(a) the dimensions of motor vehicles in categories M 2 and M3 and their trailers in category O and motor vehicles in categories N2 and N3 and their trailers in categories O3 and O4 , as defined in Annex II to Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ;Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive) (OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1 ).(b) the weights and certain other characteristics of the vehicles defined in (a) and specified in Annex I (2) to this Directive.
Council Directive 96/53/EC of 25 July 1996 laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorized dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorized weights in international traffic
Modified by
- Directive 2002/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 18 February 2002amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic, 32002L0007, March 9, 2002
- Directive (EU) 2015/719 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 April 2015amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to to Directive (EU) 2015/719 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic(Official Journal of the European Union L 115 of 6 May 2015), 32015L071932015L0719R(04), May 6, 2015
- Decision (EU) 2019/984 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 5 June 2019amending Council Directive 96/53/EC as regards the time limit for the implementation of the special rules regarding maximum length for cabs delivering improved aerodynamic performance, energy efficiency and safety performance, 32019D0984, June 20, 2019
- Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 20 June 2019setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and amending Regulations (EC) No 595/2009 and (EU) 2018/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directive 96/53/EC(Text with EEA relevance), 32019R1242, July 25, 2019
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to to Directive (EU) 2015/719 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic, 32015L0719R(04), October 27, 2022
"motor vehicle" shall mean any power-driven vehicle which travels on the road by its own means, "trailer" shall mean any vehicle intended to be coupled to a motor vehicle excluding semi-trailers, and constructed and equipped for the carriage of goods, "semi-trailer" shall mean any vehicle intended to be coupled to a motor vehicle in such a way that part of it rests on the motor vehicle with a substantial part of its weight and of the weight of its load being borne by the motor vehicle, and constructed and equipped for the carriage of goods, "vehicle combination" shall mean either: a road train consisting of a motor vehicle coupled to a trailer; or an articulated vehicle consisting of a motor vehicle coupled to a semi-trailer,
"conditoned vehicle" shall mean any vehicle whose fixed or movable superstructures are specially equipped for the carriage of goods at controlled temperatures and whose side walls, inclusive of insulation, are each at least 45 mm thick, "bus" shall mean a vehicle with more than nine seats including the driver's seat, constructed and equipped to carry passengers and their luggage. It may have one or two decks and may also draw a luggage trailer, "articulated bus" shall mean a bus consisting of two rigid sections connected to each other by an articulated section. On this type of vehicle the passenger compartments in each of the two rigid sections shall be intercommunicating. The articulated section shall permit the free movement of travellers between the rigid sections. Connection and disconnection of the two sections shall be possible only in a workshop, "maximum authorized dimensions" shall mean the maximum dimensions for use of a vehicle, as laid down in Annex I to this Directive, "maximum authorized weight" shall mean the maximum weight for use of a laden vehicle in international traffic, "maximum authorized axle weight" shall mean the maximum weight for use in international traffic of a laden axle or group of axles, "indivisible load" shall mean a load that cannot, for the purpose of carriage by road, be divided into two or more loads without undue expense or risk of damage and which owing to its dimensions or mass cannot be carried by a motor vehicle, trailer, road train or articulated vehicle complying with this Directive in all respects, "tonne" shall mean the weight executed by the mass of a tonne and shall correspond to 9,8 kilonewtons (kN), "alternative fuels" shall mean fuels or power sources which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the energy supply to transport and which have the potential to contribute to its decarbonisation and enhance the environmental performance of the transport sector, consisting of: (a) electricity consumed in all types of electric vehicles; (b) hydrogen; (c) natural gas, including biomethane, in gaseous form (Compressed Natural Gas — CNG) and liquefied form (Liquefied Natural Gas — LNG); (d) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); (e) mechanical energy from on-board storage/on-board sources, including waste heat,
"alternatively fuelled vehicle" shall mean a motor vehicle powered wholly or in part by an alternative fuel and which has been approved under the framework of Directive 2007/46/EC, "zero-emission vehicle" shall mean a zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle as defined in point (11) of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council ,Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and amending Regulations (EC) No 595/2009 and (EU) 2018/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directive 96/53/EC (OJ L 198, 25.7.2019, p. 202 )."intermodal transport operation" shall mean: (a) the combined transport operations defined in Article 1 of Council Directive 92/106/EEC engaged in the transport of one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet; orCouncil Directive 92/106/EEC of 7 December 1992 on the establishment of common rules for certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States (OJ L 368, 17.12.1992, p. 38 ).(b) transport operations engaged in the transport of one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet, using waterborne transport, provided that the length of the initial or the final road leg does not exceed 150 km in the territory of the Union. The distance of 150 km referred to above may be exceeded in order to reach the nearest suitable transport terminal for the envisaged service in the case of: (i) vehicles complying with point 2.2.2(a) or (b) of Annex I; or (ii) vehicles complying with point 2.2.2(c) or (d) of Annex I, in cases where such distances are permitted in the relevant Member State.
