Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 of 29 February 1988 on the organization of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings between 1988 and 1997
Modified by
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08)Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 194N395D0001, August 29, 1994
  • Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 395D0001, January 1, 1995
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 807/89 of 20 March 1989Commission Decisionof 9 February 1993(93/156/EEC), 389R0807393D0156, March 31, 1989
  • Commission Decisionof 9 February 1993(93/156/EEC), 393D0156, March 17, 1993
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1057/91 of 26 April 1991, 391R1057, April 27, 1991
  • Commission Decisionof 6 October 1994(94/677/EC), 394D0677, October 20, 1994
  • Commission Decisionof 15 February 1996(96/170/EC), 396D0170, February 24, 1996
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 2467/96 of 17 December 1996, 396R2467, December 24, 1996
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1103/97of 17 June 1997on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro, 397R1103, June 19, 1997
  • Commission Decisionof 18 May 1998adapting Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 in view of the organisation of the Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings(notified under document number C(1998) 1346)(98/377/EC), 398D0377, June 13, 1998
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 143/2002of 24 January 2002amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 in view of the organisation of the Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2003, 2005 and 2007, 302R0143, January 26, 2002
  • Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 September 2003adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, 303R1882, October 31, 2003
  • Regulation (EC) No 1435/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 22 June 2004amending, as a result of enlargement, Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 on the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings, 304R1435, August 16, 2004
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004of 8 December 2004adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004 of 8 December 2004 adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007(Official Journal of the European Union L 369 of 16 December 2004), 304R2139304R2139R(01), December 16, 2004
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004 of 8 December 2004 adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007, 304R2139R(01), September 20, 2005
Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88of 29 February 1988on the organization of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,Having regard to the proposals from the CommissionOJ No C 179, 8. 7. 1987, p. 3 andOJ No C 4, 8. 1. 1988, p. 10.,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ No C 305, 16. 11. 1987, p. 147.,Whereas trends in the structure of agricultural holdings are an important factor in determining the development of the common agricultural policy; whereas the series of surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings, carried out on a Community basis since 1966/67, should be continued;Whereas such trends cannot be examined at Community level unless comparable data are available for all the Member States; whereas it is therefore necessary to continue previous harmonization and synchronization efforts;Whereas the workloads of the Member States and of the Commission in the execution of this task must be reduced as much as possible;Whereas, where at all possible, the characteristics, definitions and geographic units laid down for similar previous structure surveys should be retained;Whereas, when determining the characteristics to be examined , there must be an endeavour to curtail as far as possible the workload of persons concerned by the survey;Whereas, in order to assess the situation of Community agriculture and monitor trends in agricultural structures, it is necessary to carry out at regular intervals statistical surveys in agricultural holdings which have a certain agricultural area utilized for farming or if they produce a certain proportion for sale or whose production exceeds certain physical thresholds;Whereas, in view of the variety of statistical services in the Member States, the efficiency of sample survey methods and the necessity to obtain reliable information at reasonable cost, Member States should be allowed to decide whether the surveys they carry out are of a full or sample type, on condition that the results of the random sample surveys are reliable at the various levels of aggregation required;Whereas it is nonetheless necessary to carry out, at least every ten years, a census (full survey) of all the agricultural holdings in order to update the basic registers of holdings and the other information required for the stratification of sample surveys;Whereas, when the procedures to be employed for the Community censuses in 1989/90 and 1999/2000 are determined, acocunt (SIC! account) must be taken as far as possible of the recommendations of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) regarding world censuses of agriculture to be conducted sometime around 1990 and also around 2000;Whereas for the requirements of agricultural policy it is necessary to provide the statistical offices of the Member States and the Commission with a new system of analysing the data and disseminating the results of the surveys which is more flexible and rapid than the previous one, while alleviating the workload of the Member States;Whereas the introduction of adequate procedures enabling the Commission and the Member States to make the best use of the statistics prepared from the data collected in surveys of the structures of agricultural holdings should be facilitated;Whereas individual data are subject to statistical confidentiality;Whereas it is necessary, when implementing a new system for the use of surveys and the circulation of their results,to take account of the positions of the Directors-General of the Member States' national statistical institutions on the preparation of rules on the confidentiality of statistics,to ensure close cooperation between the Member States in the analysis of the data;Whereas the coordinating role of the Statistical Office of the European Community is necessary to meet the Community requirements for information in the field in question and to ensure uniform analysis of the results obtained;Whereas, in order to carry out these surveys, considerable funding will be required from both the Member States and the Commission over a number of years, a large proportion of which will be used to meet the requirements of the Community; whereas provision should therefore be made for a Community subsidy to assist this programme;Whereas, in order to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation, close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission should continue, in particular via the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics set up by Decision 72/279/EECOJ No L 179, 7. 8. 1972, p. 1.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1As part of the programme of statistical surveys of the Community, Member States shall, between 1988 and 2007, carry out surveys on the structure of the agricultural holdings in their territories, hereinafter referred to as "surveys". The reference periods of these surveys are set out in Articles 2 and 3.
