Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 of 22 September 1983 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish
Modified by
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, 185I, November 15, 1985
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 473/89of 24 February 1989amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 389R0473, February 25, 1989
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded(94/C 241/08), 194N, August 29, 1994
  • Decision of the Council of the European Unionof 1 January 1995adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union(95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC), 395D0001, January 1, 1995
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2945/95of 20 December 1995amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 395R2945, December 21, 1995
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 395/98of 19 February 1998amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 398R0395, February 20, 1998
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/98of 13 July 1998amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 398R1488, July 14, 1998
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2737/1999of 21 December 1999amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fishCorrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2737/1999 of 21 December 1999 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish(Official Journal of the European Communities L 328 of 22 December 1999)Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (CE) No 2737/1999 of 21 December 1999 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish(Official Journal of the European Communities L 328 of 22 December1999), 399R2737399R2737R(01)399R2737R(02), December 22, 1999
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1965/2001of 8 October 2001amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording Member States' catches of fish, 301R1965, October 9, 2001
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1804/2005of 3 November 2005amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording of information on Member States’ catches of fish, 305R1804, November 4, 2005
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 of 22 September 1983 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member State's catches of fish, 383R2807R(01), December 15, 1983
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2737/1999 of 21 December 1999 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 399R2737R(01), January 18, 2000
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (CE) No 2737/1999 of 21 December 1999 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish, 399R2737R(02), February 4, 2000
Commission Regulation(EEC) No 2807/83of 22 September 1983laying down detailed rules for recording information on Member States' catches of fish THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 170/83 of 25 January 1983 establishing a Community system for the conservation and management of fishery resourcesOJ No L 24, 27. 1. 1983, p. 1.,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82 of 29 July 1982 establishing certain control measures for fishing activities by vessels of the Member StatesOJ No L 220, 29. 7. 1982, p. 1., and in particular Article 13 thereof,Whereas Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82 provides that the masters of fishing vessels flying the flag of, or registered in, a Member State shall keep a log-book of their fishing operations;Whereas standardized log-books will ensure Community-wide compliance with the conservation measures adopted and should make for more effective monitoring of current rules and facilitate the scientific analysis of estimates of fish stocks and their exploitation;Whereas, to guarantee compliance with the quotas allocated to each Member State, a landing or transhipment declaration should be completed by the master stating the quantities actually landed or transhipped;Whereas this information should be transmitted systematically, by suitable means, in cases where the landing or transhipment is made more than 15 days after the catch;Whereas the Management Committee for Fishery Resources has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 11.The masters of Community fishing vessels whose length overall exceeds 10 metres shall record the information referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 in their logbook in accordance with the model shown in Annex I, for all fishing zones except those comprised in NAFO 1 and ICES V(a) and XIV, and in accordance with the model shown in Annex II, for the latter zones. However, the model shown in Annex IIa may be used for fisheries operations carried on exclusively in the Mediterranean by the masters of Community fishing vessels whose length overall does not exceed 18 metres and which make daily fishing trips in a single fishing zone.2.The logbook shown in Annex I, II or IIa shall also be kept in the manner prescribed in paragraph 1 when such vessels are operating in the waters of a non-member country, unless the non-member country in question specifically requires a different kind of logbook.3.For fisheries operations in the Mediterranean, any amount greater than 50 kg of live-weight equivalent of any species retained on board shall be recorded in the logbook.4.The codes given in Annex VI and the Three-Alpha codes established by the FAO or the names shall be used for indicating, under the appropriate headings of the logbook, the fishing gear used and the species caught.
Article 1 a1.Masters of Community fishing vessels authorized to carry out fishing activities in the areas, hereinafter referred to as effort zones, defined in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 685/95OJ No L 71, 31. 3. 1995, p. 5.and in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 779/97OJ L 113, 30.4.1997, p. 1., shall record the information referred to in Article 19 e of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93OJ No L 261, 20. 10. 1993, p. 1. in their logbooks in accordance with the model shown in Annex I.2.Where masters of Community fishing vessels cross an effort zone where they are authorized to fish without carrying out fishing activities they shall record the date and time of entry and exit to and from that effort zone in their logbook.3.The record shall be made in accordance with the instructions set out in Annex IV a.
