Council Directive 76/768/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products
Modified by
  • Council Directiveof 24 July 1979(79/661/EEC), 31979L0661, July 31, 1979
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, 11979H, November 19, 1979
  • Commission Directiveof 11 February 1982(82/147/EEC), 31982L0147, March 6, 1982
  • Council Directiveof 17 May 1982(82/368/EEC), 31982L0368, June 15, 1982
  • Commission Directiveof 30 March 1983(83/191/EEC), 31983L0191, April 26, 1983
  • Commission Directiveof 29 June 1983(83/341/EEC), 31983L0341, July 13, 1983
  • Commission Directiveof 22 September 1983(83/496/EEC), 31983L0496, October 8, 1983
  • Council Directiveof 26 October 1983(83/574/EEC), 31983L0574, November 28, 1983
  • Commission Directiveof 18 July 1984(84/415/EEC)Corrigendum, OJ No L 255, 25.9.1984, p. 28 (84/415/EEC), 31984L041531984L0415R(01), August 25, 1984
  • Commission Directiveof 16 July 1985(85/391/EEC), 31985L0391, August 22, 1985
  • Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, 11985I, November 15, 1985
  • Commission Directiveof 28 February 1986(86/179/EEC), 31986L0179, May 24, 1986
  • Commission Directiveof 26 March 1986(86/199/EEC), 31986L0199, June 3, 1986
  • Commission Directiveof 2 February 1987(87/137/EEC), 31987L0137, February 26, 1987
  • Commission Directiveof 2 March 1988(88/233/EEC)Corrigendum, OJ No L 157, 24.6.1988, p. 38 (88/233/EEC), 31988L023331988L0233R(03), April 26, 1988
  • Council Directiveof 21 December 1988(88/667/EEC), 31988L0667, December 31, 1988
  • Commission Directiveof 21 February 1989(89/174/EEC)Corrigendum, OJ No L 199, 13.7.1989, p. 23 (89/174/EEC), 31989L017431989L0174R(01), March 8, 1989
  • Council Directiveof 21 December 1989(89/679/EEC), 31989L0679, December 30, 1989
  • Commission Directiveof 20 February 1990(90/121/EEC), 31990L0121, March 17, 1990
  • Commission Directiveof 12 March 1991(91/184/EEC), 31991L0184, April 12, 1991
  • Commission Directiveof 18 February 1992(92/8/EEC), 31992L0008, March 17, 1992
  • Commission Directiveof 21 October 1992(92/86/EEC), 31992L0086, November 11, 1992
  • Council Directiveof 14 June 1993(93/35/EEC), 31993L0035, June 23, 1993
  • Commission Directiveof 22 June 1993(93/47/EEC), 31993L0047, August 13, 1993
  • Commission Directiveof 29 June 1994(94/32/EC)Corrigendum, OJ No L 273, 25.10.1994, p. 38 (94/32/EC), 31994L003231994L0032R(01), July 15, 1994
  • Commission Directiveof 10 July 1995(95/34/EC), 31995L0034, July 18, 1995
  • Commission Directiveof 25 June 1996(96/41/EC), 31996L0041, August 8, 1996
  • Commission Directiveof 10 January 1997(97/1/EC), 31997L0001, January 18, 1997
  • Commission Directiveof 17 April l997(97/18/EC), 31997L0018, May 1, 1997
  • Commission Directiveof 14 July 1997(97/45/EC), 31997L0045, July 24, 1997
  • Commission Directiveof 5 March 1998(98/16/EC), 31998L0016, March 14, 1998
  • Commission Directiveof 3 September 1998(98/62/EC), 31998L0062, September 15, 1998
  • Commission Directive 2000/6/ECof 29 February 2000adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III, VI and VII to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32000L0006, March 1, 2000
  • Commission Directive 2000/11/ECof 10 March 2000adapting to technical progress Annex II to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32000L0011, March 14, 2000
  • Commission Directive 2000/41/ECof 19 June 2000postponing for a second time the date after which animal tests are prohibited for ingredients or combinations of ingredients of cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32000L0041, June 20, 2000
  • Commission Directive 2002/34/ECof 15 April 2002adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VII to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to the twenty-sixth Commission Directive 2002/34/EC of 15 April 2002 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VII to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Official Journal of the European Communities L 102 of 18 April 2002)Corrigendum to the Twenty-sixth Commission Directive 2002/34/EC of 15 April 2002 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VII to Council Directive 76/748/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Official Journal of the European Communities L 102 of 18 April 2002), 32002L003432002L0034R(02)32002L0034R(03), April 18, 2002
  • Commission Directive 2003/1/ECof 6 January 2003adapting to technical progress Annex II to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32003L0001, January 10, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2003/16/ECof 19 February 2003adapting to technical progress Annex III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products, 32003L0016, February 20, 2003
  • Directive 2003/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 27 February 2003amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32003L0015, March 11, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2003/80/ECof 5 September 2003establishing a symbol indicating the durability of cosmetic products in Annex VIIIa to Council Directive 76/768/EEC(Text with EEA relevance), 32003L0080, September 6, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2003/83/ECof 24 September 2003adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VI to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2003/83/EC of 24 September 2003 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VI to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to cosmetic products(Official Journal of the European Union L 238 of 25 September 2003), 32003L008332003L0083R(01), September 25, 2003
  • Commission Directive 2004/87/ECof 7 September 2004amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32004L0087, September 8, 2004
  • Commission Directive 2004/88/ECof 7 September 2004amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32004L0088, September 8, 2004
  • Commission Directive 2004/94/ECof 15 September 2004amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC as regards Annex IX(Text with EEA relevance), 32004L0094, September 17, 2004
  • Commission Directive 2004/93/ECof 21 September 2004amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC for the purpose of adapting its Annexes II and III to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to the Commission Directive 2004/93/EC of 21 September 2004 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC for the purpose of adapting its Annexes II and III to technical progress(Official Journal of the European Union L 300 of 25 September 2004), 32004L009332004L0093R(02), September 25, 2004
  • Commission Directive 2005/9/ECof 28 January 2005amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annex VII thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0009, January 29, 2005
  • Commission Directive 2005/42/ECof 20 June 2005amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annexes II, IV and VI thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0042, June 21, 2005
  • Commission Directive 2005/52/ECof 9 September 2005amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0052, September 10, 2005
  • Commission Directive 2005/80/ECof 21 November 2005amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32005L0080, November 22, 2005
  • Commission Directive 2006/65/ECof 19 July 2006amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32006L0065, July 20, 2006
  • Commission Directive 2006/78/ECof 29 September 2006amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annex II thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32006L0078, September 30, 2006
  • Commission Directive 2007/1/ECof 29 January 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annex II thereof to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32007L0001, February 1, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2007/17/ECof 22 March 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annexes III and VI thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32007L0017, March 23, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2007/22/ECof 17 April 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purposes of adapting Annexes IV and VI thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32007L0022, April 18, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2007/53/ECof 29 August 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products for the purposes of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32007L0053, August 30, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2007/54/ECof 29 August 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2007/54/EC of 29 August 2007 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Official Journal of the European Union L 226 of 30 August 2007), 32007L005432007L0054R(01), August 30, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2007/67/ECof 22 November 2007amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32007L0067, November 23, 2007
  • Commission Directive 2008/14/ECof 15 February 2008amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32008L0014, February 16, 2008
  • Commission Directive 2008/42/ECof 3 April 2008amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2008/42/EC of 3 April 2008 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Official Journal of the European Union L 93 of 4 April 2008), 32008L004232008L0042R(02), April 4, 2008
  • Commission Directive 2008/88/ECof 23 September 2008amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32008L0088, September 24, 2008
  • Commission Directive 2008/123/ECof 18 December 2008amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and VII thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32008L0123, December 19, 2008
  • Directive 2008/112/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 16 December 2008amending Council Directives 76/768/EEC, 88/378/EEC, 1999/13/EC and Directives 2000/53/EC, 2002/96/EC and 2004/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council in order to adapt them to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures(Text with EEA relevance), 32008L0112, December 23, 2008
  • Commission Directive 2009/6/ECof 4 February 2009amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32009L0006, February 5, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/36/ECof 16 April 2009amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2009/36/EC of 16 April 2009 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Official Journal of the European Union L 98 of 17 April 2009), 32009L003632009L0036R(01), April 17, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/129/ECof 9 October 2009amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products for the purposes of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32009L0129, October 10, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/130/ECof 12 October 2009amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32009L0130, October 13, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/134/ECof 28 October 2009amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products for the purposes of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32009L0134, October 29, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/159/EUof 16 December 2009amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annex III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32009L0159, December 18, 2009
  • Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 30 November 2009on cosmetic products(recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32009R1223, December 22, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2009/164/EUof 22 December 2009amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes II and III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance)Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2009/164/EU of 22 December 2009 amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes II and III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products(Official Journal of the European Union L 344 of 23 December 2009), 32009L016432009L0164R(01), December 23, 2009
  • Commission Directive 2010/3/EUof 1 February 2010amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes III and VI to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products, 32010L0003, February 2, 2010
  • Commission Directive 2010/4/EUof 8 February 2010amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annex III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32010L0004, February 9, 2010
  • Commission Directive 2011/59/EUof 13 May 2011amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes II and III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32011L0059, May 14, 2011
  • Council Directive 2011/84/EUof 20 September 2011amending Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress(Text with EEA relevance), 32011L0084, October 29, 2011
  • Commission Implementing Directive 2012/21/EUof 2 August 2012amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes II and III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC relating to cosmetic products(Text with EEA relevance), 32012L0021, August 3, 2012
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum, OJ No L 255, 25.9.1984, p. 28 (84/415/EEC), 31984L0415R(01), September 25, 1984
  • Corrigendum, OJ No L 157, 24.6.1988, p. 38 (88/233/EEC), 31988L0233R(03), June 24, 1988
  • Corrigendum, OJ No L 199, 13.7.1989, p. 23 (89/174/EEC), 31989L0174R(01), July 13, 1989
  • Corrigendum, OJ No L 273, 25.10.1994, p. 38 (94/32/EC), 31994L0032R(01), October 25, 1994
  • Corrigendum to the twenty-sixth Commission Directive 2002/34/EC of 15 April 2002 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VII to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products, 32002L0034R(02), December 17, 2002
  • Corrigendum to the Twenty-sixth Commission Directive 2002/34/EC of 15 April 2002 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VII to Council Directive 76/748/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products, 32002L0034R(03), June 19, 2003
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2003/83/EC of 24 September 2003 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III and VI to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to cosmetic products, 32003L0083R(01), February 26, 2004
  • Corrigendum to the Commission Directive 2004/93/EC of 21 September 2004 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC for the purpose of adapting its Annexes II and III to technical progress, 32004L0093R(02), April 15, 2005
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2007/54/EC of 29 August 2007 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress, 32007L0054R(01), October 4, 2007
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2008/42/EC of 3 April 2008 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annexes II and III thereto to technical progress, 32008L0042R(02), May 24, 2008
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2009/36/EC of 16 April 2009 amending Council Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress, 32009L0036R(01), April 23, 2009
  • Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2009/164/EU of 22 December 2009 amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes II and III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products, 32009L0164R(01), January 7, 2010
Council Directiveof 27 July 1976on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products(76/768/EEC) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ No C 40, 8.4.1974, p. 71.,Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social CommitteeOJ No C 60, 26.7.1973, p. 16.,Whereas the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in force in the Member States define the composition characteristics to which cosmetic products must conform and prescribe rules for their labelling and for their packaging; whereas these provisions differ from one Member State to another;Whereas the differences between these laws oblige Community cosmetic producers to vary their production according to the Member State for which the products are intended; whereas, consequently, they hinder trade in these products and, as a result, have a direct effect on the establishment and functioning of the common market;Whereas the main objective of these laws is the safeguarding of public health and whereas, as a result, the pursuit of the same objective must inspire Community legislation in this sector; whereas, however, this objective must be attained by means which also take account of economic and technological requirements;Whereas it is necessary to determine at Community level the regulations which must be observed as regards the composition, labelling and packaging of cosmetic products;Whereas this Directive relates only to cosmetic products and not to pharmaceutical specialities and medicinal products; whereas for this purpose it is necessary to define the scope of the Directive by delimiting the field of cosmetics from that of pharmaceuticals; whereas this delimitation follows in particular from the detailed definition of cosmetic products, which refers both to their areas of application and to the purposes of their use; whereas this Directive is not applicable to the products that fall under the definition of cosmetic product but are exclusively intended to protect from disease; whereas, moreover, it is advisable to specify that certain products come under this definition, whilst products containing substances or mixtures intended to be ingested, inhaled, injected or implanted in the human body do not come under the field of cosmetics;Whereas in the present state of research, it is advisable to exclude cosmetic products containing one of the substances listed in Annex V from the scope of this Directive;Whereas cosmetic products must not be harmful under normal or foreseeable conditions of use; whereas in particular it is necessary to take into account the possibility of danger to zones of the body that are contiguous to the area of application;Whereas, in particular, the determination of the methods of analysis together with possible modifications or additions which may have to be made to them on the basis of the results of scientific and technical research, are implementing measures of a technical nature; whereas it is advisable to entrust their adoption to the Commission, subject to certain conditions specified in this Directive, for the purpose of simplifying and accelerating the procedure;Whereas technical progress necessitates rapid adaptation of the technical provisions defined in this Directive and in subsequent Directives in this field; whereas it is advisable, in order to facilitate implementation of the measures necessary for this purpose, to provide for a procedure establishing close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission within the Committee for adaptation to technical progress of Directives aimed at the removal of technical obstacles to trade in the cosmetic products sector;Whereas it is necessary, on the basis of scientific and technical research, to draw up proposals for lists of authorized substances which could include antioxidants, hair dyes, preservatives and ultraviolet filters, taking into account in particular the problem of sensitization;Whereas it could happen that although conforming to the provisions of this Directive and its Annexes, cosmetic products placed on the market might endanger public health; whereas it is therefore advisable to provide for a procedure intended to remove this danger,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 11.A "cosmetic product" shall mean any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the various external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance and/or correcting body odours and/or protecting them or keeping them in good condition.2.The products to be considered as cosmetic products within the meaning of this definition are listed in Annex I.3.Cosmetic products containing one of the substances listed in Annex V shall be excluded from the scope of this Directive. Member States may take such measures as they deem necessary with regard to those products.
Article 2A cosmetic product put on the market within the Community must not cause damage to human health when applied under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, taking account, in particular, of the product's presentation, its labelling, any instructions for its use and disposal as well as any other indication or information provided by the manufacturer or his authorized agent or by any other person responsible for placing the product on the Community market.The provision of such warnings shall not, in any event, exempt any person from compliance with the other requirements laid down in this Directive.
Article 3Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that only cosmetic products which conform to the provisions of this Directive and its Annexes may be put on the market.
