Council Directive 93/36/EEC of 14 June 1993 coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contracts
Modified by
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08)Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 11994N31995D0001, August 29, 1994
  • Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 31995D0001, January 1, 1995
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97of 17 June 1997on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro, 31997R1103, June 19, 1997
  • European Parliament and Council Directive 97/52/ECof 13 October 1997amending Directives 92/50/EEC, 93/36/EEC and 93/37/EEC concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts, public supply contracts and public works contracts respectively, 31997L0052, November 28, 1997
  • Commission Directive 2001/78/ECof 13 September 2001amending Annex IV to Council Directive 93/36/EEC, Annexes IV, V and VI to Council Directive 93/37/EEC, Annexes III and IV to Council Directive 92/50/EEC, as amended by Directive 97/52/EC, and Annexes XII to XV, XVII and XVIII to Council Directive 93/38/EEC, as amended by Directive 98/4/EC(Directive on the use of standard forms in the publication of public contract notices)(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2001/78/EC of 13 September 2001 amending Annex IV to Council Directive 93/36/EEC, Annexes IV, V and VI to Council Directive 93/37/EEC, Annexes III and IV to Council Directive 92/50/EEC, as amended by Directive 97/52/EC, and Annexes XII to XV, XVII and XVIII to Council Directive 93/38/EEC, as amended by Directive 98/4/EC (Directive on the use of standard forms in the publication of standard contract notices)(Official Journal of the European Communities L 285 of 29 October 2001), 32001L007832001L0078R(01), October 29, 2001
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
  • Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 31 March 2004on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts, 32004L0018, April 30, 2004
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2001/78/EC of 13 September 2001 amending Annex IV to Council Directive 93/36/EEC, Annexes IV, V and VI to Council Directive 93/37/EEC, Annexes III and IV to Council Directive 92/50/EEC, as amended by Directive 97/52/EC, and Annexes XII to XV, XVII and XVIII to Council Directive 93/38/EEC, as amended by Directive 98/4/EC (Directive on the use of standard forms in the publication of standard contract notices), 32001L0078R(01), August 9, 2002
Council Directive 93/36/EECof 14 June 1993coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contracts THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the CommissionOJ No C 277, 26. 10. 1992, p. 1.,In cooperation with the European ParliamentOJ No C 72, 15. 3. 1993, p. 73 and Decision of 26. 5. 1993 (not yet published in the Official Journal).,Having regard of the opinion of the Economic and Social CommitteeOJ No C 332, 16. 12. 1992, p. 72.,Whereas Council Directive 77/62/EEC of 21 December 1976 coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contractsOJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 92/50//EEC (OJ No L 209, 24. 7. 1992, p. 1). has been amended on a number of occasions; whereas, on the occasion of further amendments, the said Directive should, for reasons of clarity be recast;Whereas it seems important in particular to align the drafting of the present Directive, as far as possible, on the provisions on public procurement as contained in Council Directive 93/37/EEC concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contractsSee p. 54 of this Official Journal. and Council Directive 92/50/EEC of 18 June 1992, relating to the coordination of procedures on the award of public service contractsOJ No L 209, 24. 7. 1992, p. 1.;Whereas the alignments to be introduced relate, in particular, to the introduction of the functional definition of contracting authorities, the option of recourse to the open or restricted procedure, the requirement to justify the refusal of candidates or tenderers, the rules for drawing up reports on the execution of the different award procedures, the conditions for referring to the common rules in the technical field, publication and participation, clarifications concerning award criteria and the introduction of the Advisory Committee procedure;Whereas it is also necessary to introduce some drafting changes aimed at improving the clarity of existing provisions;Whereas the attainment of freedom of movement of goods in respect of public supply contracts awarded in Member States on behalf of the State, or regional or local authorities or other bodies governed by public law entails not only the abolition of restrictions but also the coordination of national procedures for the award of public supply contracts;Whereas such coordination should take into account as far as possible the procedures and administrative practices in force in each Member State;Whereas the Community is a Party to the Agreement on government procurementOJ No L 71, 17. 3. 1980, p. 44 and OJ No L 345, 9. 12. 1987, p. 24., hereinafter referred to as "the GATT Agreement";Whereas Annex I to this Directive sets out the lists of contracting authorities subject to the GATT Agreement; whereas it is necessary to update this Annex in accordance with amendments submitted by the Member States;Whereas this Directive does not apply to certain supply contracts which are awarded in the water, energy, transport and telecommunication sectors covered by Directive 90/531/EECOJ No L 297, 29. 10. 1990, p. 1.;Whereas, without prejudice to the application of the threshold set out for supply contracts subject to the GATT Agreement, supply contracts of less than ECU 200000 may be exempted from competition as provided under this Directive and it is appropriate to provide for their exemption from coordination measures;Whereas provision must be made for exceptional cases where measures concerning the coordination of procedures may not necessarily be applied, but whereas such cases must be expressly limited;Whereas the negotiated procedure should be considered to be exceptional and therefore applicable only in limited cases;Whereas it is necessary to provide common rules in the technical field which take account of the Community policy on standards and specifications;Whereas, to ensure development of effective competition in the field of public contracts, it is necessary that contract notices drawn up by the contracting authorities of Member States be advertised throughout the Community; whereas the information contained in these notices must enable suppliers established in the Community to determine whether the proposed contracts are of interest to them; whereas, for this purpose, it is appropriate to give them adequate information about the goods to be supplied and the conditions attached to their supply; whereas, more particularly, in restricted procedures advertisement is intended to enable suppliers of Member States to express their interest in contracts by seeking from the contracting authorities invitations to tender under the required conditions;Whereas additional information concerning contracts must, as is customary in Member States, be given in the contract documents for each contract or else in an equivalent document;Whereas it is necessary to provide common rules for participation in public supply contracts, including both qualitative selection criteria and criteria for the award of the contracts;Whereas it would be appropriate to enable certain technical conditions concerning notices and statistical reports required by this Directive to be adapted in the light of changing technical requirements; whereas Annex II to this Directive refers to a nomenclature, whereas the Community may, as required, revise or replace its common nomenclature and whereas it is necessary to make provision for the possibility of adapting the reference made to the nomenclature accordingly;Whereas this Directive should not affect the obligations of the Member States concerning the deadlines for transposition into national law and for application indicated in Annex V,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 1For the purpose of this Directive:(a)"public supply contracts" are contracts for pecuniary interest concluded in writing involving the purchase, lease rental or hire purchase, with or without option to buy, of products between a supplier (a natural or legal person) and one of the contracting authorities defined in (b) below. The delivery of such products may in addition include siting and installation operations;(b)"contracting authorities" shall be the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law, associations formed by one or several of such authorities or bodies governed by public law;"a body governed by public law" means any body:established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, andhaving legal personality, andfinanced, for the most part, by the State, or regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law, or subject to management supervision by those bodies, or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law;the lists of bodies or of categories of such bodies governed by public law which fulfil the criteria referred to in the second subparagraph are set out in Annex I to Directive 93/37/EEC. These lists shall be as exhaustive as possible and may be reviewed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 35 of Directive 93/37/EEC;(c)a supplier who submits a tender shall be designated by the term "tenderer", and one who has sought an invitation to take part in a restricted procedure by the term "candidate";(d)"open procedures" are those national procedures whereby all interested suppliers may submit tenders;(e)"restricted procedures" are those national procedures whereby only those suppliers invited by the contracting authorities may submit tenders;(e)"negotiated procedures" are those national procedures whereby contracting authorities consult suppliers of their choice and negotiate the terms of the contract with one or more of them.
Article 21.This Directive shall not apply to:(a)contracts awarded in the fields referred to in Articles 2, 7, 8 and 9 of Directive 90/531/EEC or fulfilling the conditions in Article 6 (2) of that Directive;(b)supply contracts which are declared secret or the execution of which must be accompanied by special security measures in accordance with the laws, regulations or administrative provisions in force in the Member States concerned or when the protection of the basic interests of the Member State's security so requires.2.When a contracting authority within the meaning of Article 1 (b) grants to a body other than a contracting authority — regardless of its legal status — special or exclusive rights to engage in a public service activity, the instrument granting this right shall stipulate that the body in question must observe the principle of non-discrimination by nationality when awarding public supply contracts to third parties.
Article 3Without prejudice to Articles 2, 4 and 5 (1), this Directive shall apply to all products to which Article 1 (a) relates, including those covered by contracts awarded by contracting authorities in the field of defence, except for the products to which Article 223 (1) (b) of the EEC Treaty applies.
Article 4This Directive shall not apply to public supply contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded:(a)in pursuance of an international agreement concluded in conformity with the Treaty, between a Member State and one or more non-member countries and covering supplies intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Decision 71/306/EECOJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. Decision amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15.;(b)to undertakings in a Member State or a non-member country in pursuance of an international agreement relating to the stationing of troops;(c)pursuant to the particular procedure of an international organization.
Article 51.(a)Titles II, III and IV and Articles 6 and 7 shall apply to public supply contracts awarded by:(i)the contracting authorities referred to in Article 1 (b), including contracts awarded by the contracting authorities listed in Annex I in the field of defence in so far as products not covered by Annex II are concerned, where the estimated value net of value-added tax (VAT) is not less than the equivalent in ecus of 200000 special drawing rights (SDRs);(ii)the contracting authorities listed in Annex I whose estimated value net of VAT is not less than the equivalent in ecus of 130000 SDRs; in the case of contracting authorities in the field of defence, this shall apply only to contracts involving products covered by Annex II.(b)This Directive shall apply to public supply contracts whose estimated value equals or exceeds the threshold concerned at the time of publication of the notice in accordance with Article 9 (2).(c)The value in ecus and in national currencies of the thresholds laid down in subparagraph (a) shall, in principle, be revised every two years with effect from 1 January 1996. The calculation of these values shall be based on the average daily values of these currencies expressed in ecus and of the ecu expressed in SDRs over the 24 months terminating on the last day of August immediately preceding the 1 January revision.The method of calculation laid down in this subparagraph shall be reviewed, on a proposal from the Commission, by the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts, in principle two years after its initial application.d)The thresholds laid down in subparagraph (a) and the values of the thresholds expressed in ecus and in national currencies shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities at the beginning of the month of November which follows the revision laid down in the first paragraph of subparagraph (c).2.In the case of contracts for the lease, rental or hire purchase of products, the basis for calculating the estimated contract value shall be:in the case of fixed-term contracts, where their term is 12 months or less the total contract value for its duration, or, where their term exceeds 12 months, its total value including the estimated residual value;in the case of contracts for an indefinite period or in cases where there is doubt as to the duration of the contracts the monthly value multiplied by 48.3.In the case of regular contracts or of contracts which are to be renewed within a given time, the estimated contract value shall be established on the basis of:either the actual aggregate value of similar contracts concluded over the previous fiscal year or 12 months, adjusted where possible, for anticipated changes in quantity or value over the 12 months following the initial contract;or the estimated aggregate value during the 12 months following the first delivery or during the term of the contract, where this is greater than 12 months.The selection of the valuation method shall not be used with the intention of avoiding the application of this Directive.4.If a proposed procurement of supplies of the same type may lead to contracts being awarded at the same time in separate parts, the estimated value of the total sum of these parts must be taken as the basis for the application of paragraphs 1 and 2.5.In the case where a proposed procurement specifies option clauses, the basis for calculating the estimated contract value shall be the highest possible total of the purchase, lease, rental, or hire-purchase permissible, inclusive of the option clauses.6.No procurement requirement for a given quantity of supplies may be split up with the intention of avoiding the application of this Directive.7.Contracting authorities shall ensure that there is no discrimination between the various suppliers.
Article 61.In awarding public supply contracts the contracting authorities shall apply the procedures defined in Article 1 (d), (e) and (f), in the cases set out below.2.The contracting authorities may award their supply contracts by negotiated procedure in the case of irregular tenders in response to an open or restricted procedure or in the case of tenders which are unacceptable under national provisions that are in accordance with provisions of Title IV, in so far as the original terms for the contract are not substantially altered. The contracting authorities shall in these cases publish a tender notice unless they include in such negotiated procedures all the enterprises satisfying the criteria of Articles 20 to 24 which, during the prior open or restricted procedure, have submitted tenders in accordance with the formal requirements of the tendering procedure.3.The contracting authorities may award their supply contracts by negotiated procedure without prior publication of a tender notice, in the following cases:(a)in the absence of tenders or appropriate tenders in response to an open or restricted procedure insofar as the original terms of the contract are not substantially altered and provided that a report is communicated to the Commission;(b)when the products involved are manufactured purely for the purpose of research, experiment, study or development, this provision does not extend to quantity production to establish commercial viability or to recover research and development costs;(c)when, for technical or artistic reasons, or for reasons connected with protection of exclusive rights, the products supplied may be manufactured or delivered only by a particular supplier;(d)in so far as is strictly necessary when, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authorities in question, the time limit laid down for the open, restricted or negotiated procedures referred to in paragraph 2 cannot be kept. The circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency must not in any event be attributable to the contracting authorities;(e)for additional deliverers by the original supplier which are intended either as a partial replacement of normal supplies or installations or as the extension of existing supplies or installations where a change of supplier would oblige the contracting authority to acquire material having different technical characteristics which would result in incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance. The length of such contracts as well as that of recurrent contracts may, as a general rule, not exceed three years.4.In all other cases, the contracting authorities shall award their supply contracts by the open procedure or by the restricted procedure.
Article 71.The contracting authority shall, within 15 days of the date on which the request is received, inform any eliminated candidate or tenderer of the reasons for rejection of his application or his tender and any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected as well as the name of the successful tenderer.However, contracting authorities may decide that certain information on the contract award, referred to in the preceding subparagraph, shall be withheld where release of such information would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular undertakings, public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between suppliers.2.Contracting authorities shall promptly inform candidates and tenderers of the decisions taken on contract awards, including the reasons why they have decided not to award a contract for which there has been an invitation to tender or to start the procedure again, and shall do so in writing if requested. They shall also inform the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities of such decisions.3.For each contract awarded the contracting authorities shall draw up a written report which shall include at least the following:the name and address of the contracting authority, the subject and value of the contract,the names of the candidates or tenderers admitted and the reasons for their selection,the names of the candidates or tenderers rejected and the reasons for their rejection,the name of the successful tenderer and the reasons for his tender having been selected and, if known, any share of the contract the successful tenderer may intend to subcontract to a third party,for negotiated procedures, the circumstances referred to in Article 6 which justify the use of these procedures.This report, or the main features of it, shall be communicated to the Commission at its request.
Article 81.The technical specifications defined in Annex III shall be given in the general or contractual documents relating to each contract.2.Without prejudice to the legally binding national technical rules, in so far as these are compatible with Community law, the technical specifications mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be defined by the contracting authorities by reference to national standards implementing European standards, or by reference to European technical approvals or by reference to common technical specifications.3.A contracting authority may depart from paragraph 2 if:(a)the standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications do not include any provision for establishing conformity or technical means do not exist for establishing satisfactorily the conformity of a product to these standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications;(b)the application of paragraph 2 would prejudice the application of Council Directive 86/361/EEC of 24 July 1986 on the initial stage of the mutual recognition of type approval for telecommunications terminal equipmentOJ No L 217, 5. 8. 1986, p. 21. Directive as amended by Directive 91/263/EEC (OJ No L 128, 23. 5 1991, p. 1). or Council Decision 87/95/EEC of 22 December 1986 on standardization in the field of information technology and telecommunicationsOJ No L 36, 7. 2. 1987, p. 31. or other Community instruments in specific service or product areas;(c)use of these standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications would oblige the contracting authority to acquire supplies incompatible with equipment already in use or would entail disproportionate costs or disproportionate technical difficulties, but only as part of a clearly defined and recorded strategy with a view to change-over, within a given period, to European standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications;(d)the project concerned is of a genuinely innovative nature for which use of existing European standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications would not be appropriate.4.Contracting authorities invoking paragraph 3 shall record, wherever possible, the reasons for doing so in the tender notice published in the Official Journal of the European Communities or in the contract documents and in all cases shall record these reasons in their internal documentation and shall supply such information on request to Member States and to the Commission.5.In the absence of European standards, European technical approvals or common technical specifications, the technical specifications:(a)shall be defined by reference to the national technical specifications recognized as complying with the basic requirements listed in the Community directives on technical harmonization, in accordance with the procedures laid down in those directives, and in particular in accordance with the procedures laid down in Directive 89/106/EECOJ No L 40, 11. 2. 1989, p. 12.;(b)may be defined by reference to national technical specifications relating to design and method of calculation and execution of works and use of materials;(c)may be defined by reference to other documents. In this case, it is appropriate to make reference in order of preference to:(i)national standards implementing international standards accepted by the country of the contracting authority;(ii)other national standards and national technical approvals of the country of the contracting authority;(iii)any other standard.6.Unless such specifications are justified by the subject of the contract, Member States shall prohibit the introduction into the contractual clauses relating to a given contract of technical specifications which mention goods of specific make or source or of a particular process and which therefore favour or eliminate certain suppliers or products. In particular, the indication of trade marks, patents, types or of a specific origin or production shall be prohibited. However, if such indication is accompanied by the works "or equivalent" it shall be authorized in cases where the contracting authorities are unable to give a description of the subject of the contract using specifications which are sufficiently precise and fully intelligible to all parties concerned.
