Council Regulation (EEC) No 2018/93 of 30 June 1993 on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the Northwest Atlantic
Modified by
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08)Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 11994N31995D0001, August 29, 1994
  • Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 31995D0001, January 1, 1995
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1636/2001of 23 July 2001amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2018/93 on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the North-West Atlantic, 32001R1636, August 17, 2001
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
  • Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 32003R1882, October 31, 2003
  • Regulation (EC) No 217/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2009on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the north-west Atlantic (recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32009R0217, March 31, 2009
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2018/93of 30 June 1993on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the Northwest Atlantic THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,Whereas the Convention on future multilateral cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries approved by Regulation (EEC) No 3179/78OJ No L 378, 30. 12. 1978, p. 1., and establishing the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), requires the Community to supply the NAFO Scientific Council with any available statistical and scientific information requested by the Scientific Council in the performance of its work;Whereas timely catch and activity statistics have been identified by the NAFO Scientific Council as essential to the performance of its work in evaluating the state of the fish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic;Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3881/91 of 17 December 1991 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the Northwest AtlanticOJ No L 365, 31. 12. 1991, p. 19. does not fully meet the requirements necessary for the Community to supply the NAFO Scientific Council with all statistical information as stated under Article 6 (3) of the NAFO Convention; whereas it is necessary to repeal the said Regulation;Whereas, in order to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation, close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission should continue, in particular via the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics set up in Decision 72/279/EECOJ No L 179, 7. 8. 1972, p. 1.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Each Member State shall submit to the Commission data on the catches by vessels registered in, or flying the flag of, that Member State fishing in the Northwest Atlantic, with due regard to Council Regulation (Euratom, EEC) No 1588/90 of 11 June 1990 on the transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European CommunitiesOJ No L 151, 15. 6. 1990, p. 1..The nominal catch data shall include all fishery products landed or transhipped at sea in no matter what form but shall exclude quantities which, subsequent to capture, are discarded at sea, consumed on board or used as bait on board. Aquaculture production shall be excluded. The data shall be recorded as the live weight equivalent of the landings or transshipments, to the nearest tonne.
Article 21.The data to be submitted shall be of two types:(a)the annual nominal catches, expressed in tonnes live weight equivalent of the landings, of each of the species listed in Annex 1 in each of the statistical fishing regions of the Northwest Atlantic listed in Annex 2 and defined in Annex 3;(b)the catches as specified under 1 (a) and the corresponding fishing activity, subdivided by calendar month of capture, fishing gear, vessel size and main species sought.2.The data referred to in 1 (a) shall be submitted by 31 May of the year following the reference year and may be preliminary data. The data referred to in 1 (b) shall be submitted by 31 August of the year following the reference year and shall be definitive data.The data referred to in 1 (a) and submitted as preliminary data should be clearly identified as such.No submissions shall be required for species/fishing region combinations for which no catches were recorded in the reference period of the submission.Should the Member State not have fished in the Northwest Atlantic in the preceding calendar year, it shall inform the Commission thereof by 31 May of the following year.3.The definitions and codes to be used in submitting information on fishing activity, fishing gear method of fishing and vessel size are given in Annex IV.4.The list of species and statistical fishing regions and the descriptions of these regions, as well as the measures, codes and definitions applied to fishing activity, fishing gears, vessel sizes and methods of fishing may be amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6.
Article 3Except where provisions adopted under the common fisheries policy dictate otherwise, a Member State shall be permitted to use sampling techniques to derive catch data for those parts of the fishing fleet for which the complete coverage of the data would involve the excessive application of administrative procedures. The details of the sampling procedures, together with details of the proportion of the total data derived by such techniques, must be included by the Member State in the report submitted pursuant to Article 7 (1).
Article 4Member States shall fulfil their obligations to the Commission pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 by submitting the data on magnetic medium, the format of which is given in Annex 5.With the prior approval of the Commission, Member States may submit data in a different form or on a different medium.
Article 5Within 24 hours of receipt of the reports, whenever possible, the Commission shall transmit the information contained therein to the Executive Secretary of NAFO.