For intermodal transport operations, the nearest suitable transport terminal providing a service may be located in a Member State other than the Member State in which the shipment was loaded or unloaded, "shipper" shall mean a legal entity or a natural or legal person who is named on the bill of lading or on an equivalent transport document, such as a "through" bill of lading, as the shipper and/or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage has been concluded with the transport company.
in international traffic, of vehicles registered or put into circulation in any other Member State for reasons relating to their weights and dimensions, in national traffic, of vehicles registered or put into circulation in any other Member State for reasons relating to their dimensions,
(a) the said vehicles are not in conformity with the requirements of that Member State with regard to certain weight and dimension characteristics not covered by Annex I; (b) the competent authority of the Member State in which the vehicles are registered or put into circulation has authorized limits not referred to in Article 4 (1) exceeding those laid down in Annex I.
(a) of vehicles or vehicle combinations for the national transport of goods which are not in conformity with the characteristics set out in points 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 4.2 and 4.4 of Annex I; (b) of vehicles for national passenger transport, which are not in conformity with the characteristics set out in points 1.1, 1.2, 1.4a, 1.5 and 1.5a of Annex I.
(a) of vehicles or vehicle combinations for the national transport of goods which are not in conformity with the characteristics set out in points 1.3, 2, 3, 4.1 and 4.3 of Annex I; (b) of vehicles for national passenger transport, which are not in conformity with the characteristics set out in points 1.3, 2, 3, 4.1 and 4.3 of Annex I.
(a) the transport operations are carried out in a Member State's territory by specialized vehicles or specialized vehicle combinations in circumstances in which they are not normally carried out by vehicles from other Member States, e.g. operations linked to logging and the forestry industry; (b) the Member State which permits transport operations to be carried out in its territory by vehicles or vehicle combinations with dimensions deviating from those laid down in Annex I also permits motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers which comply with the dimensions laid down in Annex I to be used in such combinations as to achieve at least the loading length authorized in that Member State, so that every operator may benefit from equal conditions of competition (modular concept).
(a) a combination of the following two plates: the "manufacturer's plate" established and attached in accordance with Directive 76/114/EEC ,OJ No L 24, 30.1.1976, p. 1 . Directive as amended by Commission Directive 78/507/EEC (OJ No L 155, 13.6.1978, p. 31 ).the plate relating to dimensions, in accordance with Annex III, established and attached in accordance with Directive 76/114/EEC;
(b) a single plate established and attached in accordance with Directive 76/114/EEC and containing the information on the two plates referred to in (a); (c) a single document issued by the competent authorities of the Member State in which the vehicle is registered or put into circulation. Such document shall bear the same headings and information as the plates referred to in (a). It shall be kept in a place easily accessible to inspection and shall be adequately protected.
as regards common standards on weights, to random checks, as regards common standards on dimensions, only to checks where there is a suspicion of non-compliance with this Directive.
