Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 of 27 June 1996 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products
Modified by
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2484/96of 20 December 1996amending the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 396R2484, December 30, 1996
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1186/97of 27 June 1997amending the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 397R1186, June 30, 1997
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2590/97of 16 December 1997replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural productsCorrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2590/97 of 16 December 1997 replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products(Official Journal of the European Communities L 355 of 30 December 1997), 397R2590397R2590R(01), December 30, 1997
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1359/98of 29 June 1998amending the Annex to Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 398R1359, June 30, 1998
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2797/98of 17 December 1998replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural productsCorrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2797/98 of 17 December 1998 replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products(Official Journal of the European Communities L 352 of 29 December 1998), 398R2797398R2797R(01), December 29, 1998
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1381/1999of 28 June 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 399R1381, June 30, 1999
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 20/2000of 17 December 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 300R0020, January 12, 2000
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1297/2000of 19 June 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 300R1297, June 26, 2000
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2801/2000of 14 December 2000amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 300R2801, December 27, 2000
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1159/2001of 11 June 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 301R1159, June 23, 2001
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2499/2001of 19 December 2001amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 301R2499, December 21, 2001
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1120/2002of 26 June 2002amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 302R1120, June 29, 2002
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2264/2002of 19 December 2002amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery productsCorrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2264/2002 of 19 December 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products(Official Journal of the European Communities L 350 of 27 December 2002), 302R2264302R2264R(01), December 27, 2002
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1048/2003of 16 June 2003amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 303R1048, June 30, 2003
  • Council regulation (EC) No 2285/2003of 22 December 2003amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 303R2285, December 30, 2003
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1241/2004of 5 July 2004amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 304R1241, July 8, 2004
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/2004of 22 December 2004amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 304R2271, December 31, 2004
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 989/2005of 27 June 2005amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 305R0989, June 30, 2005
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 300/2006of 30 January 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 306R0300, February 25, 2006
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 963/2006of 27 June 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 306R0963, June 30, 2006
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2590/97 of 16 December 1997 replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 397R2590R(01), April 7, 1998
  • Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2797/98 of 17 December 1998 replacing the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial and agricultural products, 398R2797R(01), May 19, 1999
  • Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2264/2002 of 19 December 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/96 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products, 302R2264R(01), September 30, 2003
Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/96of 27 June 1996temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 28 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Whereas production in the Community of the products specified in this Regulation is currently inadequate or non-existent; whereas producers thus cannot meet the needs of user industries in the Community;Whereas it is in the interest of the Community to suspend partially or totally the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties for these products;Whereas the decision to suspend such autonomous duties should be taken by the Community;Whereas the Regulations temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain industrial, agricultural and fishery products have largely renewed previous measures; whereas, therefore, in the interests of rationalizing implementation of the measures concerned, it would seem appropriate not to limit the period of validity of this Regulation as its scope can be adapted and products added to or removed from the list through a Council Regulation, if necessary;Whereas the amendments to the combined nomenclature and the Taric codes do not give rise to any substantive amendment; whereas, for reasons of simplification, provision should be made to empower the Commission, following receipt of the opinion of the Customs Code Committee, to make the necessary amendments and technical adaptations of the Annex to this Regulation, including the publication of a consolidated version,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties for the products listed in the Annex hereto shall be suspended at the level indicated against each of them.
Article 2The technical adaptations, including publication of a consolidated version, arising from amendments of the combined nomenclature and Taric codes shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3.
Article 31.The Commission shall be assisted by the Customs Code Committee set up by Article 247 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92OJ No L 302, 19. 10. 1992, p. 1. Regulation as amended by the 1994 Act of Accession..2.The representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered by the majority laid down in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty in the case of decisions which the Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the Commission. The votes of the representatives of the Member States within the Committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The chairman shall not vote.3.The Commission shall adopt measures which apply immediately.However, if these measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the Committee, they shall be communicated by the Commission to the Council forthwith. In that event, the Commission shall defer application of the measures which it has decided for three months from the date of such communication.The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may take a different decision within the period referred to in the previous indent.
Article 4This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply from 1 July 1996.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX
Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions (see Articles 291 to 300 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 (OJ L 253, 11.10.1993 p. 1 and subsequent amendments)).However, the suspension is not allowed where processing is carried out by retail or catering undertakings.The suspension shall apply to fish intended to undergo any operation unless they are intended to undergo exclusively one or more of the following operations:cleaning, gutting, tailing, heading,cutting (excluding filleting or cutting of frozen blocks, or splitting of frozen interleaved fillet blocks),sampling, sorting,labelling,packing,chilling,freezing,deep freezing,thawing, separation.The suspension is not allowed for products intended, in addition, to undergo treatment (or operations) qualifying for suspension where such treatment (or operations) is (are) carried out at retail or catering level. The suspension of customs duties shall apply only to fish intended for human consumption.Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions (see Articles 291 to 300 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 (OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1).
CN codeTARICDescriptionRate of autonomous duty%Validity period
ex03026999ex030379981010Sturgeons, fresh, chilled or frozen, for processing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0302699920Lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with roe, fresh or chilled, for processing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03026999ex030379983020Red snapper (Lutjanus purpureus), fresh, chilled or frozen, for processing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03027000ex03027000ex03027000ex03027000ex03038090ex03038090113141911019Hard fish roes, fresh, chilled or frozen01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03031100ex030319001010Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), frozen and headless, for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03041038ex03041098ex03042061ex0304909745601031Fillets and meat of dogfish (Squalus acanthias), fresh, chilled or frozen61.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03052000ex03052000ex03052000ex03052000ex030520001118192130Hard fish roes, salted or in brine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex03061990ex030629901010Krill for processing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex06039000ex060499901010Flowers, flower buds, foliage, leaves and other parts of plants, not further prepared than dried, dyed or bleached, for use in the manufacture of pot pourri of subheading 3307490001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0710210010Peas in pods, of the species Pisum sativum of the variety Hortense axiphium, frozen, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm, to be used, in their pods, in the manufacture of prepared meals01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0710809550Bamboo shoots, frozen, not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex07123200ex07123300ex07123900101031Mushrooms, excluding mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0804100010Dates, fresh or dried, not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0810405010Fruit of the species Vaccinium macrocarpon, fresh01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0810909510Rose-hips, fresh01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
0811905008119070ex0811909569Fruit of the genus Vaccinium, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0811909520Boysenberries, frozen, not containing added sugar, not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0811909530Pineapple (Ananas comosus), in pieces, frozen01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex0811909540Rose-hips, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex15119019ex15119091ex15131110ex15131930ex15132110ex15132930101010101010Palm oil, coconut (copra) oil, palm kernel oil, for the manufacture of:industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids of subheading 38231910,mixtures of methyl esters of fatty acids of subheading 38249099,methyl esters of fatty acids of heading 2915 or 2916,stearic acid of subheading 38231100 orgoods of heading 340101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex1515909992Vegetable oil, refined, containing by weight 35 % or more but not more than 50 % of arachidonic acid or 35 % or more but not more than 50 % of docosahexaenoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex1518009110Soya-bean oil, modified with maleic acid, for the manufacture of cosmetic products01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex16041100ex160420102020Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex1604309010Hard fish roes, washed, cleaned of adherent organs and simply salted or in brine, for processing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex16051000ex160510001119Crabs of the species "King" (Paralithodes camchaticus), "Hanasaki" (Paralithodes brevipes), "Kegani" (Erimacrus isenbecki), "Queen" and "Snow" (Chionoecetes spp.), "Red" (Geryon quinquedens), "Rough stone" (Neolithodes asperrimus), Lithodes antarctica, "Mud" (Scylla serrata), "Blue" (Portunus spp.), simply boiled in water and shelled, whether or not frozen, in immediate packings of a net content of 2 kg or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex16051000ex160510009294Crabs of the species Paralomis granulosa01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex19023010ex190300001020Transparent noodles, cut in pieces, obtained from beans (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2005908070Bamboo shoots, prepared or preserved, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 5 kg01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2106102010Soya protein isolate, containing by weight 6,6 % or more but not more than 8,6 % of calcium phosphate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2309909920Calcium sodium phosphate, with a fluorine content of 0,005 % or more but less than 0,2 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product, for use in the manufacture of additives for animal feeding01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2707991110Crude light oils containing by weight:10 % or more of vinyltoluenes,10 % or more of indene and1 % or more but not more than 5 % of naphthalene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2710112510Mixture of isomers 2,4,4-trimethylpent-1-ene and 2,4,4-trimethylpent-2-ene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2805301010Alloy of cerium and other rare-earth metals, containing by weight 47 % or more of cerium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2805301020Alloy of lanthanum and other rare-earth metals, containing by weight 43 % or more of lanthanum01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2805309010Lanthanum of a purity by weight of 99 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2811198010Sulfamidic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2811220010Silicon dioxide in the form of powder, for use in the manufacture of high performance liquid chromatography columns (HPLC) and sample preparation cartridges01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2811299010Tellurium dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2812900010Nitrogen trifluoride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2812900020Silicon tetrafluoride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2818300010Aluminium hydroxide oxide in the form of pseudo-boehmite41.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2819909010Dichromium trioxide:of a specific surface of 37 m2/g or more (as determined by the BET method),of a purity by weight of 99,5 % or more calculated on the dry substance,of a specific gravity of 1,2 g/cm3 or less,for the manufacture of magnetic chromium dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2820909010Manganese (II, III) oxide containing by weight 70 % or more of manganese01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2821100010Diiron trioxide, in the form of powder, of a purity by weight of 99,2 % or more, for the manufacture of goods of heading 850401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2823000010Titanium dioxide, of a purity by weight of 99,9 % or more, with an average grain-size of 1,2 μm or more but not exceeding 1,8 μm, for the manufacture of goods of heading 8532 or 853301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2825500010Copper (I or II) oxide containing by weight 78 % or more of copper and not more than 0,03 % of chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2826909010Potassium hexafluorophosphate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2827398010Copper monochloride of a purity by weight of 96 % or more but not exceeding 99 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2827600010Titanium tetraiodide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2830100010Disodium tetrasulfide, containing by weight 38 % or less of sodium calculated on the dry weight01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2830200010Zinc sulfide containing:20,0 mg/kg or less of chloride,0,2 mg/kg or less of copper,0,5 mg/kg or less of iron and1,0 mg/kg or less of lead01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2833299010Manganese sulphate monohydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2836910020Lithium carbonate, containing one or more of the following impurities at the concentrations indicated:2 mg/kg or more of arsenic,200 mg/kg or more of calcium,200 mg/kg or more of chlorides,20 mg/kg or more of iron,150 mg/kg or more of magnesium,20 mg/kg or more of heavy metals,300 mg/kg or more of potassium,300 mg/kg or more of sodium,200 mg/kg or more of sulfates,determined according to the methods specified in the European Pharmacopœia01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2836991810Zirconium (IV) basic carbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2837190010Zinc cyanide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2837190020Copper cyanide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2839900010Lead silicate hydrate, of a lead content by weight of ((84,5 ± 1,5) %, evaluated as lead monoxide, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2839900020Calcium silicate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2842909010Ammonium sulfamidate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2843909020Palladium monoxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2843909030Mixture of palladium phthalocyanines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
28451000Heavy water (deuterium oxide) (Euratom)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
28459010Deuterium and compounds thereof; hydrogen and compounds thereof, enriched in deuterium; mixtures and solutions containing these products (Euratom)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex28461000ex382490991048Rare-earth concentrate containing by weight 60 % or more but not more than 95 % of rare-earth oxides and not more than 1 % each of zirconium oxide, aluminium oxide or iron oxide, and having a loss on ignition of 5 % or more by weight01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2846100020Dicerium tricarbonate, whether or not hydrated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2846100030Cerium lanthanum carbonate, whether or not hydrated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2846100040Cerium lanthanum neodymium praseodymium carbonate, whether or not hydrated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
28469000Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or of mixtures of these metals, other than those of subheading 2846100001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2848000010Phosphine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2850002010Silane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2850002020Arsine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903308010Carbon tetrafluoride (tetrafluoromethane)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29033080201,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903308030Perfluoroethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29033080401,1-Difluoroethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29033080501,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903308060Octafluoropropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29034300101,1,1-Trichlorotrifluoroethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903491010Chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29035990101,6,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,17,18,18-Dodecachloropentacyclo= [,9.02,13.05,10]octadeca-7,15-diene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903599020Hexachlorocyclopentadiene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903699010Di- or tetrachlorotricyclo[,7]hexadeca-1(12),4,6,10,13,15-hexaene, mixed isomers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29036990201,2-Bis(pentabromophenyl)ethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29036990402,6-Dichlorotoluene, of a purity by weight of 99 % or more and containing:0,001 mg/kg or less of tetrachlorodibenzodioxines,0,001 mg/kg or less of tetrachlorodibenzofurans,0,2 mg/kg or less of tetrachlorobiphenyls01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29036990501-(Chloromethyl)naphthalene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2903699060α-Chloro(ethyl)toluenes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904100030Sodium p-styrenesulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904200010Nitromethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904200020Nitroethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29042000301-Nitropropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29042000402-Nitropropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29042000502,2'-dinitro-bibenzyl01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904902010Tosyl chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904904010Trichloronitromethane, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 38082001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2904908510Quintozene (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29049085201-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29049085305-Nitro-1,2,4-trichlorobenzene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29049085403-Bromo-5-nitro-trifluoromethyl benzene01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29051900ex382490991156Potassium tert-butanolate (potassium tert-butoxide), whether or not in the form of a solution in tetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29051900302,6-Dimethylheptan-4-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2905398520Hexa-1,5-diene-3,4-diol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2905491010Ethylidynetrimethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
29061100Menthol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2906190010Cyclohex-1,4-ylenedimethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29061900204,4'-Isopropylidenedicyclohexanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29062900102,2'-(m-Phenylene)dipropan-2-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29062900201-Hydroxymethyl-4-methyl-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29071900102,3,5-Trimethylphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2907210010Resorcinol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2907290010Disodium 1,4-dihydroanthracene-9,10-diolate, in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29072900204,4'-(3,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexylidene)diphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29072900304,4',4"-Ethylidynetriphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2907290040Mixture of isomers of methylenediphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29072900506,6',6"-Tricyclohexyl-4,4',4"-butane-1,1,3-triyltri(m-cresol)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29072900604,4'-(1,3-Phenylenediisopropylidene)diphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29072900702,2',2",6,6',6"-Hexa-tert-butyl-α, α',α"-(mesitylene-2,4,6-triyl)tri-= p-cresol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2907290080Pyrogallol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2907290085Phloroglucinol whether or not hydrated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2908200010Disodium 3-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2908200020Dipotassium 7-hydroxynaphthalene-1,3-disulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29082000ex3824909930746-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid and its salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29089000104-Nitroso-o-cresol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29089000304-Nitrophenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29089000403-Nitro-p-cresol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29091900101,2-Bis(2-chloroethoxy)ethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2909190020Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2909190030Mixture of isomers of nonafluorobutyl methyl ether or nonafluorobutyl ethyl ether, of a purity by weight of 99 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2909190040Bis(2-ethoxyethyl)ether01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2909303810Bis(pentabromophenyl) ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29093090104-(p-Tolyloxy)biphenyl01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29093090201,2-Bis(m-tolyloxy)ethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29093090301,2-Diphenoxyethane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29094400102-Hexyloxyethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29094919101-tert-Butoxypropan-2-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29095090104-(2-Methoxyethyl)phenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2909600010Bis(α, α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29109000302,3-Epoxypropan-1-ol (glycidol)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2910900040Perfluoroepoxypropane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29109000ex3824909960591,2-Epoxyoctadecane, of a purity by weight of 82 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2910900070(Epoxyethyl)benzene (styrene oxide)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2912290010Terephthalaldehyde01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2912290020p-Phenylbenzaldehyde01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29124900103-Phenoxybenzaldehyde01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29141990103,3-Dimethylbutan-2-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
29142100Camphor01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2914290010Estr-4-ene-3,17-dione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2914290020Cyclohexadec-8-enone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2914390010Benz[de]anthracen-7-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29145000302'-Hydroxyacetophenone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29145000404'-Hydroxyacetophenone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29145000506'-Methoxy-2'-acetonaphthone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29146990102-Ethylanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29146990202-Pentylanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29146990301,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29146990402,3-Dihydro-1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29146990502-Methylanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29147000101-Chloro-3,3-dimethylbutan-2-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29147000304,4'-Dibromobenzil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2914700040Perfluoro(2-methylpentan-3-one)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29147000503'-Chloropropiophenone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
29152400Acetic anhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915290010Antimony triacetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29153990205α-Bromo-6β-hydroxy-17-oxo-androstan-3β-yl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915399030But-3-ene-1,2-diyl di(acetate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915399040tert-Butyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29153990503-Acetylphenyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29153990601-Phenylethyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915400010Vinyl chloroacetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915908020Trimethyl orthoacetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29159080302-Ethylbutyric acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2915908040Nonanoic acid (pelargonic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29161290102-tert-Butyl-6-(3-tert-butyl-2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)= - 4-methylphenyl acrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29161290202-Ethoxyethyl acrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916129030Isobutyl acrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29161290402,4-Di-tert-pentyl-6-[1-(3,5-di-tert-pentyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]phenylacrylate01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916130010Hydroxyzinc methacrylate, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916130020Zinc dimethacrylate, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29161490102,3-Epoxypropyl methacrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916198020Methyl 3,3-dimethylpent-4-enoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916200010Methyl 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916200030Empenthrin (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916200050Ethyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylpropenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390015Biphenyl-4-carboxylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29163900203,5-Dichlorobenzoyl chloride3.61.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390025p-Toluic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390035o-Chlorophenylacetic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390040Vinyl 4-tert-butylbenzoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29163900503,5-Dimethylbenzoyl chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29163900604-Ethylbenzoyl chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390070Ibuprofen (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2916390080Ethyl 2-(4-nitrophenyl)butyrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29163900852,6-difluorobenzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917110020Bis(p-methylbenzyl) oxalate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917199020Sodium 1,2-bis(cyclohexyloxycarbonyl)ethanesulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917199040Dodecanedioic acid, of a purity by weight of more than 98,5 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917199050Glutaric anhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917199060Diethyl isobutylmalonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917199070Itaconic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29172000301,4,5,6,7,7-Hexachloro-8,9,10-trinorborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29172000403-Methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917340010Diallyl phthalate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917398010Dimethyl naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917398020Benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid (pyromellitic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917398030Benzene-1,2: 4,5-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (pyromellitic dianhydride)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2917398040Biphenyl-3,4: 3',4'-tetracarboxylic dianhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918130010L-(-)-Di-p-toluoyltartaric acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918198020L-Malic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29181980302,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)butyric acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918198050DL-mandelic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918291010Monohydroxynaphthoic acids01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918298010Hexamethylene bis[3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918298020Gallic acid, of a purity by weight of 98,5 % or more calculated on the dry weight (measured by acidimetry)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29183000202-(4-Ethylbenzoyl)benzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29189090103,4-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl 3,4-epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918909020Methyl 3-methoxyacrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918909030Methyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)propionate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918909040trans-4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918909050Methyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29189090603,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2918909070methyl 5-methoxy-3-oxopentanoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29190090102,2'-Methylenebis(4,6-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphate, monosodium salt01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2919009020Diammonium salt of tetramyristoylcardiolipin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2919009030Aluminium hydroxybis[2,2'-methylenebis(4,6-di-tert-butylphenyl)phosphate]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2919009040Tri-n-hexylphosphate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920100010Fenitrothion (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920100020Tolclofos-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920901010Diethyl sulfate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920901020Diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29209010304-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920901040Dimethyl carbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920901050Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