Article 61.The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee".2.Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/ECCouncil Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23). shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 71.Within 12 months of the entry into force of this Regulation, Member States shall submit a detailed report to the Commission describing how the data on catches and fishing activity are derived and specifying the degree of representativity and reliability of these data. The Commission, in collaboration with the Member States, shall draw up a summary of these reports.2.Member States shall inform the Commission of any modifications of the information provided under paragraph 1 within three months of their introduction.3.Where the methodological reports under paragraph 1 show that a Member State cannot immediately meet the requirements of this Regulation and that changes in survey techniques and methodology are necessary, the Commission may, in cooperation with the Member State, set a transitional period of up to two years during which the programme of this Regulation is to be achieved.4.Methodological reports, transitional arrangements, data availability, data reliability and other relevant issues connected with the application of this Regulation shall be examined once a year within the competent Working Group of the Agricultural Statistics Committee.
Article 8Regulation (EEC) No 3881/91 is hereby repealed.
Article 9This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply from 1 January 1994.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ILIST OF SPECIES WHICH HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN THE COMMERCIAL CATCH STATISTICS FOR THE NORTH-WEST ATLANTICMember States must report the nominal catches of those species marked with an asterisk (*). The reporting of nominal catches of the remaining species is optional as concerns the identification of the individual species. However, where data for individual species are not submitted the data shall be included in aggregate categories. Member States may submit data for species not in the list provided that the species are clearly identified.Note:"n.e.i." is the abbreviation for "not elsewhere identified".
English name3-alpha identifierScientific name
Atlantic codCOD (*)Gadus morhua
HaddockHAD (*)Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Atlantic redfishes n.e.i.RED (*)Sebastes spp.
Silver hakeHKS (*)Merluccius bilinearis
Red hakeHKR (*)Urophycis chuss
Saithe (= pollock)POK (*)Pollachius virens
Golden redfishREG (*)Sebastes marinus
Beaked redfishREB (*)Sebastes mentella
American plaice (L. R. dab)PLA (*)Hippoglossoides platessoides
Witch flounderWITGlyptocephalus cynoglossus
Yellowtail flounderYEL (*)Pleuronectes ferruginea
Greenland halibutGHL (*)Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Atlantic halibutHAL (*)Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Winter flounderFLW (*)Pseudopleuronectes americanus
Summer flounderFLS (*)Paralichthys dentatus
Windowpane flounderFLD (*)Scophthalmus aquosus
Flatfishes n.e.i.FLXPleuronectiformes
American anglerANG (*)Lophius americanus
Atlantic searobinsSRAPrionotus spp.
Atlantic tomcodTOMMicrogadus tomcod
Blue antimoraANTAntimora rostrata
Blue whiting (= poutassou)WHBMicromesistius poutassou
CunnerCUNTautogolabrus adspersus
Cusk (= tusk)USKBrosme brosme
Greenland codGRCGadus ogac
Blue lingBLIMolva dypterygia
LingLIN (*)Molva molva
Lumpfish (= lumpsucker)LUM (*)Cyclopterus lumpus
Northern kingfishKGFMenticirrhus saxatilis
Northern pufferPUFSphoeroides maculatus
Eelpouts n.e.i.ELZLycodes spp.
Ocean poutOPTMacrozoarces americanus
Polar codPOCBoreogadus saida
Roundnose grenadierRNGCoryphaenoides rupestris
Roughhead grenadierRHGMacrourus berglax
Sandeels (= sand lances)SANAmmodytes spp.
Sculpins n.e.i.SCUMyoxocephalus spp.
ScupSCPStenotomus chrysops
TautogTAUTautoga onitis
TilefishTILLopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
White hakeHKW (*)Urophycis tenuis
Wolf-fishes n.e.i.CAT (*)Anarhichas spp.
Atlantic wolf-fishCAA (*)Anarhichas lupus
Spotted wolf-fishCAS (*)Anarhichas minor
Groundfishes n.e.i.GROOsteichthyes
Atlantic herringHER (*)Clupea harengus
Atlantic mackerelMAC (*)Scomber scombrus
Atlantic butterfishBUTPeprilus triacanthus
Atlantic menhadenMHA (*)Brevoortia tyrannus
Atlantic saurySAUScomberesox saurus
Bay anchovyANBAnchoa mitchilli
BluefishBLUPomatomus saltatrix
Crevalle JackCVJCaranx hippos
Frigate tunaFRIAuxis thazard
King mackerelKGMScomberomorus cavalla
Atlantic Spanish mackerelSSM (*)Scomberomorus maculatus
SailfishSAIIstiophorus platypterus
White marlinWHMTetrapturus albidus
Blue marlinBUMMakaira nigricans
SwordfishSWOXiphias gladius
Albacore tunaALBThunnus alalunga
Atlantic bonitoBONSarda sarda
Little tunnyLTAEuthynnus alletteratus
Bigeye tunaBETThunnus obesus
Northern bluefish tunaBFTThunnus thynnus
Skipjack tunaSKJKatsuwonus pelamis
Yellowfin tunaYFTThunnus albacares
Tunas n.e.i.TUNScombridae
Pelagic fishes n.e.i.PELOsteichthyes
AlewifeALEAlosa pseudoharengus
Amberjacks n.e.i.AMXSeriola spp.
