Council Directive 93/16/EEC of 5 April 1993 to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
Modified by
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08) Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 11994N31995D0001, August 29, 1994
- Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 31995D0001, January 1, 1995
- Directive 97/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 6 October 1997amending Directive 93/16/EEC to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, 31997L0050, October 24, 1997
- Commission Directive 98/21/ECof 8 April 1998amending Council Directive 93/16/EEC to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 31998L0021, April 22, 1998
- Commission Directive 98/63/ECof 3 September 1998amending Council Directive 93/16/EEC to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 31998L0063, September 15, 1998
- Commission Directive 1999/46/ECof 21 May 1999amending Council Directive 93/16/EEC to facilitate the free movement of doctors and the mutual recognition of their diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 31999L0046, June 2, 1999
- Directive 2001/19/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 14 May 2001amending Council Directives 89/48/EEC and 92/51/EEC on the general system for the recognition of professional qualifications and Council Directives 77/452/EEC, 77/453/EEC, 78/686/EEC, 78/687/EEC, 78/1026/EEC, 78/1027/EEC, 80/154/EEC, 80/155/EEC, 85/384/EEC, 85/432/EEC, 85/433/EEC and 93/16/EEC concerning the professions of nurse responsible for general care, dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, midwife, architect, pharmacist and doctor(Text with EEA relevance), 32001L0019, July 31, 2001
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, 12003T, September 23, 2003
- Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 32003R1882, October 31, 2003
- Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 7 September 2005on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0036, September 30, 2005
- Council Directive 2006/100/ECof 20 November 2006adapting certain Directives in the field of freedom of movement of persons, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 32006L0100, December 20, 2006
(a) in Belgium: -
" diplôme légal de docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements Wettelijk diploma van doctor in de genees-, heel- en verloskunde " (diploma of doctor of medicine, surgery and obstetrics required by law) awarded by the university faculties of medicine, the Central Examining Board or the State University Education Examining Board;
(b) in Denmark: -
" bevis for bestået lægevidenskabelig embedseksamen " (diploma of medical practitioner required by law) awarded by a university faculty of medicine and "dokumentation for gennemført praktisk uddannelse ", (certificate of practical training issued by the competent authorities of the health serivce);
(c) in Germany: -
1. " Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung " (the State examination certificate in medicine) awarded by the competent authoriteis, "Zeugnis über die Vorbereitungszeit als Medizinalassistent " (certificate stating that the preparatory period as medical assistant has been completed) in so far as German law still requires such a period to complete medical training; 2. " Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung " (the State examination certificate in medicine) awarded by the competent authorities after 30 June 1988 and the certificat attesting to the practice of medicine during a period of practical training ("Arzt im Praktikum ");
(d) in Greece: -
" Πτυχίο Ιατρικής " (degree in medicine) awarded by:-
the faculty of medicine of a university, or the faculty of health sciences, department of medicine, of a university;
(e) in Spain: -
" Título de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugia " (university degree in medicine and surgery) awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science or the rector of a university;
(f) in France: -
1. " diplôme d'État de docteur en médecine " (State diploma of doctor of medicine) awarded by the university faculties of medicine, the university joint faculties of medicine and pharmacy, or by the universities; 2. " diplôme duniversité de docteur en médicine " (university diploma of doctor of medicine) where that diploma certifies completion of the same training course as that laid down for the State diploma of doctor of medicine;
(g) in Ireland: -
a primary qualification granted in Ireland after passing a qualifying examination held by a competent examining body and a certificate of experience granted by that body which give entitlement to registration as a fully registered medical practitioner;
(h) in Italy: -
" diploma di laurea in medicina e chirurgia " (diploma of graduate in medicine and surgery) awarded by a university, accompanied by a "diploma di abilitazione all'esercizio della medicina e chirurgia " (diploma conferring the right to practise medicine and surgery) awarded by the State Examining Commission;
(i) in Luxembourg: -
" diplôme d'État de docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements " (State diploma of doctor of medicine, surgery and obstetrics) awarded by the State Examining Board, and endorsed by the Minister of Educations, and "certificat de stage " (certificate of practical training) endorsed by the Minister for Public Health;
(j) in the Netherlands: -
" universitair getuigschrift van arts " (university certificate of doctor);
(k) in Portugal: -
" Carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina " (diploma confirming the completion of medical studies), awarded by a university, and the "Diploma comprovativo da conclusão do internato geral " (diploma confirming the completion of general internship), awarded by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Health;
(l) in the United Kingdom: -
‘a primary qualification granted in the United Kingdom after passing a qualifying examination held by a competent examining body and a certificate of experience granted by that body which give entitlement to registration as a fully registered medical practitioner;
(m) in Austria: -
"Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde" (diploma of doctor of medicine) awarded by auniversity faculty of medicine and "Diplom über die spezifische Ausbildung in der Allgemeinmedizin" (diploma of specialist training in general medicine), or "Facharztdiplom" (diploma as a specialist doctor) issued by the competent authority;
(n) in Finland: -
" todistus lääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinnosta bevis om medicine licentiat examen "(certificate of the degree of licentiate in medicine) awarded by a university faculty of medicine and a certificate of practical training issued by the competent public health authorities;
(o) in Sweden: -
"läkarexamen" (university diploma in medicine) awarded by a university faculty of medicine and a certificate of practical training issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.
clinical biology: Belgium: biologie clinique klinische biologie Spain: análisis clínicos France: biologie médicale Italy: patologia clinica Portugal: patologia clínica, Austria: Medizinische Biologie, Luxembourg: biologie clinique, biological haematology: Denmark: klinisk blodtypeserologi France: hématologie Luxembourg: hématologie biologique Portugal: hematologia clínica, Finland: hematologiset laboratoriotutkimukseth ematologiska laboratorieundersökningar , microbiology-bacteriology: Denmark: klinisk mikrobiologi Germany: Mikrobiologie und Infektionsepidemiologie Greece: μικροβιολογία Spain: microbiología y parasitología Ireland: microbiology Italy: microbiologia e virologia Luxembourg: microbiologie Netherlands: medische microbiologie United Kingdom: medical microbiology and virology, Austria: Hygiene und Mikrobiologie Finland: kliininen mikrobiologia klinisk mikrobiologi Sweden: klinisk bakteriologi, biological chemistry: Denmark: klinisk kemi Spain: bioquímica clínica Ireland: chemical pathology Luxembourg: chimie biologique Netherlands: klinische chemie United Kingdom: chemical pathology, Austria: Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik Finland: kliininen kemia klinisk kemi Sweden: klinisk kemi, Italy: biochimica clinica, immunology: Spain: inmunología Ireland: clinical immunology United Kingdom: immunology, Austria: Immunologie Finland: immunologia immunologi Sweden: klinisk immunologi, plastic surgery: Belgium: chirurgie plastique plastische heelkunde Denmark: plastikkirurgi Greece: πλαστική χειρουργική Spain: cirurgía plástica y reparadora France: chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique Ireland: plastic surgery Italy: chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva Luxembourg: chirurgie plastique Netherlands: plastische chirurgie Portugal: cirurgia plástica e reconstrutiva United Kingdom: plastic surgery, Austria: Plastische Chirurgie Finland: plastiikkakirurgia plastikkirurgi Sweden: plastikkirurgi, thoracic surgery: Belgium: chirurgie thoracique heelkunde op de thorax Denmark: thoraxkirurgi eller brysthulens kirurgiske sygdomme Greece: χειρουργική θώρακος Spain: cirurgía torácica France: chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire Ireland: thoracic surgery Italy: chirurgia toracica Luxembourg: chirurgie thoracique Netherlands: cardio-pulmonale chirurgie Portugal: cirurgia cárdio-torácica United Kingdom: cardio-thoracic surgery, Finland: thorax- ja verisuonikirurgia thorax- och kärlkirurgiafi Sweden: thoraxkirurgi, paediatric surgery: Greece: χειρουργική παίδων Spain: cirurgía pediátrica France: chirurgie infantile Ireland: paediatric surgery Italy: chirurgia pediatrica Luxembourg: chirurgie pédiatrique Portugal: cirurgia pediátrica United Kingdom: paediatric surgery, Austria: Kinderchirurgie Finland: lastenkirurgia barnkirurgi Sweden: barn- och ungdomskirurgi, vascular surgery: Belgium: chirurgie des vaisseaux bloedvatenheelkunde Spain: angiología y cirugía vascular France: chirurgie vasculaire Italy: chirurgia vascolare Luxembourg: chirurgie cardio-vasculaire Portugal: cirurgia vascular, Greece: Αγγειοχειρουργική, cardiology: Belgium: cardiologie cardiologie Denmark: cardiologi eller hjerte-og-kredsløbssygdomme Greece: καρδιολογία Spain: cardiología France: pathologie cardio-vasculaire Ireland: cardiology Italy: cardiologia Luxembourg: cardiologie et angiologie Nederland: cardiologie Portugal: cardiologia United Kingdom: cardiology, Finland: kardiologia kardiologi Sweden: kardiologi, gastro-enterology: Belgium: gastro-entérologie gastro-enterologie Denmark: medicinsk gastroenterologi eller medicinske mave-tarmsygdomme Greece: γαστρεντερολογία Spain: aparato digestivo France: gastro-entérologie et hépatologie Ireland: gastro-enterology Italy: gastroenterologia Luxembourg: gastro-entérologie Netherlands: gastro-enterologie Portugal: gastrenterologia United Kingdom: gastro-enterology, Finland: gastroenterologia gastroenterologi Sweden: medicinsk gastro-enterologi och hepatologi, rheumatology: Belgium: rhumatologie reumatologie Denmark: reumatologi Greece: ρευματολογία Spain: reumatología France: rhumatologie Ireland: rheumatology Italy: reumatologia Luxembourg: rhumatologie Netherlands: reumatologie Portugal: reumatologia United Kingdom: rheumatology, Finland: reumatologia reumatologi Sweden: reumatologi, general haematology: Greece: αιματολογία Spain: hematología hemoterapia Ireland: haematology Italy: ematologia Luxembourg: hématologie Portugal: imuno-hemoterapia United Kingdom: haematology, Finland: kliininen hematologia klinisk hematologi Sweden: hematologi, endocrinology: Greece: ενδοκρινολογία Spain: endocrinología y nutrición France: endocrinologie - maladies Ireland: endocrinology and diabetes mellitus Italy: endocrionologia e malattie del ricambio Luxembourg: endocrinologie, maladies du métabolisme et de la nutrition Portugal: endocrinologia-nutrição United Kingdom: endocrinology and diabetes mellitus, Finland: endokrinologia endokrinologi Sweden: endokrinologi, physiotherapy: Belgium: médecine physique fysische geneeskunde Denmark: fysiurgi og rehabilitering Greece: φυσική ιατρική και αποκατάσταση Spain: rehabilitación France: rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles Italy: medicina fisica e riabilitazione Netherlands: revalidatie Luxembourg: rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles Portugal: fisiatria, Austria: Physikalische Medizin Finland: fysiatria fysiatri Sweden: rehabiliteringsmedicin, stomatology: Spain: estomatología France: stomatologie Italy: odontostomatologia Luxembourg: stomatologie Portugal: estomatologia, neuro-psychiatry: Belgium: neuropsychiatrie neuropsychiatrie Germany: Nervenheilkunde (Neurologie und Psychiatrie) Greece: νευρολογία — ψυχιατρική France: neuropsychiatrie Italy: neuropsichiatria Luxembourg: neuropsychiatrie Netherlands: zenuw - en zielsziekten, dermato-venereology: Belgium: dermato-vénéréologie dermato-venereologie Denmark: dermato-venerologie eller hud- og koønssygdomme Germany: Dermatologie und Venerologie Greece: δερματολογία-αφροδισιολογία Spain: dermatología médico-quirúrgica y venereología France: dermatologie et vénéréologie Italy: dermatologia e venerologia Luxembourg: dermato-vénéréologie Netherlands: dermatologie en venerologie Portugal: dermatovenereologia, Austria: Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten Finland: iho- ja sukupuolitaudit hud- och könssjukdomar Sweden: hud- och könssjukdomar, dermatology: Ireland: dermatology United Kingdom: dermatology, venereology: Ireland: venereology United Kingdom: genito-urinary medicine, radiology: Germany: Radiologie Greece: ακτινολογία — ραδιολογία Spain: electrorradiología France: électro-radiologie Italy: radiologia Luxembourg: électroradiologie Netherlands: radiologie Portugal: radiologia, diagnostic radiology: Belgium: radiodiagnostic röntgendiagnose Denmark: diagnostisk radiologi eller - røntgenundersøgelse Germany: Radiologische Diagnostik Greece: ακτινοδιαγνωστική Spain: radiodiagnóstico France: radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale Ireland: diagnostic radiology Luxembourg: radiodiagnostic Netherlands: radiodiagnostiek Portugal: radiodiagnóstico United Kingdom: clinical radiology, Austria: Medizinische Radiologie-Diagnostik Finland: radiologia radiologi Sweden: medicinsk radiologi, radiotherapy: Belgium: radio- et radiumthérapie radio- en radiumtherapie Denmark: terapeutisk radiologi eller stralebehandling Germany: Strahlentherapie Greece: Ακτινοθεραπευτική — Ογκολογία Spain: oncología radioterápica France: oncologie, option radiothérapie Ireland: radiotherapy Luxembourg: radiothérapie Netherlands: radiotherapie Portugal: radioterapia United Kingdom: clinical oncology, Austria: Strahlentherapie — Radio-onkologie Finland: syöpätaudit ja sädehoito cancersjukdomar och radioterapi Sweden: onkologi, tropical medicine: Denmark: tropemedicin Ireland: tropical medicine Italy: medicina tropicale Portugal: medicina tropical United Kingdom: tropical medicine, child psychiatry: Denmark: børnepsykiatri Germany: Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Greece: παιδοψυχιατρική France: pédo-psychiatrie Ireland: child and adolescent psychiatry Italy: neuropsichiatria infantile Luxembourg: psychiatrie infantile Portugal: pedopsiquiatria United Kingdom: child and adolescent psychiatry, Finland: lasten psykiatria barnspsykiatri Sweden: barn- och ungdomspsykiatri geriatrics: Spain: geriatría Ireland: geriatrics Netherlands: klinische geriatrie United Kingdom: geriatric medicine, Finland: geriatria geriatri Sweden: geriatrik, Italy: geriatria, renal diseases: Denmark: nefrologi eller medicinske nyresygdomme Greece: νεφρολογία Spain: nefrología France: néphrologie Ireland: nephrology Italy: nefrologia Luxembourg: néphrologie Portugal: nefrologia United Kingdom: renal medicine, Finland: nefrologia nefrologi Sweden: medicinska njursjukdomar (nefrologi), communicable diseases: Ireland: communicable diseases Italy: malattie infettive United Kingdom: infectious diseases, Finland: infektiosairaudet infektionssjukdomar Sweden: infektionssjukdomar, community medicine France: santé publique et médecine sociale Ireland: community medicine United Kingdom: public health medicine, Austria: Sozialmedizin Finland: terveydenhuolto hälsovård, Sweden: socialmedicin, Greece: Κοινωνική Ιατρική, Spain: medicina preventiva y salud pública Italy: igiene e medicina sociale, pharmacology: Germany: Pharmakologie Spain: farmacología clínica Ireland: clinical pharmacology and therapeutics United Kingdom: clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, Austria: Pharmakologie und Toxikologie Finland: kliininen farmakologia klinisk farmakologi Sweden: klinisk farmakologi, occupational medicine: Denmark: samfundsmedicin/arbejdsmedicin Germany: Arbeitsmedizin Greece: ιατρική της εργασίας France: médecine du travail Italy: medicina del lavoro Ireland: occupational medicine Netherlands: arbeid en gezondheid Portugal: medicina do trabalho United Kingdom: occupational medicine, Austria: Arbeits- und Betriebsmedizin Finland: työterveyshuolto företagshälsovård Sweden: yrkes- och miljömedicin, Belgium: médecine du travail arbeidsgeneeskunde Luxembourg: médecine du travail, allergology: Greece: αλλεργιολογία Spain: alergologia Italy: allergologia ed immunoligia clinica Netherlands: allergologie Portugal: imunoalergologia, Finland: allergologia allergologi Sweden: allergisjukdomar, gastro-enterological surgery: Belgium: chirurgie abdominale heelkunde op het abdomen Denmark: kirurgisk gastroenterologi eller kirurgiske mave-tarmsygdomme Spain: cirugía del aparato digestivo France: chirurgie viscérale Italy: chirurgia dell'apparato digerente, Finland: gastroenterologia gastroenterologi, Luxembourg: chirurgie gastro-entérologique, nuclear medicine: Belgium: médecine nucléaire nucleaire geneeskunde Germany: Nuklearmedizin Greece: πυρηνική ιατρική Spain: medicina nuclear Frankreich: médecine nucléaire Italy: medicina nucleare Netherlands: nucleaire geneeskunde Portugal: medicina nuclear United Kingdom: nuclear medicine, Austria: Nuklearmedizin Finland: isotooppitutkimukset isotopundersökningar, Luxembourg: médecine nucléaire, maxillo-facial surgery (basic medical training): Spain: cirugía oral y maxilofacial France: chirurgie maxillo-faciale et stomatologie Italy: chirurgia maxillo-facciale, Luxembourg: chirurgie maxillo-faciale, dental, oral and maxillo-facial surgery (basic medical and dental training): Belgium: stomatologie/chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale; stomatologie/orale en maxillo-faciale chirurgie Germany: Zahn-, Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie Ireland: oral and maxillo-facial surgery United Kingdom: oral and maxillo-facial surgery. Finland: leukakirurgia käkkirurgi. Luxembourg: chirurgie dentaire, orale maxillo-faciale, accident and emergency medicine Ireland: accident and emergency medicine United Kingdom: accident and emergency medicine; clinical neurophysiology Denmark: klinisk neurofysiology Spain: neurofisiologia clinica Ireland: neurophysiology Sweden: klinisk neurofysiologi United Kingdom: clinical neurophysiology
1 January 1986 for Spain and Portugal, 1 January 1981 for Greece, 20 December 1976 for the other Member States, the date of accession for Austria, Finland and Sweden, the date of accession for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, the date of accession for Bulgaria and Romania,
1 January 1986 for Spain and Portugal, 1 January 1981 for Greece, 20 December 1976 for the other Member States, the date of accession for Austria, Finland and Sweden, the date of accession for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. the date of accession for Bulgaria and Romania.
they attest to training commenced before German unification, they entitle the holder to pursue the activities of a doctor throughout the teritory of Germany under the same conditions as the qualifications awarded by the competent German authorities and referred to in Annex A, they are accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent German authorities stating that those nationals have effectively and lawfully been engaged in the activities in question in Germany for at least three consecutive years during the five years prior to the date of issue of the certificate.
they attest to training commenced before 3 April 1992, and they permit the pursuit, as a specialist, of the activity in question throughout the territory of Germany under the same conditions as the qualifications awarded by the competent German authorities and referred to in Article5 and 5.
the declaration referred to in paragraph 2, a certificate stating that the person concerned is lawfully pursuing the activities in question in the Member State where he is established, a certificate that the person concerned holds one or other of the diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualification appropriate for the provison of the services in question and referred to in this Directive.
