Council Regulation (EEC) No 2018/93 of 30 June 1993 on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the Northwest Atlantic
Modified by
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08)Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 11994N31995D0001, August 29, 1994
- Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 31995D0001, January 1, 1995
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1636/2001of 23 July 2001amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2018/93 on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the North-West Atlantic, 32001R1636, August 17, 2001
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
- Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 32003R1882, October 31, 2003
- Regulation (EC) No 217/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2009on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the north-west Atlantic (recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32009R0217, March 31, 2009
(a) the annual nominal catches, expressed in tonnes live weight equivalent of the landings, of each of the species listed in Annex 1 in each of the statistical fishing regions of the Northwest Atlantic listed in Annex 2 and defined in Annex 3; (b) the catches as specified under 1 (a) and the corresponding fishing activity, subdivided by calendar month of capture, fishing gear, vessel size and main species sought.
English name | 3-alpha identifier | Scientific name |
Atlantic cod | COD (*) | |
Haddock | HAD (*) | |
Atlantic redfishes n.e.i. | RED (*) | |
Silver hake | HKS (*) | |
Red hake | HKR (*) | |
Saithe (= pollock) | POK (*) | |
Golden redfish | REG (*) | |
Beaked redfish | REB (*) | |
American plaice (L. R. dab) | PLA (*) | |
Witch flounder | WIT | |
Yellowtail flounder | YEL (*) | |
Greenland halibut | GHL (*) | |
Atlantic halibut | HAL (*) | |
Winter flounder | FLW (*) | |
Summer flounder | FLS (*) | |
Windowpane flounder | FLD (*) | |
Flatfishes n.e.i. | FLX | |
American angler | ANG (*) | |
Atlantic searobins | SRA | |
Atlantic tomcod | TOM | |
Blue antimora | ANT | |
Blue whiting (= poutassou) | WHB | |
Cunner | CUN | |
Cusk (= tusk) | USK | |
Greenland cod | GRC | |
Blue ling | BLI | |
Ling | LIN (*) | |
Lumpfish (= lumpsucker) | LUM (*) | |
Northern kingfish | KGF | |
Northern puffer | PUF | |
Eelpouts n.e.i. | ELZ | |
Ocean pout | OPT | |
Polar cod | POC | |
Roundnose grenadier | RNG | |
Roughhead grenadier | RHG | |
Sandeels (= sand lances) | SAN | |
Sculpins n.e.i. | SCU | |
Scup | SCP | |
Tautog | TAU | |
Tilefish | TIL | |
White hake | HKW (*) | |
Wolf-fishes n.e.i. | CAT (*) | |
Atlantic wolf-fish | CAA (*) | |
Spotted wolf-fish | CAS (*) | |
Groundfishes n.e.i. | GRO | |
Atlantic herring | HER (*) | |
Atlantic mackerel | MAC (*) | |
Atlantic butterfish | BUT | |
Atlantic menhaden | MHA (*) | |
Atlantic saury | SAU | |
Bay anchovy | ANB | |
Bluefish | BLU | |
Crevalle Jack | CVJ | |
Frigate tuna | FRI | |
King mackerel | KGM | |
Atlantic Spanish mackerel | SSM (*) | |
Sailfish | SAI | |
White marlin | WHM | |
