Council Regulation (EC) No 2597/95 of 23 October 1995 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1638/2001of 24 July 2001amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2597/95 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic, 32001R1638, August 17, 2001
  • Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 32003R1882, October 31, 2003
  • Regulation (EC) No 216/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2009on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic (recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32009R0216, March 31, 2009
Council Regulation (EC) No 2597/95of 23 October 1995on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the CommissionOJ No C 329, 25. 11. 1994, p. 1.,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ No C 363, 19. 12. 1994, p. 60.,Whereas the European Community has acquired membership of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);Whereas the protocol established between the Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Communities provides for the Commission to supply FAO with the requested statistics;Whereas in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity the objectives of the proposed action can only be achieved on the basis of a Community legal act because only the Commission can coordinate the necessary harmonization of the statistical information at Community level while the collection of fishery statistics and the necessary infrastructure to process and monitor the reliability of these statistics is first and foremost the responsibility of the Member States;Whereas the specific method of drawing up the relevant Community statistics, which is based on the national statistical systems, requires particularly close cooperation between the Commission and the Member States, in particular within the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics set up by Decision 72/279/EECOJ No L 179, 7. 8. 1972, p. 1.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Each Member State shall submit to the Commission data on the nominal catches by vessels registered in or flying the flag of that Member State fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic, with due regard to Council Regulation (Euratom, EEC) No 1588/90 of 11 June 1990 on the transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European CommunitiesOJ No L 151, 15. 6. 1990, p. 1..The nominal catch data shall include all fishery products landed or transhipped at sea in no matter what form but shall exclude quantities which, subsequent to capture, are discarded at sea, consumed on board or used as bait on board. The data shall be recorded as the live weight equivalent of the landings or transhipment, to the nearest tonne.
Article 21.The data to be submitted shall be the nominal catches in each of the major fishing areas and subdivisions thereof as listed in Annex 1, described in Annex 2 and illustrated in Annex 3. For each of the major fishing areas the species for which data are required are listed in Annex 4.2.The data for each calendar year shall be submitted within six months of the end of the year.3.Where the Member State's vessels under Article 1 have not fished in a major fishing area in the calendar year, the Member State shall inform the Commission to this effect. However, where fishing has occurred in a major fishing area, submissions shall only be required for species/subdivision combinations for which catches were recorded in the annual period of the submission.4.The data for species of minor importance caught by the vessels of a Member State need not be individually identified in the submissions but may be included in an aggregated item provided that the weight of the products does not exceed 5 % of the total annual catch in that major fishing area.5.The lists of statistical fishing areas, or subdivisions thereof, and species may be amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 5.
Article 3Except where provisions adopted under the common fisheries policy dictate otherwise, a Member State shall be permitted to use sampling techniques to derive catch data for those parts of the fleet for which the complete coverage of the data would involve the excessive application of administrative procedures. The details of the sampling procedures, together with details of the proportion of the total data derived by such techniques, must be included by the Member State in the report submitted pursuant to Article 6 (1).
Article 4Member States shall fulfil their obligations pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 by submitting the data on magnetic medium, the format of which is given in Annex 5.With the prior approval of the Commission, Member States may submit data in a different form or on a different medium.
Article 51.The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee".2.Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/ECCouncil Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23). shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 61.Within twelve months of the entry into force of this Regulation, Member States shall submit a detailed report to the Commission describing how the data on catches are derived and specifying the degree of representativity and reliability of these data. The Commission shall draw up a summary of these reports for discussion within the competent Working Group of the Agricultural Statistics Committee.2.Member States shall inform the Commission of any modifications to the information provided under paragraph 1 within three months of their introduction.3.Where the methodological reports under paragraph 1 show that a Member State cannot immediately meet the requirements of this Regulation and that changes in survey techniques and methodology are necessary, the Commission may, in cooperation with the Member State within the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, set a transitional period of up to two years during which the programme of this Regulation is to be achieved.4.Methodological reports, transitional arrangements, data availability, data reliability and other relevant issues connected with the application of this Regulation shall be examined once a year within the competent Working Group of the Agricultural Statistics Committee.
Article 7This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply as from 1 January 1995.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX 1LIST OF THE FAO MAJOR FISHING AREAS AND SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF FOR WHICH DATA ARE TO BE SUBMITTED(The descriptions of these areas and subdivisions are to be found in Annex 2)
EASTERN CENTRAL ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 34)
34.1.1.Morocco coastal division
34.1.2.Canaries/Madeira insular division
34.1.3.Sahara coastal division
34.2.Northern oceanic sub-area
34.3.1.Cape Verde coastal division
34.3.2.Cape Verde insular division
34.3.3.Sherbro division
34.3.4.Western Gulf of Guinea division
34.3.5.Central Gulf of Guinea division
34.3.6.Southern Gulf of Guinea division
34.4.1.Southwest gulf of Guinea division
34.4.2.Southwest oceanic division
MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA (Major fishing area 37)
37.1.1.Balearic division
37.1.2.Gulf of Lions division
37.1.3.Sardinia division
37.2.1.Adriatic division
37.2.2.Ionian division
37.3.1.Aegean division
37.3.2.Levant division
37.4.1.Marmara Sea division
37.4.2.Black Sea division
37.4.3.Azov Sea division
SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 41)
41.1.1.Amazon division
41.1.2.Natal division
41.1.3.Salvador division
41.1.4.Northern oceanic division
41.2.1.Santos division
41.2.2.Rio Grande division
41.2.3.Platense division
41.2.4.Central Oceanic division
41.3.1.Northern Patagonian division
41.3.2.Southern Patagonian division
41.3.3.Southern oceanic division
SOUTHEAST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 47)
47.1.1.Cape Palmeirinhas division
47.1.2.Cape Salinas division
47.1.3.Cunene division
47.1.4.Cape Cross division
47.1.5.Orange River division
47.1.6.Cape of Good Hope division
47.2.1.Middle Agulhas division
47.2.2.Eastern Agulhas division
47.3.Southern oceanic sub-area
47.4.Tristan da Cunha sub-area
47.5.St Helena and Ascension sub-area
WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (Major fishing area 51)
51.1.Red Sea sub-area
51.2.Gulf sub-area
51.3.Western Arabian Sea sub-area
51.4.Eastern Arabian Sea, Laccadive and Sri Lanka sub-area
51.5.Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania sub-area
51.6.Madagascar and Mozambique Channel sub-area
51.7.Oceanic sub-area
51.8.1.Marion-Edward division
51.8.2.Zambesi division
ANNEX 2EASTERN CENTRAL ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 34)Annex 3A shows the boundaries and the sub-areas, divisions and subdivisions of the eastern central Atlantic (Major fishing area 34 (eastern central Atlantic)). A description of the area and its sub-areas, divisions and subdivisions follows. The eastern central Atlantic includes all the waters of the Atlantic bounded by a line drawn as follows:from a point on the high-water mark of North Africa at 5°36′ west longitude in a south-westerly direction following the high-water mark along this coast to a point at Ponta do Padrão (6°04′36″ south latitude and 12°19′48″ east longitude); thence along a rhumb line in a north-westerly direction to a point on 6°00′ south latitude and 12°00′ east longitude; thence due west along 6°00′ south latitude to 20°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the Equator; thence due west to 30°00′ west longitude; thence due north to 5°00′ north latitude; thence due west to 40°00′ west longitude, thence due north to 36°00′ north latitude; thence due east to Punta Marroqui at 5°36′ west longitude; thence due south to the original point on the African coast.The eastern central Atlantic is subdivided in the following way:Northern coastal sub-area (Sub-area 34.1)(a)Morocco coastal division (Division 34.1.1)Waters lying between 36°00′ north latitude and 26°00′ north latitude, and east of a line drawn due south from 36°00′ north latitude along 13°00′ west longitude to 29°00′ north latitude, and thence in south-westerly direction along a rhumb line to a point at 26°00′ north latitude and 16°00′ west longitude.(b)Canaries/Madeira insular (Division 34.1.2)Waters lying between 36°00′ north latitude and 26°00′ north latitude, and between 20°00′ west longitude and a line drawn from 36°00′ north latitude along 13°00′ west longitude to 29°00′ north latitude, and thence along a rhumb line to a point at 26°00′ north latitude and 16°00′ west longitude.(c)Sahara coastal division (Division 34.1.3)Waters lying between 26°00′ north latitude and 19°00′ north latitude and east of 20°00′ west longitude.Northern oceanic sub-area (Sub-area 34.2)Waters lying between 36°00′ north latitude and 20°00′ north latitude and between 40°00′ west longitude and 20°00′ west longitude.Southern coastal sub-area (Sub-area 34.3)(a)Cape Verde coastal division (Division 34.3.1)Waters lying between 19°00′ and 9°00′ north latitude, and east of 20°00′ west longitude.(b)Cape Verde insular division (Division 34.3.2)Waters lying between 20°00′ north latitude and 10°00′ north latitude, and between 30°00′ west longitude and 20°00′ west longitude.