilation of statistics where it is impossible to meet the provisions of this Regulation because of derogations granted pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2186/93 of 22 July 1993 on Community coordination in drawing up business registers for statistical purposesOJ No L 196, 5. 8. 1993, p. 1..3.The obligations under this Regulation shall be fully applied by Member States by the end of the transitional period.
Article 12The Commission shall determine, under the procedure laid down in Article 13, the procedures for implementing this Regulation including the measures for adjustment to economic and technical developments concerning the collection and statistical processing of data, the processing and the transmission of the results, taking into consideration the principle that the benefits of the measure must outweigh its cost and provided that major additional resources are not involved either for the Member States or for enterprises as compared with the original provisions of this Regulation, in particular:(i)the updating of the lists of characteristics, statistics on business demography and preliminary results in so far as such updating, after a quantitative assessment, does not imply an increase in the number of units surveyed nor a burden on the units which is disproportionate to the anticipated results (Articles 4 and 9);(ii)the frequency of the compilation of the statistics (Article 4);(iii)the definitions of the characteristics and their relevance for certain activities (Article 4);(iv)the definition of the reference period (Article 4);(v)the first reference year for the compilation of the preliminary results (Article 9);(vi)criteria for the evaluation of quality (Article 7);(vii)the breakdown of results, in particular the classifications to be used and the combinations of the size classes (Article 8);(viii)the appropriate technical format for the transmission of results (Article 9);(ix)the updating of the periods of time for the transmission of data (Article 9);(x)the transitional period and derogations from the provisions of this Regulation granted during that period (Article 11).
Article 131.The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee set up by Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee".2.Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/ECCouncil Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23). shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 141.The Commission shall, within three years of the date of entry into force of this Regulation and again every three years thereafter, submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the statistics compiled pursuant to this Regulation and in particular on their quality and the burden on business.2.In the reports referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall propose any amendments it considers necessary.
Article 15Directives 64/475/EEC and 72/221/EEC shall cease to apply after the transmission of all the data for the 1994 reference year.
Article 16This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX 1A COMMON MODULE FOR ANNUAL STRUCTURAL STATISTICSSection 1AimsThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of business in the Member States.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled relate to the domains referred to in Article 2 (i), (ii) and (iii) of this Regulation, in particular to the analysis of value-added and of its main components.Section 3Coverage1.The statistics are to be compiled for the activities listed in Section 9.2.Pilot studies are to be conducted for the activities listed in Section 10.Section 4Characteristics1.The lists of characteristics set out below indicate, where relevant, the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled.2.The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, lay down the corresponding titles of the characteristics for which the statistics are to be compiled on activities in Section J of NACE REV. 1 which correspond most closely to those listed in paragraphs 3 to 5.3.Yearly demographic statistics:
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 21 0Number of local units
4.Enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be complied:
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Production value
12 15 0Value-added at factor cost
13 31 0Personnel costs
13 32 0Wages and salaries
13 33 0Social security costs
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 12 0Purchases of goods and services purchased for resale in the same condition as received
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
16 11 0Number of persons employed
16 13 0Number of employees
5.Characteristics for which yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goodsOptional
16 11 0Number of persons employed
6.Pilot studies are to be conducted for the characteristics listed in Section 10.
Section 5First reference yearThe first reference year for which statistics are to be compiled is the calendar year 1995.However the first reference year for which statistics on the activity classes covered by the NACE REV. 1 group 65.2 and division 67 are to be compiled, shall be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 6Report on the quality of statisticsFor each of the characteristics listed in Section 4, point 4, Member States will indicate the degree of precision by reference to a confidence level of 95%, which the Commission will include in the report provided for in Article 14 of this Regulation, taking account of the application in each Member State of that Article.Section 7Production of results1.The results are to be broken down to the level of the groupings of activities listed in Section 9.2.Some results are also to be broken down into size classes for each group of Sections C to G of NACE REV. 1 and to the level of the groupings listed in Section 9 for the other sections.3.The results of the regional statistics are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 2-digit level (divisions) and level II of the nomenclature of territorial units (NUTS).Section 8Transmission of results1.The results are to be transmitted within 18 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period, except for the NACE REV. 1 activity class 65.11 and the activities of NACE REV. 1 covered by Annexes 5, 6 and 7. For the NACE REV. 1 activity class 65.11 the transmission delay is 10 months. For the activities covered by Annexes 5, 6 and 7 the transmission delay is laid down in these annexes. However the transmission delay of the results on the activity classes covered by the NACE REV. 1 group 65.2 and division 67 shall be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.2.Except for the divisions 65 and 66 of NACE REV. 1, preliminary national results or estimates are transmitted within 10 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period for the enterprise statistics compiled for the characteristics listed below:12110 (turnover),16110 (number of persons employed).These preliminary results or estimates are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 three-digit level (group), except for Sections H, I and K of NACE REV. 1, for which they are to be broken down according to the groupings laid down in section 9. For the division 67 of NACE REV. 1, the transmission of preliminary results or estimates shall be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 9Groupings of activitiesThe following groupings of activities refer to the NACE REV. 1 classification.SECTIONS C, D, E AND FMining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas and water supply; construction.To enable Community statistics to be compiled, Member States will transmit component national results broken down to the classes of NACE REV. 1.SECTION GWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods.To enable Community statistics to be compiled, Member States will transmit component national results broken down to the classes of NACE REV. 1.SECTION HHotels and restaurants
55.1 + 55.2"Hotels" and "Campsites and other provision of short-stay accommodation"
55.3 + 55.4 + 55.5"Restaurants" and "Bars" and "Canteens and catering"
SECTION ITransport, storage and communication
60.1Transport via railways
60.21 + 60.22 + 60.23"Other land transport" without "freight transport by road"
60.24Freight transport by road
60.3Transport via pipelines
61.1Sea and coastal water transport
61.2Inland water transport
62Air transport
63.1 + 63.2 + 63.4"Supporting and auxiliary transport activities" without "activities of travel agencies and tour operators; tourist assistance activities nec"
63.3"Activities of travel agencies and tour operators; tourist assistance activities nec"
64.11National post activities
64.12Courier activities other than national post activities
SECTION JFinancial intermediationTo enable Community statistics to be compiled, Member States will transmit component national results broken down to the classes of NACE REV. 1.SECTION KReal estate, renting and business activities
70Real estate activities
71.1 + 71.2"Renting of automobiles" and "renting of other transport equipment"
71.3Renting of other machinery and equipment
71.4Renting of personal and houshold goods nec
72Computer-related activities
73Research and development
74.11 + 74.12 + 74.14 + 74.15"Legal activities" and "accounting bookkeeping and auditing activities, tax consultancy" and "business and management consultancy activities" and "management activities of holding companies"
74.13Market research and public opinion polling
74.2 + 74.3"Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy" and "Technical testing and analysis"
74.5Labour recruitment and provision of personnel
74.6Investigation and security activities
74.7Industrial cleaning
74.8Other business activities nec
Section 10Reports and pilot studies1.Member States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the definition, structure and availability of information on statistical units which are classified under Sections M to O of NACE REV. 1. The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, institute a series of pilot studies for these activities to be completed by Member States for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for these activities, taking into account the benefits of the avaibility of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business.2.For the activities listed in Section 9, Member States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the availability of the necessary data for the compilation of results for the following characteristics:
12 18 0Financial surplusLegal persons only
14 11 0Turnover from intra-Community deliveries of goods and services
14 12 0Turnover from extra-Community exports of goods and services
14 21 0Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services
14 22 0Extra-Community imports of goods and services
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goodsFor regional data only
The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, institute a series of pilot studies for these characteristics to be completed by Member States for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for these characteristics, taking into account the benefits of the availability of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business.