Article 41.Without prejudice to their general obligations deriving from Article 2, Member States shall prohibit the marketing of cosmetic products containing:(a)substances listed in Annex II;(b)substances listed in the first part of Annex III, beyond the limits and outside the conditions laid down;(c)colouring agents other than those listed in Annex IV, Part 1, with the exception of cosmetic products containing colouring agents intended solely to colour hair;(d)colouring agents listed in Annex IV, Part 1, used outside the conditions laid down, with the exception of cosmetic products containing colouring agents intended solely to colour hair;(e)preservatives other than those listed in Annex VI, Part 1;(f)preservatives listed in Annex VI, Part 1, beyond the limits and outside the conditions laid down, unless other concentrations are used for specific purposes apparent from the presentation of the product;(g)UV filters other than those listed in Part 1 of Annex VII;(h)UV filters listed in Part 1 of Annex VII, beyond the limits and outside the conditions laid down therein.(i)ingredients or combinations of ingredients tested on animals after 30 June 2002 in order to meet the requirements of this Directive.If there has been insufficient progress in developing satisfactory methods to replace animal testing, and in particular in those cases where alternative methods of testing, despite all reasonable endeavours, have not been scientifically validated as offering an equivalent level of protection for the consumer, taking into account OECD toxicity test guidelines, the Commission shall, by 1 January 1997, submit draft measures to postpone the date of implementation of this provision, for a sufficient period, and in any case for no less than two years, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10. Before submitting such measures, the Commission will consult the Scientific Committee on Cosmetology.The Commission shall present an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on progress in the development, validation and legal acceptance of alternative methods to those involving experiments on animals. That report shall contain precise data on the number and type of experiments relating to cosmetic products carried out on animals. The Member States shall be obliged to collect that information in addition to collecting statistics as laid down by Directive 86/609/EEC on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. The Commission shall in particular ensure the development, validation and legal acceptance of experimental methods which do not use live animals.2.The presence of traces of the substances listed in Annex II shall be allowed provided that such presence is technically unavoidable in good manufacturing practice and that it conforms with Article 2.
Article 4a1.Without prejudice to the general obligations deriving from Article 2, Member States shall prohibit:(a)the marketing of cosmetic products where the final formulation, in order to meet the requirements of this Directive, has been the subject of animal testing using a method other than an alternative method after such alternative method has been validated and adopted at Community level with due regard to the development of validation within the OECD;(b)the marketing of cosmetic products containing ingredients or combinations of ingredients which, in order to meet the requirements of this Directive, have been the subject of animal testing using a method other than an alternative method after such alternative method has been validated and adopted at Community level with due regard to the development of validation within the OECD;(c)the performance on their territory of animal testing of finished cosmetic products in order to meet the requirements of this Directive;(d)the performance on their territory of animal testing of ingredients or combinations of ingredients in order to meet the requirements of this Directive, no later than the date on which such tests are required to be replaced by one or more validated methods listed in Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 of 30 May 2008 laying down test methods pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)OJ L 142, 31.5.2008, p. 1.; or in Annex IX to this Directive.No later than 11 September 2004 the Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10(2) and after consultation of the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for consumers (SCCNFP) establish the contents of Annex IX.2.The Commission, after consultation of the SCCNFP and of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and with due regard to the development of validation within the OECD, shall establish timetables for the implementation of the provisions under paragraph 1(a), (b) and (d), including deadlines for the phasing-out of the various tests. The timetables shall be made available to the public not later than 11 September 2004 and be sent to the European Parliament and the Council. The period for implementation shall be limited to a maximum of six years after the entry into force of Directive 2003/15/EC in relation to paragraph 1(a), (b) and (d).2.1.In relation to the tests concerning repeated-dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicokinetics, for which there are no alternatives yet under consideration, the period for implementation of paragraph 1(a) and (b) shall be limited to a maximum of 10 years after the entry into force of Directive 2003/15/EC.2.2.The Commission shall study possible technical difficulties in complying with the ban in relation to tests, in particular those concerning repeated-dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicokinetics, for which there are no alternatives yet under consideration. Information about the provisional and final results of these studies should form part of the yearly reports presented pursuant to Article 9.On the basis of these annual reports, the timetables established in accordance with paragraph 2 may be adapted within a maximum time limit of six years as referred to in paragraph 2 or 10 years as referred to in paragraph 2.1 and after consultation of the entities referred to in paragraph 2.2.3.The Commission shall study progress and compliance with the deadlines as well as possible technical difficulties in complying with the ban. Information about the provisional and final results of the Commission studies should form part of the yearly reports presented pursuant to Article 9. If these studies conclude, at the latest two years prior to the end of the maximum period referred to in paragraph 2.1, that for technical reasons one or more tests referred to in paragraph 2.1 will not be developed and validated before the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 2.1 it shall inform the European Parliament and the Council and shall put forward a legislative proposal in accordance with Article 251 of the Treaty.2.4.In exceptional circumstances where serious concerns arise as regards the safety of an existing cosmetic ingredient a Member State may request the Commission to grant a derogation from paragraph 1. The request shall contain an evaluation of the situation and indicate the measures necessary. On this basis, the Commission may, after consultation of the SCCNFP and by means of a reasoned decision, authorise the derogation in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10(2). This authorisation shall lay down the conditions associated with this derogation in terms of specific objectives, duration and reporting of the results.A derogation shall only be granted if:(a)the ingredient is in wide use and cannot be replaced by another ingredient able to perform a similar function;(b)the specific human health problem is substantiated and the need to conduct animal tests is justified and is supported by a detailed research Protocol proposed as the basis for the evaluation.The decision on the authorisation, the conditions associated with it and the final result achieved shall be part of the annual report to be presented by the Commission in accordance with Article 9.3.For the purposes of this Article:(a)"finished cosmetic product" means the cosmetic product in its final formulation, as placed on the market and made available to the final consumer, or its prototype.(b)"prototype" means a first model or design that has not been produced in batches, and from which the finished cosmetic product is copied or finally developed.
Article 4bThe use in cosmetic products of substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction, of category 1, 2 and 3, under Annex I to Directive 67/548/EEC shall be prohibited. To that end the Commission shall adopt the necessary measures in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10(2). A substance classified in category 3 may be used in cosmetics if the substance has been evaluated by the SCCNFP and found acceptable for use in cosmetic products.
Article 5Member States shall allow the marketing of cosmetic products containing:(a)the substances listed in Annex III, Part 2, within the limits and under the conditions laid down, up to the dates in column (g) of that Annex;(b)the colouring agents listed in Annex IV, Part 2, within the limits and under the conditions laid down, until the admission dates given in that Annex;(c)the preservatives listed in Annex VI, Part 2, within the limits and under the condition laid down, until the dates given in column (f) of that Annex. However, some of these substances may be used in other concentrations for specific purposes apparent from the presentation of the product;(d)the UV filters listed in Part 2 of Annex VII, within the limits and under the conditions laid down, until the dates given in column (f) of that Annex.At these dates, these substances, colouring agents, preservatives and UV filters shall be:definitively allowed, ordefinitively prohibited (Annex II), ormaintained for a given period specified in Part 2 of Annexes III, IV, VI and VII, ordeleted from all the Annexes, on the basis of available scientific information or because they are no longer used.
Article 5a1.No later than 14 December 1994 the Commission shall, under the procedure laid down in Article 10, compile an inventory of ingredients employed in cosmetic products, on the basis in particular of information supplied by the industry concerned.For the purposes of this Article, "cosmetic ingredient" shall mean any chemical substance or mixture of synthetic or natural origin, except for perfume and aromatic compositions, used in the composition of cosmetic products.The inventory shall be divided into two sections: one concerning perfume and aromatic raw materials and the second concerning other substances.2.The inventory shall contain informtion on:the identity of each ingredient, in particular its chemical name, the CTFA name, the European Pharmacopoeia name, the international non-proprietary names recommended by the World Health Organization, the Einecs, Iupac, CAS and colour index numbers, and the common name referred to in Article 7 (2),the usual function(s) of the ingredient in the final product,where appropriate, restrictions and conditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label by reference to the Annexes.3.The Commission shall publish the inventory and shall update it periodically under the procedure provided for in Article 10. The inventory shall be indicative and shall not constitute a list of the substances authorized for use in cosmetic products.
Article 61.Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that cosmetic products may be marketed only if the container and packaging bear the following information in indelible, easily legible and visible lettering; the information mentioned in point (g) may, however, be indicated on the packaging alone:(a)the name or style and the address or registered office of the manufacturer or the person responsible for marketing the cosmetic product who is established within the Community. Such information may be abbreviated in so far as the abbreviation makes it generally possible to identify the undertaking. Member States may require that the country of origin be specified for goods manufactured outside the Community;(b)the nominal content at the time of packaging, given by weight or by volume, except in the case of packaging containing less than five grams or five millilitres, free samples and single-application packs; for pre-packages normally sold as a number of items, for which details of weight or volume are not significant, the content need not be given provided the number of items appears on the packaging. This information need not be given if the number of items is easy to see from the outside or if the product is normally only sold individually;(c)the date of minimum durability shall be indicated by the words: "best used before the end of" followed by either:the date itself, ordetails of where it appears on the packaging.The date shall be clearly expressed and shall consist of either the month and year or the day, month and year in that order. If necessary, this information shall be supplemented by an indication of the conditions which must be satisfied to guarantee the stated durability.Indication of the date of durability shall not be mandatory for cosmetic products with a minimum durability of more than 30 months. For such products, there shall be an indication of the period of time after opening for which the product can be used without any harm to the consumer. This information shall be indicated by the symbol given in Annex VIIIa followed by the period (in months and/or years);(d)particular precautions to be observed in use, especially those listed in the column "Conditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label" in Annexes III, IV, VI and VII, which must appear on the container and packaging, as well as any special precautionary information on cosmetic products for professional use, in particular in hairdressing. Where this is impossible for practical reasons, an enclosed leaflet, label, tape or card must contain that information to which the consumer is referred either by abbreviated information or the symbol given in Annex VIII, which must appear on the container and the packaging;(e)the batch number of manufacture or the reference for identifying the goods. Where this is impossible for practical reasons because the cosmetic products are too small, such information need appear only on the packaging;(f)the function of the product, unless it is clear from the presentation of the product;(g)a list of ingredients in descending order of weight at the time they are added. That list shall be preceded by the word "ingredients". Where that is impossible for practical reasons, an enclosed leaflet, label, tape or card must contain the ingredients to which the consumer is referred either by abbreviated information or the symbol given in Annex VIII, which must appear on the packaging.The following shall not, however, be regarded as ingredients:impurities in the raw materials used,subsidiary technical materials used in the preparation but not present in the final product,materials used in strictly necessary quantities as solvents or as carriers for perfume and aromatic compositions.Perfume and aromatic compositions and their raw materials shall be referred to by the word "perfume" or "aroma". However, the presence of substances, the mention of which is required under the column "other limitations and requirements" in Annex III, shall be indicated in the list irrespective of their function in the product.Ingredients in concentrations of less than 1 % may be listed in any order after those in concentrations of more than 1 %.Colouring agents may be listed in any order after the other ingredients, in accordance with the colour index number or denomination adopted in Annex IV. For decorative cosmetic products marketed in several colour shades, all colouring agents used in the range may be listed, provided that the words "may contain" or the symbol "+/-" are added.An ingredient must be identified by the common name referred to in Article 7(2) or, failing that, by one of the names referred to in Article 5a(2), first indent.In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10(2), the Commission may adapt the criteria and conditions set out in Commission Directive 95/17/EC of 19 June 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 76/768/EEC as regards the non-inclusion of one or more ingredients on the list used for the labelling of cosmetic productsOJ L 140, 23.6.1995, p. 26. under which a manufacturer may, for reasons of trade secrecy, apply not to include one or more ingredients on the abovementioned list.Where it is impracticable, for reasons of size or shape, for the particulars referred to in points (d) and (g) to appear in an enclosed leaflet, those particulars shall appear on a label, tape or card which is enclosed or attached to the cosmetic product.In the case of soap, bath balls and other small products where it is impraticable, for reasons of size or shape, for the particulars referred to in point (g) to appear on a label, tag, tape or card or in an enclosed leaflet, those particulars shall appear on a notice in immediate proximity to the container in which the cosmetic product is exposed for sale.2.For cosmetic products that are not pre-packaged, are packaged at the point of sale at the purchaser's request, or are pre-packaged for immediate sale, Member States shall adopt detailed rules for indication of the particulars referred to in paragraph 1.3.Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that, in the labelling, putting up for sale and advertising of cosmetic products, text, names, trade marks, pictures and figurative or other signs are not used to imply that these products have characteristics which they do not have.Furthermore, any reference to testing on animals must state clearly whether the tests carried out involved the finished product and/or its ingredients.Furthermore, the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the product on the Community market may take advantage, on the product packaging or in any document, notice, label, ring or collar accompanying or referring to the product, of the fact that no animal tests have been carried out only if the manufacturer and his suppliers have not carried out or commissioned any animal tests on the finished product, or its prototype, or any of the ingredients contained in it, or used any ingredients that have been tested on animals by others for the purpose of developing new cosmetic products. Guidelines shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10(2) and published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The European Parliament shall receive copies of the draft measures submitted to the Committee.