Article 21.The landing declaration provided for by Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82 shall be completed as shown in Annex I or Annex III.However, if the landing takes place in a port of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered, another form specified by that Member State may be used provided that it contains at least the information set out in Annex III.However, the model shown in Annex IIa may be used if the landing takes place in a port of another Mediterranean coastal Member State, by the masters of Community fishing vessels whose length overall does not exceed 18 metres and which make daily fishing trips in a single fishing zone.2.The transhipment declaration provided for by Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82 shall be completed as shown in Annex I, except for the waters in NAFO 1 and ICES V a) and XIV. In these waters the landing or transhipment declaration as shown in Annex III shall be used.3.The declarations shall be made in accordance with the instructions set out in Annexes IV and V, as appropriate.
Article 3The information communicated by the master pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82 to the authorities of the State whose flag his vessel is flying or in which it is registered, where any landing or transhipment takes place more than 15 days after the catch, shall include:the quantities in kilograms of each species caught, transhipped or landed since the last communication,the ICES/NAFO/CECAF zone where the catches were made; catches made in the waters of a non-member country or outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State shall be indicated separately.The information shall be communicated every 15 days from the day on which the first catch was taken, in accordance with the provisions of Annex VIII.
Article 3 aWhere, pursuant to Article 19 c of Regulation (EC) No 2847/93, the master of a fishing vessel transmits a message concerning fishing effort by radio, transmission shall take place via one of the radio stations listed in Annex VIII a.The names, addresses and telex, telephone and fax numbers of the competent authorities referred to in the second indent of Article 19c (1) are shown in Annex VIII b.
Article 4The log-book and the landing or transhipment declaration may be checked by a fisheries enforcement officer of the competent Member State, in accordance with Article 1 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2057/82, to ensure compliance with all relevant conservation and control provisions, including those contained in this Regulation.
Article 51.Where the instructions set out in Annex IV state that the application of a rule is optional, the Member State whose flag a vessel is flying or in which it is registered is entitled to require that its master abide by the rule in question.2.The permitted margin of tolerance in estimates of the quantities, in kilograms, of fish subject to a TAC that are retained on board shall be 20 %.Where such fish are held in boxes, baskets or other containers, the precise number of boxes, baskets or other containers used shall be recorded.
Article 6This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply as from 90 days following the issue of the log-books to the Member States.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX I01983R2807-20051111_en_img_1ANNEX II01983R2807-20051111_en_img_2ANNEX IIa01983R2807-20051111_en_img_301983R2807-20051111_en_img_4ANNEX III01983R2807-20051111_en_img_5ANNEX IVINSTRUCTIONS TO MASTERS REQUIRED TO KEEP A LOG-BOOK AS AT ANNEX IOR ANNEX IIA AND TO MAKE A LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATION AS AT ANNEX IOR ANNEX IIA OR ANNEX III1.PRELIMINARY REMARKThese instructions are for masters of vessels who are required by the rules of the European Economic Community to keep a log-book during a fishing voyage and/or to produce a landing/transhipment declaration on return to port.2.INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE LOG-BOOK2.1.General rule2.1.1.Vessels required to keep a logbookMasters of Community fishing vessels whose overall length is equal to or more than 10 metres shall keep a logbook.Masters of Community fishing vessels whose overall length isless than 10 metres shall also keep a logbook if the Member State under whose flag thevessel operates or in which it is registered so requires.2.1.2.How to complete the log-bookThe log-book shall be completed daily by not later than 24.00 hours and at the time of arrival in port.The log-book shall also be completed at the time of any inspection at sea.All the compulsory information shall be given.Rules considered optional at Community level may be made mandatory if a Member State so wishes, in respect of vessels flying its flag or registered therein. In such cases the relevant authorities will issue additional instructions.2.1.3.Procedure for voyages in the waters of non-member countriesIf the non-member country in question has no specific requirements, the Community log-book shall be used.If the