Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 of 28 July 1993 determining the intervention centres for cereals
Modified by
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2202/94of 9 September 1994amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31994R2202, September 10, 1994
Commission Regulation (EC) No 3129/94of 20 December 1994amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals following the accession of Austria, Finland and SwedenCorrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 3129/94 of 20 December 1994 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals following the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden(Official Journal of the European Communities No L 330 of 21 December 1994), 31994R312931994R3129R(01), December 21, 1994
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1307/95of 8 June 1995amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31995R1307, June 9, 1995
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2627/95of 10 November 1995amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31995R2627, November 11, 1995
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2304/96of 29 November 1996amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31996R2304, November 30, 1996
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1877/97of 26 September 1997amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31997R1877, September 27, 1997
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1983/98of 17 September 1998amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31998R1983, September 18, 1998
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2083/1999of 30 September 1999amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31999R2083, October 1, 1999
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1997/2000of 21 September 2000amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 32000R1997, September 22, 2000
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1792/2001of 12 September 2001amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 32001R1792, September 13, 2001
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1938/2002of 30 October 2002amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 32002R1938, October 31, 2002
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1813/2003of 15 October 2003amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 32003R1813, October 16, 2003
Commission Regulation (EC) No 750/2004of 22 April 2004adapting Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 32004R0750, April 23, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1805/2004of 14 October 2004amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 32004R1805, October 19, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2004/2006of 22 December 2006amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals, and adapting the said regulation due to the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 32006R2004, December 28, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 428/2008of 8 May 2008on determining the intervention centres for cereals(Codified version), 32008R0428, May 17, 2008
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 of 28 July 1993 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31993R2273R(01), October 27, 1993
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 of 28 july 1993 determining the intervention centres for cereals, 31993R2273R(02), October 29, 1993
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 3129/94 of 20 December 1994 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93 determining the intervention centres for cereals following the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden, 31994R3129R(01), December 24, 1994
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2273/93of 28 July 1993determining the intervention centres for cerealsTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,Having regard of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of 30 June 1992, on the common organization of the market in cerealsOJ No L 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21., and in particular Article 5 thereof,Whereas, to ensure the proper working of the intervention system, the selection of intervention centres should be based on a geographical location and storage facilities which allow the assembly and disposal of substantial quantities of cereals;Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Cereals,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The intervention centres to be determined pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 shall meet one of the following conditions:(a)location in regions having an appreciable production of cereals which substantially exceeds local demand either regularly or occasionally, taking account of agricultural and market structures in that region;(b)existence of substantial storage facilities;(c)special importance as a market for the goods inside and outside the Community.Article 21.Of the centres situated in regions of the kind mentioned in Article 1 (a), only those shall be considered which have:(a)storage facilities with technical equipment permitting the taking over, handling and discharge of a sufficiently large quantity of cereals;(b)transport connections favourable to the taking over and, more important, the disposal of cereals.2.Of the centres meeting the conditions mentioned in Article 1 (b) or (c), only those shall be considered whose storage facilities, technical equipment and advantageous geographical location permit the assembly and, more important, the disposal of substantial homogeneous quantities of cereals.Article 3Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2006/80OJ No L 197, 30. 