Commission Regulation (EC) No 1091/94 of 29 April 1994 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of the Community's forests against atmospheric pollution
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 690/95of 30 March 1995amending Regulation (EC) No 1091/94 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of the Community's forests against atmospheric pollution, 31995R0690, March 31, 1995
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1390/97of 18 July 1997amending Regulation (EC) No 1091/94 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of forests against atmospheric pollution, 31997R1390, July 19, 1997
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1545/1999of 14 July 1999amending Regulation (EC) No 1091/94 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of forests against atmospheric pollution, 31999R1545, July 15, 1999
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 2278/1999of 21 October 1999laying down certain detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of the Community's forests against atmospheric pollution, 31999R2278, October 29, 1999
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006of 7 November 2006laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community, 32006R1737, November 30, 2006
conduct intensive, continuous surveillance of forestry ecosystems, establish or extend, in a coordinated and harmonious way, a network of permanent observation plots required for such intensive, continuous surveillance;
to establish or extend the network of permanent observation plots for the intensive and continuous surveillance, to carry out the inventory of crown condition, to carry out the soil inventory, to carry out the foliage inventory, to carry out the increment measurements, to carry out the deposition measurements, and to carry out the meteorological measurements,and to carry out the sampling and analysis of soil solution,and to carry out the assessment of ground vegetation,
to conduct an intensive and continuous monitoring of forest ecosystems in relation to the damage caused by atmospheric pollution and other factors influencing forest condition, to improve the understanding of the causal relationship between changes in forest ecosystem and the factors influencing it especially atmospheric pollution, by concentrating at a single location various measurements and monitoring of forest ecosystems and its components, to obtain relevant information on the evolution of a number of forest ecosystems in the Community.
the plots should be located in such a way that the more important forest species and more widespread growing conditions in the respective country are represented, the minimum size of a plot shall be 0,25 hectares measured on a horizontal plane, to minimise the effects from activities on surrounding areas the plot shall be surrounded by a buffer zone. The actual width of the zone depends on the type and age of the forest. If the area of the plot and its surroundings is uniform with regard to height and age structure, the width of the buffer zone can be restricted to 5 or 10 m. If the forest area in which the plot is located consists of mixed stands, different species or age structure, the buffer zone shall be enlarged to up to five times the potential maximum height of the forest in the plot, as the plot will have to be available for long duration monitoring, it is necessary that the corners and/or boundaries are clearly marked and that each sample tree in the plot is numbered in a permanent way, the plots should be easily accessible at all times and no restriction with regard to the access and sampling should exist, there should be no differences in the management of the plot, its buffer zone and the surrounding forest (e.g. management operations should be comparable), and disturbances caused by the monitoring should be kept to a minimum), direct pollution from known local sources should be avoided. Plots should not be located in the immediate vicinity of farms, very close to main roads or in direct vicinity of polluting industries, a sufficient number of trees should be available for sampling in or near the plot, the plots and the buffer zone should be as uniform as possible regarding, e.g. species or species mixture, age, size, soil and slope, the plots should be located sufficiently far away from the forest edge.
Installation | First surveys |
| |
| |
| |
1. Brief description of the measures 2. Applicant Links between the applicant and the measures 3. Agency responsible for carrying out the measures Object and scope of the agency's main activities 4. Detailed description of the measures where: -
(a) the measures relate to establishing or extending the network of permanent observation plots for the intensive and continuous surveillance: -
1. description of existing situation 2. geographical location and area of the region(s) concerned (plus cartographical document) 3. number of permanent observation plots;
(b) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of an inventory of the crown condition on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of existing situation 2. number of observation plots, which are be included in the the crown condition inventory (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the sampling procedure used at plot level (number of trees, markings, etc.) 4. indication of timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(c) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of an inventory of the soil condition on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. Number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included in the soil condition inventory (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the sampling procedures used at plot level (number of single samples, soil profile description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible with the results analysed according to the approved methods 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(d) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of an inventory of the foliar condition on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included in the foliar condition inventory (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the sampling procedures used at plot level (number of single samples, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(e) the mesures relate to the establishment and execution of the measurements of increment changes on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included for the increment measurements (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the measurement procedures used at plot level (number of measurements, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible with the results analysed according to the approved methods 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(f) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of the measurements of deposition rates on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included for the deposition measurements (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the measurement procedures used at plot level (number of measurements, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible with the results analysed according to the approved methods 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(g) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of the meteorological measurements on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included for the meteorological measurements (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the measurement procedures used at plot level (number of measurements, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible with the results analysed according to the approved methods 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(h) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of the measurements of soil solution on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included for the measurements of soil solution (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the measurement procedures used at plot level (number of measurements, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible with the results analysed according to the approved methods 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b);
(i) the measures relate to the establishment and execution of an assessment of the ground vegetation on the permanent observation plots: -
1. description of the existing situation 2. number of permanent observation plots, which are to be included in the ground vegetation assessment (form 2a) 3. detailed description of the sampling procedures used at plot level (number of sub-samples, description, etc.) 4. detailed description of parameters to be determined and the analysis methods to be applied including a clear description of any calibration, correction, and/or recalculation needed to make the results compatible 5. indication of the timetable for the execution of the projected measures (form 2b).