3.For sections G to K of NACE REV. 1, Member States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the availability of the necessary data for the breakdown of results according to the existence or otherwise of a majority control by non-resident enterprises as defined in the GATS. The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, institute a series of pilot studies for this breakdown to be completed for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for this breakdown, taking into account the benefits of the data in relation to the costs of collection and the burden on business.4.The Commission will inform the Council of the possibilities of compiling statistics for the activities, characteristics and breakdowns listed in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 and will include a recommendation on the addition of some or all of these activities, characteristics and breakdowns to the lists in Sections 4, 7 and 9.
Section 11Transition periodFor the purposes of the common module defined in this Annex, the transitional period will not extend more than four years beyond the first reference years for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.
ANNEX 2A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS IN INDUSTRYSection 1AimsThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of the industry sector.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled relate to the domains referred to in Article 2 (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of this Regulation, in particular to:a central list of statistics for a detailed analysis of the structure, activity, performance and competitiveness of industrial activities,a further list of statistics for the study of special subjects.Section 3CoverageThe statistics are to be compiled for all activities classified within the coverage of Sections C, D and E of NACE REV. 1. These sections cover the activities of mining and quarrying (C), manufacturing (D) and electricity, gas and water supply (E). Enterprise statistics will relate to the population of all enterprises classified according to their main activity in Sections C, D and E.Section 4Characteristics1.The lists of characteristics and statistics set out below indicate, where relevant, the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled and whether they are to be compiled with a yearly or multi-yearly frequency. The statistics and characteristics in italics are also included in the lists in the common module.2.Yearly demographic statistics:
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 12 0Number of births of enterprises
11 13 0Number of deaths of enterprises
11 21 0Number of local units
11 31 0Number of kind of activity units
3.Enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled:
If the total amount of the turnover or the number of persons employed in a division of NACE REV. 1 Sections C to E represent, in a Member State, less than 1 % of the Community total, the information necessary for the compilation of statistics relating to characteristics 21 11 0, 21 12 0, 22 11 0 and 22 12 0 need not be collected for the purposes of this Regulation. If necessary for Community policy requirements, the Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, request ad hoc collection of these data.
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Production value
12 13 0Gross margin on goods for resale
12 14 0Value-added at basic pricesTransmission optional
12 15 0Value-added at factor cost
12 17 0Gross operating surplus
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 12 0Purchases of goods and services purchased for resale in the same condition as received
13 13 1Payments for agency workers
13 21 3Change in stocks of finished products and work in progress manufactured by the unit
13 32 0Wages and salaries
13 33 0Social security costs
13 41 1Payments for long-term rental and operational leasing of goods
15 12 0Gross investment in land
15 13 0Gross investment in existing buildings and structures
15 14 0Gross investment in construction and alteration of buildings
15 15 0Gross investment in machinery and equipment
15 21 0Sales of tangible investment goods
15 31 0Value of tangible goods acquired through financial leasing
16 11 0Number of persons employed
16 13 0Number of employees
16 13 1Number of part-time employees
16 13 2Number of apprentices
16 14 0Number of employees in full-time equivalent units
16 15 0Number of hours worked by employees
18 11 0Turnover from the principal activity at the NACE REV.1 three digit-level
18 12 0Turnover from industrial activities
18 15 0Turnover from service activities
18 16 0Turnover from trading activities of purchase and resale and from intermediary activities
20 11 0Purchases of energy products (in value)Section E excluded
21 11 0Investment in equipment and plant for pollution control, and special anti-pollution accessories (mainly end-of-pipe equipment)
21 12 0Investment in equipment and plant linked to cleaner technology (integrated technology)
22 11 0Total intramural R& D expenditure
22 12 0Total number of R& D personnel
4.Enterprise characteristics for which multi-yearly statistics are to be compiled:
If the total amount of the turnover or the number of persons employed in a division of NACE REV. 1 Sections C to E represent, in a Member State, less than 1 % of the Community total, the information necessary for the compilation of statistics relating to characteristic 21 14 0 need not be collected for the purposes of this Regulation. If necessary for Community policy requirements, the Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, request ad hoc collection of these data.
15 42 0Gross investment in concessions, patents, licences, trade marks and similar rights
15 44 1Investment in purchased software
15 44 2Investment in software produced by the unitOptional
16 13 5Number of homeworkersDivisions 17/18/19/21/22/25/28/31/32/36
20 11 1Purchases of solid fuels (in value)Section E excluded
20 11 2Purchases of petroleum products (in value)Section E excluded
20 11 3Purchases of natural and derived gas (in value)Section E excluded
20 11 4Purchases of renewable energy sources (in value)Section E excluded
20 11 5Purchases of heat (in value)Section E excluded
20 11 6Purchases of electricity (in value)Section E excluded
21 14 0Total current expenditure on environmental protection
23 11 0Payments to subcontractors
5.Characteristics for which yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
16 11 0Number of persons employed
6.Kind-of-activity unit characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled:
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Product value
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
16 11 0Number of persons employed
7.Pilot studies are to be conducted for the characteristics listed in Section 9.
Section 5First reference year1.The first reference year for which yearly statistics are to be compiled is the calendar year 1995. The first reference years for the statistics to be compiled with a multi-yearly frequency are specified below for the codes under which the characteristics are listed:
Calendar year 1997:Codes20 21 0 to 20 31 0 15 42 0, 15 44 1 and 15 44 2
Calendar year 1999:Codes23 11 0
Calendar year 2000:Codes16 13 5
2.Multi-yearly statistics are to be compiled at least every five years.3.The first reference year for which statistics on characteristics 21 12 0 and 21 14 0 are to be compiled is the calendar year 2001.4.The statistics on characteristic 21 12 0 are to be compiled yearly. The statistics on characteristic 21 14 0 are to be compiled every three years.
