Council Directive 78/170/EEC of 13 February 1978 on the performance of heat generators for space heating and the production of hot water in new or existing non- industrial buildings and on the insulation of heat and domestic hot-water distribution in new non-industrial buildings
Modified by
Council Directive 82/885/EEC of 10 December 1982 amending Directive 78/170/EEC on the performance of heat generators for space heating and the production of hot water in new or existing non-industrial buildings and on the insulation of heat and domestic hot-water distribution on new non-industrial buildingsf
December 6, 1982 annex Addition
December 6, 1982 article 1.1 Completion
December 6, 1982 article 1.3TER Addition
December 6, 1982 article 1.3BIS Addition
December 6, 1982 article 1.4 Replacement
December 6, 1982 article 1.1.5 abolition