non-member country in question specifies a different kind of log-book, that shall be used instead of the Community log-book.If the non-member country in question does not specify a particular log-book but does prescribe entries different from those required by the Community, such entries shall be made.2.2.Information concerning the vesselThe following general information on the vessel or vessels, as the case may be, is to be filled in (against the corresponding numbers) at the top of each page of the log-book:Reference No in log-book (1)name of vessel and radio call signal if any,Reference No in log-book (2)external identification,Reference No in log-book (3)name and address of master,Reference No in log-book (4)day, month, hour and port of departure,Reference No in log-book (5)day, month, hour and port of return,Reference No in log-book (6)date and place of landing if different from (5),Reference No in log-book (7)in the case of transhipment date, name, radio call sign if any, nationality and external identification of recipient vessel.In the case of pair-fishing the name of the second vessel, the name of its master and its external identification should be entered below those of the vessel in respect of which the log-book is being kept.The master(s) of the other vessel(s) shall also keep a log-book indicating the quantities caught and kept on board in such a way that there is no double counting of catches.2.3.Information on the gearReference No in log-book (8)fishing gear — the type of gear should be indicated using the code in column 1 of Annex VI,Reference No in log-book (9)mesh size in millimetres,Reference No in log-book (10)capacity of the gear in accordance with the specifications in column 2 of Annex VI (optional).2.4.Information on fishing operations2.4.1.Type of informationThe information required on fishing operations is to be filled in against the corresponding numbers on the page of the log-book, as follows:Reference No in log-book (11)date — this shall correspond to each day at sea,Reference No in log-book (12)number of fishing operations in accordance with the specifications in column 3 of Annex VI (optional),Reference No in log-book (13)fishing time (optional entry) equals the number of hours spent at sea, minus the time spent in transit to, between and returning from the fishing grounds, dodging, inactive or waiting for repair; however, the number of hours taken up searching for fish (e.g. using sonar) will be considered as fishing time,Reference No in log-book (14)position.Examples:"ICES division or NAFO sub-area": refer to the ICES divisions as shown on the maps inside the cover of the log-book and indicate the code of each division.e.g.: IV a), VI b), VII g)."Statistical rectangle": refer to the ICES statistical rectangle on the charts inside the cover of the log-book. These rectangles are bounded by latitudes and longitudes corresponding to whole figures of degree or whole figures of degree plus 30′ for the latitudes and whole figures of degree for the longitudes. Using a combination of figures and a letter indicate the statistical rectangle in which most of the catches were made (e.g. the area between 56° and 56°30′ latitude North and between 6° and 7° longitude East = ICES code 41/F6).However, optional entries may be made in respect of all the statistical rectangles in which the vessel has fished during the day."Non-member country fishing zone": indicate where appropriate the fishing zone(s) of non-member countries or the waters outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State using the following codes as stated on the maps inside the cover of the log-book:NNorwaySSwedenFRFaroeESpainCDNCanadaISIcelandAHigh seas2.4.2.Quantities caught and retained on board (reference No in logbook: (15))Catches of an amount greater than 50 kg of live-weight equivalent of any species retained on board must be recorded in the logbook. However, for fisheries operations in the Mediterranean Sea, only the species indicated on the list contained in Annex VII must be recorded in the logbook.If the number of columns is insufficient, use a new page.Give the unit used (basket, box, etc.) and the net weight in kilograms live weight of the unit used.2.4.3.Optional estimates of discards (reference No in log-book: (16))Specify the quantity of fish discarded, preferably in kilograms live weight, or in another unit such as defined in (15) above.This information is provided for scientific purposes only and is not taken into account for the calculation of quotas.2.5.Spacing of log-book entriesA new line should be filled in for each day at sea.A new line should also be filled in when fishing in a new ICES division the same day.A new line should be filled in when fishing in another fishing zone on the same day.A new page should be filled in:when using different gear or a net with a mesh size different from that of the previous net used,for any fishing done after a transhipment or an intermediate landing.3.INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATIONGeneralruleOn entering port after each voyage, masters of all fishing vessels more than 10 metres in length and flying the flag of, or registered in, a Member State, or their agents, shall submit a landing declaration to the authorities at the place of landing. In the case of transhipment or landings outside the territory of the Community, the master shall immediately transmit to the State whose flag his vessel is flying or in which it is registered, the information given on the landing or transhipment declaration. In the case of transhipment the master of the fishing vessel shall enter the quantities on the transhipment declaration. A copy of the transhipment declaration shall be handed to the master of the recipient vessel. The original of the customs document T 2 M completed by the master of the fishing vessel shall also be handed to the master of the recipient vessel.Information to be providedThe actual quantities landed or estimates of the quantities transhipped are to be indicated on the declaration for each species but only on the last page used, as follows:Presentation of fish (reference No in log-book: (17))"Presentation" means the way fish has been processed. Indicate the nature of this processing if any: GUT for gutting, HEAD for heading, FILLET for filleting, etc. Where no processing has taken place, WHOLE for whole fish.Measurement unit for landed quantities (reference No in log-book: (18))Give the unit of weight used (e.g. basket, box, etc.) for landing fish and the weight of the unit in kilograms. This unit may be different from that used in the log-book.Total weight by species landed/transhipped (reference No in log-book: (19))Give the weight or quantities actually landed or transhipped for all species.The weight should correspond to the weight of fish as landed, i.e. after any processing on board. Conversion coefficients will be applied subsequently by the appropriate authorities in the Member State to calculate the corresponding live weight.ICES division/NAFO/CECAFGFCM sub-area and non-member country fishing zone (reference No in log-book: (22))This is an optional entry for those vessels obliged to keep a log-book: indicate the ICES division or NAFO/CECAFGFCM sub-area in which the catches were taken.4.GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE LOG-BOOK AND THE LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATION4.1.Procedure for completion4.1.1.Entries in the log-book and on the landing/transhipment declaration shall be legible and indelible.4.1.2.No entry in the log-book or on the landing/transhipment declaration may be erased or altered. If a mistake is made, the incorrect entry shall be struck out with a line and followed by a new entry initialled by the master or his agent.4.1.3.At least one landing declaration should be completed per vessel. One transhipment declaration should be completed for each transhipment operation.4.1.4.Each line in the log-book shall be initialled by the master. Each page of the log-book and the transhipment declaration, if relevant, shall be signed by the master. The landing declaration shall be signed by the master or his agent.4.2.Procedure for transmission4.2.1.In the case of landings in a port in the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing declaration shall be handed over or dispatched to the authorities of the Member State in question within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.2.In the case of landings in a Member State other than the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered the first copy of the landing declaration shall be handed over or dispatched to the authorities of the Member State of landing within 48 hours of completion of landing. The original(s) of the log-book and the original of the landing declaration shall be handed over or dispatched to the authorities of the Member States whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.3.In the case of landings in a non-member country, the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing declaration shall be dispatched to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.4.In cases where quantities received by transhipment are landed in a Community port, the copy of the transhipment declaration completed pursuant to paragraph 3 shall be handed over or dispatched to the relevant authorities.4.2.5.In the case of transhipments to a vessel flying the flag of a Member State or registered in a Member State, the first copy of the transhipment declaration shall be handed over to the master of the recipient vessel. The original shall be handed over on demand or dispatched, as the case may be, to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered, within 48 hours of completion of landing or on arrival in port.4.2.6.In the case of a transhipment of a vessel flying the flag of a non-member country, the original document shall be handed over or sent, as the case may be, as soon as possible to the Member State whose flag the fishing vessel is flying or in which it is registered.4.2.7.In