Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble driers
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  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 103T, September 23, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2006/80/ECof 23 October 2006adapting certain directives in the field of energy, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 306L0080, December 20, 2006
Commission Directive 95/13/ECof 23 May 1995implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble driers THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources of household appliancesOJ No L 297, 13. 10. 1992, p. 16., and in particular Articles 9 and 12 thereof, Whereas under Directive 92/75/EEC the Commission is to adopt an implementing directive in respect of household appliances including electric tumble driers; Whereas electricity use by tumble driers accounts for a significant part of total Community energy demand; whereas the scope for reduced energy use by these appliances is substantial; Whereas the Community, confirming the interest of an international standardization system capable of producing standards that are actually used by all partners in international trade and of meeting the requirements of Community policy, invites the European standards organization to continue their cooperation with international standards organizations; Whereas the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Cenelec) are the bodies recognized as competent to adopt harmonized standards in accordance with the general guidelines for cooperation between the Commission and these two bodies signed on 13 November 1984; whereas, within the meaning of this Directive, a harmonized standard is a technical specification (European standard or harmonization document) adopted by Cenelec, on the basis of a remit (mandate) from the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulationsOJ No L 109, 26. 4. 1983, p. 8., as last amended by Directive 94/10/EC of the European Parliament and the CouncilOJ No L 100, 19. 4. 1994, p. 30., and on the basis of those general guidelines; Whereas the measures set out in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the committee set up under Article 10 of Directive 92/75/EEC, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 1 1. This Directive shall apply to electric mains operated household tumble driers. Appliances that can also use other energy sources are excluded, as are combined washer-driers. 2. The information required by this Directive shall be measured in accordance with harmonized standards, the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and for which Member States have published the reference numbers of the national standards transposing those harmonized standards. Throughout this Directive any provisions requiring the giving of information relating to noise shall apply only where that information is required under Article 3 of Council Directive 86/594/EECOJ No L 334, 6. 12. 1986, p. 24.. This information, where required, shall be measured in accordance with that Directive. 3. The harmonized standards referred to in paragraph 2 shall be drawn up under mandate from the Commission in accordance with Directive 83/189/EEC. 4. "Dealer", "supplier", "information sheet", "other essential resources" and "supplementary information" shall have the meanings set out in Article 1 (4) of Directive 92/75/EEC.
Article 2 1. The technical documentation referred to in Article 2 (3) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall include: the name and address of the supplier, a general description of the appliance, sufficient for it to be uniquely identified, information, including drawings as relevant, on the main design features of the model and in particular items which appreciably affect its energy consumption, reports of relevant measurement tests carried out under test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2), operating instructions, if any. 2. The label referred to in Article 2 (1) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall be as specified in Annex I to this Directive. The label shall be placed on the outside of the front or top of the appliance, in such a way as to be clearly visible, and not obscured. 3. The content and format of the fiche referred to in Article 2 (1) of Directive 92/75/EEC shall be as specified in Annex II to this Directive. 4. In the circumstances covered by Article 5 of Directive 92/75/EEC, and where the offer for sale, hire, or hire purchase, is provided by means of a printed communication, such as a mail order catalogue, then that printed communication shall include all the information specified in Annex III to this Directive. 5. The energy efficiency class of an appliance, as specified in the label and the fiche, shall be as specified in Annex IV.
Article 3 Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all suppliers and dealers established in their territory fulfil their obligations under this Directive.