Article 91.The contracting authorities shall make known, as soon as possible after the beginning of their budgetary year, by means of an indicative notice, the total procurement by product area which they envisage awarding during the subsequent 12 months where the total estimated value, taking into account the provisions of Article 5, is equal to or greater than ECU 750000.The product area shall be established by the contracting authorities by means of reference to the nomenclature "Classification of Products According to Activities (CPA)". The Commission shall determine the conditions of reference in the notice to particular positions of the nomenclature in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 32 (2).2.Contracting authorities who wish to award a public supply contract by open, restricted or negotiated procedure in the cases referred to in Article 6 (2), shall make known their intention by means of a notice.3.Contracting authorities who have awarded a contract shall make known the result by means of a notice. However, certain information on the contract award may, in certain cases, not be published where release of such information would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises, public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between suppliers.4.The notices shall be drawn up in accordance with the models given in Annex IV and shall specify the information requested in those models. The contracting authorities may not require any conditions other than those specified in Article 22 and 23 when requesting information concerning the economic and technical standards which they require of suppliers for their selection (Section 11 of Annex IV B, Section 9 of Annex IV C and Section 8 of Annex IV D).5.The contracting authorities shall send the notices as rapidly as possible and by the most appropriate channels to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. In the case of the accelerated procedure referred to in Article 12, the notice shall be sent by telex, telegram or telefax.The notice referred to in paragraph 1 shall be sent as soon as possible after the beginning of each budgetary year.The notice referred to in paragraph 3 shall be sent at the latest 48 days after the award of the contract in question.6.The notices referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 shall be published in full in the Official Journal of the European Communities and in the TED data bank in the official languages of the Communities, the text in the original language alone being authentic.7.The notice referred to in paragraph 2 shall be published in full in the Official Journal of the European Communities and in the TED data bank in their original language. A summary of the important elements of each notice shall be published in the official languages of the Communities, the text in the original language alone being authentic.8.The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities shall publish the notices not later than 12 days after their dispatch. In the case of the accelerated procedure referred to in Article 12, this period shall be reduced to five days.9.The notices shall not be published in the Official Journals or in the press of the country of the contracting authority before the date of dispatch to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities; they shall mention that date. They shall not contain information other than that published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.10.The contracting authorities must be able to supply proof of the date of dispatch.11.The cost of publication of the notices in the Official Journal of the European Communities shall be borne by the Communities. The length of the notice shall not be greater than one page of the Journal, or approximately 650 words. Each edition of the Journal containing one or more notices shall reproduce the model notice or notices on which the published notice or notices are based.
Article 101.In open procedures the time limit for the receipt of tenders, fixed by the contracting authorities, shall not be less than 52 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.1a.The time limit for receipt of tenders laid down in paragraph 1 may be replaced by a period sufficiently long to permit responsive tendering, which, as a general rule, shall be not less than 36 days and in any case not less than 22 days, from the date on which the contract notice was dispatched, if the contracting authorities have sent the indicative notice provided for in Article 9 (1), drafted in accordance with the model in Annex IV A (Prior information), to the Official Journal of the European Communities within a minimum of 52 days and a maximum of 12 months before the date on which the contract notice provided for in Article 9 (2) was dispatched to the Official Journal of the European Communities, provided that the indicative notice contained, in addition, at least as much of the information referred to in the model notice in Annex IV B (Open procedure) as was available at the time of publication of the notice.2.Provided they have been requested in good time, the contract documents and supporting documents must be sent to the suppliers by the contracting authorities or competent departments within six days of receiving their application.3.Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.4.Where the contract documents, supporting documents or additional information are too bulky to be supplied within the time limits laid down in paragraph 2 or 3 or where tenders can be made only after a visit to the site or after on-the-spot inspection of the documents supporting the contract documents, the time limit laid down in paragraph 1 shall be extended accordingly.
Article 111.In restricted procedures and negotiated procedures as described in Article 6 (2), the time limit for receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall not be less than 37 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.2.The contracting authorities shall simultaneously and in writing invite the selected candidates to submit their tenders. The letter of invitation shall be accompanied by the contract documents and supporting documents. It shall include at least the following information:(a)where appropriate, the address of the service from which the contract documents and supporting documents can be requested and the final date for making such a request; also the amount and terms of payment of any sum to be paid for such documents;(b)the final date for receipt of tenders, the address to which they must be sent and the language or languages in which they must be drawn up;(c)a reference to the contract notice published;(d)an indication of any documents to be annexed, either to support the verifiable statements furnished by the candidate in accordance with Article 9 (4), or to supplement the information provided for in that Article under the same conditions as those laid down in Articles 22 and 23;(e)the criteria for the award of the contract if these are not given in the notice.3.In restricted procedures, the time limit receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities may not be less than 40 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.3a.The time limit for receipt of tenders laid down in paragraph 3 may be reduced to 26 days if the contracting authorities have sent the indicative notice provided for in Article 9 (1), drafted in accordance with the model in Annex IV A (Prior information), to the Official Journal of the European Communities within a minimum of 52 days and a maximum of 12 months before the date on which the contract notice provided for in Article 9 (2) was dispatched to the Official Journal of the European Communities, provided that the indicative notice contained, in addition, at least as much of the information referred to in the model in Annex IV C (Restricted procedure), or, where applicable, Annex IV D (Negotiated procedure) as was available at the time of publication of the notice.4.Requests to participate in procedures for the award of contracts may be made by letter, by telegram, telex, telefax or by telephone. If by one of the last four, they must be confirmed by letter dispatched before the end of the period laid down in paragraph 1.5.Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.6.Where tenders can be made only after a visit to the site or after on-the-spot inspection of the documents supporting the contract documents, the time limit laid down in paragraph 3 shall be extended accordingly.
Article 121.In cases where urgency renders impracticable the time limits laid down in Article 11, the contracting authorities may fix the following time limits:(a)a time limit for the receipt of requests to participate which shall not be less than 15 days from the date of dispatch of the notice;(b)a time limit for the receipt of tenders which shall not be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender.2.Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not less than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.3.Requests for participation in contracts and invitations to tender must be made by the most rapid means of communication possible. When requests to participate are made by telegram, telex, telefax or telephone, they must be confirmed by letter dispatched before the expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 13Contracting authorities may arrange for the publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities of notices announcing public supply contracts which are not subject to the publication requirement laid down in this Directive.
Article 14The conditions for the drawing up, transmission, receipt, translation, collection and distribution of the notices referred to in Article 9 and of the statistical reports provided for in Article 31 as well as the nomenclature provided for in Article 9 and in Annexes II and IV may be modified in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 32 (2). The conditions for referring in the notices to particular positions in the nomenclature may be determined pursuant to the same procedure.
TITLE IVChapter 1Common rules on participation
Article 151.Contracts shall be awarded on the basis for the criteria laid down in Chapter 3 of this Title, taking into account Article 16, after the suitability of the suppliers not excluded under Article 20 has been checked by the contracting authorities in accordance with the criteria of economic and financial standing and of technical capacity referred to in Articles 22, 23 and 24.2.The contracting authorities shall respect fully the confidential nature of any information furnished by the suppliers.3.Tenders shall be submitted in writing, directly or by mail. Member States may authorize the submission of tenders by any other means making it possible to ensure:that each tender contains all the information necessary for its evaluation,that the confidentiality of tenders is maintained pending their evaluation,that, where necessary, for reasons of legal proof, such tenders are confirmed as soon as possible in writing or by dispatch of a certified copy,that tenders are opened after the time limit for their submission has expired.
Article 161.Where the criterion for the award of the contract is that of the most economically advantageous tender, contracting authorities may take account of variants which are submitted by a tenderer and meet the minimum specifications required by the contracting authorities.The contracting authorities shall state in the contract documents the minimum specifications to be respected by the variants and any specific requirements for their presentation. They shall indicate in the tender notice if variants are not permitted.Contracting authorities may not reject the submission of a variant of the sole grounds that it has been drawn up with technical specifications defined by reference to national standards transposing European standards, to European technical approvals or to common technical specifications referred to in Article 8 (2), or again by reference to national technical specifications to in Article 8 (5) (a) and (b).2.Contracting authorities which have admitted variants pursuant to paragraph 1 may not reject a variant on the sole grounds that it would lead, if successful, to a service contract rather than a public supply contract within the meaning of this Directive.
Article 17In the contract documents, the contracting authority may ask the tenderer to indicate in his tender any share of the contract he may intend to subcontract to third parties.This indication shall be without prejudice to the question of the principal supplier's liability.
Article 18Tenders may be submitted by groups of suppliers. These groups may not be required to assume a specific legal form in order to submit the tender; however, the group selected may be required to do so when it has been awarded the contract, to the extent that this change is necessary for the satisfactory performance of the contract.
Article 191.In restricted and negotiated procedures the contracting authorities shall, on the basis of information given relating to the supplier's personal position as well as to the information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the minimum conditions of an economic and technical nature to be fulfilled by him, select from among the candidates with the qualifications required by Articles 20 to 24 those whom they will invite to submit a tender or to negotiate.2.Where the contracting authorities award a contact by restricted procedure, they may prescribe the range within which the number of suppliers which they intend to invite will fall. In this case the range shall be indicated in the contract notice. The range shall be determined in the light of the nature of the goods to be supplied. The range must number at least five suppliers and may be up to 20.In any event, the number of candidates invited to tender shall be sufficient to ensure genuine competition.3.Where the contracting authorities award a contract by negotiated procedure as referred to in Article 6 (2), the number of candidates admitted to negotiate may not be less than three provided that there is a sufficient number of suitable candidates.4.Each Member State shall ensure that contracting authorities issue invitations without discrimination to those nationals of other Member States who satisfy the necessary requirements and under the same conditions as to its own nationals.
Chapter 2Criteria for qualitative selection
Article 201.Any supplier may be excluded from participation in the contract who:(a)is bankrupt or is being wound up, whose affairs are being administered by the court, who has entered into an arrangement with creditors, who has suspended business activities or who is any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations;(b)is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations;(c)has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;(d)has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify;(e)has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority;(f)has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or those of the country of the contracting authority;(g)is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required under this Chapter.2.Where the contracting authority requires to the supplier proof that none of the cases quoted in (a), (b), (c), (e) or (f) of paragraph 1 applies to him, it shall accept as sufficient evidence:for points (a), (b) or (c), the production of an extract from the "judicial record" or, failing this, of an equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority in the country of origin in the country whence that person comes showing that these requirements have been met,for points (e) or (f), a certificate issued by the competent authority in the Member State concerned.3.Where the country in question does not issue the documents or certificates referred to in paragraph 2 or where these do not cover all the cases quoted in (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph 1, they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in Member States where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a competent professional or trade body, in the country of origin in the country whence that person comes.4.Member States shall designate the authorities and bodies competent to issue the documents, certificates or declarations referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 and shall forthwith inform the other Member States and the Commission thereof.
Article 211.Any supplier wishing to take part in a public supply contract may be requested to prove his enrolment, as prescribed in his country of establishment, in one of the professional or trade registers or to provide a declaration on oath or certificate as described in paragraph 2 below.2.The relevant professional and trade registers or declarations or certificates are:in Belgium: "Registre du commerce/Handelsregister",in Denmark: "Aktieselskabsregistret", "Foreningsregistret" and "Handelsregistret",in Germany: "Handelsregister" and "Handwerksrolle",in Greece: "Βιοτεχνικό ή Βιομηχανικό ή Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο";in Spain: "Registro Mercantil" or, in the case of non-registered individuals, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question,in France: "Registre du commerce" and "répertoire des métiers",in Italy: "Registro della Camera di commercio, industria, agricoltura e artigianato", and "Registro delle Commissioni provinciali per l"artigianato’,in Luxembourg: "Registre aux firmes" and "Rôle de la chambre des métiers",in the Netherlands: "Handelsregister",in Austria, the Firmenbuch, the Gewerberegister, the Mitgliederverzeichnisse der Landeskammern,in Portugal: "Registo Nacional das Pessoas Colectivas",in Finland, KaupparekisteriHandelsregistret,in Sweden, Aktiebolags-, handels- eller fö the United Kingdom and Ireland, the supplier may be requested to provide a certificate from the Registrar of Companies or the Registrar of Friendly Societies, that he is certified as incorporated or registered or, if he is not so certified, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question in the country in which he is established in a specific place under a given business name and under a specific trading name,in the Czech Republic: "obchodní rejstřík",in Estonia: "Keskäriregister",in Cyprus: the supplier may be requested to provide a certificate from the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (Έφορος Εταιρειών και Επίσημος Παραλήπτης), that he is certified as incorporated or registered or, if he is not so certified, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question in the country in which he is established in a specific place under a given business name and under a specific trading name,in Latvia: "Uzņēmumu reģistrs" ("Enterprise Register"),in Lithuania: "Juridinių asmenų registras",in Hungary: "Cégnyilvántartás", "egyéni vállalkozók jegyzői nyilvántartása",in Malta: a tenderer (or supplier) shall quote his "numru ta' reġistrazzjoni tat-Taxxa tal-Valur Miżjud (VAT) u n- numru tal-liċenzja ta' kummerċ", and, if a partnership or company, the relevant registration number as issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority,in Poland: "Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy",in Slovenia: "Sodni register" and "obrtni register",in Slovakia: "Obchodný register".
Article 221.Evidence of the supplier's financial and economic standing may, as a general rule, be furnished by one or more of the following references:(a)appropriate statements from bankers;(b)the presentation of the supplier's balance-sheets or extracts from the balance-sheets, where publication of the balance-sheet is required under the law of the country in which the supplier is established;(c)a statement of the supplier's overall turnover and its turnover in respect of the products to which the contract relates for the three previous financial years.2.The contracting authorities shall specify in the notice or in the invitation to tender which reference or references mentioned in paragraph 1 they have chosen and which references other than those mentioned under paragraph 1 are to be produced.3.If, for any valid reason, the supplier is unable to provide the references requested by the contracting authority, he may prove his economic and financial standing by any other document which the contracting authority considers appropriate.
Article 231.Evidence of the supplier's technical capacity may be furnished by one or more of the following means according to the nature, quantity and purpose of the products to be supplied:(a)a list of the principal deliveries effected in the past three years, with the sums, dates and recipients, public or private, involved:where effected to public authorities, evidence to be in the form of certificates issued or countersigned by the competent authority;where effected to private purchasers, delivery to be certified by the purchaser or, failing this, simply declared by the supplier to have been effected;(b)a description of the supplier's technical facilities, its measures for ensuring quality and its study and research facilities;(c)indication of the technicians or technical bodies involved, whether or not belonging directly to the supplier, especially those responsible for quality control;(d)samples, description and/or photographs of the products to be supplied, the authenticity of which must be certified if the contracting authority so requests;(e)certificates drawn up by official quality control institutes or agencies of recognized competence attesting conformity to certain specifications or standards of products clearly identified by references to specifications or standards;(f)where the products to be supplied are complex or, exceptionally, are required for a special purpose, a check carried out by the contracting authorities or on their behalf by a competent official body of the country in which the supplier is established, subject to that body's agreement, on the production capacities of the supplier and if necessary on his study and research facilities and quality control measures.2.The contracting authority shall specify, in the notice or in the invitation to tender, which references it wishes to receive.3.The extent of the information referred to in Article 22 and in paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article must be confined to the subject of the contract; the contracting authority shall take into consideration the legitimate interests of the suppliers as regards the protection of their technical or trade secrets.
Article 24Within the limits of Articles 20 to 23 the contracting authority may invite the suppliers to supplement the certificates and documents submitted or to clarify them.