cases where it is impossible for the master to dispatch the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing/transhipment declarations to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within the time limits specified, the information required by Annex I or Annex III in respect of the landing declaration shall be transmitted by radio or by other means to the authorities concerned.4.3.Responsibilities of the master in respect of the log-book, the landing declaration and the transhipment declaration4.3.1.The master of the vessel shall certify with his initials and signature that the estimated quantities entered in the log-book and on the transhipment declaration are reasonable.4.3.2.The master of the vessel shall certify with his initials and signature that the non-quantitative entries in the log-book and on the transhipment declaration, together with all entries on the landing declaration, are true.4.4.The copies of the log-book must be kept for one year.ANNEX IVaADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO MASTERS REQUIRED TO RECORD FISHING EFFORT IN A LOGBOOK AS AT ANNEX I1.PRELIMINARY REMARKThese instructions are additional to those contained in Annex IV and are for masters of vessels who are required by Community rules to record fishing effort deployed.2.INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING RECORDING2.1.General rule(a)All information required under this Annex must be recorded in the logbook.(b)Time is to be recorded as universal time (UTC).(c)Effort zone is to be recorded using the codes in Annex VIa.(d)Target species are to be recorded using the codes in Annex VIa.2.2.Information concerning fishing effort(a)Crossing an effort zoneWhere an authorized vessel enters an effort zone without carrying out fishing activity in that zone, an additional line must be completed. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date; the effort zone; the dates and times of each entry/exit; the word "Crossing"."(b)Entry into an effort zoneWhere the vessel enters an effort zone in which it is likely to carry out fishing activities, an additional line must be completed. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date; the word "entry"; the effort zone, the time of entry and the target species."(c)Exit from an effort zoneWhere the vessel leaves an effort zone in which it has carried out fishing activities and where the vessel enters another effort zone in which it is likely to carry out fishing activities, an additional line must be completed. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date; the word "entry"; the new effort zone, the time of exit/entry and the target species."Where the vessel leaves an effort zone in which it has carried out fishing activities and will not carry out further fishing activities in an effort zone, an additional line must be completed. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date; the word "exit"; the effort zone, the time of departure and the target species."(d)Trans-zonal fishingVessels remaining within an effort zone not exceeding 5 nautical miles either side of the line separating two effort zones must record their first entry and last exit during a period of 24 hours.Where the vessel carries out trans-zonal fishing activities, an additional line must be completed. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date; the word "trans-zonal"; the time of first exit and effort zone, the time of last entry and effort zone and the target species."2.3.Information concerning the communication of vessel movementsWhere a vessel, carrying out fishing activities directed at demersal species, is required to communicate its movements to the competent authorities, the following information must be given in addition to that referred to in point 2.2 (b), (c) and (d):the date and time of the communication,the geographical position of the vessel,the means of communication and, where applicable, the radio station used, andthe destination(s) of the communication.2.4.Information concerning fishing effort relating to static gearWhere a vessel carries out fishing activities using static or fixed gear, the master must fill in an additional line for that day at sea. The following information is to be inserted in that line:"the date and time the gear is shot and the date and time of completion of the fishing operation."ANNEX VINSTRUCTIONS TO MASTERS REQUIRED TO KEEP A LOG-BOOK AS SHOWN IN ANNEX II AND A LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATION AS AT ANNEX III1.PRELIMINARY REMARKThese instructions are for masters of vessels who are required by the rules of the European Economic Community to keep a log-book during a fishing voyage and/or to produce a landing/transhipment declaration on return to port.2.INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE LOG-BOOK2.1.General rule2.1.1.Vessels required to keep a logbookMasters of Community fishing vessels whose overall length is equal to or more than 10 metres shall keep a logbook.Masters of Community fishing vessels