29209030Trimethyl phosphite01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920908510O, O'-Dioctadecyl pentaerythritol bis(phosphite)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920908540Tritolyl phosphite01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2920908550Triisooctylphosphite01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921198010Triallylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921198020Ethyl(2-methylallyl)amine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921198030Allylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921290010N, N,N',N'-Tetrabutylhexamethylenediamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921290020Tris[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]amine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921290030Bis[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]methylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921290040N, N'-Di-tert-butylethylenediamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921309910Dicyclohexyl(methyl)amine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921309920Cyclohex-1,3-ylenebis(methylamine), for the manufacture of dishwashing products01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210102,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210154-Amino-3-nitrobenzenesulphonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210202-Bromo-4,6-dinitroaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921421025Sodium hydrogen 2-aminobenzene-1,4-disulphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210304-Aminobenzene-1,3-disulfonic acid and its salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210352-Nitroaniline01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210402-Bromo-6-chloro-4-nitroaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210452,4,5-Trichloroaniline01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210503-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210702-Aminobenzene-1,4-disulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210804-Chloro-2-nitroaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214210853,5-dichloroaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214300105-Amino-2-chlorotoluene-4-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214300204-Amino-6-chlorotoluene-3-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214300303-Nitro-p-toluidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214300404-Aminotoluene-3-sulphonic acid01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921440010Methyldiphenylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921440020Diphenylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921450010Sodium hydrogen 3-aminonaphthalene-1,5-disulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214500202-Aminonaphthalene-1,5-disulfonic acid and its sodium salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214500302-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29214500401-Naphthylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921491020Pendimethalin (ISO) to 31.12.2008
ex29214980108-Anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921498020N-1-Naphthylaniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921511920Toluene diamine (TDA), containing by weight 78 % or more but not more than 82 % of 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine and 18 % or more but not more than 22 % of 2-methyl-m-phenylenediamine, and with a residual tar content of not more than 0,23 % by weight01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29215119302-Methyl-p-phenylenediamine sulphate01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2921599010Mixture of isomers of 3,5-diethyltoluenediamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29215990ex3824909920684-(4-Aminoanilino)-3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29215990404,4'-diaminostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29221980104,4-Dimethoxybutylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922198030N, N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-2,2'-oxybis(ethylamine)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29221980402-Amino-2-methylpropanol, for use in the manufacture of goods of subheadings 300490 and 33053001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29221980502-(2-Methoxyphenoxy)ethylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922198060N, N,N'-trimethyl-N'-(2-hydroxy-ethyl) 2,2'-oxybis(ethylamine)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222100102-Amino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-1,7-disulfonic acid and its salts, of a purity by weight of 60 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222100204-Hydroxy-7-methylaminonaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222100306-Amino-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222100407-Amino-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922210050Sodium hydrogen 4-amino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922220010Anisidines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900102-Methyl-N-phenyl-p-anisidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922290015N-Methyl-2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900203-Aminophenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900255-Amino-o-cresol01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900304-Amino-5-methoxy-2-methylbenzenesulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900402-Amino-4-tert-pentyl-6-nitrophenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900506-Methoxy-m-toluidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900603,5-Dichloro-4-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)aniline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900704-Nitro-o-anisidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29222900803-Diethylaminophenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900101-Amino-4-bromo-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2-sulfonic acid and its salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900201-Aminoanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900301-Bromo-4-methylaminoanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900401,4-Diamino-2,3-dichloroanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900502-Aminoanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29223900601,4-Diamino-2,3-dihydroanthraquinone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922430010Anthranilic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922499510Ornithine aspartate (INNM)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex292249952012-Aminododecanoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922499530DL-Aspartic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922499540Norvaline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2922499550D-(-)-Dihydrophenylglycine01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29225000302-(3-Amino-4-chlorobenzoyl)benzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29225000502-(4-Dibutylaminosalicyloyl)benzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29225000702-(1-Hydroxycyclohexyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethylammonium acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900010Tetramethylammonium hydroxide, in the form of an aqueous solution containing:(25 ± 0,5) % by weight of tetramethylammonium hydroxide,500 mg/kg or less of carbonate,200 mg/kg or less of chloride and5 mg/kg or less of potassium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29239000153-chloro-2-hydroxypropyldimethyldodecylammoniumchloride in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900030Tetramethylammonium hydroxide pentahydrate, of a purity by weight of 98 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900040Benzyldimethyl(octadecyl)ammonium salts, for use in the manufacture of toner for photocopiers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900050Tetraethylammonium hydroxide, in the form of an aqueous solution containing:(35 ± 0,5) % by weight of tetraethylammonium hydroxide,2000 mg/kg or less of chloride,2 mg/kg or less of iron and10 mg/kg or less of potasium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900060Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide, in the form of an aqueous solution containing by weight:(55 ± 1,0) % of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide,0,5 % or less of bromide,0,4 % or less of tributylamine,0,3 % or less of carbonate and0,2 % or less of potassium and sodium taken together01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900070Tetrapropylammonium hydroxide, in the form of an aqueous solution containing:(40 ± 2) % by weight of tetrapropylammonium hydroxide,0,3 % by weight or less of carbonate,0,1 % by weight or less of tripropylamine,500 mg/kg or less of bromide and25 mg/kg or less of potassium and sodium taken together01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2923900080Diallyldimethylammonium chloride, in the form of an aqueous solution containing by weight 63 % or more but not more than 67 % of diallyldimethylammonium chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29241900102-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid and its sodium or ammonium salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924190020N, N'-Methylenediacrylamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924190030Methyl 2-acetamido-3-chloropropionate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924190040N-(1,1-Dimethyl-3-oxobutyl)acrylamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924190050Acrylamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242190ex3824909910624,4'-Dihydroxy-7,7'-ureylenedi(naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid) and its sodium salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299510Alachlor (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299515Acetochlor (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995203'-Amino-4'-methoxyacetanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995253'-Diethylaminoacetanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299530Propachlor (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299535Diethofencarb (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995407-Acetamido-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid and its sodium salts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995453'-Diethylamino-4'-methoxyacetanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995505-[N-(2-Acetoxyethyl)acetoxyacetamido]-N, N'-bis(2,3-diacetoxy= propyl)-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995554'-Amino-N-methylacetanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299560Beflubutamid (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995652-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995704-Acetamido-2-aminobenzenesulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995753-Amino-p-anisanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995805'-Chloro-3-hydroxy-2',4'-dimethoxy-2-naphtanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299585p-Aminobenzamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995913-Hydroxy-2'-methoxy-2-naphthanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995923-Hydroxy-2-naphthanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995933-Hydroxy-2'-methyl-2-naphthanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995942'-Ethoxy-3-hydroxy-2-naphthanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2924299595N-{3-[3-(Dimethylamino)prop-2-enoyl]phenyl}-N-ethylacetamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995964'-Chloro-3-hydroxy-2',5'-dimethoxy-2-naphthanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29242995971,1-Cyclohexanediacetic acid monoamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2925110020Saccharin and its sodium salt01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2925199510N-Phenylmaleimide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2925199520N-(9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyloxy)succinimide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2925200010Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909510Methacrylonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909515Cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29269095202-(m-Benzoylphenyl)propiononitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909525Aminoacetonitrile hydrochloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29269095302-Amino-5-nitrobenzonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29269095352-Bromo-2(bromomethyl)pentanedinitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29269095452-Cyanoacetamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909550Alkyl or alkoxyalkyl esters of cyanoacetic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909560Cyanoacetic acid in crystalline form01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909565Malononitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909570Tetrachloroterephthalonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909575Ethyl 2-cyano-2-ethyl-3-methylhexanoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909580Ethyl 2-cyano-2-phenylbutyrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909585Ethyl 2-allyl-2-cyano-3-methylhexanoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909586Ethylenediaminetetraacetonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909587Nitrilotriacetonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29269095881,3-Propylenediaminetetraacetonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2926909589Butyronitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000102,2'-Dimethyl-2,2'-azodipropionamidine dihydrochloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000204-Anilino-2-methoxybenzenediazonium hydrogen sulfate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000ex3824909930694'-Aminoazobenzene-4-sulfonic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000402-Hydroxynaphthalene-1-diazonium-4-sulfonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000ex3824909950412-Hydroxy-6-nitronaphthalene-1-diazonium-4-sulfonate, of a purity by weight of 60 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29270000604,4′-Dicyano-4,4′-azodivaleric acid01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29280090103,3'-Bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-N, N'-bipropionamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29280090202,4,6-Trichlorophenylhydrazine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2928009040O-Ethylhydroxylamine, in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2928009050N-Isopropylhydroxylamine, in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2928009060Adipohydrazide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2928009070Tetrakis(4-methylpentan-2-oximino)silane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2928009080Cyflufenamid (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2929109010Methylenedicyclohexyl diisocyanates01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29291090303,3'-Dimethylbiphenyl-4,4'-diyl diisocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2929109040m-Isopropenyl-α, α-dimethylbenzyl isocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2929109050m-Phenylenediisopropylidene diisocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2929109060Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate, mixed isomers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29291090709,9'-(3-Heptyl-4-pentylcyclohex-1,2-ylene)dinonyl diisocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2929900020Ethyl isocyanoacetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907010Thiophenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907015Ethoprophos (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070203,3-Dimethyl-1-methylthiobutanone oxime01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907025Thiophanate-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070304-(4-Isopropoxyphenylsulfonyl)phenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070403,3'-Thiodi(propionic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070452-[(p-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethyl hydrogen sulfate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070ex3824909950512-Chlorophenylsulfonyl isocyanate, in the form of a solution in xylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070ex382490995552Methyl 2-(isocyanatosulfonyl)methylbenzoate, in the form of a solution in xylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907060Methyl phenyl sulfide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907065Diiodomethyl p-tolyl sulfone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070ex3824909970712-Aminophenyl phenyl sulfone, of a purity by weight of 75 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070754,4'-[Methylenebis(oxyethylenethio)]diphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070762,2′-Dithiodi(benzoic acid)01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070774-[4-(2-Propenyloxy)phenylsulphonyl]phenol01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907080Captan (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907085Mesotrione (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070864-Hydroxybenzenethiol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29309070873-Sulfinobenzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2930907088Methylene dithiocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
29310010Dimethyl methylphosphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009505Butylethylmagnesium, in the form of a solution in heptane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29310095102-Diphenylphosphinobenzoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009520Bis(2-chloroethyl) 2-chloroethylphosphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009525Sodium phenylphosphinate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009530Bis(2-chloroethyl) vinylphosphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009535Sodium tetraphenylborate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009540N-(Phosphonomethyl)iminodiacetic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009545Tributylphosphine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009550Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009555Dimethyl[dimethylsilyldiindenyl]hafnium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009560Trioctylphosphine oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009565Triethylborane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009570N, N-Dimethylanilinium tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009575{2,7-Di-tert-butyl-9-[(η5-cyclopentadienyl)bis(4-triethyl= silylphenyl)methyl]-4a,4b,8a,9,9a-η-fluorene}dimethylhafnium, in the form of a solution in hexane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009584Methylbis(4-methylpentan-2-oximino)vinylsilane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009585Tributyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride, whether or not in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009586Mixture of the isomers 9-icosyl-9-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane and 9-icosyl-9-phosphabicyclo[4.2.1]nonane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009587Tris(4-methylpentan-2-oximino)methylsilane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009588Tris(4-methylpentan-2-oximino)vinylsilane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009589Tetrabutylphosphonium acetate, in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009595Trichloro(3-chloropropyl)silane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29310095963-(Hydroxyphenylphosphinoyl)propionic acid01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2931009597Potassium 4-tolylphosphinate, in the form of an aqueous solution01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932130010Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932190040Furan of a purity by weight of 99 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29321900502,3-Dihydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932190070Furfurylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932190075Tetrahydro-2-methylfuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932190080Octafluorotetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985102'-Anilino-6'-[ethyl(isopentyl)amino]-3'-methylspiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex293229851513,14,15,16-Tetranorlabdano-12,8α-lactone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985252'-(2-Chloroanilino)-6'-dibutylaminospiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985302'-Anilino-3'-methyl-6'-methyl(propyl)aminospiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985356'-Diethylamino-3'-methyl-2'-(2,4-xylidino)spiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985402'-Anilino-6'-(N-ethyl-p-toluidino)-3'-methylspiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985452'-Anilino-6'-ethyl(isobutyl)amino-3'-methylspiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985502'-Anilino-6'-cyclohexyl(methyl)amino-3'-methylspiro[isobenzofuran= -1(3H),9'-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985556-Dimethylamino-3,3-bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl)phthalide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29322985703',6'-Bis(ethylamino)-2',7'-dimethylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-= [9H]-xanthen]-3-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932298575Rofecoxib (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932298580Gibberellic acid with a minimum purity by weight of 88 %01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932997010Bendiocarb (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932997020Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione 17-(2,2-dimethylpropylene) acetal01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29329970401,3:2,4-Bis-O-(3,4-dimethylbenzylidene)-D-glucitol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29329970505-Propyl-1,3-benzodioxole01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932997060Calcium bis[4-O-(β-D-galactopyranosyl)-D-gluconate] dihydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932998520(2-Butylbenzofuran-3-yl) (4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenyl) ketone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2932998530Carbofuran (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29331990104,5-Diamino-l-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1H-pyrazole sulfate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29331990204-Amino-1-methyl-3-propylpyrazole-5-carboxamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29331990303-Methyl-1-p-tolyl-5-pyrazolone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933199040Edaravone (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933199050Fenpyroximate (ISO)01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933210010Hydantoin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29332100202-(3-Benzyl-2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)-2'-chloro-5'-(3-dodecyl= sulfonyl-2-methylpropionamido)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxovaleranilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29332100401-[1,3-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl]= -1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)urea01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933299020Reaction product consisting of the methyl esters of (±)-6-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)-m-toluic acid and (±)-2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)-p-toluic acid (Imazamethabenz-methyl)41.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933299040Triflumizole (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29332990501,3-Dimethylimidazolidin-2-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399910Cloperastine fendizoate (INNM)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399915Pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29333999205-Methyl-2-pyridylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399925Imazethapyr (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29333999304,4'-Trimethylenedipiperidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399935Aminopyralid (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29333999402-Chloropyridine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29333999453-(Carboxymethyl)pyridinium chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29333999602-Fluoro-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyridine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399965Acetamiprid (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399970Etoricoxib (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933399975Picolinafen (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933491010Quinmerac (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29334990205,7-Dichloro-4-(4-fluorophenoxy)quinoline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933499040N-Ethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolinium p-toluenesulfonate, in the form of a solution in water01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933499050Methyl 2-[(S)-3-{(E)-3-[2-(7-chloro-2-quinolyl)vinyl]phenyl}-3-hydroxypropyl]= benzoate monohydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29334990605,6,7,8-Tetrahydroquinoline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933499070Quinolin-8-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29335995101-Ethyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-piperazin-1-yl-1,8-naphthyridine= - 3-carboxylic acid and its salts and esters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599515(2R)-4-Oxo-4-[3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]= pyrazin-7(8H)-yl]-1-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)butyl-2-ammonium phosphate monohydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29335995202,4-Diamino-6-chloropyrimidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29335995252,5-Diamino-4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine monohydrochloride monohydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599530Mepanipyrim (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599540Guanine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29335995501-Chloromethyl-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29335995602,6-Dichloro-4,8-dipiperidinopyrimido[5,4-d]pyrimidine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599570N-(4-Ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazin-1-ylcarbonyl)-D-2-phenylglycine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599580N-(4-Ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazin-1-ylcarbonyl)-D-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)glycine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933599585Adenine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29336980201,3,5-Tris[(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]-1,3,5-triazine= - 2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933698040Cyanazine (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29336980501,3,5-Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-trione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933698060Hexazinone (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933698080Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,3,5-triazinetrione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933790010Ezetimibe (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933993010Azepane, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 38083001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339930205H-Dibenz[b, f]azepine-5-carbonyl chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990102-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-di-tert-butylphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990152-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-di-tert-pentylphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990202-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990256,6'-Di-2H-benzotriazol-2-yl-4,4'-bis(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)= -2,2'-methylenediphenol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999030Quizalofop-P-ethyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999035Indoline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999040trans-4-Hydroxy-L-proline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999045Maleic hydrazide (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999050Metconazole (ISO) to 31.12.2008