(c)Sherbro division (Division 34.3.3)Waters lying between 9°00′ north latitude and the Equator, and between 20°00′ west longitude and 8°00′ west longitude.(d)Western Gulf of Guinea division (Division 34.3.4)Waters lying north of the Equator, and between 8°00′ west longitude and 3°00′ east longitude.(e)Central Gulf of Guinea division (Division 34.3.5)Waters lying north of the Equator, and east of 3°00′ east longitude.(f)Southern Gulf of Guinea division (Division 34.3.6)Waters lying between the Equator and 6°00′ south latitude, and east of 3°00′ east longitude. This division includes also the waters of the Congo estuary lying south of 6°00′ south latitude included by a line drawn from a point at Ponta do Padrão (6°04′36″ south latitude and 12°19′48″ east longitude) along a rhumb line in a north-westerly direction to a point on 6°00′ south latitude and 12°00′ east longitude, and thence due east along 6°00′ south latitude to the African coast and thence along the African coast to the original point at Ponta do Padrão.Southern oceanic sub-area (Sub-area 34.4)(a)Southwest Gulf of Guinea division (Division 34.4.1)Waters lying between the Equator and 6°00′ south latitude, and between 20°00′ west longitude and 3°00′ east longitude.(b)Southwest Oceanic division (Division 34.4.2)Waters lying between 20°00′ north latitude and 5°00′ north latitude, and between 40°00′ west longitude and 30°00′ west longitude; waters lying between 10°00′ north latitude and the Equator, and between 30°00′ west longitude and 20°00′ west longitude.MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA (Major fishing area 37)Annex 3B shows the boundaries and the sub-areas and divisions of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Major fishing area 37). A description of this area and its subdivisions follows.The Mediterranean and Black Sea statistical area comprises all the marine waters of (a) the Mediterranean Sea; (b) the Sea of Marmara; (c) the Black Sea and (d) the Sea of Azov. Marine waters include brackish water lagoons and all other areas where fishes and other organisms of marine origin are predominant. The western and south-eastern limits are defined as follows:(a)western limit: a line running due south along 5°36′ west longitude from Punta Marroqui to the coast of Africa;(b)south-eastern limit: the northern (Mediterranean) entrance of the Suez Canal.THE SUB-AREAS AND DIVISIONS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA STATISTICAL AREAThe western Mediterranean (Sub-area 37.1) comprises the following divisions:(a)Balearic (Division 37.1.1)The waters of the western Mediterranean bounded by a line commencing on the coast of Africa at the Algerian/Tunisian frontier running due north to 38°00′ north latitude; thence due west to 8°00′ east longitude; thence due north to 41°20′ north latitude; thence westward along a rhumb line to the mainland coast at the eastern end of the frontier between France and Spain; thence following the Spanish coast to Punta Marroqui; thence due south along 5°36′ west longitude to the coast of Africa; thence following in an eastwards direction the coast of Africa to the starting point.(b)Gulf of Lions (Division 37.1.2)The waters of the north-western Mediterranean Sea bounded by a line commencing on the mainland coast at the eastern end of the frontier between France and Spain running eastward along a rhumb line to 8°00′ east longitude 41°20′ north latitude; thence northward along a rhumb line to the mainland coast at the frontier between France and Italy; thence following in a south-westerly direction the coast of France to the starting point.(c)Sardinia (Division 37.1.3)The waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea and adjacent waters bounded by a line commencing on the coast of Africa at the Algerian/Tunisian frontier running due north to 38°00′ north latitude; thence due west to 8°00′ east longitude; thence due north to 41°20′ north latitude; thence northward along a rhumb line to the mainland coast at the frontier between France and Italy; thence following the coast of Italy to 38°00′ north latitude; thence due west along 38°00′ north latitude to the coast of Sicily; thence following the northern coast of Sicily to Trapani; thence along a rhumb line to Cape Bon; thence westwards following the coast of Tunisia to the starting point.The central Mediterranean (Sub-area 37.2) comprises the following divisions:(a)Adriatic (Division 37.2.1)The waters of the Adriatic Sea north of a line running from the frontier between Albania and the former Republic of Yugoslavia on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea due west to Cape Gargano on the coast of Italy.(b)Ionian (Division 37.2.2)The waters of the Central Mediterranean and adjacent waters bounded by a line commencing at 25°00′ east longitude on the coast of north Africa running due north to 34°00′ north latitude; thence due west to 23°00′ east longitude; thence due north to the coast of Greece; thence following the west coast of Greece and the coast of Albania to the frontier between Albania and the former Republic of Yugoslavia; thence due west to Cape Gargano on the coast of Italy; thence following the coast of Italy to 38°00′ north latitude; thence due west along 38°00′ north latitude to the coast of Sicily; thence following the northern coast of Sicily to Trapani; thence along a rhumb line from Trapani to Cape Bon; thence eastwards following the coast of north Africa to the starting point.The eastern Mediterranean (Sub-area 37.3) comprises the following divisions:(a)Aegean (Division 37.3.1)The waters of the Aegean Sea and adjacent waters bounded by a line commencing on the southern coast of Greece at 23°00′ east longitude running due south to 34°00′ north latitude; thence due east to 29°00′ east longitude; thence due north to the coast of Turkey; thence following the western coast of Turkey to Kum Kale; thence along a rhumb line running from Kum Kale to Cape Hellas; thence following the coasts of Turkey and Greece to the starting point.(b)Levant (Division 37.3.2)The waters of the Mediterranean Sea east of a line commencing on the coast of north Africa at 25°00′ east longitude running due north to 34°00′ north latitude; thence due east to 29°00′ east longitude; thence due north to the coast of Turkey; thence following the coasts of Turkey and other countries of the eastern Mediterranean to the starting point.The Black Sea (Sub-area 37.4) comprises the following divisions:(a)Marmara Sea (Division 37.4.1)The waters of the Marmara Sea bounded on the west by a line running from Cape Hellas to Kum Kale at the entrance of the Dardanelles; and on the east by a line running across the Bosporus from Kumdere.(b)Black Sea (Division 37.4.2)The waters of the Black Sea and adjacent waters bounded on the southwest by a line running across the Bosporus from Kumdere and bounded on the northeast, at a line running from Takil Point on the Kerch peninsula to Panagija Point on the Taman peninsula.(c)Azov Sea (Division 37.4.3)The waters of the Azov Sea north of a line running along the southern entrance of the Kerch Strait, commencing from Takil Point at 45°06′N and 36°27′E on the Kerch peninsula, and running across the strait to Panagija Point at 45°08′N and 36°38′E on the Taman peninsula.SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 41)Annex 3C shows the boundaries and the subdivisions of the southwest Atlantic (Major fishing area 41).A description of these areas follows.The southwest Atlantic (Major fishing area 41) shall be defined as the waters bounded by a line starting from the coast of South America along parallel 5°00′ north latitude to the meridian at 30°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the Equator; thence due east to the meridian at 20°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 50°00′ south latitude; thence due west to the meridian at 50°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 60°00′ south latitude; thence due west to the meridian at 67°16′ west longitude; thence due north to the point at 56°22′S 67°16′W; thence due east along a line at 56°22′S to the point at 65°43′W; the following line joining the points at 55°22′S 65°43′W, 55°11′S 66°04′W, 55°07′S 66°25′W; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.The southwest Atlantic is divided into the following divisions:Amazon division (Division 41.1.1)All waters bounded by a line starting on the coast of South America at 5°00′ north latitude going in along this parallel to where it meets the meridian at 40°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the point where this meridian intersects the coast of Brazil; thence in a northwesterly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Natal division (Division 41.1.2)Waters bounded by a line due north from the coast of Brazil along the meridian at 40°00′ west longitude to where it meets the Equator; thence due east along the Equator to the meridian at 32°00′W; thence due south to the parallel at 10°00′ south latitude; thence due west to where the parallel at 10°00′S meets the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Salvador division (Division 41.1.3)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 10°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 35°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 20°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Northern oceanic division (Division 41.1.4)Waters bounded by a line due east from 5°00′N 40°00′W to the meridian at 30°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the Equator; thence due east to the meridian at 20°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 20°00′ south latitude; thence due west to the meridian at 35°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the parallel at 10°00′ south latitude; thence due east to the meridian at 32°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the Equator; thence due west to the meridian at 40°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the starting point.Santos division (Division 41.2.1)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 20°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 39°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 29°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Rio Grande division (Division 41.2.2)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 29°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 45°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 34°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Platense division (Division 41.2.3)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 34°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 50°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 40°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Central oceanic division (Division 41.2.4)Waters bounded by a line due east from 20°00′S 39°00′W to the meridian at 20°00′ west latitude; thence due south to the parallel at 40°00′ south latitude; thence due west to the meridian at 50°00′ west latitude; thence due north to the parallel at 34°00′ south latitude; thence due east to the meridian at 45°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the parallel at 29°00′ south latitude; thence due east to the meridian at 39°00′ west longitude; thence due north to the starting point.Northern