American congerCOAConger oceanicus
American eelELAAnguilla rostrata
American shadSHAAlosa sapidissima
Argentines n.e.i.ARGArgentina spp.
Atlantic croakerCKAMicropogonias undulatus
Atlantic needlefishNFAStrongylura marina
Atlantic thread herringTHAOpisthonema oglinum
Baird's slickheadALCAlepocephalus bairdii
Black drumBDMPogonias cromis
Black sea bassBSBCentropristis striata
Blueback herringBBHAlosa aestivalis
CapelinCAP (*)Mallotus villosus
Char n.e.i.CHRSalvelinus spp.
CobiaCBARachycentron canadum
Common (= Florida) pompanoPOMTrachinotus carolinus
Gizzard shadSHGDorosoma cepedianum
Grunts n.e.i.GRXPomadasyidae
Hickory shadSHHAlosa mediocris
LanternfishLAXNotoscopelus spp.
Mullets n.e.i.MULMugilidae
North Atlantic harvestfishHVFPeprilus alepidotus (= Paru)
PigfishPIGOrthopristis chrysoptera
Rainbow smeltSMROsmerus mordax
Red drumRDMSciaenops ocellatus
Red porgyRPGPagrus pagrus
Rough shadRSCTrachurus lathami
Sand perchPESDiplectrum formosum
SheepsheadSPHArchosargus probatocephalus
Spot croakerSPTLeiostomus xanthurus
Spotted weakfishSWFCynoscion nebulosus
SqueteagueSTGCynoscion regalis
Striped bassSTBMorone saxatilis
Sturgeons n.e.i.STUAcipenseridae
TarponTARTarpon (= Megalops) atlanticus
Trout n.e.i.TROSalmo spp.
White perchPEWMorone americana
AlfonsinosALFBeryx spp.
Spiny (= picked) dogfishDGS (*)Squalus acanthias
Dogfishes n.e.i.DGX (*)Squalidae
PorbeaglePOR (*)Lamna nasus
Large sharks n.e.i.SHXSqualiformes
Shortfin mako sharkSMAIsurus oxyrinchus
Atlantic sharpnose sharkRHTRhizoprionodon terraenovae
Black dogfishCFBCentroscyllium fabricii
Boreal (Greenland) sharkGSKSomniousus microcephalus
Basking sharkBSKCetorhinus maximus
Little skateRJDLeucoraja erinacea
Barndoor skateRJLDipturus laevis
Winter skateRJTLeucoraja ocellata
Thorny skateRJRAmblyraja radiata
Smooth skateRJSMalacoraja senta
Spinytail (spinetail) skateRJQBathyraja spinicauda
Arctic skateRJGAmblyraja hyperborea
Skates n.e.i.SKA (*)Raja spp.
Finfishes n.e.i.FINOsteichthyes
Long-finned squidSQL (*)Loligo pealei
Short-finned squidSQI (*)Illex illecebrosus
Squids n.e.i.SQU (*)Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae
Atlantic razor clamCLREnsis directus
Hard clamCLHMercenaria mercenaria
Occan quahogCLQArctica islandica
Soft clamCLSMya arenaria
Surf clamCLBSpisula solidissima
Clams n.e.i.CLXPrionodesmacea, Teleodesmacea
Bay scallopSCBArgopecten irradians
Calico scallopSCCArgopecten gibbus
Icelandic scallopISCChlamys islandica
Sea scallopSCAPlacopecten magellanicus
Scallops n.e.i.SCXPectinidae
American cupped oysterOYACrassostrea virginica
Blue musselMUSMytilus edulis
Whelks n.e.i.WHXBusycon spp.
Periwinkles n.e.i.PERLittorina spp.
