Council Directive 94/28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, their semen, ova and embryos, and amending Directive 77/504/EEC on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Council Directive 94/28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, their semen, ova and embryos, and amending Directive 77/504/EEC on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species(Official Journal of the European Union L 178 of 12 July 1994)On page 67, in Article 3(2)(c):for:"c)be surprised by an official inspection service of the third country,",read:"(c)be supervised by an official inspection service of the third country,";on page 67, in Articles 2(1), 3(1), 3(2) in the introductory sentence, 3(2)(b), 3(2)(d), 4 in the first indent, Article 5 in the first indent, andon page 68 in Articles 6 in the first indent and 7 in the first indent;for:"authority" and "authorities",read:"body" and "bodies".