(a) as regards the standards referred to in points 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.4 and 3.3.2 of Annex I: with the exception of the articulated vehicles referred to in point 2.2.2 where: (i) the total laden weight does not exceed 38 tonnes; (ii) the weight on any tri-axle at the spacing specified in point 3.3.2 does not exceed 22,5 tonnes,
with the exception of the vehicles referred to in points 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.3 and 2.4, where the total laden weight does not exceed: (i) 35 tonnes for the vehicles referred to in points 2.2.3 and 2.2.4; (ii) 17 tonnes for the vehicles referred to in point 2.3.1; (iii) 30 tonnes for the vehicles referred to in point 2.3.3, subject to compliance with the conditions specified in that point and in point 4.3; (iv) 27 tonnes for the vehicles referred to in point 2.4,
(b) as regards the standard referred to in point 3.4 of Annex I, with the exception of the vehicles referred to in points 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, where the weight per driving axle does not exceed 10,5 tonnes.
when the bus is stationary and has its steered wheels so directed that if the vehicle moved, its outermost forward point would describe a circle of 12,50 m in radius, a vertical plane tangential to the side of the vehicle which faces outwards from the circle must be established by marking a line on the ground. In the case of an articulated bus the two rigid portions must be aligned with the plane, when the bus moves forward on either side following the circle of 12,50 m in radius, no part of it may move outside the vertical plane by more than 0,80 m in the case of a rigid bus of up to 12 m in length or by more than 1,20 m in the case of either a rigid bus of over 12 m in length or an articulated bus.
(a) the secure attachment of the devices in such a way as to reduce the risk of their becoming detached over time, including during an intermodal transport operation; (b) the safety of other road users, especially vulnerable road users, by ensuring, inter alia, the visibility of contour markings when aerodynamic devices are fitted, by adapting the indirect vision requirements and, in the event of a collision with the rear of a vehicle or a vehicle combination, by not compromising rear underrun protection.
(a) in circumstances where the safety of other road users or of the driver is at risk, they shall be folded, retracted or removed by the driver; (b) their use on urban and inter urban road infrastructures shall take into account the special characteristics of areas where the speed limit is less than or equal to 50 km/h and where vulnerable road users are more likely to be present; and (c) their use shall be compatible with intermodal transport operations and, in particular, when retracted/folded, they shall not exceed the maximum authorised length by more than 20 cm.
(a) the improved aerodynamic performance of vehicles or vehicle combinations; (b) vulnerable road users, and improvement of their visibility to drivers, in particular by reducing drivers' blind spots; (c) the reduction in damage or injury caused to other road users in the event of a collision; (d) the safety and comfort of drivers.
(a) the shipper to give to the haulier to whom it entrusts the transport of a container or swap body a statement indicating the weight of the container or swap body transported; and (b) the haulier to provide access to all relevant documentation provided by the shipper.
(a) the number of checks carried out in the previous 2 calendar years; and (b) the number of overloaded vehicles or vehicle combinations detected.
1. | ||
1.1 | ||
— motor vehicle other than a bus 12,00 m | 12,00 m | |
— trailer | 12,00 m | |
— articulated vehicle | 16,50 m | |
— road train | 18,75 m | |
— articulated bus | 18,75 m | |
— bus with two axles | 13,50 m | |
— bus with more than two axles | 15,00 m | |
— bus + trailer | 18,75 m | |
1.2 | ||
(a) all vehicles except the vehicles referred to in point (b) | 2,55 m | |
(b) superstructures of conditioned vehicles or conditioned containers or swap bodies transported by vehicles | 2,60 m | |
1.3 | 4,00 m | |
1.4 | Removable superstructures and standardized freight items such as containers are included in the dimensions specified in points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 4.4 | |
1.4a | If any removable attachments such as ski-boxes are fitted to a bus, its length, including the attachments, must not exceed the maximum length laid down in point 1.1 | |