Article 4 1. Member States shall adopt and publish the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 1 March 1996. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. They shall apply those provisions from 1 April 1996. However, Member States shall allow, until 30 September 1996: the placing on the market, the commercialization and/or the display of products, the distribution of the printed communications referred to in Article 2 (4), which do not conform to this Directive. When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 5 This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Article 6 This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
null ANNEX I THE LABEL Label design 1. The label shall be the appropriate language version chosen from the following illustrations:01995L0013-20070101_en_img_1 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_2 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_3 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_4 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_501995L0013-20070101_en_img_6 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_7 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_801995L0013-20070101_en_img_901995L0013-20070101_en_img_10 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_1101995L0013-20070101_en_img_1201995L0013-20070101_en_img_1301995L0013-20070101_en_img_14 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_15 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_16 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_17 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_18 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_1901995L0013-20070101_en_img_20 01995L0013-20070101_en_img_2101995L0013-20070101_en_img_2201995L0013-20070101_en_img_23 Notes concerning the label 2. The following notes define the information to be included: Note: I.Supplier's name or trade mark. II.Supplier's model identifier. III.The energy efficiency class of an appliance shall be determined in accordance with Annex IV. This shall be placed at the same level as the relevant arrow. IV.Without prejudice to any requirements under the EU eco-label scheme, where an appliance has been granted a "EU eco-label" pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 880/92OJ No L 99, 11. 4. 1992, p. 1., a copy of the eco-label may be added here. The "electric tumble drier label design guide" referred to below, explains how the eco-label mark may be included in the label. V.Energy consumption in kWh per cycle, for "dry cotton cycle" in accordance with test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2). VI.Rated capacity of cotton, in kg, in accordance with the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2). VII.The type of appliance, air vented or condensing, in accordance with test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2). The arrow shall be placed at the same level as the relevant type. VIII.Where applicable, noise measured in accordance with Council Directive 86/594/EECOJ No L 344, 6. 12. 1986, p. 24. The relevant noise measurement standards are EN 60704-2-4 and EN 60704-3.. Note: The equivalent terms in other languages in those described above are given in Annex V. Printing 3. The following defines certain aspects of the label:01995L0013-20070101_en_img_24Colours used:CMYB — Cyan, magenta, yellow, black.For example: 07X0: 0 % cyan, 70 % magenta, 100 % yellow, 0 % black.Arrows: A: X0X0 B: 70X0 C: 30X0 D: 00X0 E: 03X0 F: 07X0 G: 0XX0 Outline colour: X070All text is in black. The background is white.Complete printing information is contained in the "Electric tumble drier label design guide", which is for information only, obtainable from: The Secretary of the Committee on energy labelling and standard product information for household appliances,Directorate-General for Energy XVII,European Commission,Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200,B-1049 Brussels. ANNEX II THE FICHEThe fiche shall contain the following information. The information may be given in the form of a table covering a number of appliances supplied by the same supplier, in which case it shall be given in the order specified, or given close to the description of the appliance: 1.Supplier's trade mark. 2.Supplier's model identifier. 