ex29339990555-Nitroindole01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990601,3-Bis(3-isocyanatomethylphenyl)-1,3-diazetidine-2,4-dione (dimeric 2,4-toluene diisocyanate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999065Candesartan cilexetil (INNM)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990706,7-Dihydro-5H-cyclopenta[b]pyridine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990752,3-Dichloropyrazine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990801-Methyltetrazole-5-thiol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999086Pyridaben (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999087Pyridate (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29339990882,6-dichloroquinoxaline01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2933999089Carbendazim (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934100010Hexythiazox (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29341000202-(4-Methylthiazol-5-yl)ethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29341000305-[(2,4-Dioxo-5-thiazolidinyl)methyl]-2-methoxy-N-{[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]= methyl}benzamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29342080104-Chloro-1,3-benzothiazol-2(3H)-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934208020S-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-yl) (Z)-2-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)-2-(methoxyimino)thioacetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934208030Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29349990107-Chloro-5-methyl-2H-1,4-benzothiazin-3-(4H)-one01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999015Carboxin (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29349990204-[4-(Tridecyl[branched]oxy)phenyl]-1,4-thiazinane 1,1-dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999025Oxycarboxin (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999030Etridiazole (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999035Dimethenamide (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29349990402,3,5,6-Tetrahydroxy-1,4-diisobutyl-1,4-dioxo-1,4-diphosphinane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999045Tris(2,3-epoxypropyl)-1,3,5-triazinanetrione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29349990501-[2-(1,3-Dioxan-2-yl)ethyl]-2-ethylpyridinium bromide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999055Olmesartan medoxomil (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999060DL-Homocysteine thiolactone hydrochloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999065Methyl 3-aminothiophene-2-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29349990721-[3-(5-Nitro-2-furyl)allylideneamino]imidazolidine-2,4-dione01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999073N-(5-Mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)acetamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999080Oblimersen sodium (INNM)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2934999085Aprepitant (INN)01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009010Salts of sulfathiazole (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009015Flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009020Toluenesulfonamides01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009025Triflusulfuron-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009030Mixture of isomers consisting of N-ethyltoluene-2-sulfonamide and N-ethyltoluene-4-sulfonamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009035Chlorsulfuron (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090401-(4,6-Dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-(2-ethylsulfonylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin= -3-ylsulfonyl)urea (sulfosulfuron)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009045Rimsulfuron (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090504,4'-Oxydi(benzenesulfonohydrazide)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009055Thifensulfuron-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090605-Amino-N-(2,6-dichloro-m-tolyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-sulfonamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009065Tribenuron-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009070Methyl 3-aminosulfonylthiophene-2-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009075Metsulfuron-methyl (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009080N-(3-Amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyl)-N-(2-methylpropyl)-4-amino= benzenesulfonamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090814-Amino-N-(4-aminophenyl)benzenesulphonamide01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009082N-(5,7-Dimethoxy[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-2-yl)-2-methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyridine-3-sulphonamide01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009085N-[4-(Isopropylaminoacetyl)phenyl]methanesulfonamide hydrochloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090864-(m-Tolylamino)pyridine-3-sulfonamide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex29350090874'-Sulfamoylacetanilide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2935009088N-(2-(4-amino-N-ethyl-m-toluidino)ethyl)methanesulfonamide sesquisulfate monohydrate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex2938909010Hesperidin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
32012000Wattle extract01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3201909010Tanning extracts of eucalyptus3.21.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3201909020Tanning extracts derived from gambier and myrobalan fruits01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150010Dye CI vat orange 701.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150020Dye CI vat red 1501.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150030Dye CI vat red 1401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150040Dye CI vat brown 5701.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150050Dye CI vat blue 4701.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204150060Dyestuff C.I. Vat Blue 401.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204170010Dye CI pigment yellow 8101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190010Nickel bis{4-methoxy-2-[6-(pentafluoroethylthio)benzothiazol-2-ylazo]= -5-(dipropylamino)benzenesulfonate}01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900154-{4-[3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-3-yl]phenyl}morpholine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex320419002013-Ethyl-3-[4-(morpholino)phenyl]-3-phenyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-13-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190025Cyclohexyl 8-methyl-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex320419003013-Isopropyl-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-6,11-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-13-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex320419003513-Butyl-13-ethoxy-6,11-dimethoxy-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190040Methyl 8'-acetoxy-1,3,3,5,6-pentamethyl-2,3-dihydrospiro[1H-indole= - 2,3'-naphtho[2,1-b][1,4]oxazine]-9'-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900456,7-Dimethoxy-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190050Methyl 6-(isobutyryloxy)-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190060Ethoxycarbonylmethyl 8-methyl-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900656-Methoxy-7-morpholino-13-ethyl-13-methoxy-3,3-bis-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190070Dye CI solvent red 4901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900756,7-Dimethoxy-13-ethyl-13-methoxy-3,3-bis-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3204190080((R) and (S) isomers of 6,7-Dimethoxy-13-ethyl-13-[2-(2-methoxyethoxy)-ethoxy]-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900816,11-Difluoro-3,3-di-(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900823-(4-Fluorophenyl)-3-(4-piperidinophenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32041900836,7-Dimethoxy-11-cyano-3,3-di-(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo[h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3205000010Aluminium lakes prepared from dyes for use in the manufacture of pigments for the pharmaceutical industry01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3206110010Titanium dioxide coated with isopropoxytitanium triisostearate, containing by weight 1,5 % or more but not more than 2,5 % of isopropoxytitanium triisostearate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3206190010Preparation based on titanium dioxide, containing by weight 66 % or more but not more than 71 % of titanium dioxide and 1 % or more but not more than 2 % of isopropoxytitanium triisostearate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3206420010Lithopone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3206499010Black preparation of iron-oxide pigments, in liquid form, with a maximum particle size not exceeding 20 nanometres and containing by weight 25 % or more of iron evaluated as Fe2O3, for the manufacture of goods of heading 3304 or 960801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
32065000Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3207300010Preparation containing:not more than 85 % by weight of silver,not less than 2 % by weight of palladium,barium titanate,terpineol, andethyl cellulose,used for screen printing in the manufacture of multilayer ceramic capacitors01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3207408020Glass flakes coated with silver, of an average diameter of 40 (± 10) μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3207408030Glass frit, for use in the manufacture of cathode-ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32081090ex370790901060Anti-reflection coating, consisting of an ester based polymer modified with a chromophore group, in the form of a solution of either 2-methoxy-1-propanol, 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate or methyl-2-hydroxyisobutyrate, containing by weight not more than 10 % of polymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208201010Copolymer of N-vinylcaprolactam, N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate, in the form of a solution in ethanol containing by weight 34 % or more but not more than 40 % of copolymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32082010ex390591002092Copolymer of vinylpyrrolidone and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate, partially quaternised by diethyl sulfate, in the form of a solution in ethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208201030Solution of diundecyl phthalate and a copolymer of dibutyl maleate and isobutyl methacrylate in a hydrocarbon solvent01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32089019ex391190991035Copolymer of maleic acid and methyl vinyl ether, monoesterified with ethyl and/or isopropyl and/or butyl groups, in the form of a solution in ethanol, ethanol and butanol, isopropanol or isopropanol and butanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32089019ex390290901594Modified, chlorinated polyolefins, whether or not in a solution or dispersion01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208901920Copolymer of polyurethane and silicone, in the form of a solution in a mixture of butanone, toluene and cyclohexanone, containing by weight 13 % or more but not more than 16 % of copolymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208901930Solution containing:(30 ± 5) % by weight of polyamide resin,((6,5 ± 3,5) % by weight of diazonaphthoquinone,(55 ± 5) % by weight of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone,1000 μg/kg or less of chloride,1000 μg/kg or less of potassium and1000 μg/kg or less of iron01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208901940Polymer of methylsiloxane, in the form of a solution in a mixture of acetone, butanol, ethanol and isopropanol, containing by weight 5 % or more but not more than 11 % of polymer of methylsiloxane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208901950Solution containing by weight:(65 ± 10) % of γ-butyrolactone,(30 ± 10) % of polyamide resin,((3,5 ± 1,5) % of naphthoquinone ester derivative and((1,5 ± 0,5) % of arylsilicic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208901985Mixture containing by weight :30 to 45 % polyamide resin;2 to 10 % Diazonaphthoquinone;50 to 65 % γ-Butyrolactone.01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208909910Solution based on chemically modified natural polymers, containing two or more of the following dyes:methyl 8'-acetoxy-1,3,3,5,6-pentamethyl-2,3-dihydrospiro[1H-indole= - 2,3'-naphtho[2,1-b][1,4]oxazine]-9'-carboxylate,methyl 6-(isobutyryloxy)-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene= - 5-carboxylate,13-isopropyl-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-6,11-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-13-ol,ethoxycarbonylmethyl 8-methyl-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate,13-ethyl-3-[4-(morpholino)phenyl]-3-phenyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-13-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3208909920Solution based on chemically modified natural polymers, containing two or more of the following dyes:4-[4-(13,13-dimethyl-3-phenyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-3-yl)phenyl]morpholine,4-{4-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromen-3-yl]phenyl}morpholine,cyclohexyl 8-methyl-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate,ethoxycarbonylmethyl 6-acetoxy-2,2-diphenyl-2H-benzo[h]chromene-5-carboxylate,2-pentyl-7,7-diphenylbenzo[h]chromeno[6,5-d]-1,3-dioxin-4(7H)-one,13-butyl-13-ethoxy-6,11-dimethoxy-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene,3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3-phenyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene,6,7-dimethoxy-3,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-13,13-dimethyl-3,13-dihydrobenzo= [h]indeno[2,1-f]chromene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex32151100ex321519001010Printing ink, liquid, consisting of a dispersion of a vinyl acrylate copolymer and colour pigments in isoparaffins, containing by weight not more than 13 % of vinyl acrylate copolymer and colour pigments01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3215908010Ink formulation, for use in the manufacture of ink-jet cartridges01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3215908020Heat-sensitive ink fixed on a plastic film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3215908030Ink preparation, in the form of powder, for use in the manufacture of ink-filled bottles of a kind used in colour digital presses of heading 844301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
33011210Essential oil of orange, not deterpenated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402119010Surfactant mixture, of disodium salts of dodecyl (sulphophenoxy)benzenesulphonic acid and oxybis (dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402130010Vinyl copolymer surface active agent based on polypropylene glycol01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402901020Mixture of docusate sodium (INN) and sodium benzoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402901030Non-aqueous surface-active preparation, containing:polyethylene glycol alkylphenyl ether,2,4,7,9-tetramethyldec-5-yne-4,7-diol andphosphoric acid esters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402901040Amphoteric fluorinated surfactant in a mixture of water and ethanol, containing by weight 25 % or more but not more than 30 % surfactant.01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3402909010Crystalline powder obtained by the reaction of trisodium phosphate with a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride (chlorinated trisodium phosphate), containing by weight:3,5 % or more of available chlorine, measured iodometrically and17,0 % or more of phosphorus evaluated as P2O501.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3403999010Cutting-fluid preparation based on an aqueous solution of synthetic polypeptides01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3504000010Purified antigens obtained from genetically manipulated yeast cells, for the manufacture of detection tests for hepatitis C01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3504000020Glycoprotein 160 obtained from human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1 strain01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3505105020O-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-derivative of hydrolysed maize starch01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3506100011Cartridge containing an adhesive based on a mixture of silicon modified polymer and aluminium hydroxide for use in the manufacture of deflection yokes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3506910010Adhesive based on an aqueous dispersion of a mixture of dimerised rosin and a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate (EVA)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3506910020Heat-activated adhesive based on phenolic resin and rubber, in the form of a film on a release paper, for use in the manufacture of brake pads for the automotive industry01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3506910030Two component microencapsulated epoxy adhesive dispersed in a solvent01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3507909010Asparaginase01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3507909020Enzymatic preparation based on thermolysine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3507909040Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3507909060Trypsin certified to be produced in compliance with EC Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) and having a specific enzyme activity of 0,45 μkat/mg or more, for the manufacture of goods of heading 300401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3507909070Chymotrypsin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3701300010Relief printing plate, of a kind used for printing on newsprint, consisting of a metal substrate coated with a photopolymer layer of a thickness of 0,2 mm or more but not exceeding 0,8 mm, not covered with a release film, of a total thickness not exceeding 1 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3701990010Plate of quartz or of glass, covered with a film of chromium and coated with a photosensitive or electron-sensitive resin, for the manufacture of masks for the goods of heading 8541 or 854201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3702319910Colour negative film, for the manufacture of instant-picture film packs01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex37024300ex370244001010Photographic film, of a nominal width of 459, 669 or 761 mm, composed of several layers, including two polyester films, a carbon layer, an adhesive layer, whether or not with a layer of a copolymer of styrene with acrylonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3703901010Paper sheet, coated with silver halide emulsion, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 3701200001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707100010Photosensitive emulsion for the sensitization of silicon discs01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707100015Sensitising emulsion, consisting of diazooxonaphtalenesulphonic acid ester and phenolic resins, containing by weight not more than 12 % of diazooxonaphtalenesulfonic acid ester, in 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate or ethyl lactate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707100020Sensitising emulsion, consisting of diazooxonaphthalenesulfonic acid ester and phenolic resins, containing by weight not more than 6 % of diazooxonaphthalenesulfonic acid ester, in 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707100025Sensitising emulsion containing:phenolic or acrylic resinsa maximum 2 % by weight of light sensitive acid precursor,in a solution containing 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate or ethyl lactate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707100030Preparation based on photosensitive acrylic containing polymer, containing colour pigments, 2-methoxy-1-methylethylacetate and cyclohexanone and whether or not containing ethyl-3-ethoxypropionate01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707903010Toner, in the form of powder, consisting of a copolymer of styrene and butyl acrylate and either magnetite or carbon black, for use as a developer in the manufacture of cartridges for facsimile machines or computer printers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707903020Toner, based on a polyol resin, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707903030Two-component toner, liquid, in the form of a set consisting of a container containing a dispersion of a vinyl acrylate copolymer and colour pigments in isoparaffins, containing by weight not more than 13 % of vinyl acrylate copolymer and colour pigments, and a container containing isoparaffins01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707903040Polyester resin based toner, manufactured by a polymerisation process, for use as a developer in the manufacture of computer printer and copier cartridges01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707909010Anti-reflection coating, consisting of a modified methacrylic polymer, containing by weight not more than 10 % of polymer, in the form of a solution in 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate and 1-methoxypropan-2-ol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707909020Anti-reflection coating, consisting of a copolymer of hydroxystyrene and methyl methacrylate, modified with chromophore groups, containing by weight not more than 10 % of polymer, in the form of a solution in 1-methoxypropan-2-ol and ethyl lactate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex37079090ex382490993091Anti-reflection coating, in the form of an aqueous solution, containing by weight:not more than 2 % of perhalogenated sulfonic acid derivatives,not more than 1 % of a vinyl polymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707909040Anti-reflection coating, consisting of amino-resin and modified phenolic resin, in the form of a solution in 1-methoxypropan-2-ol and ethyl lactate, containing by weight 15 % or more but not more than 24 % of both polymers taken together01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3707909050Anti-reflection coating, containing by weight:30 % or more but not more than 40 % of cyclohexanone,30 % or more but not more than 40 % of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone,20 % or more but not more than 30 % of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3801209010Colloidal graphite in suspension in water, for use as internal coating in colour cathode-ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
38052000Pine oil1,71.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808109010Indoxacarb (ISO) and its (R) isomer, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808109020Preparation containing by weight 2 % or more but not more than 4 % of azadirachtin (ISO), not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808109030Preparation containing endospores and protein crystals derived from the hybrid strain GC 91 of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp. aizawai and kurstaki01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808109040Spinosad (ISO)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808208010Fungicide in the form of a powder, containing by weight 65 % or more but not more than 75 % of hymexazole (ISO), not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808208020Preparation based on diiodomethyl p-tolyl sulfone, not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808208030Preparation consisting of a suspension of pyrithione zinc (INN) in water, containing by weight 24 % or more but not more than 26 % of pyrithione zinc (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3808402010Preparation containing by weight:58 % or more but not more than 62 % of 1-bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin,26 % or more but not more than 29 % of 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin,10 % or more but not more than 12 % of 1,3-dichloro-5-ethyl-5-methylhydantoin,for the manufacture of swimming-pool disinfectants01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex38084090101-Dodecylguanidine hydrochloride, in the form of a solution in isopropanol and water, containing by weight 40 % or less of 1-dodecylguanidine hydrochloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3809910010Mixture of 5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-oxo-1,3,2λ5-dioxaphosphoran-5-ylmethyl methyl methylphosphonate and bis(5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-oxo-1,3,2λ5-dioxaphosphoran-5-ylmethyl) methylphosphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3809920010Paper anti-fading agent, consisting of a mixture of magnesium trisilicate and monosodium salt of 2,2'-methylenebis(4,6-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3811210010Salts of dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic acid, in the form of a solution in mineral oils01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3811210020Additives for lubricating oils, based on complex organic molybdenum compounds, in the form of a solution in mineral oil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3811900010Dinonylnaphthylsulphonic acid salt, in a mineral oil solution01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3811900010Dinonylnaphthylsulphonic acid salt, in a mineral oil solution01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3812308020Mixture containing predominantly bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-octyloxy-4-piperidyl) sebacate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3812308030Compound stabilisers containing by weight 15 % or more but not more than 40 % of sodium perchlorate and not more than 70 % of 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3814009010Mixture containing by weight 25 % or more but not more than 35 % of dimethyl sulfoxide and 65 % or more but not more than 75 % of monoethanolamine31.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3814009020Mixture containing by weight:69 % or more but not more than 71 % of 1-methoxypropan-2-ol,29 % or more but not more than 31 % of 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3814009030Azeotrope mixture containing by weight 30 % or more but not more than 50 % of trans-dichloroethylene and a mixture of isomers of nonafluorobutyl methyl ether or nonafluorobutyl ethyl ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3814009040Azeotrope mixtures containing isomers of nonafluorobutyl methyl ether and/or nonafluorobutyl ethyl ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815120010Catalyst, in the form of granules or rings of a diameter of 3 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm, consisting of silver on an aluminium oxide support and containing by weight 8 % or more but not more than 40 % of silver01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815120020Catalyst, consisting of palladium and rhenium, fixed on a support of active carbon, in the form of powder, containing:0,5 % or more but not more than 1,5 % by weight of palladium,3 % or more but not more than 5 % by weight of rhenium and0,1 mole % or more but not more than 1 mole % of alkaline metals,for use in the manufacture of tetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815120030Catalyst, consisting of platinum and palladium fixed on a support, containing by weight:not more than 1,5 % of platinum,not more than 1,5 % of palladium andnot more than 0,1 % of alkali metals,for use in hydrogenation of white oils01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199010Catalyst, consisting of chromium trioxide or dichromium trioxide fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, of a pore volume, as determined by the nitrogen absorption method, of 2 cm3/g or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199015Catalyst, in the form of a powder, consisting of a mixture of metal oxides fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, containing by weight 20 % or more but not more than 40 % of molybdenum, bismuth and iron evaluated together, for use in the manufacture of acrylonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199020Catalyst consisting of chromium oxides and titanium dioxide fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, aluminium oxide or aluminium phosphate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199030Catalyst containing titanium tetrachloride supported on magnesium dichloride, for use in the manufacture of polypropylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199035Catalyst, in the form of rodlets of a length of 5,5 mm or more but not exceeding 6,5 mm, consisting of copper oxide and zinc oxide fixed on a support of aluminium oxide, containing by weight:55 % or more but not more than 60 % of copper oxide and30 % or more but not more than 35 % of zinc oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199040Catalyst, in the form of spheres of a diameter of 4,2 mm or more but not exceeding 9 mm, consisting of a mixture of metals oxides containing predominantly oxides of molybdenum, vanadium and copper, on a support of silicon dioxide and/or aluminium oxide, for use in the manufacture of acrylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199045Catalyst, consisting predominantly of dichromium copper tetraoxide and copper (II) oxide, containing by weight 38 % or more but not more than 48 % of copper, evaluated as copper (II) oxide, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, for the hydrogenation of acetophenones01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199050Catalyst consisting of organo-metallic compounds of titanium, magnesium and aluminium on a support of silicon dioxide, in the form of a suspension in tetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199055Catalyst consisting of a mixture of metal oxides containing chromium trioxide, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199060Catalyst consisting of dichromium trioxide, fixed on a support of aluminium oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199065Catalyst consisting of phosphoric acid chemically bonded to a support of silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199070Catalyst consisting of organo-metallic compounds of aluminium and zirconium, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199075Catalyst consisting of organo-metallic compounds of aluminium and chromium, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199080Catalyst consisting of organo-metallic compounds of magnesium and titanium, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, in the form of a suspension in mineral oil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199085Catalyst consisting of organo-metallic compounds of aluminium, magnesium and titanium, fixed on a support of silicon dioxide, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815199086Catalyst containing titanium tetrachloride supported on magnesium dichloride, for use in the manufacture of polyolefins01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909015Catalyst, consisting of a mixture of oxides containing by weight more than 96 % of oxides of molybdenum, vanadium, nickel and antimony, whether or not mixed with porcelain balls, for use in the manufacture of acrylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909016Initiator based on dimethylaminopropyl urea for the manufacture of polyurethane foam systems01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909020Catalyst, in powder form, consisting of a mixture of titanium trichloride and aluminium chloride, containing by weight:20 % or more but not more than 30 % of titanium and55 % or more but not more than 72 % of chlorine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909025Catalyst, consisting of a mixture of oxides containing by weight more than 96 % of oxides of molybdenum, bismuth, nickel, iron and silicon, whether or not mixed with porcelain balls, for use in the manufacture of acrylaldehyde01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909030Catalyst, in the form of a powder, containing by weight 82 % or more of copper and of a specific surface of 0,5 m2/g or more but not exceeding 8 m2/g01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909035Catalyst, in the form of a suspension in oil, consisting of titanium trichloride and aluminium trichloride, containing by weight (on an oil-free basis):15 % or more but not more than 30 % of titanium and40 % or more but not more than 72 % of chlorine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909040Catalyst, in the form of rodlets of a length of 5 mm or more but not exceeding 8 mm, consisting of a mixture of metals oxides containing predominantly oxides of