Article 21.In line with the FAO recommendations for world censuses of agriculture, Member States shall carry out a basic survey in one or more stages in the form of a general census (full survey) of all agricultural holdings, between 1 December 1988 and 1 March 1991 and between 1 December 1998 and 1 March 2001 respectively. These surveys shall relate to the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 1989 or 1990 and in 1999 or 2000.Nevertheless, in the framework of the 1989/90 basic survey, Member States may use random sample surveys, hereinafter referred to as "sample survey" for certain characteristics; the results obtained thereby shall be extrapolated.2.Member States may, however, bring forward or defer the carrying out in the 1989/90 basic survey by 12 months at most, in which case they shall carry out a sample survey, relating to one of the crop years 1989 or 1990.
Article 3The following surveys (interim surveys)on the structure of agricultural holdings shall be carried out in one or more stages in the form of full or sample surveys:(a)between 1 December 1992 and 1 March 1994, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 1993 (structure survey 1993);(b)between 1 December 1994 and 1 March 1996, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 1995 (structure survey 1995); and(c)between 1 December 1996 and 1 March 1998, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 1997 (structure survey 1997);(d)between 1 December 2002 and 1 March 2004, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 2003 (structure survey 2003);(e)between 1 December 2004 and 1 March 2006, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 2005 (structure survey 2005);and(f)between 1 December 2006 and 1 March 2008, covering the crop year corresponding to the crop to be harvested in 2007 (structure survey 2007).
Article 4Member States conducting sample surveys shall take the necessary steps to obtain reliable results at the various levels of aggregation required, which are as follows:the regions referred to in Article 8,the districts referred to in Article 8 (for base surveys only),the "objective zones" within the meaning of Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88OJ No L 185, 15. 7. 1988, p. 9. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3193/94 (OJ No L 163, 2. 7. 1996, p. 45). and Commission Decision 94/197/ECOJ No L 96, 14. 4. 1994, p. 1. (for the 1999/2000 basic survey only),and in so far as the following territorial units are important locally:the "less-favoured agricultural areas" as defined in Article 3 of Directive 75/268/EECOJ No L 128, 19. 5. 1975, p. 1. Directive as last amended by the 1994 Act of Accession. and the "mountain areas" as defined in paragraph 3 of the same Article,the principal technical economic guide-lines within the meaning of Decision 85/377/EECOJ No L 220, 17. 8. 1985, p. 1. Decision as last amended by Commission Decision 96/393/EC (OJ No L 163, 2. 7. 1996, p. 45).,the particular technical economic guide-lines within the meaning of the same Decision.Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that samples are structured in a way which allows the use of one single coefficient per holding for raising the information collected by sampling.
Article 5For the purposes of applying this Regulation:(a)"agricultural holding" shall mean a single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which produces agricultural products;(b)"agricultural area utilized for farming" shall mean the total area taken up by arable land, permanent pasture and meadow, land used for permanent crops and kitchen gardens.
Article 6The surveys shall cover:(a)agricultural holdings where the agricultural area utilized for farming is one hectare or more;(b)agricultural holdings where the agricultural area utilized for farming is less than one hectare, if they produce a certain proportion for sale or if their production unit exceeds certain physical thresholds.However, Member States which use a different survey threshold commit themselves to fixing this threshold at a level excluding only the smallest holdings which together contribute 1% or less to the total standard gross margin (SGM), within the meaning of Decision 85/377/EEC, for the Member State concerned.Before the surveys are carried out Member States shall inform the Commission of the methods used to fix their thresholds.