Marine molluscs n.e.i.MOLMollusca
Atlantic rock crabCRKCancer irroratus
Blue crabCRBCallinectes sapidus
Green crabCRGCarcinus maenas
Jonah crabCRJCancer borealis
Queen crabCRQChinoecetes opilio
Red crabCRRGeryon quinquedens
Stone king crabKCTLithodes maia
Marine crabs n.e.i.CRAReptantia
American lobsterLBAHomarus americanus
Northern prawnPRA (*)Pandalus borealis
Aesop shrimpAESPandalus montagui
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i.PEN (*)Penaeus spp.
Pink (= pandalid) shrimpsPAN (*)Pandalus spp.
Marine crustaceans n.e.i.CRUCrustacea
Sea urchinURCStrongylocentrotus spp.
Marine worms n.e.i.WORPolychaeta
Horeshoe crabHSCLimulus polythemus
Marine invertebrates n.e.i.INVInvertebrata
Brown seaweedsSWBPhaeophyceae
Red seaweedsSWRRhodophyceae
Seaweeds n.e.i.SWXAlgae
Harp sealSHEPagophilus groenlandicus
Hooded sealSEZCystophora cristata
ANNEX IISTATISTICAL FISHING AREAS OF THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FOR WHICH DATA ARE TO BE SUBMITTEDSub-area 0Division 0 ADivision 0 BSub-area 1Division 1 ADivision 1 BDivision 1 CDivision 1 DDivision 1 EDivision 1 FDivision 1 NK (not known)Sub-area 2Division 2 GDivision 2 HDivision 2 JDivision 2 NK (not known)Sub-area 3Division 3 KDivision 3 LDivision 3 MDivision 3 NDivision 3 ODivision 3 PSub-division 3 P nSub-division 3 P sDivision 3 NK (not known)Sub-area 4Division 4 RDivision 4 SDivision 4 TDivision 4 VSub-division 4 V nSub-division 4 V sDivision 4 WDivision 4 XDivision 4 NK (not known)Sub-area 5Division 5 YDivision 5 ZSub-division 5 Z eSub-unit 5 Z cSub-unit 5 Z uSub-division 5 Z wDivision 5 NK (not known)Sub-area 6Division 6 ADivision 6 BDivision 6 CDivision 6 DDivision 6 EDivision 6 FDivision 6 GDivision 6 HDivision 6 NK (not known)Statistical fishing areas for the Northwest AtlanticANNEX IIIDESCRIPTION OF THE NAFO SUBAREAS AND DIVISIONS USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FISHERY STATISTICS AND REGULATIONS IN THE NORTH-WEST ATLANTICThe scientific and statistical subareas, divisions and subdivisions provided for by Article XX of the Convention of the North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation are as follows:Subarea 0That portion of the Convention Area bounded on the south by a line extending due east from a point at 61°00′ north latitude and 65°00′ west longitude to a point at 61°00′ north latitude and 59°00′ west longitude, thence in a south-easterly direction along a rhumb line to a point at 60°12′ north latitude and 57°13′ west longitude; thence bounded on the east by a series of geodisic lines joining the following points:
Point NoLatitudeLongitude
and thence due north to the parallel of 78°10′ north latitude; and bounded on the west by a line beginning at 61°00′ north latitude and 65°00′ west longitude and extending in a north-westerly direction along a rhumb line to the coast of Baffin Island at East Bluff (61°55′ north latitude and 66°20′ west longitude), and thence in a northerly direction along the coast of Baffin Island, Bylot Island, Devon Island and Ellesmere Island and following the meridian of 80° west longitude in the waters between those islands to 78°10′ north latitude; and bounded on the north by the parallel of 78°10′ north latitude.Subarea 0 is composed of two divisionsDivision 0AThat portion of the subarea lying to the north of the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude.Division 0BThat portion of the subarea lying to the south of the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude.