Section 6Report on the quality of statisticsFor each key characteristic Member States will indicate the degree of precision by reference to a confidence level of 95% which the Commission will include in the report provided for in Article 14 of this Regulation, taking account of the application in each Member State of that Article. The key characteristics are to be laid down by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 7Production of results1.The results for the statistics, except for characteristics 18 11 0, 20 11 1, 20 11 2, 20 11 3, 20 11 4, 20 11 5, 20 11 6, 22 11 0 and 22 12 0 are to be broken down to the NACE REV.1 4-digit level (class).The characteristics 18 11 0, 20 11 1, 20 11 2, 20 11 3, 20 11 4, 20 11 5, 20 11 6, 22 11 0 and 22 12 0 are to be broken down to the NACE REV.1 3-digit level (group).2.Some results are also to be broken down into size classes and to NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).3.Some results are also to be broken down between public and private sector enterprises and to the NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).4.The results for the statistics compiled from kind-of-activity units are to be broken down to the NACE REV. 1 4-digit level (class).5.The results for the regional statistics are simultaneously to be broken down to the NACE REV. 1 2-digit level (division) and level II of the nomenclature of territorial units (NUTS).6.The results for characteristics 21 11 0, 21 12 0 and 21 14 0, are to be broken down to the NACE REV. 1 two-digit level (division).7.The results for characteristics 21 11 0, 21 12 0 and 21 14 0, are to be broken down to the following environmental domains: protection of ambient air and climate, wastewater management, waste management and other environmental protection activities. The results for the environmental domains shall be broken down to NACE REV. 1 two-digit level (division).Section 8Transmission of resultsThe results are to be transmitted within 18 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period.Preliminary national results or estimates are transmitted within 10 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period for the enterprise statistics referred to in Section 4 (3) compiled for the characteristics listed below:
Codes11 11 0(Number of enterprises)
12 11 0(Turnover)
12 12 0(Production value)
13 11 0(Total purchases of goods and services)
13 32 0(Wages and salaries)
15 11 0(Gross investment in tangible goods)
16 11 0(Number of persons employed).
These preliminary results are to be broken down to the NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).
Section 9Reports and pilot studiesMember States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the availability of the necessary data for the compilation of results for the following characteristics:
12 16 0Income from ordinary activitiesLegal persons only
12 18 0Financial surplusLegal persons only
12 19 0Gross ordinary surplusLegal persons only
12 20 0Profit or loss for the yearLegal persons only
14 11 0Turnover from intra-Community deliveries of goods and services
14 12 0Turnover from extra-Community exports of goods and services
14 21 0Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services
14 22 0Extra-Community imports of goods and services
15 43 0Marketing expenditure
15 61 0Purchases of shares and participating interestsLegal persons only
15 62 0Sales of shares and participating interestsLegal persons only
21 11 0Investment in equipment and plant for pollution control, and special anti-pollution accessories (mainly end-of-pipe equipment)Only specific breakdown on the environmental domains biodiversity and landscape, soil and groundwater
21 12 0Investment in equipment and plant linked to cleaner technology ("integrated technology")Only specific breakdown on the environmental domains biodiversity and landscape, soil and groundwater
21 14 0Total current expenditure on environmental protectionOnly specific breakdown on the environmental domains biodiversity and landscape, soil and groundwater
23 12 0Income from subcontracting
The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, institute a series of pilot studies for these characteristics to be completed by the Member States for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for these characteristics, taking into account the benefits of the availability of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business. The Commission will inform the Council of the possibilities of compiling statistics for the characteristics and will submit a recommendation on the addition of some or all of these characteristics to the lists in Section 4.
Section 10Transitional periodFor the purposes of the detailed module defined in this Annex, the transitional period will not extend more than four years beyond the first reference years for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.For the compilation of statistics on characteristics 21 12 0 and 21 14 0 this transitional period may be extended by a further period of up to four years in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.
ANNEX 3A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS ON DISTRIBUTIVE TRADESSection 1AimsThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of the distributive trade sector.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled relate to the domains referred to in Article 2 (i), (ii), (iii) and (vi) of this Regulation, in particular to:the structure of the distributive trade network and its evolution,distributive activity and forms of selling, as well as patterns of supply and sale.Section 3Coverage1.The statistics are to be compiled for all activities within the coverage of Section G of NACE REV. 1. This sector covers the activities of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods. Enterprise statistics refer to the population of all enterprises whose main activity is classified in Section G.2.If the total amount of the turnover and the number of persons employed in a division of NACE REV. 1 Section G normally represent, in a Member State, less than 1 % of the Community total, the information laid down in this Annex which is not in Annex 1 need not be collected for the purposes of the Regulation.3.If necessary for Community policy requirements, the Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, request ad hoc collection of the data referred to in paragraph 2.Section 4Characteristics1.The lists of characteristics and statistics set out below indicate, where relevant, the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled and whether they are to be compiled with a yearly or multi-yearly frequency. The statistics and characteristics in italics are also included in the common module lists.2.Yearly demographic statistics:
Demographic data
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 21 0Number of local units
3.Enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled:
Accounting dataData relating to the capital accountData on employmentBreakdown of turnover by type of activity
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Production value
12 13 0Gross margin on goods for resale
12 15 0Value-added at factor costs
12 17 0Gross operating surplus
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 12 0Purchases of goods and services purchased for resale in the same condition as received
13 21 0Change in stocks of goods and services
13 21 1Change in stocks of goods and services purchased for resale in the same condition as received
13 31 0Personnel costs
13 32 0Wages and salaries
13 33 0Social security costs
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
15 12 0Gross investment in land
15 13 0Gross investment in existing buildings and structures
15 14 0Gross investment in construction and alteration of buildings
15 15 0Gross investment in machinery and equipment
15 21 0Sales of tangible investment goods
15 31 0Value of tangible goods acquired through financial leasing
16 11 0Number of persons employed
16 13 0Number of employees
16 13 1Number of part-time employees
18 10 0Turnover from agriculture, forestry, fishing and industrial activities
18 15 0Turnover from service activities
18 16 0Turnover from trading activities of purchase and resale and intermediary activities
4.Enterprise characteristics for which multi-yearly statistics are to be compiled:
Information on operating costs other than personnel costsBreakdown of turnover by product typeInformation on types of supplier and types of customer
13 41 0Operating costs linked to buildings and equipmentOptional
13 42 0Cost of sellingOptional
13 43 0Other operating costsOptional
Information on forms of trading by enterprisesDivision 52 only
17 32 0Number of retail stores
17 33 0Category of sales space for retail stores engaged in retail trade
17 34 0Number of fixed market stands and/or stalls
18 21 0Breakdown of turnover by product (according to Section G of CPA)
Percentage share of turnover by customer type, specifically:Division 51 only
25 11 1Resale traders: retail tradersOptional
25 11 2Professional users (wholesalers, others)Optional
25 11 3Final consumers (retail trade activity)Optional
Percentage share of purchases by type of supplier, specifically:Division 52 uniquement
25 21 1Wholesalers, purchasing groupsOptional
25 21 2ProducersOptional
5.Characteristics for which yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goodsOptional
16 11 0Number of persons employed
6.Characteristics for which multi-yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
Accounting dataInformation on forms of trading by enterprises
12 11 0TurnoverDivisions 50 and 52 only
17 33 1Sales spaceDivision 52 only
7.Pilot studies are to be conducted for the characteristics listed in Section 9.