(a) adequate knowledge of the sciences on which medicine is based and a good understanding of the scientific methods including the principles of measuring biological functions, the evaluation of scientifically established facts and the analysis of data; (b) sufficient understanding of the structure, functions and behaviour of healthy and sick persons, as well as relations between the state of health and physical and social surroundings of the human being; (c) adequate knowledge of clinical disciplines and practices, providing him with a coherent picture of mental and physical diseases, of medicine from the points of view of prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy and of human reproduction; (d) suitable clinical experience in hospitals under appropriate supervision.
(a) it shall entail the successful completion of six years' study within the framework of the training course referred to in Article 23, during which appropriate knowledge of general medicine shall have been acquired; (b) it shall comprise theoretical and practical instruction; (c) it shall be a full-time course supervised by the competent authorities or bodies pursuant to point 1 of Annex I; (d) it shall be in a university centre, in a teaching hospital or, where appropriate, in a health establishment approved for this purpose by the competent authorities or bodies; (e) it shall involve the personal participation of the doctor training to be a specialist in the activity and in the responsibilities of the establishments concerned.
(a) as regards Luxembourg, and in respect only of the Luxembourg diplomas covered by the law of 1939 of Luxembourg on the conferring of academic and university degrees, the issue of a certificate as a specialist shall be conditional simply upon the possession of the diploma of doctor of medicine, surgery and obstetrics awarded by the Luxembourg State Examining Board; (b) as regards Denmark, and in respect only of the Danish diplomas of medical practitioners required by law awarded by a Danish university faculty of medicine in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of the Interior of 14 May 1970, the issue of a certificate as specialist shall be conditional simply upon the possession of the abovementioned diplomas.
(a) entry shall be conditional upon the successful completion of at least six years' study within the framework of the training course referred to in Article 23; (b) it shall be a full-time course lasting at least three years, and shall be supervised by the competent authorities or bodies; (c) it shall be practically rather than theoretically based; the practical instruction shall be given, on the one hand, for at last six months in an approved hospital or clinic with suitable equipment and services and, on the other hand, for at least six months in an approved general medical practice or in an approved centre where doctors provide primary care; it shall be carried out in contact with other health establishments or structures concerned with general medical practice; however, without prejudice to the aforesaid minimum periods, the practical instruction may be given for a maximum period of six months in other approved health establishments or structures concerned with general medical practice; (d) it shall entail the personal participation of the trainee in the professional activities and responsibilities of the persons with whom he works.
it complies with Article 31 (1) (a) and (b), and (3); its duration is equal to twice the difference between the period laid down in Article 31 (1) (b) and the sum of the periods laid down in the third indent hereof, it involves a period in an approved hospital or clinic with suitable equipment and services and a period in an approved general medical practice or in an approved centre where doctors provide primary care; as from 1 January 1995, each of these periods shall be of at least six months' duration.
the total duration of training may not be shortened because it is being followed on a part-time basis, the weekly duration of part-time training may not be less than 50 % of weekly full-time training, part-time training must include a certain number of full-time training periods, both for the training conducted at a hospital or clinic and for the training given in an approved medical practice or in an approved centre where doctors provide primary care. These full-time training periods shall be of sufficient number and duration as to provide adequate preparation for the effective exercise of general medical practice.
Thoracic surgery: | 1 January 1983 | |
Vascular surgery: | 1 January 1983 | |
Neuro-psychiatry: | 1 August 1987, | except for persons having commenced training before that date |
Gastro-enterological surgery: | 1 January 1983 | |
Biological haematology: | 1 January 1983, | except for persons having commenced training before that date and who have completed it by the end of 1988 |
Physiotherapy: | 1 January 1983, | except for persons having commenced training before that date and who have completed it by the end of 1988 |
Tropical medicine: | 1 August 1987, | except for persons having commenced training before that date |
Radiology: | 3 December 1971 | |
Neuro-psychiatry: | 31 December 1971 | |
Radiology: | The diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications are no longer awarded in respect of training commenced after 5 March 1982 | |
Neuro-psychiatry: | The diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications are no longer awarded in respect of training commenced after 5 March 1982 | |
Radiology: | 8 July 1984 | |
Neuro-psychiatry: | 9 July 1984 |
only the references made by Article 1 to the provisions of the repealed Directives 75/362/EEC and 75/363/EEC | |
only Articles 1 to 9. | |
only Article 1 (1) and (2), and Article 2 |
Directive | Deadline for transposition |
75/362/EEC ( |
20 December 1976 |
81/1057/EEC ( |
30 June 1982 |
75/363/EEC ( |
20 December 1976 |
82/76/EEC ( |
31 December 1982 |
89/594/EEC ( |
8 May 1991 |
90/658/EEC ( |
1 July 1991 |
86/457/EEC ( |
1 January 1985 |
This Directive | Directive 75/362/EEC | Directive 75/363/EEC | Directive 86/457/EEC | Directive 81/1057/EEC | Directive 89/594/EEC | Directive 82/76/EEC |
Article 1 | Articles 1 and 24 | |||||
Article 2 | Article 2 | |||||
Annex A | Article 3 | |||||
Article 4 | Article 4 | |||||
Article 5 | Article 5 | |||||
Article 4 | Article 6 | |||||
Article 5 | Article 7 | |||||
Article 8 | Article 8 | |||||
Article 9 (1) | Article 9 (1) | Article 1 | ||||
Article 9 (2) | Article 9 (2) | Article 1 | ||||
Article 9 (3) | Article 9a (1) | |||||
Article 9 (4) | Article 9a (2) | |||||
Article 9 (5) | Article 9 (3) | |||||
Article 9 (6) | Article 9 (1) | |||||
Article 9 (7) | Article 9 (2) | |||||
Article 10 | Article 10 | |||||
Article 11 | Article 11 | |||||
Article 12 | Article 12 | |||||
Article 13 | Article 13 | |||||
Article 14 | Article 14 | |||||
Article 15 | Article 15 | |||||
Article 16 | Article 15a | |||||
Article 17 | Article 16 | |||||
Article 18 | Article 17 | |||||
Article 19 | Article 18 | |||||
Article 20 | Article 20 | |||||
Article 21 | Article 21 | |||||
Article 22 | Article 22 | |||||
Article 23 | Article 1 | |||||
Article 24 | Article 2 | |||||
Article 25 (1) | Article 3 (1) | |||||
Article 25 (2) | Article 3 (2) | |||||
Article 25 (3) first subparagraph | Article 3 (3) first subparagraph | |||||
Article 25 (3) second subparagraph | Article 14 | |||||
Article 26 | Article 4 | |||||
Article 26 | Article 5 | |||||
Article 28 | Article 7 | |||||
Article 29 | Article 8 | |||||
Article 30 | Article 1 | |||||
Article 31 | Article 2 (1), (2) and (3) | |||||
Article 32 | Article 3 | |||||
Article 33 | Article 4 | |||||
Article 34 | Article 5 | |||||
Article 35 | Article 6 | |||||
Article 36 | Article 7 | |||||
Article 37 | Article 8 | |||||
Article 38 | Article 9 | |||||
Article 39 | Article 10 | |||||
Article 40 | Article 11 | |||||
Article 41 | Article 12 (2) | |||||
Article 42 | Article 23 | Article 2 (4) | ||||
Article 43 | Article 26 | Article 10 | ||||
Article 44 | ||||||
Article 45 | Article 27 | |||||
Annex I | Annex | |||||
Annex II | Annex |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body | Certificate accompanying qualification |
Belgique/België/Belgien |
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен магистър по Медицина и професионална квалификация Магистър-лекар | Медицински факултет във Висше медицинско училище (Медицински университет, Висш медицински институт в Република България) | |
Česká republika | Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu všeobecné lékařství (doktor medicíny, MUDr.) | Lékářská fakulta univerzity v České republice | Vysvědčení o státní rigorózní zkoušce |
Danmark | Bevis for bestået lægevidenskabelig embedseksamen | Medicinsk universitetsfakultet |
Deutschland |
Zuständige Behörden |
Eesti | Diplom arstite aduse õppekava läbimise kohta | Tartu Ülikool | |
Ελλάς | Πτυχίο Iατρικής |
España | Título de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía | Ministerio de Educación y Cultura/El rector de una Universidad | |
France | Diplôme d'Etat de docteur en médecine | Universités | |
Ireland | Primary qualification | Competent examining body | Certificate of experience |
Italia | Diploma di laurea in medicina e chirurgia | Università | Diploma di abilitazione all'esercizio della medicina e chirurgia |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Ιατρού | Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο | |
Latvija | ārsta diploms | Universitātes tipa augstskola | |
Lietuva | Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo kvalifikaciją | Universitetas | Internatūros pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą medicinos gydytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją |
Luxembourg | Diplôme d'Etat de docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements | Jury d'examen d'Etat | Certificat de stage |
Magyarország | Általános orvos oklevél (doctor medicinae universae, abbrev.: dr. med. univ.) | Egyetem | |
Malta | Lawrja ta' Tabib tal-Mediċina u l-Kirurġija. | Universita'ta' Malta | Ċertifikat ta' reġistrazzjoni maħruġ mill-Kunsill Mediku |