5. Cost of measures under 4(a) to 4(i) (form 2a) -
1. Costs for the establishment or extending the network (4a) -
1.1. costs per plot 1.2. total costs 1.3. aid applied for from the Community
2. Costs of establishment, observation or sampling for each survey 4(b) to 4(i) -
2.1. costs per plot 2.2. total costs 2.3. aid applied for from the Community
3. Costs of analysis and evaluation for each survey 4(b) to 4(i) -
3.1. costs per plot 3.2. total costs 3.3. aid applied for from the Community
4. Total project costs (sum of costs for 1.2 (establishment), 2.2 (observations and/or sampling), and 3.2 (analysis and evaluation)) 5. Total aid applied for from the Community (sum of costs for 1.3 (establishment), 2.3 (observations and/or sampling), and 3.3 (analysis and evaluation))
6. Complete forms 2a and 2b
plot number, exposure, tree number, information on removals and mortality, tree species, social class, crown shading, visibility,
1. Visual assessment of defoliation Defoliation shall be estimated in 5 % steps in relation to a tree with full foliage in local condition. The classification of trees into degrees of defoliation shall be carried out during the observation and shall be registered in 5 % steps. A tree with between 95 % and 100 % defoliation, which is still alive, is scored as 99. The score 100 is reserved for dead trees. 2. Visual assessment of discolouration The classification of trees into degrees of discolouration shall be carried out after the observations have been made. The degrees of discolouration are defined as follows: Class Discolouration Indicative percentage of leaves discoloured 0 None or negligible 0—10 1 Slight discolouration 11—25 2 Moderate discolouration 26—60 3 Severe discolouration > 60 4 Dead 3. Additional parameters The additional parameters are listed below: -
damage due to easily identifiable causes (insect, fungi, abiotic agents…), identification of damage type, observations on the tree in the plot.
plot number, date of sampling and analysis.
H-horizons or layers: layers dominated by organic material, formed from accumulations of undecomposed or partially decomposed organic material at the soil surface which may be underwater. All H-horizons are saturated with water for prolonged periods or were once saturated but are now artificially drained. An H-horizon may be on the top of mineral soils or at any depth beneath the surface if it is buried. O-horizons or layers: layers dominated by organic material, consisting of undecomposed or partially decomposed litter, such as leaves, needles, twigs, moss and lichens, which has accumulated on the surface; they may be on top of either mineral or organic soils. O-horizons are not saturated with water for prolonged periods. The mineral fraction of such material is only a small percentage of the volume of the material and generally is much less than half of the weight. An O-layer may be at the surface of a soil or at any depth beneath the surface if it is buried. An horizon formed by illuviation of organic material into a mineral subsoil is not an O-horizon, though some horizons formed in this matter contain much organic matter.
0 — 10 cm (it is advised to sample 0 — 5 and 5 — 10 separately), 10 — 20 cm, 20 — 40 cm, 40 — 80 cm.