Subarea 1That portion of the Convention Area lying to the east of subarea 0 and to the north and east of a rhumb line joining a point at 60°12′ north latitude and 57°13′ west longitude with a point at 52°15′ north latitude and 42°00′ west longitude.Subarea 1 is composed of six divisionsDivision 1AThat portion of the subarea lying north of the parallel of 68°50′ north latitude (Christianshaab).Division 1BThat portion of the subarea lying between the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude (5 nautical miles north of Umanarsugssuak) and the parallel of 68°50′ north latitude (Christianshaab).Division 1CThat portion of the subarea lying between the parallel of 64°15′ north latitude (4 nautical miles north of Godthaab) and the parallel of 66°15′ north latitude (5 nautical miles north of Umanarsugssuak).Division 1DThat portion of the subarea lying between the parallel of 62°30′ north latitude (Frederikshaab Glacier) and the parallel of 64°15′ north latitude (4 nautical miles north of Godthaab).Division 1EThat portion of the subarea lying between the parallel of 60°45′ north latitude (Cape Desolation) and the parallel of 62°30′ north latitude (Frederikshaab Glacier).Division 1FThat portion of the subarea lying south of the parallel of 60°45′ north latitude (Cape Desolation).Subarea 2That portion of the Convention Area lying to the east of the meridian of 64°30′ west longitude in the area of Hudson Strait, to the south of subarea 0, to the south and west of subarea 1 and to the north of the parallel of 52°15′ north latitude.Subarea 2 is composed of three divisionsDivision 2GThat portion of the subarea lying north of the parallel of 57°40′ north latitude (Cape Mugford).Division 2HThat portion of the subarea lying between the parallel of 55°20′ north latitude (Hopedale) and the parallel of 57°40′ north latitude (Cape Mugford).Division 2JThat portion of the subarea lying south of the parallel of 55°20′ north latitude (Hopedale).Subarea 3That portion of the Convention Area lying south of the parallel of 52°15′ north latitude, and to the east of a line extending due north from Cape Bauld on the north coast of Newfoundland to 52°15′ north latitude; to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude; and to the east and north of a rhumb line commencing at 39°00′ north latitude, 50°00′ west longitude and extending in a north-Westerly direction to pass through a point at 43°30′ north latitude, 55°00′ west longitude in the direction of a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude until it intersects a straight line connecting Cape Ray, 47°37,0′ north latitude; 59°18,0′ west longitude on the coast of Newfoundland, with Cape North, 47°02,0′ north latitude; 60°25,0′ west longitude on Cape Breton Island; thence in a north-easterly direction along said line to Cape Ray, 47°37,0′ north latitude, 59°18,0′ west longitude.Subarea 3 is composed of six divisionsDivision 3KThat portion of the subarea lying north of the parallel of 49°15′ north latitude (Cape Freels, Newfoundland).Division 3LThat portion of the subarea lying between the Newfoundland coast from Cape Freels to Cape St Mary and a line described as follows: beginning at Cape Freels, thence due east to the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the meridian of 54°30′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line to Cape St Mary, Newfoundland.Division 3MThat portion of the subarea lying south of the parallel of 49°15′ north latitude and east of the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude.Division 3NThat portion of the subarea lying south of the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude and between the meridian of 46°30′ west longitude and the meridian of 51°00′ west longitude.Division 3OThat portion of the subarea lying south of the parallel of 46°00′ north latitude and between the meridian of 51°00′ west longitude and the meridian of 54°30′ west longitude.Division 3PThat portion of the subarea lying south of the Newfoundland coast and west of a line from Cape St Mary, Newfoundland to a point at 46°00′ north latitude, 54°30′ west longitude, thence due south to a limit of the subarea.Division 3P is divided into two subdivisions:3Pn — north-western subdivision — that portion of division 3P lying north-west of a line extending from 47°30,7′ north latitude; 57°43,2′ west longitude, approximately southwest to a point at 46°50,7′ north latitude and 58°49,0′ west longitude;3Ps — south-eastern subdivision — that portion of division 3P lying south-east of the line defined for subdivision 3Pn.Subarea 4That portion of the Convention Area lying north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, to the west of subarea 3, and to the east of a line described as follows:beginning at the terminus of the international boundary between the United States of America and Canada in Grand Manan Channel, at a point at 44°46′35,346″ north latitude; 66°54′11,253″ west longitude; thence due south to the parallel of 43°50′ north latitude; thence due west to the meridian of 67°24′27,24″ west longitude; thence along a geodetic line in a south-westerly direction to a point at 42°53′14′ north latitude and 67°44′35″ west longitude; thence along a geodetic line in a south-easterly direction to a point at 42°31′08″ north latitude and 67°28′05″ west longitude; thence along a geodetic line to a point at 42°20′ north latitude and 67°18′13,15″ west longitude;thence due east to a point in 66°00′ west longitude; thence along a rhumb line in a south-easterly direction to a point at 42°00′ north latitude and 65°40′ west longitude and thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude.Subarea 4 is composed of six divisionsDivision 4RThat portion of the subarea lying