Article 71.Member States may not, for reasons related to the requirements laid down in this Directive and the Annexes thereto, refuse, prohibit or restrict the marketing of any cosmetic products which comply with the requirements of this Directive and the Annexes thereto.2.They may, however, require that the particulars provided for in Article 6 (1) (b), (c), (d) and (f) be expressed at least in their own national or official language or languages; they may also require that the particulars provided for in Article 6 (1) (g) be expressed in a language easily understood by the consumer. To that end, the Commission shall adopt a common ingredients nomenclature in accordance with the Article 10 procedure.3.Furthermore, a Member State may, for purposes of prompt and appropriate medical treatment in the event of difficulties, require that appropriate and adequate information on substances used in cosmetic products be made available to the competent authority, which shall ensure that that information is used only for the purposes of such treatment.Each Member State shall designate a competent authority and send details thereof to the Commission, which shall publish that information in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Article 7a1.The manufacturer or his agent or the person to whose order a cosmetic product is manufactured or the person responsible for placing an imported cosmetic product on the Community market shall for control purposes keep the following information readily accessible to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned at the address specified on the label in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a):(a)the qualitative and quantitative composition of the product; in the case of perfume compositions and perfumes, the name and code number of the composition and the identity of the supplier;(b)the physico-chemical and microbiological specifications of the raw materials and the finished product and the purity and microbiological control criteria of the cosmetic product;(c)the method of manufacture complying with the good manufacturing practice laid down by Community law or, failing that, laid down by the law of the Member State concerned; the person responsible for manufacture or first importation into the Community must possess an appropriate level of professional qualification or experience in accordance with the legislation and practice of the Member State which is the place of manufacture or first importation;(d)assessment of the safety for human health of the finished product. To that end the manufacturer shall take into consideration the general toxicological profile of the ingredients, their chemical structure and their level of exposure. It shall take particular account of the specific exposure characteristics of the areas on which the product will be applied or of the population for which it is intended. There shall be inter alia a specific assessment for cosmetic products intended for use on children under the age of three and for cosmetic products intended exclusively for use in external intimate hygiene.Should the same product be manufactured at several places within Community territory, the manufacturer may choose a single place of manufacture where that information will be available. In this connection, and when so requested for monitoring purposes, it shall be obliged to indicate the place so chosen to the monitoring authority or authorities concerned. In this case this information shall be easily accessible;(e)the name and address of the qualified person or persons responsible for the assessment referred to in (d). That person must hold a diploma as defined in Article 1 of Directive 89/48/EEC in the field of pharmacy, toxicology, dermatology, medicine or a similar discipline;(f)existing data on undesirable effects on human health resulting from use of the cosmetic product;(g)proof of the effect claimed for the cosmetic product, where justified by the nature of the effect or product;(h)data on any animal testing performed by the manufacturer, his agents or suppliers, relating to the development or safety evaluation of the product or its ingredients, including any animal testing performed to meet the legislative or regulatory requirements of non-member countries.Without prejudice to the protection, in particular, of commercial secrecy and of intellectual property rights, Member States shall ensure that the information required under (a) and (f) shall be made easily accessible to the public by any appropriate means, including electronic means. The quantitative information required under (a) to be made publicly accessible shall be limited to substances fulfilling the criteria for any of the following hazard classes or categories set out in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008:(a)hazard classes 2.1 to 2.4, 2.6 and 2.7, 2.8 types A and B, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13 categories 1 and 2, 2.14 categories 1 and 2, 2.15 types A to F;(b)hazard classes 3.1 to 3.6, 3.7 adverse effects on sexual function and fertility or on development, 3.8 effects other than narcotic effects, 3.9 and 3.10;(c)hazard class 4.1;(d)hazard class 5.1.2.The assessment of the safety for human health referred to in paragraph 1 (d) shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of good laboratory practice laid down in Council Directive 87/18/EEC of 18 December 1986 on the harmonization of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of their application for tests on chemical substancesOJ No L 15, 17.1.1987, p. 29..3.The information referred to in paragraph 1 must be available in the national language or languages of the Member State concerned, or in a language readily understood by the competent authorities.4.The manufacturer or his agent, or the person to whose order a cosmetic product is manufactured, or the person responsible for placing imported cosmetic products on the Community market, shall notify the competent authority of the Member State of the place of manufacture or of the initial importation of the address of the place of manufacture or of initial importation into the Community of the cosmetic products before the latter are placed on the Community market.5.Member States shall designate the competent authorities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4 and shall send details thereof to the Commission, which shall publish that information in the Official Journal of the European Communities.The Member States shall ensure that the abovementioned authorities continue to cooperate in areas where such cooperation is necessary to the smooth application of this Directive.
Article 81.In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10 the following shall be determined:the methods of analysis necessary for checking the composition of cosmetic products,the criteria of microbiological and chemical purity for cosmetic products and methods for checking compliance with those criteria.2.The common nomenclature of ingredients used in cosmetic products and, after consultation of the Scientific Committee for Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for Consumers, the amendments necessary for the adaptation to technical progress of the Annexes shall be adopted in accordance with the same procedure, as appropriate.
Article 8a1.Notwithstanding Article 4 and without prejudice to Article 8 (2), a Member State may authorize the use within its territory of other substances not contained in the lists of substances allowed, for certain cosmetic products specified in its national authorization, subject to the following conditions:(a)the authorization must be limited to a maximum period of three years;(b)the Member State must carry out an official check on cosmetic products manufactured from the substance or mixture use of which it has authorized;(c)cosmetic products thus manufactured must bear a distinctive indication which will be defined in the authorization.2.The Member Stats shall forward to the Commission and to the other Member States the next of any authorization decision taken pursuant to paragraph 1 within two months of the date on which it came into effect.3.Before expiry of the three-year period provided for in paragraph 1, the Member State may submit to the Commission a request for the inclusion in a list of permitted substances of the substance given national authorization in accordance with paragraph 1. At the same time, it shall supply supporting documents setting out the grounds on which it deems such inclusion justified and shall indicate the uses for which the substance or mixture is intended. Within 18 months of submission of the request, a decision shall be taken on the basis of the latest scientific and technical knowledge, after consultation, at the initiative of the Commission or of a Member State, of the Scientific Committee for Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for Consumers and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10 as to whether the substance in question may be included in a list of permitted substances or whether the national authorization should be revoked. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 (a), the national authorization shall remain in force until a decision is taken on the request for inclusion in the list.
Article 9Every year the Commission shall present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on:(a)progress made in the development, validation and legal acceptance of alternative methods. The report shall contain precise data on the number and type of experiments relating to cosmetic products carried out on animals. The Member States shall be obliged to collect that information in addition to collecting statistics as laid down by Council Directive 86/609/EEC of 24 November 1986 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposesOJ L 358, 18.12.1986, p. 1.. The Commission shall in particular ensure the development, validation and legal acceptance of alternative test methods which do not use live animals;(b)progress made by the Commission in its efforts to obtain acceptance by the OECD of alternative methods validated at Community level and recognition by non-member countries of the results of the safety tests carried out in the Community using alternative methods, in particular within the framework of cooperation agreements between the Community and these countries;(c)the manner in which the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises have been taken into account.
Article 101.The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Cosmetic Products.2.Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 11Without prejudice to Article 5 and not later than one year after expiry of the period laid down in Article 14 (1) for implementation of this Directive by the Member States, the Commission shall, on the basis of the results of the latest scientific and technical research, submit to the Council appropriate proposals establishing lists of permitted substances.
Article 121.If a Member State notes, on the basis of a substantiated justification, that a cosmetic product, although complying with the requirements of the Directive, represents a hazard to health, it may provisionally prohibit the marketing of that product in its territory or subject it to special conditions. It shall immediately inform the other Member States and the Commission thereof, stating the grounds for its decision.2.The Commission shall as soon as possible consult the Member States concerned, following which it shall deliver its opinion without delay and take the appropriate steps.3.If the Commission is of the opinion that technical adaptations to the Directive are necessary, such adaptations shall be adopted by either the Commission or the Council in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10. In that event, the Member State which has adopted safeguard measures may maintain them until entry into force of the adaptations.
Article 13Precise reasons shall be stated for any individual measures placing a restriction or ban on the marketing of cosmetic products taken pursuant to this Directive. It shall be notified to the party concerned together with particulars of the remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member States and of the time limits allowed for the exercise of such remedies.
Article 141.Member States shall bring into force the provisions needed in order to comply with this Directive within 18 months of its notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.2.Member States may, however, for a period of 36 months from notification of this Directive, authorize the marketing in their territory of cosmetic products which do not conform to the requirements of the Directive.3.Member States shall ensure that the texts of such provisions of national law as they adopt in the field governed by this Directive are communicated to the Commission.
Article 15This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
nullANNEX IILLUSTRATIVE LIST BY CATEGORY OF COSMETIC PRODUCTSCreams, emulsions, lotions, gels and oils for the skin (hands, face, feet, etc.).Face masks (with the exception of peeling products).Tinted bases (liquids, pastes, powders).Make-up powders, after-bath powders, hygienic powders, etc.Toilet soaps, deodorant soaps, etc.Perfumes, toilet waters and eau de Cologne.Bath and shower mixtures (salts, foams, oils, gels, etc.).Depilatories.Deodorants and anti-perspirants.Hair care products:hair tints and bleaches,products for waving, straightening and fixing,setting products,cleansing products (lotions, powders, shampoos),conditioning products (lotions, creams, oils),hairdressing products (lotions, lacquers, brilliantines).Shaving products (creams, foams, lotions, etc.).Products for making up and removing make-up from the face and the eyes.Products intended for application to the lips.Products for care of the teeth and the mouth.Products for nail care and make-up.Products for external intimate hygiene.Sunbathing products.Products for tanning without sun.Skin-whitening products.Anti-wrinkle products.ANNEX IILIST OF SUBSTANCES WHICH MUST NOT FORM PART OF THE COMPOSITION OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS1.N-5-Chlorobenzoxazol-2-ylacetamide2.2-Acetoxyethyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (acetylcholine) and its salts3.Deanol aceglumateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.4.SpironolactoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.5.[4-(4-Hydroxy-3-iodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodophenyl]acetic acid and its salts6.MethotrexateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.7.Aminocaproic acidIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts8.CinchophenIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., its salts, derivatives and salts of these derivatives9.Thyropropic acidIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts10.Trichloroacetic acid11.Aconitum napellus L. (leaves, roots and galenical mixtures)12.Aconitine (principal alkaloid of Aconitum napellus L.) and its salts13.Adonis vernalis L. and its mixtures14.EpinephrineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.15.Rauwolfia serpentina alkaloids and their salts16.Alkyne alcohols, their esters, ethers and salts17.IsoprenalineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.18.Allyl isothiocyanate19.AlloclamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts20.NalorphineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., its salts and ethers21.Sympathicomimetic amines acting on the central nervous system: any substance contained in the first list of medicaments which are subject to medical prescription and are referred to in resolution AP (69) 2 of the Council of Europe22.Aniline, its salts and its halogenated and sulphonated derivatives23.BetoxycaineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts24.ZoxazolamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.25.ProcainamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., its salts and derivatives26.Benzidine27.TuaminoheptaneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., its isomers and salts28.OctodrineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts29.2-Amino-1,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanol and its salts30.1,3-dimethylpentylamine and its salts31.4-Aminosalicylic acid and its salts32.Toluidines, their isomers, salts and halogenated and sulphonated derivatives33.Xylidines, their isomers, salts and halogenated and sulphonated derivatives34.Imperatorin (9-(3-methoxylbut-2-enyloxy)furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one)35.Ammi majus and its galenical mixtures36.2,3-Dichloro-2-methylbutane37.Substances with androgenic effect38.Anthracene oil39.Antibiotics missing text40.Antimony and its compounds41.Apocynum cannabinum L. and its mixtures42.Apomorphine (R 5,6,6a, 7-tetrahydro-6-methyl-4H-dibenzo [de,g]quinoline-10,11-diol) and its salts43.Arsenic and its compounds44.Atropa belladonna L. and its mixtures45.Atropine, its salts and derivatives46.Barium salts, with the exception of barium sulphate, barium sulphide under the conditions laid down in Annex III, Part 1, and lakes, salts and pigments prepared from the colouring agents listed with the reference (5) in Annex III, Part 2 and Annex IV, Part 2.47.Benzene48.Benzimidazol-2(3H)-one49.Benzazepines and benzodiazepines50.1-Dimethylaminomethyl-1-methylpropyl benzoate (amylocaine) and its salts51.2,2,6-Trimethyl-4-piperidyl benzoate (benzamine) and its salts52.IsocarboxazidIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.53.BendroflumethiazideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its derivatives54.Beryllium and its compounds55.Bromine, elemental56.Bretylium tosilateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.57.CarbromalIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.58.BromisovalIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.59.BrompheniramineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts60.Benzilonium bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.61.Tetrylammonium bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.62.Brucine63.TetracaineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts64.MofebutazoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.65.TolbutamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.66.CarbutamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.67.PhenylbutazoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.68.Cadmium and its compounds69.Cantharides, Cantharis vesicatoria70.