whose overall length is less than 10 metres shall also keep a logbook if the Member State under whose flag the vessel operates or in which it is registered so requires.2.1.2.How to complete the log-bookThe log-book shall be completed daily by not later than 24.00 hours, and at the time of arrival in port.The log-book shall also be completed at the time of any inspection at sea.All the compulsory information shall be given.Rules considered optional at Community level may be made mandatory if a Member State so wishes, in respect of vessels flying its flag or registered therein. In such cases the relevant authorities will issue additional instructions.2.2.Information concerning the vesselGeneral information on the vessel or vessels, as the case may be, is to be filled in at the top of each page of the log-book.In the case of pair-fishing the name of the second vessel, the name of its master and its external identification should be entered below those of the vessel in respect of which the log-book is being kept.The master of the other vessel shall also keep a log-book indicating the quantities caught and kept on board or transhipped, as the case may be, in such a way that there is no double counting of catches.2.3.Information on the gearFishing gear — the type of gear should be indicated using the code in column 1 of Annex VI.Mesh size in mm.2.4.Information on fishing operations2.4.1.Type of informationThe information required on fishing operations is to be filled in against the corresponding numbers on the page of the log-book for each haul or each time the gear is shot.Indicate under:start fishing operations: time,end fishing operations: time,duration of fishing operations: indicate difference in hours between start and end of fishing operations.position: latitude and longitude.Examples"ICES division or NAFO sub-area": refer to the ICES divisions as shown on the maps inside the cover of the log-book and indicate the code of each division.e.g.: V a) or NAFO 12.4.2.Quantities caught and retained on boardCatches of an amountgreater than 50 kg of live-weight equivalent of any species retained on board must be recorded in the logbook. However, for fisheries operations in the Mediterranean, only the species indicated on the list contained in Annex VII must be recorded in the logbook.If the number of columns is insufficient, use a new page.2.4.3.Estimates of discardsState the quantity of fish discarded in kilograms live weight or other unit of measurement. This information is for scientific purposes only and is not taken into account for the calculation of quotas.2.5.Spacing of log-book entriesA new page should be filled in for each day using a new line for each haul or each time the gear is shot.3.INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATIONGeneral ruleOn entering port after each voyage, masters of all fishing vessels more than 10 metres in length and flying the flag of, or registered in, a Member State, or their agents, shall submit a landing declaration to the authorities at the place of landing.In the case of transhipment or landings outside the territory of the Community, the master shall immediately transmit to the State whose flag his vessel is flying or in which it is registered, the information given on the landing or transhipment declaration.In the case of transhipment the master of the fishing vessel shall enter the quantities on the transhipment declaration. A copy of the transhipment declaration shall be handed to the master of the recipient vessel. The original of the customs document T 2 M completed by the master of the fishing vessel shall also be handed to the master of the recipient vessel.Information to be providedDeclaration of the quantities landed or transhipped. Indicate on the declaration for each species but only on the last page used, as follows:ICES division/NAFO sub-area and non-member country fishing zoneOptional entry for those vessels obliged to keep a log-book: indicate the ICES division or NAFO sub-area in which the catches were taken.Presentation of the fish"Presentation" means the way fish has been processed. Indicate the nature of this processing if any: GUT for gutting, HEAD for heading, FILLET for filleting, etc. Where no processing has taken place, WHOLE for whole fish.Measurement unit for landed quantitiesGive the unit of weight used (e.g. basket, box, etc.) for landing fish and the net weight in kilograms live weight of the unit used. This unit may be different from that used in the log-book.Total weight by species landed/transhippedGive the weight or quantities actually landed or transhipped for all species.The weight should correspond to the weight of fish as landed, i.e. after any processing on board.Conversion coefficients will be applied subsequently by the appropriate authorities in the Member State to calculate the corresponding live weight.4.GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE LOG-BOOK AND THE LANDING/TRANSHIPMENT DECLARATION4.1.Procedure for completion4.1.1.Entries in the log-book and