7. 1980, p. 1. is hereby repealed.Article 4This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply from 1 July 1993.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.AHEKC — ANEXO — PŘÍLOHA — BILAG — ANHANG — LISA — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ — ANNEX — ANNEXE — ALLEGATO — PIELIKUMS — PRIEDAS — MELLÉKLET — BIJLAGE — ZAŁĄCZNIK — ANEXO — ANEXĂ PRÍLOHA — PRILOGA — LIITE — BILAGA1.Знакът + означава, че определеното място се счита за интервенционен център за въпросния вид зърно.2.Знакът – означава, че определеното място не трябва да се счита за интервенционен център за въпросния вид зърно.1.El signo + significa que el lugar indicado se considera centro de intervención para el cereal en cuestión.2.El signo – significa que el lugar indicado no ha de considerarse centro de intervención para el cereal en cuestión.1.Označení + znamená, že uvedené místo je považováno za intervenční centrum pro příslušnou obilovinu.2.Označení – znamená, že uvedené místo není považováno za intervenční centrum pro příslušnou obilovinu.1.Tegnet + angiver, at det anførte sted betragtes som interventionscenter for den pågældende kornsort.2.Tegnet – angiver, at det anførte sted ikke betragtes som interventionscenter for den pågældende kornsort.1.Das Zeichen + bedeutet, dass der angegebene Ort als Interventionsort für die betreffende Getreideart gilt.2.Das Zeichen – bedeutet, dass der angegebene Ort nicht als Interventionsort für die betreffende Getreideart gilt.1.Märge + näitab, et tähistatud piirkonda käsitletakse nimetatud teravilja sekkumiskeskusena.2.Märge – näitab, et tähistatud piirkonda ei käsitleta nimetatud teravilja sekkumiskeskusena.1.Το σημείο + καθορίζει ότι ο αναγραφόμενος τόπος θεωρείται ως κέντρο παρεμβάσεως για τα εν λόγω σιτηρά.2.Το σημείο – καθορίζει ότι ο αναγραφόμενος τόπος δεν θεωρείται ως κέντρο παρεμβάσεως για τα εν λόγω σιτηρά.1.The sign + indicates that the location shown is treated as an intervention centre for the cereal in question.2.The sign – indicates that the location shown is not to be treated as an intervention centre for the cereal in question.1.Le signe + précise que le lieu indiqué est considéré comme centre d'intervention pour la céréale en cause.2.Le signe – précise que le lieu indiqué n'est pas à considérer comme centre d'intervention pour la céréale en cause.1.Il segno + significa che il luogo indicato è considerato centro d'intervento per il cereale in causa.2.Il segno – significa che il luogo indicato non è da considerarsi centro di intervento per il cereale in causa.1.Zīme + norāda uz to, ka šī vieta uzskatāma par intervences centru minētajiem graudaugiem.2.Zīme – norāda uz to, ka šī vieta nav uzskatāma par intervences centru minētajiem graudaugiem.1.Ženklas + nurodo, kad tam tikri produktai yra sandėliuojami intervencinėje agentūroje.2.Ženklas – nurodo, kad tam tikri produktai nėra sandėliuojami intervencinėje agentūroje.1.A + jel azt jelzi, hogy a feltüntetett hely a kérdéses gabonaféle szempontjából intervenciós központnak minősül.2.A – jel azt jelzi, hogy a feltüntetett hely a kérdéses gabonaféle szempontjából nem minősül intervenciós központnak.1.Het teken + geeft aan, dat deze plaats interventiecentrum is voor de betrokken graansoort.2.Het teken – geeft aan, dat deze plaats geen interventiecentrum is voor de betrokken graansoort.1.Znak + oznacza, że wskazane miejsce traktuje się jako centrum interwencji w odniesieniu do danego zboża.2.Znak – oznacza, że wskazanego miejsca nie należy traktować jako centrum interwencji w odniesieniu do danego zboża.1.O sinal + significa que a localidade indicada é considerada centro de intervenção para o cereal em questão.2.O sinal – significa que a localidade indicada não é considerada centro de intervenção para o cereal em questão.1.Semnul "+" indică faptul că locul menționat este considerat ca si centru de intervenție pentru cereala în cauză.2.Semnul "–" indică faptul că locul menționat nu este considerat ca si centru de intervenție pentru cereala în cauză.1.Znamienko + označuje, že uvedené miesto sa považuje za intervenčné centrum pre daný druh obilniny.2.Znamienko – označuje, že uvedené miesto sa nepovažuje za intervenčné centrum pre daný druh obilniny.1.Znak + pomeni, da se prikazana lokacija šteje za intervencijski center za zadevno žito.2.Znak – pomeni, da se prikazana lokacija ne šteje za intervencijski center za zadevno žito.1.Merkki + ilmaisee, että mainittu paikka on kyseisen viljan interventiokeskus.2.Merkki – ilmaisee, että mainittu paikka ei ole kyseisen viljan interventiokeskus.1.Tecknet + indikerar att platsen används för intervention av det aktuella spannmålsslaget.2.Tecknet – indikerar att platsen inte används för intervention av det aktuella spannmålsslaget