Parameter | Units | H/O | Min | Approved methods | Remarks |
pH (CaCl |
Mandatory | Mandatory | Labex 8703-01-1-1 and ISO/TC190/SC3/GT8 | ||
Carbon organic (C-org) | (g/kg) | Mandatory | Mandatory | Dry combustion | |
Nitrogen (N) | (g/kg) | Mandatory | Mandatory | Dry combustion | |
Phosphorus (P) | (mg/kg) | Mandatory | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Potassium (K) | (mg/kg) | Mandatory | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Calcium (Ca) | (mg/kg) | Mandatory | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Magnesium (Mg) | (mg/kg) | Mandatory | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Organic layer (OrgLay) | (kg/m |
Mandatory | Volume (cylindric)-dry-weight | ||
Calcium carbonate (CaCO |
(g/kg) | Optional | Mandatory | AFNOR X 31-105 | if pH (CaCl |
Exchangeable acidity (Ac-Exc) | (cmol |
Optional | Mandatory | Titration | |
Base cations exchangeable (BCE) | (cmol |
Optional | Mandatory | Extractant: BaCl |
Acid cations exchangeable (ACE) | (cmol |
Optional | Mandatory | Extractant: BaCl |
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) | (cmol |
Optional | Mandatory | Bascomb | |
Base saturation (BaseSat) | (%) | Optional | Mandatory | Labex L8703-26-1-1 | |
Sodium (Na) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Aluminium (Al) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Iron (Fe) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Chromium (Cr) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | ||
Nickel (Ni) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | ||
Manganese (Mn) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Zinc (Zn) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Copper (Cu) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Lead (Pb) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Cadmium (Cd) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
Mercurium (Hg) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | ||
Sulphur (S) | (mg/kg) | Optional | Optional | Extractant: aqua regia | |
pH (H |
Optional | Optional | pH-electrode | ||
Electric conductivity (EC) | (mS/m) | Optional | Optional | EC-metre |
the trees are different from those used for the crown assessment, in order to avoid that successive samplings introduce loss of foliage, in case the vitality assessment is restricted to the trees in the sub-plot, the trees for the foliage sampling shall be selected from the remaining part of the total plot. If no sub-plot is used the trees for sampling shall be selected from the trees in the buffer zone. In this case the trees selected for sampling in the buffer zone shall be given a special number (see Annex VII), the trees belong to the predominant and dominant classes (forest with closed canopy) or to the trees with average height ± 20 % (forest with open canopy), the trees are in the vicinity of the locations where soil samples were taken for anaylsis; however care must be taken that the main roots of the sample trees have not been damaged by soil sampling, the trees are representative of the mean defoliation level of the plot (± 5 % of the mean foliage loss), the trees are representative of the sanitary status of the plot.
plot number, data of sampling and analysis; tree species.
Mandatory parameters | Optional parameters |
periodic measurements on tree parameters, tree ring analysis by means of increment cores and stem discs (optional).
plot number, data of sampling and analysis, tree number.
Mandatory parameters | Optional parameters | |
Periodic measurements | ||
Tree ring analysis |
Assessment | Annex | Frequency | File name(s) |
Installation | I | Once | XXGENER.PLT |
Crown assessment | III | Yearly | XX1995.PLT,XX1995.TRE |
Soil inventory | IV | Five or 10 yearly | XX1995.PLS,XX1995.SOM,XX1995.SOO |
Foliage inventory | V | Two yearly | XX1995.PLF,XX1995.FOM,XX1995.FOO |
Increment | VI | Five yearly | XX1995.PLI,XX1995.IPM,XX1995.IRA,XX1995.IEV |
Deposition | VIII | Continuous | XX1995.PLD, XX1995.DEM, XX1995.DEO, XX1995.DEA |
Meteorology | IX | Continuous | XX1995.PLM, XX1995.MEM, XX1995.MEC, Form 8d, XX1995.MEO et XX1995.MED |
Soil solution | X | Continuous | XX1996.PSS, XX1996.SSM, XX1996.SSO |
Ground vegetation | XI | Five yearly | XX1996.PLV, XX1996.VEM |
Day | Month | Year |
08 | 09 | 94 |
+/- | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | ||||
+ | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 7 | |
- | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Absolute yield code | Relative yield code |
class 22 is only applicable in those countries that do not record trees with more than 50 % crown damage class 23 is only applicable in those countries who restrict sampling to Kraft classes 1, 2 and 3
Total ground vegetation layer | * | |
Shurb layer | * | * |
Herb layer | * | * |
Moss layer | * |
to be defined in DAR-Q |
information on the achievements of the National Focal Centre (NFC) itself, an (up-dated) description of the national evaluation strategy, a summary of the results achieved on national level, and information on publications made in this field on national or international level by the NFC or other institutions involved.
plot number, sampler code, first date of monitoring period, last date of monitoring period, number of (equal) measuring periods in monitoring period.