(1R,2S)-Hexahydro-1,2-dimethyl-3,6-epoxyphthalic anhydride (cantharidin)71.PhenprobamateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.72.Nitroderivatives of carbazole73.Carbon disulphide74.Catalase75.Cephaeline and its salts76.Chenopodium ambrosioides (essential oil)77.2,2,2-Trichloroethane-1,1-diol78.Chlorine79.ChlorpropamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.80.DiphenoxylateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. hydrochloride81.4-Phenylazophenylene-1,3-diamine citrate hydrochloride (chrysoidine citrate hydrochloride)82.ChlorzoxazoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.83.2-Chloro-6-methylpyrimidin-4-yldimethylamine (crimidine-ISO)84.ChlorprothixeneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts85.ClofenamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.86.N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine N-oxide and its salts87.ChlormethineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts88.CyclophosphamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts89.MannomustineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts90.ButanilicaineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts91.ChlormezanoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.92.TriparanolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.93.2-[2(4-Chiorophenyl)-2-phenylacetyl] indane-1,3-dione (chlorophacinone-ISO)94.ChlorphenoxamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.95.2-[2-(4-Chlorophenyl)-2-phenylacetyl]indan 1,3-dione (chlorophacinone - ISO)96.Chloroethane97.Chromium; chromic acid and its salts98.Claviceps purpurea Tul., its alkaloids and galenical mixtures99.Conium maculatum L. (fruit, powder, galenical mixtures)100.GlycyclamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.101.Cobalt benzenesulphonate102.Colchicine, its salts and derivatives103.Colchicoside and its derivatives104.Golchicum autumnale L. and its galenical mixtures105.Convallatoxin106.Anamirta cocculus L. (fruit)107.Croton tiglium (oil)108.1-Butyl-3-(N-crotonoylsulphanilyl)urea109.Curare and curarine110.Synthetic curarizants111.Hydrogen cyanide and its salts112.2-α-Cyclohexylbenzyl(N,N,N',N',-tetraethyl)trimethylenediamine (phenetamine)113.CyclomenolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts114.Sodium hexacyclonateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.115.HexapropymateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.116.DextropropoxypheneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.117.O,O'-Diacetyl-N-allyl-N-normorphine118.PipazetateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts119.5-(αβ-Dibromophenethyl)-5-methylhydantoin120.N,N'-Pentamethylenebis (trimethylammonium salts), e.g. pentamethonium bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.121.N,N'-[(Methylimino)diethylene]bis(ethyldimethylammonium) salts, e.g. azamethonium bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.122.CyclarbamateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.123.ClofenotaneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.; DDT (ISO)124.N,N'-Hexamethylenebis(trimethylammonium) salts, e.g. hexamethonium bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.125.Dichloroethanes (ethylene chlorides)126.Dichloroethylenes (acetylene chlorides)127.LysergideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts128.2-Diethylaminoethyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylbenzoate and its salts129.CinchocaineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts130.3-Diethylaminopropyl cinnamate131.O,O'-Diethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate (parathion-lSO)132.[Oxalylbisiminoethylene)]bis[(o-chlorobenzyl)diethylammonium salts], e.g. ambenomium clorideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.133.MethyprylonIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts134.Digitaline and all heterosides of Digitalis purpurea L.135.7-[2-Hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyethyl-N-methylamino)propyl]theophylline (xanthinol)136.DioxethedrinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts137.PiprocurariumIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.138.PropyphenazoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.139.TetrabenazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts140.CaptodiameIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.141.MefeclorazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts142.Dimethylamine143.1,1-Bis(dimethylaminomethyl)propyl benzoate (amydricaine, alypine) and its salts144.MethapyrileneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts145.MetamfepramoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts146.AmitriptylineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts147.MetforminIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts148.Isosorbide dinitrateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.149.Malononitrile150.Succinonitrile151.Dinitrophenol isomers152.InproquoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.153.DimevamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts154.DiphenylpyralineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts155.SulfinpyrazoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.156.N-(3-Carbamoyl-3,3-diphenylpropyl)-N,N-diisopropylmethyl-ammonium salts, e.g. isopropamide iodideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.157.BenactyzineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.158.BenzatropineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts159.CyclizineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts160.5,5-Diphenyl-4-imidazolidone161.ProbenecidIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.162.DisulfiramIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.; thiram (ISO)163.Emetine, its salts and derivatives164.Ephedrine and its salts165.OxanamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its derivatives166.Eserine or physostigmine and its salts167.4-aminobenzoic acid and its esters, with the free amino group168.Choline salts and their esters, e.g. choline chloride169.CaramiphenIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts170.Diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphate171.MetethoheptazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts172.OxpheneridineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts173.EthoheptazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts174.MetheptazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts175.MethylphenidateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts176.DoxylamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts177.TolboxaneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.178.4-Benzyloxyphenol and 4-ethoxyphenol179.ParethoxycaineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts180.FenozoloneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.181.GlutethimideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts182.Ethylene oxide183.BemegrideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts184.ValnoctamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.185.HaloperidolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.186.ParamethasoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.187.FluanisoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.188.TrifluperidolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.189.FluoresoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.190.FluorouracilIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.191.Hydrofluoric acid, its normal salts, its complexes and hydrofluorides with the exception of those given in Annex III, Part 1192.Furfuryltrimethylammonium salts, e.g. furtrethonium iodideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.193.GalantamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.194.Progestogens missing text195.1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (BHC-ISO)196.(1R,4S,5R,8S)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-6,7-epoxy-1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethano-naphthalene (endrin-ISO)197.Hexachloroethane198.(1R,4S,5R,8S)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethano-naphthalene (isodrin-ISO)199.Hydrastine, hydrastinine and their salts200.Hydrazides and their salts201.Hydrazine, its derivatives and their salts202.OctamoxinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts203.WarfarinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts204.Ethyl bis(4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1-benzopyran-3-yl) acetate and salts of the acid205.MethocarbamolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.206.PropatylnitrateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.207.4,4'-Dihydroxy-3,3'-(3-methylthiopropylidene) dicoumarin208.FenadiazoleIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.209.NitroxolineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts210.Hyoscyamine, its salts and derivatives211.Hyoscyamus niger L. (leaves, seeds, powder and galenical mixtures)212.PemolineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts213.Iodine214.Decamethylenebis(trimethylammonium) salts, e.g. decamethonium bromide215.Ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipecacuanha Brot. and related species) (roots, powder and galenical mixtures)216.(2-Isopropylpent.4-enoyl)urea (apronalide)217.α-Santonin [(3S,5aR,9bS)-3,3a,4,5,5a,9b-hexahydro-3,5a,9-trimethylnaphto [1,2-b] furan-2,8-dione]218.Lobelia inflata L. and its galenical mixtures219.LobelineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts220.Barbiturates221.Mercury and its compounds, except those special cases included in Annex VI, Part 1222.3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenethylamine and its salts223.Metaldehyde224.2-(4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenoxy)-N,N-diethylacetamide and its salts225.CoumetarolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.226.DextromethorphanIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts227.2-Methylheptylamine and its salts228.IsomethepteneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts229.MecamylamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.230.GuaifenesinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.231.DicoumarolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.232.PhenmetrazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., its derivatives and salts233.ThiamazoleIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.234.3,4-Dihydro-2-methoxy-2-methyl-4-phenyl-2H,5H-pyrano [3,2-c]-[1] benzopyran-5-one (cyclocoumarol)235.CarisoprodolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.236.MeprobamateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.237.TefazolineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts238.Arecoline239.Poldine metilsulfateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.240.HydroxyzineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.241.2-Naphthol242.1-and 2-Naphthylamines and their salts243.3-(1-Naphthyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin244.NaphazolineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts245.Neostigmine and its salts (e.g. neostigmine bromideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.)246.Nicotine and its salts247.Amyl nitrites248.Inorganic nitrites, with the exception of sodium nitrite249.Nitrobenzene250.Nitrocresols and their alkali metal salts251.NitrofurantoinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.252.FurazolidoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.253.Propane-1,2,3-triyl trinitrate254.AcenocoumarolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.255.Alkali pentacyanonitrosylferrate (2-)256.Nitrostilbenes, their homologues and their derivatives257.Noradrenaline and its salts258.NoscapineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts259.GuanethidineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts260.Oestrogens missing text261.Oleandrin262.ChlortalidoneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.263.Pelletierine and its salts264.Pentachloroethane265.Pentaerithrityl tetranitrateIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.266.PetrichloralIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.267.OctamylamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts268.Picric acid269.PhenacemideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.270.DifendoxazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.271.2-Phenylindan-1,3-dione (phenindione)272.EthylphenacemideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.273.PhenprocoumonIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.274.FenyramidolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.275.TriamtereneIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts276.Tetraethyl pyrophosphate; TEPP (ISO)277.Tritolyl phosphate278.PsilocybineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.279.Phosphorus and metal phosphides280.ThalidomideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts281.Physostigma venenosum Balf.282.Picrotoxin283.Pilocarpine and its salts284.α-Piperidin-2-ylbenzyl acette (SIC! acetate) laevorotatory threoform (levophacetoperane) and its salts285.PipradrolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts286.AzacyclonolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts287.BietamiverineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.288.ButopiprineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts289.Lead and its compounds290.Coniine291.Prunus laurocerasus L. ("cherry laurel water")292.MetyraponeIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.293.Radioactive substances, as defined by Directive 96/29/EuratomOJ L 159, 29.6.1996, p. 1. laying down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionising radiation.294.Juniperus sabina L. (leaves, essential oil and galenical mixtures)295.Hyoscine, its salts and derivatives296.Gold salts297.Selenium and its compounds with the exception of selenium disulphiele under the conditions set out under reference No 49 in Annex Ill, Part 1298.Solanum nigrum L. and its galenical mixtures299.Sparteine and its salts300.Glucocorticoids301.Datura stramonium L. and its galenical mixtures302.Strophantines, their aglucones and their respective derivatives303.Strophantus species and their galenical mixtures304.Strychnine and its salts305.Strychnos species and their galenical mixtures306.Narcotics, natural and synthetic: All substances listed in Tables I and II of the single Convention on narcotic drugs signed in New York on 30 March 1961307.Sulphonamides (sulphanilamide and its derivatives…) and their salts obtained by substitution of one or more H-atoms of the -NH2 groups) and their salts308.SultiameIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.309.Neodymium and its salts310.ThiotepaIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.311.Pilocarpus jaborandi Holmes and its galenical mixtures312.Tellurium and its compounds313.XylometazolineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts314.Tetrachloroethylene315.Carbon tetrachloride316.Hexaethyl tetraphosphate317.Thallium and its compounds318.Thevetia neriifolia Juss., glycoside extract319.EthionamideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.320.PhenothiazineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its compounds321.Thiourea and its derivatives, with the exception of the one listed in Annex III, Part 1322.MephenesinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its esters323.Vaccines, toxins or serums listed in the Annex to the second Council Directive of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to proprietary medicinal products (OJ No L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 13)324.TranylcypromineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts325.Trichloronitromethane (chloropicrine)326.2,2,2-Tribromoethanol (tribromoethyl alcohol)327.TrichiormethineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts328.TretamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.329.Gallamine triethiodideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.330.Urginea scilla Stern. and its galenical mixtures331.Veratrine, its salts and galenical mixtures332.Schoenocaulon olficinale Lind. (seeds and galenical mixtures)333.Veratrum Spp. and their mixtures334.Vinyl chloride monomer335.ErgocalciferolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and cholecalciferol (vitamins D2 and D3)336.Salts of O-alkyldithiocarbonic acids337.Yobimbine and its salts338.Dimethyl sulfoxideIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.339.DiphenhydramineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. and its salts340.4-tert-Butylphenol341.4-tert-Butylpyrocatechol342.DihydrotachysterolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.343.Dioxane344.Morpholine and its salts345.Pyretbrum album L. and its galenical mixtures346.2-[4-Methoxybenzyl-N-(2-pyridyl)amino]ethyldimethylamine maleate347.TripelennamineIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.348.Tetrachlorosalicylanilides349.Dichlorosalicylanilides350.Tetrabromosalicylanilides missing text351.Dibromosalicylanilides missing text352.BithionolIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.353.Thiuram monosulphides354.Thiuram disulphides355.Dimethylformamide356.4-Phenylbut-3-en-2-one357.Benzoates of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamyl alcohol except for normal content in natural essences used358.Furocoumarines (e.g. trioxysalanIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975., 8-methoxypsoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen) except for normal content in natural essences used.In sun protection and in bronzing products, furocoumarines shall be below 1 mg/kg.359.Oil from the seeds of Laurus nobilis L.360.Safrole except for normal content in the natural essences used and provided the concentration does not exceed:100 ppm in the finished product,50 ppm in products for dental and oral hygiene, and provided that Safrole is not present in toothpastes intended specifically for children361.5,5'-Di-isopropyl-2,2'-dimethylbiphenyl-4,4'-diyl dihypoiodite362.3'-ethyl-5',6',7,8'-tetrahydro-5',6',8,8'-tetramethyl-2'- acetonaphthone;Syn.: 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-6-ethyl-7-acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (acetyl ethyl tetramethyl tetralin, AETT)362.3'-Ethyl-5',6',7',8'-tetrahydro-5',5',8',8'-tetramethyl-2'-acetonaphthone or 7-acetyl-6-ethyl-1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphtalen363.O-phenylenediamine and its salts364.4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine and its salts.365.Aristolochic acid and its salts365.Aristolochic acid and its salts; Aristolochia spp. and their mixtures366.Chloroform367.2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin missing text367.2,3,7,8-Tetra chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin368.2,6-Dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl acetate (Dimethoxane)369.Pyrithione sodium (INNM)370.N-(Trichloromethylthio)-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboximide (captan)371.2,2'-Dihydroxy-3,3',5,5',6,6'-hexachlorodiphenylmethane (hexachlorophene)372.6-(Piperidinyl)-2,4-pyrimidinediamine-3-oxide (Minoxidil) and its salts and derivatives373.34',5-Tribromosalicylanide (Tribromsalan)374.Phytolacca spp. and their mixtures372.6-(Piperidinyl)-2,4-pyrimidinediamine 3-oxide (minoxidil) and its salts373.3,4',5-Tribromosalicylanilide374.Phytolacca spp. and their mixtures375.TretinoinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975. (retinoic acid and its salts)376.1-Methoxy-2,4-diaminobenzene (2,4-diaminoanisole - CI 76050) and their salts377.1-Methoxy-2,5-diaminobenzene (2,5-diaminoanisole) and their salts378.Colouring agent CI 12140379.Colouring agent CI 26105380.Colouring agent CI 42555Colouring agent CI 42555-1Colouring agent CI 42555-2381.Amyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate, mixed isomers (Padimate A (INN))382.Benzoyl peroxide383.2-Amino.4-nitrophenol384.2-Amino-5-nitrophenol385.11 α-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione and its esters385.11α-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3, 20-dione) and its esters386.Colouring agent CI 42 640386.Colouring agent C.I. 42 640387.Colouring agent CI 13 065388.Colouring agent CI 42 535389.Colouring agent CI 61 554390.Antiandrogens with steroid structure391.Zirconium and its compounds, with the exception of the complexes under reference number 50 in Annex III (Part 1) and of zirconium lakes, salts and pigments of colouring agents listed with reference number 3 in Annex IV (Part 1)392.Thyrothricine393.Acetonitrile394.Tetrahydrozoline and its salts390.Anti-androgens of steroidal structure391.Zirconium and its compounds, with the exception of the substances listed under reference number 50 in Annex III, Part One, and the zirconium lakes, pigments or salts of the colouring agents listed in Annex IV, Part One, with reference number 3393.Acetonitrile394.Tetrahydrozoline and its salts395.Hydroxy-8-quinoline and its sulphate, except for the uses provided for in No 51 in Annex III, Part 1396.Dithio-2,2-bispyridine-dioxide 1,1' (additive with trihydrated magnesium sulphate) - (pyrithione disulphide + magnesium sulphate)397.Colouring agent CI 12075 and its lakes, pigments and salts398.Colouring agent CI 45170 and CI 45170:1399.Lidocaine400.1,2-epoxybutane401.Colouring agent CI 15585402.Strontium lactate403.Strontium nitrate404.Strontium polycarboxylate405.Pramocaine406.4-ethoxy-m-phenylenediamine and its salts407.2,4-diaminophenylethanol and its salts408.Catechol409.Pyrogallol410.Nitrosamines411.Secondary alkyl- and alkanolamines and their salts412.4-Amino-2-nitrophenol413.2-Methyl-m-phenylenediamine414.4-tert-Butyl-3-methoxy-2,6-dinitrotoluene (Musk Ambrette)416.Cells, tissues or products of human origin417.3,3-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)phthalide (PhenolphthaleinIn this Directive, names followed by an asterisk are those published in "Computer print-out 1975, International Non-proprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products, Lists 1-33 of proposed INN", WHO, Geneva, August 1975.)418.3-Imidazol-4-ylacrylic acid and its ethyl ester (urocanic acid)419.Category 1 material and Category 2 material as defined in Articles 4 and 5 respectively of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilOJ L 273, 10.10.2002, p. 1., and ingredients derived therefrom.420.Crude and refined coal tars421.1,1,3,3,5,-Pentamethyl-4,6-dinitroindane (moskene)422.5-tert-Butyl-1,2,3-trimethyl-4,6-dinitrobenzene (musk tibetene).423.Alanroot oil (Inula helenium) (CAS No 97676-35-2), when used as a fragrance ingredient.424.Benzyl cyanide (CAS No 140-29-4), when used as a fragrance ingredient.425.Cyclamen alcohol (CAS No 4756-19-8), when used as a fragrance ingredient.426.Diethyl maleate (CAS No 141-05-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.427.Dihydrocoumarine (CAS No 119-84-6), when used as a fragrance ingredient.428.2,4-Dihydroxy-3-methylbenzaldehyde (CAS No 6248-20-0), when used as a fragrance ingredient.429.3,7-Dimethyl-2-octen-1-ol (6,7-Dihydrogeraniol) (CAS No 40607-48-5), when used as a fragrance ingredient.430.4,6-Dimethyl-8-tert-butylcoumarin (CAS No 17874-34-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.431.Dimethyl citraconate (CAS No 617-54-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.432.7,11-Dimethyl-4,6,10-dodecatrien-3-one (CAS No 26651-96-7), when used as a fragrance ingredient.433.6,10-Dimethyl-3,5,9-undecatrien-2-one (CAS No 141-10-6), when used as a fragrance ingredient.434.Diphenylamine (CAS No 122-39-4), when used as a fragrance ingredient.435.Ethyl acrylate (CAS No 140-88-5), when used as a fragrance ingredient.436.Fig leaf absolute (Ficus carica) (CAS No 68916-52-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.437.trans-2-Heptenal (CAS No 18829-55-5), when used as a fragrance ingredient.438.trans-2-Hexenal diethyl acetal (CAS No 67746-30-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.439.trans-2-Hexenal dimethyl acetal (CAS No 18318-83-7), when used as a fragrance ingredient.440.Hydroabietyl alcohol (CAS No 13393-93-6), when used as a fragrance ingredient.441.6-Isopropyl-2-decahydronaphthalenol (CAS No 34131-99-2), when used as a fragrance ingredient.442.7-Methoxycoumarin (CAS No 531-59-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient.443.4-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3-butene-2-one (CAS No 943-88-4), when used as a fragrance ingredient.444.1-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-1-penten-3-one (CAS No 104-27-8), when used as a fragrance ingredient.445.Methyl trans-2-butenoate (CAS No 623-43-8), when used as a fragrance ingredient.446.7-Methylcoumarin (CAS No 2445-83-2), when used as a fragrance ingredient.447.5-Methyl-2,3-hexanedione (CAS No 13706-86-0), when used as a fragrance ingredient.448.2-Pentylidenecyclohexanone (CAS No 25677-40-1), when used as a fragrance ingredient.449.3,6,10-Trimethyl-3,5,9-undecatrien-2-one (CAS No 1117-41-5), when used as a fragrance ingredient.450.Verbena essential oils (Lippia citriodora Kunth.) and derivatives other than absolute (CAS No 8024-12-2), when used as a fragrance ingredient.451.Methyleugenol (CAS No 93-15-2) except for normal content in the natural essences used and provided that the concentration does not exceed:(a)0,01 % in fine fragrance(b)0,004 % in eau de toilette(c)0,002 % in fragrance cream(d)0,001 % in rinse-off products(e)0,0002 % in other leave-on products and oral hygiene products.452.6-(2-Chloroethyl)-6-(2-methoxyethoxy)-2,5,7,10-tetraoxa-6-silaundecane (Cas No. 37894-46-5)453.Cobalt dichloride (Cas No. 7646-79-9)454.Cobalt sulphate (Cas No 10124-43-3)455.Nickel monoxide (Cas No 1313-99-1)456.Dinickel trioxide (Cas No 1314-06-3)457.Nickel dioxide (Cas No 12035-36-8)458.Trinickel disulphide (Cas No 12035-72-2)459.Tetracarbonylnickel (Cas No 13463-39-3)460.Nickel sulphide (Cas No 16812-54-7)461.Potassium bromate (Cas No 7758-01-2)462.Carbon monoxide (Cas No 630-08-0)463.Buta-1,3-diene (Cas No 106-99-0)464.Isobutane (Cas No 75-28-5), if it contains ≥ 0,1 % w/w Butadiene465.Butane (Cas No 106-97-8), if it contains ≥ 0,1 % w/w Butadiene466.Gases (petroleum), C3-4 (Cas No 68131-75-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene467.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and catalytic cracked naphtha fractionation absorber (Cas No 68307-98-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene468.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic polymn. naphtha fractionation stabiliser (Cas No 68307-99-3), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene469.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabiliser, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68308-00-9), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene470.Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater stripper (Cas No 68308-01-0), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene471.Tail gas (petroleum), gas oil catalytic cracking absorber (Cas No 68308-03-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene472.Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant (Cas No 68308-04-3), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene473.Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant deethaniser (Cas No 68308-05-4), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene474.Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised distillate and hydrodesulfurised naphtha fractionator, acid-free (Cas No 68308-06-5), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene475.Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised vacuum gas oil stripper, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68308-07-6), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene476.Tail gas (petroleum), isomerised naphtha fractionation stabiliser (Cas No 68308-08-7), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene477.Tail gas (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabiliser, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68308-09-8), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene478.Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run distillate hydrodesulferised, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68308-10-1), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene479.Tail gas (petroleum), propane-propylene alkylation feed prep deethaniser (Cas No 68308-11-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene480.Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum gas oil hydrodesulferised, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68308-12-3), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene481.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked overheads (Cas No 68409-99-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene482.Alkanes, C1-2 (Cas No 68475-57-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene483.Alkanes, C2-3 (Cas No 68475-58-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene484.Alkanes, C3-4 (Cas No 68475-59-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene485.Alkanes, C4-5 (Cas No 68475-60-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene486.Fuel-gases (Cas No 68476-26-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene487.Fuel gases, crude oil distillates (Cas No 68476-29-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene488.Hydrocarbons, C3-4 (Cas No 68476-40-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene489.Hydrocarbons, C4-5 (Cas No 68476-42-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene490.Hydrocarbons, C2-4, C3-rich (Cas No 68476-49-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene491.Petroleum gases, liquefied (Cas No 68476-85-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene492.Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened (Cas No 68476-86-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene493.Gases (petroleum), C3-4, isobutane-rich (Cas No 68477-33-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene494.Distillates (petroleum), C3-6, piperylene-rich (Cas No 68477-35-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene495.Gases (petroleum), amine system feed (Cas No 68477-65-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene496.Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrodesulferised off (Cas No 68477-66-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene497.Gases (petroleum), benzene unit recycle, hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68477-67-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene498.Gases (petroleum), blend oil, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich (Cas No 68477-68-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene499.Gases (petroleum), butane splitter overheads (Cas No 68477-69-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene500.Gases (petroleum), C2-3 (Cas No 68477-70-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene501.Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked gas oil depropaniser bottoms, C4-rich acid-free (Cas No 68477-71-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene502.Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked naphtha debutaniser bottoms, C3-5-rich (Cas No 68477-72-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene503.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha depropaniser overhead, C3-rich acid-free (Cas No 68477-73-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene504.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker (Cas No 68477-74-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene505.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker, C1-5-rich (Cas No 68477-75-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene506.Gases (petroleum), catalytic polymd. naphtha stabiliser overhead, C2-4-rich (Cas No 68477-76-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene507.Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stripper overheads (Cas No 68477-77-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene508.Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformer, C1-4-rich (Cas No 68477-79-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene509.Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle (Cas No 68477-80-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene510.Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer (Cas No 68477-81-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene511.Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle, hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68477-82-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene512.Gases (petroleum), C3-5 olefinic-paraffinic alkylation feed (Cas No 68477-83-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene513.Gases (petroleum), C2-return stream (Cas No 68477-84-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene514.Gases (petroleum), C4-rich (Cas No 68477-85-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene515.Gases (petroleum), deethaniser overheads (Cas No 68477-86-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene516.Gases (petroleum), deisobutaniser tower overheads (Cas No 68477-87-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene517.Gases (petroleum), depropaniser dry, propene-rich (Cas No 68477-90-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene518.Gases (petroleum), depropaniser overheads (Cas No 68477-91-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene519.Gases (petroleum), dry sour, gas-concn.-unit-off (Cas No 68477-92-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene520.Gases (petroleum), gas concn. reabsorber distn. (Cas No 68477-93-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene521.Gases (petroleum), gas recovery plant depropaniser overheads (Cas No 68477-94-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene522.Gases (petroleum), Girbatol unit feed (Cas No 68477-95-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene523.Gases (petroleum), hydrogen absorber off (Cas No 68477-96-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene524.Gases (petroleum), hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68477-97-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene525.Gases (petroleum), hydrotreater blend oil recycle, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich (Cas No 68477-98-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene526.Gases (petroleum), isomerised naphtha fractionator, C4-rich, hydrogen sulfide-free (Cas No 68477-99-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene527.Gases (petroleum), recycle, hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68478-00-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene528.Gases (petroleum), reformer make-up, hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68478-01-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene529.Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater (Cas No 68478-02-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene530.Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater, hydrogen-methane-rich (Cas No 68478-03-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene531.Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater make-up, hydrogen-rich (Cas No 68478-04-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene532.Gases (petroleum), thermal cracking distn. (Cas No 68478-05-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene533.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked clarified oil and thermal cracked vacuum residue fractionation reflux drum (Cas No 68478-21-7), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene534.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha stabilisation absorber (Cas No 68478-22-8), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene535.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker, catalytic reformer and hydrodesulferised combined fractionater (Cas No 68478-24-0), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene536.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker refractionation absorber (Cas No 68478-25-1), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene537.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabiliser (Cas No 68478-26-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene538.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha separator (Cas No 68478-27-3), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene539.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stabiliser (Cas No 68478-28-4), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene540.Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater separator (Cas No 68478-29-5), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene541.Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised straight-run naphtha separator (Cas No 68478-30-8), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene542.Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas plant mixed stream, C4-rich (Cas No 68478-32-0), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene543.Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas recovery plant, C1-2-rich (Cas No 68478-33-1), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene544.Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum residues thermal cracker (Cas No 68478-34-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene545.Hydrocarbons, C3-4-rich, petroleum distillate (Cas No 68512-91-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene546.Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed straight-run naphtha stabiliser overheads (Cas No 68513-14-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene547.Gases (petroleum), full-range straight-run naphtha dehexaniser off (Cas No 68513-15-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene548.Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking depropaniser off, hydrocarbon-rich (Cas No 68513-16-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene549.Gases (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabiliser off (Cas No 68513-17-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene550.Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent high-pressure flash drum off (Cas No 68513-18-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene551.Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent low-pressure flash drum off (Cas No 68513-19-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene552.Residues (petroleum), alkylation splitter, C4-rich (Cas No 68513-66-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene553.Hydrocarbons, C1-4 (Cas No 68514-31-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene554.Hydrocarbons, C1-4, sweetened (Cas No 68514-36-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene555.Gases (petroleum), oil refinery gas distn. off (Cas No 68527-15-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene556.Hydrocarbons, C1-3 (Cas No 68527-16-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene557.Hydrocarbons, C1-4, debutanizer fraction (Cas No 68527-19-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene558.Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrotreater depentaniser overheads (Cas No 68602-82-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene559.Gases (petroleum), C1-5, wet (Cas No 68602-83-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene560.Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidised catalytic cracker overheads fractionator (Cas No 68602-84-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene561.Hydrocarbons, C2-4 (Cas No 68606-25-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene562.Hydrocarbons, C3 (Cas No 68606-26-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene563.Gases (petroleum), alkylation feed (Cas No 68606-27-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene564.Gases (petroleum), depropaniser bottoms fractionation off (Cas No 68606-34-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene565.Petroleum products, refinery gases (Cas No 68607-11-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene566.Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking low-pressure separator (Cas No 68783-06-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene567.Gases (petroleum), refinery blend (Cas No 68783-07-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene568.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracking (Cas No 68783-64-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene569.Gases (petroleum), C2-4, sweetened (Cas No 68783-65-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene570.Gases (petroleum), refinery (Cas No 68814-67-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene571.Gases (petroleum), platformer products separator off (Cas No 68814-90-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene572.Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine depentaniser stabiliser off (Cas No 68911-58-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene573.Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine flash drum (Cas No 68911-59-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene574.Gases (petroleum), crude oil fractionation off (Cas No 68918-99-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene575.Gases (petroleum), dehexaniser off (Cas No 68919-00-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene576.Gases (petroleum), distillate unifiner desulfurisation tripper off (Cas No 68919-01-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene577.Gases (petroleum), fluidised catalytic cracker fractionation off (Cas No 68919-02-8) if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene578.Gases (petroleum), fluidised catalytic cracker scrubbing secondary absorber off (Cas No 68919-03-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene579.Gases (petroleum), heavy distillate hydrotreater desulfurisation stripper off (Cas No 68919-04-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene580.Gases (petroleum), light straight run gasoline fractionation stabiliser off (Cas No 68919-05-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene581.Gases (petroleum), naphtha unifiner desulfurisation stripper off (Cas No 68919-06-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene582.Gases (petroleum), platformer stabiliser off, light ends fractionation (Cas No 68919-07-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene583.Gases (petroleum), preflash tower off, crude distn. (Cas No 68919-08-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene584.Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reforming off (Cas No 68919-09-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene585.Gases (petroleum), straight-run stabiliser off (Cas No 68919-10-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene586.Gases (petroleum), tar stripper off (Cas No 68919-11-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene587.Gases (petroleum), unifiner stripper off (Cas No 68919-12-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene588.Gases (petroleum), fluidised catalytic cracker splitter overheads (Cas No 68919-20-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene589.Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha debutanizer (Cas No 68952-76-1), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene590.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and naphtha stabiliser (Cas No 68952-77-2), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene591.Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic hydrodesulfurised naphtha separator (Cas No 68952-79-4), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene592.Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run naphtha hydrodesulferised (Cas No 68952-80-7), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene593.Tail gas (petroleum), thermal-cracked distillate, gas oil and naphtha absorber (Cas No 68952-81-8), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene594.Tail gas (petroleum), thermal cracked hydrocarbon fractionation stabiliser, petroleum coking (Cas No 68952-82-9), if it contains > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene595.Gases (petroleum), light steam-cracked, butadiene conc. (Cas No 68955-28-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene596.Gases (petroleum), sponge absorber off, fluidised catalytic cracker and gas oil desulfuriser overhead fractionation (Cas No 68955-33-9), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene597.Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reformer stabiliser overhead (Cas No 68955-34-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene598.Gases (petroleum), crude distn. and catalytic cracking (Cas No 68989-88-8), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene599.Hydrocarbons, C4 (Cas No 87741-01-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene600.Alkanes, C1-4, C3-rich (Cas No 90622-55-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene601.Gases (petroleum), gas oil diethanolamine scrubber off (Cas No 92045-15-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene602.Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurisation effluent (Cas No 92045-16-4), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene603.Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurisation purge (Cas No 92045-17-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene604.Gases (petroleum), hydrogenator effluent flash drum off (Cas No 92045-18-6), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene605.Gases (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking high-pressure residual (Cas No 92045-19-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene606.Gases (petroleum), residue visbreaking off (Cas No 92045-20-0), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene607.Gases (petroleum), steam-cracker C3-rich (Cas No 92045-22-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene608.Hydrocarbons, C4, steam-cracker distillate (Cas No 92045-23-3), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene609.Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened, C4 fraction (Cas No 92045-80-2), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene610.Hydrocarbons, C4, 1,3-butadiene- and isobutene-free (Cas No 95465-89-7), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene611.Raffinates (petroleum), steam-cracked C4 fraction cuprous ammonium acetate extn., C3-5 and C3-5 unsatd., butadiene-free (Cas No 97722-19-5), if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene612.Benzo[def]chrysene (=benzo[a]pyrene) (Cas No 50-32-8)613.Pitch, coal tar-petroleum (Cas No 68187-57-5), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene614.Distillates (coal-petroleum), condensed-ring arom. (Cas No 68188-48-7), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene615.Distillates (coal tar), upper, fluorene-free (Cas No 84989-10-6), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene616.Distillates (coal tar), upper, fluorene-rich (Cas No 84989-11-7), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene617.Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction, acenaphthene-free (Cas No 90640-85-0), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene618.Pitch, coal tar, low-temp. (Cas No 90669-57-1), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene619.Pitch, coal tar, low-temp., heat-treated (Cas No 90669-58-2), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene620.Pitch, coal tar, low-temp., oxidised (Cas No 90669-59-3), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene621.Extract residues (coal), brown (Cas No 91697-23-3), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene622.Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp. tar (Cas No 92045-71-1), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene623.Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp. tar, hydrotreated (Cas No 92045-72-2), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene624.Waste solids, coal-tar pitch coking (Cas No 92062-34-5), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene625.Pitch, coal tar, high-temp., secondary (Cas No 94114-13-3), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene626.Residues (coal), liq. solvent extn. (Cas No 94114-46-2), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene627.Coal liquids, liq. solvent extn. soln. (Cas No 94114-47-3), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene628.Coal liquids, liq. solvent extn. (Cas No 94114-48-4), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene629.Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp. tar, carbon-treated (Cas No 97926-76-6), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene630.Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp tar, clay-treated (Cas No 97926-77-7), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene631.Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp tar, silicic acid-treated (Cas No 97926-78-8), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene632.Absorption oils, bicyclo arom. and heterocylic hydrocarbon fraction (Cas No 101316-45-4), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene633.Aromatic hydrocarbons, C20-28, polycyclic, mixed coal-tar pitch-polyethylene polypropylene pyrolysis-derived (Cas No 101794-74-5), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene634.Aromatic hydrocarbons, C20-28, polycyclic, mixed coal-tar pitch-polyethylene pyrolysis-derived (Cas No 101794-75-6), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene635.Aromatic hydrocarbons, C20-28, polycyclic, mixed coal-tar pitch-polystyrene pyrolysis-derived (Cas No 101794-76-7), if they contain > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene636.Pitch, coal tar, high-temp., heat-treated (Cas No 121575-60-8), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene637.Dibenz[a,h]anthracene (Cas No 53-70-3)638.Benz[a]anthracene (Cas No 56-55-3)639.Benzo[e]pyrene (Cas No 192-97-2)640.Benzo[j]fluoranthene (Cas No 205-82-3)641.Benz(e)acephenanthrylene (Cas No 205-99-2)642.Benzo(k)fluoranthene (Cas No 207-08-9)643.Chrysene (Cas No 218-01-9)644.2-Bromopropane (Cas No 75-26-3)645.Trichloroethylene (Cas No 79-01-6)646.1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (Cas No 96-12-8)647.2,3-Dibromopropan-1-ol (Cas No 96-13-9)648.1,3-Dichloropropan-2-ol (Cas No 96-23-1)649.α,α,α-Trichlorotoluene (Cas No 98-07-7)650.α-Chlorotoluene (Cas No 100-44-7)651.1,2-Dibromoethane (Cas No 106-93-4)652.Hexachlorobenzene (Cas No 118-74-1)653.Bromoethylene (Cas No 593-60-2)654.1,4-Dichlorobut-2-ene (Cas No 764-41-0)655.Methyloxirane (Cas No 75-56-9)656.(Epoxyethyl)benzene (Cas No 96-09-3)657.1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (Cas No 106-89-8)658.R-1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (Cas No 51594-55-9)659.1,2-Epoxy-3-phenoxypropane (Cas No 122-60-1)660.2,3-Epoxypropan-1-ol (Cas No 556-52-5)661.R-2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol (Cas No 57044-25-4)662.2,2′-Bioxirane (Cas No 1464-53-5)663.(2RS,3RS)-3-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-[1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl]oxirane; epoxiconazole (CAS No 133855-98-8)664.Chloromethyl methyl ether (Cas No 107-30-2)665.2-Methoxyethanol (Cas No 109-86-4)666.2-Ethoxyethanol (Cas No 110-80-5)667.Oxybis[chloromethane], bis (Chloromethyl) ether (Cas No 542-88-1)668.2-Methoxypropanol (Cas No 1589-47-5)669.Propiolactone (Cas No 57-57-8)670.Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride (Cas No 79-44-7)671.Urethane (Cas No 51-79-6)672.2-Methoxyethyl acetate (Cas No 110-49-6)673.2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Cas No 111-15-9)674.Methoxyacetic acid (Cas No 625-45-6)675.Dibutyl phthalate (Cas No 84-74-2)676.bis(2-Methyoxyethyl) ether (Cas No 111-96-6)677.bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (Cas No 117-81-7)678.bis(2-Methoxyethyl) phthalate (Cas No 117-82-8)679.2-Methoxypropyl acetate (Cas No 70657-70-4)680.2-Ethylhexyl[[[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-methyl]thio]acetate (Cas No 80387-97-9)681.Acrylamide, unless regulated elsewhere in this Directive (Cas No 79-06-1)682.Acrylonitrile (Cas No 107-13-1)683.2-Nitropropane (Cas No 79-46-9)684.Dinoseb (Cas No 88-85-7), its salts and esters with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this list685.2-Nitroanisole (Cas No 91-23-6)686.4-Nitrobiphenyl (Cas No 92-93-3)687.dinitrotoluene, technical grade (Cas No 121-14-2)688.Binapacryl (Cas No 485-31-4)689.2-Nitronaphthalene (Cas No 581-89-5)690.2,3-Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 602-01-7)691.5-Nitroacenaphthene (Cas No 602-87-9)692.2,6-Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 606-20-2)693.3,4-Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 610-39-9)694.3,5-Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 618-85-9)695.2,5-Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 619-15-8)696.Dinoterb (Cas No 1420-07-1), its salts and esters697.Nitrofen (Cas No 1836-75-5)698.Dinitrotoluene (Cas No 25321-14-6)699.Diazomethane (Cas No 334-88-3)700.1,4,5,8-Tetraaminoanthraquinone (Disperse Blue 1) (Cas No 2475-45-8)701.Dimethylnitrosoamine (Cas No 62-75-9)702.1-Methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (Cas No 70-25-7)703.Nitrosodipropylamine (Cas No 621-64-7)704.2,2′-(Nitrosoimino)bisethanol (Cas No 1116-54-7)705.4,4′-Methylenedianiline (Cas No 101-77-9)706.4,4′-(4-Iminocyclohexa-2,5-dienylidenemethylene) dianiline hydrochloride (Cas No 569-61-9)707.4,4′-Methylenedi-o-toluidine (Cas No 838-88-0)708.o-Anisidine (Cas No 90-04-0)709.3,3′-Dimethoxybenzidine (Cas No 119-90-4)710.Salts of o-dianisidine711.o-Dianisidine based azo dyes712.3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine (Cas No 91-94-1)713.Benzidine dihydrochloride (Cas No 531-85-1)714.[[1,1′-Biphenyl]-4,4′-diyl]diammonium sulphate (Cas No 531-86-2)715.3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine dihydrochloride (Cas No 612-83-9)716.Benzidine sulphate (Cas No 21136-70-9)717.Benzidine acetate (Cas No 36341-27-2)718.3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine dihydrogen bis(sulphate) (Cas No 64969-34-2)719.3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine sulphate (Cas No 74332-73-3)720.Benzidine based azo dyes721.4,4′-Bi-o-toluidine (Cas No 119-93-7)722.4,4′-Bi-o-toluidine dihydrochloride (Cas No 612-82-8)723.[3,3′-Dimethyl[1,1′-biphenyl]-4,4′-diyl]diammonium bis(hydrogen sulphate) (Cas No 64969-36-4)724.4,4′-Bi-o-toluidine sulphate (Cas No 74753-18-7)725.o-Tolidine based dyes726.Biphenyl-4-ylamine (Cas No 92-67-1) and its salts727.Azobenzene (Cas No 103-33-3)728.(Methyl-ONN-azoxy)methyl acetate (Cas No 592-62-1)729.Cycloheximide (Cas No 66-81-9)730.2-Methylaziridine (Cas No 75-55-8)731.Imidazolidine-2-thione (Cas No 96-45-7)732.Furan (Cas No 110-00-9)733.Aziridine (Cas No 151-56-4)734.Captafol (2425-06-1)735.Carbadox (Cas No 6804-07-5)736.Flumioxazin (Cas No 103361-09-7)737.Tridemorph (Cas No 24602-86-6)738.Vinclozolin (Cas No 50471-44-8)739.Fluazifop-butyl (Cas No 69806-50-4)740.Flusilazole (Cas No 85509-19-9)741.1,3,5-Tris(oxiranylmethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cas No 2451-62-9)742.Thioacetamide (Cas No 62-55-5)743.N,N-Dimethylformamide (Cas No 68-12-2)744.Formamide (Cas No 75-12-7)745.N-Methylacetamide (Cas No 79-16-3)746.N-Methylformamide (Cas No 123-39-7)747.N,N-Dimethylacetamide (Cas No 127-19-5)748.Hexamethylphosphoric-triamide (Cas No 680-31-9)749.Diethyl sulphate (Cas No 64-67-5)750.Dimethyl sulphate (Cas No 77-78-1)751.1,3-Propanesultone (Cas No 1120-71-4)752.Dimethylsulphamoyl-chloride (Cas No 13360-57-1)753.Sulfallate (Cas No 95-06-7)754.A mixture of: 4-[[bis-(4-Fluorophenyl)methylsilyl]methyl]-4H-1,2,4-triazole and 1-[[bis-(4-fluorophenyl)methylsilyl]methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (EC No 403-250-2)755.(+/–)-Tetrahydrofurfuryl –(R)-2-[4-(6-chloroquinoxalin-2-yloxy)phenyloxy]propionate (Cas No 119738-06-6)756.6-Hydroxy-1-(3-Isopropoxypropyl)-4-methyl-2-oxo-5-[4-(phenylazo)phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-3-pyridinecarbonitrile (Cas No 85136-74-9)757.(6-(4-Hydroxy-3-(2-methoxyphenylazo)-2-sulfonato-7-naphthylamino)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diyl)bis[(amino-1-methylethyl)ammonium] formate (Cas No 108225-03-2)758.Trisodium [4′-(8-acetylamino-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-4″-(6-benzoylamino-3-Sulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-biphenyl-1,3′,3″,1‴-tetraolato-O,O′,O″,O‴]copper(II) (EC No 413-590-3)759.A mixture of: N-[3-Hydroxy-2-(2-methylacryloylaminomethoxy)propoxymethyl]-2-methylacrylamideand N-2,3-bis-(2-Methylacryloylaminomethoxy)propoxymethyl]-2-methylacrylamide and methacrylamide and 2-methyl-N-(2-methylacryloylaminomethoxymethyl)-acrylamide and N-(2,3-dihydroxypropoxymethyl)-2-methylacrylamide (EC No 412-790-8)760.1,3,5-tris-[(2S and 2R)-2,3-Epoxypropyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cas No 59653-74-6)761.Erionite (Cas No 12510-42-8)762.Asbestos (Cas No 12001-28-4)763.Petroleum (Cas No 8002-05-9)764.Distillates (petroleum), heavy hydrocracked (Cas No 64741-76-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract765.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64741-88-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract766.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined light paraffinic (Cas No 64741-89-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract767.Residual oils (petroleum), solvent deasphalted (Cas No 64741-95-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract768.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64741-96-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract769.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined light naphthenic (Cas No 64741-97-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract770.Residual oils (petroleum), solvent-refined (Cas No 64742-01-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract771.Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64742-36-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract772.Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-37-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract773.Residual oils (petroleum), clay-treated (Cas No 64742-41-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract774.Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64742-44-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract775.Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-45-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract776.Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64742-52-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract777.Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-53-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract778.Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64742-54-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract779.Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-55-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract780.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-56-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract781.Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated (Cas No 64742-57-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract782.Residual oils (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 64742-62-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract783.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64742-63-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract784.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-64-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract785.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64742-65-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract786.Foots oil (petroleum) (Cas No 64742-67-2), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract787.Naphthenic oils (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed heavy (Cas No 64742-68-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract788.Naphthenic oils (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed light (Cas No 64742-69-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract789.Paraffin oils (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed heavy (Cas No 64742-70-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract790.Paraffin oils (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed light (Cas No 64742-71-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract791.Naphthenic oils (petroleum), complex dewaxed heavy (Cas No 64742-75-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract792.Naphthenic oils (petroleum), complex dewaxed light (Cas No 64742-76-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract793.Extracts (petroleum), heavy naphthenic distillate solvent, arom. conc. (Cas No 68783-00-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract794.Extracts (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy paraffinic distillate solvent (Cas No 68783-04-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract795.Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillates, solvent-deasphalted (Cas No 68814-89-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract796.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C20-50, hydrotreated neutral oil-based, high-viscosity (Cas No 72623-85-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract797.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C15-30, hydrotreated neutral oil-based (Cas No 72623- 86-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract798.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C20-50, hydrotreated neutral oil-based (Cas No 72623- 87-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract799.Lubricating oils (Cas No 74869-22-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract800.Distillates (petroleum), complex dewaxed heavy paraffinic (Cas No 90640-91-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract801.Distillates (petroleum), complex dewaxed light paraffinic (Cas No 90640-92-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract802.Distillates (petroleum), solvent dewaxed heavy paraffinic, clay-treated (Cas No 90640-94-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract803.Hydrocarbons, C20-50, solvent dewaxed heavy paraffinic, hydrotreated (Cas No 90640-95-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract804.Distillates (petroleum), solvent dewaxed light paraffinic, clay-treated (Cas No 90640-96-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract805.Distillates (petroleum), solvent dewaxed light paraffinic, hydrotreated (Cas No 90640-97-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract806.Extracts (petroleum), heavy naphthenic distillate solvent, hydrotreated (Cas No 90641-07-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract807.Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent, hydrotreated (Cas No 90641-08-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract808.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent, hydrotreated (Cas No 90641-09-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract809.Residual oils (petroleum), hydrotreated solvent dewaxed (Cas No 90669-74-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract810.Residual oils (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed (Cas No 91770-57-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract811.Distillates (petroleum), dewaxed heavy paraffinic, hydrotreated (Cas No 91995-39-0) if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract812.Distillates (petroleum), dewaxed light paraffinic, hydrotreated (Cas No 91995-40-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract813.Distillates (petroleum), hydrocracked solvent-refined, dewaxed (Cas No 91995-45-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract814.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined light naphthenic, hydrotreated (Cas No 91995-54-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract815.Extracts (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic distillate solvent (Cas No 91995- 73-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract816.Extracts (petroleum), light naphthenic distillate solvent, hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 91995-75-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract817.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent, acid-treated (Cas No 91995-76-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract818.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent, hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 91995-77-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract819.Extracts (petroleum), light vacuum gas oil solvent, hydrotreated (Cas No 91995-79-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract820.Foots oil (petroleum), hydrotreated (Cas No 92045-12-0), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract821.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C17-35, solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrotreated (Cas No 92045-42-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract822.Lubricating oils (petroleum), hydrocracked nonarom solvent-deparaffined (Cas No 92045-43-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract823.Residual oils (petroleum), hydrocracked acid-treated solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 92061-86-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract824.Paraffin oils (petroleum), solvent-refined dewaxed heavy (Cas No 92129-09-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract825.Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent, clay-treated (Cas No 92704- 08-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract826.Lubricating oils (petroleum), base oils, paraffinic (Cas No 93572-43-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract827.Extracts (petroleum), heavy naphthenic distillate solvent, hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 93763-10-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract828.Extracts (petroleum), solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic distillate solvent, hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 93763-11-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract829.Hydrocarbons, hydrocracked paraffinic distn. residues, solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 93763-38-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract830.Foots oil (petroleum), acid-treated (Cas No 93924-31-3), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract831.Foots oil (petroleum), clay-treated (Cas No 93924-32-4), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract832.Hydrocarbons, C20-50, residual oil hydrogenation vacuum distillate (Cas No 93924- 61-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract833.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined hydrotreated heavy, hydrogenated (Cas No 94733-08-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract834.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined hydrocracked light (Cas No 94733-09-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract835.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C18-40, solvent-dewaxed hydrocracked distillate-based (Cas No 94733-15-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract836.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C18-40, solvent-dewaxed hydrogenated raffinate-based (Cas No 94733-16-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract837.Hydrocarbons, C13-30, arom.-rich, solvent-extd. naphthenic distillate (Cas No 95371-04-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract838.Hydrocarbons, C16-32, arom. rich, solvent-extd. naphthenic distillate (Cas No 95371-05-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract839.Hydrocarbons, C37-68, dewaxed deasphalted hydrotreated vacuum distn. Residues (Cas No 95371-07-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract840.Hydrocarbons, C37-65, hydrotreated deasphalted vacuum distn. Residues (Cas No 95371-08-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract841.Distillates (petroleum), hydrocracked solvent-refined light (Cas No 97488-73-8), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract842.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined hydrogenated heavy (Cas No 97488-74-9), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract843.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C18-27, hydrocracked solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 97488-95-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract844.Hydrocarbons, C17-30, hydrotreated solvent-deasphalted atm. distn. residue, distn. lights (Cas No 97675-87-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract845.Hydrocarbons, C17-40, hydrotreated solvent-deasphalted distn. residue, vacuum distn. lights (Cas No 97722-06-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract846.Hydrocarbons, C13-27, solvent-extd. light naphthenic (Cas No 97722-09-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract847.Hydrocarbons, C14-29, solvent-extd. light naphthenic (Cas No 97722-10-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract848.Foots oil (petroleum), carbon-treated (Cas No 97862-76-5), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract849.Foots oil (petroleum), silicic acid-treated (Cas No 97862-77-6), if it contains > 3 % w/w DMSO extract850.Hydrocarbons, C27-42, dearomatised (Cas No 97862-81-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract851.Hydrocarbons, C17-30, hydrotreated distillates, distn. Lights (Cas No 97862-82-3), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract852.Hydrocarbons, C27-45, naphthenic vacuum distn. (Cas No 97862-83-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract853.Hydrocarbons, C27-45, dearomatised (Cas No 97926-68-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract854.Hydrocarbons, C20-58, hydrotreated (Cas No 97926-70-0), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract855.Hydrocarbons, C27-42, naphthenic (Cas No 97926-71-1), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract856.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent, carbon-treated (Cas No 100684-02-4), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract857.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent, clay-treated (Cas No 100684- 03-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract858.Extracts (petroleum), light vacuum, gas oil solvent, carbon-treated (Cas No 100684-04-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract859.Extracts (petroleum), light vacuum gas oil solvent, clay-treated (Cas No 100684-05-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract860.Residual oils (petroleum), carbon-treated solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 100684-37-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract861.Residual oils (petroleum), clay-treated solvent-dewaxed (Cas No 100684-38-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract862.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C>25, solvent-extd., deasphalted, dewaxed, hydrogenated (Cas No 101316-69-2), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract863.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C17-32, solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrogenated (Cas No 101316-70-5), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract864.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C20-35, solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrogenated (Cas No 101316-71-6), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract865.Lubricating oils (petroleum), C24-50, solvent-extd., dewaxed, hydrogenated (Cas No 101316-72-7), if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract866.Distillates (petroleum), sweetened middle (Cas No 64741-86-2), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen867.Gas oils (petroleum), solvent-refined (Cas No 64741-90-8), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen868.Distillates (petroleum), solvent-refined middle (Cas No 64741-91-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen869.Gas oils (petroleum), acid-treated (Cas No 64742-12-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen870.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated middle (Cas No 64742-13-8), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen871.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light (Cas No 64742-14-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen872.Gas oils (petroleum), chemically neutralised (Cas No 64742-29-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen873.Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralised middle (Cas No 64742-30-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen874.Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated middle (Cas No 64742-38-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen875.Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle (Cas No 64742-46-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen876.Gas oils (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 64742-79-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen877.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised middle (Cas No 64742-80-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen878.Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue, high-boiling (Cas No 68477-29-2), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen879.Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue, intermediate-boiling (Cas No 68477-30-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen880.Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue, low-boiling (Cas No 68477-31-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen881.Alkanes, C12-26-branched and linear (Cas No 90622-53-0), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen882.Distillates (petroleum), highly refined middle (Cas No 90640-93-0), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen883.Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer, heavy arom. conc. Cas No 91995-34-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen884.Gas oils, paraffinic (Cas No 93924-33-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen885.Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined hydrodesulfurised heavy (Cas No 97488-96-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen886.Hydrocarbons, C16-20, hydrotreated middle distillate, distn. Lights (Cas No 97675- 85-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen887.Hydrocarbons, C12-20, hydrotreated paraffinic, distn. lights (Cas No 97675-86-0), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen888.Hydrocarbons, C11-17, solvent-extd. light naphthenic (Cas No 97722-08-2), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen889.Gas oils, hydrotreated (Cas No 97862-78-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen890.Distillates (petroleum), carbon-treated light paraffinic (Cas No 100683-97-4), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen891.Distillates (petroleum), intermediate paraffinic, carbon-treated (Cas No 100683-98-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen892.Distillates (petroleum), intermediate paraffinic, clay-treated (Cas No 100683-99-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen893.Lubricating greases (Cas No 74869-21-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen894.Slack wax (petroleum) (Cas No 64742-61-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen895.Slack wax (petroleum), acid-treated (Cas No 90669-77-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen896.Slack wax (petroleum), clay-treated (Cas No 90669-78-6), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen897.Slack wax (petroleum), hydrotreated (Cas No 92062-09-4), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen898.Slack wax (petroleum), low-melting (Cas No 92062-10-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen899.Slack wax (petroleum), low-melting, hydrotreated (Cas No 92062-11-8), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen900.Slack wax (petroleum), low-melting, carbon-treated (Cas No 97863-04-2), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen901.Slack wax (petroleum), low-melting, clay-treated (Cas No 97863-05-3), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen902.Slack wax (petroleum), low-melting, silicic acid-treated (Cas No 97863-06-4), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen903.Slack wax (petroleum), carbon-treated (Cas No 100684-49-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen904.Petrolatum (Cas No 8009-03-8), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen905.Petrolatum (petroleum), oxidised (Cas No 64743-01-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen906.Petrolatum (petroleum), alumina-treated (Cas No 85029-74-9), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen907.Petrolatum (petroleum), hydrotreated (Cas No 92045-77-7), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen908.Petrolatum (petroleum), carbon-treated (Cas No 97862-97-0), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen909.Petrolatum (petroleum), silicic acid-treated (Cas No 97862-98-1), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen910.Petrolatum (petroleum), clay-treated (Cas No 100684-33-1), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen911.Distillates (petroleum), light catalytic cracked (Cas No 64741-59-9)912.Distillates (petroleum), intermediate catalytic cracked (Cas No 64741-60-2)913.Distillates (petroleum), light thermal cracked (Cas No 64741-82-8)914.