Nederland | Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd artsexamen | Faculteit Geneeskunde | |
Österreich |
Polska | Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku lekarskim z tytułem "lekarza" | Lekarski Egzamin Państwowy | |
Portugal | Carta de Curso de licenciatura em medicina | Universidades | Diploma comprovativo da conclusão do internato geral emitido pelo Ministério da Saúde |
România | Diplomă de licență de doctor medic | Universități | |
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor medicine/doktorica medicine" | Univerza | |
Slovensko | Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "doktor medicíny" ("MUDr.") | Vysoká škola | |
Suomi/Finland | Lääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto / medicine licentiatexamen |
Todistus lääkärin perusterveydenhuollon lisäkoulutuksesta / examensbevis om tilläggsutbildning för läkare inom primärvården |
Sverige | Läkarexamen | Universitet | Bevis om praktisk utbildning som utfärdas av Socialstyrelsen |
United Kingdom | Primary qualification | Competent examining body | Certificate of experience |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body | Certificate accompanying qualification |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Bijzondere beroepstitel van geneesheer-specialist/Titre professionnel particulier de médecin spécialiste | Minister bevoegd voor Volksgezondheid/Ministre de la Santé publique | |
България | Свидетелство за призната специалност | ||
Česká republika | Diplom o specializaci | Ministerstvo zdravotnictví | |
Danmark | Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som speciallæge | Sundhedsstyrelsen | |
Deutschland | Fachärztliche Anerkennung | Countryesärztekammer | |
Eesti | Residentuuri lõputunnistus eriarstiabi erialal | Tartu Ülikool | |
Ελλάς | Τίτλος Iατρικής Ειδικότητας |
España | Título de Especialista | Ministerio de Educación y Cultura | |
France |
Ireland | Certificate of Specialist doctor | Competent authority | |
Italia | Diploma di medico specialista | Università | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης Ειδικότητας | Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο | |
Latvija | "Sertifikāts" — kompetentu iestāžu izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu specialitātē | Latvijas Ārstu biedrība Latvijas Ārstniecības personu profesionālo organizāciju savienība | |
Lietuva | Rezidentūros pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo specialisto profesinę kvalifikaciją | Universitetas | |
Luxembourg | Certificat de médecin spécialiste | Ministre de la Santé publique | |
Magyarország | Szakorvosi bizonyítvány | Az Egészségügyi, Szociális és Családügyi Minisztérium illetékes testülete | |
Malta | Ċertifikat ta' Speċjalista Mediku | Kumitat ta' Approvazzjoni dwar Speċjalisti | |
Nederland | Bewijs van inschrijving in een Specialistenregister |
Österreich | Facharztdiplom | Österreichische Ärztekammer | |
Polska | Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty | Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych | |
Portugal |
România | Certificat de medic specialist | Ministerul Sănătății Publici | |
Slovenija | Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu | ||
Slovensko | Diplom o špecializácii | Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita | |
Suomi/Finland | Erikoislääkärin tutkinto / specialläkarexamen |
Sverige | Bevis om specialkompetens som läkare, utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen | Socialstyrelsen | |
United Kingdom | Certificate of Completion of specialist training | Competent authority |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Anesthésie-réanimation/Anesthesie reanimatie | |
България | Анестезиология и интензивно лечение | |
Česká republika | Anesteziologie a resuscitace | |
Danmark | Anæstesiologi | |
Deutschland | Anästhesiologie | |
Eesti | Anestesioloogia | |
Ελλάς | Αναισθησιολογία | |
España | Anestesiología y Reanimación | |
France | Anesthésiologie-Réanimation chirurgicale | |
Ireland | Anaesthesia | |
Italia | Anestesia e rianimazione | |
Κύπρος | Αναισθησιολογία | |
Latvija | Anestezioloģija un reanimatoloģija | |
Lietuva | Anesteziologija reanimatologija | |
Luxembourg | Anesthésie-réanimation | |
Magyarország | Aneszteziológia és intenzív terápia | |
Malta | Anesteżija u Kura Intensiva | |
Nederland | Anesthesiologie | |
Österreich | Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin | |
Polska | Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia | |
Portugal | Anestesiologia | |
România | Anestezie și terapie intensivă | |
Slovenija | Anesteziologija, reanimatologija in perioperativna intenzivna medicina | |
Slovensko | Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína | |
Suomi/Finland | Anestesiologia ja tehohoito/Anestesiologi och intensivvård | |
Sverige | Anestesi och intensivvård | |
United Kingdom | Anaesthetics |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie/Heelkunde | |
България | Хирургия | |
Česká republika | Chirurgie | |
Danmark | Kirurgi eller kirurgiske sygdomme | |
Deutschland | (Allgemeine) Chirurgie | |
Eesti | Üldkirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Χειρoυργική | |
España | Cirugía general y del aparato digestivo | |
France | Chirurgie générale | |
Ireland | General surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia generale | |
Κύπρος | Γενική Χειρουργική | |
Latvija | Ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie générale | |
Magyarország | Sebészet | |
Malta | Kirurġija Ġenerali | |
Nederland | Heelkunde | |
Österreich | Chirurgie | |
Polska | Chirurgia ogólna | |
Portugal | Cirurgia geral | |
România | Chirurgie generală | |
Slovenija | Splošna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Yleiskirurgia/Allmän kirurgi | |
Sverige | Kirurgi | |
United Kingdom | General surgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neurochirurgie | |
България | Неврохирургия | |
Česká republika | Neurochirurgie | |
Danmark | Neurokirurgi eller kirurgiske nervesygdomme | |
Deutschland | Neurochirurgie | |
Eesti | Neurokirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Νευρoχειρoυργική | |
España | Neurocirugía | |
France | Neurochirurgie | |
Ireland | Neurosurgery | |
Italia | Neurochirurgia | |
Κύπρος | Νευροχειρουργική | |
Latvija | Neiroķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Neurochirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Neurochirurgie | |
Magyarország | Idegsebészet | |
Malta | Newrokirurġija | |
Nederland | Neurochirurgie | |
Österreich | Neurochirurgie | |
Polska | Neurochirurgia | |
Portugal | Neurocirurgia | |
România | Neurochirurgie | |
Slovenija | Nevrokirurgija | |
Slovensko | Neurochirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Neurokirurgia/Neurokirurgi | |
Sverige | Neurokirurgi | |
United Kingdom | Neurosurgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Gynécologie — obstétrique/Gynaecologie en verloskunde | |
България | Акушерство, гинекология и репродуктивна медицина | |
Česká republika | Gynekologie a porodnictví | |
Danmark | Gynækologi og obstetrik eller kvindesygdomme og fødselshjælp | |
Deutschland | Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | |
Eesti | Sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Μαιευτική-Γυναικoλoγία | |
España | Obstetricia y ginecología | |
France | Gynécologie — obstétrique | |
Ireland | Obstetrics and gynaecology | |
Italia | Ginecologia e ostetricia | |
Κύπρος | Μαιευτική — Γυναικολογία | |
Latvija | Ginekoloģija un dzemdniecība | |
Lietuva | Akušerija ginekologija | |
Luxembourg | Gynécologie — obstétrique | |
Magyarország | Szülészet-nőgyógyászat | |
Malta | Ostetriċja u Ġinekoloġija | |
Nederland | Verloskunde en gynaecologie | |
Österreich | Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | |
Polska | Położnictwo i ginekologia | |
Portugal | Ginecologia e obstetricia | |
România | Obstetrică-ginecologie | |
Slovenija | Ginekologija in porodništvo | |
Slovensko | Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo | |
Suomi/Finland | Naistentaudit ja synnytykset/Kvinnosjukdomar och förlossningar | |
Sverige | Obstetrik och gynekologi | |
United Kingdom | Obstetrics and gynaecology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine interne/Inwendige geneeskunde | |
България | Вътрешни болести | |
Česká republika | Vnitřní lékařství | |
Danmark | Intern medicin | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin | |
Eesti | Sisehaigused | |
Ελλάς | Παθoλoγία | |
España | Medicina interna | |
France | Médecine interne | |
Ireland | General medicine | |
Italia | Medicina interna | |
Κύπρος | Παθoλoγία | |
Latvija | Internā medicīna | |
Lietuva | Vidaus ligos | |
Luxembourg | Médecine interne | |
Magyarország | Belgyógyászat | |
Malta | Mediċina Interna | |
Nederland | Interne geneeskunde | |
Österreich | Innere Medizin | |
Polska | Choroby wewnętrzne | |
Portugal | Medicina interna | |
România | Medicină internă | |
Slovenija | Interna medicina | |
Slovensko | Vnútorné lekárstvo | |
Suomi/Finland | Sisätaudit/Inre medicin | |
Sverige | Internmedicin | |
United Kingdom | General (internal) medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Ophtalmologie/Oftalmologie | |
България | Очни болести | |
Česká republika | Oftalmologie | |
Danmark | Oftalmologi eller øjensygdomme | |
Deutschland | Augenheilkunde | |
Eesti | Oftalmoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Οφθαλμoλoγία | |
España | Oftalmología | |
France | Ophtalmologie | |
Ireland | Opthalmic surgery | |
Italia | Oftalmologia | |
Κύπρος | Οφθαλμολογία | |
Latvija | Oftalmoloģija | |
Lietuva | Oftalmologija | |
Luxembourg | Ophtalmologie | |
Magyarország | Szemészet | |
Malta | Oftalmoloġija | |
Nederland | Oogheelkunde | |
Österreich | Augenheilkunde und Optometrie | |
Polska | Okulistyka | |
Portugal | Oftalmologia | |
România | Oftalmologie | |
Slovenija | Oftalmologija | |
Slovensko | Oftalmológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Silmätaudit/Ögonsjukdomar | |
Sverige | Ögonsjukdomar (oftalmologi) | |
United Kingdom | Ophthalmology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Oto-rhino-laryngologie/Otorhinolaryngologie | |
България | Ушно-носно-гърлени болести | |
Česká republika | Otorinolaryngologie | |