Article 71.In the case of combined crops, the agricultural area utilized for farming shall be allocated between the various crops in proportion to the amount of land the latter take up.The procedure for this allocation and, if appropriate, exceptions to the general rule will be settled by the Member States in agreement with the Commission.Furthermore, the area used for combined crops shall also be recorded separately from the utiized (SIC! utilized) agricultural area (UAA) in accordance with the groupings listed in Annex I.2.The area used for successive secondary crops shall be recorded separately from the "utilized agricultural area."Successive secondary crops shall be enumerated in accordance with the groupings listed in Annex I.
Article 81.Member States shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the information collected in the surveys referred to in this Regulation complies with the characteristics listed in Annex I. The changes to be made to that list of characteristics for the 1993 to 2007 surveys shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15.2.In the framework of determining the list of characteristics for the 1992/2000 basic survey, Member States may, at their request and on the basis of appropriate documentation, be authorized by the Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15, to use random sample surveys for certain characteristics.In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15, likewise on request and on the basis of appropriate documentation and in the framework of determining the list of survey characteristics, Member States may be authorized to use, for certain characteristics as from the 1997 survey, already available information from sources other than statistical surveys.3.In the 1999/2000 basic survey, the geographical situation of each holding shall be defined by a code which allows for aggregation by territorial units lower than the survey-district level or at least by objective zones.4.The definitions relating to the characteristics and to the delimination (SIC! delimitation) and coding of regions, survey districts and other territorial units shall be fixed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15.5.Where, for the purpose of applying the Community typology for agricultural holdings in certain Member States, standard gross margins have been established relating to subdivisions of certain characteristics listed in Annex 1, the Member States concerned shall collect all the information necessary to permit the application of these standard gross margins.
Article 9Member States shall take all appropriate steps to carry out the surveys in their territories. In particular they shall:(a)devise questionnaires appropriate to the collection of the information provided for in the list of characteristics mentioned in Article 8 (1);(b)check whether the questionnaires have been completed in full and whether the replies are credible; where necessary and as far as possible, they shall complete missing data and correct inaccurate data.
Article 10Member States shall forward to the Statistical Office of the European Communities the information mentioned in Article 8 (1) obtained from the censuses and sample surveys in the form of individual data per holding, in accordance with the procedure described in Annex II, hereafter called "Eurofarm project".Member States shall ensure that the data transferred in the Eurofarm standard record layout are complete and plausible, using the uniform checking conditions laid down by the Statistical Office of the European Communities after close collaboration with the competent services of the Member States; they shall also use the checking tables mentioned in paragraph 9 of Annex II for checking individual data.
Article 11Member States shall supply the Statistical Office of the European Communities with any information it may require of them regarding the organization and methodology of the surveys covered by this Regulation; in particular, they shall provide detailes (SIC! details) of the timetable for the data collection operations in the field.
Article 12In the context of the Eurofarm project, the Statistical Office of the European Communities shall be responsible for disseminating the tabular results of the survey. The practical details of such dissemination shall be agreed by the appropriate committees and working parties.
Article 13Every three years, and in the first instance not later than 31 December 1992, the Commission shall submit to the Council a report on the operation of the Eurofarm project. It shall propose any necessary changes to this Regulation.
