Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 of 12 July 1982 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 13/84of 4 January 1984supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 384R0013, January 5, 1984
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1561/84of 5 June 1984supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 384R1561, June 6, 1984
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3368/84of 30 November 1984supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 384R3368, December 1, 1984
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3122/85of 6 November 1985supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 385R3122, November 9, 1985
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3548/85of 16 December 1985amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 385R3548, December 17, 1985
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1753/87of 24 June 1987amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 387R1753, June 25, 1987
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3665/90of 18 December 1990amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 390R3665, December 19, 1990
  • Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3549/92of 9 December 1992amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 392R3549, December 10, 1992
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1381/96of 17 July 1996amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 396R1381, July 18, 1996
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 60/97of 16 January 1997amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 397R0060, January 17, 1997
  • Commission Regulation (EC)No 285/2000of 4 February 2000amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 300R0285, February 5, 2000
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1555/2001of 30 July 2001amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 301R1555, July 31, 2001
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 659/2004of 7 April 2004amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 304R0659, April 8, 2004
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 730/2004of 19 April 2004adapting Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 304R0730, April 20, 2004
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 2203/2004of 21 December 2004amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 304R2203, December 22, 2004
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1187/2005of 22 July 2005amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 305R1187, July 23, 2005
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1860/2006of 15 December 2006amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 306R1860, December 16, 2006
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2007of 6 July 2007amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 307R0800, July 7, 2007
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1470/2007of 13 December 2007amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 307R1470, December 14, 2007
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1265/2008of 16 December 2008amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings, 308R1265, December 17, 2008
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82of 12 July 1982concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Having regard to Council Regulation No 79/65/EEC of 15 June 1965 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Economic CommunityOJ No 109, 23. 6. 1965,, p. 1859/65., as last amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2143/81OJ No L 210, 30. 7. 1981, p. 1., and in particular Articles 4 (4), 5 (5) and 6 (2) thereof, Whereas returning holdings must be selected in a uniform manner in each division and whereas to that end detailed rules should be laid down to implement the relevant provisions of Regulation No 79/65/EEC; Whereas in the light of the latest amendments to Regulation No 79/65/EEC and of experience acquired since 1965 the detailed rules for the selection of returning holdings should be completely revised; whereas, accordingly, Commission Regulation No 91/66/EECOJ No 121, 4. 7. 1966, p. 2249/66., should be repealed and replaced by a new Regulation; Whereas the holdings to be studied in connection with the farm accountancy data network fall within the field of survey of the structure surveys and of Community or national censuses of agricultural holdings; Whereas the data available for the purposes of drawing up selection plans for the "1982" and subsequent accounting years and the difference in the agricultural situation as between the different Member States require that thresholds of economic size which vary by Member State, and even in some cases by division, be adopted for that year; Whereas experience shows that operation of the data network is facilitated if the number of returning holdings selected per division is allowed to vary within certain limits on condition that the total number of holdings per Member State is complied with; Whereas the selection plan must include a minimum number of elements enabling its validity in relation to the objectives of the farm accountancy data network to be assessed; Whereas the selection plan must be drawn up prior to the beginning of the corresponding accounting year so that it can be approved before being used for the selection of returning holdings; Whereas the report on the implementation of the selection plan for returning holdings must cover the different aspects of the plan's implementation with a view in particular to identifying any adjustments which may be necessary for subsequent accounting years and whereas the report must also take account of the use of certain data from the plan for the purposes of the weighting to be given to the accountancy data; Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Community Committee on the Farm Accountancy Data Network, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1 For the purposes of this Regulation "agricultural holding" means a farm business as defined in the context of the Community agricultural surveys and censuses.
Article 2 For the 2008 accounting year (a period of 12 consecutive months beginning between 1 January 2008 and 1 July 2008) and for subsequent accounting years, the threshold as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation 79/65/EEC in ESU shall be as follows: Belgium: 16 ESU Bulgaria: 1 ESU Czech Republic: 4 ESU Denmark: 8 ESU Germany: 16 ESU Estonia: 2 ESU Ireland: 2 ESU Greece: 2 ESU Spain: 4 ESU France: 8 ESU Italy: 4 ESU Cyprus: 2 ESU Latvia: 2 ESU Lithuania: 2 ESU Luxembourg: 8 ESU Hungary: 2 ESU Malta: 8 ESU Netherlands: 16 ESU Austria: 8 ESU Poland: 2 ESU Portugal: 2 ESU Romania: 1 ESU Slovenia: 2 ESU Slovakia: 8 ESU Finland: 8 ESU Sweden: 8 ESU United Kingdom (with the exception of Northern Ireland): 16 ESU United Kingdom (only Northern Ireland): 8 ESU.
Article 3 The number of returning holdings per Member State as well as per division is laid down in Annex I. The number of returning holdings to be selected per division may differ from that laid down in Annex I by up to 20 % in either direction provided that the total number of the returning holdings of the Member State concerned is respected.
Article 4 The plan for the selection of returning holdings must ensure the representativeness of the returning holdings as a whole. It shall include: (a)the elements on which it is based, namely: particulars of the statistical reference sources, the procedures for stratifying the field of survey in accordance with the Community typology of holdings, taking account, where appropriate, of additional national criteria, the procedures for determining the selection rate chosen for each stratum. the procedures for the selection of returning holdings, the procedures for the possible later updating of the selection plan, the probable period of validity of the selecting plan; (b)the breakdown of holdings in the field of survey classified in accordance with the Community typology of holdings (corresponding at least to the principal types) and the number of returning holdings to be selected for each of the strata adopted.