Section 5First reference year1.The first reference year for which yearly statistics are to be compiled is the calendar year 1995. The first reference years for the statistics to be compiled with a multi-yearly frequency are specified below for each of the divisions of NACE REV. 1 for which the data are to be collected and for the multi-yearly regional statistics:
Division 521997
Division 51:1998
Regional statistics:1999
Division 50:2000
2.The multi-yearly frequency is five years.
Section 6Report on the quality of statisticsFor each key characteristic Member States will indicate the degree of precision by reference to a confidence level of 95% which the Commission will include in the report provided for in Article 14 of this Regulation, taking account of the application in each Member State of that Article. The key characteristics are to be determined by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 7Production of results1.In order that Community aggregates may be compiled, Member States are to produce component national results broken down to the classes of NACE REV. 1.2.Some results are also to be broken down into size classes for each NACE REV. 1 group.3.The regional statistics are simultaneously to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group) and level II of the nomenclature of territorial units (NUTS).4.The coverage of regional statistics to be compiled on a multi-yearly basis corresponds to the population of all local units whose main activity is classified in Section G. However, it may be limited to the local units dependent on enterprises classified in Section G of NACE REV. 1 if such a population covers more than 95 % of the total coverage. This ratio is to be calculated using the employment characteristic available in the business register.Section 8Transmission of results1.The results are to be transmitted within 18 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period.2.Preliminary national results or estimates are to be transmitted within 10 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period for the enterprise statistics compiled for the characteristics listed below:12 11 0 (Turnover)16 11 0 (Number of persons employed).These preliminary results are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).Section 9Reports and pilot studiesMember States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the availability of the necessary data for the compilation of results for the following characteristics:
12 18 0Financial surplusLegal persons only
13 41 0Operating costs linked to buildings and equipment
13 42 0Cost of selling
13 43 0Other operating costs
14 11 0Turnover from intra-Community deliveries of goods and services
14 12 0Turnover from extra-Community exports of goods and services
14 21 0Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services
14 22 0Extra-Community imports of goods and services
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goodsFor regional statistics only
15 41 0Acquisitions of intangible fixed assets
17 11 0Number of enterprises having an association or cooperation agreement with other enterprises
17 31 0Information on forms of trading by enterprisesDivision 52 only
25 11 1Resale traders: retail traders
25 11 2Professional users (wholesalers, others)
25 11 3Final consumers (retail trade activity)
25 21 1Wholesalers, purchasing groups
25 21 2Producers
The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, institute a series of pilot studies for these characteristics to be completed by the Member States for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for these characteristics, taking into account the benefits of the availability of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business. The Commission will inform the Council of the possibilities of compiling statistics for these characteristics and will submit a recommendation on the addition of some or all of these characteristics to the lists in Section 4.
Section 10Transitional periodFor the purposes of the detailed module defined in this Annex, the transitional period will not extend more than four years beyond the first reference years for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.
ANNEX 4A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS IN CONSTRUCTIONSection 1AimsThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of the construction sector.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled relate to the domains referred to in Article 2 (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of this Regulation, in particular to:a central list of statistics for a detailed analysis of the structure, activity, performance and competitiveness of construction activities,a further list of statistics for the study of special subjects.Section 3Coverage1.The statistics are to be compiled for all activities classified within the coverage of Section F of NACE REV. 1. Enterprise statistics will relate to the population of all enterprises classified according to their main activity in Section F.2.If the total amount of the turnover and the number of persons employed in a division of NACE REV. 1 Section F normally represent, in a Member State, less than 1 % of the European Community total, the information laid down in this Annex which is not in Annex 1 need not be collected for the purposes of this Regulation.3.If necessary for Community policy requirements, the Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, request ad hoc collection of the data referred to in paragraph 2.Section 4Characteristics1.The lists of characteristics and statistics set out below indicate, where relevant, the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled and whether they are to be compiled with a yearly or multi-yearly frequency. The statistics and characteristics in italics are also included in the lists in the common module.2.Yearly demographic statistics:
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 12 0Number of births of enterprises
11 13 0Number of deaths of enterprises
11 21 0Number of local units
3.Enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled:
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Production value
12 13 0Gross margin on goods for resaleGroups 451 and 452 - optional
12 14 0Value-added at basic pricesOptional
12 15 0Value-added at factor cost
12 17 0Gross operating surplus
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 12 0Purchases of goods and services for resale in the same condition as receivedGroups 451 and 452 - optional
13 13 1Payments for agency workers
13 21 3Change in stocks of finished products and work in progress manufactured by the unit
13 32 0Wages and salaries
13 33 0Social security costs
13 41 1Payments for long-term rental and operational leasing of goods
15 12 0Gross investment in land
15 13 0Gross investment in existing buildings and structures
15 14 0Gross investment in construction and alteration of buildings
15 15 0Gross investment in machinery and equipment
15 21 0Sales of tangible investment goods
15 31 0Value of tangible goods acquired through financial leasing
16 11 0Number of persons employed
16 13 0Number of employees
16 14 0Number of employees in full-time equivalent units
16 15 0Number of hours worked by employees
18 11 0Turnover from the principal activity at the NACE REV.1 three digit-level
18 12 1Turnover from industrial activities excluding construction
18 12 2Turnover from construction activities
18 15 0Turnover from service activities
18 16 0Turnover from trading and intermediary activities
18 31 0Turnover from buildingOnly groups 451 and 452
18 32 0Turnover from civil engineeringOnly groups 451 and 452
20 11 0Purchases of energy products (in value)
22 11 0Total intramural R& D expenditure
22 12 0Total number of R& D personnel
4.Enterprise characteristics for which multi-yearly statistics are to be compiled:
15 42 0Gross investment in concessions, patents, licences, trade marks and similar rightsOptional
15 44 1Investment in purchased software
15 44 2Investment in software produced by the unitOptional
16 13 1Number of part-time employees
20 11 1Purchases of solid fuels (in value)Optional
20 11 2Purchases of petroleum products (in value)Optional
20 11 3Purchases of natural and derived gas (in value)Optional
20 11 4Purchases of renewable energy sources (in value)Optional
20 11 5Purchases of heat (in value)Optional
20 11 6Purchases of electricity (in value)Optional
23 11 0Payments to subcontractors
23 12 0Income from subcontracting
5.Characteristics for which yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goodsOptional
16 11 0Number of persons employed
6.Kind-of-activity unit characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled:
12 11 0Turnover
12 12 0Production value
13 32 0Wages and salaries
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
16 11 0Number of persons employed
7.Pilot studies are to be conducted for the characteristics listed in Section 9.
