Commission Regulation (EC) No 3015/95 of 19 December 1995 opening and providing for the administration of certain import quotas for sweet potatoes and manioc starch intended for certain uses for 1996
Modified by
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1031/96 of 7 June 1996 amending Regulation (EC) No 3015/95 opening and providing for the administration of certain import quotas for sweet potatoes and manioc starch intended for certain uses for 1996
April 1, 1996 article 1 Completion
April 1, 1996 article 10 Replacement
April 1, 1996 article 13.2 Completion
April 1, 1996 annex 2 Addition
April 1, 1996 title 2 Replacement
April 1, 1996 article 12 Replacement