3.The energy efficiency class of the model as defined in Annex IV. Expressed as "Energy efficiency class … on a scale of A (more efficient) to G (less efficient). Where this information is provided in a table this may be expressed by other means provided it is clear that the scale is from A (more efficient) to G (less efficient)". 4.Where the information is provided in a table, and where some of the appliances listed in the table have been granted a "EU eco-label" pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 880/92, this information may be included here. In this case the row heading shall state "EU eco-label", and the entry shall consist of a copy of the eco-label mark. This provision is without prejudice to any requirements under the Community eco-label mark scheme. 5.Energy consumption (Annex I note V). 6.Rated capacity of cotton (Annex I note VI). 7.Water consumption in accordance with test procedues of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2), for "dry cotton" programme cycle, if applicable. 8.Drying time in accordance with test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2) for "dry cotton" cycle. 9.The same information as given above, under notes 5, 6, 7 and 8, but in respect of the "iron dry cotton" and "easy care textiles" programmes. These lines may be omitted if there is no such cycle on the machines in question. 10.Suppliers may include the information in points 5 to 8 in respect of other drying cycles. 11.The average annual consumption of energy (and water if applicable) based on the drying of 150 kg using "dry cotton", plus 280 kg using "iron-dry" cotton, plus 150 kg using "easy care" textile programmes. This shall be expressed as "estimated annual consumption for a four person household normally using a drier". 12.The type of appliance, air vented or condensing, in accordance with test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2), (Annex I note VII). 13.Where applicable, "noise" in accordance with Directive 86/594/EEC. If a copy of the label, either in colour or black and white, is included in the fiche, only the further information included in the fiche needs to be included. Note: The equivalent terms in other languages to those described above are given in Annex V. ANNEX III MAIL ORDER AND OTHER DISTANCE SELLINGMail order catalogues and other printed communications referred to in Article 2 (4) shall contain the following information, given in the order specified: 1.Energy efficiency class (Annex II point 3) 2.Energy consumption (Annex I note V) 3.Capacity (Annex I note VI) 4.Water consumption per cycle (if applicable) (Annex II point 7) 5.Estimated annual consumption per household (Annex II point 11) 6.Noise (Annex I note VIII). Where other information contained in the fiche is provided it shall be in the form defined in Annex II and shall be included in the above table in the order defined for the fiche. Note: The equivalent terms in other languages to those described above are given in Annex V. ANNEX IV ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASSThe energy efficiency class of an appliance shall be defined in accordance with the following tables:
Table 1 — Air vented driers
Energy efficiency class Energy consumption "C" in kWh per kg of load using test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2) with "dry cotton cycle"
A C ≤ 0,51
B 0,51 < C ≤ 0,59
C 0,59 < C ≤ 0,67
D 0,67 < C ≤ 0,75
E 0,75 < C ≤ 0,83
F 0,83 < C ≤ 0,91
G C > 0,91
Table 2 — Condensing driers