Parameter | Throughfall | Bulk/Wet-only | Stemflow | Fog | Air | |
beech | other spec. | |||||
pH | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
Conductivity | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
K | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. |
Ca | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. |
Mg | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. |
Na | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. |
N-NH |
Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
Cl | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
N-NO |
Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
S-SO |
Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. |
Alkalinity | Man | Man | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
N |
Man | Opt. | Man | Opt. | Opt. | |
Al |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
Mn |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
Fe |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
PO |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
Cu | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
Zn | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
Hg | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
Pb | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |
Co | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
Mo | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
Cd | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
S |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
N |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
C |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |||
C |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | |||
P |
Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | Opt. | ||
O |
Opt. | |||||
SO |
Opt. | |||||
SO |
Opt. | |||||
NO |
Opt. | |||||
NO | Opt. | |||||
Opt. | |||||
Opt. | |||||
NH |
Opt. | |||||
NH |
Opt. | |||||
V.O.C. | Opt. |
Mandatory | Optional |
Precipitation | UVb radiation |
Air temperature | Soil temperatures |
Air humidity | Soil moisture |
Wind speed |
(matric potential, water content) |
Wind direction |
Stand precipitation |
Solar radiation |
(quantity of throughfall and stemflow) |
plot No, exact details of the used equipment, location of the plots (longitude, latitude, altitude) and of equipment (relative to the plot), start and end dates of the measurements, frequency (number of periods).
Parameter | Units | Mean | Sum | Minimum | Maximum | Remarks |
Precipitation | (mm) | * | Total precipitation including snow, etc.) | |||
Air temperature | (°C) | * | * | * | ||
Relative humidity | (%) | * | * | * | ||
Wind speed | (m/s) | * | * | |||
Wind direction | (°) | * | Prevailing wind direction | |||
Solar radiation | (W/m |
* | ||||
UVb radiation | (W/m |
* | ||||
Soil temperature | (°C) | * | * | * | ||
Soil moisture (matric pot. Water content) | (hPa) | * | * | * | ||
Stand precipitation | (mm) | * | ||||
Others | To be specified in the data accompanying Report |
Soil solution collectors It is strongly advised that lysimeters be placed at at least two depths, i.e one within the rooting zone (suggested depth is 10 to 20 cm) to gain insight into concentrations of nutrients and toxic elements near the fine roots (aim 1) and one below the rooting zone (suggested depth is 40-80 cm), to estimate the element output (aim 2). It is also advised that a third lysimeter be placed immediately below the humus layer. Soil samples If centrifugation or saturation extract methods are used, the soil layers to be sampled are those mentioned in the soil manual: humus layer, 0 — 10, 10 — 20, 20 — 40 and 40 — 80 cm. A selection or aggregation of some layers can be made.
plot number, information on sampler (type, depth), first date of monitoring period, last date of monitoring period, number of (equal) measuring periods in monitoring period.
Parameter | unit | Mandatory/Optional |
Conductivity | μS/cm | Opt. |
pH | Man. | |
Alkalinity | μmolc/l | Opt. (if pH > 5) |
DOC | mg/l | Man. |
Sodium (Na) | mg/l | Opt |
Potassium (K) | mg/l | Man. |
Calcium (Ca) | mg/l | Man. |
Magnesium (Mg) | mg/l | Man. |
Aluminium (total) | mg/l | Man. (if pH < 5) |
Aluminium (labile) | mg/l | Opt. |
Iron (Fe) | mg/l | Opt. |
Manganese (Mn) | mg/l | Opt. |
Total Phosphorus (P) | mg/l | Opt. |
NO |
mg/l | Man. |
SO |
mg/l | Man. |
NH |
mg/l | Opt. |
Chlorine (Cl) | mg/l | Opt. |
Chromium (Cr) | μg/l | Opt. |
Nickel (Ni) | μg/l | Opt. |
Zinc (Zn) | μg/l | Opt. |
Copper (Cu) | μg/l | Opt. |
Lead (Pb) | μg/l | Opt. |
Cadmium (Cd) | μg/l | Opt. |
Silicon (Si) | mg/l | Opt. |
characterisation of the current state of the forest ecosystems on the basis of their composition, monitoring of vegetation changes due to natural and anthropogenic environmental factors.
plot number date of sampling and analysis fencing total area sampled information on the total ground vegetation layer (cover), the shrub and herbs layer (cover and average height) and the moss layer (cover).
sampling lay-out of the sampling units (number and area of the subplots) definition of layers applied (moss, herbs, shrubs, tree) scales applied and conversion of these scales to percentages information on deviations from the standard species list and their codes aggregation methods applied to arrive at plot level information.