Article 251.Member States who have official lists of recognized suppliers must adapt them to the provisions of points (a) to (d) and (g) of Article 20 (1) and of Articles 21, 22 and 23.2.Suppliers registered in the official lists may, for each contract, submit to the contracting authority a certificate of registration issued by the competent authority. This certificate shall state the reference which enabled them to be registered in the list and the classification given in that list.3.Certified registration in official lists of suppliers by the competent bodies shall, for the contracting authorities of other Member States, constitute a presumption of suitability corresponding to the suppliers classification only as regards Article 20 (1) (a) to (d) and (g), Article 21, Article 22 (1) (b) (e) Article 23 (1) (a).Information which can be deduced from registration in official lists may not be questioned. However, with regard to the payment of social security contributions, an additional certificate may be required of any registered suppliers whenever a contract is offered.The contracting authorities of other Member States shall apply the first and second subparagraph only in favour of suppliers established in the Member States holding the official list.4.For the registration of suppliers of other Member States in an official list, no further proof or statements can be required other than those requested of national suppliers and, in any event, only those provided for under Articles 20 to 23.5.Member States holding an official list shall communicate the address of the body to which requests for registration may be made to other Member States and to the Commission which shall ensure distribution.
Chapter 3Criteria for the award of contracts
Article 261.The criteria on which the contracting authority shall base the award of contracts shall be:(a)either the lowest price only;(b)or, when award is made to the most economically advantageous tender, various criteria according to the contract in question: e. g. price, delivery date, running costs, cost-effectiveness, quality, aesthetic and functional characteristics, technical merit, after-sales service and technical assistance.2.In the case referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1, the contracting authority shall state in the contract documents or in the contract notice all the criteria they intend to apply to the award, where possible in descending order of importance.
Article 27If, for a given contract, tenders appear to be abnormally low in relation to the goods to be supplied, the contracting authority shall, before it may reject those tenders, request in writing details of the constituent elements of the tender which it considers relevant and shall verify those constituent elements taking account of the explanations received.The contracting authority may take into consideration explanations relating to the economics of the manufacturing process, or to the technical solutions chosen, or to the exceptionally favourable conditions available to the tenderer for the supply of the goods, or to the originality of the suppliers proposed by the tenderer.If the documents relating to the contract provide for its award at the lowest price tendered, the contracting authority must communicate to the Commission the rejection of tenders which it considers to be too low.
Article 28For the purposes of the award of public contracts by the contracting authorities referred to in Annex I, and, to the extent that rectifications, modifications or amendments have been made thereto, by their successor authorities, Member States shall apply in their relations conditions as favourable as those which they grant to third countries in implementation of the GATT Agreement, in particular those in Articles V and VI of that Agreement, on the restricted procedure, information and review. The Member States shall to this end consult each other within the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts on the measures to be taken pursuant to the Agreement.
Article 291.The Commission shall examine the application of this Directive in consultation with the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts and where appropriate shall submit new proposals to the Council with the aim in particular of harmonizing the measures taken by the Member States for the implementation of this Directive.2.The Commission shall review this Directive and any new measures which may be adopted by virtue of paragraph 1, having regard to the results of the further negotiations provided for in Article XXIV (7) of the Agreement on Government Procurement, concluded in the framework of the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiationsCouncil Decision 94/800/EC of 22 December 1994 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Community, as regards matters within its competence, of the Agreements reached in the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations (1986 to 1994) (OJ L 336, 23. 12. 1994, p. 1)., hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement", and shall, if necessary, submit appropriate proposals to the Council.3.The Commission shall update Annex I, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 32 (2), on the basis of any rectifications, modifications or amendments made thereto and shall have the updated version published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Article 30The calculation of time limits shall be made in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1182/71 of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to periods, dates and time limitsOJ No L 124, 8. 6. 1971, p. 1..
Article 311.In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report on the supply contracts awarded by contracting authorities during the preceding year, not later than 31 October 1996 and, in respect of the contracting authorities not listed in Annex I, not later than 31 October 1997 and thereafter not later than 31 October of each year.2.The statistical report shall detail at least:(a)in the case of contracting authorities listed in Annex I:the estimated overall value of contracts awarded below the threshold by each contracting authority,the number and value of contracts awarded above the threshold by each contracting authority, subdivided as far as possible by procedure, category of product according to the nomenclature referred to in Article 9 (1) and the nationality of the supplier to whom the contract has been awarded and, in the case of negotiated procedures, subdivided in accordance with Article 6, listing the number and value of contracts awarded to each Member State and to third countries;(b)in the case of all other contracting authorities subject to this Directive, for each category of contracting authority, the number and value of contracts awarded above the threshold, subdivided, as far as possible, by procedure, category of product according to the nomenclature referred to in Article 9 (1) and the nationality of the supplier to whom the contract has been awarded, subdivided in accordance with Article 6, listing the number and value of the contracts awarded to each Member State and to third countries;(c)in the case of contracting authorities listed in Annex I, the number and total value of contracts awarded by each contracting authority pursuant to derogations to the Agreement; in the case of all other contracting authorities subject to this Directive, the total value of contracts awarded by each category of contracting authority pursuant to derogations to the Agreement;(d)any other statistical information, to be determined pursuant to the procedure provided for in Article 32 (2), which is required in accordance with the Agreement.3.The Commission shall determine, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 32 (2), the nature of any statistical information required pursuant to this Directive.
Article 321.The Commission shall be assisted by the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Decision 71/306/EEC.2.Where reference is made to the procedure laid down in this paragraph, the representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.The Commission shall take the utmost account to the opinion delivered by the Committee. It shall inform the Committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.3.The Committee mentioned in paragraph 1 shall examine, on the initiative of the Commission or at the request of a Member State, any question relating to the application of this Directive.
Article 33Directive 77/62/EECIncluding the provisions which amended this Directive, namely:Directive 80/767/EEC (OJ No L 215, 18. 8. 1980, p. 1),Directive 88/295/EEC (OJ No L 127, 20. 5. 1988, p. 1),Article 35 (1) of Directive 90/531/EEC (OJ No L 297, 29. 10. 1990, p. 1),Article 42 (1) of Directive 92/50/EEC (OJ No L 209, 24. 7. 1992, p. 1). is hereby repealed, without prejudice to the obligation of the Member States concerning the deadlines for transposition into national law and for application indicated in Annex V.References to the repealed Directives shall be construed as reference to this Directive and should be read in accordance with the correlation table set out in Annex VI.
Article 341.Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 14 June 1994. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.When Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods for making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.
Article 35This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
nullANNEX IA.LIST OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITIES SUBJECT TO THE WTO AGREEMENT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENTBELGIUMA.L'État Fédéral:Services du Premier ministreMinistère des affaires économiquesMinistère des affaires étrangères, du commerce extérieur et de la Coopération au développementMinistère de l'agricultureMinistère des classes moyennesMinistère des communications et de l'infrastructureMinistère de la défense nationaleNon-warlike materials contained in Annex II.Ministère de l'emploi et du travailMinistère des financesMinistère de l'intérieur et de la fonction publiqueMinistère de la justiceMinistère de la santé publique et de l'environnementla postePostal business covered by the Law of 24 December Régie des bâtimentsle Fonds des routesB.L'Office national de sécurité socialeL'Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendantsL'Institut national d'assurances maladie-invaliditéL'Office national des pensionsLa Caisse auxiliaire d'assurance maladie-invaliditéLe Fonds des maladies professionnellesL'Office national de l'emploiDENMARK
De i bilag II indeholdte ikke-krigslignende materialer.
1. Folketinget— Rigsrevisionen
2. Statsministeriet
3. Udenrigsministeriet— 2 departementer
4. Arbejdsministeriet— 5 styrelser og institutioner
5. Boligministeriet— 7 styrelser og institutioner
6. Erhvervsministeriet— 7 styrelser og institutioner
7. Finansministeriet— 3 styrelser og institutioner
8. Forskningsministeriet— 1 styrelse
9. Forsvarsministeriet— adskillige institutioner
10. Indenrigsministeriet— 2 styrelser
11. Justitsministeriet— 2 direktorater og adskillige politimyndigheder og domstole
12. Kirkeministeriet— 10 stiftsøvrigheder
13. Kulturministeriet— 3 institutioner samt adskillige statsejede museer og højere uddannelsesinstitutioner
14. Landbrugs- og fiskeriministeriet— 23 direktorater og institutioner
15. Miljø- og energiministeriet— 6 styrelser og Forsøgsanlægget Risø
16. Skatteministeriet— 1 styrelse
17. Socialministeriet— 4 styrelser og institutioner
18. Sundhedsministeriet— Adskillige institutioner inklusive Statens Seruminstitut
19. Trafikministeriet— 12 styrelser og institutioner
20. Undervisningsministeriet— 6 direktorater samt 12 universiteter og andre højere læreanstalter
21. Økonomiministeriet— Danmarks statistik
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANYList of the central purchasing entities1.Auswärtiges Amt2.Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung3.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft4.Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten5.Bundesministerium der Finanzen6.Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie7.Bundesministerium des Innern (nur zivile Güter)8.Bundesministerium für Gesundheit9.Bundesministerium für Frauen und Jugend10.Bundesministerium für Familie und Senioren11.Bundesministerium der Justiz12.Bundesministerium für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau13.Bundesministerium für Post und TelekommunikationMit Ausnahme von Telekommunikationsausrüstung.14.Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft15.Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit16.Bundesministerium der VerteidigungMit Ausnahme von Telekommunikationsausrüstung.17.Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit18.Bundesministerium für VerkehrNoteUnder existing national arrangements, the bodies included in this list must, following special procedures, award contracts to certain groups in order to remove the difficulties caused by the last war.SPAINList of entities1.Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores2.Ministerio de Justicia3.Ministerio de DefensaMaterial que no sea de guerra incluido en el Anexo II.4.Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda5.Ministerio del Interior6.Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente7.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia8.Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social9.Ministerio de Industria y Energía10.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación11.Ministerio de la Presidencia12.Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas13.Ministerio de Cultura14.Ministerio de Comercio y Turismo15.Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo16.Ministerio de Asuntos SocialesFRANCE1.Main purchasing entitiesA.Budget généralServices du Premier ministreMinistère des affaires sociales, de la santé et de la villeMinistère de l'intérieur et de l'aménagement du territoireMinistère de la justiceMinistère de la défenseMinistère des affaires étrangèresMinistère de l'éducation nationaleMinistère de l'économieMinistère de l'industrie, des postes et télécommunications et du commerce extérieurMinistère de l'équipement, des transports et du tourismeMinistère des entreprises et du développement économique, chargé des petites et moyennes entreprises et du commerce et de l'artisanatMinistère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelleMinistère de la culture et de la francophonieMinistère du budgetMinistère de l'agriculture et de la pêcheMinistère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rechercheMinistère de l'environnementMinistère de la fonction publiqueMinistère du logementMinistère de la coopérationMinistère des départements et territoires d'outre-merMinistère de la jeunesse et des sportsMinistère de la communicationMinistère des anciens combattants et victimes de guerreB.Budget annexeOn peut notamment signaler:Imprimerie nationaleC.Comptes spéciaux du TrésorOn peut notamment signaler:Fonds forestier nationalSoutien financier de l'industrie cinématographique et de l'industrie des programmes audiovisuelsFonds national d'aménagement foncier et d'urbanismeCaisse autonome de la reconstruction2.National public administrative bodiesAcadémie de France à RomeAcadémie de marineAcadémie des sciences d'outre-merAgence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale (ACOSS)Agences financières de bassinsAgence nationale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail (ANACT)Agence nationale pour l'amélioration de l'habitat (ANAH)Agence nationale pour l'emploi (ANPE)Agence nationale pour l'indemnisation des français d'outre-mer (ANIFOM)Assemblée permanente des chambres d'agriculture (APCA)Bibliothèque nationaleBibliothèque nationale et universitaire de StrasbourgBureau d'études des postes et télécommunications d'outre-mer (BEPTOM)Caisse des dépôts et consignationsCaisse nationale des allocations familiales (CNAF)Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés (CNAM)Caisse nationale d'assurance-vieillesse des travailleurs salariés (CNAVTS)Caisse nationale des autoroutes (CNA)Caisse nationale militaire de sécurité sociale (CNMSS)Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sitesCaisse nationale des télécommunicationsPostal services only.Caisse de garantie du logement socialCasa de VelasquezCentre d'enseignement zootechnique de RambouilletCentre d'études du milieu et de pédagogie appliquée du ministère de l'agricultureCentre d'études supérieures de sécurité socialeCentres de formation professionnelle agricoleCentre national d'art et de culture Georges PompidouCentre national de la cinématographie françaiseCentre national d'études et de formation pour l'enfance inadaptéeCentre national d'études et d'expérimentation du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et des forêtsCentre national et de formation pour l'adaptation scolaire et l'éducation spécialisée (CNEFASES)Centre national de formation et de perfectionnement des professeurs d'enseignement ménager agricoleCentre national des lettresCentre national de documentation pédagogiqueCentre national des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CNOUS)Centre national d'ophthalmologie des Quinze-VingtsCentre national de préparation au professorat de travaux manuels éducatifs et d'enseignement ménagerCentre national de promotion rurale de MarmilhatCentre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)Centre régional d'éducation populaire d'Ile-de-FranceCentres d'éducation populaire et de sport (CREPS)Centres régionaux des œuvres universitaires (CROUS)Centres régionaux de la propriété forestièreCentre de sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrantsChancelleries des universitésCollège de FranceCommission des opérations de bourseConseil supérieur de la pêcheConservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustresConservatoire national des arts et métiersConservatoire national supérieur de musiqueConservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatiqueDomaine de PompadourÉcole centrale — LyonÉcole centrale des arts et manufacturesÉcole française d'archéologie d'AthènesÉcole française d'Extrême-OrientÉcole française de RomeÉcole des hautes études en sciences socialesÉcole nationale d'administrationÉcole nationale