Section 5First reference year1.The first reference year for which yearly statistics are to be compiled is the calendar year 1995. The first reference years for the statistics to be compiled with a multi-yearly frequency are specified below for the codes under which the characteristics are listed.
Calendar year 1997Codes20 21 0 to 20 31 0 15 42 0, 15 44 1 and 15 44 2
Calendar year 1998Codes16 13 1 and 16 13 2
Calendar year 1999Codes23 11 0 and 23 12 0
2.Multi-yearly statistics are to be compiled at least every five years.
Section 6Report on the quality of statisticsFor each key characteristic Member States will indicate the degree of precision by reference to a confidence level of 95% which the Commission will include in the report provided for in Article 14 of this Regulation, taking account of the application in each Member State of that Article. The key characteristics are to be established by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 7Production of results1.The results for the statistics, except for characteristics 18 11 0, 20 11 1, 20 11 2, 20 11 3, 20 11 4, 20 11 5, 20 11 6, 22 11 0, 22 12 0, 15 42 0, 15 44 1 and 15 44 2, are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 4-digit level (class).The results for the characteristics 18 11 0, 20 11 1, 20 11 2, 20 11 3, 20 11 4, 20 11 5, 20 11 6, 15 42 0, 15 44 1 and 15 44 2 are to be broken down to NACE REV.1 3-digit level (group).The results for characteristics 22 11 0 and 22 12 0 are to be broken down to NACE REV.1 2-digit level (division).2.Some results are also to be broken down into size classes and to NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).3.Some results are also to be broken down between public and private sector enterprises and to NACE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).4.The results for the statistics compiled from kind-of-activity units are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 4-digit level (class).5.The results for the regional statistics are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 2-digit level (divisions) and level II of the nomenclature of territorial units (NUTS).Section 8Transmission of resultsThe results are to be transmitted within 18 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period.Preliminary national results or estimates are transmitted within 10 months of the end of the calendar year of the reference period for the enterprise statistics compiled for the characteristics listed below:
Codes11 11 0(Number of enterprises)
12 11 0(Turnover)
12 12 0(Production value)
13 11 0(Total purchases of goods and services)
13 32 0(Wages and salaries)
15 11 0(Gross investment in tangible goods)
16 11 0(Number of persons employed)
These preliminary results are to be broken down to NAVE REV. 1 3-digit level (group).
Section 9Reports and pilot studiesMember States will provide the Commission with a report relating to the availability of the necessary data for the compilation of results for the following characteristics:
12 16 0Income from ordinary activitiesLegal persons only
12 18 0Financial surplusLegal persons only
12 19 0Gross ordinary surplusLegal persons only
12 20 0Profit or loss for the yearLegal persons only
14 11 0Turnover from intra-Community deliveries of goods and services
14 12 0Turnover from extra-Community exports of goods and services
14 21 0Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services
14 22 0Extra-Community imports of goods and services
15 42 0Gross investment in concessions, patents, licences, trade marks and similar rights
15 43 0Marketing expenditure
15 44 2Investment in software produced by the unit
15 61 0Purchases of shares and participating interestsLegal persons only
15 62 0Sales of shares and participating interestsLegal persons only
The Commission will, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation, adopt a series of pilot studies for these characteristics to be completed by the Member States for the 1998 reference year at the latest. These pilot studies will be carried out in order to assess the feasibility of collecting the data necessary for the compilation of results for these characteristics, taking into account the advantages of the availability of the data compared to the cost of collection and the burden on the enterprises. The Commission will inform the Council of the possibilities of compiling statistics for these characteristics and will submit a recommendation on the addition of some or all of these characteristics to the lists in Section 4.
Section 10Transitional periodFor the purposes of the detailed module defined in this Annex, the transitional period will not extend more than four years beyond the first reference years for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.
ANNEX 5A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS IN INSURANCESection 1AimsThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of insurance services. This module includes a detailed list of characteristics on which statistics shall be compiled in order to improve knowledge of the national, Community and international development of the insurance sector.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled shall relate to the domains referred to in points (i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2 of this Regulation, and in particular to:1.the detailed analysis of the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of insurance enterprises;2.the development and distribution of total business and business per product, customer patterns, international activities, employment, investments, capital and reserves and technical provisions.Section 3Coverage1.Such statistics shall be compiled for all activities within the scope of NACE Rev. 1 division 66 except for class 66.02.2.The compilation of statistics shall cover the following enterprises:non-life insurance enterprises: all those referred to in Article 2(1)(a) of Directive 91/674/EECOJ L 374, 31. 12. 1991, p. 7.,life assurance enterprises: all those referred to in Article 2(1)(b) of Directive 91/674/EEC,specialist reinsurance enterprises: all those referred to in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 91/674/EEC,Lloyd's underwriters: all those referred to in Article 4 of Directive 91/674/EEC,composite insurance enterprises: all those carrying out life and non-life insurance business.3.In addition, branches of insurance enterprises referred to under Title III of Directives 73/239/EECOJ L 228, 16. 8. 1973, p. 3. and 79/267/EECOJ L 63, 13. 3. 1979, p. 1., and whose activity falls within one of the NACE Rev. 1 classes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be assimilated to the corresponding enterprises as defined in paragraph 2.4.For the purposes of the harmonised Community statistics, Member States shall be free to exclude the enterprises mentioned in Article 3 of Directive 73/239/EEC and in Article 2(2) and (3) and Articles 3 and 4 of Directive 79/267/EEC.Section 4Characteristics1.The characteristics and statistics presented in list A referred to in paragraph 3 and list B referred to in paragraph 4 shall be compiled in accordance with Section 5. When characteristics are derived directly from the annual accounts, accounting years ending within a reference year shall be assimilated to the said reference year.2.In the lists A and B, characteristics relating to life insurance enterprises are identified by the number 1, those relating to non-life insurance enterprises by the number 2, those relating to composite insurance enterprises by the number 3, those relating to specialist reinsurance enterprises by the number 4, those relating to the life insurance business of composite insurance enterprises by the number 5 and those relating to the non-life insurance business (including acceptances in reinsurance) of composite insurance enterprises by the number 6.3.List A includes the following information:(i)characteristics listed in Article 6 of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life, non-life, composite and specialist reinsurance, enterprises: asset side of the balance sheet: items C I (showing land and buildings occupied by an insurance enterprise for its own activities separately), C II, C II 1 + C II 3 as an aggregate, C II 2 + C II 4 as an aggregate, C III, C III 1, C III 2, C III 3, C III 4, C III 5, C III 6 + C III 7 as an aggregate, C IV, D; liability side of the balance sheet: items A, A I, A II + A III + A IV as an aggregate, B, C 1 a (separately for the life and non-life business of composite enterprises), C 2 a (separately for the life and non-life business of composite enterprises), C 3 a (separately for the life and non-life business of composite enterprises), C 4 a, C 5, C 6 a, D a, G III (without separation of convertible loans), G IV;(ii)characteristics listed in Article 34, Part I, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning non-life and specialist reinsurance enterprises and the non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: items 1 a, 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 2, 4 a aa, 4 a bb, 4 b aa, 4 b bb, 7 (gross amount), 7 d, 9, 10 (separately for the gross and net amount);(iii)characteristics listed in Article 34, Part II, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life insurance enterprises and the life business of composite insurance enterprises: items 1 a, 1 b, 1 c (the gross amount and the reinsurers' share separately), 2, 3, 5 a aa, 5 a bb, 5 b aa, 5 b bb, 6 a aa, 6 a bb, 8 (gross amount), 8 d, 9, 10, 12, 13 (the gross and net amount separately);(iv)characteristics listed in Article 34, Part III, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life, non-life, composite and specialist reinsurance enterprises: items 3, 4 (only for life and composite enterprises), 5, 6 (only for non-life, composite and specialist reinsurance enterprises), 7, 8, 9 + 14 + 15 as an aggregate, 10 (before tax), 13, 16;(v)characteristics referred to in Article 63 of Directive 91/674/EEC:concerning life and non-life insurance enterprises and life and non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: gross premiums written in direct business by (sub)categories of the CPA (5-digit level and subcategories 66.03.21, 66.03.22),concerning non-life insurance enterprises and non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: gross claims incurred, direct business, gross operating expenses, direct business and reinsurance balance, direct business, all variables by (sub)categories of the CPA (5-digit level and subcategories 06.03.21, 66.03.22),concerning life insurance enterprises and life business of composite insurance enterprises: gross direct premiums written with the breakdown as shown in number II, item 1;(vi)characteristics referred to in Article 64 of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life, non-life, composite and specialist reinsurance enterprises: commissions for direct insurance business (excluding specialist reinsurance enterprises) and total insurance business;(vii)additional characteristics listed below:
Structural dataAccounting data/technical part of the profit and loss accountAccounting data/non-technical part of the profit and loss accountAdditional data relating to the profit and loss accountData by product by (sub)categories of the CPAData on internationalisation (geographical breakdown of the business written under the right of establishment)Data on internationalisation (geographical breakdown of the business written under the right of freedom to provide services)Data on employmentData on the balance sheet (assets/liabilities)
CodeTitleEnterprises/business concerned
11 11 0Number of enterprises(1, 2, 3, 4)
11 11 1Number of enterprises broken down by legal status(1, 2, 3, 4)
11 11 2Number of enterprises broken down by size class of gross premiums written(1, 2, 3)
11 11 3Number of enterprises broken down by size class of gross technical provisions(1)
11 11 5Number of enterprises broken down by country of residence of the parent enterprise(1, 2, 3, 4)
11 41 0Total number and location of branches in other countries(1, 2, 3)
32 11 4Gross premiums written broken down by legal status(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 11 5Gross direct premiums written broken down according to the country of residence of the parent enterprise(1, 2, 5, 6)
32 11 6Gross reinsurance premiums accepted, written premiums broken down according to the country of residence of the parent enterprise(1, 2, 4, 6)
32 18 2Reinsurers' share of gross premiums written broken down according to the country of residence of the parent enterprise(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 16 0Other items in the technical account, gross amount(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 18 0Reinsurance balance(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 18 8Reinsurers' share of the gross amount of other items in the technical account(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 19 0Sub-total II (net balance of the technical account)(3)
32 61 4External expenses on goods and services(1, 2, 3, 4)
13 31 0Personnel costs(1, 2, 3, 4)
32 61 5External and internal claims management expenses(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 61 6Acquisition costs(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 61 7Administrative expenses(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 61 8Gross other technical charges(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 61 9Investment management charges(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 71 1Income from participating interests(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 71 3Income from land and buildings(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 71 4Income from other investments(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 71 5Value re-adjustments on investments(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 71 6Gains on the realisations of investments(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 72 1Investment management charges, including interest(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 72 2Value adjustments on investments(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
32 72 3Losses on the realisations of investments(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
33 12 1Reinsurers' share of gross direct premiums written (5-digit-level, subcategories 66.03.21, 66.03.22)(1, 2, 5, 6)
34 31 1Gross direct premiums written by CPA category (5-digit-level) and by Member State(1, 2, 5, 6)
34 32 1Gross direct premiums written by CPA category (5-digit-level) and by Member State(1, 2, 5, 6)
16 11 0Number of persons employed(1, 2, 3, 4)
36 30 0Balance sheet total(1, 2, 3, 4)
37 33 1Gross provisions for outstanding claims, related to direct business(2, 6)
37 30 1Total net technical provisions(1, 2, 3, 4)
4.List B includes the following information:(i)characteristics listed in Article 34, Part I, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning non-life and specialist reinsurance enterprises and the non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: items 3, 5, 6, 8;(ii)characteristics listed in Article 34, Part II, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life insurance enterprises and the life business of composite insurance enterprises: items 4, 6 b, 7, 11;(iii)characteristics referred to in Article 63 of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning life and non-life insurance enterprises and life and non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: geographical breakdown of gross direct premiums written in the Member State of the enterprise's head office, other Member States, other EEA countries, Switzerland the USA, Japan or third countries;(iv)additional characteristics listed below:
Accounting data/technical part of the profit and loss accountInternational activities (in general)Data on the balance sheet (assets/liabilities)Residual data
CodeTitleEnterprises/business concernedComments
32 13 2Gross payments in respect of claims incurred in the current accounting year(2, 4, 6)
34 12 0Geographical breakdown of gross reinsurance premiums accepted, premiums written(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
34 13 0Geographical breakdown of reinsurers' share of gross premiums written(1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
36 11 2Land and buildings (current value)(1, 2, 3, 4)
36 12 3Investments in affiliated enterprises and participating interests (current value)(1, 2, 3, 4)
36 13 8Other financial investments (current value)(1, 2, 3, 4)
36 21 0Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders who bear the investment risk - land and buildings(1, 3)
36 22 0Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders who bear the investment risk - other financial investments(1, 3)
37 10 1Total capital and reserves, broken down by legal status(1, 2, 3, 4)
37 33 3Gross provision for outstanding claims related to direct business, by (sub)category of the CPA (5-digit level) and subcategories 66.03.21, 66.03.22(2, 6)
39 10 0Number of contracts outstanding at the end of the accounting year, relating to direct business for all individual life insurance contracts and for the following (sub)categories of the CPA: 66.01.1, 66.03.1, 66.03.4 and 66.03.5(1, 2, 5, 6)
39 20 0Number of insured persons at the end of the accounting year, relating to direct business for all group life insurance contracts and for the following subcategories of the CPA: 66.03.1(1, 2, 5, 6)
39 30 0Number of insured vehicles at the end of the accounting year, relating to direct business, for the following subcategories of the CPA: 66.03.2(2, 6)Optional
39 40 0Gross insured sum at the end of the accounting year, relating to direct business, for the following subcategories of the CPA: 66.01.1 and 66.01.4(1, 5)Optional
39 50 0Number of claims incurred during the accounting year, relating to direct business, for the following subcategory of the CPA: 66.03.2(2, 6)Optional
Section 5First reference yearThe first reference year for which annual statistics shall be compiled is the 1996 calendar year for the characteristics and statistics of list A and the 2000 calendar year for the characteristics and statistics of list B.Section 6Production of resultsThe results are to be broken down to the NACE Rev. 1, 4-digit level (classes).Section 7Transmission of resultsThe results shall be transmitted within 12 months from the end of the reference year for the enterprises referred to in Section 3, except specialist reinsurance enterprises, for which the results shall be transmitted within 18 months from the end of the reference period.Section 8Insurance CommitteeThe Commission shall inform the Insurance Committee set up under Directive 91/675/EECOJ L 374, 31. 12. 1991, p. 32. about the implementation of this module and about all such measures for adjustment to economic and technical developments concerning the collection and statistical processing of data and the processing and the transmission of results, which it adopts in accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation.Section 9Transit periodFor the purposes of this detailed module, the transition period shall not exceed three years from the beginning of the first reference years for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.