on the landing/transhipment declaration shall be legible and indelible.4.1.2.No entry in the log-book or on the landing/transhipment declaration may be erased or altered. If a mistake is made, the incorrect entry shall be struck out with a line and followed by a new entry initialled by the master or his agent.4.1.3.At least one landing declaration should be completed per vessel. One transhipment declaration should be completed for each transhipment operation.4.1.4.Each page of the log-book shall be signed by the master. The landing declaration shall be signed by the master or his agent.4.2.Procedure for transmission4.2.1.In the case of landings in a port in the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered, the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing declaration shall be handed over on demand or dispatched to the authorities of the Member State in question within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.2.In the case of landings in a Member State other than the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered the first copy of the landing declaration shall be handed over or dispatched to the authorities of the Member State of landing within 48 hours of completion of landing. The original(s) of the log-book and the original of the landing declaration shall be handed over or dispatched to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.3.In the case of landings in a non-member country, the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing declaration shall be dispatched to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.4.In cases where quantities received by transhipment are landed in a Community port, the copy of the transhipment declaration completed pursuant to paragraph 3 shall be handed over or dispatched to the relevant port authorities.4.2.5.In the case of transhipment to a vessel flying the flag of a Member State or registered in a Member State, the first copy of the transhipment declaration shall be handed over to the master of the recipient vessel. The original shall be handed over on demand or dispatched, as the case may be, to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within 48 hours of completion of landing.4.2.6.In the case of transhipment to a vessel flying the flag of a non-member country, the original document shall be handed over or sent, as the case may be, as soon as possible to the Member State whose flag the fishing vessel is flying or in which it is registered.4.2.7.In cases where it is impossible for the master to dispatch the original(s) of the log-book and of the landing/transhipment declarations to the authorities of the Member State whose flag the vessel is flying or in which it is registered within the time limits specified, the information required by Annex I or Annex III in respect of the landing declaration shall be transmitted by radio or by other means to the authorities concerned.4.3.Responsibilities of the master in respect of the log-book, the landing declaration and the transhipment declaration4.3.1.The master of the vessel shall certify with his initials and signature that the estimated quantities entered in the log-book and on the transhipment declaration are reasonable.4.3.2.The master of the vessel shall certify with his initials and signature that the non-quantitative entries in the log-book and on the transhipment declaration, together with all entries on the landing declaration, are true.4.4.The copies of the log-book must be kept for one year.ANNEX VIGEARS AND FISHING OPERATIONS
Specify the model of trawl as named by the net manufacturer. Alternatively, the perimeter of the opening = number of meshes × size of mesh may be given if this figure is known.Give the number of hooks and the number of lines separated by a dash.
Type of gearColumn 1CodeColumn 2Size/number (metres)Column 3Number of shoots each day
Bottom otter trawlOTBModel of trawlNumber of times gearis shot
Beam trawlTBBBeam length × number of beams
DredgeDRBWidth × number of dredge
Bottom pair trawlPTBModel of trawl
Danish seine (anchor)SDNOverall length of seine lines
Scottish seine (fly-dragging)SSCOverall length of seine lines
Mid-water otter trawlOTMModel of trawlNumber of times gear is shot
Mid-water pair trawlPTMModel of trawl
Purse seinePSLength, heightNumber of times gear is shot
GillnetsGNLength, heightNumber of times nets shot during the day
Gillnets (set)GNSLength, height
Gillnets (drift)GNDLength, height
Trammel netGTRLength, height
LonglinesLLNumber of hooks and lines shot during the day
Longlines (set)LLS
Longlines (drifting)LLD
Handlines and pole-linesLHPTotal number of hooks/lines shot during the day
PotsFPONumber of pots shot during the day
Miscellaneous gearMIS
Table 1FISHING EFFORT — WESTERN WATERS — Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003Council Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 of 16 December 2002 establishing specific access requirements and associated conditions applicable to fishing for deep-sea stocks (OJ L 351, 28.12.2002, p. 6).