Patagonian division (Division 41.3.1)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 40°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 50°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 48°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the coast of South America; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Southern Patagonian division (Division 41.3.2)Waters bounded by a line due east from the coast of South America at 48°00′ south latitude to where it meets the meridian at 50°00′ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 60°00′ south latitude; thence due west along this parallel to the meridian at 67°16′ west longitude; thence due north to the point at 56°22′S 67°16′W; thence following a loxodromic line joining the points at 56°22′S 65°43′W; 55°22′S 65°43′W; 55°11′S 66°04′W; 55°07′S 66°25′W; thence in a northerly direction along the coast of South America to the starting point.Southern oceanic division (Division 41.3.3)Waters bounded by a line due east from 40°00′S 50°00′W to the meridian at 20°00′west longitude; thence due south to the parallel at 50°00′ south latitude; then due north to the starting point.SOUTHEAST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 47)Annex 3D shows the boundaries and subdivisions of the southeast Atlantic. A description of the ICSEAF Convention Area follows.The southeast Atlantic (Major fishing area 47) comprises the waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 6°04′36″ south latitude and 12°19′48″ east longitude; thence in a north-westerly direction along a rhumb line to a point at the intersection of the meridian 12° east with the parallel 6° south; thence due west along this parallel to the meridian 20° west; thence due south along this meridian to the parallel 50° south, thence due east along this parallel to the meridian 30° east; thence due north along this meridian to the coast of the African continent; thence in a westerly direction along this coast to the original point of departure.The southeast Atlantic (Major fishing area 47) is subdivided as follows:Western coastal sub-area (Sub-area 47.1)(a)Cape Palmeirinhas division (Division 47.1.1)Waters lying between 6°00′ south latitude and 10°00′ south latitude and east of 10°00′ east longitude. From this division are excluded the waters of the Congo estuary (Zaire), i. e., the waters lying to the north-east of the line drawn from Punta do Padrão (6°04′36″S and 12°19′48″E) to a point at 6°00′S and 12°00′E.(b)Cape Salinas division (Division 47.1.2)Waters lying between 10°00′ south latitude and 15°00′ south latitude and east of 10°00′ east longitude.(c)Cunene division (Division 47.1.3)Waters lying between 15°00′ south latitude and 20°00′ south latitude and east of 10°00′ east longitude.(d)Cape Cross division (Division 47.1.4)Waters lying between 20°00′ south latitude and 25°00′ south latitude and east of 10°00′ east longitude.(e)Orange River division (Division 47.1.5)Waters lying between 25°00′ south latitude and 30°00′ south latitude and east of 10°00′ east longitude.(f)Cape of Good Hope division (Division 47.1.6)Waters lying between 30°00′ south latitude and 40°00′ south latitude and between 10°00′ east longitude and 20°00′ east longitude.Agulhas coastal sub-area (Sub-area 47.2)(a)Middle Agulhas division (Division 47.2.1)Waters lying north of 40°00′ south latitude and between 20°00′ east longitude and 25°00′ east longitude.(b)Eastern Agulhas division (Division 47.2.2)Waters lying north of 40°00′ south latitude and between 25°00′ east longitude and 30°00′ east longitude.Southern oceanic sub-area (Sub-area 47.3)Waters lying between 40°00′ south latitude and 50°00′ south latitude and between 10°00′ east longitude and 30°00′ east longitude.Tristan da Cunha sub-area (Sub-area 47.4)Waters lying between 20°00′ south latitude and 50°00′ south latitude and between 20°00′ west longitude and 10°00′ east longitude.St Helena and Ascension sub-area (Sub-area 47.5)Waters lying between 6°00′ south latitude and 20°00′ south latitude and between 20°00′ west longitude and 10°00′ east longitude.WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (Major fishing area 51)The western Indian Ocean comprises in general:(a)the Red Sea;(b)the Gulf of Aden;(c)the gulf between the coast of Iran and the Arabian Peninsula;(d)the Arabian Sea;(e)that part of the Indian Ocean, including the Mozambique Channel, lying between the meridians 30°00′E and 80°00′E and north of the line of the Antarctic convergence and including the waters around Sri Lanka.Annex 3E shows the boundaries and the subdivisions of the western Indian Ocean (Major fishing area 51).The western Indian Ocean shall be defined as having the following boundaries:the boundary with the Mediterranean Sea: the northern entrance of the Suez Canal,the western marine boundary: a line commencing on the east coast of Africa at 30°00′E longitude and running due south to 45°00′S latitude,the eastern marine boundary: a rhumb line commencing on the southeast coast of India (Point Calimere) and running in a north-easterly direction to meet a point at 82°00′E longitude 11°00′N latitude, thence running due east to meridian 85°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 3°00′N; thence due west to the meridian 80°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 45°00′S,the southern boundary: a line running along the parallel 45°00′S from 30°00′E longitude to 80°00′E longitude.The western Indian Ocean is subdivided in the following way:Red Sea sub-area (Sub-area 51.1)Northern limit: northern entrance of Suez Canal.Southern limit: a rhumb line from the frontier between Ethiopia and the Republic of Djibouti on the coast of Africa, across the mouth of the Red Sea, to the frontier between the former Arab Republic of Yemen and the former People′s Democratic Republic of Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula.Gulf sub-area (Sub-area 51.2)The mouth of the Gulf is closed by a line commencing at the northern tip of Ra′s Musandam and running due east to the coast of Iran.Western Arabian Sea sub-area (Sub-area 51.3)The eastern and southern boundaries are a line from the Iran/Pakistan frontier on the coast of Asia running due south to the parallel 20°00′N; thence due east to the meridian 65°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 10°00′N; thence due west to the coast of Africa; other marine boundaries are the common boundaries with sub-areas 51.1 and 51.2 (see above).Eastern Arabian Sea, Laccadive and Sri Lanka sub-area (Sub-area 51.4)The sea boundary is a line commencing on the coast of Asia at the Iran/Pakistan frontier, running due south to the parallel 20°00′N; thence due east to the meridian 65°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 10°00′S; thence due east to the meridian 80°00′E; thence due north to the parallel 3°00′N; thence due east to the meridian 85°00′E; thence due north to parallel 11°00′N; thence due west to the meridian 82°00′E; thence along a rhumb line in a south-westerly direction to the southeast coast of India.Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania sub-area (Sub-area 51.5)A line commencing on the coast of Somalia at 10°00′N running due east to the meridian 65°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 10°00′S; thence due west to the meridian 45°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 10°28′S; thence due west to the east coast of Africa between Ras Mwambo (to the north) and Mwambo Village (to the south).Madagascar and Mozambique Channel sub-area (Sub-area 51.6)A line commencing on the east coast of Africa between Ras Mwambo (to the north) and Mwambo Village (to the south) at 10°28′S latitude, running due east to the meridian 45°00′E; thence due north to the parallel 10°00′S; thence due east to the meridian 55°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 30°00′S; thence due west to the meridian 40°00′E; thence due north to the coast of Mozambique.Oceanic (Western Indian Ocean) sub-area (Sub-area 51.7)A line commencing at the position 10°00′S latitude and 55°00′E longitude, running due east to the meridian 80°00′E; thence due south to the parallel 45°00′S; thence due west to the meridian 40°00′E; thence due north to the parallel 30°00′S; thence due east to the meridian 55°00′E; thence due north to the starting position on the parallel 10°00′S.Mozambique sub-area (Sub-area 51.8)The sub-area comprises the waters lying north of parallel 45°00′S and between the meridians 30°00′E and 40°00′E. It is further subdivided into two divisions.Marion-Edward division (Division 51.8.1)Waters lying between the parallels of 40°00′S and 50°00′S and the meridians of 30°00′E and 40°00′E.Zambesi division (Division 51.8.2)Waters lying north of the parallel 40°00′S and between the meridians 30°00′E and 40°00′E.ANNEX 3A:EASTERN CENTRAL ATLANTIC OCEAN (Major fishing area 34)B:MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA (Major fishing area 37)C:SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 41)D:SOUTHEAST ATLANTIC (Major fishing area 47)E:WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (Major fishing area 51)ANNEX 4LIST OF SPECIES FOR WHICH DATA ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH MAJOR FISHING AREAThe species listed below are those for which captures have been reported in the official statistics. Member States should submit data for each of the identified species if available. Where individual species cannot be identified the data should be aggregated and submitted in the item representing the highest degree of detail possible.Note:n.e.i. = not elsewhere indicated.
Eastern Central Atlantic (Major fishing area 34)
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
European eelELEAnguilla anguilla
Shads n.e.i.SHZAlosa spp.
West African ilishaILIIlisha africana
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
Lefteye floundersLEFBothidae
Common soleSOLSolea vulgaris
Wedge (= Senegal) soleCETDicologoglossa cuneata
Soles n.e.i.SOXSoleidae
Tonguefishes n.e.i.TOXCynoglossidae
MegrimMEGLepidorhombus whiffiagonis
Megrims n.e.i.LEZLepidorhombus spp.
Greater forkbeardGFBPhycis blennoides
Pouting (= Bib)BIBTrisopterus luscus
Blue whiting (= Poutassou)WHBMicromesistius poutassou
European hakeHKEMerluccius merluccius
Senegalese hakeHKMMerluccius senegalensis
Hakes n.e.i.HKXMerluccius spp.
Gadiformes n.e.i.GADGadiformes
Sea catfishes n.e.i.CAXAriidee
European congerCOEConger conger
Conger eels n.e.i.COXCongridae
Slender snipefishSNSMacrorhamphosus scolopax
AlfonsinosALFBeryx spp.
John DoryJODZeus faber
Silvery John DoryJOSZenopsis conchifer
Boar fishesBORCaproidae
Demersal percomorphs n.e.i.DPXPerciformes
Dusky grouperGPDEpinephelus guaza
White grouperGPWEpinephelus aeneus
Groupers n.e.i.GPXEpinephelus spp.
WreckfishWRFPolyprion americanus
Groupers, seabasses n.e.i.BSXSerranidae
Spotted seabassSPUDicentrarchus punctatus
SeabassBSSDicentrarchus labrax
Bigeyes n.e.i.BIGPriacanthus spp.
Cardinal fishes n.e.i.APOApogonidee
Bonnetmouths, rubyfishes, etc.EMTEmmelichthyidae
Snappers n.e.i.SNALutjanus spp.
Snappers, iobfishes, n.e.i.SNXLutjanidae
Rubberlip gruntGBRPlectorhinchus mediterraneus
Bastard gruntBGRPomadasys incisus
Sompat gruntBURPomadasys jubelini
Big-eye gruntGRBBrachydeuterus auritus
Grunts, sweetlips, n.e.i.GRXHaemulidae (= Pomedasyidae)
DrumsDRUSciaena spp.