1.5 | Any motor vehicle or vehicle combination which is in motion must be able to turn within a swept circle having an outer radius of 12,50 m and an inner radius of 5,30 m | |
1.5a |
| |
1.6 | Maximum distance between the axis of the fifth-wheel king pin and the rear of a semi-trailer | 12,00 m |
1.7 | Maximum distance measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train from the foremost external point of the loading area behind the cabin to the rearmost external point of the trailer of the combination, minus the distance between the rear of the drawing vehicle and the front of the trailer | 15,65 m |
1.8 | Maximum distance measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train from the foremost external point of the loading area behind the cabin to the rearmost external point of the trailer of the combination | 16,40 m |
2. | ||
2.1 | ||
2.1.1 | Two-axle trailer | 18 tonnes |
2.1.2 | Three-axle trailer | 24 tonnes |
2.2 | ||
2.2.1 | ||
(a) two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle trailer | 40 tonnes | |
(b) three-axle motor vehicle with two or three-axle trailer | 40 tonnes | |
2.2.2 | ||
(a) two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle semi-trailer | 40 tonnes | |
(b) three-axle motor vehicle with two or three-axle semi-trailer | 40 tonnes | |
(c) three-axle motor vehicle with two- or three-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet | 44 tonnes | |
(d) two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet | 42 tonnes | |
2.2.3 | 36 tonnes | |
2.2.4 | || | is 1,3 m or greater but not more than 1,8 m | 36 tonnes | | is greater than 1,8 m | |
2.3 | ||
2.3.1 | Two-axle buses: 19,5 tonnes | |
2.3.2 | Three-axle motor vehicles | |
2.3.3 | Four-axle motor vehicles with two steering axles | |
2.4 | Three-axle articulated buses | |
3. | ||
3.1 |
| 10 tonnes |
3.2 |
| |
3.2.1 | less than 1 m (d < 1,0) | 11 tonnes |
3.2.2 | between 1,0 m and less than 1,3 m (1,0 ≤ d < 1,3) | 16 tonnes |
3.2.3 | between 1,3 m and less than 1,8 m (1,3 ≤ d < 1,8) | 18 tonnes |
3.2.4 | 1,8 m or more (1,8 ≤ d) | 20 tonnes |
3.3 |
| |
3.3.1 | 1,3 m or less (d ≤ 1,3) | 21 tonnes |
3.3.2 | over 1,3 m and up to 1,4 m (1,3 <d ≤ 1,4) | 24 tonnes |
3.4 | ||
3.4.1 | Driving axle of the vehicles referred to in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 | 11,5 tonnes |
3.4.2 | Driving axle of the vehicles referred to in points 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.3 and 2.4 | 11,5 tonnes |
3.5 |
| |
3.5.1 | less than 1 m (d < 1,0) | 11,5 tonnes |
3.5.2 | 16 tonnes | |
3.5.3 | ||
4. | ||
4.1 |
| |
4.2 |
| |
4.3 |
| |
4.4 |
(a) be driven at low speed (5 km/hr + 1 km/hr) over an 80 mm step with the profile shown in Figure 1. The transient oscillation to be analyzed for frequency and damping occurs after the wheels on the driving axle have left the step; or (b) be pulled down by its chassis so that the driving axle load is 1,5 times its maximum static value. The vehicle held down is suddenly released and the subsequent oscillation analyzed; or (c) be pulled up by its chassis so that the sprung mass is lifted by 80 mm above the driving axle. The vehicle held up is suddenly dropped and the subsequent oscillation analyzed; or (d) be subjected to other procedures insofar as it has been proved by the manufacturer, to the satisfaction of the technical department, that they are equivalent.
1. name of the manufacturer ;This information need not be repeated where the vehicle carries a single plate containing data on both weights and dimensions. 2. vehicle identification number ;This information need not be repeated where the vehicle carries a single plate containing data on both weights and dimensions. 3. length of the motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer (L); 4. width of the motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer (W); 5. data for the measurement of the length of vehicle combinations: the distance (a) between the front of the motor vehicle and the centre of the coupling device (coupling hook or fifth wheel); in the case of a fifth wheel with several coupling points, the minimum and maximum values must be given (a min and amax ),the distance (b) between the centre of the coupling device of the trailer (fifth wheel ring) or of the semi-trailer (kingpin) and the rear of the trailer or of the semi-trailer; in the case of a device with several coupling points, the minimum and maximum values must be given (b min and bmax ).
The length of vehicle combinations is the length of the motor vehicle and trailer or semi-trailer placed in a straight line behind each other.