between the coast of Newfoundland from Cape Bauld to Cape Ray and a line described as follows: beginning at Cape Bauld, thence due north to the parallel if 52°15′ north latitude, thence due west to the Labrador coast, thence along the Labrador coast to the terminus of the Labrador-Quebec boundary, thence along a rhumb line in a south-westerly direction to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a south-easterly direction to the point at which the boundary of Subarea 3 intersects the straight line joining Cape North, Nova Scotia with Cape Ray, Newfoundland, thence to Cape Ray, Newfoundland.Division 4SThat portion of the subarea lying between the south coast of Quebec from the terminus of the Labrador Quebec boundary to Pte. des Monts and a line described as follows: beginning at Pte. des Monts, thence due east to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 64°40′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in an east-southeasterly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due north to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a north-easterly direction to the terminus of the Labrador-Quebec boundary.Division 4TThat portion of the subarea lying between the coasts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec from Cape North to Pte. des Monts and a line described as follows: beginning at Pte. des Monts, thence due east to a point at 49°25′ north latitude, 64°40′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a south-easterly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence along a rhumb line in a southerly direction to Cape North, Nova Scotia.Division 4VThat portion of the subarea lying between the coast of Nova Scotia between Cape North and Fourchu and a line described as follows: beginning at Fourchu, thence along a rhumb line in an easterly direction to a point at 45°40′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south along the meridian of 60°00′ west longitude to the parallel of 44°10′ north latitude, thence due east to the meridian of 59°00′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence due east to a point where the boundary between subareas 3 and 4 meets the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence along the boundary between subareas 3 and 4 and a line continuing in a north-westerly direction to a point at 47°50′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, and thence along a rhumb line in a southerly direction to Cape North, Nova Scotia.Division 4V is divided into two subdivisions:4Vn — northern subdivision — that portion of division 4V lying north of the parallel of 45°40′ north latitude;4Vs — southern subdivision — that portion of division 4V lying south of the parallel of 45°40′ north latitude.Division 4WThat portion of the subarea lying between the coast of Nova Scotia from Halifax to Fourchu and a line described as follows: beginning at Fourchu, thence along a rhumb line in an easterly direction to a point at 45°40′ north latitude, 60°00′ west longitude, thence due south along the meridian of 60°00′ west longitude to the parallel of 44°10′ north latitude, thence due east to the meridian of 59°00′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the meridian of 63°20′ west longitude, thence due north to a point on that meridian at 44°20′ north latitude, thence along a rhumb line in a north-westerly direction to Halifax, Nova Scotia.Division 4XThat portion of the subarea lying between the western boundary of subarea 4 and the coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia from the terminus of the boundary between New Brunswick and Maine to Halifax, and a line described as follows: beginning at Halifax, thence along a rhumb line in a south-easterly direction to a point at 44°20′ north latitude, 63°20′ west longitude, thence due south to the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and thence due west to the meridian of 65°40′ west longitude.Subarea 5That portion of the Convention Area lying to the west of the western boundary of subarea 4, to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and to the east of the meridian of 71°40′ west longitude.Subarea 5 is composed of two divisionsDivision 5YThat portion of the subarea lying between the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts from the border between Maine and New Brunswick to 70°00′ west longitude on Cape Cod (at approximately 42° north latitude) and a line described as follows: beginning at a point on Cape Cod at 70° west longitude (at approximately 42° north latitude), thence due north to 42°20′ north latitude, thence due east to 67°18′13,15″ west longitude at the boundary of subareas 4 and 5, and thence along that boundary to the boundary of Canada and the United States.Division 5ZThat portion of the subarea lying to the south and east of division 5Y.Division 5Z is divided into two subdivisions: an eastern subdivision and a western subdivision defined as follows:5Ze — eastern subdivision — that portion of division 5Z lying east of the meridian of 70°00′ west longitude;Subdivision 5Ze is sub-divided into two subunitsThese two subunits are not recorded in the sixth publication of the NAFO Convention (May 2000). However, following a proposal of the NAFO Scientific Council, they were approved by the NAFO General Council pursuant to Article XX(2) of the NAFO Convention.:5Zu (United States waters) is that part of subdivision 5Ze to the west of the geodetic lines connecting the points with the following coordinates:
Latitude northLongitude west
5Zc (Canadian waters) is that part of subdivision 5Ze to the east of the abovementioned geodetic lines;
5Zw — western subdivision — that portion of division 5Z lying west of the meridian of 70°00′ west longitude.