Shi drum (= Corb)COBUmbrina cirrosa
MeagreMGRArgyrosornus regius
Boe drumDRSPteroscion peli
Law croakerCKLPseudotolithus brachygnatus
Cassava croakerPSSPseudotolithus senegalensis
Bobo croakerPSEPseudotolithus elongatus
West African croakersCKWPseudotolithus spp.
Croakers, drums n.e.i.CDXSciaenidae
Red (=Blackspot) seabreamSBRPagellus bogaraveo
Common pandoraPACPagellus erythrinus
Axillary seabreamSBAPagellus acarne
Red pandoraPARPagelIus bellottii
Pandoras n.e.i.PAXPagellus spp.
Sargo breams, n.e.i.SRGDiplodus spp.
Large-eye dentexDELDentex macrophthalmus
Common dentexDECDentex dentex
Angolan dentexDEADentex angolensis
Congo dentexDNCDentex congoensis
Dentex n.e.i.DEXDentex spp.
Black seabreamBRBSpondyliosoma cantharus
Saddled seabreamSBSOblada melanura
Bluespotted seabreamBSCSparus caeruleostictus
Red porgyRPGSparus pagrus
Gilthead seabreamSBGSparus auratus
Pargo breams n.e.i.SBPSparus (=Pagrus) spp.
BogueBOGBoops boops
Porgies, seabreams n.e.i.SBXSparidae
PicarelsPICSpicara spp.
Surmullets (= Red mullets)MUXMullus spp.
West African goatfishGOAPseudopeneus prayensis
Goatfishes, red mullets n.e.i.MUMMullidae
African sicklefishSICDrepane africana
Percoids n.e.i.PRCPercoidei
Bearded brotulaBRDBrotula barbata
Gurnards, searobins n.e.i.GUXTriglidae
Triggerfishes, durgonsTRIBalistidae
Angler (= Monk)MONLophius piscatorius
Anglerfishes n.e.i.ANFLophiidae
Needlefishes n.e.i.BENBelonidae
Flying fishes n.e.i.FLYExocoetidae
BarracudasBARSphyraena spp.
Flathead grey mulletMUFMugil cephalus
Giant African threadfinTGAPolydactylus quadrifilis
Lesser African threadfinGALGaleoides decadactylus
Royal threadfinPETPentenemus quinquarius
Threadfins, tasselfishes n.e.i.THFPolynemidae
Pelagic percomorphs n.e.i.PPXPerciformes
BluefishBLUPomatomus saltatrix
CobiaCBARachycentron canadum
Atlantic horse mackerelHOMTrachurus trachurus
Jack and horse mackerels n.e.i.JAXTrachurus spp.
ScadsSDXDecapterus spp.
Crevalle jackCVJCaranx hippos
False scadHMVDecapterus rhonchus
Jacks, crevalles n.e.i.TRECaranx spp.
Lookdown fishLUKSelene dorsalis
PompanosPOXTrachinotus spp.
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
Leerfish (=Garrick)LEELichia amia
Atlantic bumperBUAChloroscombrus chrysurus
Common dolphinfishDOLCoryphaena hippurus
Blue butterfishBLBStromateus fiatola
Butterfishes, silver pomfretsBUXStromateidae
BonefishBOFAlbula vulpes
Round sardinellaSAASardineIla aurita
Madeiran sardinellaSAESardinella madeirensis
SardinellasSIXSardinella spp.
Bonga shadBOAEthmalosa fimbriata
European pilchard (sardine)PILSardina pilchardus
European anchovyANEEngraulis encrasicolus
Clupeoids n.e.i.CLUClupeoidei
Atlantic bonitoBONSarda sarda
Plain bonitoBOPOrcynopsis unicolor
WahooWAHAcanthocybium solandri
West African Spanish mackerelMAWScomberomorus tritor
Frigate and bullet tunasFRZAuxis tharard, A rochei
Northern bluefin tunaBFTThunnus thynnus
AlbacoreALBThunnus alalunga
Yellowfin tunaYFTThunnus albacares
Big-eye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Tunas n.e.i.TUNThunnini
Atlantic sailfishSAIIstiophorus albicans
Atlantic blue marlinBUMMakaira nigricans
Atlantic white marlinWHMTetrepturus albidus
Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishesBILIstiopboridae
SwordfishSWOXiphias gladius
Tuna-like fishes n.e.i.TUXScombroidei
Largehead hairtailLHTTrichiurus lepturus
Silver scabbardfishSFSLepidopus caudatus
Black scabbardfishBSFAphanopus carbo
Hairtails, cutlassfishes n.e.i.CUTTrichiuridae
Chub mackerelMASScomber japonicus
Atlantic mackerelMACScomber scombrus
Scomber mackerels n.e.i.MAZScomber spp.
Mackerel-like fishes n.e.i.MKXScombroidei
Thresher sharkALVAlopias vulpinus
Big-eye thresherBTHAlopias superciliosus
Mako sharksMAKIsurus spp.
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Silky sharkFALCarcharhinus falciformis
Smooth hammerheadSPZSphyrna zygaena
Scalloped hammerheadSPLSphyrna lewini
Hammerhead sharks, etc. neiSPYSphyrnidae
Kitefin sharkSCKDalatias licha
Guitarfishes, etc. neiGTFRhinobatidae
SmoothhoundsSDVMustelus spp.
Skates and rays n.e.i.SRXRajiformes
Sharks, rays, skates, n.e.i.SKXElasmobranchii
Marine fishes n.e.i.MZZOsteichthyes
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
Tropical spiny lobsters n.e.i.SLVPanulirus spp.
Palinurid spiny lobsters n.e.i.CRWPalinurus spp.
Norway lobsterNEPNephrops norvegicus
European lobsterLBEHomarus gammarus
Caramote prawnTGSPenaeus kerathurus
Southern pink shrimpSOPPenaeus notialis
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i.PENPenaeus spp.
Deepwater rose shrimpDPSParapenaeus longirostris
Guinea shrimpGUSParapenaeopsis atlantica
Scarlet shrimpSSHPlesiopenaeus edwardsianus
Palaemonid shrimpsPALPalaemonidae
Natantian decapods n.e.i.DCPNatantia
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Gastropods n.e.i.GASGastropoda
Cupped oysters n.e.i.OYCCrassostrea spp.
Sea mussels n.e.i.MSXMytilidae
Cephalopods n.e.i.CEPCephalopoda
Common cuttlefishCTCSepia officinalis
Cuttlefishes, bobtail squidsCTLSepiidae, Sepiolidae
Common squidsSQCLoligo spp.
Common octopusOCCOctopus vulgaris
Squids n.e.i.SQULoliginidae, Ommastrephidae
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
Marine turtles n.e.i.TTXTestudinata
Mediterranean and Black Sea (Major fishing area 37)
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
Sturgeons n.e.i.STUAcipenseridae
European eelELEAnguilla anguilla
Pontic shadSHCAlosa pontica
Shads n.e.i.SHDAlosa spp.
Azov tyulkaCLAClupeonella cultriventris
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
European plaicePLEPleuronectes platessa
European flounderFLEPlatichthys flesus
Common soleSOLSolea vulgaris
Soles n.e.i.SOOSolea spp.
MegrimMEGLepidorhombus whiffiagonis
Megrims n.e.i.LEZLepidorhombus spp.
TurbotTURPsetta maxima
Black Sea turbotTUBPsetta maeotica
Greater forkbeardGFBPhycis blennoides
Poor codPODTrisopterus minutus
Pouting (= Bib)BIBTrisopterus luscus
Blue whiting (= Poutassou)WHBMicromesistius poutassou
WhitingWHGMerlangius merlangus
European hakeHKEMerluccius merluccius
Gadiformes n.e.i.GADGadiformes
ArgentinesARGArgentina spp.
Brushtooth lizardfishLIBSaurida undosquamis
Lizardfishes n.e.i.LIXSynodontidae
European congerCOEConger conger
Conger eels n.e.i.COXCongridae
John DoryJODZeus faber
Demersal percomorphs n.e.i.DPXPerciformes
Dusky grouperGPDEpinephelus guaza
White grouperGPWEpinephelus aeneus
Groupers n.e.i.GPXEpinephelus spp.
WreckfishWRFPolyprion americanus
ComberCBRSerranus cabrilla
Groupers, seabasses n.e.i.BSXSerranidae
SeabassBSSDicentrarchus labrax
SeabassesBSEDicentrarchus spp.
Rubberlip gruntGBRPlectorhinchus mediterraneus
DrumsDRUSciaena spp.
Shi drum (= Corb)COBUmbrina cirrosa
MeagreMGRArgyrosomus regius
Croakers, drums n.e.i.CDXSciaenidae
Red (= Blackspot) seabreamSBRPagellus bogaraveo
Common pandoraPACPagellus erythrinus
Axillary seabreamSBAPagellus acarne
Pandoras n.e.i.PAXPagellus spp.
White seabreamSWADiplodus sargus
Sargo breams, n.e.i.SRGDiplodus spp.
Large-eye dentexDELDentex macrophthalmus
Common dentexDECDentex dentex
Dentex n.e.i.DEXDentex spp.
Black seabreamBRBSpondyliosoma cantharus
Saddled sea breamSBSOblada melanura
Red porgyRPGSparus pagrus
Gilthead seabreamSBGSparus auratus
Pargo breams, n.e.i.SBPSparus (= Pagrus) spp.
BogueBOGBoops boops
Sand steenbrasSSBLithognithus mormyrus
Salema (= Strepie)SLMSarpa salpa
Porgies, seabreams, n.e.i.SBXSparidae
Blotched picarelBPISpicara maena
PicarelsPICSpicara spp.