Article 141.As a contribution to expenses incurred by the Member States in carrying out the surveys provided for in Articles 2 and 3, 20 ECU per holding for which complete survey results are forwarded to the Statistical Office of the European Communities shall be reimbursed up to a maximum per survey of:100000 ECU for Luxembourg,500000 ECU for Belgium and Denmark,ECU 600000 for Sweden,700000 ECU for the Netherlands,ECU 700000 for Finland,1100000 ECU for Ireland,1300000 ECU for the United Kingdom,ECU 1400000 for Austria.2000000 ECU for Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal,EUR 25000 for Malta,EUR 200000 for Cyprus,EUR 500000 for Estonia and Slovenia,EUR 700000 for Slovakia,EUR 1100000 for the Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania,EUR 2000000 for Hungary and Poland.For Member States which carry out a general census (full survey) in 1999/2000 of all agricultural holdings surveying all the required characteristics, the abovementioned sums shall be increased by 50%.The financial framework for the implementation of this programme, including the appropriations necessary for the management of the Eurofarm project, shall be set at EUR 43,7 million for the period 2004-2006.The amount for the period 2007-2009 will be fixed by the budgetary and legislative authority on a proposal from the Commission on the basis of the new financial perspective for the period commencing in 2007.The annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.2.The maximum annual financial reference amount for the development, maintenance, necessary adaptations to, and management of, the Eurofarm project, including dissemination of results, shall be:ECU 480000 for 1989,ECU 440000 for 1990,ECU 240000 for 1991,ECU 80000 for the years 1992 to 1998,ECU 700000 for the years 1999 and 2000,ECU 550000 for the years 2001 to 2010.The annual appropriations shall be authorized by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.
Article 151.The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee".2.Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/ECCouncil Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23). shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at one month.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 16This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ILIST OF CHARACTERISTICS FOR 2005 AND 2007Note to the reader: The numbering of the characteristics is a consequence of the long history of the farm structure surveys and cannot be changed without repercussion on comparability between surveys.Explanatory notes:The characteristics marked with the letters "NE" in the Annex are deemed not to exist or to be close to zero in the respective Member States.The characteristics marked with the letters "NS" are deemed not to be significant in the respective Member States.
The provision of information on less-favoured area (A2) and mountain area (A2a) is optional in case the municipality code (A1a) is sent for each holding. In case the municipality code (A1a) is not provided for the holding, the information on less-favoured area (A2) and mountain area (A2a) is obligatory.Voluntary information.Not recorded in the 2007 survey.Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria may include item G/1(c) "nuts" under this heading.Voluntary information.Germany may merge headings 8(c), 8(d) and 8(e).Optional in the 2005 survey. Not recorded in the 2007 survey.Optional for Member States that are able to provide an overall estimate for this characteristic at regional level.A.Geographical situation of the holdingB.Legal personality and management of the holding(on the day of the survey)1.Is the legal and economic responsibility of the holding assumed by:C.Type of tenure (in relation to the holder) and farming systemAgricultural area utilised:5.Farming system and practises:(f)Direct investment aids to the holding in the framework of common agricultural policy during the last five years:6.Destination of the holding’s production:D.Arable landCereals for the production of grain (including seed):of which:Industrial plants:Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries:of which:Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries):18.Forage plants:of which:G.Permanent cropsof which normally producing:H.Other landI.Successive secondary cropping, mushrooms, irrigation and set-aside of arable land3.Irrigated areaJ.Livestock (on the reference day of the survey)Bovine animals:Sheep and goats:PigsPoultry:of which:K.Tractors, cultivators, machinery and equipment1.On day of survey, belonging exclusively to the holding2.Machinery used in the last 12 months, used by several holdings (belonging to another holding, to a cooperative or owned jointly with other holdings) or belonging to a service supply agencyL.Farm labour force (in the 12 months preceding the day of the survey)Statistical information is collected for each person, working on the holding, belonging to the following farm labour force categories in a way allowing multiple crossing with each other and/or with any other survey characteristics.1.HoldersIn this category are found:natural persons:sole holders of independent holdings (all persons who have answered "yes" to question B/1(a))the partner on group holdings that has been identified as being the holderlegal personsThe following information is recorded for each natural person mentioned above:1 (a)ManagersIn this category are found:the managers on independent holdings, including spouses and other members of the holders’ families who are also manager; that is where the answer is "yes" to either B/2( a) or B/2( b)the partners on group holdings who have been identified as managersthe managers on holdings where the holder is a legal person.