Blue marlin | BUM | |
Swordfish | SWO | |
Albacore tuna | ALB | |
Atlantic bonito | BON | |
Little tunny | LTA | |
Bigeye tuna | BET | |
Northern bluefish tuna | BFT | |
Skipjack tuna | SKJ | |
Yellowfin tuna | YFT | |
Tunas n.e.i. | TUN | |
Pelagic fishes n.e.i. | PEL | |
Alewife | ALE | |
Amberjacks n.e.i. | AMX | |
American conger | COA | |
American eel | ELA | |
American shad | SHA | |
Argentines n.e.i. | ARG | |
Atlantic croaker | CKA | |
Atlantic needlefish | NFA | |
Atlantic thread herring | THA | |
Baird's slickhead | ALC | |
Black drum | BDM | |
Black sea bass | BSB | |
Blueback herring | BBH | |
Capelin | CAP (*) | |
Char n.e.i. | CHR | |
Cobia | CBA | |
Common (= Florida) pompano | POM | |
Gizzard shad | SHG | |
Grunts n.e.i. | GRX | |
Hickory shad | SHH | |
Lanternfish | LAX | |
Mullets n.e.i. | MUL | |
North Atlantic harvestfish | HVF | |
Pigfish | PIG | |
Rainbow smelt | SMR | |
Red drum | RDM | |
Red porgy | RPG | |
Rough shad | RSC | |
Sand perch | PES | |
Sheepshead | SPH | |
Spot croaker | SPT | |
Spotted weakfish | SWF | |
Squeteague | STG | |
Striped bass | STB | |
Sturgeons n.e.i. | STU | |
Tarpon | TAR | |
Trout n.e.i. | TRO | |
White perch | PEW | |
Alfonsinos | ALF | |
Spiny (= picked) dogfish | DGS (*) | |
Dogfishes n.e.i. | DGX (*) | |
Porbeagle | POR (*) | |
Large sharks n.e.i. | SHX | |
Shortfin mako shark | SMA | |
Atlantic sharpnose shark | RHT | |
Black dogfish | CFB | |
Boreal (Greenland) shark | GSK | |
Basking shark | BSK | |
Little skate | RJD | |
Barndoor skate | RJL | |
Winter skate | RJT | |
Thorny skate | RJR | |
Smooth skate | RJS | |
Spinytail (spinetail) skate | RJQ | |
Arctic skate | RJG | |
Skates n.e.i. | SKA (*) | |
Finfishes n.e.i. | FIN | |
Long-finned squid | SQL (*) | |
Short-finned squid | SQI (*) | |
Squids n.e.i. | SQU (*) | |
Atlantic razor clam | CLR | |
Hard clam | CLH | |
Occan quahog | CLQ | |
Soft clam | CLS | |
Surf clam | CLB | |
Clams n.e.i. | CLX | |
Bay scallop | SCB | |
Calico scallop | SCC | |
Icelandic scallop | ISC | |
Sea scallop | SCA | |
Scallops n.e.i. | SCX | |
American cupped oyster | OYA | |
Blue mussel | MUS | |
Whelks n.e.i. | WHX | |
Periwinkles n.e.i. | PER | |
Marine molluscs n.e.i. | MOL | |
Atlantic rock crab | CRK | |
Blue crab | CRB | |
Green crab | CRG | |
Jonah crab | CRJ | |
Queen crab | CRQ | |
Red crab | CRR | |
Stone king crab | KCT | |
Marine crabs n.e.i. | CRA | |
American lobster | LBA | |
Northern prawn | PRA (*) | |
Aesop shrimp | AES | |
Penaeus shrimps n.e.i. | PEN (*) | |
Pink (= pandalid) shrimps | PAN (*) | |
Marine crustaceans n.e.i. | CRU | |
Sea urchin | URC | |
Marine worms n.e.i. | WOR | |
Horeshoe crab | HSC | |
Marine invertebrates n.e.i. | INV | |
Brown seaweeds | SWB | |
Red seaweeds | SWR | |
Seaweeds n.e.i. | SWX | |
Harp seal | SHE | |
Hooded seal | SEZ |
Sub-area 0 Division 0 A Division 0 B
Sub-area 1 Division 1 A Division 1 B Division 1 C Division 1 D Division 1 E Division 1 F Division 1 NK (not known)
Sub-area 2 Division 2 G Division 2 H Division 2 J Division 2 NK (not known)