iron, molybdenum and bismuth, whether or not containing silicon dioxide as filler, for use in the manufacture of acrylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909050Catalyst containing titanium trichloride, in the form of a suspension in hexane or heptane containing by weight, in the hexane- or heptane-free material, 9 % or more but not more than 30 % of titanium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909060Catalyst, in the form of rodlets, consisting of an acid aluminosilicate (zeolite):with a mole-ratio of silicon dioxide: dialuminium trioxide of not less than 500: 1 andcontaining by weight 0,2 % or more but not more than 0,8 % of platinum01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909065Catalyst based on a mordenite zeolite, in the form of granules, for use in the manufacture of mixtures of methylamines containing by weight 50 % or more of dimethylamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909070Catalyst, consisting of a mixture of (2-hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium formate and dipropylene glycols01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909075Catalyst, consisting of a mixture of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, 2-hydroxyethyliminodi(acetic acid) and dibutyltin di(acetate), containing by weight 5 % or more but not more than 10 % of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909080Catalyst consisting predominantly of dinonylnaphthalenedisulfonic acid in the form of a solution in isobutanol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909081Catalyst, containing by weight 69 % or more but not more than 79 % of (2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)trimethylammonium 2-ethylhexanoate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909082Catalyst, containing by weight 35 % or more but not more than 55 % of (2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)trimethylammonium formate and formic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909083Catalyst, in the form of powder, containing aluminium magnesium hydroxide hydrate, rare-earth metals oxides and divanadium pentaoxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909084Powder catalyst containing by weight a minimum 96 % of oxides of copper, chromium and iron01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909085Catalyst based on aluminosilicate (zeolite), for the transalkylation of alkylaromatic hydrocarbons or the oligomerization of olefins01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909086Catalyst, in the form of rodlets, consisting of an aluminosilicate (zeolite), containing by weight 2 % or more but not more than 3 % of rare-earth metals oxides and less than 1 % of disodium oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909087Reaction initiator, consisting of diisopropyl peroxydicarbonate, in the form of a solution in diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909088Catalyst, consisting of titanium tetrachloride and magnesium chloride, containing by weight on an oil- and hexane-free basis :4 % or more but not more than 10 % of titanium and10 % or more but not more than 20 % magnesium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3815909089Rhodococcus rhodocrous J1 bacteria, containing enzymes, suspended in a polyacrylamide gel, for use as a catalyst in the production of acrylamide by the hydration of acrylonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3817008010Mixture of alkylnaphthalenes, containing by weight:88 % or more but not more than 98 % of hexadecylnaphthalene2 % or more but not more than 12 % of dihexadecylnaphthalene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3819000020Fire resistant hydraulic fluid based on phosphate ester01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3823191091Mixture of fatty acids containing by weight:2 % or more but not more than 6 % of hexanoic acid,53 % or more but not more than 60 % of octanoic acid,34 % or more but not more than 42 % of decanoic acid andnot more than 2 % of dodecanoic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824901510Acid aluminosilicate (artificial zeolite of the Y type) in the sodium form, containing by weight not more than 11 % of sodium evaluated as sodium oxide, in the form of rodlets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906401Intermediate products of the antibiotics manufacturing process obtained from the fermentation of Micromonospora purpurea, whether or not dried01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906402Cholic acid and 3α,12α-dihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic acid (deoxycholic acid), crude01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906403Products obtained by the N-ethylation of sisomycin (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906404Intermediate products of the antibiotics manufacturing process obtained from the fermentation of Micromonospora inyoensis, whether or not dried01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906405Residues of manufacture containing by weight 40 % or more of 11β,17,20,21-tetrahydroxy-6-methylpregna-1,4-dien-3-one 21-acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824906406Mixture of inosine (INN), dimepranol (INN) and acedoben (INN)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909901Colloidal diantimony pentaoxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909902Mixture of nitromethane and 1,2-epoxybutane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909903Grains or granules, consisting of a mixture of dialuminium trioxide and zirconium dioxide, containing by weight:70 % or more but not more than 78 % of dialuminium trioxide and19 % or more but not more than 26 % of zirconium dioxide5.21.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909904Crude lithium hypochlorite01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909905Polysilicate, modified with phosphoric acid, in the form of a solution in a mixture of ethanol, isopropanol and tetrahydrofuran, containing by weight 3 % or more but not more than 6 % of polysilicate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909906Preparation in the form:of powder, containing by weight 75 % or more of zinc bis[3,5-bis(1-phenylethyl)salicylate] orof aqueous dispersion, containing by weight 22 % or more but not more than 55 % of zinc bis[3,5-bis(1-phenylethyl)salicylate]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909907Film consisting of the oxides of either barium or calcium and either titanium or zirconium, mixed with binding materials01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909908Preparation consisting essentially of alkaline asphalt sulfonate, of:a specific gravity of 0,9 or more but not exceeding 1,5 anda solubility in water of 70 % by weight or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909909Anti-corrosion preparations consisting of salts of dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic acid, either:on a support of mineral wax, whether or not modified chemically, orin the form of a solution in an organic solvent01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909910Calcined bauxite (refractory grade)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909911Magnetisable iron oxide, in the form of powder, containing by weight:30 % or more but not more than 38 % of bivalent iron in relation to the total iron and1 % or more but not more than 4 % of cobalt01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909912Oligomer of tetrafluoroethylene, having one iodoethyl end-group01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909913Mixture containing by weight:7 % or more but not more than 9 % of 2-methyl-1,3-phenylene diisocyanate,31 % or more but not more than 34 % of 4-methyl-1,3-phenylene diisocyanate,10 % or more but not more than 13 % of 2,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate,46 % or more but not more than 49 % of 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909914Mixture of magnesium bromide 2-oxoperhydroazepin-1-ide and ε-caprolactam01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909915Mixture of disodium N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-aspartate and sodium chloride, in the form of a solution in water01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909916Disodium 9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2,7-disulfonate, containing by weight 10 % or more but not more than 20 % of sodium sulfate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909917Eutectic alloy wholly of potassium and sodium, containing by weight 77 % or more but not more than 79 % of potassium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909918Blend of terephthaloyl dichloride and isophthaloyl dichloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909920Preparation consisting by weight of 83 % or more of 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindene (dicyclopentadiene), a synthetic rubber, whether or not containing by weight 7 % or more of tricyclopentadiene, and:either an aluminium-alkyl compound,or an organic complex of tungstenor an organic complex of molybdenum01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909921Mixture of tris[2-chloro-1-(chloromethyl)ethyl] phosphate and oligomers of methylphosphonic acid and phosphoric acid with ethane-1,2-diol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909922Mixture of tris[2-chloro-1-(chloromethyl)ethyl] phosphate and oligomers of 2-chloroethyl phosphate with ethane-1,2-diol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909923Mixture of sucrose esters, derived from the esterification of sucrose with industrial stearic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909924Preparations consisting predominantly of phosphabicyclononanes and P-alkyl derivatives thereof, in the form of a solution in 4-tert-butyltoluene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909925Lithium tantalate wafers, undoped01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909927Preparation based on: 2-pentanone, 4-methyl-O,O′,O″-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime and 4-methyl-2-butanone-O, O′, O″, O″′-silane tetrayl tetraoxime01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909928Preparation consisting predominantly of ethylene glycol and N,N-dimethylformamide or ethylene glycol and γ-butyrolactone, for the manufacture of electrolytic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909929Preparation consisting predominantly of γ-butyrolactone and quaternary ammonium salts, for the manufacture of electrolytic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex38249099302,4,7,9-Tetramethyldec-5-yne-4,7-diol, hydroxyethylated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909931Copper zinc ferrite, coated with a silicone resin, in the form of granules of a size not exceeding 120 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909932Styrene oligomer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909933Preparation consisting of α-(4-allyloxycarbonylbenzoyl)-ω-allyloxypoly= [oxy(2-methylethylene)oxyterephthaloyl] and either diallyl-2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate or diallyl isophthalate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909934Mixture of phytosterols in the form of a crystalline waxy powder, containing by weight:36 % or more, but not more than 79 % of sitosterols,15 % or more, but not more than 34 % of sitostanols,4 % or more, but not more than 25 % of campesterols,0 % or more, but not more than 14 % of campestanols01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909935Nitrosylsulfuric acid of a purity by weight of 70 % or more but not exceeding 73 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909936Mixtures of silanol and diphosphorus pentaoxide, in the form of a solution in a mixture of ethanol and ethyl acetate, containing by weight 6 % or more but not more than 10 % of silanol and 0,1 % or more but not more than 0,3 % of diphosphorus pentaoxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909937Sintered bauxite pellets, of a diameter not exceeding 2 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909939Mixture containing by weight 40 % or more but not more than 50 % of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and 40 % or more but not more than 50 % of glycerol ester of boric acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909940Azelaic acid of a purity by weight of 75 % or more but not exceeding 85 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909942Mixed metals oxides, in the form of powder, containing by weight:either 5 % or more of barium, neodymium or magnesium and 15 % or more of titanium,or 30 % or more of lead and 5 % or more of niobium,for use in the manufacture of dielectric films or for use as dielectric materials in the manufacture of multilayer ceramic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex38249099437-Aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid and its salts, of a purity by weight of 65 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909944Mixture containing by weight:60 % or more of 2-[N-(2-cyanoethyl)anilino]ethyl acetate and20 % or more of acetic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909945Preparations consisting predominantly of ethylene glycol and:either diethylene glycol, dodecandioic acid and ammonia water,or silicon oxide,or ammonium hydrogen azelate,or ammonium hydrogen azelate and silicon oxide,or dodecandioic acid, ammonia water and silicon oxide,for the manufacture of electrolytic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909946Carboxylic acid anhydride based hardener for epoxyde resin, in liquid form, of a specific weight at 25 oC of 1,15 g/cm3 or more but not exceeding 1,18 g/cm301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909949Mixed oxides of metals, in the form of powder, containing by weight:70 % or more but not more than 75 % of iron oxide,10 % or more but not more than 20 % of zinc oxide,10 % or more but not more than 15 % of magnesium oxide,1 % or more but not more than 5 % of manganese oxide and1 % or more but not more than 3 % of copper oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909950Zeolites consisting of oxides of barium, aluminium and silicon, containing by weight 30 % or more but not more than 40 % of barium oxide, in the form of spheres of which 80 % or more by weight have a diameter of 0,3 mm or more but not more than 1,2 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909953Sodium 4-hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulfonate, of a purity by weight of 70 % or more but not exceeding 80 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex38249099542-Hydroxybenzonitrile, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylformamide, containing by weight 45 % or more but not more than 55 % of 2-hydroxybenzonitrile01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909955Mixture containing by weight 75 % or more of pentaerythritol triallyl ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909957Mixture of trialkylphosphine oxides01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909958Platinum oxide fixed on a porous support of aluminium oxide, containing by weight 0,1 % or more but not more than 1 % of platinum and 0,5 % or more but not more than 5 % of ethylaluminium dichloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909960α-Phenoxycarbonyl-ω-phenoxypoly[oxy(2,6-dibromo-1,4-phenylene)= isopropylidene(3,5-dibromo-1,4-phenylene)oxycarbonyl]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909961Mixture of metal oxides, in the form of powder, containing by weight:20 % or more of barium,10 % or more of titanium and4 % or more of lead or 3 % or more of niobium or 0,7 % or more of zirconium,for use as dielectric material in the manufacture of multilayer ceramic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909963Triethylborane, in the form of a solution in tetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909964Aluminium sodium silicate, in the form of spheres of a diameter of:either 1,6 mm or more but not exceeding 3,4 mm,or 4 mm or more but not exceeding 6 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909965Mixture of tris(alkoxycarbonylamino)-1,3,5-triazines in which alkoxy groups are methoxy and butoxy01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909966Mixture of primary tert-alkylamines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909967Preparation consisting of indium tin oxide dispersed in organic solvents01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909970Preparation, in an aqueous solution, of tetramethylammonium hydroxide and a surfactant containing:2,38 % (+/-0,01) by weight of tetramethylammonium hydroxide, anda surfactant of 100 to 500 ppm.01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909972Solution containing by weight 80 % or more of 2,4,6-trimethylbenzaldehyde in acetone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909973Particles of silicon dioxide on which are covalently bonded organic compounds, for use in the manufacture of high performance liquid chromatography columns (HPLC) and sample preparation cartridges01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909975Mixture of 2,2-bis[2-(perfluoroalkyl)ethylthiomethyl]propane-1,3-diols01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909977Diethylmethoxyborane, in the form of a solution in tetrahydrofuran01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909980Preparation containing by weight 81 % or more but not more than 89 % bis (3,4-epoxy-cyclohexylmethyl)-adipate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909981Calcium oxide stabilised zirconia in the form of lumps of which 94 % or more by weight is retained on a 16 mm sieve, containing by weight:92 % or more of zirconium dioxide and2 % or more but not more than 6 % of calcium oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex38249099ex390740008220α-(2,4,6-Tribromophenyl)-ω-(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)poly[oxy(2,6-dibromo-= 1,4-phenylene)isopropylidene(3,5-dibromo-1,4-phenylene)oxycarbonyl]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909983Mixture containing:unsaturated, dimerised fatty acids, hydrogenated and polymerised with ethylenediamine and octadecan-1-ol,white oil,2-methylpentane-2,4-diol andglycerides of decanoic and octanoic acids01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909984Reaction product, containing by weight:1 % or more but not more than 40 % of molybdenum oxide,10 % or more but not more than 50 % of nickel oxide,30 % or more but not more than 70 % of tungsten oxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909985Particles of magnesium sodium silicate on which are ionically bonded chiral complexes of tris(1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium, for use in the manufacture of high performance liquid chromatography columns (HPLC)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909988Oligomeric reaction product, consisting of bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) sulfone and 1,1'-oxybis(2-chloroethane)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909989Oligomer of tetrafluoroethylene, having tetrafluoroiodoethyl end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909990Hollow spheres of fused aluminosilicate containing 65-80 % amorphous aluminosilicate, with the following characteristics:a melting point of between 1600 °C and 1800 °C,a density of 0,6-0,8 g/cm3,for use in the manufacture of particle filters in motor vehicles01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909992Bis{4-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-N-phenyl-2-naphthalene= carboxyamidate}ferrate with a mixture of ammonium, sodium and hydrogen cations01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909993Prepared resin, based on diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate and oligomers thereof, containing by weight 42 % or more but not more than 52 % of diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate and 33 % or more but not more than 43 % of a copolymer of terephthalic acid, propane-1,2-diol and allyl alcohol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909994Prepared resin, based on diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate and oligomers thereof, containing by weight 73 % or more of diallyl 2,2'-oxydiethyl dicarbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909995Mixture of phytosterols, in the form of flakes, containing by weight 80 % or more of sterols and not more than 4 % of stanols01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909996Zirconium dioxide, stabilised with calcium oxide, in the form of a powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3824909997Preparation containing by weight either 10 % or more but not more than 20 % of lithiumfluorophosphate or 5 % or more but not more than 10 % of lithium perchlorate in mixtures of organic solvents01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3825690010Spent catalyst, in the form of rodlets of diameter of 1 mm or more but not exceeding 3 mm, containing a mixture of sulfides of tungsten and of nickel on a support of zeolite, containing by weight not more than 10 % of tungsten and not more than 10 % of nickel, for regeneration as a catalyst for hydrocarbon cracking01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901101010Linear polyethylene, of a specific gravity of 0,928 or more but not exceeding 0,935 and of a melt flow index of less than 0,6 g/min, for the manufacture of shrinkmelt binder fibres01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901109010Polyethylene for the manufacture of photo-resist film for semiconductors or printed circuits01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901109020Polyethylene, in the form of granules, of a specific gravity of 0,9250,0015), a melt flow index of 0,3 g/10 min (± 0,05 g/10 min), for the manufacture of blown films of a Haze value not exceeding 6 % and an elongation at break (MD/TD) of 210/34001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901109030Polyethylene, in the form of granules, containing by weight 15 % or more of copper, for the purpose of protecting against static charge build up and corrosion01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901209010Polyethylene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 39, of a specific gravity of 0,945 or more but not exceeding 0,985, for the manufacture of films for typewriter ribbon or similar ribbon01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901209020Polyethylene, containing by weight 35 % or more but not more than 45 % of mica01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901209030Polyethylene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 39, of a specific gravity of 0,940 or more but not exceeding 0,943 and a melt flow index of 27 g/10 min (± 5 g/10 min) (MFI 190 oC/2,16 kg as determined by the ISO 1133 method), for the manufacture of bicomponent spunbonded non-wovens01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909081Copolymer of ethylene and propylene, modified with maleic anhydride, containing by weight more than 55 % of ethylene and not more than 3 % of maleic anhydride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909082Polyethylene modified with maleic anhydride, containing by weight not more than 4 % of maleic anhydride, for use in the manufacture of fuel tanks for motor vehicles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909091Ionomer resin consisting of a salt of a copolymer of ethylene with methacrylic acid41.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909092Chlorosulphonated polyethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909093Copolymer of ethylene, vinyl acetate and carbon monoxide, for use as a plasticiser in the manufacture of roof sheets01.1.2006 to31.12.2008
ex3901909094Mixtures of A-B block copolymer of polystyrene and ethylene-butylene copolymer and A-B-A block copolymer of polystyrene, ethylene-butylene copolymer and polystyrene, containing by weight not more than 35 % of styrene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39019090ex390290909595Copolymer of ethylene and butylene, having hydroxyl or acrylate end-groups, containing by weight 40 % or more but not more than 60 % of butylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39019090ex39029090ex39039090969650Linear A-B block copolymer of polyisoprene, whether or not epoxidised, and either ethylene-butylene copolymer or styrene-ethylene-butylene copolymer, having hydroxyl end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3901909097Chlorinated polyethylene, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902100010Polypropylene containing no plasticiser and not more than:7 mg/kg of aluminium,2 mg/kg of iron,1 mg/kg of magnesium,8 mg/kg of chloride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902100020Polypropylene, containing no plasticiser,of a melting point of more than 150 oC (as determined by the ASTM D 3417 method),of a heat of fusion of 15 J/g or more but not exceeding 70 J/g,of an elongation at break of 1000 % or more (as determined by the ASTM D 638 method),of a tensile modulus of 69 MPa or more but not exceeding 379 MPa (as determined by the ASTM D 638 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902100030Polypropylene, containing not more than 1 mg/kg of aluminium, 0,05 mg/kg of iron, 1 mg/kg of magnesium and 1 mg/kg of chloride, for use in the manufacture of packaging for disposable contact lenses01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902200010Polyisobutylene, of an average molecular weight (Mn) of 700 or more but not exceeding 80001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39023000ex390390909125A-B Block copolymer of polystyrene and an ethylene-propylene copolymer, containing by weight 40 % or less of styrene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902300094Chlorinated polypropylene, chemically modified with maleic anhydride, containing by weight 23 % or more but not more than 26 % of chlorine and less than 5 % of epoxy resin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902909092Polymers of 4-methylpent-1-ene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3902909097Hydrogenated polyisobutene, in liquid form01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903190020Polystyrene of a molecular weight (Mn) not exceeding 500001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909010Copolymer, entirely of styrene with maleic anhydride, or entirely of styrene with maleic anhydride and an acrylic monomer, whether or not containing a styrene-butadiene block copolymer, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 39, for the manufacture of sheetings for head-liners for cars01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909015Copolymer, entirely of styrene with maleic anhydride, or entirely of styrene with maleic anhydride and an acrylic monomer, also partially esterified, of an average molecular weight (Mn) not exceeding 3000, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(a) and (b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909020Copolymer of styrene with 2-ethylhexyl acrylate or with n-butyl acrylate, containing:10 mole % or more but not more than 16 mole % of acrylate,0,2 mg/kg or less of sodium and0,1 mg/kg or less of calcium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39039090ex391190993530Copolymer of α-methylstyrene and styrene, having a softening point exceeding 113 oC01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39039090ex39069090ex39119099404050Copolymer of styrene with α-methylstyrene and acrylic acid, of a molecular weight (Mn) of 500 or more but not exceeding 600001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39039090ex390690905545Copolymer of styrene, methyl methacrylate, butyl acrylate and either acrylic acid or hydroxyethyl methacrylate, of a molecular weight (Mn) of 500 or more but not exceeding 600001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909065Copolymer of styrene, butyl acrylate, butyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate and acrylic acid, in the form of powder, containing by weight (81 ± 1) % of styrene, (6 ± 1) % of butyl acrylate, (5 ± 1) % of butyl methacrylate, (7 ± 1) % of methyl methacrylate and (1 ± 0,5) % of acrylic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909070Ammonium polystyrenesulfonate, in the form of an aqueous solution01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909075Copolymer of styrene and vinyl pyrrolidone, containing by weight not more than 1 % of sodium dodecyl sulfate, in the form of an aqueous emulsion, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 33052000 or of hair dyes of subheading 3305909001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3903909080Granules of copolymer of styrene and divinylbenzene a minimum diameter of 150 μm and a maximum 800 μm and containing by weight :minimum 65 % styrene,maximum 25 % divinylbenzenefor use in the manufacture of ion exchange resins01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39042200ex392690989180Poly(vinyl chloride), dyed in the mass, in the form of flakes, grains, pebbles or rectangular chips, for use as decorative elements in floor and wall coverings01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904300010Copolymer of vinyl chloride with vinyl acetate and maleic acid, containing by weight:81,5 % or more but not more than 84,5 % of vinyl chloride,13,8 % or more but not more than 16,2 % of vinyl acetate and0,8 % or more but not more than 1,2 % of maleic acid,for the manufacture of goods of heading 3215 or for use in the manufacture of coatings for containers and closures of a kind used for preserving food and drink01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904300020Copolymer of vinyl chloride with vinyl acetate and maleic acid, containing by weight:80,5 % or more but not more than 81,5 % of vinyl chloride,16,5 % or more but not more than 17,5 % of vinyl acetate and1,5 % or more but not more than 2,5 % of maleic acid,for use in heat-sealing of plastics onto steel substrate for industrial uses01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904400091Copolymer of vinyl chloride with vinyl acetate and vinyl alcohol, containing by weight:87 % or more but not more than 92 % of vinyl chloride,2 % or more but not more than 9 % of vinyl acetate and1 % or more but not more than 8 % of vinyl alcohol,in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(a) or (b) to Chapter 39, for the manufacture of goods of heading 3215 or 8523 or for use in the manufacture of coatings for containers and closures of a kind used for preserving food and drink01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904400092Copolymer of vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, hydroxypropyl acrylate and maleic acid, containing by weight 80 % or more but not more than 83 % of vinyl chloride, 1,6 % or more but not more than 2 % of hydroxy groups and 0,25 % or more but not more than 0,38 % of carboxyl groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904400093Copolymer of vinyl chloride and methyl acrylate, containing by weight (80 ± 1) % of vinyl chloride and (20 ± 1) % of methyl acrylate, in the form of a aqueous emulsion01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904509091Copolymer of vinylidene chloride with vinyl chloride, containing by weight 79,5 % or more of vinylidene chloride, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(a) or (b) to Chapter 39, for the manufacture of fibres, monofilament or strip01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904610010Mixture of polytetrafluoroethylene and mica, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904610020Copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and trifluoro(heptafluoropropoxy)ethylene, containing 3,2 % or more but not more than 4,6 % by weight of trifluoro(heptafluoropropoxy)ethylene and less than 1 mg/kg of extractable fluoride ions01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904610030Polytetrafluoroethylene, in the form of powder, of a specific surface of 8 m2/g or more but not exceeding 12 m2/g, a particle size distribution of 10 % of less than 10 μm and 90 % of less than 35 μm and an average particle size of 20 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904610060Mixture of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), sodium chloride and a nonionic surfactant01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904699092Copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and trifluoro(trifluoromethoxy)ethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904699093Copolymer of ethylene with chlorotrifluoroethylene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904699094Copolymer of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904699096Polychlorotrifluoroethylene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(a) and (b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3904699097Copolymer of chlorotrifluoroethylene and vinylidene difluoride01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905290091Copolymer of vinyl acetate, dibutyl maleate and acrylic acid, in the form of a solution in isopropyl acetate and toluene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905910091Copolymer of N-vinylcaprolactam, N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999093Poly(vinyl acetate phthalate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999094Polymer of vinylpyrrolidone and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate, containing by weight 97 % or more but not more than 99 % of vinylpyrrolidone, in the form of a solution in water01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999095Hexadecylated or eicosylated polyvinylpyrrolidone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999096Polymer of vinyl formal, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 39, of a molecular weight (Mw) of 25000 or more but not exceeding 150000 and containing by weight:9,5 % or more but not more than 13 % of acetyl groups evaluated as vinyl acetate and5 % or more but not more than 6,5 % of hydroxy groups evaluated as vinyl alcohol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999097Povidone (INN)-iodine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3905999098Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) partially substituted by triacontyl groups, containing by weight 78 % or more but not more than 82 % of triacontyl groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906100010Poly(methyl methacrylate), in the form of expansible beads containing 2-methylpentane as blowing agent01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