Danmark | Oto-rhino-laryngologi eller øre-næse-halssygdomme | |
Deutschland | Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde | |
Eesti | Otorinolarüngoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ωτoρινoλαρυγγoλoγία | |
España | Otorrinolaringología | |
France | Oto-rhino-laryngologie | |
Ireland | Otolaryngology | |
Italia | Otorinolaringoiatria | |
Κύπρος | Ωτορινολαρυγγολογία | |
Latvija | Otolaringoloģija | |
Lietuva | Otorinolaringologija | |
Luxembourg | Oto-rhino-laryngologie | |
Magyarország | Fül-orr-gégegyógyászat | |
Malta | Otorinolaringoloġija | |
Nederland | Keel-, neus- en oorheelkunde | |
Österreich | Hals-, Nasen-und Ohrenkrankheiten | |
Polska | Otorynolaryngologia | |
Portugal | Otorrinolaringologia | |
România | Otorinolaringologie | |
Slovenija | Otorinolaringologija | |
Slovensko | Otorinolaryngológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutaudit/Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar | |
Sverige | Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar (oto-rhino-laryngologi) | |
United Kingdom | Otolaryngology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Pédiatrie/Pediatrie | |
България | Детски болести | |
Česká republika | Dětské lékařství | |
Danmark | Pædiatri eller sygdomme hos børn | |
Deutschland | Kinder und Jugendmedizin | |
Eesti | Pediaatria | |
Ελλάς | Παιδιατρική | |
España | Pediatría y sus áreas específicas | |
France | Pédiatrie | |
Ireland | Paediatrics | |
Italia | Pédiatria | |
Κύπρος | Παιδιατρική | |
Latvija | Pediatrija | |
Lietuva | Vaikų ligos | |
Luxembourg | Pédiatrie | |
Magyarország | Csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyászat | |
Malta | Pedjatrija | |
Nederland | Kindergeneeskunde | |
Österreich | Kinder — und Jugendheilkunde | |
Polska | Pediatria | |
Portugal | Pediatria | |
România | Pediatrie | |
Slovenija | Pediatrija | |
Slovensko | Pediatria | |
Suomi/Finland | Lastentaudit/Barnsjukdomar | |
Sverige | Barn- och ungdomsmedicin | |
United Kingdom | Paediatrics |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Pneumologie | |
България | Пневмология и фтизиатрия | |
Česká republika | Tuberkulóza a respirační nemoci | |
Danmark | Medicinske lungesygdomme | |
Deutschland | Pneumologie | |
Eesti | Pulmonoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Φυματιoλoγία- Πνευμoνoλoγία | |
España | Neumología | |
France | Pneumologie | |
Ireland | Respiratory medicine | |
Italia | Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio | |
Κύπρος | Πνευμονολογία — Φυματιολογία | |
Latvija | Ftiziopneimonoloģija | |
Lietuva | Pulmonologija | |
Luxembourg | Pneumologie | |
Magyarország | Tüdőgyógyászat | |
Malta | Mediċina Respiratorja | |
Nederland | Longziekten en tuberculose | |
Österreich | Lungenkrankheiten | |
Polska | Choroby płuc | |
Portugal | Pneumologia | |
România | Pneumologie | |
Slovenija | Pnevmologija | |
Slovensko | Pneumológia a ftizeológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Keuhkosairaudet ja allergologia/Lungsjukdomar och allergologi | |
Sverige | Lungsjukdomar (pneumologi) | |
United Kingdom | Respiratory medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Urologie | |
България | Урология | |
Česká republika | Urologie | |
Danmark | Urologi eller urinvejenes kirurgiske sygdomme | |
Deutschland | Urologie | |
Eesti | Uroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ουρoλoγία | |
España | Urología | |
France | Urologie | |
Ireland | Urology | |
Italia | Urologia | |
Κύπρος | Ουρολογία | |
Latvija | Uroloģija | |
Lietuva | Urologija | |
Luxembourg | Urologie | |
Magyarország | Urológia | |
Malta | Uroloġija | |
Nederland | Urologie | |
Österreich | Urologie | |
Polska | Urologia | |
Portugal | Urologia | |
România | Urologie | |
Slovenija | Urologija | |
Slovensko | Urológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Urologia/Urologi | |
Sverige | Urologi | |
United Kingdom | Urology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie orthopédique/Orthopedische heelkunde | |
България | Ортопедия и травматология | |
Česká republika | Ortopedie | |
Danmark | Ortopædisk kirurgi | |
Deutschland | Orthopädie (und Unfallchirurgie) | |
Eesti | Ortopeedia | |
Ελλάς | Ορθoπεδική | |
España | Cirugía ortopédica y traumatología | |
France | Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie | |
Ireland | Trauma and orthopaedic surgery | |
Italia | Ortopedia e traumatologia | |
Κύπρος | Ορθοπεδική | |
Latvija | Traumatoloģija un ortopēdija | |
Lietuva | Ortopedija traumatologija | |
Luxembourg | Orthopédie | |
Magyarország | Ortopédia | |
Malta | Kirurġija Ortopedika | |
Nederland | Orthopedie | |
Österreich | Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie | |
Polska | Ortopedia i traumatologia narządu ruchu | |
Portugal | Ortopedia | |
România | Ortopedie și traumatologie | |
Slovenija | Ortopedska kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Ortopédia | |
Suomi/Finland | Ortopedia ja traumatologia/Ortopedi och traumatologi | |
Sverige | Ortopedi | |
United Kingdom | Trauma and orthopaedic surgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Anatomie pathologique/Pathologische anatomie | |
България | Обща и клинична патология | |
Česká republika | Patologická anatomie | |
Danmark | Patologisk anatomi eller vævs- og celleundersøgelser | |
Deutschland | Pathologie | |
Eesti | Patoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Παθoλoγική Ανατoμική | |
España | Anatomía patológica | |
France | Anatomie et cytologie pathologiques | |
Ireland | Histopathology | |
Italia | Anatomia patologica | |
Κύπρος | Παθολογοανατομία — Ιστολογία | |
Latvija | Patoloģija | |
Lietuva | Patologija | |
Luxembourg | Anatomie pathologique | |
Magyarország | Patológia | |
Malta | Istopatoloġija | |
Nederland | Pathologie | |
Österreich | Pathologie | |
Polska | Patomorfologia | |
Portugal | Anatomia patologica | |
România | Anatomie patologică | |
Slovenija | Anatomska patologija in citopatologija | |
Slovensko | Patologická anatómia | |
Suomi/Finland | Patologia/Patologi | |
Sverige | Klinisk patologi | |
United Kingdom | Histopathology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neurologie | |
България | Нервни болести | |
Česká republika | Neurologie | |
Danmark | Neurologi eller medicinske nervesygdomme | |
Deutschland | Neurologie | |
Eesti | Neuroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Νευρoλoγία | |
España | Neurología | |
France | Neurologie | |
Ireland | Neurology | |
Italia | Neurologia | |
Κύπρος | Νευρολογία | |
Latvija | Neiroloģija | |
Lietuva | Neurologija | |
Luxembourg | Neurologie | |
Magyarország | Neurológia | |
Malta | Newroloġija | |
Nederland | Neurologie | |
Österreich | Neurologie | |
Polska | Neurologia | |
Portugal | Neurologia | |
România | Neurologie | |
Slovenija | Nevrologija | |
Slovensko | Neurológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Neurologia/Neurologi | |
Sverige | Neurologi | |
United Kingdom | Neurology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Psychiatrie | |
България | Психиатрия | |
Česká republika | Psychiatrie | |
Danmark | Psykiatri | |
Deutschland | Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | |
Eesti | Psühhiaatria | |
Ελλάς | Ψυχιατρική | |
España | Psiquiatría | |
France | Psychiatrie | |
Ireland | Psychiatry | |
Italia | Psichiatria | |
Κύπρος | Ψυχιατρική | |
Latvija | Psihiatrija | |
Lietuva | Psichiatrija | |
Luxembourg | Psychiatrie | |
Magyarország | Pszichiátria | |
Malta | Psikjatrija | |
Nederland | Psychiatrie | |
Österreich | Psychiatrie | |
Polska | Psychiatria | |
Portugal | Psiquiatria | |
România | Psihiatrie | |
Slovenija | Psihiatrija | |
Slovensko | Psychiatria | |
Suomi/Finland | Psykiatria/Psykiatri | |
Sverige | Psykiatri | |
United Kingdom | General psychiatry |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Radiodiagnostic/Röntgendiagnose | |
България | Образна диагностика | |
Česká republika | Radiologie a zobrazovací metody | |
Danmark | Diagnostik radiologi eller røntgenundersøgelse | |
Deutschland | (Diagnostische) Radiologie | |
Eesti | Radioloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ακτινoδιαγνωστική | |
España | Radiodiagnóstico | |
France | Radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale | |
Ireland | Diagnostic radiology | |
Italia | Radiodiagnostica | |
Κύπρος | Ακτινολογία | |
Latvija | Diagnostiskā radioloģija | |
Lietuva | Radiologija | |
Luxembourg | Radiodiagnostic | |
Magyarország | Radiológia | |
Malta | Radjoloġija | |
Nederland | Radiologie | |
Österreich | Medizinische Radiologie-Diagnostik | |
Polska | Radiologia i diagnostyka obrazowa | |
Portugal | Radiodiagnóstico | |
România | Radiologie-imagistică medicală | |
Slovenija | Radiologija | |
Slovensko | Rádiológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Radiologia/Radiologi | |
Sverige | Medicinsk radiologi | |
United Kingdom | Clinical radiology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Radiothérapie-oncologie/Radiotherapie-oncologie | |
България | Лъчелечение | |
Česká republika | Radiační onkologie | |
Danmark | Onkologi | |
Deutschland | Strahlentherapie | |
Eesti | Onkoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ακτινοθεραπευτική Ογκολογία | |
España | Oncología radioterápica | |
France | Oncologie radiothérapique | |
Ireland | Radiation oncology | |
Italia | Radioterapia | |
Κύπρος | Ακτινοθεραπευτική | |
Latvija | Terapeitiskā radioloģija | |
Lietuva | Onkologija radioterapija | |
Luxembourg | Radiothérapie | |
Magyarország | Sugárterápia | |
Malta | Onkoloġija u Radjoterapija | |
Nederland | Radiotherapie | |
Österreich | Strahlentherapie — Radioonkologie | |
Polska | Radioterapia onkologiczna | |
Portugal | Radioterapia | |
România | Radioterapie | |
Slovenija | Radioterapija in onkologija | |
Slovensko | Radiačná onkológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Syöpätaudit/Cancersjukdomar | |
Sverige | Tumörsjukdomar (allmän onkologi) | |
United Kingdom | Clinical oncology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Biologie clinique/Klinische biologie | |
България | Клинична лаборатория | |
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | Laborimeditsiin | |
Ελλάς | ||
España | Análisis clínicos | |