Red mulletMURMullus surmuletus
Striped mulletMUTMullus barbatus
Surmullets (= Redmullets)MUXMullus spp.
Greater weeverWEGTrachinus draco
Percoids n.e.i.PRCPercoidei
Sandeels (= Sandlances)SANAmmodytes spp.
Spinefeet (= Rabbitfishes)SPISiganus spp.
Atlantic gobiesGOBGobius spp.
Gobies n.e.i.GPAGobiidae
Scorpionfishes, n.e.i.SCOScorpaenidae
Piper gurnardGUNTrigia lyra
Gurnards, searobins n.e.i.GUXTriglidae
Angler (= Monk)MONLophius piscatorius
Anglerfishes n.e.i.ANFLophiidae
GarfishGARBelone belone
BarracudasBARSphyraena spp.
Flathead grey mulletMUFMugil cephalus
Silversides (Sandsmelts)SILAtherinidae
Pelagic percomorphs n.e.i.PPXPerciformes
BluefishBLUPomatomus saltatrix
Atlantic horse mackerelHOMTrachurus trachurus
Mediterranean horse mackerelHMMTrachurus mediterraneus
Jack and horse mackerels n.e.i.JAXTrachurus spp.
Jacks, crevalles n.e.i.TRECaranx spp.
Greater amberjackAMBSeriola dumerili
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
Leerfish (= Garrick)LEELichia amia
Carangids n.e.i.CGXCarangidae
Atlantic pomfretPOABrama brama
Common dolphinfishDOLCoryphaena hippurus
Sardinellas n.e.i.SIXSardinella spp.
European pilchard (= Sardine)PILSardina pilchardus
European spratSPRSprattus sprattus
European anchovyANEEngraulis encrasicolus
Clupeoids n.e.i.CLUClupeoidei
Atlantic bonitoBONSarda sarda
Plain bonitoBOPOrcynopsis unicolor
Frigate and bullet tunasFRZAuxis thazard A. rochei
Atlantic black skipjackLTAEuthynnus alletteratus
Skipjack tunaSKJKatsuwonus pelamis
Northern bluefin tunaBFTThunnus thynnus
AlbacoreALBThunnus alalunga
Big-eye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Tunas n.e.i.TUNThunnini
Atlantic sailfishSAIIstiophorus albicans
Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishesBILIstiophoridae
SwordfishesSWOXiphias gladius
Tuna-like fishes n.e.i.TUXScombroidei
Silver scabbardfishSFSLepidopus caudatus
Chub mackerelMASScomber iaponicus
Atlantic mackerelMACScomber scombrus
Scomber mackerels n.e.i.MAZScomber spp.
Mackerel-like fishes n.e.i.MKXScombroidei
Basking sharkBSKCetorhinus maximus
ThresherALVAlopias vulpinus
Shortfin makoSMAIsurus oxyrinchus
Blackmouth catsharkSHOGaleus melastomus
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Sandbar sharkCCPCarcharhinus plumbeus
Smooth hammerheadSPZSphyrna zygaena
Scalloped hammerheadSPLSphyrna lewini
Longnose spurdogQUBSqualus blainvillei
Gulper sharkGUPCentrophorus granulosus
Kitefin sharkSCKDalatias licha
Velvet bellyETXEtmopterus spinax
Thornback rayRJCRaja clavata
Common stingrayJDPDasyatis pastinaca
PorbeaglePORLamna nasus
Catsharks, nursehoundSCLScyliorhinus spp.
SmoothhoundsSDVMustelus spp.
Picked (= Spiny) dogfishDGSSqualus acanthias
Dogfish sharks n.e.i.DGXSqualidae
AngelsharkAGNSquatina squatina
Angelsharks, sand devilsASKSquatinidae
Large sharks n.e.i.SHXSqualiformes
SkatesSKARaja spp.
Skates and rays n.e.i.SRXRajiformes
Sharks, rays and skates etc.SKXElasmobranchii
Marine fishes n.e.i.MZZOsteichthyes
Edible crabCRECancer pagurus
Mediterranean shore crabCMRCarcinus aestuaria
Spinous spider crabSCRMaja squinado
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
Pink spiny lobsterPSLPalinurus mauritanicus
Common spiny lobsterSLOPalinurus elephas
Palinurid spiny lobsters n.e.i.CRWPalinurus spp.
Norway lobsterNEPNephrops norvegicus
European lobsterLBEHomarus gammarus
Caramote prawnTGSPenaeus kerathurus
Deepwater rose shrimpDPSParapenaeus Iongirostris
Scarlet shrimpSSHPlesiopenaeus edwardsianus
Blue and red shrimpARAAristeus antennatus
Common prawnCPRPalaemon serratus
Common shrimpCSHCrangon crangon
Natantian decapods n.e.i.DCPNatantia
Mantis squillidMTSSquillia mantis
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Gastropods n.e.i.GASGastropoda
PeriwinklePEELittorina littorea
European flat oysterOYFOstrea edulis
Pacific cupped oysterOYGCrassostrea gigas
Mediterranean musselMSMMytilus galloprovincialis
Great scallopSJAPecten jacobeus
MurexMUEMurex spp.
Common cockleCOCCardium edule
Striped VenusSVEVenus (= Chamelea) gallina
Grooved carpetshellCTGRuditapes decussatus
CarpetshellCTSTapes pullastra
Carpetshells n.e.i.TPSTapes spp.
Donax clamsDONDonax spp.
Razor clamsRAZSolen spp.
Clams n.e.i.CLXBivalvia
Cephalopods n.e.i.CEPCephalopoda
Common cuttlefishCTCSepia officinalis
Cuttlefishes, bobtail squidsCTLSepiidae, Sepiolidae
Common squidsSQCLoligo spp.
European flying squidSQETodarodes sagittatus sagitt.
Common octopusOCCOctopus vulgaris
Horned and musky octopusesOCMEledone spp.
Squids n.e.i.SQULoliginidae, Ommastrephidae
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
Marine turtles n.e.i.TTXTestudinata
Grooved sea-squirtSSGMicrocosmus sulcatus
Stony sea-urchinURMParacentrotus lividus
JellyfishesJELPhopilema spp.
Southwest Atlantic (Major fishing area 41)
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
Shads n.e.i.SHZAlosa spp.
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
Bastard halibutsBAXParalichthys spp.
Tonguefishes n.e.i.TOXCynoglossidae
SAOSalilota australia
Brazilian codlingHKUUrophycis brasiliensis
Southern blue whitingPOSMicromesistius australis
Argentine hakeHKPMerluccius hubbsi
Patagonian hakeHPAMerluccius polylepis
Hakes n.e.i.HKXMerluccius spp.
Patagonian grenadierGRMMacruronus mageilanicus
Blue grenadiersGRSMacruronus spp.
GrenadiersGRVMacrourus spp.
Gadiformes n.e.i.GADGadiformes
Sea catfishes n.e.i.CAXAriidae
Greater lizardfishLIGSaurida tumbil
Argentine congerCOSConger orbignyanus
Demersal percomorphs n.e.i.DPXPerciformes
Snooks (= Robalos) n.e.i.ROBCentropomus spp.
Brazilian groupersGPBMycteroperca spp.
Red grouperGPREpinephelus mario
Groupers n.e.i.GPXEpinephelus spp.
Argentine seabassBSZAcanthistius brasilianus
Groupers, seabasses n.e.i.BSXSerranidae
Southern red snapperSNCLutjanus purpureus
Yellowtail snapperSNYOcyurus chrysurus
Snappers, jobfishes, n.e.i.SNXLutjanidae
Barred gruntBRGConodon nobilis
Grunts, sweetlips, n.e.i.GRXHaemulidae (= Pomadasyidae)
Striped weakfishSWFCynoscion striatus
Weakfishes n.e.i.WKXCynoscion spp.
Atlantic croakerCKAMicropogonias undulatus
Southern kingcroakerKGBMenticirrhus americanus
Argentine croakerCKYUrnbrina canasai
King weakfishWKKMacrodon ancylodon
Black drumBDMPogonias cromis
Croakers, drums n.e.i.CDXSciaenidae
Sargo breams n.e.i.SRGDiplodus spp.
Dentex n.e.i.DEXDentex spp.
Red porgyRPGSparus pagrus
Porgies, seabreams, n.e.i.SBXSparidae
Surmullets (= Redmullets)MUXMullus spp.
CastanetaCTACheilodactylus bergi
Brazilian sandperchesSPBPinguipes spp.
Brazilian flatheadFLAPercophis brasiliensis
Patagonian blennieBLPEleginops maclovinus
Patagonian toothfishTOPDissostichus eleginoides
Humped rockcodNOGNotothenia gibbenfrons
Grey rockcodNOSNotothenia squamifrons
Patagonian rockcodNOTPatagonotothen brevicauda
PATPatagonotothen longipes ramsai
Antarctic rockcods, noties n.e.i.NOXNototheniidae
Blackfin icefishSSIChaenocephalus aceratus
Mackerel icefishANIChampsocephalus gunnari
Icefishes n.e.i.ICXChannichthyidae
Percoids n.e.i.PRCPercoidei
Pink cusk-eelCUSGenypterus blacodes
Ruffs, barrelfishes n.e.i.CENCentrolophidae
Blackbelly rosefishBRFHelicolenus dactylopterus
Scorpionfishes n.e.i.SCOScorpaenidae
Atlantic searobinsSRAPrionotus spp.
Ballyhoo halfbeakBALHemirhamphus brasiliensis
Flying fishes n.e.i.FLYExocoetidae
BarracudasBARSphyraena spp.