Sub-area 3 Division 3 K Division 3 L Division 3 M Division 3 N Division 3 O Division 3 P Sub-division 3 P n Sub-division 3 P s
Division 3 NK (not known)
Sub-area 4 Division 4 R Division 4 S Division 4 T Division 4 V Sub-division 4 V n Sub-division 4 V s
Division 4 W Division 4 X Division 4 NK (not known)
Sub-area 5 Division 5 Y Division 5 Z Sub-division 5 Z e Sub-unit 5 Z c Sub-unit 5 Z u
Sub-division 5 Z w
Division 5 NK (not known)
Sub-area 6 Division 6 A Division 6 B Division 6 C Division 6 D Division 6 E Division 6 F Division 6 G Division 6 H Division 6 NK (not known)
Point No | Latitude | Longitude |
1 | 60°12′0 | 57°13′0 |
2 | 61°00′0 | 57°13′1 |
3 | 62°00′5 | 57°21′1 |
4 | 62°02′3 | 57°21′8 |
5 | 62°03′5 | 57°22′2 |
6 | 62°11′5 | 57°25′4 |
7 | 62°47′2 | 57°41′0 |
8 | 63°22′8 | 57°57′4 |
9 | 63°28′6 | 57°59′7 |
10 | 63°35′0 | 58°02′0 |
11 | 63°37′2 | 58°01′2 |
12 | 63°44′1 | 57°58′8 |
13 | 63°50′1 | 57°57′2 |
14 | 63°52′6 | 57°56′6 |
15 | 63°57′4 | 57°53′5 |
16 | 64°04′3 | 57°49′1 |
17 | 64°12′2 | 57°48′2 |
18 | 65°06′0 | 57°44′1 |
19 | 65°08′9 | 57°43′9 |
20 | 65°11′6 | 57°44′4 |
21 | 65°14′5 | 57°45′1 |
22 | 65°18′1 | 57°45′8 |
23 | 65°23′3 | 57°44′9 |
24 | 65°34′8 | 57°42′3 |
25 | 65°37′7 | 57°41′9 |
26 | 65°50′9 | 57°40′7 |
27 | 65°51′7 | 57°40′6 |
28 | 65°57′6 | 57°40′1 |
29 | 66°03′5 | 57°39′6 |
30 | 66°12′9 | 57°38′2 |
31 | 66°18′8 | 57°37′8 |
32 | 66°24′6 | 57°37′8 |
33 | 66°30′3 | 57°38′3 |
34 | 66°36′1 | 57°39′2 |
35 | 66°37′9 | 57°39′6 |
36 | 66°41′8 | 57°40′6 |
37 | 66°49′5 | 57°43′0 |
38 | 67°21′6 | 57°52′7 |
39 | 67°27′3 | 57°54′9 |
40 | 67°28′3 | 57°55′3 |
41 | 67°29′1 | 57°56′1 |
42 | 67°30′7 | 57°57′8 |
43 | 67°35′3 | 58°02′2 |
44 | 67°39′7 | 58°06′2 |
45 | 67°44′2 | 58°09′9 |
46 | 67°56′9 | 58°19′8 |
47 | 68°01′8 | 58°23′3 |
48 | 68°04′3 | 58°25′0 |
49 | 68°06′8 | 58°26′7 |
50 | 68°07′5 | 58°27′2 |
51 | 68°16′1 | 58°34′1 |
52 | 68°21′7 | 58°39′0 |
53 | 68°25′3 | 58°42′4 |
54 | 68°32′9 | 59°01′8 |
55 | 68°34′0 | 59°04′6 |
56 | 68°37′9 | 59°14′3 |
57 | 68°38′0 | 59°14′6 |
58 | 68°56′8 | 60°02′4 |
59 | 69°00′8 | 60°09′0 |
60 | 69°06′8 | 60°18′5 |
61 | 69°10′3 | 60°23′8 |
62 | 69°12′8 | 60°27′5 |
63 | 69°29′4 | 60°51′6 |
64 | 69°49′8 | 60°58′2 |
65 | 69°55′3 | 60°59′6 |
66 | 69°55′8 | 61°00′0 |
67 | 70°01′6 | 61°04′2 |
68 | 70°07′5 | 61°08′1 |
69 | 70°08′8 | 61°08′8 |
70 | 70°13′4 | 61°10′6 |
71 | 70°33′1 | 61°17′4 |
72 | 70°35′6 | 61°20′6 |
73 | 70°48′2 | 61°37′9 |
74 | 70°51′8 | 61°42′7 |
75 | 71°12′1 | 62°09′1 |
76 | 71°18′9 | 62°17′5 |
77 | 71°25′9 | 62°25′5 |
78 | 71°29′4 | 62°29′3 |
79 | 71°31′8 | 62°32′0 |
80 | 71°32′9 | 62°33′5 |
81 | 71°44′7 | 62°49′6 |
82 | 71°47′3 | 62°53′1 |
83 | 71°52′9 | 63°03′9 |
84 | 72°01′7 | 63°21′1 |
85 | 72°06′4 | 63°30′9 |
86 | 72°11′0 | 63°41′0 |
87 | 72°24′8 | 64°13′2 |
88 | 72°30′5 | 64°26′1 |
89 | 72°36′3 | 64°38′8 |
90 | 72°43′7 | 64°54′3 |
91 | 72°45′7 | 64°58′4 |
92 | 72°47′7 | 65°00′9 |
93 | 72°50′8 | 65°07′6 |
94 | 73°18′5 | 66°08′3 |
95 | 73°25′9 | 66°25′3 |
96 | 73°31′1 | 67°15′1 |
97 | 73°36′5 | 68°05′5 |
98 | 73°37′9 | 68°12′3 |
99 | 73°41′7 | 68°29′4 |
100 | 73°46′1 | 68°48′5 |
