Commission Directive 89/14/EEC of 15 December 1988 determining the groups of varieties of spinach beet and beetroot referred to crop isolation conditions of Annex I to Council Directive 70/458/EEC on the marketing of vegetable seed
Commission Directiveof 15 December 1988determining the groups of varieties of spinach beet and beetroot referred to crop isolation conditions of Annex I to Council Directive 70/458/EEC on the marketing of vegetable seed(89/14/EEC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,Having regard to Council Directive 70/458/EEC of 29 September 1970 on the marketing of vegetable seedOJ No L 225, 12. 10. 1970, p. 7., as last amended by Directive 88/380/EECOJ No L 187, 16. 7. 1988, p. 31.,, and in particular the final sentence of Annex I (4) (A) thereof,Whereas Commission Directive 87/481/EECOJ No L 273, 26. 9. 1987, p. 45. amended the conditions laid down in Annex I (4) to Directive 70/458/EEC for crop isolation for the production of spinach beet seed and beetroot seed;Whereas, according to Directive 87/481/EEC, the minimum distance from neighbouring plants of the same sub-species which might result in undesirable foreign pollination depends on whether the spinach beet or beetroot crop is of a variety belonging to the same group of varieties as those plants;Whereas it is therefore necessary to determine the groups of varieties of spinach beet and beetroot referred to in Annex I (4) (A) of Directive 70/458/EEC;Whereas the measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Seeds and Propagating Material for Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 1The groups of varieties of spinach beet and beetroot referred to in Annex I (4) (A) of Directive 70/458/EEC are those listed in the Annex to this Directive.
Article 2Member States shall take the measures necessary to comply with this Directive not later than 1 January 1990. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.
Article 3This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 15 December 1988.For the CommissionFrans AndriessenVice-PresidentANNEXI.Beta vulgaris L. var. vulgaris, Spinach beet, chard, and Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef., red beet or beetroot.Where the crop is of a genetically monogerm variety, multigerm varieties shall be regarded as belonging to a different group.II.Beta vulgaris L. var. vulgaris, Spinach beet, chard.Subject to point I, varieties shall be classified in five groups,.according to their characteristics, as follows:
1White petiole and pale green leaf blade, without anthocyanin coloration.
2White petiole and medium or dark green leaf blade, without anthocyanin coloration.
3Green petiole and medium or dark green leaf blade, without anthocyanin coloration.
4Pink petiole and medium or dark green leaf blade.
5Red petiole and leaf blade with anthocyanin coloration.
III.Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef., red beet or beetroot.Subject to point I, varieties shall be classified in six groups, according to their characteristics, as follows:
1Transverse narrow elliptic or transverse elliptic shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh red or purple.
2Circular or broad elliptic shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh white.
3Circular or broad elliptic shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh yellow.
4Circular or broad elliptic shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh red or purple.
5Narrow oblong shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh red or purple.
6Narrow obtriangular shape of root longitudinal section and root flesh red or purple.