Energy efficiency class Energy consumption "C" in kWh per kg of load using test procedures of the harmonized standards referred to in Article 1 (2) with "dry cotton cycle"
A C ≤ 0,55
B 0,55 < C ≤ 0,64
C 0,64 < C ≤ 0,73
D 0,73 < C ≤ 0,82
E 0,82 < C ≤ 0,91
F 0,91 < C ≤ 1,00
G C > 1,00
TRANSLATIONS OF TERMS TO BE USED IN LABEL AND FICHEThe equivalents in other Community languages of the terms in English given above are as follows:
Label Fiche Mail order
Annex I Annex II Annex III
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_25 Energy Energía Energi Energie Ενέργεια Énergie Energia Energie Energia Energia Energi Energie Energia Enerģija Energija Energia Enerġija Energia Energia Energija Енергия Energie
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_26 Drier Secadora Tørretumbler Trockner Στεγνωτήριο Sèche-linge Asciugatrici Droogtrommel Secador de roupa Kuivausrumpu Torktumlare Sušička Trummelkuivati Žāvēšanas mašīna Džiovintuvas Szárítógép Magna tat- tnixxif Suszarka Sušička Sušilni stroj Сушилна машина Uscător
I Manufacturer Fabricante Mærke Hersteller Κατασκευαστής Fabricant Costruttore Fabrikant Fabricante Tavarantoimittaja Leverantör Výrobce Tootja või kaubamärk Ražotājs Gamintojas Gyártó Manifattur Producent Výrobca Proizvajalec Производител Fabricant
II Model Modelo Model Modell Μοντέλο Modèle Modello Model Modelo Malli Modell Model Mudel Modelis Modelis Típus Mudell Model Model Model Модел Model
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_27 More efficient Más eficiente Lavt forbrug Niedriger Energieverbrauch Αποδοτικό Économe Bassi consumi Efficiënt Mais eficiente Vähän kuluttava Låg förbrukning Úsporné Tõhusam Efektīvāk Didžiausias efektyvumas Hatékonyabb L-anqas li taħli Bardziej efektywna Viac úsporný Manjša poraba energije По-ефективен Mai eficient
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_28 Less efficient Menos eficiente Højt forbrug Hoher Energieverbrauch Μη αποδοτικό Peu économe Alti consumi Inefficiënt Menos eficiente Paljon kuluttava Hög förbrukning Méně úsporné Vähemtõhus Mazāk efektīvi Mažiausias efektyvumas Kevésbé hatékony L-aktar li taħli Mniej efektywna Menej úsporný Večja poraba energije По-ниско ефективен Mai puțin eficient
3 1 Energy efficiency class … on a scaleof A(more efficient)to G(less efficient) Clase de eficiencia energética … en una escala que abarca de A (más eficiente) a G (menos eficiente) Relativt energiforbrug … på skalaen A (lavt forbrug) til G (højt forbrug) Energieeffizienzklasse … auf einer Skala von A (niedriger Energieverbrauch) bis G (hoher Energieverbrauch) Τάξη ενεργειακής απόδοσης … σε κλίμακα από Α(αποδοτικό)μέχρι το G(μη αποδοτικό) Classement selon son efficacité énergétique … sur une échelle de A (économe) à G (peu économe) Classe di efficienza energetica … su una scala da A (bassi consumi) a G (alti consumi) Energie-efficiëntieklasse … op een schaal van A (efficiënt) tot G (inefficiënt) Classe de eficiência energética … numa escala de A (mais eficiente) a G (menos eficiente) Energiatehokkuusluokka asteikolla A:sta (vähän kuluttava) G:hen (paljon kuluttava) Energieffektivitetsklass på en skala från A (låg förbrukning) till G (hög förbrukning) Třída energetické účinnosti … na stupnici A (nejvyšší účinnost, tj. nízká spotřeba elektrické energie) do G (nejnižší účinnost, tj. vysoká spotřeba elektrické energie) Energiatõhususklass … astmestikus A-st (tõhusam, st vähem tarbiv) kuni G-ni (vähemtõhus, st rohkem tarbiv) Energoefektivitātes klase… uz skalas no A (efektīvāk) līdz G (mazāk efektīvi) Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo klasė … skalėje nuo A (didžiausias efektyvumas) iki G (mažiausias efektyvumas) Energiahaté-konysági osztály A-tól (hatékonyabb) G-ig (kevésbé hatékony) terjedő skálán Il-klassi ta' l-effiċjenza ta' l-enerġija fuq skala ta' A (l-anqas li jaħlu) sa Ġ (l-aktar li jaħlu) Klasa efektywności energetycznej w skali od A (bardziej efektywna) do G (mniej efektywna) Trieda energetickej hospodárnosti pomocou stupnice od A (viac úsporná) po G (menej úsporná) Razred energijske učinkovitosti… na lestvici od A (manjša poraba energije) do G (večja poraba energije) Клас на енергийна ефективност … върху скала от А (най-ефективен) до G (най-нискоефективен) Clasa de eficiență energetică … pe o scară de la A (mai eficient) la G (mai puțin eficient)