ANNEX 6A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS ON CREDIT INSTITUTIONSSection 1AimThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of the credit institutions sector. This module includes a detailed list of characteristics on which statistics are to be compiled in order to improve knowledge on the national, Community and international development of the sector of credit institutions.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled shall relate to the domains referred to in points (i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2 of this Regulation, and in particular to:1.the detailed analysis of the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of credit institutions;2.the development and distribution of total business and business per product, international activities, employment, capital and reserves, and other assets and liabilities.Section 3Coverage1.The statistics are to be compiled for the activities of credit institutions within the scope of NACE REV. 1 classes 65.12 and 65.22.2.The statistics are to be compiled for the activities of all credit institutions referred to in Article 2(1)(a) and Article 2(2) of Council Directive 86/635/EEC of 8 December 1986 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutionsOJ L 372, 31.12.1986, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2001/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 283, 27.10.2001, p. 28)., with the exemption of central banks.3.Branches of credit institutions referred to in Article 24 of Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutionsOJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2000/28/EC (OJ L 275, 27.10.2000, p. 37). whose activity falls within the scope of NACE REV. 1 classes 65.12 and 65.22, are to be assimilated to the credit institutions referred to in paragraph 2.Section 4CharacteristicsThe characteristics are listed below. The characteristics in italics are also included in the common module lists of Annex 1. When characteristics are derived directly from the annual accounts, accounting years ending within a reference year shall be assimilated to the said reference year.The list includes:(i)characteristics listed in Article 4 of Directive 86/635/EEC: asset side of the balance sheet: item 4; liability side of the balance sheet: items 2(a) + 2(b) as an aggregate, items 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 as an aggregate;(ii)characteristics listed in Article 27 of Directive 86/635/EEC: item 2, items 3(a) + 3(b) + 3(c) as an aggregate, item 3(a), item 4, item 5, item 6, item 7, items 8(a) + 8(b) as an aggregate, item 8(b), item 10, items 11 + 12 as an aggregate, items 9 + 13 + 14 as an aggregate, items 15 + 16 as an aggregate, item 19, items 15 + 20 + 22 as an aggregate, item 23;(iii)the following additional characteristics:
Structural dataAccounting data: profit and loss accountAccounting data: balance sheetData by productData on the internal market and internationalisationData on employmentResidual data
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 11 1Number of enterprises broken down by legal status
11 11 4Number of enterprises broken down by residence of the parent enterprise
11 11 6Number of enterprises broken down by size classes of the balance sheet total
11 11 7Number of enterprises broken down by category of credit institutions
11 21 0Number of local units
11 41 1Total number of branches broken down by location in non-EEA countries
11 51 0Total number of financial subsidiaries broken down by location in other countries
42 11 0Interest receivable and similar income
42 11 1Interest receivable and similar income arising from fixed-income securities
42 12 1Interest payable and similar charges linked to debt securities in issue
12 12 0Production value
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 31 0Personnel costs
12 14 0Value added at basic pricesOptional
12 15 0Value added at factor cost
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
43 30 0Balance sheet total (CI)
43 31 0Balance sheet total broken down according to the residence of the parent enterprise
43 32 0Balance sheet total broken down by legal status
44 11 0Interest receivable and similar income broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
44 12 0Interest payable and similar charges broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
44 13 0Commissions receivable broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
44 14 0Commissions payable broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
45 11 0Geographical breakdown of the total number of EEA branches
45 21 0Geographical breakdown of interest receivable and similar income
45 22 0Geographical breakdown of balance sheet total
45 31 0Geographical breakdown of interest receivable and similar income via the freedom to provide services business (in other EEA countries)Optional
45 41 0Geographical breakdown of interest receivable and similar income via branch business (in non-EEA countries)Optional
45 42 0Geographical breakdown of interest receivable and similar income via the freedom to provide services business (in non-EEA countries)Optional
16 11 0Number of persons employed
16 11 1Number of persons employed broken down by category of credit institutions
16 11 2Number of women employed
16 13 0Number of employees
16 13 1Number of female employees
16 14 0Number of employees in full-time equivalent units
47 11 0Number of accounts broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
47 12 0Number of loans and advances to customers broken down by (sub)categories of the CPAOptional
47 13 0Number of automatic teller machines (ATM) owned by credit institutions
(iv)characteristics for which yearly regional statistics are to be compiled:
11 21 0Number of local units
13 32 0Wages and salariesOptional
16 11 0Number of persons employed
Section 5First reference yearThe first reference year for which annual statistics are to be compiled for the characteristics listed in Section 4 is the calendar year 2001.Section 6Production of results1.The results are to be broken down to the following NACE REV. 1 classes: 65.12 and 65.22, separately.2.The results of the regional statistics are to be broken down to NACE REV. 1 four-digit level (classes) and level 1 of the nomenclature of territorial units (NUTS).Section 7Transmission of resultsThe transmission delay of the results shall be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation. It shall not be longer than 10 months from the end of the reference year.Section 8Committee for Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments StatisticsThe Commission shall inform the Committee for Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics about the implementation of this module and about all measures for adjustment to economic and technical developments concerning the collection and statistical processing of data, the processing and transmission of results.Section 9Pilot studies1.For the activities covered by this Annex, the Commission will institute the following pilot studies to be carried out by Member States:(a)information on derivatives and off-balance sheet items;(b)information on the distribution networks;(c)information needed to break down the transactions of credit institutions according to prices and volumes.2.The pilot studies are to be carried out in order to assess the relevance and feasibility of obtaining data, taking into account the benefits of the availability of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business.Section 10Transitional periodFor the purposes of this detailed module, the transitional period will not exceed three years from the beginning of the first reference year for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5.