39069060Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight 50 % or more of methyl acrylate, whether or not mixed with silicon dioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909010Polymerisation product of acrylic acid with small quantities of a polyunsaturated monomer, for the manufacture of medicaments of heading 3003 or 300401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909020Polymerisation product of acrylic acid with small quantities of a polyunsaturated monomer, for use as a stabilizer in emulsions or dispersions with a pH of more than 1361.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909030Copolymer of styrene with hydroxyethyl methacrylate and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, of a molecular weight (Mn) of 500 or more but not exceeding 600001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909050Polymers of esters of acrylic acid with one or more of the following monomers in the chain:chloromethyl vinyl ether,chloroethyl vinyl ether,chloromethylstyrene,vinyl chloroacetate,methacrylic acid,butenedioic acid monobutyl ester,containing by weight not more than 5 % of each of the monomeric units, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909055Mixtures containing copolymers of methyl acrylate and ethylene and polyether-ester copolymers containing terephthalic acid, in the form of granules or pellets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909060Copolymer of butyl acrylate and vinyl chloride, containing by weight (58 ± 1) % of butyl acrylate and (42 ± 1) % of vinyl chloride, in the form of a aqueous emulsion01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909070Copolymer of ethylene dimethacrylate with either methyl methacrylate or dodecyl methacrylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909075Copolymer of N-[4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)(1',4-bi-1H-pyrazol)-3-yl]= methacrylamide, butyl acrylate and styrene, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909080Polydimethylsiloxane-graft-(polyacrylates; polymethacrylates)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3906909085Non-aqueous dispersion type polymers of esters of acrylic acid with a hydrolyzable silyl group at one or both polymer ends01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907201110Poly(ethylene oxide) of an average molecular weight (Mn) of 100000 or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907202110Mixture, containing by weight 70 % or more but not more than 80 % of a polymer of glycerol and 1,2-epoxypropane and 20 % or more but not more than 30 % of a copolymer of dibutyl maleate and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907202120Copolymer of tetrahydrofuran and tetrahydro-3-methylfuran with an average molecular weight of 3500 (± 100)01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907202910Polymer of dextrose, sorbitol and citric or phosphoric acid, containing by weight 90 % or more of dextrose monomer units01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907202920Poly[oxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenyleneoxy-(2-hydroxytrimethylene)], of an average molecular weight (Mw) of more than 26000, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209910Bis{2-[ω-hydroxy-poly(ethyleneoxy)]ethyl} hydroxymethylphosphonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209915Poly(oxypropylene) having alkoxysilyl end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209930Homopolymer of 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209935Polyethylene glycol chemically modified with an isocyanate group containing a carbodiimide group, in the form of a solution in 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209940Polydimethylsiloxane grafted with a poly(ethylene oxide) having C20 and C22 fatty acids ester end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209945Copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, having aminopropyl and methoxy end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907209950Copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, having 2-aminopropyl end-groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907300020Epoxyde resin in the form of powder, containing by weight 44 % or more but not more than 55 % of quartz and 0,5 % or more but not more than 1 % of diantimony trioxide, for the coating of film capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907300030Epoxyde resin, without solvent, containing mineral fillers (silica), without glass fibre, of a specific weight at 25 oC of 1,55 g/cm3 or more but not exceeding 1,60 g/cm301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39073000ex39169015ex39269098401070Epoxide resin, containing by weight 70 % or more of silicon dioxide, for the encapsulation of goods of headings 8533, 8535, 8536, 8541, 8542 or 854801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907300050Liquid epoxide resin of 2-propenenitrile/1,3-butadiene-epoxide copolymer, not containing any solvent, with:a zinc borate hydrate content not exceeding 40 % by weight,a diantimony trioxide content not exceeding 5 % by weight01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907400010Copolymer of hexane-1,6-diol, cyclohexane-1,4-dimethanol and ethylene carbonate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907608010Copolymer of terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid with ethylene glycol, butane-1,4-diol and hexane-1,6-diol01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907608020Oxygen binding copolymer (as determined by the ASTM D 1434 and 3985 methods), obtained from benzenedicarboxylic acids, ethylene glycol and polybutadiene substituted by hydroxy groups01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907919010Diallyl phthalate prepolymer, in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39079919ex390799991010Poly(oxy-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl), in the form of powder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907991920Liquid crystal copolyester with a melting point of not less than 270 oC, whether or not containing fillers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907991930Poly(lactic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3907991940Copolymer of isophthalic acid and 5-sodiosulphoisophthalic acid with cyclohexanedimethanol and diethylene glycol01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3908900010Poly(iminomethylene-1,3-phenylenemethyleneiminoadipoyl), in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3908900020Copolymer consisting of hexamethylenediamine, isophthalic acid and terephthalic acid, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to Chapter 3901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3908900030Reaction product of mixtures of octadecanecarboxylic acids polymerised with an aliphatic polyetherdiamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3908900040Thermoplastic polyamide resin having a fire point of more than 750 oC, for use in the manufacture of deflection yokes of cathode ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3909400010Polycondensation product of phenol with formaldehyde, in the form of hollow spheres of a diameter of less than 150 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39100000103-[(2-Aminoethyl)amino]propyl(methyl)cyclosiloxane01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3910000020Block copolymer of poly(methyl-3,3,3-trifluoropropylsiloxane) and poly[methyl(vinyl)siloxane]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911901910Poly(oxy-1,4-phenylenesulfonyl-1,4-phenyleneoxy-4,4'-biphenylene)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909925Copolymer of vinyltoluene and α-methylstyrene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909940Mixed calcium and sodium salt of a copolymer of maleic acid and methyl vinyl ether, having a calcium content of 9 % or more but not more than 16 % by weight01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909945Copolymer of maleic acid and methyl vinyl ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909955Solution containing:(36 ± 0,5) % by weight of polyamide with lateral ester groups,(2 ± 0,5) % by weight of acrylic ester,(48 ± 0,5) % by weight of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone,(12 ± 0,5) % by weight of bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether,500 μg/kg or less of potassium and500 μg/kg or less of iron,for use in the manufacture of goods of heading 854201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909960Hydrocarbon prepolymer, obtained by the reaction of cyclopentadiene and 1,3-pentadiene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909965Calcium zinc salt of a copolymer of maleic acid and methyl vinyl ether01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39119099ex392690987575Microspheres of a copolymer of divinylbenzene and styrene, of an average diameter of 220 μm or more but not exceeding 575 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909980Poly[(8-methyl-8-methoxycarbonyltricyclo[,6]decane-3,5-diyl)ethylene]01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3911909985Polymer of ethylene and styrene, cross-linked with divinylbenzene, in the form of a suspension01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912110010Non-plasticised cellulose triacetate, in the form of flakes, for the manufacture of cellulose triacetate yarn01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912391010Ethylcellulose, not plasticised01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912391020Ethylcellulose, in the form of aqueous dispersion containing hexadecan-1-ol and sodium dodecyl sulfate, containing by weight (27 ± 3) % of ethylcellulose01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912398010Cellulose, both hydroxyethylated and ethylated, insoluble in water01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912398020Cellulose, both hydroxyethylated and alkylated with alkyl chain-lengths of 3 or more carbon atoms01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912901010Cellulose acetate propionate, non-plasticised, in the form of powder:containing by weight 25 % or more of propionyl (as determined by the ASTM D 817-72 method) andof a viscosity not exceeding 120 poise (as determined by the ASTM D 817-72 method),for the manufacture of printing inks, paints, lacquers and other coatings, and reprographic coatings01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3912901020Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3913900092Protein, chemically modified by carboxylation and/or phthalic acid addition, having a molecular weight of 100000 to 30000001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3913900095Chondroitinsulfuric acid, sodium salt01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3913900097Chitosonium pyrrolidonecarboxylate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3913900098Sodium hyaluronate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3915909010Waste, parings and scrap of photographic, cinematographic and radiographic films01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3916909010Composite profile shape, reinforced with glass fibres, produced by pultrusion, for the manufacture of window frames01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3917321010Flexible pipe of silicone foam, with continuous channels, of a Shore A hardness of 7 or more but not exceeding 48 and a density of 0,28 g/cm3 or more but not exceeding 0,92 g/cm301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39173231ex39173299ex39269098911045Assembly of heat-shrinkable tubing of polyethylene with poly(vinyl acetate), arranged in parallel at equally spaced intervals and attached at one or both ends by perforated plastic strips, in rolls01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3917323920Pipe consisting of a block copolymer of polytetrafluoroethylene and polyperfluoroalkoxytrifluoroethylene, of a length of not more than 600 mm, a diameter of not more than 85 mm and a wall-thickness of 30 μm or more but not exceeding 110 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3917323930Thermo-shrinkable polystyrene tube for use in the manufacture of zinc carbon batteries01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39191019ex39191038ex39199038ex3920992810201020Reflecting film, consisting of a layer of polyurethane, with, on one side, security imprints against counterfeiting, alteration or substitution of data or duplication, or an official mark for an intended use, and embedded glass beads and, on the other side, an adhesive layer, covered on one side or on both sides with a release film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39191031ex39191038ex39199031ex3920610010305020Reflecting laminated sheet, consisting of a film of polycarbonate totally embossed on one side in a regular shaped pattern, covered on both sides with one or more layers of plastic material, whether or not covered on one side with an adhesive layer and a release sheet01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919103810Self-adhesive tape of metallised polyurethane containing glass beads for use in the manufacture of marine life-saving equipment01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919103840Double-sided, self-adhesive modified epoxy resin foil, put up in rolls, 16 cm wide, 140 to 200 m long and with a total thickness of 20 μm, not for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39191061ex391990619194Reflecting film, consisting of a layer of poly(vinyl chloride), a layer of alkyd polyester, with, on one side, security imprints against counterfeiting, alteration or substitution of data or duplication, or an official mark for an intended use, only visible by means of a retroreflecting lighting, and embedded glass beads and, on the other side, an adhesive layer, covered on one side or on both sides with a release film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39191069ex391990699196Black acrylic foam tape, covered on one side with a heat activatable adhesive or an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive and on the other side with an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive and a release sheet, of a peel adhesion at an angle of 90o of more than 25 N/cm (as determined by the ASTM D 3330 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39191069ex391990699598Reflecting laminated sheet showing a regular pattern, consisting of a film of poly(methylmethacrylate), followed by a layer of acrylic polymer containing microprisms, a film of poly(methylmethacrylate), an adhesive layer and a release sheet01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919901010Shaped sheet of plastic, with an adhesive layer containing polyisobutylene and pectin, for the manufacture of colostomy bags01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919903115Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, with a coloured layer on one side and a self adhesive layer on the other, coated on both sides with protective film, with an overall thickness of 100 (± 10) μm, in rolls, for the manufacture of optical filters01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919903125Polyethylene terephthalate film:laminated on one side with a copper mesh of a line width of 10 to 15 μm,a coloured adhesive layer on the other,coated on both sides with a protective film,with a total thickness of 110 to 210 μmfor use in the manufacture of optical filters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919903135Polyethylene terephthalate film, covered on one side with a tinted layer and on the other with an adhesive layer, coated on both sides with a protective film, with an overall thickness of 235 (± 5) μm, for the manufacture of optical filters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39199031ex39206219ex39206290ex39206300ex392069004020203030Reflecting polyester sheeting embossed in a pyramidal pattern, for the manufacture of safety stickers and badges, safety clothing and accessories thereof, or of school satchels, bags or similar containers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919903160Film consisting of 1 to 3 laminated layers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and a copolymer of terephthalic acid, sebacic acid and ethylene glycol, coated on one side with an acrylic abrasion resistant coating and on the other side with an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive, a water soluble methylcellulose coating and a poly(ethylene terephthalate) protective liner01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3919903170Poly(ethylene terephthalate) sheet, covered on one side with an antistatic layer and a hardcoat layer and on the other side with an adhesive layer and a release sheet, in rolls, for the manufacture of optical filters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39199061ex391990699292Poly(vinyl chloride) sheeting, of a thickness of less than 1 mm, coated with an adhesive in which are embedded glass balls of a diameter not exceeding 100 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39199061ex39199069ex39201089939325Adhesive film consisting of a base of a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate (EVA) of a thickness of 70 μm or more and an adhesive part of acrylic type of a thickness of 5 μm or more, for the protection of the surface of silicon discs01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39199069ex392051009530Biaxially-oriented film of poly(methyl methacrylate), of a thickness of 50 μm or more but not exceeding 90 μm, whether or not covered on one side with an adhesive layer and a release sheet01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920102620Film of polyethylene, of a thickness of 20 μm or more but not exceeding 45 μm, containing calcium carbonate in the mass, for the manufacture of napkins for babies or of sanitary towels or of tampons or of disposable surgical gowns01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39201026ex392010893020Film of a thickness not exceeding 0,20 mm, of a blend of polyethylene and a copolymer of ethylene with oct-1-ene, embossed in a regular rhomboidal pattern, for coating both sides of a layer of unvulcanised rubber01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920102640Film of polyethylene, of a kind used for typewriter ribbon01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920104091Synthetic paper pulp, in the form of moist sheets, made from unconnected finely-branched polyethylene fibrils, whether or not blended with cellulose fibres in a quantity not exceeding 15 %, containing poly(vinyl alcohol) dissolved in water as the moistening agent01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920104092Laminated sheet or strip consisting of a film composed of a blend of a copolymer of ethylene with vinyl acetate and a modified ethylene-propylene-elastomer (EPM) or a modified ethylene-propylene-diene elastomer (EPDM), coated or covered on both sides with a film of a copolymer of ethylene with vinyl acetate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920108935Reflecting film, consisting of a layer of polyethylene, a layer of polyurethane, with, on one side, security imprints against counterfeiting, alteration or substitution of data or duplication, or an official mark for an intended use, only visible by means of a retroreflecting lighting, and embedded glass beads and, on the other side, a hot-melt adhesive layer, covered on one side or on both sides with a release film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920202130Biaxially oriented polypropylene film with a coextruded layer of polyethylene on one side and a total thickness of 11,5 μm or more but not more than 13,5 μm.01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920202991Mono-axial oriented film, consisting of three layers, each layer consisting of a mixture of polypropylene and a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, having:a thickness of 55 μm or more but not exceeding 97 μm,a tensile modulus in the machine direction of 0,75 GPa or more but not exceeding 1,45 GPa anda tensile modulus in the transverse direction of 0,20 GPa or more but not exceeding 0,55 GPa01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920209091Synthetic paper pulp, in the form of moist sheets, made from unconnected finely-branched polypropylene fibrils, whether or not blended with cellulose fibres in a quantity not exceeding 15 %, containing poly(vinyl alcohol) dissolved in water as the moistening agent01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920209092Laminated sheet or strip, consisting of a film of a thickness of 181 μm or more but not exceeding 223 μm composed of a blend of a copolymer of propylene with ethylene and a copolymer of styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) coated or covered on one side with a layer of a copolymer of styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) and a layer of polyester01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920209093Polypropylene sheet, of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1,0 mm, having a tensile strength at break of 14,7 MPa or more but not exceeding 21 MPa (as determined by the ASTM D 638 method), in rolls of a width of 3,81 m01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920300020Laminated sheet or strip, consisting of a film composed of a blend of a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) with polyethylene or polypropylene, of a thickness of 100 μm or more but not exceeding 200 μm, coated or covered on both sides with a film of polypropylene of a thickness not exceeding 20 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39204310ex392049109191Reflecting sheeting, consisting solely of a single layer of poly(vinyl chloride), wholly embossed on one side in a regular pyramidal pattern01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920431092Sheeting of poly(vinyl chloride), stabilised against ultraviolet rays, without any holes, even microscopic, of a thickness of 60 μm or more but not exceeding 80 μm, containing 30 or more but not more than 40 parts of plasticizer to 100 parts of poly(vinyl chloride)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920431093Poly(vinyl chloride) sheet, with relief printing, of a kind used in the templates for textile printing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39204310ex392049109493Film of a specular gloss of 70 or more, measured at an angle of 60o using a glossmeter (as determined by the ISO 2813: 2000 method), consisting of one or two layers of poly(vinyl chloride) coated on both sides with a layer of plastic, of a thickness of 0,26 mm or more but not exceeding 1,0 mm, covered on the gloss surface with a protective film of polyethylene, in rolls of a width of 1000 mm or more but not exceeding 1450 mm, for use in the manufacture of goods of heading 940301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39204310ex392049109592Reflecting laminated sheet, consisting of a film of poly(vinyl chloride) and a film of an other plastic totally embossed in a regular pyramidal pattern, covered on one side with a release sheet01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920431096Film, of a specular gloss of 70 or more measured at an angle of 60o using a glossmeter (as determined by the ISO 2813: 2000 method), consisting of a layer of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and a layer of colored poly(vinyl chloride), for coating panels and doors of a kind used in the manufacture of domestic appliances01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920431097Film embossed to a depth of not more than 12 μm, of a specular gloss of 7 or more but not exceeding 17, measured at an angle of 60o using a glossmeter (as determined by the ISO 2813: 2000 method), consisting of at least two layers of poly(vinyl chloride), of a total thickness not exceeding 0,5 mm, covered on the embossed side with a protective film, in rolls of a width of 1400 mm or more but not exceeding 1420 mm, for use in the manufacture of goods of heading 940301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920510010Poly(methyl methacrylate) plate, with an antistatic coating, of dimensions of 738 × 972 mm (± 1,5 mm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920510020Plate of poly(methyl methacrylate) containing aluminium trihydroxide, of a thickness of 3,5 mm or more but not exceeding 19 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920610010Polycarbonate film of a thickness not exceeding 15 μm, for the manufacture of film capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062190103Coextruded opaque sheet of poly(ethylene terephthalate), of a thickness of 50 μm or more but not exceeding 350 μm, consisting especially of a layer containing carbon black01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062190406Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness of less than 11 μm, for the manufacture of audiodigital tapes for cassettes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062190709Poly(ethylene terephtalate) film, not coated with an adhesive, of a thickness not exceeding 25 μm, either:only dyed in the mass, ordyed in the mass and metallised on one side01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062191113Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate) only, of a total thickness not exceeding 120 μm, consisting of one or two layers each containing a colouring and/or UV-absorbing material throughout the mass, uncoated with an adhesive or any other material01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062191416Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness of 20 μm or more but not exceeding 30 μm, coated on one side with silicone, for use in the manufacture of window film31.