Article 5 The selection plan shall be forwarded to the Commission not later than two months before the beginning of the first accounting year to which it relates.The Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia shall forward to the Commission their selection plan for the accounting year 2004 before 30 November 2004. The procedures and time limits for communicating adjustments to the selection plan to the Commission shall be the same as for the forwarding of the plan itself. Bulgaria and Romania shall forward to the Commission their selection plan for the accounting year 2007 before 31 July 2007.
Article 6 The report on the implementation of the selection plan for returning holdings shall include: 1.The breakdown of the selected returning holdings by category of holding; 2.comments on the analysis of discrepancies recorded between the selection plan and the returning holdings selected, on the guidelines to be employed, in improving the selection for the subsequent accounting year, and on the precautions to be taken in weighting the accounting data. The implementation report shall be submitted in accordance with the model set out in Annex II. It shall be forwarded to the Commission within 6 months of the beginning of the accounting year.
Article 7 Regulation No 91/66/EEC is hereby repealed.
Article 8 This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall be applicable as from the accounting year 1982.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. ANNEX I
Reference number Name of division Number of returning holdings
341 Vlaanderen 720
342 Bruxelles-Brussel
343 Wallonie 480
Total Belgium 1200
370 DENMARK 2250
010 Schleswig-Holstein 450
020 Hamburg 50
030 Niedersachsen 980
040 Bremen
050 Nordrhein-Westfalen 790
060 Hessen 440
070 Rheinland-Pfalz 600
080 Baden-Württemberg 740
090 Bayern 1150
100 Saarland 80
110 Berlin
112 Brandenburg 240
113 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 180
114 Sachsen 280
115 Sachsen-Anhalt 190
116 Thüringen 190
Total Germany 6360
755 ESTONIA 500
450 Macedonia-Thrace 2000
460 Epirus-Peloponnese-Ionian Islands 1350
470 Thessaly 700
480 Continental Greece, Aegean Islands, Crete 1450
Total Greece 5500
500 Galicia 480
505 Asturias 270
510 Cantabria 190
515 País Vasco 250
520 Navarra 370
525 La Rioja 260
530 Aragón 739
535 Cataluña 710
540 Illes Balears 182
545 Castilla y León 1095
550 Madrid 194
555 Castilla-La Mancha 1138
560 Comunidad Valenciana 626
565 Murcia 444
570 Extremadura 718
575 Andalucia 1816
580 Canarias 224
Total Spain 9706
121 Île-de-France 170
131 Champagne-Ardenne 400
132 Picardie 300
133 Haute.Normandie 160
134 Centre 450
135 Basse-Normandie 220
136 Bourgogne 380
141 Nord-Pas-de-Calais 310
151 Lorraine 230
152 Alsace 180
153 Franche-Comté 230
162 Pays de la Loire 490
163 Bretagne 540
164 Poitou-Charentes 360
182 Aquitaine 500
183 Midi-Pyrénées 480
184 Limousin 200
192 Rhône-Alpes 450
193 Auvergne 360
201 Languedoc-Roussillon 400
203 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 360
204 Corse 150
Total France 7320
380 IRELAND 1300
221 Valle d’Aosta 197
222 Piemonte 619
230 Lombardia 710
241 Trentino 388
242 Alto Adige 405
243 Veneto 907
244 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 735
250 Liguria 508
260 Emilia-Romagna 1166
270 Toscana 956
281 Marche 601
282 Umbria 498
291 Lazio 528
292 Abruzzo 504
301 Molise 354
302 Campania 478
303 Calabria 346
311 Puglia 453
312 Basilicata 450
320 Sicilia 470
330 Sardegna 413
Total Italy 11686
740 CYPRUS 500
770 LATVIA 1000
775 LITHUANIA 1000
760 Közép-Magyarország 160
761 Közép-Dunántúl 190
762 Nyugat-Dunántúl 230
763 Dél-Dunántúl 260
764 Észak- Magyarország 210
765 Észak-Alföld 380
766 Dél-Alföld 470
Total Hungary 1900
780 MALTA 400
660 AUSTRIA 1800
785 Pomorze and Mazury 1870
790 Wielkopolska and Śląsk 4470
795 Mazowsze and Podlasie 4460
800 Małopolska and Pogórze 1300
Total Poland 12100
615 Norte e Centro 1233
630 Ribatejo e Oeste 351
640 Alentejo e Algarve 399
650 Açores e Madeira 317
Total Portugal 2300
820 SLOVENIA 900
810 SLOVAKIA 502
670 Etelä-Suomi 537
680 Sisä-Suomi 237
690 Pohjanmaa 229
700 Pohjois-Suomi 147
Total Finland 1150
710 Plains of southern and central Sweden 702
720 Forest and mixed agricultural and forest areas of southern and central Sweden 217
730 Areas of northern Sweden 106
Total Sweden 1025
411 England — North Region 420
412 England — East Region 650
413 England — West Region 430
421 Wales 300
431 Scotland 380
441 Northern Ireland 320
Total United Kingdom 2500
For 2009 and subsequent accounting years Bulgaria will have six divisions (Annex to Regulation No 79/65/EEC) and this number of returning holdings, which corresponds to the total for the country, will be allocated per division.
Reference number Name of division Number of returning holdings per accounting year
2007 2008 2009 onwards
830 BULGARIA 2000 2000 2000
For 2010 and subsequent accounting years Romania will have eight divisions (Annex to Regulation No 79/65/EEC) and this number of returning holdings, which corresponds to the total for the country, will be allocated per division.
Reference number Name of division Number of returning holdings per accounting year
2007 2008 2009 2010 onwards
840 ROMANIA 1000 2000 4000 6000