Subarea 6That part of the Convention Area bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Rhode Island at 71°40′ west longitude, thence due south to 39°00′ north latitude, thence due east to 42°00′ west longitude, thence due south to 35°00′ north latitude, thence due west to the coast of North America, thence northwards along the coast of North America to the point on Rhode Island at 71°40′ west longitude.Subarea 6 is composed of eight divisionsDivision 6AThat portion of the subarea lying to the north of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude and to the west of subarea 5.Division 6BThat portion of the subarea lying to the west of 70°00′ west longitude, to the south of the parallel of 39°00′ north latitude, and to the north and west of a line running westward along the parallel of 37°00′ north latitude to 76°00′ west longitude and thence due south to Cape Henry, Virginia.Division 6CThat portion of the subarea lying to the west of 70°00′ west longitude and to the south of subdivision 6B.Division 6DThat portion of the subarea lying to the east of divisions 6B and 6C and to the west of 65°00′ west longitude.Division 6EThat portion of the subarea lying to the east of division 6D and to the west of 60°00′ west longitude.Division 6FThat portion of the subarea lying to the east of division 6E and to the west of 55°00′ west longitude.Division 6GThat portion of the subarea lying to the east of division 6F and to the west of 50°00′ west longitude.Division 6HThat portion of the subarea lying to the east of division 6G and to the west of 42°00′ west longitude.
TrawlsBottom trawlsMidwater trawlsSeine netsSurrounding netsGillnets and entangling netsHooks and linesTrapsFalling gearDredgesGrappling and woundingLift netsHarvesting machines
— beam trawlsTBB
— otter trawls (side or stern not specified)OTB
— otter trawls (side)OTB1
— otter trawls (stern)OTB2
— pair trawls (two vessels)PTB
— shrimp trawlsTBS
— nephrops trawlsTBN
— bottom trawls (not specified)TB
— otter trawls (side or stern not specified)OTM
— otter trawls (side)OTM1
— otter trawls (stern)OTM2
— pair trawls (two vessels)PTM
— shrimp trawlsTMS
— midwater trawls (not specified)TM
Twin trawlOTS
Otter twin trawlsOTT
Pair trawls (two vessels) (not specified)PT
Otter trawls (not specified)OT
Other trawls (not specified)TX
Beach seinesSB
Boat or vessel seinesSV
— Danish seinesSDN
— Scottish seinesSSC
— pair seines (two vessels)SPR
Seine nets (not specified)SX
With purse lines (purse seine)PS
— operated by one vesselPS1
— operated by two vesselsPS2
Without purse lines (lampara)LA
Set gillnets (anchored)GNS
Drift gillnetsGND
Encircling gillnetsGNC
Fixed gillnets (on stakes)GNF
Trammel netsGTR
Combined gillnet-trammel netsGTN
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)GEN
Gillnets (not specified)GN
Set longlinesLLS
Drift longlinesLLD
Longlines (not specified)LL
Handlines and polelines (hand-operated)LHP
Handlines and polelines (mechanised)LTM
Trolling linesLTL
Hooks and lines (not specified)LX
Stationary uncovered poundnetsFPN
Covered potsFPO
Fyke netsFYK
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.FWR
Aerial netsFAR
Traps (not specified)FIX
Cast netsFCN
Falling gear (unspecified)FG
Boat dredgeDRB
Hand dredgeDRH
Portable lift netsLNP
Boat operated lift netsLNB
Shore operated stationary lift netsLNS
Lift nets (not specified)LN
Mechanised dredgesHMD
Harvesting machines (not specified)HMX
Miscellaneous gearsMIS
Gear not knownNK
(b)DEFINITIONS OF FISHING EFFORT MEASURES FOR GEAR CATEGORIESThree levels of precisions of fishing effort should be provided, where possible.Category A
Fishing gearEffort measureDefinitions
Surrounding nets (purse seines)Number of setsNumber of times the gear has been set or shot, whether or not a catch was made. This measure is appropriate when shoal size and packing is related to stock abundance or sets are made in a random manner
Beach seinesNumber of setsNumber of times the gear has been set or shot, whether or not a catch was made
Boat seinesNumber of hours fishedNumber of times the gear was set or shot times the estimated mean set or shot duration