V 5 2 Energy consumption Consumo de energía Energiforbrug Energieverbrauch Κατανάλωση ενέργειας Consommation d'énergie Consumo di energia Energieverbruik Consumo de energia Energiankulutus Energiförbrukning Spotřeba energie Energiatarbivus Enerģijas patēriņš Suvartojamos energijos kiekis Energiafogyasz-tás Konsum ta' Enerġija Zużycie energii Spotreba energie Poraba energije Консумация на енергия Consum de energie
V 5 2 kWh/cycle kWh/ciclo kWh/portion kWh/Trockenprogramm kWh/πρόγραμμα kWh par cycle kWh/ciclo kWh per cyclus kWh/ciclo kWh/ohjelma kWh/Torkomgång kWh/cyklus kWh/programm kWh/ciklā kWh/ciklas kWh/ciklus kWh/ċiklu kWh/cykl kWh/cyklus kWh/program kWh/цикъл kWh/ciclu
V 5 2 Based on standard test results for "dry cotton" cycle Sobre la base del resultado obtenido en un ciclo de secado normalizadas "algodón seco" På grundlag af standardtest på programmet skabstørt bomuld Auf der Grundlage von Ergebnissen der Normprüfung für das Programm "Baumwolle, schranktrocken" Βάσει αποτελεσμάτων των πρότυπων δοκιμών για το πρόγραμμα "στέγνωμα βαμβακερών" Sur la base des résultats obtenus pour le cycle "blanc sec" dans des conditions d'essai normalisées In base ai risultati di prove standard per il ciclo "asciugatura cotone" Gebaseerd op de resultaten van een standaardtest voor de cyclus "droog katoen" Com base nos resultados do ciclo normalizado "secagem de tecidos de algodão" Perustuu vakio-oloissa mitattuun kulutukseen ohjelmalla "säilytyskuiva puuvilla" Baserat på resultat från standardiserad provning av program för skåptorr bomull Na základě výsledků normovaného testu při programu "bavlna pro žehlení" Põhineb stabiilsetes oludes mõõdetud tarbivusel programmi "säilituskuiv puuvill" korral Balstīts uz standarta testa rezultātiem ciklā "sausa kokvilna" Remiantis "medvilnės džiovinimo" programos standartinio bandymo rezultatais Száraz pamut szövetre végzett szabványos vizsgálati eredmények alapján Ibbażata fuq ir-riżultati ta' testijiet standard ċiklu tal-qoton niexef w standardowym cyklu suszenia "bawełna sucha" Základom je výsledok štandardného testu pre cyklus bavlna Na podlagi rezultatov standardnega preskusa za program "suho za v omaro" Основана на контролни резултати за цикъл "сух памук" Bazat pe rezultatele încercărilor standardizate pentru ciclul "uscare bumbac"
V 5 2 Actual consumption will depend on how the appliance is used El consumo real depende de las condiciones de utilización del aparato Det faktiske energiforbrug afhænger af, hvorledes apparatet benyttes Der tatsächliche Verbrauch hängt von der Nutzung der Art des Geräts ab Η πραγματική κατανάλωση εξαρτάται από τον τρόπο χρήσεως της συσκευής La consommation réelle dépend des conditions d'utilisation de l'appareil Il consumo effettivo dipende dal modo in cui l'apparecchio viene usato Het werkelijke verbruik wordt bepaald door de wijze waarop het apparaat wordt gebruikt O consumo real de energia dependerá das condições de utilização do aparelho Todellinen kulutus riippuu laitteen käyttötavoista Verklig förbrukning beror på hur apparaten används Skutečná spotřeba energie závisí na způsobu používání spotřebiče Tegelik tarbivus oleneb seadme kasutusviisist Faktiskais enerģijas patēriņš atkarīgs no iekārtas lietošanas veida Tikrasis suvartojamos energijos kiekis priklausys nuo to, kaip prietaisas bus naudojamas A tényleges energiafogyasztás függ a használat és elhelyezés módjától Il-konsum attwali ta' l-enerġija jiddependi minn kif il-prodott ikun qed jiġi użat Aktualne zużycie energii zależy od warunków eksploatacji Skutočná spotreba energie závisí od toho, ako je spotrebič používaný Dejanska poraba je odvisna od načina uporabe stroja Действителната консумация на енергия ще зависи от това как се използва уредът Consumul real depinde de condițiile de utilizare a aparatului
