1.Facsimile machine for the transmission and automatic reception of documents containing text and/or graphics via the telephone lines. Documents may be transmitted to one or multiple recipients.The machine consists of a device for the dot-by-dot scanning of the original document, a modem for sending and receiving the result of the scanning and a receiver section incorporating a recording device.The recording device my also be used for coyping documents. | 85178210 | Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the wording of CN codes 8517, 851782 and 85178210 |
2.A satellite receiver which converts high frequency television signals received by the satellite dish and transfers them in a usable form to a connected colour television receiver.The satellite receiver may incorporate a means of selecting the channels (by keyboard or remote control). | 85281091 | Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 8528, 852810 and 85281091Classification within CN code 8525 is not possible since the transfer of converted signals is not regraded as transmission in the sense of CN code 8525 |