101 | 73°46′7 | 68°51′1 |
102 | 73°52′3 | 69°11′3 |
103 | 73°57′6 | 69°31′5 |
104 | 74°02′2 | 69°50′3 |
105 | 74°02′6 | 69°52′0 |
106 | 74°06′1 | 70°06′6 |
107 | 74°07′5 | 70°12′5 |
108 | 74°10′0 | 70°23′1 |
109 | 74°12′5 | 70°33′7 |
110 | 74°24′0 | 71°25′7 |
111 | 74°28′6 | 71°45′8 |
112 | 74°44′2 | 72°53′0 |
113 | 74°50′6 | 73°02′8 |
114 | 75°00′0 | 73°16′3 |
115 | 75°05′ | 73°30′ |
Latitude north | Longitude west | |
A | 44°11′12″ | 67°16′46″ |
B | 42°53′14″ | 67°44′35″ |
C | 42°31′08″ | 67°28′05″ |
D | 40°27′05″ | 65°41′59″. |
Category | Abbreviation |
— beam trawls | TBB |
— otter trawls (side or stern not specified) | OTB |
— otter trawls (side) | OTB1 |
— otter trawls (stern) | OTB2 |
— pair trawls (two vessels) | PTB |
— shrimp trawls | TBS |
— nephrops trawls | TBN |
— bottom trawls (not specified) | TB |
— otter trawls (side or stern not specified) | OTM |
— otter trawls (side) | OTM1 |
— otter trawls (stern) | OTM2 |
— pair trawls (two vessels) | PTM |
— shrimp trawls | TMS |
— midwater trawls (not specified) | TM |
Twin trawl | OTS |
Otter twin trawls | OTT |
Pair trawls (two vessels) (not specified) | PT |
Otter trawls (not specified) | OT |
Other trawls (not specified) | TX |
Beach seines | SB |
Boat or vessel seines | SV |
— Danish seines | SDN |
— Scottish seines | SSC |
— pair seines (two vessels) | SPR |
Seine nets (not specified) | SX |
With purse lines (purse seine) | PS |
— operated by one vessel | PS1 |
— operated by two vessels | PS2 |
Without purse lines (lampara) | LA |
Set gillnets (anchored) | GNS |
Drift gillnets | GND |
Encircling gillnets | GNC |
Fixed gillnets (on stakes) | GNF |
Trammel nets | GTR |
Combined gillnet-trammel nets | GTN |
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified) | GEN |
Gillnets (not specified) | GN |
Set longlines | LLS |
Drift longlines | LLD |
Longlines (not specified) | LL |
Handlines and polelines (hand-operated) | LHP |
Handlines and polelines (mechanised) | LTM |
Trolling lines | LTL |
Hooks and lines (not specified) | LX |
Stationary uncovered poundnets | FPN |
Covered pots | FPO |
Fyke nets | FYK |
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc. | FWR |
Stownets | FSN |
Aerial nets | FAR |
Traps (not specified) | FIX |
Cast nets | FCN |
Falling gear (unspecified) | FG |
Boat dredge | DRB |
Hand dredge | DRH |
Harpoon | HAR |
Portable lift nets | LNP |
Boat operated lift nets | LNB |
Shore operated stationary lift nets | LNS |
Lift nets (not specified) | LN |
Pumps | HMP |
Mechanised dredges | HMD |
Harvesting machines (not specified) | HMX |
MIS | |
NK |
Fishing gear | Effort measure | Definitions |
Surrounding nets (purse seines) | Number of sets | Number of times the gear has been set or shot, whether or not a catch was made. This measure is appropriate when shoal size and packing is related to stock abundance or sets are made in a random manner |
Beach seines | Number of sets | Number of times the gear has been set or shot, whether or not a catch was made |
Boat seines | Number of hours fished | Number of times the gear was set or shot times the estimated mean set or shot duration |