de l'aviation civile (ENAC)École nationale des ChartesÉcole nationale d'équitationÉcole nationale du génie rural des eaux et des forêts (ENGREF)Écoles nationales d'ingénieursÉcole nationale d'ingénieurs des industries des techniques agricoles et alimentairesÉcoles nationales d'ingénieurs des travaux agricolesÉcole nationale des ingénieurs des travaux ruraux et des techniques sanitairesÉcole nationale des ingénieurs des travaux des eaux et forêts (ENITEF)École nationale de la magistratureÉcoles nationales de la marine marchandeÉcole nationale de la santé publique (ENSP)École nationale de ski et d'alpinismeÉcole nationale supérieure agronomique — MontpellierÉcole nationale supérieure agronomique — RennesÉcole nationale supérieure des arts décoratifsÉcole nationale supérieure des arts et industries — StrasbourgÉcole nationale supérieure des arts et industries textiles — RoubaixÉcoles nationales supérieures d'arts et métiersÉcole nationale supérieure des beaux-artsÉcole nationale supérieure des bibliothécairesÉcole nationale supérieure de céramique industrielleÉcole nationale supérieure de l'électronique et de ses applications (ENSEA)École nationale supérieure d'horticultureÉcole nationale supérieure des industries agricoles alimentairesÉcole nationale supérieure du paysage (rattachée à l'école nationale supérieure d'horticulture)École nationale supérieure des sciences agronomiques appliquées (ENSSA)Écoles nationales vétérinairesÉcole nationale de voileÉcoles normales d'instituteurs et d'institutricesÉcoles normales nationales d'apprentissageÉcoles normales supérieuresÉcole polytechniqueÉcole technique professionelle agricole et forestière de Meymac (Corrèze)École de sylviculture — Crogny (Aube)École de viticulture et d'œnologie de la Tour Blanche (Gironde)École de viticulture — Avize (Marne)Établissement national de convalescents de Saint-MauriceÉtablissement national des invalides de la marine (ENIM)Établissement national de bienfaisance Koenigs-WazterFondation CarnegieFondation Singer-PolignacFonds d'action sociale pour les travailleurs immigrés et leurs famillesHôpital-hospice national Dufresne-SommeillerInstitut de l'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (IEMVPT)Institut français d'archéologie orientale du CaireInstitut géographique nationalInstitut industriel du NordInstitut international d'administration publique (IIAP)Institut national agronomique de Paris-GrignonInstitut national des appellations d'origine des vins et eaux-de-vie (INAOVEV)Institut national d'astronomie et de géophysique (INAG)Institut national de la consommation (INC)Institut national d'éducation populaire (INEP)Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)Institut national des jeunes aveugles — ParisInstitut national des jeunes sourds — BordeauxInstitut national des jeunes sourds — ChambéryInstitut national des jeunes sourds — MetzInstitut national des jeunes sourds — ParisInstitut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules (I.N2.P3)Institut national de promotion supérieure agricoleInstitut national de la propriété industrielleInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)Institut national de recherche pédagogique (INRP)Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)Institut national des sportsInstituts nationaux polytechniquesInstituts nationaux des sciences appliquéesInstitut national supérieur de chimie industrielle de RouenInstitut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA)Institut national de recherche sur les transports et leur sécurité (INRETS)Instituts régionaux d'administrationInstitut supérieur des matériaux et de la construction mécanique de Saint-OuenMusée de l'arméeMusée Gustave MoreauMusée de la marineMusée national J.-J. HennerMusée national de la Légion d'HonneurMusée de la posteMuséum national d'histoire naturelleMusée Auguste-RodinObservatoire de ParisOffice de coopération et d'accueil universitaireOffice français de protection des réfugiés et apatridesOffice national des anciens combattantsOffice national de la chasseOffice national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions (ONISEP)Office national d'immigration (ONI)Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération (ORSTOM)Office universitaire et culturel français pour l'AlgériePalais de la découverteParcs nationauxRéunion des musées nationauxSyndicat des transports parisiensThermes nationaux — Aix-les-BainsUniversités3.Other national public bodiesUnion des groupements d'achats publics (UGAP)GREECEList of entities1.Ministry of National Economy2.Ministry of Education and Religion3.Ministry of Commerce4.Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology5.Ministry of Merchant Marine6.Ministry to the Prime Minister7.Ministry of the Aegean8.Ministry of Foreign Affairs9.Ministry of Justice10.Ministry of the Interior11.Ministry of Labour12.Ministry of Culture and Sciences13.Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works14.Ministry of Finance15.Ministry of Transport and Communications16.Ministry of Health and Social Security17.Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace18.Army General Staff19.Navy General Staff20.Airforce General Staff21.Ministry of Agriculture22.General Secretariat for Press and Information23.General Secretariat for Youth24.General State Laboratory25.General Secretariat for Further Education26.General Secretariat of Equality27.General Secretariat for Social Security28.General Secretariat for Greeks Living Abroad29.General Secretariat for Industry30.General Secretariat for Research and Technology31.General Secretariat for Sports32.General Secretariat for Public Works33.National Statistical Service34.National Welfare Organization35.Workers' Housing Organization36.National Printing Office37.Greek Atomic Energy Commission38.Greek Highway Fund39.University of Athens40.University of the Aegean41.University of Thessaloniki42.University of Thrace43.University of Ioannina44.University of Patras45.Polytechnic School of Crete46.Sivitanidios Technical School47.University of Macedonia48.Eginitio Hospital49.Areteio Hospital50.National Centre of Public Administration51.Hellenic Post (EL. TA.)52.Public Material Management Organization53.Farmers' Insurance Organization54.School Building OrganizationIRELAND1.Main purchasing entitiesOffice of Public Works2.Other departmentsPresident's EstablishmentHouses of the Oireachtas (Parliament)Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister)Office of the Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister)Central Statistics OfficeDepartment of Arts, Culture and the GaeltachtNational Gallery of IrelandDepartment of FinanceState LaboratoryOffice of the Comptroller and Auditor GeneralOffice of the Attorney GeneralOffice of the Director of Public ProsecutionsValuation OfficeCivil Service CommissionOffice of the OmbudsmanOffice of the Revenue CommissionersDepartment of JusticeCommissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for IrelandDepartment of the EnvironmentDepartment of EducationDepartment of the MarineDepartment of Agriculture, Food and ForestryDepartment of Enterprise and EmploymentDepartment of Trade and TourismDepartment of DefenceNon-warlike materials contained in Annex II.Department of Foreign AffairsDepartment of Social WelfareDepartment of HealthDepartment of Transport, Energy and CommunicationsITALYPurchasing entities1.Ministry of the TreasuryEnte centrale d'acquisto per la maggiore parte degli altri ministeri ed enti.2.Ministry of FinanceEsclusi gli acquisti effettuati dal monopolio dei sali e tabacchi.3.Ministry of Justice4.Ministry of Foreign Affairs5.Ministry of Education6.Ministry of the Interior7.Ministry of Public Works8.Ministry for Coordination (International Relations and EC Agricultural Policies)9.Ministry of Industry, Trade and Craft Trades10.Ministry of Employment and Social Security11.Ministry of Health12.Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Environment13.Ministry of DefenceEnte centrale d'acquisto per la maggiore parte degli altri ministeri ed enti.14.Budget and Economic Planning Ministry15.Ministry of Foreign Trade16.Ministry of Posts and TelecommunicationsSoltanto i servizi postali.17.Ministry of the Environment18.Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological ResearchLUXEMBOURG1.Ministère d'État: Service central des imprimés et des fournitures de l'État2.Ministère de l'agriculture: Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture3.Ministère de l'éducation nationale: Lycées d'enseignement secondaire et d'enseignement secondaire technique4.Ministère de la famille et de la solidarité sociale: maisons de retraite5.Ministère de la force publique: ArméeMatériel non de guerre contenu à l'annexe II. — Gendarmerie — Police6.Ministère de la justice: Établissements pénitentiaires7.Ministère de la santé publique: Hôpital neuropsychiatrique8.Ministère des travaux publics: bâtiments publics — Ponts et chaussées9.Ministère des Communications: Centre informatique de l'État10.Ministère de l'environnement: Commissariat général à la protection des eauxTHE NETHERLANDSList of entitiesMinistries and central government bodies1.Ministry of General Affairs — Ministerie van Algemene ZakenAdvisory Council on Government Policy — Bureau van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het RegeringsbeleidNational Information Office — Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst2.Ministry of the Interior — Ministerie van Binnenlandse ZakenGovernment Personnel Information System Service — Dienst Informatievoorziening OverheidspersoneelRedundancy Payment and Benefits Agency — Dienst Uitvoering OntslaguitkeringsregelingenPublic Servants Medical Expenses Agency — Dienst Ziektekostenvoorziening OverheidspersoneelRPD Advisory Service — RPD AdviesCentral Archives and Interdepartmental Text Processing — CAS/ITW3.Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Directorate-General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en Ministerie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking4.Ministry of Defence — Ministerie van DefensieNiet voor oorlogsdoeleinden bestemd materiaal vermeld in bijlage II.Directorate of material Royal Netherlands Navy — Directie materieel Koninklijke MarineDirectorate of material Royal Netherlands Army — Directie materieel Koninklijke LandmachtDirectorate of material Royal Netherlands Air Force — Directie materieel Koninklijke Luchtmacht5.Ministry of Economic Affairs — Ministerie van Economische ZakenEconomic Investigation Agency — Economische ControledienstCentral Plan Bureau — Centraal PlanbureauNetherlands Central Bureau of Statistics — Centraal Bureau voor de StatistiekSenter — SenterIndustrial Property Office — Bureau voor de Industriële EigendomCentral Licensing Office for Import and Export — Centrale Dienst voor de In- en UitvoerState Supervision of Mines — Staatstoezicht op de MijnenGeological Survey of the Netherlands — Rijks Geologische Dienst6.Ministry of Finance — Ministerie van FinanciënState Property Department — Dienst der DomeinenDirectorates of the State Tax Department — Directies der RijksbelastingenState Tax Department/Fiscal Intelligence and Information Department — Belastingdienst/FIODState Tax Department/Computer Centre — Belastingdienst/AutomatiseringscentrumState Tax Department/Training — Belastingdienst/Opleidingen7.Ministry of Justice — Ministerie van JustitieEducation and Training Organization, Directorate General for the Protection of Young People and the care of Offenders — Opleidings- en vormingsorganisatie Directoraat-Generaal Jeugdbescherming en DelinquentenzorgChild Care and Protection Board — Raden voor de Kinderbescherming in de provinciesState Institutions for Child care and Protection — Rijksinrichtingen voor de Kinderbescherming in de provinciesPrisons — Penitentiaire inrichtingen in de provincieState Institutions for Persons Placed under Hospital Order — Rijksinrichtingen voor TBS — verpleging in de provinciesInternal Facilities Service of the Directorate for Young Offenders and Young Peoples Institute — Dienst Facilitaire Zaken van de Directie Delinquentenzorg en JeugdinrichtingenLegal Aid Department — Dienst Gerechtelijke Ondersteuning in de arrondissementenCentral Collection Office for the Courts — Centraal Ontvangstkantoor der GerechtenCentral Debt Collection Agency of the Ministry of Justice — Centraal Justitie IncassobureauNational Criminal Investigation Department — RijksrechercheForensic Laboratory — Gerechtelijk LaboratoriumNational Police Services Force — Korps Landelijke PolitiedienstenDistrict offices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service — Districtskantoren Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst8.Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries — Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en VisserijNational Forest Service — StaatsbosbeheerAgricultural Research Service — Dienst Landbouwkundig OnderzoekAgricultural Extension Service — Dienst LandbouwvoorlichtingLand Development Service — LandinrichtingsdienstNational Inspection Service for Animals and Animal Protection — Rijksdienst voor de Keuring van Vee en VleesPlant Protection Service — Plantenziektenkundige DienstGeneral Inspection Service — Algemene InspectiedienstNational Fisheries Research Institute — Rijksinstituut voor VisserijonderzoekGovernment Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products — Rijkskwaliteit Instituut voor Land- en TuinbouwproduktenNational Institute for Nature Management — Instituut voor Bos- en NatuuronderzoekGame Fund — Jachtfonds9.Ministry of Education and Science — Ministerie van Onderwijs en WetenschappenRoyal Library — Koninklijke BibliotheekInstitute for Netherlands History — Instituut voor Nederlandse GeschiedenisNetherlands State Institute for War Documentation — Rijksinstituut voor OorlogsdocumentatieInstitute for Educational Research — Instituut voor Onderzoek van het OnderwijsNational Institute for Curriculum Development — Instituut voor de Leerplan Ontwikkeling10.Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment — Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en WerkgelegenheidWages Inspection Service — Loontechnische dienstInspectorate for Social Affairs and Employment — Inspectie en Informatie Sociale Zaken en WerkgelegenheidNational Social Assistance Consultancies Services — Rijksconsulentschappen Sociale ZekerheidSteam Equipment Supervision Service — Dienst voor het StoomwezenConscientious Objectors Employment Department — Tewerkstelling erkend gewetensbezwaarden militaire dienstDirectorate for Equal Opportunities — Directie Emancipatie11.Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management — Ministerie van Verkeer en WaterstaatDirectorate-General for Transport — Directoraat-Generaal VervoerDirectorate-General for Public Works and Water Management — Directoraat-Generaal RijkswaterstaatDirectorate-General for Civil Aviation — Directoraat-Generaal RijksluchtvaartdienstTelecommunications and Post Department — Hoofddirectie Telecommunicatie en PostRegional Offices of the Directorates-General and General Management, Inland Waterway Navigation Service — De regionale organisatie van de directoraten-generaal en de hoofddirectie Vaarwegmarkeringsdienst12.Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment — Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en MilieubeheerDirectorate-General for Environment Management — Directoraat-Generaal MilieubeheerDirectorate-General for Public Housing — Directoraat-Generaal van de VolkshuisvestingGovernment Buildings Agency — RijksgebouwendienstNational Physical Planning Agency — Rijksplanologische Dienst13.Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs — Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en CultuurSocial and Cultural Planning Office — Sociaal en Cultureel PlanbureauInspectorate for Child and Youth Care and Protection Services — Inspectie Jeugdhulpverlening en JeugdbeschermingMedical Inspectorate of Health Care — Inspecties van het Staatstoezicht op de VolksgezondheidCultural Castle Council — Rijksdienst KastelenbeheerNational Archives Department — RijksarchiefdienstDepartment for the Conservation of Historic Buildings and Sites — Rijksdienst voor de MonumentenzorgNational Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection — Rijksinstituut voor MilieuhygiëneNational Archeological Field Survey Commission — Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig BodemonderzoekNetherlands Office for Fine Arts — Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst14.Cabinet for Netherlands Antillean and Aruban Affairs — Kabinet voor Nederlands-Antilliaanse en Arubaanse zaken15.Higher Colleges of State — Hogere Colleges van Staat16.Council of State — Raad van State17.Netherlands Court of Audit — Algemene Rekenkamer18.National Ombudsman — Nationale OmbudsmanAUSTRIA1.Bundeskanzleramt — Amtswirtschaftsstelle2.Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten3.Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz4.Bundesministerium für Finanzen(a)Amtswirtschaftsstelle(b)Abteilung VI/5 (EDV-Beschaffung des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen und des Bundesrechenamtes)(c)Abteilung III/1 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten, Einrichtungen und Sachgütern für die Zollwache)5.Bundesministerium für Jugend und Familie — Amtswirtschaftsstelle6.Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten7.Bundesministerium für Inneres(a)Abteilung I/5 (Amtswirtschaftsstelle)(b)EDV-Zentrum (Beschaffung von elektronischen Datenverarbeitungssystemen (Hardware))(c)Abteilung II/3 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten und Einrichtungen für die Bundespolizei)(d)Abteilung I/6 (Beschaffung von Sachgütern (mit Ausnahme der von der Abteilung II/3 zu beschaffenden Sachgüter) für die Bundespolizei)(e)Abteilung IV/8 (Beschaffung von Fluggeräten)8.Bundesministerium für Justiz — Amtswirtschaftsstelle9.Bundesministerium für LandesverteidigungMaterial außer Kriegsmaterial gemäß Anhang II.10.Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft11.Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales — Amtswirtschaftsstelle12.Bundesministerium für Unterricht und kulturelle Angelegenheiten13.Bundesministerium für öffentliche Wirtschaft und Verkehr14.Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst15.Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt16.