Directive 83/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and certain other technical characteristics of certain road vehicles and its successive amendments: Directive 86/360/EEC Directive 88/218/EEC Directive 89/338/EEC Directive 89/460/EEC Directive 89/461/EEC Directive 91/60/EEC Directive 92/7/EEC
Directive 86/364/EEC relating to proof of compliance of vehicles with Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and certain other technical characteristics of certain road vehicles.
Directive | Deadline for transposition |
85/3/EEC ( | 1 July 1986 |
1 January 1990 | |
86/360/EEC ( | 1 January 1992 |
86/364/EEC ( | 29 July 1987 |
88/218/EEC ( | 1 January 1989 |
89/338/EEC ( | 1 July 1991 |
89/460/EEC ( | 1 January 1993 |
89/461/EEC ( | 1 January 1991 |
91/60/EEC ( | 30 September 1991 |
92/7/EEC ( | 31 December 1992 |
This Directive | 85/3/EEC | 86/360/EEC | 86/364/EEC | 88/218/EEC | 89/338/EEC | 89/460/EEC | 89/461/EEC | 91/60/EEC | 92/7/EEC |
Article 1 (1) | Article 1 (1) | ||||||||
Article 1 (1) (a) | — | ||||||||
Article 1 (1) (b) | Article 1 (1) (b) | ||||||||
Article 1 (2) | Article 1 (2) | ||||||||
Article 2 1st to 4th and 6th to 10th indents | Article 1 (2) | ||||||||
Article 2 5th, 11th and 12th indents | — | ||||||||
Article 2 last paragraph | — | ||||||||
Article 3 (1) | — | ||||||||
Article 3 (1) (a) (b) | Article 3 (1) (a) (b) | ||||||||
Article 3 (2) | Article 3 (2) | ||||||||
Article 3 (3) | — | ||||||||
Article 4 | — | ||||||||
Article 5 (a) | Article 1 (1) | ||||||||
Article 5 (b) | Article 1 (1) | ||||||||
Article 6 (1 to 4) | Article 1 (1 to 4) | ||||||||
Article 6 (5 to 6) | Article 2 (1 to 2) | ||||||||
Article 7 | Article 6 | ||||||||
Article 8 | Article 1 | ||||||||
Articles 9 to 12 | — | ||||||||
Article 13 | Article 9 | ||||||||
Annex I | Annex I | ||||||||
Point 1 | Point 1 | ||||||||
Point 1.1 1st to 3rd and 5th indent | Article 1 (2) | ||||||||
Point 1.1 4th indent | — | ||||||||
Point 1.2 (a) | — | ||||||||
Point 1.2 (b) | — | ||||||||
Point 1.3 to 1.5 | Point 1.3 to 1.5 | ||||||||
Point 1.6 | Article 1 (3) | ||||||||
Point 1.7 | Article 1 (3) | ||||||||
Point 1.8 | — | ||||||||
Point 2 to 2.2.1 (b) | Point 2 to 2.2.1 (b) | ||||||||
Point 2.2.2 (a to c) | Point 2.2.2 (a to c) | ||||||||
Point 2.2.3 Point | Article 1 (5) (b) | ||||||||
Point | Article 1 (1) (a) | ||||||||
Point 2.3 to 2.3.1 | Article 1 (5) (c) | ||||||||
Point 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 | Article 1 (1) (b to c) | ||||||||
Point 2.4 | Article 1 (5) (c) | ||||||||
Point 3 to 3.3.2 | Point 3 to 3.3.2 | ||||||||
Point 3.4 to 3.4.1 | Article 1 (3) | ||||||||
Point 3.4.2 to 3.5.2 | Article 1 (5) (d) | ||||||||
Point 3.5.3 | Article 1 (1) (d) | ||||||||
Point 4 to 4.2 | Point 4 to 4.2 | ||||||||
Point 4.3 | Article 1 (5) (e) | ||||||||
Point 4.4 | Article 1 (4) | ||||||||
Annex II | Annex III | ||||||||
Annex III | Annex |
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