Mullets n.e.i.MULMugilidae
Silversides (= Sandsmelts)SILAtherinidae
Pelagic percomorphs n.e.i.PPXPerciformes
BluefishBLUPometomus saltatrix
Blue jack mackerelJAATrachurus picturatus
Jack and horse mackerels n.e.i.JAXTrachurus spp.
Jacks, crevalles, n.e.i.TRECaranx spp.
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
Parona leatherjackPAOParona signata
Carangids n.e.i.CGXCarangidae
Common dolphinfishDOLCoryphaena hippurus
Gulf butterfish, harvestfishesBTGPeprilus spp.
Butterfishes silver pomfretsBUXStromateidae
LadyfishLADElops saurus
TarponTARTarpon (= Megelops) atlanticus
Brazilian sardinellaBSRSardinella brasiliensis
Sardinellas n.e.i.SIXSardinella spp.
Brazilian menhadenMHSBrevoortia aurea
Argentine menhadenMHPBrevoortia pectinata
Scaled sardinesSASHarengula spp.
Falkland spratFASSprattus fuegensis
Argentine anchoitaANAEngraulis anchoita
Anchovies n.e.i.ANXEngraulidae
Clupeoids n.e.i.CLUClupeoidei
Atlantic bonitoBONSarda sarda
WahooWAHAcanthocyhium solandri
King mackerelKGMScomberomorus cavalla
Atlantic Spanish mackerelSSMScomberomorus maculatus
Seerfishes n.e.i.KGXScomberornorus spp.
Frigate and bullet tunasFRZAuxis thazard, A. rochei
Atlantic black skipjackLTAEuthynnus alletteratus
Skipjack tunaSKJKatsuwonus pelamis
Northern bluefin tunaBFTThunnus thynnus
Blackfin tunaBLFThunnus atlanticus
AlbacoreALBThunnus alalunga
Southern bluefin tunaSBFThunnus maccoyii
Yellowfin tunaYFTThunnus albacares
Big-eye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Tunas n.e.i.TUNThunnini
Atlantic sailfishSAIIstiophorus albicans
Atlantic blue marlinBUMMakaira nigricans
Atlantic white marlinWHMTetrapturus albidus
Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishesBILIstiophoridae
SwordfishSWOXiphias gladius
Tuna-like fishes n.e.i.TUXScornhroidei
White snake mackerelWSMThyrsitops lepidopodes
Largehead hairtailLHTTrichiurus lepturus
Chub mackerelMASScomber japonicus
Big-eye thresherBTHAlopias superciliosus
Shortfin makoSMAIsurus oxyrinchus
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Silky sharkFALCarcharhinus falciformis
Copper sharkBROCarcharhinus brachyurus
Smooth hammerheadSPZSphyrna zygaena
Scalloped hammerheadSPLSphyrna lewini
Tope sharkGAGGaleorhinus galeus
Picked dogfishDGSSqualus acanthias
Angel sharks, sand devils n.e.i.ASKSquatinidae
Chola guitarfishGUDRhinobatis percellens
Elephantfishes n.e.i.ELFCallorhinchus spp.
Patagonian smoothhoundSDPMustelus schmitti
SmoothhoundsSDVMustelus spp.
Liveroil sharksLSKGaleorhinus spp.
Skates and rays, n.e.i.SRXRajiformes
Sharks, rays, skates, etc.SKXElasmobranchii
Marine fishes n.e.i.MZZOsteichthyes
Dana swimcrabCRZCallinectes danae
Southern kingcrabKCRLithodes antarcticus
Softshell red crabPAGParalomis granulosa
Geryons n.e.i.GERGeryon spp.
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
Caribbean spiny lobsterSLCPanulirus argus
Tropical spiny lobsters n.e.i.SLVPanulirus spp.
Northern brown shrimpABSPenaeus aztecus
Redspotted shrimpPNBPenaeus brasiliensis
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i.PENPenaeus spp.
Atlantic seabobBOBXiphopenaeus kroyeri
Argentine stiletto shrimpASHArternesia longinaris
Argentine red shrimpLAAPleoticus muelleri
Natantian decapods n.e.i.DCPNatantia
Antarctic krillKRXEuphausia superba
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Gastropods n.e.i.GASGastropoda
Cupped oysters n.e.i.OYCCrassostrea spp.
River Plata musselMSRMytilus platensis
Magellan musselMSCAulacornya afer
Scallops n.e.i.SCXPectinidae
Donax clamsDONDonax spp.
Clams n.e.i.CLXBivalvia
Cuttlefishes, bobtail squidsCTLSepiidae, Sepiolidae
Patagonian squidSQPLoligo gahi
Common squidsSQCLoligo spp.
Argentine shortfin squidSQAIllex argentinus
Sevenstar flying squidSQSMartialia hyadesi
Squids n.e.i.SQULoliginidee,Ommastrephidae
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
Marine turtles n.e.i.TTXTestudinata
Southeast Atlantic (Major fishing area 47)
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
West coast soleSOWAustroglossus microlepis
Mud soleSOEAustroglossus pectoralis
Southeast Atlantic soles n.e.i.SOAAustroglossus spp.
Tonguefishes n.e.i.TOXCynoglossidae
Benguela hakeHKBMerluccius polli
Shallow-water Cape hakeHKKMerluccius capensis
Deepwater Cape hakeHKOMerluccius paradoxus
Cape hakesHKCMerluccius capensis, M. parad.
Merluccid hakesHKZMerlucciidae
Gadiforms n.e.i.GADGadiformes
Lightfishes n.e.i.MAUMaurolicus spp.
Silver lightfishMAVMaurolicus muelleri
White barbelGATGaleichthyes fericeps
Smoothmouth sea catfishSMCArius heudoloti
Sea catfishes n.e.i.CAXArildae
Greater lizardfishLIGSaurida tumbil
Lizardfishes n.e.i.LIXSynodontidae
Conger eels n.e.i.COXCongridae
Slender snipefishSNSMacrorhamphosus scolopax
AlfonsinosALFBeryx spp.
Alfonsinos n.e.i.BRXBerycidae
John DoryJODZeus faber
Silvery John DoryJOSZenopsis conchifer
Dories n.e.i.ZEXZeidae
BoarfishBOCCapros aper
Demersal percomorphs n.e.i.DPXPerciformes
Groupers n.e.i.GPXEpinephelus spp.
WreckfishWRFPolyprion americanus
Groupers, seabasses n.e.i.BSXSerranidae
Big-eyes n.e.i.BIGPriacanthus spp.
Big-eyes, glasseyes, bulleyesPRIPriacenthidae
Cardinalfishes n.e.i.APOApogonidae
Glow-bellies, splitfinsACRAcropomatidae
Blackmouth splitfinSYNSynagrops japonicus
Splitfins n.e.i.SYSSynagrops spp.
Cape bonnetmouthEMMEmmelichthys nitidus
Bonnetmouths, rubyfishes, etc.EMTEmmerichthyidae
Snappers, jobfishes, n.e.i.SNXLutjanidae
Threadfin breamsTHBNemipterus spp.
Threadfin, monocle, dwarf breamsTHDNemipteridae
Big-eye gruntGRBBrachydeuterus auratus
Rubberlip gruntBRLPlectorhinchus mediterraneus
Sompat gruntBURPomadasys jubelini
Grunts, sweetlips, n.e.i.GRXHaemulidae (= Pornadasyidae)
Southern meagre (= kob)KOBArgyrosomus hololepidofus
Geelbek croakerAWEAtractoscion aequidens
Tigertooth croakerLKROtolithes ruber
West African croakersCKWPseudotolithus spp.
Croakers, drums n.e.i.CDXSciaenidae
Canary drum (= baardman)UCAUmbrina canariensis
Weakfishes n.e.i.WKXCynoscion spp.
Natal pandoraTJOPagellus natalensis
Porgies, seabreams n.e.i.SBXSparidae
Pandoras n.e.i.PAXPagellus spp.
Sargo breams n.e.i.SRGDiplodus spp.
Large-eye dentexDELDentex macrophthaImus
Angolan dentexDEADentex angolensis
Canary dentexDENDentex canariensis
Dentex n.e.i.DEXDentex spp.
Black seabreamBRBSpondyliosorna cantharus
Carpenter seabreamSLFArgyrozona argyrozona
Santer seabreamSLDCheimerius nufar
Red steenbrasRERPetrus rupestris
Panga seabreamPGAPterogymnus laniarius
White stumpnoseWSNRhahdosargus globiceps
Pargo breams n.e.i.SBPSparus (= Pagrus) spp.
BogueBOGBoops boops
Stumpnose, dageraadbreams, n.e.i.RSXChrysoblephus spp.
WhitesteenbrasSNWLithognathus lithognathus
Steenbrasses, n.e.i.STWLithognathus spp.
Sand steenbrasSSBLithognathus mormyrus
Copper breamsCPPPachymetopon spp.
Salema (= Strepie)SLMSarpa salpa
Polystegan seabreams n.e.i.PLYPolysteganus spp.
Scotsman seabreamSCMPolysteganus praeorbitalis
Seventyfour seabreamSEVPolysteganus undulosus
Blueskin seabreamSBUPolysteganus coeruleopunctatus
Porgies, seabreams, n.e.i.SBXSparidae
PicarelsPICSpicara spp.
Goatfishes, red mullets n.e.i.MUMMullidae
Surmullets (= Red mullets)MUXMulius spp.
Galjoens n.e.i.COTCoracinidae
GaljoenGAJCoracinus capensis
African sicklefishSICDrepane africana
Cuskeels, brotulas n.e.i.OPHOphidiidae
KingclipKCPGenypterus capensis
Gobies n.e.i.GPAGobiidae
Cape redfishRECSebastes capensis
Rosefishes n.e.i.ROKHelicolenus spp.