VI 6 3 Capacity(cotton) kg Capacidad en kgde algodón Kapacitet(bomuld) kg Füllmenge(Baumwolle) kg Περιεχόμενο βαμβακερά σε kg Capacité(blanc) kg Capacità(cotone) kg Capaciteit(katoen) kg Capacidade(algodão) kg Täyttömäärä(puuvilla) kg Kapacitet(bomull) kg Náplň sušičky(bavlna) kg Täitekogus (puuvill) kg Ietilpība(kokvilna) kg Talpa (medvilnė)… kg Kapacitás(pamut) kg Kapaċità (qoton)kg Ładunek znamionowy (bawełna) kg Kapacita (bavlny)kg Zmogljivost(bombaž) kg Вместимост(памук) kg Capacitate(bumbac) kg
X 11 7 Water consumption Consumo de agua Vandforbrug Wasserverbrauch Κατανάλωση νερού Consommation d'eau Consumo di acqua Waterverbruik Consumo de água Vedenkulutus Vattenförbrukning Spotřeba vody Veetarbivus Ūdens patēriņš Suvartojamo vandens kiekis Vízfogyasztás Konsum ta' l-ilma Zużycie wody Spotreba vody Poraba vode Консумация на вода Consum de apă
8 Drying time Tiempo de secado Tørretid Trockenzeit Χρόνος στεγνώματος Temps de séchage Tempo di asciugatura Droogtijd Tempo de secagem Kuivausaika Torktid Doba sušení Kuivatamise ajaline kestus Žāvēšanas laiks Džiovinimo trukmė Szárítási idő Kemm iddum biex tnixxef Czas suszenia Čas sušenia Čas sušenja Време за сушене Timp de uscare
11 6 Estimated annual consumption for a four-person household which normally dries using a drier Consumo anual estimado de una familia de 4 personas que normalmente seca la ropa con la secadora Anslået årligt forbrug for en husstand på fire personer, hvor der normalt benyttes tørretumbler Geschätzter Jahresverbrauch eines Vier-Personen-Haushalts, der zum Wäschetrocknen normalerweise den Trockner benutzt Η εκτιμώμενη ετήσια κατανάλωση τετραμελούς νοικυριού που κάνει τη συνήθη χρήση στεγνωτηρίου ρούχων Consommation annuelle estimée d'une famille de 4 personnes utilisant généralement un sèche-linge électrique Consumo stimato annuo di una famiglia di quattro persone che generalmente utilizza l'asciugatrice per asciugare Geschat jaarlijks verbruik voor een huishouden van vier personen dat voor het drogen van de was normaal gebruik maakt van een droogtrommel Consumo estimado anual de um agregado familiar de 4 pessoas que, geralmente, secam a sua roupa num secador Arvioitu vuosikulutus nelihenkisessä perheessä, jossa pyykki tavallisesti kuivataan kuivausrummussa Beräknad energiförbrukning per år för ett fyrapersonershushåll som vanligen torkar i tumlare Odhadovaná roční spotřeba čtyřčlenné domácnosti obvykle používající sušičku Hinnanguline aastatarbivus neljaliikmelises perekonnas, kus pesu kuivatatakse tavaliselt trummelkuivatis Paredzamais enerģijas un ūdens gada patēriņš četru personu saimniecībai, kas parasti izmanto žāvētāju Tipiškas keturių asmenų šeimos suvartojamas energijos kiekis per metus, normaliai džiovinant džiovintuve A szárítógépet rendszeresen ħasználó négyszemélyes háztartásra becsült évi fogyasztás Il-konsum stimat għal familja ta' erba'persuni li normalment tnixxef permezz ta' magna li tnixxef Szacowane roczne zużycie dla czteroosobowego gospodarstwa domowego przy normalnym korzystaniu z suszarki Odhadovaná ročná spotreba pre štvorčlennú domácnosť, ktorá bežne používa sušičku Ocenjena poraba na leto za štiričlansko gospodinjstvo, ki navadno uporablja sušilni stroj Годишна консумация за 4-членно домакинство при нормално използване на сушилнята Consum anual estimat pentru o familie de patru persoane care usucă rufele în mod normal cu un uscător
VII 12 Air vented Extracción Aftrækstørretumbler Abluftrockner Εξαγωγή Évacuation Evacuazione Luchtafvoersysteem Extracção Kosteuden ulos poistava Frånluftstumlare S odvodem vzduchu Ventileeriv Gaisa ventilācija Oru vėdinamas Légfúvásos Miftuħ għall-arja Napowietrzana Odvetrávaná Odzračevalni sušilni stroj Въздушно отвеждане Evacuare aer