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062191719Laminated film of poly(ethylene terephthalate) only, of a total thickness not exceeding 120 μm, consisting of one layer which is metallised only and one or two layers each containing a colouring and/or UV-absorbing material throughout the mass, uncoated with an adhesive or any other material01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062192123Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), coated or covered on one side or on both sides with a layer of modified polyester, of a total thickness of 7 μm or more but not exceeding 11 μm, for the manufacture of video tapes with a magnetic layer of metallic pigments and a width of 8 mm or of 12,7 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062192426Single ply film of poly(ethylene terephthalate) only, of a thickness not exceeding 120 μm, which only:contains a colouring and/or UV-absorbing material throughout the mass andis metallised on one side,whether or not coated on one or both sides with a vinyl acrylate polymer but having no other coating or adhesive01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062192729Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), of a total thickness not exceeding 120 μm, of a width of 100 mm or more but not exceeding 115 mm, coated on both sides with one or more layers containing different chemicals, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 3701 20 0001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062193133Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), on one side metallised and coated with white ink and a protective layer and on the other side coated with a thermosensitive seal layer, of a width of 100 mm or more but not exceeding 150 mm, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 3701200001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062193436Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), coated on one side with a layer of modified polyester, of a thickness of 20 μm (± 0,7 μm) or of 30 μm (± 0,9 μm), for the manufacture of audio magnetic tapes of a total thickness of 33 μm or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062193739Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness not exceeding 12 μm, coated on one side with a layer of aluminium oxide of a thickness not exceeding 35 nm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062194143Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness of 18 μm or more but not exceeding 25 μm, having:a shrinkage of ((3,4 ± 0,1) % in the machine direction (as determined by the ASTM D 1204 method) anda shrinkage of ((0,3 ± 0,2) % in the transverse direction (as determined by the ASTM D 1204 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062194446Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness not exceeding 19 μm or of a weight of 20 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 26,7 g/m2, for use in the manufacture of photo-resist film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062194749Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), coated on both sides with a layer of epoxy acrylic resin, of a total thickness of 37 μm (± 3 μm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062195153Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), coated on one side with metal and/or metal oxides, containing by weight less than 0,1 % of aluminium, of a thickness not exceeding 300 μm and having a surface resistivity not exceeding 10000 ohms (per square) (as determined by the ASTM D 257-93 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062195456Matt film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), of a specular gloss of 15 measured at an angle of 45o and 18 measured at an angle of 60o using a glossmeter (as determined by the ISO 2813: 2000 method) and a width of 1600 mm or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062195759Film of white poly(ethylene terephthalate), dyed in the mass, of a thickness of 185 μm or more but not exceeding 253 μm, coated on both sides with an antistatic layer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062196163Film of a total thickness of 4,5 μm (± 0,16 μm), consisting of a biaxially-oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of an elastic modulus (in the machine direction) of 12 kg/mm2 (± 2 kg/mm2) and a tensile strength (in the machine direction) of more than 28 kg/mm2, and of an anti-adherent coating01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062196769Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, coated with among other a scratch resistant layer based on polyacrylate and a thermoadhesive layer, of a nominal width of 790 mm and a total thickness of 23 μm or more but not exceeding 26 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392069007170Non-metallised reflecting film, consisting of outside layers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) or poly(ethylene naphthalate) and multiple layers of poly(methyl methacrylate), of a reflectance coefficient of 95 % or more (as determined by the ASTM E 1164-94 and ASTM E 387-95 methods) and a total thickness not exceeding 70 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920621972Non-metallised reflecting film, consisting of outside layers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and multiple layers of poly(methyl methacrylate), of a total thickness of 51 μm (± 10 %), for use in the manufacture of laminated solar-reflecting automotive glass01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392069007340Iridescent film of polyester and poly(methyl methacrylate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206219ex392062197476Multilayer film of a thickness not exceeding 150 μm, consisting of a polyester film coated on one side with polycarbonate resin, metallised on the other side with titanium coated with polycarbonate resin and other layers containing N, N'-diphenyl-N, N'-di-m-tolylbiphenyl-4,4'-ylenediamine01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920621977Sheet of poly(ethylene terephthalate), containing:temperature-sensitive layers which form primary colours after heating,reflective layer,protective layer,to be used in polychromatic thermal printers01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920621988Laminated sheet, consisting of a biaxially oriented film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), covered on one side or on both sides with a layer of poly(ethylene terephthalate), for use in the manufacture of identity cards, credit cards and similar products (including "smart" cards)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39206290ex392062903133Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), of a thickness of 500 μm (± 25 μm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920629040Strips of poly(ethylene terephthalate), covered on both sides with a layer of chemically modified polyester, of a width not exceeding 16 mm and a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 2 mm, having a tensile strength at break of 0,7 GPa or more (as determined by the ASTM D 638 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920690020Film of poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920690050Polycondensation product of terephthalic acid with a mixture of cyclohex-1,4-ylenedimethanol and ethane-1,2-diol, in the form of a film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920690060Film of a copolymer of ethylene terephthalate and ethylene isophthalate, of a thickness not exceeding 2 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920910091Poly(vinyl butyral) film having a graduated coloured band31.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920910092Plasticised film of polyvinyl butyral, containing by weight:either 14,5 % or more but not more than 17,5 % of dihexyl adipate,or 14,5 % or more but not more than 28,5 % of dibutyl sebacate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920910093Film of poly(ethylene terephthalate), whether or not metallised on one or both sides, or laminated film of poly(ethylene terephthalate) films, metallised on the external sides only, and having the following characteristics:a visible light transmission of 50 % or more,coated on one or both sides with a layer of poly(vinyl butyral) but not coated with an adhesive or any other material except poly(vinyl butyral),a total thickness not exceeding 0,2 mm without taking the presence of poly(vinyl butyral) into account,for use in the manufacture of heat-reflecting or decorative laminated glass01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920992810Reflecting sheet of metallised polyurethane, containing glass beads, coated with a hot-melt adhesive layer, covered on one or both sides with a release sheet, in rolls of a width of 1020 mm (± 20 mm), for slitting into safety clothing reflecting strip01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39209928ex39219055ex74102100301030Film of polyimide, not containing epoxyde resin and/or glass fibres,:metallised by sputtering with copper on one side or on both sides,metallised by sputtering with copper and plated on one side or on both sides with refined copper orcovered on one side or on both sides with a copper foil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920992840Mono-axially oriented polymer film containing the following monomers:Poly (tetramethylene ether glycol),Bis (4-isocyanotocyclohexyl) methane,1,4-Butanediol or 1,3-Butanediol,with a thickness of 0,25 mm or more but not more than 5,0 mm,embossed with a regular pattern on one surface,and covered with a release sheet01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
39209953ex3920995955Ion-exchange membranes of fluorinated plastic material01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995920Film entirely of poly(vinyl alcohol), of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm and containing by weight:2 % or less of unhydrolysed acetate groups evaluated as vinyl acetate and5 % or more but not more than 25 % of glycerol as plasticiser,for the manufacture of roof windows01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995925Poly(1-chlorotrifluoroethylene) film01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995930Film and sheet of a copolymer of ethylene with chlorotrifluoroethylene, of a thickness of 12 μm or more but not exceeding 400 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995935Film entirely of poly(vinyl alcohol), of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm and of a width of 2,20 m or more, with an extension at break, in the transverse direction, of 350 % or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995940Biaxially-oriented film of poly(vinyl alcohol), coated on both sides, of a total thickness of less than 1 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995945Iridescent film of polyester, polyethylene and an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995950Polytetrafluoroethylene film, non-microporous, in the form of rolls, of a thickness of 0,019 mm or more but not exceeding 0,14 mm, impermeable to water vapour01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920995960Film of a vinyl alcohol copolymer, soluble in cold water, of a thickness of 34 μm or more but not exceeding 90 μm, a tensile strength at break of 20 MPa or more but not exceeding 45 MPa and an elongation at break of 250 % or more but not exceeding 900 %01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3920999010Biodegradeable sheet of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm containing by weight:90 % (± 5 %) starch,10 % (± 5 %) of a synthetic polymer,0,5 % (± 0,5 %) of stearic acid01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921131010Sheet of polyurethane foam, of a thickness of 3 mm (± 15 %) and of a specific gravity of 0,09435 or more but not exceeding 0,1009201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921140010Cellular film of regenerated cellulose, of a thickness not exceeding 350 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190091Microporous polypropylene film of a thickness not exceeding 100 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190092Microporous film consisting of mixtures of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate, of a thickness not exceeding 200 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190093Strip of microporous polytetrafluoroethylene on a support of a non-woven, for use in the manufacture of filters for kidney dialysis equipment01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190094Polyethylene film, of a thickness of 16 μm or more but not exceeding 24 μm, having:a weight of 19 g/m2 (± 2 g/m2),a water vapour transmission rate of 5000 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 30000 g/m2 per day (as determined by the ASTM D 6701-01 method),an elongation in the transverse direction of 25 % or more at a load of 500 g or less,an elongation in the machine direction of 50 % or more but not exceeding 100 % (as determined by the ASTM D 882-91 method),for use in the manufacture of napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190095Film of polyethersulfone, of a thickness not exceeding 200 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921190096Cellular film, consisting of a layer of polyethylene of a thickness of 90 μm or more but not exceeding 140 μm and a layer of regenerated cellulose of a thickness of 10 μm or more but not exceeding 40 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921901935Composite plate of polycarbonate and poly(butylene terephthalate), reinforced with glass fibres01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921901945Composite plate of poly(ethylene terephthalate) or of poly(butylene terephthalate), reinforced with glass fibres01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex39219060ex54077100ex59039099912010Woven polytetrafluoroethylene fabric, coated or covered with a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and trifluoroethylene having perfluorinated alkoxy side-chains ending in carboxylic acid or sulfonic acid groups, whether or not in the potassium or sodium salt form01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921906092Reinforced polypropylene sheet, of a thickness of 0,91 mm or more but not exceeding 1,12 mm, having a breaking strength of 890 N or more but not exceeding 1500 N (as determined by the ASTM D 751 method), in rolls of a width of 3,81 m01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921906093Film, of a specular gloss of 30 or more but not exceeding 60 measured at an angle of 60 o using a glossmeter (as determined by the ISO 2813: 2000 method), consisting of a layer of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and a layer of colored poly(vinyl chloride), joined by a metalised adhesive coating, for coating panels and doors of a kind used in the manufacture of domestic appliances01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3921906094Composite sheet containing an acrylic coating and laminated to a high-density polyethylene layer, of a total thickness of 0,8 mm or more but not exceeding 1,2 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909120Reflecting sheeting or tape, consisting of a facing-strip of poly(vinyl chloride) embossed in a regular pyramidal pattern, heat-sealed in parallel lines or in a grid-pattern to a backing-strip of plastic material, or of knitted or woven fabric covered on one side with plastic material01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909810Microspheres of polymer of divinylbenzene, of a diameter of 4,5 μm or more but not exceeding 80 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909815Glass fibre reinforced plastic traverse leaf spring for use in the manufacture of motor vehicle suspension systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909820Tape pad, for use in the manufacture of goods of heading 852301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909825Unexpansible microspheres of a copolymer of acrylonitrile, methacrylonitrile and isobornyl methacrylate, of a diameter of 3 μm or more but not exceeding 4,6 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909830Guide pin and pole, for use in the manufacture of goods of subheadings 85231100, 85231200 and 8523130001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909835Microspheres of polyalkylsiloxane, on which are covalently bonded organic compounds, of a diameter of 1 μm or more but not exceeding 30 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909840Hollow microspheres of a copolymer of isooctylacrylate and acrylic acid, having a diameter of 10 μm or more but not exceeding 1000 μm, dispersed in water01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex3926909855Flat product of polyethylene, perforated in opposing directions, of a thickness of 600 μm or more but not exceeding 1200 μm and of a weight of 21 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 42 g/m201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex4007000010Siliconated vulcanised rubber thread and cord01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex4008110010Blocks or sheets of cellular vulcanised rubber of modified ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) blended with chloroprene, which satisfy the Underwriters Laboratories Flammability Standard UL94HF-101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex4016999920Soft rubber sealing stoppers for the manufacture of electrolytic capacitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
41051010410510904105309141053099Sheep or lambskin leather, without wool on, tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 411401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
410621104106219041062290Goat or kidskin leather, without hair on, tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 411401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
41063110410631904106321041063290410640904106910041069200Leather of other animals, without hair on, not further prepared than tanned, other than leather of heading 411401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex50040010ex500400901010Yarn spun entirely from silk, not put up for retail sale2.51.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex50050010ex500500901010Yarn spun entirely from silk waste (noil), not put up for retail sale01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5205310010Six ply yarn of bleached cotton, measuring 925 dtex or more but not more than 989 dtex per single yarn, for the manufacture of tampons01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
52081110Fabrics for the manufacture of bandages, dressings and medical gauzes5.21.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402410010Polyamide yarn, not textured, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 22 turns per metre, of crimpable bicomponent filaments consisting of poly(hexamethylene adipamide) with a copolyamide, for the manufacture of:knee-length stockings of subheadings 61152011 and 61159330,women's stockings of subheadings 61152019 and 61159391 orpanty hose (tights) of subheading 6115110001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402410020Yarn of synthetic textile fibres solely of aromatic polyamides obtained by the polycondensation of m-phenylenediamine and isophthalic acid01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402430020Synthetic bicomponent filament yarn, not textured, untwisted, measuring 1650 decitex, consisting of 110 filaments each having a core of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and a skin of polyamide-6, containing by weight 75 % or more but not exceeding 77 % of poly(ethylene terephthalate), for use in the manufacture of roofings01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex54024999ex540269901020Multifilaments yarn of polytetrafluoroethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402499930Yarn of a copolymer of glycollic acid with lactic acid, for the manufacture of surgical sutures01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex54024999ex54025990ex54026990502040Non-textured filament yarn of poly(vinyl alcohol)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex54024999ex540269906010Yarn wholly of poly(glycollic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402499970Synthetic filament yarn, single, containing by weight 85 % or more of acrylonitrile, in the form of a wick containing 1000 continuous filaments or more but not more than 25000 continuous filaments, of a weight per metre of 0,12 g or more but not exceeding 3,75 g and of a length of 100 m or more, for the manufacture of carbon-fibre yarn01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402499980Polyethylene filament yarn, untwisted, of either 55, 110, 165 or 1760 decitex, for the manufacture of goods of heading 560701.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5402499985Synthetic filament yarn, single, untwisted, wholly of poly(thio-1,4-phenylene)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404109010Monofilament of polytetrafluoroethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404109020Monofilament of poly(1,4-dioxanone)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404109030Monofilament of a copolymer of 1,3-dioxan-2-one with 1,4-dioxan-2,5-dione, for the manufacture of surgical sutures01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404109040Monofilaments of a stabilised blend of polyester with polyurethane, of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404109050Monofilaments of polyester or poly(butylene terephthalate), with crosssectional dimension of 0,5mm or more but not exceeding 1mm, for use in the manufacture of zippers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5404909020Strip of polyimide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5407710010Woven fabrics of poly(vinyl alcohol) fibres, for machine embroidery01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5501909010Poly(vinyl alcohol) tow01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex55031010ex560130001040Synthetic staple fibres of a copolymer of terephthalic acid, p-phenylenediamine and 3,4'-oxybis(phenyleneamine), of a length not exceeding 7 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex55039010ex550390901030Acetalised, multicomponent spun fibres with a matrix fibril structure, consisting of emulsion-polymerised poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(vinyl chloride)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex55039090ex55069090ex56013000201010Poly(vinyl alcohol) fibres, whether or not acetalised01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5503909040Fibres wholly of poly(thio-1,4-phenylene)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5601300020Polyester fibres, measuring 0,56 decitex, of a length of 3 mm or more but not exceeding 5 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5601300030Acrylic fibres, measuring 0,11 and 0,56 decitex, of a length of 3 mm or more but not exceeding 5 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031110ex56031190ex56031210ex56031290ex56039110ex56039190ex56039210ex560392901010101010101010Poly(vinyl alcohol) non-wovens, in the piece or cut into rectangles:of a thickness of 200 μm or more but not exceeding 280 μm andof a weight of 20 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 50 g/m201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031110ex56031190ex56031210ex5603129020202050Non-wovens, containing spunbonded fibres of polypropylene or of polypropylene and polyethylene, for the manufacture of napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031290ex56031390ex56031490ex56039290ex56039390ex56039490303010604030Non-wovens of aromatic polyamide fibres obtained by polycondensation of m-phenylenediamine and isophthalic acid, in the piece or cut into rectangles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031290ex560313906060Non-woven of spunbonded polyethylene, of a weight of more than 60 g/m2 but not exceeding 80 g/m2 and an air resistance (Gurley) of 8 s or more but not exceeding 36 s (as determined by the ISO 5636/5 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031290ex56031390ex56039290ex5603939070704010Non-wovens of polypropylene, consisting of a meltblown layer, laminated on each side with spunbonded filaments of polypropylene, of a thickness not exceeding 550 μm and of a weight not exceeding 80 g/m2, in the piece or simply cut into squares or rectangles, not impregnated01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031390ex560314904020Non-wovens consisting of a central layer of polycarbonate fibres, laminated on each side with spunbonded filaments of polyester, of a weight of more than 130 g/m2 but not exceeding 200 g/m201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56031390ex560393908030Polyethylene non-woven, covered on both sides with a non-woven of polypropylene and wood pulp, of a weight of 70 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 90 g/m2, in rolls, for use in the manufacture of wet wipes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5603149030Non-wovens, consisting of a central elastomeric film laminated on each side with spunbonded filaments of polypropylene, of a weight of 200 g/m2 or more but not exceeding 300 g/m201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5603919030Non-woven viscose rayon, with a water-soluble starch based binder and having a weight of 12 or more but not more than 18 g/m201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56039290ex560393902020Non-wovens consisting of a meltblown central layer of a thermoplastic elastomer laminated on each side with spunbonded filaments of polypropylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5603929050Non-wovens of staple fibres, in rolls, of a width of 78 mm or more but not exceeding 252 mm, for the manufacture of floppy discs01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex56039290ex56039390ex56039490705040Non-wovens, consisting of multiple layers of a mixture of meltblown fibres and staple fibres of polypropylene and polyester, whether or not laminated on one side or on both sides with spunbonded filaments of polypropylene, of a total thickness not exceeding 50 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5603949020Acrylic fibre rods, having a length of not more than 50 cm, for the manufacture of pen tips01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5604900060Strip, of:a polyester layer, laminated on one or both sides to a polymer layer containing glass beads,a maximum width of 1,2 mm,a maximum thickness of 0,05 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5607509010Twine, unsterilised, wholly of poly(glycollic acid), plaited or braided, with an inner core, for the manufacture of surgical sutures01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5803100091Gauze of cotton, of a width of less than 1500 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex59031090ex59032090ex59039099101020Knitted or woven fabrics, coated or covered on one side with artificial plastic material in which are embedded microspheres01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5903209020Tape of polyester fabric laminated with a metallised polyurethane film containing glass beads, for use in the manufacture of marine life-saving equipment01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5906999010Rubberised textile fabric, consisting of warp yarns of polyamide-6,6 and weft yarns of polyamide-6,6, polyurethane and a copolymer of terephthalic acid, p-phenylenediamine and 3,4'-oxybis(phenyleneamine)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5907009010Textile fabrics, coated with adhesive in which are embedded spheres of a diameter not exceeding 75 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5911100010Needle-punched synthetic-fibre felts, not containing polyester, whether or not containing catalytic particles entrapped within the synthetic fibres, coated or covered on one side with polytetrafluoroethylene film, for the manufacture of filtration products01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex5911909010Yarn and strip of impregnated polytetrafluoroethylene, whether or not oiled or graphited01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex59119090ex842199003092Parts of equipment for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting essentially of plastic-based membranes, supported internally by woven or non-woven textile materials which are wound round a perforated tube, and enclosed in a cylindrical plastic casing of a wall-thickness not exceeding 4 mm, whether or not housed in a cylinder of a wall-thickness of 5 mm or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
63051010Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, used, of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 530301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex63059000ex63059000ex63059000109395Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, used, of flax or of sisal01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6307901010Sterile mesh-implant, consisting of a knitted fabric of polypropylene monofilaments, with rounded edges, in forms covered by a square of dimensions not exceeding 31 × 31 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6805100010Abrasive in the form of identically shaped particles on a support0 %1.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6813900010Friction material, of a thickness of less than 20 mm, not mounted, for the manufacture of friction components of a kind used in automatic transmissions and clutches01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex69032090ex691490901010Yarn of continuous ceramic filaments, each filament containing by weight:12 % or more of diboron trioxide,26 % or less of silicon dioxide and60 % or more of dialuminium trioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex69039090ex690919001040Beryllium oxide, of a purity by weight of more than 99 %, in the form of blanks, bars, blocks or plates01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6903909020Silicon carbide reactor tubes and holders, of a kind used for insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for production of semiconductor materials01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6909120020Plate, of dialuminium trioxide and titanium carbide, of dimensions not exceeding 48 × 48 mm, or of a diameter not exceeding 125 mm, for the manufacture of magnetic heads01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6909190030Supports for catalysts, consisting of porous cordierite or mullite ceramic pieces, of an overall volume not exceeding 65 l, having, per cm2 of the cross-section, not less than one continuous channel which may be open at both ends or stopped at one end01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex69091900ex691490905020Ceramic articles made of continuous filaments of ceramic oxides, containing by weight:2 % or more of diboron trioxide,28 % or less of silicon dioxide and60 % or more of dialuminium trioxide01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6909190060Supports for catalysts, consisting of porous ceramic pieces, of a blend of silicon carbide and silicon, with a hardness of less than 9 on the Mohs scale, with a total volume not exceeding 65 litres, having per cm2 of the surface of the cross section one or more closed channels at the tail end01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex6914909030Ceramic microspheres, transparent, obtained from silicon dioxide and zirconium dioxide, of a diameter of more than 125 μm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7002100010Balls of E-glass, of a diameter of 20,3 mm or more but not exceeding 26 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7006009010Glass plate, coated on one side with chromium and/or with a mixture of diindium trioxide and tin dioxide, of dimensions of 260 × 320 mm or more but not exceeding 400 × 400 mm, of a thickness not exceeding 1,2 mm, for the manufacture of liquid crystal displays01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7006009020Colour filter, consisting of a glass plate with red, blue and green pixels, having a total thickness of 1,1 mm (± 0,1 mm) and exterior dimensions of 320 × 352 mm or more but not exceeding 320 × 400 mm, for the manufacture of liquid crystal displays01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7006009030Glass plate, uncoated, of dimensions of 320 × 352 mm or more but not exceeding 320 × 400 mm, of a thickness of 0,6 mm or more but not exceeding 1,2 mm, for the manufacture of liquid crystal displays01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7007192010Glass plate of a diagonal size of 81,28 cm (± 1,5 cm) or more, but not exceeding 185,42 cm (± 1,5 cm), consisting of tempered glass; provided either with a mesh film and a near-infrared absorbing film or a sputtered conductive layer, with optional additional anti-reflex layer on one or two sides, for use in the manufacture of PDP videomonitors or television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7007290010Glass plate of a diagonal size of 81,28 cm (+/- 1,5 cm) or more, but not exceeding 185,42 cm (+/- 1,5 cm), consisting of 2 sandwich plates laminated together; provided either with a mesh film and a near-infrared absorbing film or a sputtered conductive layer, with optional additional anti-reflex layer on one or two sides, for use in the manufacture of PDP videomonitors or television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7011100010Glass lenses with a stippled front refractor or with a front refractor composed of prismatic elements, with an external diameter of more than 121 mm but not exceeding 125 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex70111000ex701190002010Parabolic glass cup, with an external diameter of more than 121 mm but not exceeding 125 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7011200025Glass cone for cathode-ray tube, of a diagonal measurement of 912 mm (± 5 mm) and a distance from seal edge to the end of the neck of 454,3 mm (± 5 mm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7011200040Glass face-plate:with a diagonal measurement of 366,4 mm (± 1,5 mm) and of dimensions of 246,4 × 315,4 mm (± 1,5 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 391 mm (± 1,5 mm) and of dimensions of 261,4 × 326,8 mm (± 1,5 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 442 mm (± 1,5 mm) and of dimensions of 293,4 × 369,2 mm (± 1,5 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 544,5 mm (± 1,6 mm) and of dimensions of 358 × 454 mm (± 1,6 mm), having a cylindrical curvature,with a diagonal measurement of 570,5 mm (± 1,6 mm) and of dimensions of 360 × 486 mm (± 1,6 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 629,8 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 406,5 × 519 mm (± 2 mm), having a cylindrical curvature, orwith a diagonal measurement of 753 mm (± 1,6 mm) and of dimensions of 471 × 640 mm (± 1,6 mm),and with a raised edge, for the manufacture of colour cathode-ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7011200075Glass face-plate:with a diagonal measurement of 604,5 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 340 × 541 mm (± 2 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 639,3 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 413,6 × 527 mm (± 2 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 708 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 404 × 633 mm (± 2 mm),with a diagonal measurement of 723 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 477 × 602 mm (± 2 mm), orwith a diagonal measurement of 812,8 mm (± 3 mm) and of dimensions of 463,8 × 725,5 mm (± 2 mm),having a cylindrical curvature, for the manufacture of colour cathode-ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7011200080Glass bulb for monochrome cathode-ray tube, of a diagonal measurement of 3,8 cm or more but not exceeding 51 cm and a nominal neck diameter of 13 mm, 20 mm, 29 mm or 37 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7014000010Optical elements of glass (other than those of heading 7015), not optically worked, other than signalling glassware01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120010Rovings, measuring 2600 tex or more but not more than 3300 tex and of a loss on ignition of 4 % or more but not exceeding 8 % by weight (as determined by the ASTM D 2584-94 method)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120015Rovings, measuring 650 tex or more but not more than 2500 tex, coated with a layer of polyurethane whether or not mixed with other materials01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120030Rovings, measuring 1693 tex (± 10 %), coated with a layer of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120040Rovings, measuring 2040 tex (± 10 %), coated with carbon01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120050Rovings, measuring 392 tex or more but not more than 2884 tex, coated with a layer of an acrylic copolymer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120060Rovings, measuring 517 tex or more but not more than 3569 tex, coated with a layer of paraffin01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019120070Rovings, measuring 417 tex or more but not more than 3180 tex, coated with a layer of poly(sodium acrylate) and poly(acrylic acid)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019191010Yarn of 33 tex or a multiple thereof (± 7,5 %), obtained from continuous spun-glass filaments of a nominal diameter of 3,5 μm or of 4,5 μm, in which filaments of a diameter of 3 μm or more but not exceeding 5,2 μm predominate, other than those treated so as to improve their adhesion to elastomers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019191030Yarn of 22 tex (± 7,5 %), obtained from continuous spun-glass filaments of a nominal diameter of 5 μm, in which filaments of a diameter of 4,2 μm or more but not exceeding 5,8 μm predominate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019191040Yarn of 33, 34 or 51 tex or a multiple thereof (± 7,5 %), obtained from continuous spun-glass filaments of a nominal diameter of 6 μm, in which filaments of a diameter of 5,1 μm or more but not exceeding 6,9 μm predominate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019191050Yarn of E-glass of 68 or 74 tex (± 7 %), obtained from continuous spun-glass filaments of a nominal diameter of 9 μm, in which filaments of a diameter of 8,1 μm or more but not exceeding 9,9 μm predominate, for the manufacture of woven fabrics for electrical laminates (prepregs)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019390030Sheet, consisting of a layer of glass fibres and polypropylene, containing by weight 40 % or more but not more than 60 % of glass fibres of a length of 12,7 mm (± 0,2 mm) and a diameter of 16 μm (± 1 μm), covered on one side with a plastic film and on the other side with a plastic layer, of a total thickness not exceeding 1 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019390040Sheet, consisting of chopped glass fibres and thermoplastic polymer, containing by weight 30 % or more but not more than 70 % of glass fibres of a diameter of 16 μm (+/- 1 μm), whether or not covered on one or both sides with a protective plastic layer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019901010Non-textile glass fibres in which fibres of a diameter of less than 4,6 μm predominate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019901020Non-textile E-glass fibres, of a length not exceeding 3 mm and a diameter of 5 μm, for the manufacture of catalysts for the purification of smokes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019909910Glass cord impregnated with rubber or plastic, obtained from twisted glass filament yarns, coated with a latex comprising at least a resorcinol-formaldehyde resin and chlorosulfonated polyethylene01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019909920Glass cord impregnated with rubber or plastic, obtained from twisted glass filament yarns, coated with a latex comprising at least a resorcinol-formaldehyde-vinylpyridine resin and an acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7019909930High modulus glass cord (K) impregnated with rubber, obtained from twisted high modulus glass filament yarns, coated with a latex comprising a resorcinol-formaldehyde resin with or without vinylpyridine and/or hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR)01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7116209010Disc of silicon on sapphire01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