Österreichische Staatsdruckerei17.Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen18.Bundesversuchs- und Forschungsanstalt-Arsenal (BVFA)19.Bundesstaatliche Prothesenwerkstätten20.Austro Control GmbH — Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt mit beschränkter Haftung21.Bundesprüfanstalt für Kraftfahrzeuge22.Generaldirektion für die Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung (nur Postwesen)23.Bundesministerium für Umwelt — AmtswirtschaftsstellePORTUGALPrime Minister's OfficeLegal CentreCentre for Studies and Training (Local Government)Government Computer Network Management CentreNational Council for Civil Defence PlanningPermanent Council for Industrial ConciliationDepartment for Vocational and Advanced TrainingMinisterial Department with special responsibility for MacaoMinisterial Department responsible for Community Service by Conscientious ObjectorsInstitute for YouthNational Administration InstituteSecretariat General, Prime Minister's OfficeSecretariat for Administrative ModernizationSocial Services, Prime Minister's OfficeMinistry of Home AffairsDirectorate-General for RoadsMinisterial Department responsible for Studies and PlanningCivilian administrationsCustoms PoliceRepublican National GuardPoliceSecretariat GeneralTechnical Secretariat for Electoral MattersCustoms and Immigration DepartmentIntelligence and Security DepartmentNational Fire ServiceMinistry of AgricultureControl Agency for Community Aid to Olive Oil ProductionRegional Directorate for Agriculture (Beira Interior)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Beira Litoral)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Entre Douro e Minho)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Trás-os-Montes)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Alentejo)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Algarve)Regional Directorate for Agriculture (Ribatejo e Oeste)General Inspectorate and Audit Office (Management Audits)Viticulture InstituteNational Agricultural Research InstituteInstitute for the Regulation and Guidance of Agricultural MarketsInstitute for Agricultural Structures and Rural DevelopmentInstitute for Protection of Agri-food ProductionInstitute for ForestsInstitute for Agricultural Markets and Agri-Foods IndustrySecretariat GeneralIFADAP (Financial Institute for the Development of Agriculture and Fishing)Authority under joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture control.INGA (National Agricultural Intervention and Guarantee Institute)Authority under joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture control.Ministry of the Environment and Natural ResourcesDirectorate-General for EnvironmentInstitute for Environmental PromotionInstitute for the ConsumerInstitute for MeteorologySecretariat GeneralInstitute for Natural ConservancyMinisterial Department for the Improvement of the Estoril CoastRegional Directorates for Environment and Natural ResourcesWater InstituteMinistry of Trade and TourismCommission responsible for the Application of Economic PenaltiesDirectorate-General for Competition and PricesDirectorate-General for Inspection (Economic Affairs)Directorate-General for TourismDirectorate-General for TradeTourism FundMinisterial Department responsible for Community AffairsICEP (Portuguese Foreign Trade Institute)General Inspectorate for GamblingNational Institute for Training in TourismRegional Tourist BoardsSecretariat GeneralEnatur (National Tourism Enterprise) — Public enterpriseAuthority under joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture control.Ministry of DefenceMaterial não bélico constante do anexo II.National Security AuthorityNational Council for Emergency Civil PlanningDirectorate-General for Armaments and Defence EquipmentDirectorate-General for InfrastructureDirectorate-General for PersonnelDirectorate-General for National Defence PolicySecretariat GeneralOffice of the Chief of Staff of the Armed ForcesMaterial não bélico constante do anexo II.Administrative Council of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Armed ForcesCommission of Maintenance of NATO InfrastructureExecutive Commission of NATO InfrastructureSocial Works of the Armed ForcesOffice of the Chief of Staff, AirforceMaterial não bélico constante do anexo II.Airforce Logistics and Administrative CommandoGeneral Workshop for Aeronautical EquipmentOffice of the Chief of Staff, ArmyMaterial não bélico constante do anexo II.Logistics DepartmentDirectorate for Army EngineeringDirectorate for Army CommunicationsService Directorate for Fortifications and Army WorksService Directorate for the Army Physical EducationService Directorate Responsible for the Army ComputerService Directorate for IntendancyService Directorate for EquipmentService Directorate for HealthDirectorate for TransportMain Army HospitalGeneral Workshop of Uniforms and EquipmentGeneral Workshop of Engineering EquipmentBakeryArmy Laboratory for Chemical and Pharmaceutical ProductsOffice of the Chief of Staff, NavyMaterial não bélico constante do anexo II.Directorate for Naval FacilitiesDirectorate-General for Naval EquipmentDirectorate for Instruction and TrainingDirectorate of the Service of Naval HealthThe Navy HospitalDirectorate for SuppliesDirectorate for TransportDirectorate of the Service of MaintenanceArmed Computer ServiceContinent Naval CommandoAçores Naval CommandoMadeira Naval CommandoCommando of Lisbon Naval StationArmy Centre for Physical EducationAdministrative Council of Central Navy AdministrationNaval War Height InstituteDirectorate-General for the NavyDirectorate-General for Lighthouses and School for Lighthouse KeepersThe Hydrographic InstituteVasco da Gama AquariumThe Alfeite ArsenalMinistry of EducationSecretariat GeneralDepartment for Planning and Financial ManagementDepartment for Higher EducationDepartment for Secondary EducationDepartment for Basic EducationDepartment for Educational Resources ManagementGeneral Inspectorate of EducationBureau for the Launching and Coordination of the School YearRegional Directorate for Education (North)Regional Directorate for Education (Centre)Regional Directorate for Education (Lisbon)Regional Directorate for Education (Alentejo)Regional Directorate for Education (Algarve)Camões InstituteInstitute for Innovation in Education Antonio Aurélio da Costa FerreiraInstitute for SportsDepartment of European AffairsMinistry of Education PressMinistry of Employment and Social SecurityNational Insurance and Occupational Health FundInstitute for Development and Inspection of Labour ConditionsSocial Welfare FundsCasa Pia de LisboaAuthority under joint control of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Ministry of Health Control.National Centre for PensionsRegional Social Security CentresCommission on Equal Opportunity and Rights for WomenStatistics DepartmentStudies and Planning DepartmentDepartment of International Relations and Social Security AgreementsEuropean Social Fund DepartmentDepartment of European Affairs and External RelationsDirectorate-General for Social WorksDirectorate-General for the FamilyDirectorate-General for Technical Support to ManagementDirectorate-General for Employment and Vocational TrainingDirectorate-General for Social Security SchemesSocial Security Financial Stabilization FundGeneral Inspectorate for Social SecuritySocial Security Financial Management InstituteEmployment and Vocational Training InstituteNational Institute for Workers' Leisure TimeSecretariat GeneralNational Secretariat for RehabilitationSocial ServicesSanta Casa de Misericordia de LisboaAuthority under joint control of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Ministry of Health Control.Ministry of FinanceADSE (Directorate-General for the Protection of Civil Servants)Legal Affairs OfficeDirectorate-General for Public AdministrationDirectorate-General for Public Accounts and General Budget SupervisionDirectorate-General for the State Loans BoardDirectorate-General for the Customs ServiceDirectorate-General for TaxationDirectorate-General for State AssetsDirectorate-General for the TreasuryMinisterial Department responsible for Economic StudiesMinisterial Department responsible for European AffairsGAFEEP (Ministerial Department responsible for Studies on the Funding of the State and Public Enterprises)General Inspectorate for FinanceInstitute for Information TechnologyState Loans BoardSecretariat GeneralSOFE (Social Services of the Ministry of Finance)Ministry of Industry and EnergyRegional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Lisbon and Tagus Valley)Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Alentejo)Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Algarve)Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Centre)Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (North)Directorate-General for IndustryDirectorate-General for EnergyGeological and Mining InstituteMinisterial Department responsible for Studies and PlanningMinisterial Department responsible for Oil Exploration and ProductionMinisterial Department responsible for Community AffairsNational Industrial Property InstitutePortuguese Institute for QualityIneti (National Institute for Industrial Engineering and Technology)Secretariat GeneralPedip Manager's DepartmentLegal Affairs OfficeCommission for Emergency Industrial PlanningCommission for Emergency Energy PlanningIAPMEI (Institute for support of small and medium-sized enterprises and investments)Ministry of JusticeCentre for Legal StudiesSocial Action and Observation CentresThe High Council of the Judiciary (Conselho Superior de Magistratura)Central RegistryDirectorate-General for Registers and Other Official DocumentsDirectorate-General for Computerized ServicesDirectorate-General for Legal ServicesDirectorate-General for the Prison ServiceDirectorate-General for the Protection and Care of Minors Prison EstablishmentsMinisterial Department responsible for European LawMinisterial Department responsible for Documentation and Comparative LawMinisterial Department responsible for Studies and PlanningMinisterial Department responsible for Financial ManagementMinisterial Department responsible for Planning and Coordinating Drug ControlSão João de Deus Prison HospitalCorpus Christi InstituteGuarda InstituteInstitute for the Rehabilitation of OffendersSão Domingos Benfica InstituteNational Police and Forensic Science InstituteNavarro Paiva InstitutePadre António Oliveira InstituteSão Fiel InstituteSão José InstituteVila Fernando InstituteCriminology InstitutesForensic Medicine InstitutesCriminal Investigation DepartmentSecretariat GeneralSocial ServicesMinistry of Public Works, Transport and CommunicationsCouncil for Public and Private Works MarketsDirectorate-General for Civil AviationDirectorate-General for National Buildings and MonumentsDirectorate-General for Road and Rail TransportMinisterial Department responsible for River Crossings (Tagus)Ministerial Department for Investment CoordinationMinisterial Department responsible for the Lisbon Railway JunctionMinisterial Department responsible for the Oporto Railway JunctionMinisterial Department responsible for Navigation on the DouroMinisterial Department responsible for the European CommunitiesGeneral Inspectorate for Public Works, Transport and CommunicationsIndependent Executive for RoadsNational Civil Engineering LaboratorySocial Works Department of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and CommunicationsSecretariat GeneralInstitute for Management and Sales of State HousingCTT — Post and Telecommunications of Portugal SAUnicamente serviços postais.Ministry of Foreign AffairsDirectorate-General for Consular Affairs and for Financial AdministrationDirectorate-General for the European CommunitiesDirectorate-General for CooperationInstitute for Portuguese Emigrants and Portuguese Communities AbroadInstitute for Economic CooperationSecretariat GeneralMinistry of Territorial Planning and ManagementAcademy of ScienceLegal Affairs OfficeNational Centre for Geographical DataRegional Coordination Committee (Centre)Regional Coordination Committee (Lisbon and Tagus Valley)Regional Coordination Committee (Alentejo)Regional Coordination Committee (Algarve)Regional Coordination Committee (North)Central Planning DepartmentMinisterial Department for European Issues and External RelationsDirectorate-General for Local GovernmentDirectorate-General for Regional DevelopmentDirectorate-General for Town and Country PlanningMinisterial Department responsible for Coordination of the Alqueva ProjectGeneral Inspectorate for Territorial AdministrationNational Statistical InstituteAntónio Sergio Cooperative InstituteInstitute for Scientific and Tropical ResearchGeographical and Land Register InstituteNational Scientific and Technological Research BoardSecretariat GeneralMinistry of the SeaDirectorate-General for FishingDirectorate-General for Ports, Navigation and Maritime TransportPortuguese Institute for Maritime ExplorationMaritime Administration for North, Centre and SouthNational Institute for Port PilotageInstitute for Port LabourPort Administration of Douro and LeixõesPort Administration of LisbonPort Administration of Setúbal and SesimbraPort Administration of SinesIndependent Executive for PortsInfante D. Henrique Nautical SchoolPortuguese Fishing School and School of Sailing and Marine CraftSecretariat GeneralMinistry of HealthRegional Health AdministrationsHealth CentresMental Health CentresHistocompatibility CentresRegional Alcoholism CentresDepartment for Studies and Health PlanningHealth Human Resource DepartmentDirectorate-General for HealthDirectorate-General for Health Installations and EquipmentNational Institute for Chemistry and MedicamentsSupport Centres for Drug AddictsInstitute for Computer and Financial Management of Health ServicesInfirmary Technical SchoolsHealth Service Technical CollegesCentral HospitalsDistrict HospitalsGeneral Inspectorate of HealthNational Institute of Emergency CareDr Ricardo Jorge National Health InstituteDr Jacinto De Magalhaes Institute of Genetic MedicineDr Gama Pinto Institute of OpthalmologyPortuguese Blood InstituteGeneral Practitioners InstitutesSecretariat GeneralService for Prevention and Treatment of Drug DependenceSocial Services, Ministry of HealthFINLAND
List of contracting entitiesLiitteeseen II sisältyvät muut kuin sotatarvikket.
OikeuskanslerinvirastoOffice of the Chancellor of Justice
Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriöMinistry of Trade and Industry
KuluttajavirastoNational Consumer Administration
ElintarvikevirasNational Food Administration
KilpailuvirasOffice of Free Competition
KilpailuneuvostoCouncil of Free Competition
Kuluttaja-asiamiehen toimisOffice of the Consumer Ombudsman
KuluttajavalituslautakunConsumer Complaints Board
Patentti- ja rekisterihallituNational Board of Patents and Registration
LiikenneministeriöMinistry of Transport and Communications
TelehallintokeskuTelecommunications Administration Centre
Maa- ja metsätalousministeriöMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
MaanmittauslaitosNational Land Survey of Finland
OikeusministeriöMinistry of Justice
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimistoThe Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
TuomioistuinlaitosKorkein oikeusKorkein hallinto-oikeusHovioikeudetKäräjäoikeudetLääninoikeudetMarkkinatuomioistuinTyötuomioistuinVakuutusoikeusVesioikeudetCourts of Law
VankeinhoitolaitosPrison Administration
OpetusministeriöMinistry of Education
OpetushallitusNational Board of Education
Valtion elokuvatarkastamoNational Office of Film Censorship
PuolustusministeriöMinistry of Defense
PuolustusvoimatDefence Forces
SisäasiainministeriöMinistry of the Interior
VäestörekisterikeskusPopulation Register Centre
KeskusrikospoliisiCentral Criminal Police
Liikkuva poliisiMobile Police
RajavartiolaitosFrontier Guard
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriöMinistry of Social Affairs and Health
TyöttömyysturvalautakuntaUnemployment Appeal Board
TarkastuslautakuntaAppeals Tribunal
LääkelaitosNational Agency for Medicines
Terveydenhuollon oikeusturvakeskusNational Board of Medicolegal Affairs
TapaturmavirastoState Accident Office
SäteilyturvakeskusFinnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety
Valtion turvapaikan hakijoiden vastaanottokeskuksetReception Centres for Asylum Seekers
TyöministeriöMinistry of Labour
Valtakunnansovittelijain toimistoNational Conciliators' Office
TyöneuvostoLabour Council
UlkoasiainministeriöMinistry for Foreign Affairs
ValtiovarainministeriöMinistry of Finance
Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirastoState Economy Controller's Office
ValtiokonttoriState Treasury Office
Valtion työmarkkinalaitos Verohallinto
Valtion vakuusrahasto
YmpäristöministeriöMinistry of Environment
Vesi- ja ympäristöhallitusNational Board of Waters and Environment
List of contracting entitiesIcke-krigsmateriel förtecknas i bilaga II.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVYÅÖ
Akademien för de fria konsternaRoyal Academy of Fine Arts
Allmänna advokatbyråerna (28)Public Law-Service Offices (28)
Allmänna reklamationsnämndenNational Board for Consumer Complaints
ArbetarskyddsstyrelsenNational Board of Occupational Safety and Health
ArbetsdomstolenLabour Court
Arbetsgivarverk, statensNational Agency for Government Employers
ArbetslivscentrumCentre for Working Life
ArbetslivsfondenWorking Lives Fund
ArbetsmarknadsstyrelsenNational Labour Market Board
ArbetsmiljöfondenWork Environment Fund
ArbetsmiljöinstitutetNational Institute of Occupational Health
Arbetsmiljönämnd, statensBoard of Occupational Safety and Health for Government Employees
ArkitekturmuseetMuseum of Architecture
Arkivet för ljud och bildNational Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images
Arrendenämnder (12)Regional Tenancies Tribunals (12)
BarnmiljörådetNational Child Environment Council
Beredning för utvärdering av medicinsk metodik, statensSwedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care
Beredningen för internationell tekniskt-ekonomiskt samarbeteAgency for International Technical and Economic Cooperation
Besvärsnämnden för rättshjälpLegal Aid Appeals Commission
Biblioteket, Kungl.Royal Library
Biografbyrå, statensNational Board of Film Censors
Biografiskt lexikon, svensktDictionary of Swedish Biography
