to promote food security geared to alleviating poverty, to help the population of developing countries and regions, at household, local, national and regional levels, to raise the standard of nutrition of the recipient population and help it obtain a balanced diet, to take account of the concern to ensure the supply of drinking water to the population, to promote the availability and accessibility of foodstuffs to the public, to contribute towards the balanced economic and social development of the recipient countries in the rural and urban environment, by paying special attention to the respective roles of women and men in the household economy and in the social structure; the ultimate objective of Community aid operations shall be to make the recipients into agents of their own development, to support the efforts of the recipient countries to improve their own food production at regional, national, local and family level, to reduce their dependence on food aid, to encourage them to be independent in food, either by increasing production, or by enhancing and increasing purchasing power, to contribute to the initiatives to combat poverty with development as an objective.
Council Regulation (EC) No 1292/96 of 27 June 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97of 17 June 1997on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro, 397R1103, June 19, 1997
- Regulation (EC) No 1726/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 23 July 2001amending Article 21 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1292/96 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security, 301R1726, September 1, 2001
- Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 303R1882, October 31, 2003
- Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 14 December 2005on access to Community external assistance, 305R2110, December 27, 2005
food shortages, the food situation measures using human development and nutritional indicators, per capita income and the existence of particularly poor population groups,social indicators of the welfare of the population in question, the recipient country's balance-of-payments situation, the economic and social impact and financial cost of the proposed operation, the existence in the recipient country of a long-term policy on food security.
the supply of seed, tools and inputs essential to the production of food crops, rural credit support schemes targeted particularly at women, schemes to supply the population with drinking water, storage schemes at the appropriate level, operations concerning the marketing, transport, distribution or processing of agricultural and food products, measures in support of the private sector for commercial development at national, regional and international level, applied research and field training, projects to develop the production of food crops while respecting the environment, flanking, awareness, technical assistance and field training operations, in particular for women and producers' organizations and agricultural workers, support measures for women and producers' organizations, projects to produce fertilizer from raw materials and basic materials found in the recipient countries, schemes to support local food-aid structures, including training schemes on the ground.
early-warning systems and systems for gathering data on trends in harvests, stocks and markets, the food situation of households and the vulnerability of the population with a view to improving understanding of the food situation in the countries concerned, operations aimed at improving storage systems with a view to reducing waste or ensuring sufficient storage capacity for emergencies. Such operations may also include the establishment of the infrastructure, in particular bagging, unloading, disinfection, treatment and storage facilities, needed to handle food products in these countries in support of food-aid operations or operations in support of food security, preparatory studies and training schemes in connection with the above activities.
(a) they must be autonomous organisations in an eligible country under the laws in force in that country; (b) they must have their headquarters in an eligible country. The headquarters must be the effective decision-making centre for all co-financed operations; (c) they must show that they can successfully carry out food-aid operations; in particular through: their administrative and financial management capacity, their technical and logistical capacity to handle the proposed operation, the results of operations implemented by the relevant NGOs carried out with Community finance or finance from the Member States, their experience in the field of food aid and food security, their presence in the recipient country and their knowledge of that country or of developing countries;
(d) they must undertake to comply with the conditions laid down by the Commission for the allocation of food aid.
the pursuit of sustainable impact and economic viability in project design, the clear definition and monitoring of objectives and indicators of achievement.
if the requisite type or quality of product is unavailable on the market of the Community or any of the developing countries, if there is a serious food shortage, where such purchases are likely to increase the effectiveness of the operation.
a serious food shortage, the delivery of food aid to low-income countries suffering from serious food shortages, whether the food aid is destined for the international or regional organizations or non-governmental organizations referred to in Article 10, the need to increase the efficiency of the food-aid operation in question.
adopt the list of products which may be mobilized as aid, lay down rules for mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, determine each recipient's share of the products, in terms of quantity and cost, where necessary, adjust allocations during the implementation of programmes.
granting food aid or providing for an operation in support of food security and laying down the conditions for the latter, granting a contribution to international or regional organizations or non-governmental organizations for the financing of operations in support of food security, granting aid for a storage programme or early-warning system;
(a) emergency or serious food shortage operations, where famine or an imminent danger thereof seriously threatens the lives or health of people in a country without the ways and means to cope itself with a food shortage. The Commission shall act after consulting the Member States by the most appropriate means. Three working days shall be allowed to the Member States in which to put forward any objections. If there are any objections, the Committee referred to in Article 26 shall examine the question at its next meeting; (b) the conditions governing the supply and implementation of aid, in particular: the general conditions applicable to recipients, initiation of the procedures governing mobilization, supply of products and implementation of other measures, and conclusion of the relevant contracts.