Target speciesRemarksEffort zone codes
DemersalDemersal species excluding those covered by Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002AICES V-VIBICES VII (Except biologically sensitive area)CICES VIII
CrabsEdible crab and spider crabFCECAF 34.1.1GCECAF 34.1.2HCECAF 34.2.0JBiologically sensitive area defined in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003
Table 2FISHING EFFORT — BALTIC SEA — Council Regulation (EC) No 779/97
Target speciesRemarksEffort zone codes
DemersalTSubdivisions 22 to 32
PelagicHerring, spratUSubdivisions 30 and 31XSubdivisions 22-29 and subdivision 32
Anadromous and freshwaterSalmon, sea trout and freshwater fishTSubdivisions 22 to 32
TABLEList of species to be recorded in the fishing logbook and the landing declaration by vessels operating exclusively in the Mediterranean SeaOnly in the landing declaration.
NameLatin nameFAO Three-Alpha code
AlbacoreThunnus alalungaALB
AnchovyEngraulis encrasicholusANE
Bigeye tunaThunnus obesusBET
Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassouWHB
Bluefin tunaThunnus thynnusBFT
Gilt-head seabreamSparus aurataSBG
HakeMerluccius merlucciusHKE
Horse mackerelTrachurus spp.JAX
MackerelScomber scombrusMAC
MonkfishLophius piscatoriusANF
Red mulletMullus surmuletusMUR
SardineSardina pilchardusPIL
Striped mulletMullus barbatusMUT
SwordfishXiphias gladiusSWO
ANNEX VIIIPROCEDURE FOR RADIO TRANSMISSION1.In cases where the landing or transhipment takes place more than 15 days after the catch was taken the following information shall be transmitted:the quantities of each species shown in Annex VII caught and kept on board or transhipped or landed outside the Community's fishing zone since the last information given (in kilograms),the ICES division or NAFO sub-areaor the CECAF zone in which the catches were made. Catches made in the waters of a non-member country or outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State shall be indicated separately.2.The information referred to in paragraph 1 shall be transmitted via the radio stations usually used, preceded by the name, the call signal and external identification of the vessel, and the name of its master.In cases where it is not possible for the message to be transmitted by the vessel, it may be transmitted on the vessel's behalf by another vessel or by any other method.3.The master shall ensure that information transmitted to radio stations is passed on in writing to the relevant authorities.ANNEX VIIIaRADIO STATIONS APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION
NameRadio call sign
Norddeich RadioDAN
Cabo PeñasEAS
Malin HeadEJM
Land's EndGLD
Morcombe Bay
Cardigan Bay
Start Point
Weymouth Bay
North ForelandGNF
GERMANYBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und ErnährungPalmaille 9D-22767 HamburgTel.: (040) 38 90 51 80Fax: (040)38 90 51 60Telex: 214 763 BLE D
BELGIUMMinisterie van Middenstand en LandbouwDienst ZeevisserijAdministratief CentrumVrijhavenstraat 5B-8400 OostendeTel.: (32-59) 51 29 94Fax: (32-59) 51 45 57Telex: 81075 DZVOST
DENMARKFiskeridirektoratetStormgade 2DK-1470 København KFax: (45) 33 96 39 00Telex: FM 16144 DK
FRANCECross AChâteau-La-GarenneF-56410 ÉtelTelex: Crossat 950519
IRELANDNaval Supervisory CentreHaulbowlineCorkFax: (353) 021 379 108Telex Cork 24924
UNITED KINGDOMFor vessels operating in ICES Area VII:Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodNobel House17 Smith SquareLondon SW1P 3JRFax: (44) 171 990 673373Telex: (44) 171 922711
For vessels operating in ICES Areas Vb (EC zone) and VIScottish Office of Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries DepartmentPentland House47 Robb's LoanEdinburgh EH14 ITWFax: (44) 131 244 6471Telex: (44) 727 696
SPAINSecretario General de Pesca Marítima (Segepesca)c/o Ortega y Gasset, 57MadridTélex: 47457 SGPM E
THE NETHERLANDSAlgemene InspectiedienstKloosterraderstraat 25Postbus 234NL-6460 AE KerkradeFax: (045) 546 10 11
PORTUGALDirecção-Geral das PescasAvenida 24 de Julho n.o 80LisboaTelex: 12696 SEPGC P