Blackbelly rosefishBRFHelicolenus dactylopterus
Scorpionfishes, n.e.i.SCOScorpaenidae
Piper gurnardGUNTrigia lyra
Cape gurnardGUCChelidonichthys capensis
Gurnards, searobins n.e.i.GUXTriglidae
GurnardsGUYTrigla spp.
Triggerfishes, durgonsTRIBalistidae
Cape monkMOKLophius upsicephalus
Anglerfishes n.e.i.ANFLophiidae
LanternfishLANLampanyctodes hectoris
Needlefishes n.e.i.BENBelonidae
NeedlefishesNEDTylosaurus spp.
Sauries n.e.i.SAXScomberesocidae
Atlantic saurySAUScomberesox saurus
BarracudasBARSphyraena spp.
Mullets n.e.i.MULMugilidae
Threadfins, tasselfishes n.e.i.THFPolynemidae
Lesser African threadfinGALGaleoides dedactylus
Pelagic percomorphs n.e.i.PPXPerciformes
BluefishBLUPomatomus saltatrix
Bluefishes n.e.i.POTPomatomidae
CobiaCBARachycentron canadum
Cobias n.e.i.CBXRachycentridae
Cape horse mackerelHMCTrachurus capensis
Cunene horse mackerelHMZTrachurus trecae
Jack and horse mackerels n.e.i.JAXTrachurus spp.
ScadsSDXDecapterus spp.
Crevalle jackCVJCaranx hippos
False scadHMVDecapterus rhonchus
Jacks, crevalles, n.e.i.TRECaranx spp.
Lookdown fishLUKSelene dorsalis
PompanosPOXTrachinotus spp.
Yellowtail amberjackYTCSeriola lalandi
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
Leerfish (= Garrick)LEELichia amia
Atlantic bumperBUAChioroscombrus chrysurus
Carangids n.e.i.CGXCarangidae
Pomfrets, ocean breams n.e.i.BRZBramidae
Atlantic pomfretPOABrama brama
Common dolphinfishDOLCoryphaena hippurus
Dolphinfishes n.e.i.DOXCoryphaenidae
Blue butterfishBLBStromateus fiatola
Butterfishes, silverpomfretsBUXStromateidae
Longfin bonefishBNFPterothrissus belloci
Round sardinellaSAASardinella aurita
Madeiran sardinellaSAESardinella maderensis
Southern African pilchardPIASardinops ocellatus
Whitehead's round herringWRREtrumeus whiteheadi
Southern African anchovyANCEngraulis capensis
Anchovies n.e.i.ANXEngraulidae
Herrings, sardines n.e.i.CLPClupeidae
Sardinellas n.e.i.SIXSardinella spp.
Clupeoids n.e.i.CLUClupeoidei
Atlantic bonitoBONSarda sarda
WahooWAHAcanthocybium solandri
Frigate tunaFRIAuxis thazard
Frigate and bullet tunasFRZAuxis thazard, A. rochei
Narrow-banded Spanish mackerelCOMScomberomorus guttatus
King mackerelSSMScornberomorus maculatus
West African Spanish mackerelMAWScornberomorus tritor
Kanadi kingfishKAKScomberomorus plurilineatus
Seerfishes n.e.i.KGXScomberomorus spp.
Atlantic black skipjackLTAEuthynnus alletteratus
KawakawaKAWEuthynnus affinis
Skipjack tunaSKJKatsuwonus pelamis
Northern bluefin tunaBFTThunnus thynnus
AlbacoreALBThunnus alalunga
Southern bluefin tunaSBFThunnus maccoyji
Yellowfin tunaYFTThunnus albacares
Big-eye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Atlantic sailfishSAIIstiophorus albicans
Atlantic blue marlinBUMMakaira nigricans
Black marlinBLMMakaira indica
Atlantic white marlinWHMTetrapturus albidus
Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishesBILIstiophoridae
SwordfishSWOXiphias gladius
Tuna-like fishes n.e.i.TUXScombroidei
Snake mackerels, escolars n.e.i.GEPGempylidae
SnoekSNKThyrsites atun
Largehead hairtailLHTTrichiurus lepturus
Hairtails, cutlassfishes n.e.i.CUTTrichiuridae
Silver scabbardfishSFSLepidopus caudatus
Chub mackerelMASScomber japonicus
Mackerels n.e.i.MAXScombridae
Mackerel-like fishes n.e.i.MKXScombroidei
Shortfin makoSMAIsurus oxyrinchus
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Smooth hammerheadSPZSphyrna zygaena
Smooth-hounds n.e.i.SDVMustelus spp.
Tope sharkGAGGaleorhinus galeus
Angelsharks, sand devils n.e.i.ASKSquatinidae
Raja rays n.e.i.SKARaja spp.
Rays, stingrays, mantas n.e.i.SRXRajiformes
Cape elephantfishCHMCallorhinchus capensis
Sharks, rays, skates, etc. n.e.i.SKXElasmobranchii
Mackerel sharks, porbeaglesMSKLamnidae
Requiem sharksRSKCercharhinidae
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Bonnethead, hammerhead sharksSPYSphyrnidae
SmoothhoundSMDMustelus mustelus
Dogfish sharks n.e.i.DGXSqualidae
Picked (= Spiny) dogfishDGSSqualus acanthias
Shortnose dogfishDOPSqualus megalops
Skates n.e.i.RAJRajidae
SkatesSKARaja spp.
Stingrays, butterfly raysSTTDasyaididae (= Trygonidae)
Eagle raysEAGMyliobatidae
Torpedo (= Electric) raysTODTorpedinidae
Elephantfishes n.e.i.CAHCallorhinchidae
Rays, skates, mantas n.e.i.BAIBatoidimorpha (Hypotremata)
Various sharks n.e.i.SKHSelachimorpha (Pleurotremata)
Sharks, rays, skates etc.SKXElasmobranchii
Cartilaginous fishes n.e.i.CARChondrychthyes
Chimaeras n.e.i.HOLHolocephali
Marine fishes n.e.i.MZZOsteichthyes
Edible crabCRECancer pagurus
Jonah crabs, rock crabsCADCancridae
Swimming crabs n.e.i.SWMPortunidae
King crabs n.e.i.KCXLithodidae
Southern king crabsKCRLithodes antarcticua
King crabKCALithodes ferox
West African geryonCGEGeryon (= Chaceon) maritae
Geryons n.e.i.GERGeryon spp.
Deep-sea crabs, geryonsGEYGeryonidae
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
Tropical spiny lobsters n.e.i.SLVPanulirus spp.
Royal spiny lobsterLOVPanulirus regius
Scalloped spiny lobsterLOKPanulirus homarus
Cape rock lobsterLBCJasus lalandii
Tristan da Cunha rock lobsterLBTJasus tristani
Natal spiny lobsterSLNPalinuris delagoae
South coast spiny lobsterSLSPalinurus gilchristi
Spiny lobsters n.e.i.VLOPalinuridae
Slipper lobstersLOSScyllaridae
Indian Ocean lobsteretteNESNephropsis stewarti
True lobsters, lobsterettesNEXNephropidae
Caramote prawnTGSPenaeus kerathurus
Indian white prawnPNIPenarus indicus
Southern pink shrimpSOPPenaeus notiatis
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i.PENPenaeus spp.
Deepwater rose shrimpDPSParapenaeus longirostris
Penaeid shrimpsPEZPenaeidae
Striped red shrimpARVAristeus varidens
Aristeid shrimpsARIAristeidae
Common prawnCPRPalaemon serratus
Solenocerid shrimpsSOZSolenoceridae
Knife shrimpsKNIHaliporoides spp.
Knife shrimpKNSHaliporoides triarthrus
Jack-knife shrimpJAQHaliporoides sibogae
Natantian decapods n.e.i.DCPNatantia
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Perlemoen abaloneABPHaliotis midae
Giant periwinkleGIWTurbo sarmaticus
Flat oysters n.e.i.OYXOstrea spp.
Denticulate rock oysterODEOstrea denticulata
Pacific cupped oysterOYGCrassostrea gigas
Cupped oysters n.e.i.OYCCrassostrea spp.
Rock musselMSLPerna perna
Sea mussels n.e.i.MSXMytilidae
PSUPecten sulcicostatus
Scallops n.e.i.SCXPectinidae
Smooth mactraMAGMactra glabrata
Mactra surf clamsMATMactridae
Venus clamsCLVVeneridae
DORDosinia orbignyi
Donax clamsDONDonax spp.
Cape razor clamsRACSolen capensis
Razor clams, knife clamsSOISolenidae
Clams n.e.i.CLXBivalvia
Cuttlefishes, bobtail squidsCTLSepiidae, Sepiolidae
Chokker squidCHOLoligo reynaudi
Angolan flying squidSQGTodarodes sagittatus angolen.
Common squidsSQCLoligo spp.
Squids n.e.i.SQULoliginidae, Ommastrephidae
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
South African fur sealSEKArctocephalus pusillus
Red baitSSRPyura stolonifera
URRParechinus angulosus
Sea-cucumbers n.e.i.CUXHolothurioidea
Aquatic invertebrates n.e.i.INVInvertebrata
Western Indian Ocean (Major fishing area 51)
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
Kelee shadHIXHilsa kelee
Hilsa shadHILTenualosa ilisha
MilkfishMILChanos chanos
Giant seaperch (= Barramundi)GIPLates calcarifer
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
Indian halibutHAIPsettodes erumei
Tonguefishes n.e.i.TOXCynoglossidae
Unicorn codUNCBregmaceros macclellandi
Gadiformes n.e.i.GADGadiformes
Bombay duckBUCHarpadon nehereus
Seacatfishes n.e.i.CAXAriidae
Greater lizardfishLIGSaurida tumbil
Brushtooth lizardfishLIBSaurida undosquamis
Lizardfishes n.e.i.LIXSynodontidae
Pike congers n.e.i.PCXMuraenesox spp.