72025000Ferro-silico-chromium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7202998010Ferro-silicon, nitrided, containing by weight 55 % or more of silicon and 25 % or more of nitrogen01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7409190010Sheet or plate of polytetrafluoroethylene, with aluminium oxide or titanium dioxide as a filler or reinforced with glass-fibre fabric, laminated on both sides with copper foil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7410210010Sheet or plate of polytetrafluoroethylene, containing aluminium oxide or titanium dioxide as filler or reinforced with glass-fibre fabric, covered on both sides with copper foil01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7410210040Sheet or platesconsisting of a central layer of paper, laminated on each side with glass-fibre fabric and impregnated with epoxide resin, orconsisting of multiple layers of paper, impregnated with phenolic resin, coated on one or both sides with a copper film with a maximum thickness of 0,15 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex74199900ex761699909160Disc (target) with deposition material, consisting of molybdenum silicide:containing 1 mg/kg or less of sodium andmounted on a copper or aluminium support01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex74199900ex761699909270Disc (target) with deposition material, of tungsten or an alloy containing by weight 90 % of tungsten and 10 % of titanium:containing 100 μg/kg or less of sodium andmounted on a copper or aluminium support01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex74199900ex761699909380Disc (target) with deposition material, of titanium:containing 50 μg/kg or less of sodium andmounted on a copper or aluminium support01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7605190010Not alloyed aluminium wire, of a diameter of 2 mm or more but not exceeding 6 mm, covered with a layer of copper of a thickness of 0,032 mm or more but not exceeding 0,117 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7606111020Tape of not alloyed aluminium, with a reflecting film, a transparent polyurethane topcoat, a netting and ceramic anti-skid particles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex76061191ex760611932020Strip with depth-etching, of band-anodic oxidation treated aluminium of a purity by weight of 99,9 % and a thickness of less than 3 mm, for incorporation in bodies for motor vehicles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex76130000ex870899982010Aluminium container, seamless, for compressed natural gas or compressed hydrogen, wholly embedded in an overwrap of epoxy-carbon fibres composite, of a capacity of 172 l (± 10 %) and an unfilled weight not exceeding 64 kg01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7616999015Honeycomb aluminium blocks of the type used in the manufacture of aircraft parts01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7616999050Discs of aluminium alloy, of a thickness not exceeding 0,84 mm, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 8523201001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex7905000010Plate of an alloy of zinc, ground and polished on one surface and coated with an epoxide resin on the other surface, of rectangular or square shape, of a length of 300 mm or more but not exceeding 2000 mm and of a width of 300 mm or more but not exceeding 1000 mm, and containing:10 mg/kg or less of iron,10 mg/kg or less of lead,700 mg/kg or more but not more than 900 mg/kg of aluminium and500 mg/kg or more but not more than 900 mg/kg of magnesium,for the manufacture of sensitised printing plates01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8103909010Welded tube solely of tantalum, or solely of an alloy of tantalum with tungsten containing by weight 3,5 % or less of tungsten01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
81041100Unwrought magnesium, containing at least 99,8 % by weight of magnesium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8104900010Ground and polished magnesium sheets, of dimensions not exceeding 1500 × 2000 mm, coated on one side with an epoxy resin insensitive to light01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8104900020Sections, of extruded magnesium, of a length of 800 mm or more but not exceeding 2900 mm and a width of 15 mm or more but not exceeding 70 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8108200010Titanium sponge01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8108300010Waste and scrap of titanium and titanium alloys, except those containing by weight 1 % or more but not more than 2 % of aluminium01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8108905010Alloy of titanium and aluminium, containing by weight 1 % or more but not more than 2 % of aluminium, in sheets or rolls, of a thickness of 0,49 mm or more but not exceeding 3,1 mm, of a width of 1000 mm or more but not exceeding 1254 mm, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 8714190001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8108905020Alloy of titanium, aluminium and vanadium, containing by weight 2,5 % or more but not more than 3,5 % of aluminium and 2,0 % or more but not more than 3,0 % of vanadium, in sheets or rolls, of a thickness of 0,6 mm or more but not exceeding 0,9 mm, of a width not exceeding 1000 mm, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 8714190001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8109200010Non-alloy zirconium, in the form of ingots, containing by weight more than 0,01 % of hafnium, for use in the manufacture of tubes for the chemical industry01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8110100010Antimony in the form of ingots01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8112190010Beryllium, of a purity by weight of 94 % or more, in the form of bars, plates and sheets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8112993010Alloy of niobium (columbium) and titanium, in the form of bars and rods01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8305200010Staples of a width of 12 mm (± 1 mm) and a depth of 8 mm (± 1 mm) for use in copiers and printers01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8309909010Aluminium can ends with so-called "ring pull" full aperture with a diameter of 136,5 mm (± 1 mm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8401300020Non-irradiated hexagonal fuel modules (elements) for use in nuclear reactors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8407310010Two stroke internal combustion engine, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 30 cm3 for use in the manufacture of portable motorised scooters falling within subheading 8711100001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8407901020Two-stroke internal combustion engines, having a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cm3, for the manufacture of lawnmowers of subheading 84331101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8408904120Diesel engines of a power not exceeding 15 kW, with 2 or 3 cylinders, for use in the manufacture of vehicle mounted temperature control systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8408904320Diesel engines of a power not exceeding 30 kW, with 4 cylinders, for use in the manufacture of vehicle mounted temperature control systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414308920Vehicle air conditioning system part, consisting of an open shaft reciprocating compressor of a power exceeding 0,4 kW but not exceeding 10 kW01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414308920Vehicle air conditioning system part, consisting of an open shaft reciprocating compressor of a power exceeding 0,4 kW but not exceeding 10 kW01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414592020Axial fan of 170 mm (± 10 mm) diameter and 50 mm (± 0,10 mm) height, for use in the manufacture of products of CN 852501.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414900020Aluminium pistons, partially covered with polytetrafluoroethylene, for incorporation into compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414900030Pressure-regulating system, for incorporation into compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8414900040Drive part, for compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8418999091Welded cooling micro-elements, of an alloy of aluminium, for the manufacture of condensers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8419190010Heat accumulator for motor vehicles, of a coolant capacity of 4 l or more but not exceeding 10 l01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8419899810Immersion-tube (coils) bundles, consisting of an assembly of plastic tubes terminating at each end in a honeycomb-structure (end-fitting) surrounded by a pipe-connector01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8421990091Parts of equipment, for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting of a bundle of hollow fibres of artificial plastic material with permeable walls, embedded in a block of artificial plastic material at one end and passing through a block of artificial plastic material at the other end, whether or not housed in a cylinder01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8421990093Components of separators for the separation or purification of gases from gas mixtures, consisting of a bundle of permeable hollow fibres enclosed within a container, whether or not perforated, of an overall length of 300 mm or more but not exceeding 3700 mm and a diameter not exceeding 500 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8421990095Parts of equipment for the filtration of magnetic dispersions, consisting essentially of nylon-6 fibres, enclosed in a plastic casing of a diameter of 70 mm (± 2 mm) and a length of 520 mm (± 5 mm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex84223000ex847989971030Machines and apparatus, other than injection moulding machines, for the manufacture of ink-jet printer cartridges01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex84399910ex843999901010Suction-roll shells, not drilled, in the form of alloy-steel tubes, of a length of 5207 mm or more and an external diameter of 754 mm or more, for use in machinery for making paper or paperboard01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8454301010Casting machines for casting under pressure of metal alloys in thixotropic (semi-solid) form01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8455900010Helical turn device for cold-rolling mill01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8456109010Machine-tool operating by laser beam, for the cutting of slots on the surface of a cylindrical tube for use in the manufacture of endo-vascular prosthesis (so-called "stents")01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8473401920Thermal printer head01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8477809910Machines for casting or for surface modification of plastic membranes of heading 392101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex84798997ex850110992078Motor, whether or not mounted on a baseplate, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 85252020 or 8527902001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8481805910Air control valve, consisting of a stepping motor and a valve pintle, for the regulation of idle air flow in fuel injection engines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8483109520Integrally forged and roughly shaped generator and turbine shafts of a weight exceeding 215 tonnes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8483405120Gear box, having a differential with wheel axle, for use in the manufacture of self-propelled lawnmowers with a seat of subheading 8433115101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex84834059ex848340902020Hydrostatic speed changer, having a hydro pump and a differential with wheel axle, for use in the manufacture of self-propelled lawnmowers with a seat of subheading 8433115101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109954DC motor, brushless, with an external diameter not exceeding 25,4 mm, a rated speed of 2260 (± 15 %) or 5420 (± 15 %) rpm, a supply voltage of 1,5 or 3 V01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109959DC stepping motor, with an angle of step of 1,8o0,09o), a holding torque of 0,156 Nm or more, a coupling flange the exterior dimensions of which do not exceed 43 × 43 mm, a chuck of a diameter of 4 mm (± 0,1 mm), a two-phase winding and an output not exceeding 5 W01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109973DC motor, whether or not mounted on a baseplate, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 8471705001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109977DC motor, with brushes, with a typical running torque of 0,004 Nm (±0,001 Nm), with a coupling flange of a diameter of 32 mm (±0,5 mm) and a chuck of a diameter of 2 mm (±0,004 mm), with an internal rotor, a three-phase winding, a rated speed of 2800 (±10 %) rpm and a supply voltage of 12 V (±15 %)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109979DC motor with brushes and an internal rotor with a three-phase winding, of a specified temperature range covering at least -20 oC to + 70 oC01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109981DC stepping motor, with an angle of step of 18o or more, a holding torque of 0,5 mNm or more, a coupling bracket the exterior dimensions of which do not exceed 22 x 68 mm, a two phase winding and an output not exceeding 5 W01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109982DC motor, brushless, with an external diameter not exceeding 29 mm, a rated speed of 1500 (±15 %) or 6800 (±15 %) rpm, a supply voltage of 2 or 8 V01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8501109983Multiphase DC motor, blushless, of a continuous output of 31W (+/- 5 W) calculated with 600 rpm, equipped with electronic circuit with sensor using Hall effect (electric power steering motor)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8502400020Rotary converter, with a ferrite core, having coils with 2 or 6 windings and a diameter of 0,1 mm, connected to a flexible printed circuit01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85030091ex850300993132Rotor, at the innerside provided with one or two magnetic rings whether or not incorporated in a steel ring01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8503009931Stamped collector of an electric motor, having an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504409020Direct current to direct current converter01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504409030Static converter comprising a power switch with insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), contained in a housing, for use in the manufacture of microwave ovens of subheading 8516500001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504509520Inductor with an inductance not exceeding 62 mH01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504509530Multilayer monolithic inductors, contained in a housing of the SMD (surface mounted device) type the exterior dimensions of which do not exceed 1,8 x 3,4 mm, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 85171100, 85252020 or 8527902001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504901110Ferrite cores, other than for deflection yokes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8504901832Part of a rotary transformer, comprising a ferrite core provided with circular grooves with copper wire windings01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505110031Ferrite magnet having a remanence of 455 mT (±15 mT)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505110033Magnets consisting of an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, either in the shape of a rounded rectangle with measurements not exceeding 15 × 10 × 2 mm, or in the shape of disc with a diameter not exceeding 90 mm, whether or not containing a hole in the centre01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505110033Magnets consisting of an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, either in the shape of a rounded rectangle with measurements not exceeding 15 × 10 × 2 mm, or in the shape of disc with a diameter not exceeding 90 mm, whether or not containing a hole in the centre01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505199031Neodymium-ferro ring with an external diameter not exceeding 13 mm, an internal diameter not exceeding 9 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505199032Magnet, for use in the manufacture of deflection yokes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505200020Electromagnetic wrap spring clutch with a diameter not exceeding 40 mm, for use in the manufacture of copiers and printers, including multi-functional copiers01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505200030Electromagnetic clutch, for use in the manufacture of compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505901091Solenoid with a plunger, operating at a nominal supply voltage of 24 V at a nominal DC of 0,08 A, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 851701.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8505901092Electro-mechanical throttle plate actuator for automotive engines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8506509010Lithium iodine single cell battery the dimensions of which do not exceed 9 × 23 × 45 mm and a voltage not exceeding 2,8 V01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8506509020Unit consisting of not more than 2 lithium batteries embedded in a socket for integrated circuits (battery-buffered socket), with not more than 32 connections and incorporating a control circuit01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8506509030Lithium-iodine or lithium-silver vanadium oxide single cell battery of dimensions not exceeding 28 x 45 x 15 mm and a capacity of not less than 1,05 Ah01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85073020ex85078020ex85078030ex8507808020202020Rectangular accumulator, with a length not exceeding 69 mm, a width not exceeding 36 mm and a thickness not exceeding 12 mm, for use in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8507302030Cylindrical nickel-cadmium accumulator, with a length of 65,3 mm (±1,5 mm) and a diameter of 14,5 mm (±1 mm), having a nominal capacity of 1000 mAh or more, for use in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8507802030Cylindrical nickel-hydride accumulator, of a diameter not exceeding 14,5 mm, for the manufacture of rechargeable batteries01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8507803030Cylindrical lithium-ion accumulator, with a length of 64,6 mm or more and a diameter of 18,1 mm or more, having a nominal capacity of 1200 mAh or more, for use in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8516900031Dual diode, consisting of a power rectifying diode connected with a transformer protector diode through a wire, with a peak reverse power rate of 2 J or more, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 8516500001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8516900033Stainless steel soleplate with heating wire, for use in the manufacture of electric irons01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8518299520Loudspeaker having a power of 5 W and an impedance of 4 ohms, with a diameter not exceeding 50 mm, for use in the manufacture of portable phones01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8518309520Headphone and earphone for hearing aids, contained in a housing the exterior dimensions of which, excluding connecting points, do not exceed 5 × 6 × 8 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8518408120Audio-frequency amplifier unit, comprising at least an audio-frequency amplifier, a static converter and a sound generator, for the manufacture of active loudspeaker boxes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8518900091Integrally cold-upsetted steel coreplate, in the form of a disk on one side provided with a cylinder, for use in the manufacture of loudspeakers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8520900020Drive-unit capable of magnetooptical signal recording and optical signal reproducing, comprising at least an optical unit, DC motors and a printed circuit on which are mounted integrated circuits providing drive and signal processing functions for reading optical discs having an external diameter not exceeding 70 mm, not comprising circuits with amplification functions or power supply drive functions01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522904940Optical unit consisting of a laser diode with one photodiode, emitting light of a nominal wavelength of 780 nm, contained in a housing with a diameter of not more than 10 mm and a height of not more than 9 mm, with not more than 10 connections01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522904950Electronic assembly for a laser read-head of a compact disc player, comprising:a printed circuit,a photo-detector, in the form of a monolithic integrated circuit, contained in a housing,not more than 3 connectors,not more than 1 transistor,not more than 3 variable and 4 fixed resistors,not more than 5 capacitors,the whole mounted on a support01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522904960Printed circuit board mounted with electronic circuits operating at a voltage of 12 V, for use in the manufacture of television sets combined with video units01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522904970Assembly, comprising at least a flexible printed circuit, a laser driver integrated circuit and a signal converter integrated circuit01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908030Thin-film recording and reproducing device, having at least 9 parallel channels for digital signals and at least 2 channels for analogue signals, to which a non-magnetic ceramic substrate is fixed, the whole rounded at one side, for use in the manufacture of magnetic heads for digital sound recording and digital/analogue sound reproducing apparatus of the cassette-type01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908035Cassette-deck sub-assembly for sound recording and reproducing apparatus, for use in the manufacture of telephone answering machines01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908040Sound reproducing assembly, comprising a tape deck mechanism of the cassette type, comprising a DC motor, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 851901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908045Roll for magnetic tape guiding and winding, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 8521 or 852201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908050Magnetic head for erasing video tapes, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 8521 or 852201.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908055Assembly consisting of a driver circuit, a tacho-sensor and a brushless DC motor01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908060Analogue sound recording and reproducing assembly, comprising a record/playback head and a twin tape deck mechanism of the cassette type, not comprising circuits with amplification functions or power supply drive functions, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 85273191 and 8527319801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908065Assembly for optical discs, comprising at least an optical unit and DC motors, capable or not of double layer recording01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908070Video tape recording/reproducing assembly comprising at least a motor and a printed circuit board containing integrated circuits with driver or control functions, whether or not incorporating a transformer, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908075Optical reading head for CD player, consisting of one laser diode, one photodetector integrated circuit and one beam splitter01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85229080ex854890908045Laser optical drive unit assembly (so called mecha units) for the recording and/or reproduction of digital video and/or audio signals, comprising at least a laser optical reading and/or writing unit, one or more DC motors and not containing a printed circuit board or containing a printed circuit board not capable of signal processing for sounds and images, for use in the manufacture of products falling within headings 8519, 8520, 8521, 8526, 8527, 8528 or 854301.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908085Video head drum, with video heads or with video and audio heads and an electric motor, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852101.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8522908090Magnetic head for playback of audio tapes, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 851901.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8525309020Assembly for television cameras of dimensions not exceeding 10 × 15 × 18 mm, comprising an image sensor, an objective and a color processor, having an image resolution not exceeding 1024 × 1280 pixel, whether or not fitted with cable and/or housing, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 8525202001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8525309030Compact chassis-type closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, of a weight of not more than 250 g, contained in a housing of dimensions not exceeding 50 × 60 × 89,5 mm, with a single sensor charge-couple device (CCD), with effective pixels not exceeding 440000, for use in CCTV surveillance systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8528219020Liquid crystal display colour video monitor having a DC input voltage of 10 V or more but not exceeding 30 V or a fix DC input voltage of 12 V, with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 33,2 cm or less, suitable for the incorporation into goods of Chapters 84 to 90 and 9401.