Trawls | Number of hours | Number of hours during which the trawl was in the water (midwater trawl) or on the bottom (bottom trawl), and fishing |
Boat dredges | Number of hours fished | Number of hours during which the dredge was on the bottom and fishing |
Gillnets (set or drift) | Number of effort units | Length of nets expressed in 100-metre units multiplied by the number of sets made (= accumulated total length in metres of net used in a given time divided by 100) |
Gillnets (fixed) | Number of effort units | Length of net expressed in 100-metre units multiplied by the number of times the net was cleared |
Traps (uncovered pound nets) | Number of effort units | Number of days fished times the number of units hauled |
Covered pots and fyke nets | Number of effort units | Number of lifts times the number of units (= total number of units fished in a given time period) |
Longlines (set or drift) | Thousands of hooks | Number of hooks fished in a given time period divided by |
Handlines (pole, troll, jig, etc.) | Number of line days | Total number of lines used in a given time period |
Harpoons | (Report effort levels B and C only) |
Gross tonnage category | Code |
0-49,9 | 02 |
50-149,9 | 03 |
150-499,9 | 04 |
500-999,9 | 05 |
06 | |
07 | |
Not known | 00 |
Nine track with a density of | |
MS-DOS-formatted, 3,5″ 720 K or 1,4 Mbyte discs or 5,25″ 360 K or 1,2 Mbyte discs. |
Byte Nos | Item | Remarks |
1 to 4 | Country (ISO 3-alpha code) | e.g. FRA = France |
5 to 6 | Year | e.g. 90 = 1990 |
7 to 8 | FAO major fishing area | 21 = Northwest Atlantic |
9 to 15 | Division | e.g. 3 Pn = NAFO sub-division 3 Pn |
16 to 18 | Species | 3-alpha identifier |
19 to 26 | Catch | tonnes |
Byte Nos | Item | Remarks |
1 to 4 | Country | ISO 3-alpha code (e.g. FRA = France) |
5 to 6 | Year | e.g. 94 = 1994 |
7 to 8 | Month | e.g. 01 = January |
9 to 10 | FAO major fishing area | 21 = Northwest Atlantic |
11 to 18 | Division | e.g. 3 Pn = NAFO sub-division 3 Pn: alpha-numeric |
19 to 21 | Main species sought | 3-alpha identifier |
22 to 26 | Vessel/gear category | ISSCFG code (e.g. OTB2 = Bottom otter trawl): alpha-numeric |
27 to 28 | Vessel size class | ISSCFV code (e.g. 04 = 150-499.9 GT): alpha-numeric |
29 to 34 | Average gross tonnage | Tonnes: numeric |
35 to 43 | Average engine power | Kilowatts: numeric |
44 to 45 | Percentage effort estimated | Numeric |
46 to 48 | Unit | 3-alpha identifier of species or effort identifier (e.g. COD = Atlantic cod A— = Effort measure A) |
49 to 56 | Data | Catch (in metric tonnes) or effort unit |
Belgium | BEL |
Denmark | DNK |
France | FRA |
Germany FR | DEU |
Greece | GRC |
Ireland | IRL |
Italy | ITA |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Netherlands | NLD |
Portugal | PRT |
Spain | ESP |
United Kingdom | GBR |
England & Wales | GBRA |
Scotland | GBRB |
Nothern Ireland | GBRC |
Finland | FIN |
Sweden | SVE |
Estonia | EST |
Cyprus | CYP |
Latvia | LVA |
Lithuania | LTU |
Malta | MLT |
Poland | POL |
Slovenia | SVN |