(The managers who are at the same time sole holders or partners identified as being the holder of a group holding are recorded only once, that is, as a holder in category L/1).The following information is recorded for each person mentioned above:2.Spouses of holdersIn this category are found the spouses of sole holders (the answer to question B/1 (a) is "yes") who are not included in L/1, nor included in L/1(a) (they are not managers: the answer to question B/2(b) is "no")The following information is recorded for each person mentioned above:3 (a)Other members of sole holders’ families carrying out farm work for the holding: male (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1(a) and L/2)3 (b)Other members of sole holders' families carrying out farm work for the holding: female (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1(a) and L/2)The following information on the number of persons on the holding corresponding to the following classes is to be recorded for each person of the categories mentioned above:4 (a)Non-family labour regularly employed: male (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1a, L/2 and L/3)4 (b)Non-family labour regularly employed: female (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1a, L/2 and L/3)The following information on the number of persons on the holding corresponding to the following classes is to be recorded for each of the categories mentioned above:7.Does the holder who is also the manager have any other gainful activities?8.Does the sole holder’s spouse have any other gainful activity:9.Does any other member of the sole holder’s family engaged in the farm work of the holding have any other gainful activity? If "yes", how many have other gainful activities:M.Rural development1.Other gainful activities on the holding (other than agriculture), directly related to the holding
1.Survey districtcode
(a)Municipality or subsurvey districtcode
2.Less-favoured areayes/noNE
(a)Mountain areayes/noNENENENENE
3.Agricultural areas with environmental restrictionsyes/noNENENENE
(a)a natural person who is a sole holder, where the holding is independent?yes/no
(b)one or more natural persons who is/are a partner, where the holding is a group holding?yes/noNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNS
(c)a legal person?yes/no
2.If the answer to question B/1 (a) is "yes", is the person (the holder) also the manager?yes/no
(a)If the answer to question B/2 is "no", is the manager a member of the holder’s family?yes/no
(b)If the answer to question B/2(a) is "yes", is the manager the spouse of the holder?yes/noNSNS
3.Agricultural training of the managers (only practical agricultural experience, basic agricultural training, full agricultural training)code
1.For owner farmingha/a
2.For tenant farmingha/a
3.For share farming or other modesha/aNSNSNSNENENS
(a)The utilised agricultural area of the holding on which organic farming production methods are applied according to European Community rulesha/aNSNE
(d)The utilised agricultural area of the holding that are under conversion to organic farming production methodsha/aNSNE
(e)Is the holding applying organic production methods also to the animal production?totally, partly, not at allNSNE
(i)Did the holding benefit directly from public aids within the framework of productive investments?yes/no
(ii)Did the holding benefit directly from public aids within the framework of rural development measures?yes/no
(a)Does the household of the holder consume more than 50 % of the value of the final production of the holding?yes/noNSNSNENSNSNSNENSNSNE
(b)Do the direct sales to consumers account for more than 50 % of the total sales?yes/noNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
1.Common wheat and speltha/aNE
8.Other cereals for the production of grainha/aNE
9.Protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)ha/aNE
(e)peas, field beans and sweet lupinesha/aNENS
(f)lentils, chick peas and vetchesha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNSNSNSNENS
(g)other protein crops harvested dryha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNSNSNSNSNE
10.Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)ha/a
11.Sugar beet (excluding seeds)ha/aNENENE
12.Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seeds)ha/aNENSNS
26.Rape and turnip rapeha/aNENENENS
29.Linseed (oil flax)ha/aNSNSNSNENENSNENSNSNS
30.Other oil seed cropsha/aNSNSNENSNENENENSNSNSNS
34.Aromatic plants, medicinal and culinary plantsha/aNSNENENSNSNS
35.Industrial plants, not mentioned elsewhereha/aNSNSNSNSNENSNSNS
14.Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective coverha/a
(a)open fieldha/aNENS
(b)market gardeningha/aNE