France | Biologie médicale | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Patologia clinica | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | Laboratorinė medicina | |
Luxembourg | Biologie clinique | |
Magyarország | Orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Medizinische Biologie | |
Polska | Diagnostyka laboratoryjna | |
Portugal | Patologia clínica | |
România | Medicină de laborator | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Laboratórna medicína | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Клинична хематология | |
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | Klinisk blodtypeserologi | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | Hématologie | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Hématologie biologique | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | Hematologia clínica | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Микробиология | |
Česká republika | Lékařská mikrobiologie | |
Danmark | Klinisk mikrobiologi | |
Deutschland | Mikrobiologie (Virologie) und Infektionsepidemiologie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς |
España | Microbiología y parasitología | |
France | ||
Ireland | Microbiology | |
Italia | Microbiologia e virologia | |
Κύπρος | Μικροβιολογία | |
Latvija | Mikrobioloģija | |
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Microbiologie | |
Magyarország | Orvosi mikrobiológia | |
Malta | Mikrobijoloġija | |
Nederland | Medische microbiologie | |
Österreich | Hygiene und Mikrobiologie | |
Polska | Mikrobiologia lekarska | |
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | Klinična mikrobiologija | |
Slovensko | Klinická mikrobiológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen mikrobiologia/Klinisk mikrobiologi | |
Sverige | Klinisk bakteriologi | |
United Kingdom | Medical microbiology and virology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Биохимия | |
Česká republika | Klinická biochemie | |
Danmark | Klinisk biokemi | |
Deutschland | Laboratoriumsmedizin | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Bioquímica clínica | |
France | ||
Ireland | Chemical pathology | |
Italia | Biochimica clinica | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Chimie biologique | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | Patoloġija Kimika | |
Nederland | Klinische chemie | |
Österreich | Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik | |
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | Medicinska biokemija | |
Slovensko | Klinická biochémia | |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen kemia/Klinisk kemi | |
Sverige | Klinisk kemi | |
United Kingdom | Chemical pathology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | Alergologie a klinická imunologie | |
Danmark | Klinisk immunologi | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Inmunología | |
France | ||
Ireland | Immunology (clinical and laboratory) | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | Ανοσολογία | |
Latvija | Imunoloģija | |
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Immunologie | |
Magyarország | Allergológia és klinikai immunológia | |
Malta | Immunoloġija | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Immunologie | |
Polska | Immunologia kliniczna | |
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Klinická imunológia a alergológia | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | Klinisk immunologi | |
United Kingdom | Immunology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique/Plastische, reconstructieve en esthetische heelkunde | |
България | Пластично-възстановителна хирургия | |
Česká republika | Plastická chirurgie | |
Danmark | Plastikkirurgi | |
Deutschland | Plastische (und Ästhetische) Chirurgie | |
Eesti | Plastika- ja rekonstruktiivkirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Πλαστική Χειρoυργική | |
España | Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora | |
France | Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique | |
Ireland | Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva | |
Κύπρος | Πλαστική Χειρουργική | |
Latvija | Plastiskā ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Plastinė ir rekonstrukcinė chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie plastique | |
Magyarország | Plasztikai (égési) sebészet | |
Malta | Kirurġija Plastika | |
Nederland | Plastische chirurgie | |
Österreich | Plastische Chirurgie | |
Polska | Chirurgia plastyczna | |
Portugal | Cirurgia plástica e reconstrutiva | |
România | Chirurgie plastică — microchirurgie reconstructivă | |
Slovenija | Plastična, rekonstrukcijska in estetska kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Plastická chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Plastiikkakirurgia/Plastikkirurgi | |
Sverige | Plastikkirurgi | |
United Kingdom | Plastic surgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie thoracique/Heelkunde op de thorax | |
България | ||
Česká republika | Kardiochirurgie | |
Danmark | Thoraxkirurgi eller brysthulens kirurgiske sygdomme | |
Deutschland | Thoraxchirurgie | |
Eesti | Torakaalkirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Χειρoυργική Θώρακoς | |
España | Cirugía torácica | |
France | Chirurgie thoracique et cardiovasculaire | |
Ireland | Thoracic surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia toracica; Cardiochirurgia | |
Κύπρος | Χειρουργική Θώρακος | |
Latvija | Torakālā ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Krūtinės chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie thoracique | |
Magyarország | Mellkassebészet | |
Malta | Kirurġija Kardjo-Toraċika | |
Nederland | Cardio-thoracale chirurgie | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Chirurgia klatki piersiowej | |
Portugal | Cirurgia cardiotorácica | |
România | Chirurgie toracică | |
Slovenija | Torakalna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Hrudníková chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Sydän-ja rintaelinkirurgia/Hjärt- och thoraxkirurgi | |
Sverige | Thoraxkirurgi | |
United Kingdom | Cardo-thoracic surgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Детска хирургия | |
Česká republika | Dětská chirurgie | |
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Kinderchirurgie | |
Eesti | Lastekirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Χειρoυργική Παίδων | |
España | Cirugía pediátrica | |
France | Chirurgie infantile | |
Ireland | Paediatric surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia pediatrica | |
Κύπρος | Χειρουργική Παίδων | |
Latvija | Bērnu ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Vaikų chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie pédiatrique | |
Magyarország | Gyermeksebészet | |
Malta | Kirurgija Pedjatrika | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Kinderchirurgie | |
Polska | Chirurgia dziecięca | |
Portugal | Cirurgia pediátrica | |
România | Chirurgie pediatrică | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Detská chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Lastenkirurgia/Barnkirurgi | |
Sverige | Barn- och ungdomskirurgi | |
United Kingdom | Paediatric surgery |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie des vaisseaux/Bloedvatenheelkunde | |
България | Съдова хирургия | |
Česká republika | Cévní chirurgie | |
Danmark | Karkirurgi eller kirurgiske blodkarsygdomme | |
Deutschland | Gefäβchirurgie | |
Eesti | Kardiovaskulaarkirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Αγγειoχειρoυργική | |
España | Angiología y cirugía vascular | |
France | Chirurgie vasculaire | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Chirurgia vascolare | |
Κύπρος | Χειρουργική Αγγείων | |
Latvija | Asinsvadu ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Kraujagyslių chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie vasculaire | |
Magyarország | Érsebészet | |
Malta | Kirurġija Vaskolari | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Chirurgia naczyniowa | |
Portugal | Cirurgia vascular | |
România | Chirurgie vasculară | |
Slovenija | Kardiovaskularna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Cievna chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Verisuonikirurgia/Kärlkirurgi | |
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Cardiologie | |
България | Кардиология | |
Česká republika | Kardiologie | |
Danmark | Kardiologi | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Kardiologie | |
Eesti | Kardioloogia | |
Ελλάς | Καρδιoλoγία | |
España | Cardiología | |
France | Pathologie cardio-vasculaire | |
Ireland | Cardiology | |
Italia | Cardiologia | |
Κύπρος | Καρδιολογία | |
Latvija | Kardioloģija | |
Lietuva | Kardiologija | |
Luxembourg | Cardiologie et angiologie | |
Magyarország | Kardiológia | |
Malta | Kardjoloġija | |
Nederland | Cardiologie | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Kardiologia | |
Portugal | Cardiologia | |
România | Cardiologie | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Kardiológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Kardiologia/Kardiologi | |
Sverige | Kardiologi | |
United Kingdom | Cardiology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Gastro-entérologie/gastroenterologie | |
България | Гастроентерология | |
Česká republika | Gastroenterologie | |
Danmark | Medicinsk gastroenterologi eller medicinske mave-tarm-sygdomme | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie | |
Eesti | Gastroenteroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Γαστρεντερoλoγία | |
España | Aparato digestivo | |
France | Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie | |
Ireland | Gastro-enterology | |
Italia | Gastroenterologia | |
Κύπρος | Γαστρεντερολογία | |
Latvija | Gastroenteroloģija | |
Lietuva | Gastroenterologija | |
Luxembourg | Gastro-entérologie | |
Magyarország | Gasztroenterológia | |
Malta | Gastroenteroloġija | |
Nederland | Leer van maag-darm-leverziekten | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Gastroenterologia | |
Portugal | Gastrenterologia | |
România | Gastroenterologie | |
Slovenija | Gastroenterologija | |
Slovensko | Gastroenterológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Gastroenterologia/Gastroenterologi | |
