Boatmasters' certificates valid for the waterways of a maritime character listed in Annex II
- Romania
brevet de căpitan fluvial categoria A (boatmaster's A certificate) (in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing No 984/04.07.2001 approving the Regulation on the issue of national capacity certificates for river sailing personnel, M.Of., p. I, nr. 441/6.VIII.2001).
- Kingdom of Belgium
"Brevet de conduite A (arrêté royal no … du …)"/"Vaarbrevet A (Koninklijk Besluit nr. … van …)".
- Federal Republic of Germany
"Schifferpatent" with additional validity for the "Seeschiffahrtsstraßen" (Binnenschifferpatentverordnung 7. 12. 1981).
- French Republic
Certificat général de capacité de catégorie "A" bearing the stamp specifying the validity of the certificate on Group A waterways (navigation zone 2 for the purposes of Directive 82/714/EEC) (décret du 23 juillet 1991, Journal officiel du 28 juillet 1991),
- "Certificats spéciaux de capacité" bearing the stamp specifying the validity of the certificate on Group A waterways (navigation zone 2 for the purposes of Directive 82/714/EEC) (décret du 23 juillet 1991, Journal officiel du 28 juillet 1991).
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
"Groot Vaarbewijs II" (Binnenschepenwet, Staatsblad 1981, nr. 678).
- Republic of Finland
- Kuljettajankirja IFörarbrev I.
- Kingdom of Sweden
Bevis om behörighet som skeppare B,
- Bevis om behörighet som skeppare A,
- Bevis om behörighet som styrman B,
- Bevis om behörighet som styrman A,
- Bevis om behörighet som sjökapten.
- Republic of Hungary
Hajóskapitányi bizonyítvány (captain's certificate),
- Hajóvezetői "A" bizonyítvány (boatmaster's A certificate) (in accordance with Decree No. 15/2001 (IV. 27.) KöViM of the Minister of Transport and Water Management on certificates in shipping).
- Republic of Poland
Patent żeglarski kapitana żeglugi śródlądowej - kategorii A (boatmaster's A certificate) (in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 23 January 2003 on the professional qualifications and on number of crew of inland waterway vessels).
Boatmasters' certificates valid for other inland waterways in the Community, with the exception of the Rhine, the Lek and the Waal
- Republic of Bulgaria:
Свидетелство за правоспособност "Капитан вътрешно плаване" (certificate of competence for inland navigation master)
- Свидетелство за правоспособност "Щурман вътрешно плаване" (certificate of competence for inland navigation watch-keeping officer) (Наредба № 6 от 25.7.2003 г. на министъра на транспорта и съобщенията за компетентност на морските лица в Република България, обн. ДВ, бр.83 от 2003 г. In accordance with Ordinance No 6 of 25 July 2003 of the Minister of Transport and Communications on seafarers' competence in the Republic of Bulgaria, DV No. 83/2003).
- Romania
brevet de căpitan fluvial categoria B (boatmaster's B certificate) (in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing No 984/04.07.2001 approving the Regulation on the issue of national capacity certificates for river sailing personnel, M.Of., p. I, nr. 441/6.VIII.2001).
- Kingdom of Belgium
"Brevet de conduite B (arrêté royal no … du …)"/"Vaarbrevet B (Koninklijk Besluit nr. … van …)"
- Federal Republic of Germany
"Schifferpatent" (Binnenschifferpatentverordnung 7. 12. 1981)
- French Republic
Certificat général de capacité de catégorie "A", not bearing the stamp specifying the validity of the certificate on Group A waterways (navigation zone 2 for the purposes of Directive 82/714/EEC) (décret du 23 juillet 1991, Journal officiel du 28 juillet 1991),
- "Certificats spéciaux de capacité" not bearing the stamp specifying the validity of the certificate on Group A waterways (navigation zone 2 for the purposes of Directive 82/714/EEC) (décret du 23 juillet 1991, Journal officiel du 28 juillet 1991).
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
"Groot Vaarbewijs I" (Binnenschepenwet, Staatsblad 1981, nr. 678).
- Republic of Austria
Kapitänspatent A,
- Schiffsführerpatent A.
- Republic of Finland
- Kuljettajankirja IFörarbrev I.
- Kingdom of Sweden
Bevis om behörighet som skeppare B,
- Bevis om behörighet som skeppare A,
- Bevis om behörighet som styrman B,
- Bevis om behörighet som styrman A,
- Bevis om behörighet som sjökapten.
- Czech Republic
Průkaz způsobilosti kapitána a průkaz způsobilosti kormidelníka (Act of 25 May 1995 on inland navigation (114/1995 Sb.) and Decree of the Ministry of Transport of 14 September 1995 on the Eligibility of Persons to Pilot and Operate Vessels (224/1995 Sb.)).
- Republic of Estonia
Siseveelaeva laevajuhi diplom.
- Republic of Lithuania
Vidaus vandenų transporto specialisto laipsnio diplomas (approved by Order No 161 of 15 May 2001 of the Minister of Transport and Communications on the Rules of Issue of Diplomas and Qualification Certificates for Inland Waterway Transport Specialists).
- Republic of Hungary
Hajóskapitányi bizonyítvány (captain's certificate),
- Hajóvezetői "A" bizonyítvány (boatmaster's A certificate) (in accordance with Decree No. 15/2001 (IV. 27.) KöViM of the Minister of Transport and Water Management on certificates in shipping).
- Republic of Poland
Patent żeglarski kapitana żeglugi śródlądowej - kategorii B (boatmaster's B certificate) (in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 23 January 2003 on the professional qualifications and on number of crew of inland waterway vessels.
- Slovak Republic
Lodný kapitán I. triedy,
- Lodný kapitán II. triedy,
- (Decree of the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic 182/2001 Z. z. establishing details on qualification requirements and verifying professional competence of a vessel crew member and a skipper of small vessels (referring to Article 30, paragraph 7 and Article 31, paragraph 3 of the Act 338/2000 Z. z. on inland navigation and amendments to certain Acts)).