BokföringsnämndenSwedish Accounting Standards Board
BostadsdomstolenHousing Appeal Court
Bostadskreditnämnd, statens (BKN)National Housing Credit Guarantee Board
BoverketNational Housing Board
Brottsförebyggande rådetNational Council for Crime Prevention
BrottsskadenämndenCriminal Injuries Compensation Board
Centrala försöksdjursnämndenCentral Committee for Laboratory Animals
Centrala studiestödsnämndenNational Board of Student Aid
Centralnämnden för fastighetsdataCentral Board for Real-estate Data
DatainspektionenData Inspection Board
DepartementenMinistries (Government Departments)
DomstolsverketNational Courts Administration
ElsäkerhetsverketNational Electrical Safety Board
Expertgruppen för forskning om regional utvecklingExpert Group on Regional Studies
ExportkreditnämndenExport Credits Guarantee Board
FideikommissnämndenEntailed Estates Council
FinansinspektionenFinancial Supervisory Authority
FiskeriverketNational Board of Fisheries
Flygtekniska försöksanstaltenAeronautical Research Institute
FolkhälsoinstitutetNational Institute of Public Health
ForskningsrådsnämndenCouncil for Planning and Coordination of Research
FortifikationsförvaltningenFortifications Administration
Frivårdens behandlingscentralProbation Treatment Centre
Förlikningsmannaexpedition statensNational Conciliators' Office
Försvarets civilförvaltningCivil Administration of the Defence Forces
Försvarets datacenterDefence Data-processing Centre
Försvarets forskningsanstaltNational Defence Research Establishment
Försvarets förvaltningsskolaDefence Forces' Administration School
Försvarets materielverkDefence Material Administration
Försvarets radioanstaltNational Defence Radio Institute
Försvarets sjukvårdsstyrelseMedical Board of the Defence Forces
Försvarshistoriska museer, statensSwedish Museums of Military History
FörsvarshögskolanNational Defence College
FörsäkringskassornaSocial Insurance Offices
FörsäkringsdomstolarnaSocial Insurance Courts
FörsäkringsöverdomstolenSupreme Social Insurance Court
Geologiska undersökning, SverigesGeological Survey of Sweden
Geotekniska institut, statensGeotechnical Institute
GlesbygdsmyndighetenNational Rural Area Development Authority
Grafiska institutet och institutet för högre kommunikations- och reklamutbildningGraphic Institute and the Graduate School of Communications
Handelsflottans kultur- och fritidsrådSwedish Government Seamen's Service
Handelsflottans pensionsanstaltMerchant Pensions Institute
Handikappråd, statensNational Council for the Disabled
Haverikommission, statensBoard of Accident Investigation
Hovrätterna (6)Courts of Appeal (6)
Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrådetCouncil for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Hyresnämnder (12)Regional Rent Tribunals (12)
Häktena (30)Remand Prisons (30)
Hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvarsnämndCommittee on Medical Responsibility
Högsta domstolenSupreme Court
Inskrivningsmyndigheten för företagsinteckningarRegister Authority for Floating Charges
Institut för byggnadsforskning, statensCouncil for Building Research
Institut för psykosocial miljömedicin, statensNational Institute for Psycho-social Factors and Health
Institutet för rymdfysikSwedish Institute of Space Physics
Invandrarverk, statensSwedish Immigration Board
Jordbruksverk, statensSwedish Board of Agriculture
JustitiekanslernOffice of the Chancellor of Justice
Jämställdhetsombudsmannen och jämställdhetsdelegationenOffice of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and the Equal Opportunities Commission
Kabelnämnden/NärradionämndenSwedish Cable Authority/Swedish Community Radio Authority
KammarkollegietNational Judicial Board of Public Lands and Funds
Kammarrätterna (4)Administrative Courts of Appeal (4)
KemikalieinspektionenNational Chemicals Inspectorate
KommerskollegiumNational Board of Trade
Koncessionsnämnden för miljö-skyddNational Franchise Board for Environment Protection
KonjunkturinstitutetNational Institute of Economic Research
KonkurrensverketSwedish Competition Authority
KonstfackskolanCollege of Arts, Crafts and Design
KonsthögskolanCollege of Fine Arts
Konstmuseer, statensNational Art Museums
KonstnärsnämndenArts Grants Committee
Konstråd, statensNational Art Council
KonsumentverketNational Board for Consumer Policies
KrigsarkivetArmed Forces Archives
Kriminaltekniska laboratorium, statensNational Laboratory of Forensic Science
Kriminalvårdens regionkanslier (7)Correctional Region Offices (7)
Kriminalvårdsanstalterna (78)National/Local Institutions (78)
KriminalvårdsnämndenNational Paroles Board
KriminalvårdsstyrelsenNational Prison and Probation Administration
Kronofogdemyndigheterna (24)Enforcement Services (24)
Kulturråd, statensNational Council for Cultural Affairs
KustbevakningenSwedish Coast Guard
Kärnkraftinspektion, statensNuclear-power Inspectorate
Lantmäteriverk, statensCentral Office of the National Land Survey
Livrustkammaren/Skoklosters slott/Hallwylska museetRoyal Armoury
Livsmedelsverk, statensNational Food Administration
LotterinämndenGaming Board
LäkemedelsverketMedical Products Agency
Läns- och distriktsåklagarmyndigheternaCounty Public Prosecution Authority and District Prosecution Authority
Länsarbetsnämnderna (24)County Labour Boards (24)
Länsrätterna (25)County Administrative Courts (25)
Länsstyrelserna (24)County Administrative Boards (24)
Löne- och pensionsverk, statensNational Government Employee Salaries and Pensions Board
MarknadsdomstolenMarket Court
Maskinprovningar, statensNational Machinery Testing Institute
Medicinska forskningsrådetMedical Research Council
Meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut, SverigesSwedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
MilitärhögskolanArmed Forces Staff and War College
Musiksamlingar, statensSwedish National Collections of Music
Naturhistoriska riksmuseetMuseum of Natural History
Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrådetNatural Science Research Council
Naturvårdsverk, statensNational Environmental Protection Agency
Nordiska AfrikainstitutetScandinavian Institute of African Studies
Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolanNordic School of Public Health
Nordiska institutet för samhällsplaneringNordic Institute for Studies in Urban and Regional Planning
Nordiska museet, stiftelsenNordic Museum
Nordiska rådets svenska delegationSwedish Delegation of the Nordic Council
NotarienämndenRecorders Committee
Nämnden för internationella adoptionsfrågorNational Board for Intra-country Adoptions
Nämnden för offentlig upphandlingNational Board for Public Procurement
Nämnden för statens gruvegendomState Mining Property Commission
Nämnden för statliga förnyelsefonderNational Fund for Administrative Development and Training for Government Employees
Nämnden för utställning av nutida svensk konst i utlandetSwedish National Committee for Contemporary Art Exhibitions Abroad
Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverketNational Board for Industrial and Technical Development
Ombudsmannen mot etnisk diskriminering och nämnden mot etnisk diskrimineringOffice of the Ethnic Discrimination Ombudsman/Advisory Committee on Questions Concerning Ethnic Discrimination
PatentbesvärsrättenCourt of Patent Appeals
Patent- och registreringsverketPatents and Registration Office
Person- och adressregisternämnd, statensCoordinated Population and Address Register
PolarforskningssekretariatetSwedish Polar Research Secretariat
PresstödsnämndenPress Subsidies Council
Psykologisk-pedagogiska bibliotek, statensNational Library for Psychology and Education
RadionämndenBroadcasting Commission
Regeringskansliets förvaltningskontorCentral Services Office for the Ministries
RegeringsrättenSupreme Administrative Court
Riksantikvarieämbetet och statens historiska museerCentral Board of National Antiquities and National Historical Museums
RiksarkivetNational Archives
RiksbankenBank of Sweden
Riksdagens förvaltningskontorAdministration Department of the Swedish Parliament
Riksdagens ombudsmän, JOThe Parliamentary Ombudsmen
Riksdagens revisorerThe Parliamentary Auditors
RiksförsäkringsverketNational Social Insurance Board
RiksgäldskontoretNational Debt Office
RikspolisstyrelsenNational Police Board
RiksrevisionsverketNational Audit Bureau
RiksskatteverketNational Tax Board
Riksutställningar, StiftelsenTravelling Exhibitions Service
RiksåklagarenOffice of the Prosecutor-General
RymdstyrelsenNational Space Board
Råd för byggnadsforskning, statensCouncil for Building Research
Rådet för grundläggande högskoleutbildningCouncil for Renewal of Undergraduate Education
Räddningsverk, statensNational Rescue Services Board
RättshjälpsnämndenRegional Legal-aid Commission
RättsmedicinalverketNational Board of Forensic Medicine
Sameskolstyrelsen och sameskolorSami (Lapp) School Board and Sami (Lapp) Schools
SjöfartsverketNational Maritime Administration
Sjöhistoriska museer, statensNational Maritime Museums
Skattemyndigheterna (24)Local Tax Offices (24)
Skogs- och jordbrukets forskningsrådSwedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research
SkogsstyrelsenNational Board of Forestry
Skolverk, statensNational Agency for Education
SmittskyddsinstitutetSwedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control
SocialstyrelsenNational Board of Health and Welfare
Socialvetenskapliga forskningsrådetSwedish Council for Social Research
SprängämnesinspektionenNational Inspectorate of Explosives and Flammables
Statistiska centralbyrånStatistics Sweden
StatskontoretAgency for Administrative Development
Stiftelsen WHOCollaborating Centre on International Drug Monitoring
Strålskyddsinstitut, statensNational Institute of Radiation Protection
Styrelsen för internationell utveckling, SIDASwedish International Development Authority
Styrelsen för Internationellt Näringslivsbistånd, SWEDECORPSwedish International Enterprise Development
Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvarNational Board of Psychological Defence
Styrelsen för SverigebildenImage Sweden
Styrelsen för teknisk ackrediteringSwedish Board for Technical Accreditation
Styrelsen för u-landsforskning, SARECSwedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries
Svenska institutet, stiftelsenSwedish Institute
Talboks- och punktskriftsbiblioteketLibrary of Talking Books and Braille Publications
Teknikvetenskapliga forskningsrådetSwedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences
Tekniska museet, stiftelsenNational Museum of Science and Technology
Tingsrätterna (97)District and City Courts (97)
Tjänsteförslagsnämnden för domstolsväsendetJudges Nomination Proposal Committee
TransportforskningsberedningenTransport Research Board
TransportrådetBoard of Transport
TullverketSwedish Board of Customs
Ungdomsråd, statensState Youth Council
Universitet och högskolorUniversities and University Colleges
UtlänningsnämndenAliens Appeals Board
Utsädeskontroll, statensNational Seed-testing and Certification Institute
Vatten- och avloppsnämnd, statensNational Water Supply and Sewage Tribunal
VattenöverdomstolenWater Rights Court of Appeal
Verket för högskoleservice (VHS)National Agency for Higher Education
Veterinärmedicinska anstalt, statensNational Veterinary Institute
Väg- och trafikinstitut, statensRoad and Traffic Research Institute
VärnpliktsverketArmed Forces' Enrolment Board
Växtsortnämnd, statensNational Plant Variety Board
YrkesinspektionenLabour Inspectorate
ÅklagarmyndigheternaPublic Prosecution Authorities
ÖverbefälhavarenSupreme Commander of the Armed Forces
Överstyrelsen för civil beredskapNational Board of Civil Emergency Preparedness
UNITED KINGDOMCabinet OfficeChessington Computer CentreCivil Service CollegeRecruitment and Assessment ServiceCivil Service Occupational Health ServiceOffice of Public Services and ScienceParliamentary Counsel OfficeThe Government Centre on Information Systems (CCTA)Central Office of InformationCharity CommissionCrown Prosecution ServiceCrown Estate Commissioners (Vote Expenditure only)Customs and Excise DepartmentDepartment for National SavingsDepartment for EducationHigher Education Funding Council for EnglandDepartment of EmploymentEmployment Appeals TribunalIndustrial TribunalsOffice of Manpower EconomicsDepartment of HealthCentral Council for Education and Training in Social WorkDental Practice BoardEnglish National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health VisitorsNational Health Service Authorities and TrustPrescriptions Pricing AuthorityPublic Health Laboratory Service BoardUnited Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health VisitingDepartment of National HeritageBritish LibraryBritish MuseumHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (English Heritage)Imperial War MuseumMuseums and Galleries CommissionNational GalleryNational Maritime MuseumNational Portrait GalleryNatural History MuseumRoyal Commission on Historical ManuscriptsRoyal Commission on Historical Monuments of EnglandRoyal Fine Arts Commission (England)Science MuseumTate GalleryVictoria and Albert MuseumWallace CollectionDepartment of Social SecurityMedical Boards and Examining Medical Officers (War Pensions)Regional Medical ServiceIndependent Tribunal ServiceDisability Living Allowance Advisory BoardOccupational Pensions BoardSocial Security Advisory CommitteeDepartment of the EnvironmentBuilding Research Establishment AgencyCommons CommissionersCountryside CommissionValuation TribunalRent Assessment PanelsRoyal Commission on Environmental PollutionThe Buying AgencyDepartment of the Procurator General and Treasury SolicitorLegal Secretariat to the Law OfficersDepartment of Trade and IndustryLaboratory of the Government ChemistNational Engineering LaboratoryNational Physical LaboratoryNational Weights and Measures LaboratoryDomestic Coal Consumers' CouncilElectricity CommitteesGas Consumers' CouncilCentral Transport Consultative CommitteesMonopolies and Mergers CommissionPatent OfficeDepartment of TransportCoastguard ServicesTransport and Road Research LaboratoryExport Credits Guarantee DepartmentForeign and Commonwealth OfficeWilton Park Conference CentreGovernment Actuary's DepartmentGovernment Communications HeadquartersHome OfficeBoundary Commissions for EnglandGaming Board for Great BritainInspectors of ConstabularyParole Board and Local Review CommitteesHouse of CommonsHouse of LordsInland Revenue, Board ofIntervention Board for Agricultural ProduceLord Chancellor's DepartmentCombined Tax TribunalCouncil on TribunalsImmigration Appellate AuthoritiesImmigration AdjudicatorsImmigration Appeals TribunalLands TribunalLaw CommissionLegal Aid Fund (England and Wales)Pensions Appeals TribunalsPublic Trust OfficeOffice of the Social Security CommissionersSupreme Court Group (England and Wales)Court of Appeal: CriminalCircuit Offices and Crown, County and Combined Courts (England and Wales)Transport TribunalMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodAgricultural Development and Advisory ServiceAgricultural Dwelling House Advisory CommitteesAgricultural Land TribunalsAgricultural Wages Board and CommitteesCattle Breeding CentrePlant Variety Rights OfficeRoyal Botanic Gardens, KewMinistry of DefenceNon-warlike materials provided for in Annex II.Meteorological OfficeProcurement ExecutiveNational Audit OfficeNational Investment and Loans OfficeNorthern Ireland Court ServiceCoroners CourtsCounty CourtsCourt of Appeal and High Court of Justice in Northern IrelandCrown CourtEnforcement of Judgments OfficeLegal Aid FundMagistrates CourtPensions Appeals TribunalsNorthern Ireland, Department of AgricultureNorthern Ireland, Department for Economic DevelopmentNorthern Ireland, Department of EducationNorthern Ireland, Department of the EnvironmentNorthern Ireland, Department of Finance and PersonnelNorthern Ireland, Department of Health and Social ServicesNorthern Ireland OfficeCrown Solicitor's OfficeDepartment of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Forensic Science LaboratoryOffice of Chief Electoral Officer for Northern IrelandPolice Authority for Northern IrelandProbation Board for Northern IrelandState Pathologist ServiceOffice of Fair TradingOffice of Population Censuses and SurveysNational Health Service Central RegisterOffice of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and HealthService CommissionersOrdnance SurveyOverseas Development AdministrationNatural Resources InstitutePaymaster General's OfficePostal Business of the Post OfficePrivy Council OfficePublic Record OfficeRegistry of Friendly SocietiesRoyal Commission on Historical ManuscriptsRoyal Hospital, ChelseaRoyal MintScotland, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal ServiceScotland, Registers of ScotlandScotland, General Register OfficeScotland, Lord Advocate's DepartmentScotland, Queen's and Lord Treasurer's RemembrancerScottish Courts AdministrationAccountant of Court's OfficeCourt of JusticiaryCourt of SessionLands Tribunal for ScotlandPensions Appeal TribunalsScottish Land CourtScottish Law CommissionSheriff CourtsSocial Security Commissioners' OfficeThe Scottish Office Central ServicesThe Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries DepartmentCrofters CommissionRed Deer CommissionRoyal Botanic Garden, EdinburghThe Scottish Office Industry DepartmentThe Scottish Office Education DepartmentNational Galleries of ScotlandNational Library of ScotlandNational Museums of ScotlandScottish Higher Education Funding CouncilThe Scottish Office Environment DepartmentRent Assessment Panel and CommitteesRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of ScotlandRoyal Fine Art Commission for ScotlandThe Scottish Office Home and Health DepartmentsHM Inspectorate of ConstabularyLocal Health CouncilsNational Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for ScotlandParole Board for Scotland and Local Review CommitteesScottish Council for Postgraduate Medical EducationScottish Crime SquadScottish Criminal Record OfficeScottish Fire Service Training SchoolScottish National Health Service Authorities and TrustsScottish Police CollegeScottish Record OfficeHM Stationery Office (HMSO)HM TreasuryForwardWelsh OfficeRoyal Commission of Ancient and Historical Monuments in WalesWelsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health VisitingLocal Government Boundary Commission for WalesValuation Tribunals (Wales)Welsh Higher Education Finding CouncilWelsh National Health Service Authorities and TrustsWelsh Rent Assessment Panels.