Sverige | Medicinsk gastroenterologi och hepatologi | |
United Kingdom | Gastro-enterology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Rhumathologie/reumatologie | |
България | Ревматология | |
Česká republika | Revmatologie | |
Danmark | Reumatologi | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Rheumatologie | |
Eesti | Reumatoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ρευματoλoγία | |
España | Reumatología | |
France | Rhumathologie | |
Ireland | Rheumatology | |
Italia | Reumatologia | |
Κύπρος | Ρευματολογία | |
Latvija | Reimatoloģija | |
Lietuva | Reumatologija | |
Luxembourg | Rhumathologie | |
Magyarország | Reumatológia | |
Malta | Rewmatoloġija | |
Nederland | Reumatologie | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Reumatologia | |
Portugal | Reumatologia | |
România | Reumatologie | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Reumatológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Reumatologia/Reumatologi | |
Sverige | Reumatologi | |
United Kingdom | Rheumatology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Трансфузионна хематология | |
Česká republika | Hematologie a transfúzní lékařství | |
Danmark | Hæmatologi eller blodsygdomme | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Hämatologie und Onkologie | |
Eesti | Hematoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Αιματoλoγία | |
España | Hematología y hemoterapia | |
France | ||
Ireland | Haematology (clinical and laboratory) | |
Italia | Ematologia | |
Κύπρος | Αιματολογία | |
Latvija | Hematoloģija | |
Lietuva | Hematologija | |
Luxembourg | Hématologie | |
Magyarország | Haematológia | |
Malta | Ematoloġija | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Hematologia | |
Portugal | Imuno-hemoterapia | |
România | Hematologie | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Hematológia a transfúziológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen hematologia/Klinisk hematologi | |
Sverige | Hematologi | |
United Kingdom | Haematology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Ендокринология и болести на обмяната | |
Česká republika | Endokrinologie | |
Danmark | Medicinsk endokrinologi eller medicinske hormonsygdomme | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Endokrinologie und Diabetologie | |
Eesti | Endokrinoloogia | |
Ελλάς | Ενδoκρινoλoγία | |
España | Endocrinología y nutrición | |
France | Endocrinologie, maladies métaboliques | |
Ireland | Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus | |
Italia | Endocrinologia e malattie del ricambio | |
Κύπρος | Ενδοκρινολογία | |
Latvija | Endokrinoloģija | |
Lietuva | Endokrinologija | |
Luxembourg | Endocrinologie, maladies du métabolisme et de la nutrition | |
Magyarország | Endokrinológia | |
Malta | Endokrinoloġija u Dijabete | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Endokrynologia | |
Portugal | Endocrinologia | |
România | Endocrinologie | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Endokrinológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Endokrinologia/endokrinologi | |
Sverige | Endokrina sjukdomar | |
United Kingdom | Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine physique et réadaptation/Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie | |
България | Физикална и рехабилитационна медицина | |
Česká republika | Rehabilitační a fyzikální medicína | |
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin | |
Eesti | Taastusravi ja füsiaatria | |
Ελλάς | Φυσική Iατρική και Απoκατάσταση | |
España | Medicina física y rehabilitación | |
France | Rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Medicina fisica e riabilitazione | |
Κύπρος | Φυσική Ιατρική και Αποκατάσταση | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | Fizinė medicina ir reabilitacija | |
Luxembourg | Rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles | |
Magyarország | Fizioterápia | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | Revalidatiegeneeskunde | |
Österreich | Physikalische Medizin | |
Polska | Rehabilitacja medyczna | |
Portugal | Fisiatria ou Medicina física e de reabilitação | |
România | Recuperare, medicină fizică și balneologie | |
Slovenija | Fizikalna in rehabilitacijska medicina | |
Slovensko | Fyziatria, balneológia a liečebná rehabilitácia | |
Suomi/Finland | Fysiatria/fysiatri | |
Sverige | Rehabiliteringsmedicin | |
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Estomatología | |
France | Stomatologie | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Odontostomatologia (hasta el |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Stomatologie | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | Estomatologia | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neuropsychiatrie | |
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Nervenheilkunde (Neurologie und Psychiatrie) | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Νευρoλoγία — Ψυχιατρική | |
España | ||
France | Neuropsychiatrie | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Neuropsichiatria (hasta el |
Κύπρος | Νευρολογία — Ψυχιατρική | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Neuropsychiatrie | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | ||
Nederland | Zenuw — en zielsziekten | |
Österreich | Neurologie und Psychiatrie | |
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Neuropsychiatria | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Dermato-vénéréologie/dermato-venerologie | |
България | Кожни и венерически болести | |
Česká republika | Dermatovenerologie | |
Danmark | Dermato-venerologi eller hud- og kønssygdomme | |
Deutschland | Haut — und Geschlechtskrankheiten | |
Eesti | Dermatoveneroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Δερματoλoγία — Αφρoδισιoλoγία | |
España | Dermatología médico-quirúrgica y venereología | |
France | Dermatologie et vénéréologie | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Dermatologia e venerologia | |
Κύπρος | Δερματολογία — Αφροδισιολογία | |
Latvija | Dermatoloģija un veneroloģija | |
Lietuva | Dermatovenerologija | |
Luxembourg | Dermato-vénéréologie | |
Magyarország | Bőrgyógyászat | |
Malta | Dermato-venerejoloġija | |
Nederland | Dermatologie en venerologie | |
Österreich | Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten | |
Polska | Dermatologia i wenerologia | |
Portugal | Dermatovenereologia | |
România | Dermatovenerologie | |
Slovenija | Dermatovenerologija | |
Slovensko | Dermatovenerológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Ihotaudit ja allergologia/hudsjukdomar och allergologi | |
Sverige | Hud- och könssjukdomar | |
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Dermatology | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | ||
Malta | Dermatoloġija | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Dermatology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Genito-urinary-medicine | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | ||
Malta | Mediċina Uro-ġenetali | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Genito-urinary medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Радиобиология | |
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Radiologie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Ακτινoλoγία — Ραδιoλoγία | |
España | Electrorradiología | |
France | Electro-radiologie | |
Ireland | Radiology | |
Italia | Radiologia (hasta el |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Électroradiologie | |
Magyarország | Radiológia | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | Radiologie | |
Österreich | Radiologie | |
Polska | ||
Portugal | Radiologia | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Tropical medicine | |
Italia | Medicina tropicale | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Trópusi betegségek | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Spezifische Prophylaxe und Tropenhygiene | |
Polska | Medycyna transportu | |
Portugal | Medicina tropical | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Tropická medicína | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Tropical medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Psychiatrie infanto-junvénile/Kinder en Jeugdpsychiatrie | |
България | Детска психиатрия | |
Česká republika | Dětská a dorostová psychiatrie | |
Danmark | Børne- og ungdomspsykiatri | |
Deutschland | Kinder — und Jugendpsychiatrie und — psychotherapie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Παιδoψυχιατρική | |
España | ||
France | Pédo-psychiatrie | |
Ireland | Child and adolescent psychiatry | |
Italia | Neuropsichiatria infantile | |
Κύπρος | Παιδοψυχιατρική | |
Latvija | Bērnu psihiatrija | |
Lietuva | Vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrija | |
Luxembourg | Psychiatrie infantile | |
Magyarország | Gyermek- és ifjúságpszichiátria | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Psychiatria dzieci i młodzieży | |
Portugal | Pedopsiquiatria | |
România | Psihiatrie pediatrică | |
Slovenija | Otroška in mladostniška psihiatrija | |
Slovensko | Detská psychiatria | |
Suomi/Finland | Lastenpsykiatria/barnpsykiatri | |
Sverige | Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri | |
United Kingdom | Child and adolescent psychiatry |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Гериатрична медицина | |
Česká republika | Geriatrie | |
Danmark | Geriatri eller alderdommens sygdomme | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Geriatría | |
France | ||
Ireland | Geriatric medicine | |
Italia | Geriatria | |
Κύπρος | Γηριατρική | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | Geriatrija | |
Luxembourg | Gériatrie | |
Magyarország | Geriátria | |
Malta | Ġerjatrija | |
Nederland | Klinische geriatrie | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Geriatria | |
Portugal | ||
România | Geriatrie și gerontologie | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Geriatria | |
Suomi/Finland | Geriatria/geriatri | |
Sverige | Geriatrik | |
United Kingdom | Geriatrics |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Нефрология | |
Česká republika | Nefrologie | |
Danmark | Nefrologi eller medicinske nyresygdomme | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin und Schwerpunkt Nephrologie | |
