Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3668/90 of 18 December 1990 laying down implementing procedures for the import arrangements applicable to products covered by CN codes 0714 10 91, 0714 10 99, 0714 90 11 and 0714 90 19 originating in the present contracting parties to the GATT other than Thailand
Modified by
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3647/91 of 13 December 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3668/90 laying down implementing procedures for the import arrangements applicable to products covered by CN codes 0714 10 91, 0714 10 99, 0714 90 11 and 0714 90 19 originating in the present Contracting Parties to the GATT other than Thailand
December 21, 1991 article 5.3 Amendment
December 21, 1991 article 5.4 Completion
December 21, 1991 article 5.1 Completion