Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages
Modified by
Council Directive (EU) 2020/1151 of 29 July 2020 amending Directive 92/83/EEC on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages
August 25, 2020 section VIII article 28a Addition
August 25, 2020 article 23 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 12 point 2 Text Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 15 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 18 paragraph 4 unnumbered paragraph 1 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 22 paragraph 8 Addition
August 25, 2020 article 13a Addition
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 5 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 28 Repeal
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 3 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 1 Text Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 26 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 22 paragraph 6 Replacement
August 25, 2020 section VI article 23a Addition
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 1 point (b) Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 1 point (a) Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 1 point (d) Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 5 paragraph 1 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 2 point (f) Addition
August 25, 2020 article 9a Addition
August 25, 2020 section VIII article 28b Addition
August 25, 2020 article 22 paragraph 6a Addition
August 25, 2020 article 3 paragraph 1 unnumbered paragraph Addition
August 25, 2020 article 27 paragraph 4 Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 18a Addition
August 25, 2020 article 8 point 2 Text Replacement
August 25, 2020 article 13 paragraph 2 Replacement