15.Under glass or other (accessible) protective coverha/aNS
16.Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective coverha/aNSNS
17.Under glass or other (accessible) protective coverha/a
(a)temporary grassha/aNE
(b)other green fodderha/a
(i)green maize (maize for silage)ha/aNENSNS
(iii)other forage plantsha/aNS
19.Arable land seeds and seedlings (excluding cereals, dried vegetables, potatoes and oil-seed plants)ha/aNSNENE
20.Other arable land cropsha/aNSNSNE
21.Fallow land without any subsidiesha/aNE
22.Fallow land subject to set-aside incentive schemes with no economic useha/a
E.Kitchen gardensha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
F.Permanent grassland and meadowha/aNE
1.Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazingha/aNE
2.Rough grazingha/aNENENENENENE
1.Fruit and berry plantationsha/a
(a)fresh fruit and berry species of temperate climate zonesha/a
(b)fruit and berry species of subtropical climate zonesha/aNENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENE
(a)normally producing table olivesha/aNENENENENENSNENENENENENENENENSNENENENE
(b)normally producing olives for oil productionha/aNENENENENENSNENENENENENENENENENENENE
1.Non-utilised agricultural land (agricultural land which is no longer farmed, for economic, social or other reasons, and which is not used in the crop rotation system)ha/a
2.Wooded areaha/aNE
3.Other land (land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, quarries, infertile land, rock, etc.)ha/a
1.Successive secondary crops (excluding market-garden crops and crops under glass)ha/aNENSNENENENENSNENENS
(a)total irrigable areaha/aNSNSNSNSNSNE
(b)cultivated area irrigatedha/aNSNSNSNSNSNENS
8.Area subject to set-aside incentive schemes broken down by: ha/a
(a)fallow land with no economic use (already recorded under D/22)ha/a
(b)areas used for the production of agricultural raw material for non-food purposes (e.g. sugar beet, rape, non-forestry trees and bushes etc., including lentils, chick peas and vetches; already recorded under D and G)ha/aNENE
(c)areas converted into permanent pasture and meadow (already recorded under F/1 and F/2)ha/aNSNENENENE
(d)former agricultural areas converted into wooded area or being prepared for afforestation (already recorded under H/2)ha/aNSNENS
(e)other areas (already recorded under H/1 and H/3)ha/aNSNE
1.Equidaenumber of heads
2.Bovine animals, under one year old, male and femalenumber of heads
3.Male bovine animals, one but less than two years oldnumber of heads
4.Female bovine animals, one but less than two years oldnumber of heads
5.Male bovine animals, two years old and overnumber of heads
6.Heifers, two years old and overnumber of heads
7.Dairy cowsnumber of heads
8.Other cowsnumber of heads
9.Sheep (all ages)number of heads
(a)sheep, breeding femalesnumber of heads
(b)other sheepnumber of heads
10.Goats (all ages)number of headsNSNSNS
(a)goats, breeding femalesnumber of headsNSNSNS
(b)other goatsnumber of headsNSNSNS
11.Piglets having a live weight of under 20 kgnumber of heads
12.Breeding sows weighing 50 kg and overnumber of heads
13.Other pigsnumber of heads
14.Broilersnumber of heads
15.Laying hensnumber of heads
16.Other poultrynumber of heads
(a)turkeysnumber of headsNS
(b)ducksnumber of headsNSNSNS
(c)geesenumber of headsNSNSNSNENS
(d)other poultry, not mentioned elsewherenumber of headsNSNSNSNS
17.Rabbits, breeding femalesnumber of headsNSNSNSNSNSNENENS
18.Beesnumber of headsNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
19.Livestock not mentioned elsewhereyes/noNSNSNSNSNSNENS
1.Four-wheel tractors, track-laying tractors, tool carriers by power rating (kW)Number
a)< 40Number
b)40 to < 60Number
c)60 to < 100NumberNS
d)100 and moreNumberNE
2.Cultivators, hoeing machines, rotary hoes and motor mowersNumber
3.Combine harvestersNumber
9.Other fully mechanised harvestersNumberNS
10.Irrigation equipmentyes/noNSNSNENE
(a)if yes, is the equipment mobileyes/noNSNSNENE
(b)if yes, is the equipment fixedyes/noNSNSNENENS
1.Four-wheel tractors, track-laying tractors, tool carriers by power rating (kW)yes/no
2.Cultivators, hoeing machines, rotary hoes and motor mowersyes/no
3.Combine harvestersyes/no
9.Other fully mechanised harvestersyes/no
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
0 %, > 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
0 %, > 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
The farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 2 5 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker
5. and 6Non-family labour employed on a non regular basis: male and femaleNumber of working days
as his/her major occupation?yes/no
as a subsidiary occupation?yes/no
as his/her major occupation?yes/no
as a subsidiary occupation?yes/no
as his/her major occupation?number of persons
as a subsidiary occupation?number of persons
10.Total number of equivalent full-time working days of farm work during the 12 months preceding the day of the survey, not included under L/1 to L/6, undertaken on the holding by persons not employed directly by the holding (e.g. contractors’ employees)number of daysNENSNS
(a)tourism, accommodation and other leisure activitiesyes/noNSNE
(c)processing of farm productsyes/no