Conger eels n.e.i.COXCongridae
AlfonsinosALFBeryx spp.
Japanese John DoryJJDZeus japonicus
Demersal percomorphs n.e.i.DPXPerciformes
Groupers n.e.i.GPXEpinephelus spp.
Groupers, seabasses n.e.i.BSXSerranidae
Bigeyes n.e.i.BIGPriacanthus spp.
Sillago whitingsWHSSillaginidae
False trevallyTRFLactarius lactarius
Bonnetmouths, rubyfishes, etc.EMTEmmelichthyidae
Mangrove red snapperRESLutjanus argentimaculatus
Snappers n.e.i.SNALutjanus spp.
Snappers, jobfishes, n.e.i.SNXLutjanidae
Threadfin breamsTHBNemipterus spp.
Threadfin, monocle dwarf breamsTHDNemipteridae
Ponyfishes (= Slipmouths) n.e.i.POYLeiognathidae
Grunts, sweetlips, n.e.i.GRXHaemulidae (= Pomadasyidae)
Southern meagre (= Kob)KOBArgyrosomus hololepidotus
Geelbek croakerAWEAtractoscion aequidens
Croakers, drums n.e.i.CDXSciaenidae
Emperors (Scavengers)EMPLethrinidae
Pandoras n.e.i.PAXPagellus spp.
Dentex n.e.i.DEXDentex spp.
King soldier breamKBRArgyrops spinifer
Santer seabreamSLDCheimerius nufar
Red steenbrasRERPetrus rupestris
Stumpnose, dageraad breams, n.e.i.RSXChrysoblephus spp.
Porgies, seabreams, n.e.i.SBXSparidae
Surmullets (= Red mullets)MUXMullus spp.
GoatfishesGOXUpeneus spp.
Goatfishes, red mullets n.e.i.MUMMullidae
Spotted sicklefishSPSDrepane punctata
Wrasses, hogfishes, etc.WRALabridae
Mojarras (= Silver-biddies)MOJGerres spp.
Percoids n.e.i.PRCPercoidei
Spinefeet (= Rabbitfishes)SPISiganus spp.
Scorpionfishes, n.e.i.SCOScorpaenidae
Triggerfishes, durgonsTRIBalistidae
NeedlefishesNEDTylosurus spp.
Halfbeaks n.e.i.HAXHemirhamphus spp.
Flyingfishes n.e.i.FLYExocoetidae
BarracudasBARSphyraena spp.
Flathead grey mulletMUFMugil cephalus
Mullets n.e.i.MULMugilidae
Fourfinger threadfinFOTEleutheronema tetradactylum
Threadfins, tasselfishes n.e.i.THFPolynemidae
Pelagic percomorphs n.e.i.PPXPerciformes
BluefishBLUPomatomus saltatrix
CobiaCBARachycentron canadum
Cobias, n.e.i.CBXRachycentridae
Jack and horse mackerels n.e.i.JAXTrachurus spp.
Indian scadRUSDecapterus russelli
ScadsSDXDecepterus spp.
Jacks, crevalles, n.e.i.TRECaranx spp.
PompanosPOXTrachinotus spp.
Yellowtail amberjackYTCSeriola lalandi
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
Rainbow runnerRRUElagatis bipinnulata
Golden trevallyGLTGnatanodon speciosus
Torpedo scadHASMegalaspis cordyla
QueenfishesQUEScomberoides (= Chorinemus) spp.
Big-eye scadBISSelar crumenophthalmus
Yellowstripe scadTRYSelaroides leptolepis
Carangids n.e.i.CGXCarangidae
Black pomfretPOBFormio niger
Common dolphinfishDOLCoryphaene hippurus
Silver pomfretSIPPampus argenteus
Butterfishes, silver pomfretsBUXStromateidae
Goldstripe sardinellaSAGSardinella gibbosa
Indian oil sardineIOSSardinella longiceps
Sardinellas n.e.i.SIXSardinella spp.
Southern African pilchardPIASardinops ocellatus
Redeye round herringRRHEtrumeus teres
Stolephorus anchoviesSTOStolephorus spp.
Anchovies n.e.i.ANXEngraulidae
Clupeoids n.e.i.CLUClupeoidei
Dorab wolf-herringDOBChirocentrus dorab
Wolf-herringsDOSChirocentrus spp.
WahooWAHAcanthocybium solandri
Narrow-barred Spanish mackerelCOMScomberomorus ommerson
Indo-Pacific king mackerelGUTScomberomorus guttatus
Streaked seerfishSTSScomberomorus lineolatus
Seerfishes n.e.i.KGXScomberomorus spp.
Frigate and bullet tunasFRZAuxis thazard, A rochei
KawakawaKAWEuthynnus affinis
Skipjack tunaSKJKatsuwonus pelamis
Longtail tunaLOTThunnus tonggol
AlbacoreALBThunnus alalunga
Southern bluefin tunaSBFThunnus maccoyii
Yellowfin tunaYFTThunnus albacares
Big-eye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Indo-Pacific sailfishSFAIstiophorus platypterus
Indo-Pacific blue marlinBLZMakaira mazara
Black marlinBLMMakaira indica
Striped marlinMLSTetrapturus audax
Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishesBILIstiophoridae
Tuna-like fishes n.e.i.TUXScombroidei
SnoekSNKThyrsites atun
Largehead hairtailLHTTrichiurus lepturus
Silver scabbardfishSFSLepidopus caudatus
Hairtails, cutlassfishes, n.e.i.CUTTrichiuridae
Chub mackerelMASScomber japonicus
Indian mackerelRAGRastrelliger kanagurta
Indian mackerels n.e.i.RAXRastrelliger spp.
Mackerel-like fishes n.e.i.MKXScombroidei
SwordfishSWOXiphias gladius
Shortfin makoSMAIsurus oxyrinchus
Blue sharkBSHPrionace glauca
Oceanic whitetip sharkOCSCarcharhinus longimanus
Spot-tail sharkCCQCarcharhinus sorrah
Dusky sharkDUSCarcharhinus obscurus
Silky sharkFALCarcharhinus falciformis
Milk sharkRHARhizoprionodon acutus
Requiem sharks n.e.i.RSKCarcharhinidae
Hammerhead sharks, etc. n.e.i.SPYSphyrnidae
Guitarfishes, etc. n.e.i.GTFRhinobatidae
Rays, stingrays, mantas n.e.i.SRXRajiformes
Sharks, rays, skates, etc. n.e.i.SKXElasmobranchii
Marine fishes n.e.i.MZZOsteichthyes
SwimcrabsCRSPortunus spp.
Mud crabMUDScylla serrata
Geryons n.e.i.GERGeryon spp.
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
Tropical spiny lobsters n.e.i.SLVPanulirus spp.
Natal spiny lobsterSLNPalinurus delagoae
Slipper lobstersLOSScyliaridae
Andaman lobsterNEAMetanephrops andamanicus
Giant tiger prawnGITPenaeus monodon
Green tiger prawnTIPPenaeus semisulcatus
Indian white prawnPNIPenaeus indicus
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i.PENPenaeus spp.
Knife shrimpKNSHaliporoides triarthrus
Jack-knife shrimpJAQHaliporoides sibogae
Knife shrimpsKNIHaliporoides spp.
Natantian decapods n.e.i.DCPNatantia
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Abalones n.e.i.ABXHaliotis spp.
Rock-cupped oysterCSCCrassostrea cucullata
Cupped oysters n.e.i.OYCCrassostrea spp.
Cephalopods n.e.i.CEPCephalopoda
Cuttlefishes, bobtail squidsCTLSepiidae, Sepiolidae
Common squidsSQCLoligo spp.
Squids n.e.i.SQULoliginidee, Ommastrephidae
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
Green turtleTUGChelonia mydas
Marine turtles n.e.i.TTXTestudinata
Sea cucumbers n.e.i.CUXHolothurioidea
Aquatic invertebrates n.e.i.INVInvertebrata
ANNEX 5FORMAT FOR THE SUBMISSION OF CATCH DATA FOR REGIONS OTHER THAN THE NORTH ATLANTICMagnetic mediaComputer tapes: Nine track with a density of 1600 or 6250 BPI and EBCDIC or ASCII coding, preferably unlabelled. If labelled, an end-of-file code should be included.Floppy discs: MS-DOS formatted 3,5″ 720 K or 1,4 Mbyte discs or 5,25″ 360 K or 1,2 Mbyte discs.Record format
Byte numbersItemRemarks
1 to 4Country (ISO 3-alpha code)e.g. FRA = France
5 to 6Yeare.g. 93 = 1993
7 to 8Major fishing area34 = eastern central Atlantic
9 to 15Division3.3 = division 3.3
16 to 18Species3-alpha identifier
19 to 26CatchMetric tonnes
Notes:(a)The catch field (bytes 19 to 26) should be right justified with leading blanks. All other fields should be left justified with trailing blanks.(b)The catch should be recorded in the live weight equivalent of the landings, to the nearest metric tonne.(c)Quantities (bytes 19 to 26) of less than half a unit should be recorded as "-1".(d)Unknown quantities (bytes 19 to 26) should be recorded as "-2".