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8528220010Video monitor comprising:a flat screen monochrome cathode-ray tube with a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 110 mm and equipped with a deflector yoke, anda printed circuit on which are mounted a deflection unit, a video-amplifier and a transformer,the whole mounted or not on a chassis, for the manufacture of video entry-phones, video telephones or surveillance apparatus01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108520Ceramic filter package comprising 2 ceramic filters and 1 ceramic resonator for a frequency of 10,7 MHz (± 30 kHz), contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108525Ceramic filter for a centre frequency of 10,7 MHz, with a bandwidth not exceeding 330 kHz at 3 dB and not exceeding 950 kHz at 20 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108530Ceramic filters for frequencies of 4,5 MHz or more but not exceeding 6,6 MHz contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108535Ceramic filter for a centre frequency of 450 kHz or more but not exceeding 470 kHz, with a bandwidth not exceeding 13 kHz at 3 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108540Ceramic filter for a frequency of 450 kHz, with a bandwidth not exceeding 18 kHz at 10 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108545Ceramic filter for a centre frequency of 455 kHz (± 1,5 kHz), with a bandwidth not exceeding 25 kHz at 6 dB and not exceeding 60 kHz at 40 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108550Ceramic filter for a centre frequency of 450 kHz (± 1,5 kHz) or 455 kHz (± 1,5 kHz), with a bandwidth not exceeding 30 kHz at 6 dB and not exceeding 70 kHz at 40 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108555Radio frequency (RF) signal isolator for frequencies of 890 MHz or more but not exceeding 1990 MHz, having an insertion loss not exceeding 0,7 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108560Filters, excluding surface acoustic wave filters, for a centre frequency of 485 MHz or more but not exceeding 1990 MHz with an insertion loss not exceeding 3,5 dB, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108565Ceramic filter package, excluding surface acoustic wave filters, consisting of:a transmit filter with a centre frequency of 1747,5 MHz and an insertion loss not exceeding 2,3 dB at a bandwidth of 75 MHzanda receive filter with a centre frequency of 1842,5 MHz and an insertion loss not exceeding 3,3 dB at a bandwidth of 75 MHz,the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529108570Ceramic filter package, excluding surface acoustic wave filters, comprising 2 filters with one of the following combinations of characteristics:a transmit centre frequency of 902,5 MHz, a receive centre frequency of 947,5 MHz and an insertion loss not exceeding 3,2 dB at a bandwidth of 25 MHzora transmit centre frequency of 1747,5 MHz, a receive centre frequency of 1842,5 MHz and an insertion loss not exceeding 3,5 dB at a bandwidth of 75 MHz,the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529109920Antenna switch, comprising:a transmit filter with a centre frequency of 942,5 MHz or more but not exceeding 1990 MHz anda receive filter with a centre frequency of 847,5 MHz or more but not exceeding 1990 MHz,the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85299060ex854890903044Parts of TV-apparatus, having microprocessor and video-processor functions, comprising at least a micro-controller and a video-processor, mounted on a leadframe and contained in a plastic housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529906040Analogue sound recording and reproducing assembly, comprising a record/playback head, a single tape deck mechanism of the cassette type, a spindle electric motor, a rotation direction change mechanism and a chassis01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529906050Tuner transforming high-frequency signals into mid-frequency signals, for use in the manufacture of television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908132Optical unit for video projection, comprising a colour separation system, a positioning mechanism and lenses, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908134Assembly consisting of a lens unit, having an adjustable focal length of 4 mm or more but not exceeding 69 mm and comprising a zoom encoder, a stepping motor unit, a zoom motor unit, an iris motor unit and a photo interrupter01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908135Video recording and reproducing assembly, comprising a tape deck mechanism of the cassette type, comprising a DC motor, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852501.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908136Assembly consisting of a monochrome cathode-ray tube with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 143 mm or more but not exceeding 230 mm and a concave focus lens mounted on a liquid-filled cooling armature01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85299081ex852990953740Filter, consisting of 2 piezo-electric crystals each with a frequency of 21 MHz or more but not exceeding 30 MHz and seperately mounted on a bracket, with not more than 7 connections01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908140Assembly comprising prisms, digital micromirror device (DMD) chips and electronic control circuits, for the manufacture of television projection equipments or video projectors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908141Digital micromirror device (DMD)-chips, for use in the manufacture of video projectors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908142Heat sinks and cooling fins of aluminium, for maintaining the operating temperature of transistors and integrated circuits in television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908143Plasma display module incorporating only address and display electrodes, with or without driver and/or control electronics for pixel address only and with or without a power supply01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908144LCD modules, solely consisting of one or more TFT glass or plastic cells, not combined with touch screen facilities, with or without backlight unit, with or without inverters and one or more printed circuit boards with control electronics for pixel addressing only01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529908145Integrated circuit package with TV reception functionality containing a channel decoder die, tuner die, power management die, GSM filters and discrete as well as embedded passive circuit elements for reception of digitally broadcasting videosignals of DVB-T and DVB-H formats01.7.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8529909550Video tape recording/reproducing assembly comprising at least a motor and a printed circuit board containing integrated circuits with driver or control functions, mounted on a printed circuit board containing at least integrated circuits for controlling the tape deck mechanism functions, video recording functions and TV-signal processing functions, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8531809520Indicator lamp, consisting of 4 light-emitting diodes made from silicon-cardide (SiC) semiconductor material, operating at a nominal wavelength of 481, 560 or 630 nm, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8531809530Indicator lamp, consisting of 2 light-emitting diodes made from aluminium-gallium-arsenic (AlGaAs) or gallium-phosphor (GaP) semiconductor material, having a rectangular base, contained in a housing of the SMD (surface mounted device) type and having a lens01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8531809540Electro-accoustic transducer01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8531809550An electromagnetic display, consisting of 7 electromagnetic coils which by means of the residual magnetism in the stators provide that the last indication remains available (set state), and 7 pivoting light-reflecting segments each of which is attached to a bar magnet; assembly comprising such displays01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85363030ex85363090ex85365080113196Thermo-electric switch with a cut-off current of 50 A or more, comprising a snap action switch, for direct mounting on an electric motor coil, contained in a hermetically sealed housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85364110ex85364190ex85364900919191Thermal relays contained in a hermetically sealed glass cartridge not exceeding 35 mm in length excluding wires, with a maximum leakage rate of 10-6 cm3 He/sec at one bar in the temperature range 0 to 160 oC, to be incorporated into compressors for refrigerating equipment01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536501131Switch of the printed circuit mount type, operating at a force of 4,9 N (±0,9 N), contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536501132Mechanical tact switch for connecting electronic circuits, operating at a voltage not exceeding 60 V and at a current strength not exceeding 50 mA, for use in the manufacture of television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536501532Rotary switch in form of a wheel with a diameter of between 15 and 16 mm and contacts for closing the circuit, for a rated voltage of 12 V at 50 mA01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536501991Hall effect switch, comprising 1 magnet, 1 Hall effect sensor and 2 capacitors, contained in a housing with 3 connections01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536501992Hydraulic pressure switch, incorporating a pressure sensitive snap action disc, operating at a supply voltage of 6 V or more but not exceeding 18 V01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85365019ex853650809397Devices, having adjustable controller and switching functions, comprising one ore more monolithic integrated circuits whether or not combined with semiconductor elements, mounted together on a leadframe and contained in a plastic housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536508093Switch unit for coaxial cable, comprising 3 electromagnetic switches, with a switching time not exceeding 50 ms and an actuating current not exceeding 500 mA at a voltage of 12 V01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536508095Reed switch having a switching power of 20 W or more within the range of 17 — 43 A.turn, in the form of a glass capsule, not containing mercury, the dimensions of which do not exceed 3 × 21 mm, for use in the manufacture of automotive airbag shock-sensors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536508098Mechanical push-button switch for connecting electronic circuits, operating at a voltage of 220 V or more but not exceeding 250 V and at a current strength not exceeding 5 A, for use in the manufacture of television sets01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536908592Metallic stamped frame with connections01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8536908593Contact element with a hold-force of more than 3 N, in the form of 2 rectangular plastic frames interconnected by electric conductors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85369085ex854449809410Elastomeric connector, of rubber or silicone, consisting of one or more conductor elements01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8537109992Touch sensitive screen panel, consisting of a conductive grid between two glass or plastic plates or sheets, fitted with electric conductors and connectors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8537109993Electronic control units for a voltage of 12 V, for use in the manufacture of vehicle mounted temperature control systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85371099ex854389979420Unit consisting of two junction field effect transistors contained in a dual leadframe housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85371099ex854389979525Unit consisting of two metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors contained in a dual leadframe housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8538909992Part of an electrothermal fuse, consisting of a tin coated copper wire attached to a cylindrical casing, the exterior dimensions of which do not exceed 5 × 48 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540111191Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, equipped with electron guns placed side by side (in-line technology) and with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 12 cm or more but not exceeding 26 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540111193Colour cathode-ray tube, equipped with one gun with three rays and with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 19 cm or more but not exceeding 26 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540111391Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, having a distance between stripes of the same colour of less than 0,42 mm and a diagonal measurement of the screen of 49 cm, for use in the manufacture of professional video monitors including security and medical monitor applications01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540111991Colour cathode-ray tube equipped with electron guns placed side by side (in-line technology), with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 85 cm or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540119131Colour cathode-ray tube with a screen width/height ratio of 16/9 and a diagonal measurement of the screen of 39,8 cm (± 0,3 cm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540120082Monochrome cathode-ray tube with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 250 mm or more but not exceeding 320 mm and an anode voltage of 18 kV or more but not exceeding 22 kV01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540120083Monochrome cathode-ray tube, with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 150 mm or more but not exceeding 182 mm, a neck diameter of less than 30 mm and an anode voltage of 25 kV or more but not exceeding 32 kV01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540120084Flat screen monochrome cathode-ray tube, with a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 102 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540208091Photomultiplier consisting of a photocathode tube with 9 dynodes, for light of a wavelength of 160 nm or more but not exceeding 930 nm, of a diameter not exceeding 14 mm and a height not exceeding 94 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85404000ex854060003131Colour cathode-ray tube with a dot mask, equipped with 3 electron guns placed side by side (in-line technology) or 1 gun with 3 rays, with a diagonal measurement of the screen of more than 72 cm and a distance of less than 0,5 mm between dots of the same colour01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85404000ex854060003232Colour cathode-ray tube with a dot mask, equipped with 3 electron guns placed side by side (in-line technology) or 1 gun with 3 rays, having a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 72 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540400033Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, having a distance between stripes of the same colour of less than 0,35 mm and a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 53 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540400034Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, having a distance between stripes of the same colour of less than 0,39 mm and a diagonal measurement of the screen of 33 cm or more but not exceeding 38 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540400035Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, having a distance between stripes of the same colour of less than 0,35 mm and a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 72 cm, for use in the manufacture of monitors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540400036Colour cathode-ray tube with a slit or slot mask, having a distance between stripes of the same colour of less than 0,30 mm and a diagonal measurement of the screen not exceeding 58 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85405000ex854060003133Flat screen monochrome cathode-ray tube, with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 142 mm or more but not exceeding 190 mm, a luminescence of 300 lumen or more but not exceeding 2000 lumen, a resolution of 0,06 mm or more but not exceeding 0,1 mm, phosphor types P1 or P22 or P53 or P55 or P56, an anode voltage of more than 34 kV, a focus voltage of more than 7 kV and a cathode current of 3 mA or more01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85405000ex854060003234Monochrome cathode-ray tube with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 176 mm or more but not exceeding 520 mm and a neck diameter not exceeding 21 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540710020Continuous wave magnetron with a fixed frequency of 2460 MHz, packaged magnet, probe output, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 8516500001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540890091Displays in the form of a tube consisting of a glass housing mounted on a board the dimensions of which do not exceed 300 mm × 350 mm excluding leads. The tube contains one or more rows of characters or lines arranged in rows, each character or line consisting of fluorescent or phosphorescent elements. These elements are mounted on a metallised base which is covered with fluorescent substances or phosphorescent salts which give off light when bombarded with electrons01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540890092Vacuum fluorescent display tube01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910031Electron gun, for use in the manufacture of colour cathode-ray tubes of subheading 85404000 with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 34 cm or more but not exceeding 39 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910032Electron gun of colour cathode-ray tubes with an anode voltage of 27,5 kV or more but not exceeding 36 kV01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910036Flat masks, with:I.-a width of 592,8 mm (+/- 0,5 mm)II.-a height of 463,1 mm (+/- 0,5 mm)III.-a thickness of 250 μm (+/- 10 μm)IV.-a width of the apertures in the centre of 180 μm (+/- 8 μm)V.-a width of the apertures at the edge of 210 μm (+/- 8 μm)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910092Slit or slot mask, excluding masks with continuously vertical slits, with a diagonal measurement of 39 cm or less01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910093Electron gun for the production of monochrome cathode-ray tubes with a diagonal measurement of the screen of 7,6 cm or more but not exceeding 30,5 cm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910096Assembly for cathode-ray tubes with 2 or more but not more than 6 coils, a plastic support and a metal fixing ring, for the adjustment of display sharpness and/or convergence01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910097Slit mask, consisting of continuously vertical slits measuring more than 275 mm in the length01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540910098Frame of molybdenum chrome steel, for use in the manufacture of cathode-ray tubes01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8540990091Anode, cathode or output part, or an assembly comprising these components (magnetron core tube), for the manufacture of magnetrons of subheading 8540710001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543190010Electron beam accelerator systems, with an operating voltage not exceeding 1,5 MV and a beam current not exceeding 70 mA01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899730Amplifier, consisting of active and passive elements mounted on a printed circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899735Radio frequency (RF) modulator, operating with a frequency range of 43 MHz or more but not exceeding 870 MHz, capable of switching VHF and UHF signals, consisting of active and passive elements mounted on a printed circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899740Rectifier assembly of power barrier diodes, consisting of 2 diodes with an average forward current not exceeding 600 A and a repetitive reverse peak voltage not exceeding 40 V, each contained in a housing and connected by a common cathode01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899745Piezo-electric crystal oscillator with a fixed frequency, within a frequency range of 1,8 MHz to 67 MHz, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899750Mechanical vibratory gyroscope driven by a 25 or 26 kHz oscillator, comprising a differential amplifier and a detector circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899755Opto-electronic circuit comprising one or more light-emitting diodes (LEDs), whether or not equipped with an integrated driving circuit, and one photodiode with amplifier circuit, whether or not with an integrated logic gate arrays circuit or one or more light-emitting diodes and at least 2 photodiodes with an amplifier circuit, whether or not with an integrated logic gate arrays circuit or other integrated circuits, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899760Oscillator, with a centre frequency of 20 GHz or more but not exceeding 42 GHz, consisting of active and passive elements not mounted on a substrate, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899765Audio recording and reproducing circuit, capable of stereo audio data storage and simultaneous record and playback, comprising 2 or 3 monolithic integrated circuits mounted on a printed circuit or a leadframe, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899770Overvoltage suppression assembly, comprising 8 diodes, having a reverse stand-off voltage not exceeding 4,5 V, a reverse leakage current not exceeding 10 μA, a peak pulse current not exceeding 30 A and a nominal capacitance of 50 pF, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899775Charged coupled device (CCD) scanner assembly, for a real-time film scanning system, having optical functions, illumination functions and signal processing functions01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899780Temperature compensated oscillator, comprising a printed circuit on which are mounted at least a piezo-electric crystal and an adjustable capacitor, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899785Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), other than temperature compensated oscillators, consisting of active and passive elements mounted on a printed circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543899790Fuel cell module consisting of:polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells in a housing with an integrated cooling system,a voltage monitoring unit and connections,for use in the manufacture of car propulsion systems01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543909520Stainless steel cathode in the form of a plate with a hanger bar, whether or not with plastic side strips01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8543909530Assembly of products falling within heading 8541 or 8542 mounted on a printed circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8544601010Anode cap cable, for use in the manufacture of fly back transformers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8545199020Carbon electrodes, for use in the manufacture of zinc-carbon batteries01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8545909001Cell and battery carbon, in the form of rods, with a length of 34 mm or more but not exceeding 160 mm and a diameter not exceeding 12 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8547101010Insulated fitting of ceramics, containing by weight 90 % or more of aluminium oxide, metallised, in the form of a hollow cylindrical body of an external diameter of 20 mm or more but not exceeding 250 mm, for the manufacture of vacuum interrupters01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909038Parts, for use in the manufacture or the repair of products falling within subheading 8517210001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909040Infrared signal receiver unit, consisting of a photodiode and at least an amplifier in the form of a monolithic integrated circuit, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909041Unit, consisting of a resonator operating within a frequency range of 1,8 MHz or more but not exceeding 40 MHz and a capacitor, contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex85489090ex911090004294Clock/calendar circuit, consisting of a printed circuit on which are mounted at least a quartz oscillator and a monolithic integrated circuit, the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909043Contact image sensor01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909047Unit consisting of two or more light emitting diode chips operating at a typical wavelength of 450 nm or more but not exceeding 660 nm, contained in a leadframe housing having a circular opening whose exterior dimensions without fittings — do not exceed 4 x 4 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909048Optical unit, consisting at least of a laserdiode and a photodiode operating at a typical wavelength of 635 nm or more but not exceeding 815 nm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8548909049LCD modules, solely consisting of one or more TFT glass or plastic cells, combined with touch screen facilities, with or without backlight unit, with or without inverters and one or more printed circuit boards with control electronics for pixel addressing only01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex8711100010Portable motorised scooter, presented unassembled or disassembled01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001109010Image reverser made up from an assembly of optical fibres01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001200010Material consisting of a polarising film, supported on one or both sides by transparent material01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900020Rear projection screen, comprising a Fresnel lens of plastic and a polarising sheet of plastic, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900025Lens of plastic, unmounted, having a focal length of 3,86 mm (±0,1 mm) and with a diameter not exceeding 8 mm, for use in the manufacture of compact disc players01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900030Optical fibre plate, for use in the manufacture of screens and photocathodes for image intensifiers01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900035Rear projection screen, comprising a lenticular plastic plate01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900040Prism for the splitting of light, unmounted, for use in the manufacture of charged-coupled image (CCD) cameras01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900045Rod of neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminium garnet (YAG) material, polished at both ends01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9001900050Lens of plastic, unmounted, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 9006400001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002110010Adjustable lens unit, having a focal length of 90 mm or more but not exceeding 180 mm and comprising a combination of between 4 and 8 glass or methacrylic lenses with a diameter of 120 mm or more but not exceeding 180 mm, each lens coated on at least one side with a magnesium fluoride layer, for use in the manufacture of video projectors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002110050Lens unit, having a focal length of 25 mm or more but not exceeding 150 mm, consisting of glass or plastic lenses, with a diameter of 60 mm or more but not exceeding 190 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002110060Optical element, comprising one or more mounted lenses of plastic, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 9006400001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002190010Lens unit, having a focal length of 24,96 mm (±0,1 mm), a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 16 mm, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 8517210001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002200010Filter, consisting of a plastic polarising membrane, a glass plate and a transparent protective film, mounted on a metal frame, for use in the manufacture of products falling within heading 852801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002900020Lens, mounted, having a fixed focal length of 3,8 mm (±0,19 mm) or 8 mm (±0,4 mm), with a relative aperture of F2.0 and a diameter not exceeding 33 mm, for use in the manufacture of charged-coupled (CCD) cameras01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002900030Optical unit, comprising 1 or 2 rows of optical glass fibres in the form of lenses and with a diameter of 0,85 mm or more but not exceeding 1,15 mm, embedded between 2 plastic plates01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002900040Lens and image gate assembly, for a real-time film scanning system, comprising a lens consisting of 9 or 11 elements and having an illumination function01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9002900050Lenses, mounted, for use in the manufacture of projection TV01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9006919010Parts, for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 9006400001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9013809010Polarisation insensitive fibre-optic isolator, operating at a wavelength of 1200 nm or more, contained in a cylindrical housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9013809020Optical switch, comprising at least one optical input and two optical outputs and with electrical connectors01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9017909020Thermal printer head, comprising at least 7168 heater elements mounted on 2 or more ceramic supports, the whole contained in a housing the exterior dimensions of which exceed 21 × 39 × 639 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9022300010X-ray tube with a target voltage of 4 kV or more but not exceeding 30 kV, a power not exceeding 9 W and a target current not exceeding 2 mA01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9027109010Sensor element for gas or smoke analysis in motor vehicles, essentially consisting of a zirconium-ceramic element in a metal housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex90318034ex903180383030Apparatus for measuring the angle and direction of rotation of motor vehicles, consisting of at least one yaw rate sensor in the form of a monocrystalline quartz, whether or not combined with one or more measuring sensors, the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9031803810Acceleration measurement device for automotive applications, comprising one or more active and/or passive elements and one or more sensors, the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9031803820Machines and apparatus for the automatic testing of the integrity of ink-jet cartridge housings01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9031908520Assembly for a laser align sensor, in the form of a printed circuit comprising optical filters and a charge-coupled image (CCD) sensor, the whole contained in a housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9032108120Thermostat, comprising a snap-action switch, for direct mounting on an electric motor coil, contained in a hermetically sealed housing01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9032890020Automotive airbag shock-sensor, comprising a contact capable of switching a current of 12 A at a voltage of 30 V, having a typical contact resistance of 80 mOhm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9032890030Electronic controller of eletric power steering (EPS controller)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9106901010Timer assembly, for use in the manufacture of goods of subheading 8516500001.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9110120091Assembly consisting of a printed circuit on which are mounted one quartz oscillator, at least one watch circuit and, whether or not integrated, at least one capacitor, of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex91109000ex911490009291Assembly consisting of a printed circuit on which is mounted a watch circuit or a watch circuit and a quartz oscillator, of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008'
ex9110900093Assembly consisting of a printed circuit on which is mounted at least one watch circuit, a quartz oscillator and a piezo-electric sound element, with a thickness exceeding 5 mm01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9405403510Electric light assembly of synthetic material containing 3 fluorescent tubes (RBG) of a diameter of 3,0 mm (±0,2 mm), of a length of 420 mm (±1 mm) or more, but not exceeding 600 mm (±1 mm), for the manufacture of goods of heading 852801.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9608910010Non-fibrous plastic pen-tips with an internal channel01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9608910020Felt tips and other porous-tips for markers, without internal canal01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9612101010Ribbons of plastic with segments of different colours, providing the penetration of dyes by heat into a support (so called dye-sublimation)01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008
ex9613900020Piezo-electric ignition mechanism, whether or not with complementary elements01.1.2006 to 31.12.2008