TrawlsNumber of hoursNumber of hours during which the trawl was in the water (midwater trawl) or on the bottom (bottom trawl), and fishing
Boat dredgesNumber of hours fishedNumber of hours during which the dredge was on the bottom and fishing
Gillnets (set or drift)Number of effort unitsLength of nets expressed in 100-metre units multiplied by the number of sets made (= accumulated total length in metres of net used in a given time divided by 100)
Gillnets (fixed)Number of effort unitsLength of net expressed in 100-metre units multiplied by the number of times the net was cleared
Traps (uncovered pound nets)Number of effort unitsNumber of days fished times the number of units hauled
Covered pots and fyke netsNumber of effort unitsNumber of lifts times the number of units (= total number of units fished in a given time period)
Longlines (set or drift)Thousands of hooksNumber of hooks fished in a given time period divided by 1000
Handlines (pole, troll, jig, etc.)Number of line daysTotal number of lines used in a given time period
Harpoons(Report effort levels B and C only)
Category BNumbers of days fished: the number of days on which fishing took place. For those fisheries in which searching is a substantial part of the fishing operation, days in which searching but no fishing took place should be included in "days fished" data.Category CFor number of days on ground in addition to days fished and searching also all other days while the vessel was on the ground should be included.Per cent of estimated effort (prorated effort)Since corresponding effort measures may not be available for the total catch, the percentage of the effort that has been estimated should be indicated. This is calculated from:Total catch - Catch for which effort has been recorded × 100Total catch
(c)VESSEL SIZE CATEGORIES(from the International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Vessels (ISSCFV))Tonnage classes
Gross tonnage categoryCode
Not known00
(d)MAIN SPECIES SOUGHTThis is the species to which the fishing was principally directed. However, it may not correspond with the species which formed the greater part of the catch. The species should be indicated using the 3-alpha identifier (see Annex I).
Computer tapes:Nine track with a density of 1600 or 6250-BPI and EBCDIC of ASCII coding, preferably labelled. If labelled, an end-of-file code should be included.
Floppy discs:MS-DOS-formatted, 3,5″ 720 K or 1,4 Mbyte discs or 5,25″ 360 K or 1,2 Mbyte discs.
(b)CODING FORMATFor the submissions pursuant to Article 2.1 (a)
Byte NosItemRemarks
1 to 4Country (ISO 3-alpha code)e.g. FRA = France
5 to 6Yeare.g. 90 = 1990
7 to 8FAO major fishing area21 = Northwest Atlantic
9 to 15Divisione.g. 3 Pn = NAFO sub-division 3 Pn
16 to 18Species3-alpha identifier
19 to 26Catchtonnes
For the submission pursuant to Article 2.1 (b)
Byte NosItemRemarks
1 to 4CountryISO 3-alpha code (e.g. FRA = France)
5 to 6Yeare.g. 94 = 1994
7 to 8Monthe.g. 01 = January
9 to 10FAO major fishing area21 = Northwest Atlantic
11 to 18Divisione.g. 3 Pn = NAFO sub-division 3 Pn: alpha-numeric
19 to 21Main species sought3-alpha identifier
22 to 26Vessel/gear categoryISSCFG code (e.g. OTB2 = Bottom otter trawl): alpha-numeric
27 to 28Vessel size classISSCFV code (e.g. 04 = 150-499.9 GT): alpha-numeric
29 to 34Average gross tonnageTonnes: numeric
35 to 43Average engine powerKilowatts: numeric
44 to 45Percentage effort estimatedNumeric
46 to 48Unit3-alpha identifier of species or effort identifier (e.g. COD = Atlantic cod A— = Effort measure A)
49 to 56DataCatch (in metric tonnes) or effort unit
Notes(a)All numeric fields should be right justified with leading blanks. All alphanumeric fields should be left justified with trailing blanks.(b)The catch is to be recorded in the live weight equivalent of the landings to the nearest metric tonne.(c)Quantities (bytes 49 to 56) of less than half a unit should be recorded as "-1".(d)Unknown quantities (bytes 49 to 56) should be recorded as "-2".(e)Country codes (ISO codes):
Germany FRDEU
United KingdomGBR
England & WalesGBRA
Nothern IrelandGBRC