ANNEX 7A DETAILED MODULE FOR STRUCTURAL STATISTICS ON PENSION FUNDSSection 1AimThe aim of this Annex is to establish a common framework for the collection, compilation, transmission and evaluation of Community statistics on the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of the pension funds sector. This module includes a detailed list of characteristics on which statistics are to be compiled in order to improve knowledge of the national, Community and international development of the pension funds sector.Section 2ScopeThe statistics to be compiled shall relate to the domains referred to in points (i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2 of this Regulation, and in particular to:1.the detailed analysis of the structure, activity, competitiveness and performance of pension funds;2.the development and distribution of total business, patterns of pension funds members, international activities, employment, investments and liabilities.Section 3Coverage1.The statistics are to be compiled for all activities within the scope of NACE REV. 1 class 66.02. This class covers the activities of autonomous pension funds.2.Some statistics are to be compiled for enterprises with non-autonomous pension funds which are carried out as ancillary activities.Section 4Characteristics1.The list of characteristics set out below indicates, where relevant, the type of statistical unit for which the statistics are to be compiled. The characteristics in italics are also included in the common module lists of Annex 1. When characteristics are derived directly from the annual accounts, accounting years ending within a reference year are to be assimilated to the said reference year.2.Demographic and enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled (for enterprises with autonomous pension funds only):
Structural dataAccounting data: profit and loss (income and expenditure) accountBalance sheet data: assetsBalance sheet data: liabilitiesData on the internal market and internationalisationData on employmentResidual data
11 11 0Number of enterprises
11 11 8Number of enterprises broken down by size of investments
11 11 9Number of enterprises broken down by size classes of members
11 61 0Number of pension schemesOptional
12 11 0Turnover
48 00 1Pension contributions receivable from members
48 00 2Pension contributions receivable from employers
48 00 3Incoming transfers
48 00 4Other pension contributions
48 00 5Pension contributions to defined benefits schemes
48 00 6Pension contributions to defined contributions schemes
48 00 7Pension contributions to hybrid schemes
48 01 0Investment income (PF)
48 01 1Capital gains and losses
48 02 1Insurance claims receivable
48 02 2Other income (PF)
12 12 0Produced value
12 14 0Value added at basic pricesOptional
12 15 0Valued added at factor cost
48 03 0Total expenditure on pensions
48 03 1Regular pensions payments
48 03 2Pension payments of lump sums
48 03 3Outgoing transfers
48 04 0Net change in technical provisions (reserves)
48 05 0Insurance premiums payable
48 06 0Total operational expenses
13 11 0Total purchases of goods and services
13 31 0Personnel costs
15 11 0Gross investment in tangible goods
48 07 0All taxes
48 11 0Land and buildings (PF)
48 12 0Investments in affiliated enterprises and participating interests (PF)
48 13 0Shares and other variable-yield securities
48 13 1Shares traded on a regulated market
48 13 2Shares traded on a regulated market specialised in SMEs
48 13 3Non-publicly traded shares
48 13 4Other variable yield securities
48 14 0Units in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities
48 15 0Debt securities and other fixed-income securities
48 15 1Debt securities and other fixed-income securities issued by public administrationsOptional
48 15 2Other debt securities and other fixed income securitiesOptional
48 16 0Participation in investment pools (PF)
48 17 0Loans guaranteed by mortgages and other loans not covered elsewhere
48 18 0Other investments
48 10 0Total investments of pension funds
48 10 1Total investments invested in "the sponsoring enterprise"
48 10 4Total investments at market values
48 20 0Other assets
48 30 0Capital and reserves
48 40 0Net technical provisions (PF)
48 50 0Other liabilities
48 61 0Geographical breakdown of turnover
48 62 0Shares and other variable-yield securities broken down by locationOptional
48 63 0Total investments broken down by locationOptional
48 64 0Total investments broken down into euro and non-euro components
16 11 0Number of persons employed
48 70 0Number of members
48 70 1Number of members of defined benefits schemes
48 70 2Number of members of defined contributions schemes
48 70 3Number of members of hybrid schemes
48 70 4Number of active members
48 70 5Number of deferred members
48 70 6Number of retired persons
3.Enterprise characteristics for which yearly statistics are to be compiled (for enterprises with non-autonomous pension funds only):
11 15 0Number of enterprises with non-autonomous pension funds
48 08 0Turnover of non-autonomous pension fundsOptional
Section 5First reference yearThe first reference year for which annual statistics are to be compiled for the characteristics listed in Section 4 is the calendar year 2002.Section 6Production of results1.The results for the characteristics listed in Section 4, paragraph 2, are to be broken down according to the NACE REV. 1, four-digit level (class).2.The results for the characteristics listed in Section 4, paragraph 3, are to be broken down according to the NACE REV. 1 section level.Section 7Transmission of resultsThe results are to be transmitted within 12 months from the end of the reference year.Section 8Insurance CommitteeThe Commission shall inform the Insurance Committee about the implementation of this module and about all measures for adjustment to economic and technical developments concerning the collection and statistical processing of data, the processing and transmission of results.Section 9Pilot studiesFor the activities covered by this Annex, the Commission will institute the following pilot studies to be carried out by Member States:1.More in-depth information on cross-border activities of pension funds:
11 71 0Number of enterprises with members in other EEA countries
11 72 0Number of enterprises with active members in other EEA countries
48 65 0Geographical breakdown of number of members by gender
48 65 1Geographical breakdown of number of members of defined benefits schemes
48 65 2Geographical breakdown of number of members of defined contributions schemes
48 65 3Geographical breakdown of number of members of hybrid schemes
48 65 4Geographical breakdown of number of active members
48 65 5Geographical breakdown of number of deferred members
48 65 6Geographical breakdown of number of retired persons
48 65 7Geographical breakdown of number of persons receiving a derived pension
48 70 7Number of female members
2.Additional information on non-autonomous pension funds:
11 15 1Number of enterprises with non-autonomous pension funds, broken down by size classes of members
48 40 1Net technical provisions of non-autonomous pension funds
48 72 0Number of members of non-autonomous pension funds
48 66 1Geographical breakdown of number of active members of non-autonomous pension funds
48 66 2Geographical breakdown of number of deferred members of non-autonomous pension funds
48 66 3Geographical breakdown of number of retired persons receiving a pension of non-autonomous pension funds
48 66 4Geographical breakdown of number of persons receiving a derived pension of non-autonomous pension funds
48 09 0Pension payments by non-autonomous pension funds
3.Information on derivatives and off-balance sheet items.The pilot studies shall be carried out in order to assess the relevance and feasibility of obtaining data, taking into account the benefits of the availability of the data in relation to the cost of collection and the burden on business.
Section 10Transitional periodFor the purposes of this detailed module, the transitional period will not exceed three years from the beginning of the first reference year for the compilation of the statistics indicated in Section 5. This period may be extended by a further period of up to three years in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of this Regulation.