B.LIST OF OTHER CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIESCZECH REPUBLICContracting authorities are the following (non-exhaustive list):Ministries and other administrative bodies:Ministerstvo dopravy (Ministry of Transport)Ministerstvo informatiky (Ministry of Informatics)Ministerstvo financí (Ministry of Finance)Ministerstvo kultury (Ministry of Culture)Ministerstvo obrany (Ministry of Defence)Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj (Ministry for Regional Development)Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu (Ministry of Industry and Trade)Ministerstvo spravedlnosti (Ministry of Justice)Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)Ministerstvo vnitra (Ministry of the Interior)Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)Ministerstvo zdravotnictví (Ministry of Health)Ministerstvo zemědělství (Ministry of Agriculture)Ministerstvo životního prostředí (Ministry of the Environment)Poslanecká sněmovna PČR (Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic)Senát PČR (Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic)Kancelář prezidenta (The Office of the President)Český statistický úřad (Czech Statistical Office)Český úřad zeměměřičský a katastrální (Czech Office for Surveying Mapping and Cadastre)Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví (Industrial Property Office)Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů (The Office for Personal Data Protection)Bezpečnostní informační služba - BIS (Security Information Services)Národní bezpečnostní úřad (National Security Authority)Česká akademie věd (The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)Vězeňská služba (Prison Service)ESTONIA1.Vabariigi Presidendi Kantselei (Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia)2.Eesti Vabariigi Riigikogu (Parliament of the Republic of Estonia)3.Eesti Vabariigi Riigikohus (Supreme Court of the Republic of Estonia)4.Riigikontroll (The State Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia)5.Õiguskantsler (Legal Chancellor)6.Riigikantselei (The State Chancellery)7.Rahvusarhiiv (The National Archives of Estonia)8.Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium (Ministry of Education and Research)9.Justiitsministeerium (Ministry of Justice)10.Kaitseministeerium (Ministry of Defence)11.Keskkonnaministeerium (Ministry of Environment)12.Kultuuriministeerium (Ministry of Culture)13.Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry for Economy and Communication)14.Põllumajandusministeerium (Ministry of Agriculture)15.Rahandusministeerium (Ministry of Finance)16.Siseministeerium (Ministry of Internal Affairs)17.Sotsiaalministeerium (Ministry of Social Affairs)18.Välisministeerium (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)19.Keeleinspektsioon (The Language Inspectorate)20.Riigiprokuratuur (Prosecutor's Office)21.Teabeamet (The Information Board)22.Maa-amet (Land Board)23.Keskkonnainspektsioon (Environmental Inspectorate)24.Metsakaitse- ja Metsauuenduskeskus (Centre of Forest Protection and Silviculture)25.Muinsuskaitseamet (The Heritage Conservation Inspectorate)26.Patendiamet (Patent Office)27.Tehnilise Järelevalve Inspektsioon (The Technical Inspectorate)28.Energiaturu Inspektsioon (The Energy Market Inspectorate)29.Tarbijakaitseamet (The Consumer Protection Board)30.Riigihangete Amet (Public Procurement Office)31.Eesti Patendiraamatukogu (Estonian Patent Library)32.Taimetoodangu Inspektsioon (The Plant Production Inspectorate)33.Tõuaretusinspektsioon (Animal Breeding Inspectorate)34.Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet (Agricultural Registers and Information Board)35.Veterinaar- ja Toiduamet (The Veterinary and Food Board)36.Konkurentsiamet (The Competition Board)37.Maksuamet (Tax Board)38.Statistikaamet (Statistical Office)39.Tolliamet (Customs Board)40.Proovikoda (Assay Office)41.Kodakondsus- ja Migratsiooniamet (Citizenship and Migration Board42.Piirivalveamet (The Border Guard Administration)43.Politseiamet (The Police Board)44.Kohtuekspertiisi ja Kriminalistika Keskus (Centre of Forensic and Criminalistic Science)45.Keskkriminaalpolitsei (Central Criminal Police)46.Päästeamet (The Rescue Board)47.Andmekaitse Inspektsioon (The Data Protection Inspectorate)48.Ravimiamet (Agency of Medicines)49.Sotsiaalkindlustusamet (Social Insurance Board)50.Tööturuamet (Labour Market Board)51.Tervishoiuamet (Health Care Board)52.Tervisekaitseinspektsioon (Health Protection Inspectorate)53.Tööinspektsioon (Labour Inspectorate)54.Lennuamet (Civil Aviation Administration)55.Maanteeamet (Road Administration)56.Sideamet (Communications Board)57.Veeteede Amet (Maritime Administration)58.Raudteeamet (Estonian Railway Administration)CYPRUSBodies governed by Public Law (non-exhaustive list)1.Προεδρία και Προεδρικό Μέγαρο (Presidency and Presidential Palace)2.Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο (Council of Ministers)3.Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων (House of Representatives)4.Δικαστική Υπηρεσία (Judicial Service)5.Νομική Υπηρεσία της Δημοκρατίας (Law Office of the Republic)6.Ελεγκτική Υπηρεσία της Δημοκρατίας (Audit Office of the Republic)7.Επιτροπή Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας (Public Service Commission)8.Επιτροπή Εκπαιδευτικής Υπηρεσίας (Educational Service Commission)9.Γραφείο Επιτρόπου Διοικήσεως (Office of the Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman))10.Επιτροπή Προστασίας Ανταγωνισμού (Commission for the Protection of Competition)11.Υπουργείο Άμυνας (Ministry of Defence)12.Υπουργείο Γεωργίας, Φυσικών Πόρων και Περιβάλλοντος (Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment)13.Τμήμα Γεωργίας (Department of Agriculture)14.Κτηνιατρικές Υπηρεσίες (Veterinary Services)15.Τμήμα Δασών (Forest Department)16.Τμήμα Αναπτύξεως Υδάτων (Water Development Department)17.Τμήμα Γεωλογικής Επισκόπησης (Geological Survey Department)18.Μετεωρολογική Υπηρεσία (Meteorological Service)19.Τμήμα Αναδασμού (Land Consolidation Department)20.Υπηρεσία Μεταλλείων (Mines Service)21.Ινστιτούτο Γεωργικών Ερευνών (Agricultural Research Institute)22.Τμήμα Αλιείας και Θαλάσσιων Ερευνών (Department of Fisheries and Marine Research)23.Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης και Δημοσίας Τάξεως (Ministry of Justice and Public Order)24.Αστυνομία (Police)25.Πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία Κύπρου (Cyprus Fire Service)26.Υπουργείο Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism)27.Τμήμα Συνεργατικής Ανάπτυξης (Cooperative Development Department)28.Τμήμα Εφόρου Εταιρειών και Επίσημου Παραλήπτη (Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver)29.Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων (Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance)30.Τμήμα Εργασίας (Department of Labour)31.Τμήμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων (Department of Social Insurance)32.Τμήμα Υπηρεσιών Κοινωνικής Ευημερίας (Department of Social Welfare Services)33.Κέντρο Παραγωγικότητας Κύπρου (Productivity Centre Cyprus)34.Ανώτερο Ξενοδοχειακό Ινστιτούτο Κύπρου (Higher Hotel Institute Cyprus)35.Ανώτερο Τεχνολογικό Ινστιτούτο (Higher Technical Institute)36.Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας (Department of Labour Inspection)37.Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών (Ministry of the Interior)38.Επαρχιακές Διοικήσεις (District Administrations)39.Τμήμα Πολεοδομίας και Οικήσεως (Town Planning and Housing Department)40.Τμήμα Αρχείου Πληθυσμού και Μεταναστεύσεως (Civil Registry and Migration Department)41.Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας (Department of Lands and Surveys)42.Γραφείο Τύπου και Πληροφοριών (Press and Information Office)43.Πολιτική Άμυνα (Civil Defence)44.Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)45.Υπουργείο Οικονομικών (Ministry of Finance)46.Γενικό Λογιστήριο της Δημοκρατίας (Treasury of the Republic)47.Τμήμα Τελωνείου (Department of Customs and Excise)48.Τμήμα Εσωτερικών Προσόδων (Department of Inland Revenue)49.Στατιστική Υπηρεσία (Statistical Service)50.Τμήμα Κρατικών Αγορών και Προμηθειών (Department of Government Purchasing and Supply)51.Υπηρεσία Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και Προσωπικού (Public Administration and Personnel Service)52.Κυβερνητικό Τυπογραφείο (Government Printing Office)53.Τμήμα Υπηρεσιών Πληροφορικής (Department of Information Technology Services)54.Γραφείο Προγραμματισμού (Planning Bureau)55.Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού (Ministry of Education and Culture)56.Υπουργείο Συγκοινωνιών και Έργων (Ministry of Communications and Works)57.Τμήμα Ηλεκτρονικών Επικοινωνιών (Department of Electronic Communications)58.Τμήμα Δημοσίων Έργων (Department of Public Works)59.Τμήμα Αρχαιοτήτων (Department of Antiquities)60.Τμήμα Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας (Department of Civil Aviation)61.Τμήμα Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας (Department of Merchant Shipping)62.Τμήμα Ταχυδρομικών Υπηρεσιών (Department of Postal Services)63.Τμήμα Οδικών Μεταφορών (Department of Road Transport)64.Τμήμα Ηλεκτρομηχανολογικών Υπηρεσιών (Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services)65.Υπουργείο Υγείας (Ministry of Health)66.Φαρμακευτικές Υπηρεσίες (Pharmaceutical Services)67.Γενικό Χημείο (General Laboratory)68.Ιατρικές Υπηρεσίες και Υπηρεσίες Δημόσιας Υγείας (Medical and Public Health Services)69.Οδοντιατρικές Υπηρεσίες (Dental Services)70.Υπηρεσίες Ψυχικής Υγείας (Mental Health Services)LATVIA1.Valsts prezidenta kanceleja (Chancellery of the State President)2.Saeimas kanceleja (Chancellery of the Parliament)3.Aizsardzības ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Defence and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)4.Ārlietu ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)5.Ekonomikas ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Economics and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)6.Finanšu ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Finance and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)7.Iekšlietu ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of the Interior and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)8.Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Education and Science and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)9.Kultūras ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Culture and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)10.Labklājības ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Welfare and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)11.Reģionālās attīstības un pašvaldību lietu ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Regional Development and local governments and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)12.Satiksmes ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Transport and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)13.Tieslietu ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Justice and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)14.Veselības ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Health and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)15.Vides ministrija un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Environment and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)16.Zemkopības ministrija un tās pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Ministry of Agriculture and institutions under its supervision)17.Īpašu uzdevumu ministrs bērnu un ģimenes lietās un tā pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Minister for Special Assignments for Children and Family Affairs and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)18.Īpašu uzdevumu ministrs sabiedrības integrācijas lietās un tā pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Minister for Special Assignments for Integration Affairs and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)19.Augstākās izglītības padome (Council of Higher Education)20.Eiropas integrācijas birojs (European Integration Bureau)21.Valsts kanceleja un tās pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (State Chancellery and institutions subordinate to it and under its supervision)22.Centrālā vēlēšanu komisija (Central Election Commission)23.Finansu un kapitāla tirgus komisija (Financial and Capital Market Commission)24.Latvijas Banka (Bank of Latvia)25.Nacionālie bruņotie spēki (National Armed Forces)26.Nacionālā radio un televīzijas padome (National Broadcasting Council)27.Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisija (Public Utilities Commission)28.Satversmes aizsardzības birojs (Constitution Defence Bureau)29.Valsts cilvēktiesību birojs (State Human Rights Bureau)30.Valsts kontrole (State Audit Office)31.Satversmes tiesa (Constitutional Court)32.Augstākā tiesa (Supreme Court)33.Prokuratūra un tās pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Prosecutor's Office and institutions under its supervision)34.Pašvaldību domes (padomes) un to pakļautībā un pārraudzībā esošās iestādes (Councils (boards) of local governments and institutions subordinate to them and under their supervision)LITHUANIA1.Prezidento kanceliarija (Chancellery of the Office of the President)2.Seimo kanceliarija (Chancellery of the Seimas (Parliament))3.Konstitucinis Teismas (The Constitutional Court)4.Vyriausybės kanceliarija (Chancellery of the Government)5.Aplinkos ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Environment and institutions under the Ministry)6.Finansų ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Finance and institutions under the Ministry)7.Krašto apsaugos ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of National Defence and institutions under the Ministry)8.Kultūros ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Culture and institutions under the Ministry)9.Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Social Security and Labour and institutions under the Ministry)10.Susisiekimo ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Transport and Communications and institutions under the Ministry)11.Sveikatos apsaugos ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Health and institutions under the Ministry)12.Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Education and Science and institutions under the Ministry)13.Teisingumo ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Justice and institutions under the Ministry)14.Ūkio ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Economy and institutions under the Ministry)15.Užsienio reikalų ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and institutions under the Ministry)16.Vidaus reikalų ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Internal Affairs and institutions under the Ministry)17.Žemės ūkio ministerija ir įstaigos prie ministerijos (Ministry of Agriculture and institutions under the Ministry)18.Nacionalinė teismų administracija (National Courts Administration)19.Lietuvos kariuomenė ir jos padaliniai (Lithuanian Armed Forces and structure thereof)20.Generalinė prokuratūra (Prosecutor General's Office)21.Valstybės kontrolė (State Control)22.Lietuvos bankas (Bank of Lithuania)23.Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnyba (Special Investigation Service)24.Konkurencijos taryba (Competition Council)25.Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras (Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania)26.Nacionalinė sveikatos taryba (National Health Council)27.Moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnyba (Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman)28.Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaiga (Children's Rights Ombudsmen Institution)29.Seimo kontrolierių įstaiga (Ombudsman Office of the Seimas)30.Valstybinė lietuvių kalbos komisija (State Commission of the Lithuanian Language)31.Valstybinė paminklosaugos komisija (State Commission for Cultural Heritage Protection)32.Vertybinių popierių komisija (Lithuanian Securities Commission)33.Vyriausioji rinkimų komisija (Central Electoral Committee)34.Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija (Chief Commission of Official Ethics)35.Etninės kultūros globos taryba (Council for the Protection of Ethnic Culture)36.Žurnalistų etikos inspektoriaus tarnyba (Office of the Inspector of Journalists' Ethics)37.Valstybės saugumo departamentas (State Security Department)38.Valstybinė kainų ir energetikos kontrolės komisija (National Control Commission for Prices and Energy)39.Vyriausioji administracinių ginčų komisija (Chief Administrative Disputes Commission)40.Mokestinių ginčų komisija (Commission on Tax Disputes)41.Valstybinė lošimų priežiūros komisija (State Gambling Supervisory Commission)42.Lietuvos archyvų departamentas (Lithuanian Archives Department)43.Europos teisės departamentas (European Law Department44.Europos komitetas (European Committee)45.Ginklų fondas (Weaponry Fund)46.Lietuvos valstybinis mokslo ir studijų fondas (Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation)47.Informacinės visuomenės plėtros komitetas (Information Society Development Committee)48.Kūno kultūros ir sporto departamentas (Department of Physical Culture and Sport)49.Ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (Communications Regulatory Authority)50.Statistikos departamentas (Department of Statistics)51.Tautinių mažumų ir išeivijos departamentas (Department of National Minorities and Lithuanians Living Abroad)52.Valstybinė atominės energetikos saugos inspekcija (State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate)53.Valstybinė duomenų apsaugos inspekcija (State Data Protection Inspectorate)54.Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba (State Food and Veterinary Service)55.Valstybinė ligonių kasa (State Patients' Fund)56.Valstybinė tabako ir alkoholio kontrolės tarnyba (State Tobacco and Alcohol Control Service)57.Viešųjų pirkimų tarnyba (Public Procurement Office)HUNGARYBelügyminisztérium (Ministry of the Interior)Egészségügyi, Szociális és Családügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs)Foglalkoztatáspolitikai és Munkaügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Employment Policy and Labour Affairs)Földművelésügyi és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium (Ministry of Economy and Transport)Gyermek-, Ifjúsági és Sportminisztérium (Ministry of Children, Youth and Sports)Honvédelmi Minisztérium (Ministry of Defence)Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Justice)Informatikai és Hírközlési Minisztérium (Ministry of Informatics and Communications)Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Environment and Water Management)Külügyminisztérium (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)Miniszterelnöki Hivatal (Prime Minister's Office)Nemzeti Kulturális Örökség Minisztériuma (Ministry of Cultural Heritage)Oktatási Minisztérium (Ministry of Education)Pénzügyminisztérium (Ministry of Finance)Miniszterelnökség Közbeszerzési és Gazdasági Igazgatósága (Public Procurement and Economic Directorate of the Prime Minister's Office)MALTA1.Uffiċċju tal-President (Office of the President)2.Uffiċċju ta' l-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati (Office of the Clerk to the House of Representatives)3.Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru (Office of the Prime Minister)4.Ministeru għall-Politika Soċjali (Ministry for Social Policy)5.Ministeru ta' l-Edukazzjoni (Ministry for Education)6.Ministeru tal-Finanzi (Ministry of Finance)7.Ministeru għar- Riżorsi u Infrastruttura (Ministry for Resources and Infrastructure)8.Ministeru għat-Turiżmu (Ministry for Tourism)9.Ministeru għat-Trasport u Komunikazzjoni (Ministry for Transport and Communications)10.Ministeru għas-Servizzi Ekonomiċi (Ministry for Economic Services)11.Ministeru għall-Intern u l-Ambjent (Ministry for Home Affairs and the Environment)12.Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura u Sajd (Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries)13.Ministeru għal Għawdex (Ministry for Gozo)14.Ministeru għas-Saħħa (Ministry of Health)15.Ministeru ta' l-Affarijiet Barranin (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)16.Ministeru għall-Ġustizzja u Gvern Lokali (Ministry for Justice and Government)POLAND1.Kancelaria Prezydenta RP (Chancellery of the President of Poland)2.Kancelaria Sejmu RP (Chancellery of the Parliament)3.Kancelaria Senatu RP (Chancellery of the Senate)4.Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court)5.Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny (Principal Administrative Court)6.Trybunał Konstytucyjny (Constitutional Court)7.Najwyższa Izba Kontroli (Supreme Chamber of Control)8.Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich (Office of the Ombudsman)9.Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji (National Broadcasting Council)10.Generalny Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych (Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data)11.Krajowe Biuro Wyborcze (National Voting Office)12.Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy (National Labour Inspectorate)13.Biuro Rzecznika Praw Dziecka (Ombudsman for Children)14.Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów (Chancellery of the Prime Minister)15.Ministerstwo Finansów (Ministry of Finance)16.Generalny Inspektorat Informacji Finansowej (Inspector General for Finance Information)17.Ministerstwo Gospodarki Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy)18.Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej (Office of the Committee for European Integration)19.Ministerstwo Kultury (Ministry of Culture)20.Komitet Badań Naukowych (Scientific Research Committee)21.Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej (Ministry of National Defence)22.Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)23.Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa (Ministry of the State Treasury)24.Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości (Ministry of Justice)25.Ministerstwo Infrastruktury (Ministry of Infrastructure)26.Ministerstwo Środowiska (Ministry of Environment)27.Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration)28.Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)29.Ministerstwo Zdrowia (Ministry of Health)30.Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu (Ministry of National Education and Sport)31.Rządowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych (Government Centre for Strategic Studies)32.Urząd Zamówień Publicznych (Office of Public Procurement)33.Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (Energy Regulatory Office)34.Urząd Służby Cywilnej (Office of the Civil Service)35.Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (Office for Competition and Consumer Protection)36.Urząd do Spraw Kombatantów i Osób Represjonowanych (Office for Military Veterans and Prosecuted Persons)37.Instytut Pamięci Narodowej- Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu (Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation)38.Urząd Mieszkalnictwa i Rozwoju Miast (Office for Housing and Urban Development)39.Główny Urząd Statystyczny (Central Statistical Office)40.Wyższy Urząd Górniczy (Main Mining Office)41.Urząd Patentowy RP (Patents Office)42.Komisja Nadzoru Ubezpieczeń i Funduszy Emerytalnych (Commission for Supervision of Insurance and Pension Funds)43.Główny Urząd Miar (Central Office of Measures)44.Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardisation)45.Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji (Polish Centre for Testing and Certification)46.Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Science)47.Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki (National Atomic Energy Agency)48.Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (Polish Security and Exchange Commission)49.Generalny Inspektorat Celny (Central Customs Inspectorate)50.Główny Inspektorat Kolejnictwa (Central Railway Inspectorate)51.Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego (Agricultural Social Insurance Office)52.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Office)53.Rządowe Centrum Legislacji (Government Legislation Office)54.Urząd Regulacji Telekomunikacji i Poczty (Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation)55.Agencja Rynku Rolnego (Agency for the Agriculture Market)56.Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture)57.Agencja Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa (Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury)58.Agencja Mienia Wojskowego (Agency for Military Property)SLOVENIA1.Predsednik Republike Slovenije2.Državni zbor3.Državni svet4.Varuh človekovih pravic5.Ustavno sodišče6.Računsko sodišče7.Državna revizijska komisija8.Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti9.Vladne službe10.Ministrstvo za finance11.Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve12.Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve13.Ministrstvo za obrambo14.Ministrstvo za pravosodje15.Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo16.Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano17.Ministrstvo za promet18.Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo19.Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve20.Ministrstvo za zdravje21.Ministrstvo za informacijsko družbo22.Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport23.Ministrstvo za kulturo24.Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije25.Višja sodišča26.Okrožna sodišča27.Okrajna sodišča28.Vrhovno tožilstvo Republike Slovenije29.Okrožna državna tožilstva30.Družbeni pravobranilec Republike Slovenije31.Državno pravobranilstvo Republike Slovenije32.Upravno sodišče Republike Slovenije33.Senat za prekrške Republike Slovenije34.Višje delovno in socialno sodišče v Ljubljani35.Delovna sodišča36.Sodniki za prekrške37.Upravne enoteSLOVAKIAMinistries and other state administration authorities (not exhaustive list):Kancelária prezidenta Slovenskej republiky (The Office of the President of the Slovak Republic)Národná rada Slovenskej republiky (National Council of the Slovak Republic)Úrad vlády (The Office of the Government)Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)Ministerstvo hospodárstva (Ministry of Economy)Ministerstvo obrany (Ministry of Defence)Ministerstvo vnútra (Ministry of the Interior)Ministerstvo financií (Ministry of Finance)Ministerstvo kultúry (Ministry of Culture)Ministerstvo pre správu a privatizáciu národného majetku (Ministry for Administration and Privatisation of National Property)Ministerstvo zdravotníctva (Ministry of Health)Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny (Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family)Ministerstvo školstva (Ministry of Education)Ministerstvo spravodlivosti (Ministry of Justice)Ministerstvo životného prostredia (Ministry of Environment)Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva (Ministry of Agriculture)Ministerstvo dopravy, pôšt a telekomunikácií (Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunication)Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja (Ministry of Construction and Regional Development)Ústavný súd (Constitutional Court)Najvyšší súd (Supreme Court)Generálna prokuratúra (General Prosecutor's Office)Najvyšší kontrolný úrad (Supreme Audit Office)Protimonopolný úrad (Antimonopoly Office)Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie (Office for Public Procurement)Štatistický úrad (Statistical Office)Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra (Office of the Land Register)Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo (Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing)Telekomunikačný úrad (Telecommunications Office)Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva (Industrial Property Office)Úrad pre štátnu pomoc (State Aid Office)Úrad pre finančný trh (Office for the Finance Market)Národný bezpečnostný úrad (National Security Office)Poštový úrad (Post Office)Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov (Office for Personal Data Protection)Kancelária verejného ochrancu práv (Ombudsman's Office).
ANNEX IILIST OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 5 CONCERNING THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS BY CONTRACTING AUTHORITIES IN THE FIELD OF DEFENCEChapter 25Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cementChapter 26Metallic ores, slag and ashChapter 27Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxesexcept:ex2710special engine fuelsChapter 28Inorganic chemicals; organic and inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements and of isotopesexcept:ex2809explosivesex2813explosivesex2814tear gasex2828explosivesex2832explosivesex2839explosivesex2850toxic productsex2851toxic productsex2854explosivesChapter 29Organic chemicalsexcept:ex2903explosivesex2904explosivesex2907explosivesex2908explosivesex2911explosivesex2912explosivesex2913toxic productsex2914toxic productsex2915toxic productsex2921toxic productsex2922toxic productsex2923toxic productsex2926explosivesex2927toxic productsex2929explosivesChapter 30Pharmaceutical productsChapter 31FertilizersChapter 32Tanning and dyeing extracts; tannings and their derivatives; dyes, colours, paints and varnishes; putty, fillers and stoppings; inksChapter 33Essential oils and resinoids; parfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparationsChapter 34Soap, organic surface-active agents, washing preparations, lubricating preparations, artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing and scouring preparations, candles and similar articles, modelling pastes and "dental waxes"Chapter 35Albuminoidal substances; glues; enzymesChapter 37Photographic and cinematographic goodsChapter 38Miscellaneous chemical productsexcept:ex3819toxic productsChapter 39Artificial resins and plastic materials, celluloses esters and ethers; articles thereofexcept:ex3903explosivesChapter 40Rubber, synthetic rubber, factice, and articles thereofexcept:ex4011bullet-proof tyresChapter 41Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leatherChapter 42Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut)Chapter 43Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereofChapter 44Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoalChapter 45Cork and articles of corkChapter 46Manufactures of straw of esparto and of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerworkChapter 47Paper-making materialChapter 48Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboardChapter 49Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plansChapter 65Headgear and parts thereofChapter 66Umbrellas, sunshades, walking-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereofChapter 67Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hairChapter 68Articles of stone, of plaster, of cement, of asbestos, of mica and of similar materialsChapter 69Ceramic productsChapter 70Glass and glasswareChapter 71Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals, rolled precious metals, and articles thereof; imitation jewelleryChapter 73Iron and steel and articles thereofChapter 74Copper and articles thereofChapter 75Nickel and articles thereofChapter 76Aluminium and articles thereofChapter 77Magnesium and beryllium and articles thereofChapter 78Lead and articles thereofChapter 79Zinc and articles thereofChapter 80Tin and articles thereofChapter 81Other base metals employed in metallurgy and articles thereofChapter 82Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereofexcept:ex8205toolsex8207tools, partsChapter 83Miscellaneous articles of base metalChapter 84Boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereofexcept:ex8406enginesex8408other enginesex8445machineryex8453automatic data-processing machinesex8455parts of machines under heading No 84.53ex8459nuclear reactorsChapter 85Electrical machinery and equipment; parts thereofexcept:ex8513telecommunication equipmentex8515transmission apparatusChapter 86Railway and tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway and tramway tracks fixtures and fittings; traffic signalling equipment of all kinds (not electrically powered)except:ex8602armoured locomotives, electricex8603other armoured locomotivesex8605armoured wagonsex8606repair wagonsex8607wagonsChapter 87Vehicles, other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts thereofexcept:8708tanks and other armoured vehiclesex8701tractorsex8702military vehiclesex8703breakdown lorriesex8709motorcyclesex8714trailersChapter 89Ships, boats and floating structuresexcept:8901 AwarshipsChapter 90Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical and surgical instruments and apparatus; parts thereofexcept:ex9005binocularsex9013miscellaneous instruments, lasersex9014telemetersex9028electrical and electronic measuring instrumentsex9011microscopesex9017medical instrumentsex9018mechano-therapy appliancesex9019orthopaedic appliancesex9020X-ray apparatusChapter 91Clocks and watches and parts thereofChapter 92Musical instruments; sound recorders or reproducers; television image and sound recorders or reproducers; parts and accessories of such articlesChapter 94Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishingsexcept:ex9401 Aaircraft seatsChapter 95Articles and manufactures of carving or moulding materialChapter 96Brooms, brushes, powder-puffs and sievesChapter 98Miscellaneous manufactured articlesANNEX IIIDEFINITION OF CERTAIN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSFor the purposes of this Directive the following terms shall be defined as follows:1.Technical specificationsthe totality of the technical prescriptions contained in particular in the tender documents, defining the characteristics required of a material, product or supply, which permits a material, a product or a supply to be described in a manner such that it fulfils the use for which it is intended by the contracting authority. These technical prescriptions shall include levels of quality, performance, safety or dimensions, including the requirements applicable to the material, the product or the supply as regards quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling.2.Standarda technical specification approved by a recognized standardizing body for repeated and continuous application, compliance with which is in principle not compulsory.3.European standarda standard approved by the European Committee for standardization (CEN) or by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Cenelec) as "European standard (EN)" or "Harmonization documents (HD)" according to the common rules of these organizations.4.European technical approvala favorable technical assessment of the fitness for use of a product, based on fulfilment of the essential requirements for building works, by means of the inherent characteristics of the product and the defined conditions of application and use. The European agreement shall be issued by an approval body designated for this purpose by the Member State.5.Common technical specificationa technical specification laid down in accordance with a procedure recognized by the Member States to ensure uniform application in all Member States which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.ANNEX VDEADLINES FOR APPLICATION OF TRANSPOSITION MEASURES
EC-9: 24. 6. 1978GR: 1. 1. 1983ES, PO: 1. 1. 1986EC-9: 1. 1. 1981GR: 1. 1. 1983ES, PO: 1. 1. 1986EG-9: 1. 1. 1989GR, ES, PO: 1. 3. 1992EC-9: 1. 1. 1983ES: 1. 1. 1996GR, PO: 1. 1. 1998EC-12: 1. 7. 1993EC-10: 1. 1. 1983EC-12: 1. 1. 1986
Directive 77/62/EECamended by Directivesamended by Acts of Accession
Article 1 (a)amended
Article 1 (b) and (c)
Article 1 (d) to (f)amended
Article 2 (1)deleted
Article 2 (2)amendedamended
Article 2 (3)
Article 2ainserted
Article 3
Article 4deleted
Article 5amended
Article 5 (1) (c)amended
Article 6amended
Article 7amended
Article 8
Article 9amended
Article 10 (1)amended
Article 10 (2) to (4)
Article 11 (1) to (3)amended
Article 11 (4) to (6)
Article 12 (1)amended
Article 12 (2) to (3)
Article 13deleted
Article 14deleted
Article 15deleted
Article 16
Article 17
Article 18
Article 19 (1)amended
Article 19 (2)
Article 20
Article 21 (1)
Article 21 (2)amended
Article 22
Article 23
Article 24
Article 25
Article 26amended
Article 27
Article 28
Article 29amended
Article 30
Article 31
Article 32
Annex Iamendedamendedamended
Annex IIamended
Annex IIIamended
Article 1
Article 2deleted
Article 3deleted
Article 4deleted
Article 5deleted
Article 6deleted
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Annex I
Annex II
This directive77/62/EEC80/767/EEC88/295/EEC90/531/EEC92/50/EEC
Article 1Article 1
Article 2 (1)Article 2 (2)Article 35 (1)
Article 2 (2)Article 2 (3)
Article 3Article 2a
Article 4Article 3
Article 5 (1) (a) and (b)Article 5 (1) (a) and (b)
Article 5 (1) (c) first sub-paragraphArticle 5 (1) (c)Article 42 (1)
Article 5 (1) (c) second sub-paragraphArticle 5 (1) (d)
Article 5 (1) (d)
Article 5 (2—6)Article 5 (2—6)
Article 6 (1)Article 6 (1)
Article 6 (2)
Article 6 (2)Article 6 (3)
Article 6 (3) (a) — (e)Article 6 (4) (a) — (e)
Article 6 (4)Article 6 (5)
Article 7 (1—2)(—)
Article 7 (3)Article 6 (6)
Article 8 (1—4)Article 7 (1—4)
Article 8 (5) (a) and (b)(—)
Article 8 (5) (c)Article 7 (5) (a) — (c)
Article 8 (6)Article 7 (6)
Article 9 (1) first sub-paragraphArticle 9 (1) first sub-paragraph
(—)Article 9 (1) second sub-paragraph
Article 9 (1) second sub-paragraph
Article 9 (2) and (3)Article 9 (2) and (3)
Article 9 (4)Article 9 (5)
Article 9 (5)Article 9 (4)
Article 9 (6) and (7)Article 9 (6) first sub-paragraph
Article 9 (8)Article 9 (6) second sub-paragraph
Article 9 (9)Article 9 (7)
Article 9 (10)Article 9 (8)
Article 9 (11)Article 9 (9)
Article 10Article 10
Article 11 (1)Article 11 (1)
Article 11 (2)Article 11 (2)
Article 11 (2) (a) — (e)(—)
Article 11 (3)Article 11 (3)
Article 11 (4)Article 11 (5)
Article 11 (5)Article 11 (4)
Article 11 (6)Article 11 (6)
Article 12Article 12
Article 13Article 16
Article 14(—)
Article 15Article 17
Article 16 (1)Article 8
Article 16 (2)(—)
Article 17(—)
Article 18Article 18
Article 19 (1)Article 19 (1)
Article 19 (2) and (3)(—)
Article 19 (4)Article 19 (2)
Article 20Article 20
Article 21 (1) and (2)Article 21
Article 22Article 22
Article 23Article 23
Article 24Article 24
Article 25(—)
Article 26 (1) and (2)Article 25 (1) and (2)
(—)Article 25 (3) and (4)
Article 27Article 25 (5) to (7)
Article 26
Article 27
Article 28Article 1 (1) and 7
Article 29 (1) and (2)Article 8 (1) and (2)
Article 29 (3)Article 1 (2)
Article 30Article 28
Article 31Article 29
Article 32(—)
Article 33Article 30 and 31Article 9 and 10Article 20 and 21
Article 34(—)
Article 35(—)
(—)Annex I
Annex IAnnex I
Annex IIAnnex II
Annex III point 1Annex II point 1
point 2point 2
point 3point 3
point 4
point 5point 4
Annex IV point AAnnex III point D
point Bpoint A
point Cpoint B
point Dpoint C
point Epoint E
Annex V(—)
Annex VI(—)