Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of service
Modified by
Directive 2002/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 amending Directive 97/67/EC with regard to the further opening to competition of Community postal services
July 5, 2002 article 19.1 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 27 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 19.2 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 22.3 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 23 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 7 Replacement
July 5, 2002 article 12 Completion