(d)wood processing (e.g. sawing, etc.)yes/noNSNENENS
(f)renewable energy production (wind energy, straw-burning, etc.)yes/noNSNE
(g)contractual work (using equipment of the holding)yes/no
ANNEX IIEUROFARM PROJECTDescription and content1.The Eurofarm project is a set of data banks to be used for processing Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings for the requirements of national and Community agricultural policies.The project will be designed and implemented by the statistical services of the Member States and of the Commission, working in close consultation and with Commission support.2.The Eurofarm data banks are as follows:the individual data bank (BDI), which will contain the individual data not directly indentifiable (SIC! identifiable) on all holdings (in the case of basic surveys) or data on all holdings or on a representative sample of holdings (in the case of interim surveys) which is sufficient to enable analyses to be carried out at the geographical levels mentioned in Article 4 of the Regulation.the Tabular Data Bank (BDT), which will contain the survey results in the form of statistical tables. The contents of the BDT will be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15 of this Regulation.Location of the data banks3.Except in case of the individual data of Germany concerning the 1988 to 1997 surveys, the BDI for all Member States is located in a Commission processing centre. The Statistical Office of the European Communities has sole responsibility for access to it and for its management.4.The BDT is housed in a Commission processing centre.Communication of the individual data to the Statistical Office of the European Communities5.Individual data will be supplied using a uniform code specified by Eurostat in agreement with the Member States and within time limits to be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15 of this Regulation.6.By way of derogation, Germany will not forward individual data but tabular results corresponding to the BDT table programme mentioned under paragraph 2. This derogation expires after the surveys of the period 1988 to 1997.Germany undertakes to centralize the individual data on a magnetic carrier in a single data-processing centre, within 12 months of completion of data collection in the field.Communication of the tabular data7.On the basis of the individual data supplied by the Member States the Statistical Office of the European Communities will compile:tables intended for BDT,ad hoc tables as defined in paragraph 15.8.1.Where the individual data forwarded by the Member States do not enable the Statistical Office of the European Communities to prepare all the tables for the BDT specified in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15, the Member States in question shall undertake to supply the missing tables three months after the date for the forwarding of individual data referred to in paragraph 5 of the Annex.8.2.Where the individual data forwarded by the Member States do not enable the Statistical Office of the European Communities to prepare the ad hoc tables based on the characteristics listed in Annex I, the Commission, in collaboration with the Member States, shall consider how the tables in question are to be forwarded.9.Together with the individual data the Member States undertake to forward the checking tables which will be defined by the Statistical Office of the European Communities in concert with the Member States.Confidentiality of individual data10.The individual data must be forwarded to the Statistical Office of the European Communities in an anonymous form which does not allow holdings to be directly identified.11.The Commission will take suitable precautions within its data-processing system to safeguard the confidentiality of the data and shall inform the Member States thereof.12.Access to the individual data is restricted to the persons responsible within the Statistical Office of the European Communities for implementation of the Regulation.13.The tables referred to in paragraph 14 must not allow direct or indirect identification of holdings.Use of the data and dissemination of the results14.The Statistical Office of the European Communities undertakes to use the individual data communicated by the Member States for statistical purposes only, and to exclude all use for administrative ends.The individual data will be used in compiling:the tables contained in the BDT,the ad hoc tables.15.Ad hoc tables are those for which no provision has been made in the original Community programme fixing the content of the BDT, but whose compilation, on the basis of the characteristics indicated in Annex I, is requested in order to satisfy the information requirements of the Community institutions or of the Member States' statistical offices.Coordination16.In the framework of their respective responsibilities and in accordance with Regulation (Euratom, EEC) No 1588/90, the Statistical Office of the European Communities and the Member States will establish rapid consultation procedures with a view to:ensuring the confidentiality and statistical reliability of the information prepared on the basis of the individual data,informing the Member States of the use made of these data.