Eesti | Nefroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Νεφρoλoγία | |
España | Nefrología | |
France | Néphrologie | |
Ireland | Nephrology | |
Italia | Nefrologia | |
Κύπρος | Νεφρολογία | |
Latvija | Nefroloģija | |
Lietuva | Nefrologija | |
Luxembourg | Néphrologie | |
Magyarország | Nefrológia | |
Malta | Nefroloġija | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Nefrologia | |
Portugal | Nefrologia | |
România | Nefrologie | |
Slovenija | Nefrologija | |
Slovensko | Nefrológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Nefrologia/nefrologi | |
Sverige | Medicinska njursjukdomar (nefrologi) | |
United Kingdom | Renal medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Инфекциозни болести | |
Česká republika | Infekční lékařství | |
Danmark | Infektionsmedicin | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | Infektsioonhaigused | |
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Infectious diseases | |
Italia | Malattie infettive | |
Κύπρος | Λοιμώδη Νοσήματα | |
Latvija | Infektoloģija | |
Lietuva | Infektologija | |
Luxembourg | Maladies contagieuses | |
Magyarország | Infektológia | |
Malta | Mard Infettiv | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Choroby zakaźne | |
Portugal | Infecciologia | |
România | Boli infecțioase | |
Slovenija | Infektologija | |
Slovensko | Infektológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Infektiosairaudet/infektionssjukdomar | |
Sverige | Infektionssjukdomar | |
United Kingdom | Infectious diseases |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | Hygiena a epidemiologie | |
Danmark | Samfundsmedicin | |
Deutschland | Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Κοινωνική Ιατρική | |
España | Medicina preventiva y salud pública | |
France | Santé publique et médecine sociale | |
Ireland | Public health medicine | |
Italia | Igiene e medicina preventiva | |
Κύπρος | Υγειονολογία/Κοινοτική Ιατρική | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Santé publique | |
Magyarország | Megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan | |
Malta | Saħħa Pubblika | |
Nederland | Maatschappij en gezondheid | |
Österreich | Sozialmedizin | |
Polska | Zdrowie publiczne, epidemiologia | |
Portugal | Saúde pública | |
România | Sănătate publică și management | |
Slovenija | Javno zdravje | |
Slovensko | Verejné zdravotníctvo | |
Suomi/Finland | Terveydenhuolto/hälsovård | |
Sverige | Socialmedicin | |
United Kingdom | Public health medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | Klinická farmakologie | |
Danmark | Klinisk farmakologi | |
Deutschland | Pharmakologie und Toxikologie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Farmacología clínica | |
France | ||
Ireland | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | |
Italia | Farmacologia | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Klinikai farmakológia | |
Malta | Farmakoloġija Klinika u t-Terapewtika | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Pharmakologie und Toxikologie | |
Polska | Farmakologia kliniczna | |
Portugal | ||
România | Farmacologie clinică | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Klinická farmakológia | |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen farmakologia ja lääkehoito/klinisk farmakologi och läkemedelsbehandling | |
Sverige | Klinisk farmakologi | |
United Kingdom | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine du travail/arbeidsgeneeskunde | |
България | Трудова медицина | |
Česká republika | Pracovní lékařství | |
Danmark | Arbejdsmedicin | |
Deutschland | Arbeitsmedizin | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Iατρική της Εργασίας | |
España | Medicina del trabajo | |
France | Médecine du travail | |
Ireland | Occupational medicine | |
Italia | Medicina del lavoro | |
Κύπρος | Ιατρική της Εργασίας | |
Latvija | Arodslimības | |
Lietuva | Darbo medicina | |
Luxembourg | Médecine du travail | |
Magyarország | Foglalkozás-orvostan (üzemorvostan) | |
Malta | Mediċina Okkupazzjonali | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Arbeits- und Betriebsmedizin | |
Polska | Medycyna pracy | |
Portugal | Medicina do trabalho | |
România | Medicina muncii | |
Slovenija | Medicina dela, prometa in športa | |
Slovensko | Pracovné lekárstvo | |
Suomi/Finland | Työterveyshuolto/företagshälsovård | |
Sverige | Yrkes- och miljömedicin | |
United Kingdom | Occupational medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Клинична алергология | |
Česká republika | Alergologie a klinická imunologie | |
Danmark | Medicinsk allergologi eller medicinske overfølsomhedssygdomme | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Αλλεργιoλoγία | |
España | Alergología | |
France | ||
Ireland | ||
Italia | Allergologia ed immunologia clinica | |
Κύπρος | Αλλεργιολογία | |
Latvija | Alergoloģija | |
Lietuva | Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija | |
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Allergológia és klinikai immunológia | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | Allergologie en inwendige geneeskunde | |
Österreich | ||
Polska | Alergologia | |
Portugal | Imuno-alergologia | |
România | Alergologie și imunologie clinică | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Klinická imunológia a alergológia | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | Allergisjukdomar | |
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie abdominale/heelkunde op het abdomen | |
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | Kirurgisk gastroenterologi eller kirurgiske mave-tarm-sygdomme | |
Deutschland | Visceralchirurgie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Cirugía del aparato digestivo | |
France | Chirurgie viscérale et digestive | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Chirurgia dell'aparato digestivo | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | Abdominalinė chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie gastro-entérologique | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | Abdominalna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Gastroenterologická chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | Gastroenterologinen kirurgia/gastroenterologisk kirurgi | |
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine nucléaire/nucleaire geneeskunde | |
България | Нуклеарна медицина | |
Česká republika | Nukleární medicína | |
Danmark | Klinisk fysiologi og nuklearmedicin | |
Deutschland | Nuklearmedizin | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Πυρηνική Iατρική | |
España | Medicina nuclear | |
France | Médecine nucléaire | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Medicina nucleare | |
Κύπρος | Πυρηνική Ιατρική | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Médecine nucléaire | |
Magyarország | Nukleáris medicina (izotóp diagnosztika) | |
Malta | Mediċina Nukleari | |
Nederland | Nucleaire geneeskunde | |
Österreich | Nuklearmedizin | |
Polska | Medycyna nuklearna | |
Portugal | Medicina nuclear | |
România | Medicină nucleară | |
Slovenija | Nuklearna medicina | |
Slovensko | Nukleárna medicína | |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen fysiologia ja isotooppilääketiede/klinisk fysiologi och nukleärmedicin | |
Sverige | Nukleärmedicin | |
United Kingdom | Nuclear medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Спешна медицина | |
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Emergency medicine | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Traumatológia | |
Malta | Mediċina tal-Aċċidenti u l-Emerġenza | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Medycyna ratunkowa | |
Portugal | ||
România | Medicină de urgență | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Úrazová chirurgia/urgentná medicina | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Accident and emergency medicine |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | Klinisk neurofysiologi | |
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Neurofisiología clínica | |
France | ||
Ireland | Clinical neurophysiology | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | ||
Malta | Newrofiżjoloġija Klinika | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen neurofysiologia/klinisk neurofysiologi | |
Sverige | Klinisk neurofysiologi | |
United Kingdom | Clinical neurophysiology |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Лицево-челюстна хирургия | |
Česká republika | Maxilofaciální chirurgie | |
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Cirugía oral y maxilofacial | |
France | Chirurgie maxillo-faciale et stomatologie | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Chirurgia maxillo-facciale | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | Mutes, sejas un žokļu ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Veido ir žandikaulių chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie maxillo-faciale | |
Magyarország | Szájsebészet | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Mund — Kiefer — und Gesichtschirurgie | |
Polska | Chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa | |
Portugal | Cirurgia maxilo-facial | |
România | ||
Slovenija | Maksilofacialna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Maxilofaciálna chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Country | Title of qualification | Awarding body |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Stomatologie et chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale/stomatologie en mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie | |
България | ||
Česká republika | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Ireland | Oral and maxillo-facial surgery | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | Στοματο-Γναθο-Προσωποχειρουργική | |
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Chirurgie dentaire, orale et maxillo-faciale | |
Magyarország | Arc-állcsont-szájsebészet | |
Malta | Kirurġija tal-għadam tal-wiċċ | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | Suu- ja leukakirurgia/oral och maxillofacial kirurgi | |
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Oral and maxillo-facial surgery |