VII 12 Condensing Condensación Kondenstørretumbler Kondensationstrockner Συμπύκνωσις Condensation Condensazione Condensatiesysteem Condensação Kosteuden tiivistävä Kondenstumlare Kondenzační Kondenseeriv Kondensācija Drėgmę kondensuojantis Kondenzációs Tikkondensa Kondensacyjna Kondenzačná Kondenzacijski sušilni stroj Кондензиране Condensare
VIII 13 6 Noise(dB(A) re 1 pW) Ruido[dB(A) re 1 pW] Lydeffektniveau(dB(A) (støj)) Geräusch(dB(A) re 1 pW) Θόρυβος[dB(A) ανά 1 pW] Bruit[dB(A) re 1 pW] Rumore[dB(A) re 1 pW] Geluidsniveau(dB(A) re 1 pW) Nível de ruído[dB(A) re 1 pW] Aäni(dB(A) re 1 pW) Buller(dB(A) re 1 pW) Hluk(dB(A) re 1 pW) Müra(dB(A) re 1 pW) Troksnis(dB(A) re 1 pW) Triukšmas(dB (A) apie 1 pW) Zaj(dB(A) 1 pW) Livell tal-ħoss(dB(A) re 1 pW) Poziom hałasu(dB(A) re 1 pW) Hlučnosť(dB(A) re 1 pW) Hrup(dB(A) re 1 pW) Ниво на шум(dB(A) за 1 pW) Nivel de zgomot(dB(A) re 1 pW)
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_29 Further information is contained in product brochures Ficha de información detallada en los folletos del producto Brochurerne om produktet indeholder yderligere oplysninger Ein Datenblatt mit weiteren Geräteangaben ist in den Prospekten enthalten Μια κάρτα με πληροφοριακές λεπτομέρειες Une fiche d'information détaillée figure dans la brochure Gli opuscoli illustrativi contengono una scheda particolareggiata Een kaart met nadere gegevens is opgenomen in de brochures over het apparaat Ficha pormenorizada no folheto do produto Tuote-esitteissä on lisätietoja Produktbroschyrerna innehåller ytterligare information Další údaje jsou v návodu k použití Kasutusjuhend sisaldab lisateavet Sīkāka informācija norādīta brošūrā Daugiau informacijos yra gaminio apraše További információ a termék ismertetőben Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb mill-manwal tal-prodott Szczegółowe informacje zawarte są w instrukcji obsługi Ďalšie informácie sú obsiahnuté vo výrobkových katalógoch Ostali podatki so navedeni v prospektih Допълнителна информация се съдържа в техническия проспект Informații suplimentare se găsesc în broșurile de produs
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_30 Norm EN 61121 Norma EN 61121 Standard:EN 61121 Norm EN 61121 Πρότυπο ΕΝ 61121 Norme EN 61121 Norma EN 61121 Norm EN 61121 Norma EN 61121 StandardiEN 61121 StandardEN 61121 Norma EN 61 121 Standard EN61 121 StandartsEN 61 121 Lietuvos standartas LSTEN 61 121 EN 61 121 szabvány L-istandard EN61 121 Norma -EN 61 121 Norma EN 61 121 Standard EN61 121 БДС EN61121 Standard EN61121
01995L0013-20070101_en_img_31 Electric drier label Directive 95/13/EC Directiva 95/13/CE sobre etiquetado de secadoras Direktiv 95/13/EF om energimærkning af tørretumblere Richtlinie 95/13/EG Wäschetrockneretikett Οδηγία 95/13/ΕΚ για τις επισημάνσεις στα ηλεκτρικά στεγνωτήρια ρούχων Directive 95/13/CE relative à l'étiquetage des séchoirs Direttiva 95/13/CE sull'etichettatura delle asciugabiancheria Richtlijn 95/13/EG: etikettering droogtrommels Directiva 95/13/CE relativa à etiquetagem de secadores Kuivausrumpujen merkintöja koskeva direktiivi 95/13/EY Direktiv om märkning av torktumlare 95/13/EG Směrnice 95/13/ES pro označování elektrických sušiček energetickými štítky Trummelkuivatite märgistamise Direktiiv 95/13/EÜ Elektrisko žāvēšanas mašīnu marķēšanas Direktīva 95/13/EK Elektrinio džiovintuvo etiketės direktyva 95/13/EB A 95/13/EK irányelv alapján Id-Direttiva 95/13/KE relativa dwar it-tikketti tal-magna tat-tnixxif ta' l-elettriku Dyrektywa 95/13/WE dotycząca etykiet umieszczanych na suszarkach Smernica 95/13/ES o štítkovaní elektrických sušičiek Direktiva 95/13/ES o energijskih nalepkah za sušilne stroje Директива 95/13/ЕO за сушилни машини Directiva 95/13/CE privind eticheta pentru uscătoarele electrice