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised light catalytic cracked (Cas No 68333-25-5)915.Distillates (petroleum), light steam-cracked naphtha (Cas No 68475-80-9)916.Distillates (petroleum), cracked steam-cracked petroleum distillates (Cas No 68477-38-3)917.Gas oils (petroleum), steam-cracked (Cas No 68527-18-4)918.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised thermal cracked middle (Cas No 85116-53-6)919.Gas oils (petroleum), thermal-cracked, hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 92045-29-9)920.Residues (petroleum), hydrogenated steam-cracked naphtha (Cas No 92062-00-5)921.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked naphtha distn. (Cas No 92062-04-9)922.Distillates (petroleum), light catalytic cracked, thermally degraded (Cas No 92201-60-0)923.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked heat-soaked naphtha (Cas No 93763-85-0)924.Gas oils (petroleum), light vacuum, thermal-cracked hydrodesulfurised (Cas No 97926-59-5)925.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised middle coker (Cas No 101316-59-0)926.Distillates (petroleum), heavy steam-cracked (Cas No 101631-14-5)927.Residues (petroleum), atm. Tower (Cas No 64741-45-3)928.Gas oils (petroleum), heavy vacuum (Cas No 64741-57-7)929.Distillates (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked (Cas No 64741-61-3)930.Clarified oils (petroleum), catalytic cracked (Cas No 64741-62-4)931.Residues (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator (Cas No 64741-67-9)932.Residues (petroleum), hydrocracked (Cas No 64741-75-9)933.Residues (petroleum), thermal cracked (Cas No 64741-80-6)934.Distillates (petroleum), heavy thermal cracked (Cas No 64741-81-7)935.Gas oils (petroleum), hydrotreated vacuum (Cas No 64742-59-2)936.Residues (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised atmospheric tower (Cas No 64742-78-5)937.Gas oils (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised heavy vacuum (Cas No 64742-86-5)938.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked (Cas No 64742-90-1)939.Residues (petroleum), atmospheric (Cas No 68333-22-2)940.Clarified oils (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised catalytic cracked (Cas No 68333-26-6)941.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised intermediate catalytic cracked (Cas No 68333-27-7)942.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised heavy catalytic cracked (Cas No 68333-28-8)943.Fuel oil, residues-straight-run gas oils, high-sulfur (Cas No 68476-32-4)944.Fuel oil, residual (Cas No 68476-33-5)945.Residues (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue distn. (Cas No 68478-13-7)946.Residues (petroleum), heavy coker gas oil and vacuum gas oil (Cas No 68478-17-1)947.Residues (petroleum), heavy coker and light vacuum (Cas No 68512-61-8)948.Residues (petroleum), light vacuum (Cas No 68512-62-9)949.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked light (Cas No 68513-69-9)950.Fuel oil, No 6 (Cas No 68553-00-4)951.Residues (petroleum), topping plant, low-sulfur (Cas No 68607-30-7)952.Gas oils (petroleum), heavy atmospheric (Cas No 68783-08-4)953.Residues (petroleum), coker scrubber, condensed-ring-arom.-contg (Cas No 68783-13-1)954.Distillates (petroleum), petroleum residues vacuum (Cas No 68955-27-1)955.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked, resinous (Cas No 68955-36-2)956.Distillates (petroleum), intermediate vacuum (Cas No 70592-76-6)957.Distillates (petroleum), light vacuum (Cas No 70592-77-7)958.Distillates (petroleum), vacuum (Cas No 70592-78-8)959.Gas oils (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised coker heavy vacuum (Cas No 85117-03-9)960.Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked, distillates (Cas No 90669-75-3)961.Residues (petroleum), vacuum, light (Cas No 90669-76-4)962.Fuel oil, heavy, high-sulfur (Cas No 92045-14-2)963.Residues (petroleum), catalytic cracking (Cas No 92061-97-7)964.Distillates (petroleum), intermediate catalytic cracked, thermally degraded (Cas No 92201-59-7)965.Residual oils (petroleum) (Cas No 93821-66-0)966.Residues, steam cracked, thermally treated (Cas No 98219-64-8)967.Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised full-range middle (Cas No 101316-57-8)968.Distillates (petroleum), light paraffinic (Cas No 64741-50-0)969.Distillates (petroleum), heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64741-51-1)970.Distillates (petroleum), light naphthenic (Cas No 64741-52-2)971.Distillates (petroleum), heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64741-53-3)972.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64742-18-3)973.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-19-4)974.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64742-20-7)975.Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-21-8)976.Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralised heavy paraffinic (Cas No 64742-27-4)977.Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralised light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-28-5)978.Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralised heavy naphthenic (Cas No 64742-34-3)979.Distillates (petroleum), chemically neutralised light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-35-4)980.Extracts (petroleum), light naphthenic distillate solvent (Cas No 64742-03-6)981.Extracts (petroleum), heavy paraffinic distillate solvent (Cas No 64742-04-7)982.Extracts (petroleum), light paraffinic distillate solvent (Cas No 64742-05-8)983.Extracts (petroleum), heavy naphthenic distillate solvent (Cas No 64742-11-6)984.Extracts (petroleum), light vacuum gas oil solvent (Cas No 91995-78-7)985.Hydrocarbons, C26-55, arom. Rich (Cas No 97722-04-8)986.Disodium 3,3′-[[1,1′-biphenyl]-4,4′-diylbis(azo)] bis(4-aminonaphthalene-1- sulphonate) (Cas No 573-58-0)987.Disodium 4-amino-3-[[4′-[(2,4-diaminophenyl)azo] [1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-5-hydroxy-6-(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate (Cas No 1937-37-7)988.Tetrasodium 3,3′-[[1,1′-biphenyl]-4,4′-diylbis(azo)]bis[5-amino-4- hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulphonate] (Cas No 2602-46-2)989.4-o-Tolylazo-o-toluidine (Cas No 97-56-3)990.4-Aminoazobenzene (Cas No 60-09-3)991.Disodium[5-[[4′-[[2,6-dihydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-sulphophenyl)azo]phenyl]azo][1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]salicylato(4-)]cuprate(2-) (Cas No 16071-86-6)992.Resorcinol diglycidyl ether (Cas No 101-90-6)993.1,3-Diphenylguanidine (Cas No 102-06-7)994.Heptachlor-epoxide (Cas No 1024-57-3)995.4-Nitrosophenol (Cas No 104-91-6)996.Carbendazim (Cas No 10605-21-7)997.Allyl glycidyl ether (Cas No 106-92-3)998.Chloroacetaldehyde (Cas No 107-20-0)999.Hexane (Cas No 110-54-3)1000.2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol (Cas No 111-77-3)1001.(+/–)-2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethylether (Cas No 112281-77-3)1002.4-[4-(1,3-Dihydroxyprop-2-yl)phenylamino]-1,8-dihydroxy-5-nitroanthraquinone (Cas No 114565-66-1)1003.5,6,12,13-Tetrachloroanthra(2,1,9-def:6,5,10-d’e’f’)diisoquinoline-1,3,8,10(2H,9H)-tetrone (Cas No 115662-06-1)1004.tris(2-Chloroethyl) phosphate (Cas No 115-96-8)1005.4′-Ethoxy-2-benzimidazoleanilide (Cas No 120187-29-3)1006.Nickel dihydroxide (Cas No 12054-48-7)1007.N,N-Dimethylaniline (Cas No 121-69-7)1008.Simazine (Cas No 122-34-9)1009.Bis(cyclopentadienyl)-bis(2,6-difluoro-3-(pyrrol-1-yl)-phenyl)titanium (Cas No 125051-32-3)1010.N,N,N′,N′-Tetraglycidyl-4,4′-diamino-3,3′-diethyldiphenylmethane (Cas No 130728-76-6)1011.Divanadium pentaoxide (Cas No 1314-62-1)1012.Alkali salts of pentachlorophenol (Cas Nos 131-52-2 and 7778-73-6)1013.Phosphamidon (Cas No 13171-21-6)1014.N-(Trichloromethylthio)phthalimide (Cas No 133-07-3)1015.N-2-Naphthylaniline (Cas No 135-88-6)1016.Ziram (Cas No 137-30-4)1017.1-Bromo-3,4,5-trifluorobenzene (Cas No 138526-69-9)1018.Propazine (Cas No 139-40-2)1019.3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyluronium trichloroacetate; monuron-TCA (Cas No 140-41-0)1020.Isoxaflutole (Cas No 141112-29-0)1021.Kresoxim-methyl (Cas No 143390-89-0)1022.Chlordecone (Cas No 143-50-0)1023.9-Vinylcarbazole (Cas No 1484-13-5)1024.2-Ethylhexanoic acid (Cas No 149-57-5)1025.Monuron (Cas No 150-68-5)1026.Morpholine-4-carbonyl chloride (Cas No 15159-40-7)1027.Daminozide (Cas No 1596-84-5)1028.Alachlor (Cas No 15972-60-8)1029.UVCB condensation product of: tetrakis-hydroxymethylphosphonium chloride, urea and distilled hydrogenated C16-18 tallow alkylamine (Cas No 166242-53-1)1030.Ioxynil (Cas No 1689-83-4)1031.3,5-Dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile (Cas No 1689-84-5)1032.2,6-Dibromo-4-cyanophenyl octanoate (Cas No 1689-99-2)1033.[4-[[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl][4-[ethyl(3-sulphonatobenzyl)amino]phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene](ethyl)(3-sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, sodium salt (Cas No 1694-09-3)1034.5-Chloro-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one (Cas No 17630-75-0)1035.Benomyl (Cas No 17804-35-2)1036.Chlorothalonil (Cas No 1897-45-6)1037.N′-(4-Chloro-o-tolyl)-N,N-dimethylformamidine monohydrochloride (Cas No 19750-95-9)1038.4,4′-Methylenebis(2-ethylaniline) (Cas No 19900-65-3)1039.Valinamide (Cas No 20108-78-5)1040.[(p-Tolyloxy)methyl]oxirane (Cas No 2186-24-5)1041.[(m-Tolyloxy)methyl]oxirane (Cas No 2186-25-6)1042.2,3-Epoxypropyl o-tolyl ether (Cas No 2210-79-9)1043.[(Tolyloxy)methyl]oxirane, cresyl glycidyl ether (Cas No 26447-14-3)1044.Di-allate (Cas No 2303-16-4)1045.Benzyl 2,4-dibromobutanoate (Cas No 23085-60-1)1046.Trifluoroiodomethane (Cas No 2314-97-8)1047.Thiophanate-methyl (Cas No 23564-05-8)1048.Dodecachloropentacyclo[,6.03,9.05,8]decane (Cas No 2385-85-5)1049.Propyzamide (Cas No 23950-58-5)1050.Butyl glycidyl ether (Cas No 2426-08-6)1051.2,3,4-Trichlorobut-1-ene (Cas No 2431-50-7)1052.Chinomethionate (Cas No 2439-01-2)1053.(R)-α-Phenylethylammonium (-)-(1R,2S)-(1,2-epoxypropyl)phosphonate monohydrate (Cas No 25383-07-7)1054.5-Ethoxy-3-trichloromethyl-1,2,4-thiadiazole (Cas No 2593-15-9)1055.Disperse Yellow 3 (Cas No 2832-40-8)1056.1,2,4-Triazole (Cas No 288-88-0)1057.Aldrin (Cas No 309-00-2)1058.Diuron (Cas No 330-54-1)1059.Linuron (Cas No 330-55-2)1060.Nickel carbonate (Cas No 3333-67-3)1061.3-(4-Isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (Cas No 34123-59-6)1062.Iprodione (Cas No 36734-19-7)1063.4-Cyano-2,6-diiodophenyl octanoate (Cas No 3861-47-0)1064.5-(2,4-Dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine)-3-fluro-2-hydroxymethylterahydrofuran (Cas No 41107-56-6)1065.Crotonaldehyde (Cas No 4170-30-3)1066.Hexahydrocyclopenta(c)pyrrole-1-(1H)-ammonium N-ethoxycarbonyl-N-(p-olylsulfonyl)azanide (EC No 418-350-1)1067.4,4′-Carbonimidoylbis[N,N-dimethylaniline] (Cas No 492-80-8)1068.DNOC (Cas No 534-52-1)1069.Toluidinium chloride (Cas No 540-23-8)1070.Toluidine sulphate (1:1) (Cas No 540-25-0)1071.2-(4-tert-Butylphenyl)ethanol (Cas No 5406-86-0)1072.Fenthion (Cas No 55-38-9)1073.Chlordane, pur (Cas No 57-74-9)1074.Hexan-2-one (Cas No 591-78-6)1075.Fenarimol (Cas No 60168-88-9)1076.Acetamide (Cas No 60-35-5)1077.N-cyclohexyl-N-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-furamide (Cas No 60568-05-0)1078.Dieldrin (Cas No 60-57-1)1079.4,4′- Isobutylethylidenediphenol (Cas No 6807-17-6)1080.Chlordimeform (Cas No 6164-98-3)1081.Amitrole (Cas No 61-82-5)1082.Carbaryl (Cas No 63-25-2)1083.Distillates (petroleum), light hydrocracked. (Cas No 64741-77-1)1084.1-Ethyl-1-methylmorpholinium bromide (Cas No 65756-41-4)1085.(3-Chlorophenyl)-(4-methoxy-3-nitrophenyl)methanone (Cas No 66938-41-8)1086.Fuels, diesel (Cas No 68334-30-5), except if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it is produced is not a carcinogen1087.Fuel oil, no. 2 (Cas No 68476-30-2)1088.Fuel oil, no. 4 (Cas No 68476-31-3)1089.Fuels, diesel, no. 2 (Cas No 68476-34-6)1090.2,2-Dibromo-2-nitroethanol (Cas No 69094-18-4)1091.1-Ethyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bromide (Cas No 69227-51-6)1092.Monocrotophos (Cas No 6923-22-4)1093.Nickel (Cas No 7440-02-0)1094.Bromomethane (Cas No 74-83-9)1095.Chloromethane (Cas No 74-87-3)1096.Iodomethane (Cas No 74-88-4)1097.Bromoethane (Cas No 74-96-4)1098.Heptachlor (Cas No 76-44-8)1099.Fentin hydroxide (Cas No 76-87-9)1100.Nickel sulphate (Cas No 7786-81-4)1101.3,5,5-Trimethylcyclohex-2-enone (Cas No 78-59-1)1102.2,3-Dichloropropene (Cas No 78-88-6)1103.Fluazifop-P-butyl (Cas No 79241-46-6)1104.(S)-2,3-Dihydro-1H-indole-carboxylic acid (Cas No 79815-20-6)1105.Toxaphene (Cas No 8001-35-2)1106.(4-Hydrazinophenyl)-N-methylmethanesulfonamide hydrochloride (Cas No 81880-96-8)1107.C.I Solvent yellow 14 (CAS No 842-07-9)1108.Chlozolinate (Cas No 84332-86-5)1109.Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Cas No 85535-84-8)1110.Pentachlorophenol (Cas No 87-86-5)1111.2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (Cas No 88-06-2)1112.Diethylcarbamoyl-chloride (Cas No 88-10-8)1113.1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (Cas No 88-12-0)1114.Myclobutanil; 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)hexanenitrile (Cas No 88671-89-0)1115.Fentin acetate (Cas No 900-95-8)1116.Biphenyl-2-ylamine (Cas No 90-41-5)1117.Trans-4-cyclohexyl-L-proline monohydro-chloride (Cas No 90657-55-9)1118.2-Methyl-m-phenylene diisocyanate (Cas No 91-08-7)1119.4-Methyl-m-phenylene diisocyanate (Cas No 584-84-9)1120.m-Tolylidene diisocyanate (Cas No 26471-62-5)1121.Fuels, jet aircraft, coal solvent extn., hydrocracked hydrogenated (Cas No 94114-58-6)1122.Fuels, diesel, coal solvent extn., hydrocracked hydrogenated (Cas No 94114-59-7)1123.Pitch (Cas No 61789-60-4), if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene1124.2-Butanone oxime (Cas No 96-29-7)1125.Hydrocarbons, C16-20, solvent-dewaxed hydrocracked paraffinic distn. Residue (Cas No 97675-88-2)1126.α,α-Dichlorotoluene (Cas No 98-87-3)1127.Mineral wool, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex; [Man-made vitreous (silicate)fibres with random orientation with alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O + K2O + CaO + MgO + BaO) content greater than 18 % by weight]1128.Reaction product of acetophenone, formaldehyde, cyclohexylamine, methanol and acetic acid (EC No 406-230-1)1129.Salts of 4,4′-carbonimidoylbis[N,N-dimethylaniline]1130.1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorcyclohexanes with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex1131.Trisodium bis(7-acetamido-2-(4-nitro-2-oxidophenylazo)-3-sulfonato-1-naphtholato)chromate(1-) (EC No 400-810-8)1132.A mixture of: 4-allyl-2,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenol, 4-allyl-6-(3-(6-(3-(6-(3-(4-allyl-2,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropyl)-phenoxy)2-hydroxypropyl)-4-allyl-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenoxy)-2-hydroxypropyl)-4-allyl-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)-phenoxy-2-hydroxypropyl-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenol, 4-allyl-6-(3-(4-allyl-2,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenoxy)-2- hydroxypropyl)-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenoxy)phenol and 4-allyl-6-(3-(6-(3-(4-allyl-2,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropyl)-phenoxy)-2-hydroxypropyl)-4-allyl-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenoxy)2-hydroxypropyl)-2-(2,3-epoxypropyl)phenol (EC No 417-470-1)1133.Costus root oil (Saussurea lappa Clarke) (CAS No 8023-88-9), when used as a fragrance ingredient1134.7-Ethoxy-4-methylcoumarin (CAS No 87-05-8), when used as a fragrance ingredient1135.Hexahydrocoumarin (CAS No 700-82-3), when used as a fragrance ingredient1136.Exudation of Myroxylon pereirae (Royle) Klotzch (Peru balsam, crude); CAS No 8007-00-9) when used as fragrance ingredient
for the individual ingredient see reference number 364 in Annex II.for the individual ingredient see reference number 413 in Annex II.
Ref. NoChemical nameCAS NoEC No
1137isobutyl nitrite542-56-3
1138isoprene (stabilized)(2-methyl-1,3-butadiene)78-79-5
11391-bromopropanen-propyl bromide106-94-5
1140chloroprene (stabilized)(2-chlorobuta-1,3-diene)126-99-8
1142ethylene glycol dimethyl ether(EGDME)110-71-4
1143dinocap (ISO)39300-45-3
1144diaminotoluene, technical product -mixture of [4-methyl-m-phenylene diamine] and [2-methyl-m-phenylene diamine]methyl-phenylenediamine25376-45-8
1146diphenylether; octabromo derivate32536-52-0
11471,2-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanetriethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDME)112-49-2
11494,4′-bis(dimethylamino)benzophenone(Michler's ketone)90-94-8
1150oxiranemethanol, 4-methylbenzene-sulfonate, (S)-70987-78-9
11511,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, dipentylester, branched and linear [1]84777-06-0 [1]
n-pentyl-isopentylphthalate [2]-[2]
di-n-pentyl phthalate [3]131-18-0 [3]
diisopentylphthalate [4]605-50-5 [4]
1152benzyl butyl phthalate(BBP)85-68-7
11531,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid di-C 7-11, branched and linear alkylesters68515-42-4
1154a mixture of: disodium 4-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-(5-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-5-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl) pyrazol-4-yl)penta-2,4-dienylidene)-4,5-dihydro-5-oxopyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonate and trisodium 4-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-(5-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-5-oxido-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl)pyrazol-4-yl)penta-2,4-dienylidene)-4,5-dihydro-5-oxopyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonateEC No 402-660-9
1155(methylenebis(4,1-phenylenazo(1-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxopyridine-5,3-diyl)))-1,1′-dipyridinium dichloride dihydrochlorideEC No 401-500-5
11562-[2-hydroxy-3-(2-chlorophenyl) carbamoyl-1-naphthylazo]-7-[2-hydroxy-3-(3-methylphenyl)-2-[2-hydroxy-3-(3-methylphenyl)-carbamoyl-1-naphthylazo]-7-[2-hydroxy-3-(3-methylphenyl)-carbamoyl-1-naphthylazo]fluoren-9-oneEC No 420-580-2
11582,4,5-trimethylaniline [1]137-17-7 [1]
2,4,5-trimethylaniline hydrochloride [2]21436-97-5 [2]
11594,4′-thiodianiline and its salts139-65-1
11604,4′-oxydianiline (p-aminophenyl ether) and its salts101-80-4
1164a mixture of: 1,3,5-tris(3-aminomethylphenyl)-1,3,5-(1H,3H,5H)-triazine-2,4,6-trione and a mixture of oligomers of 3,5-bis(3-aminomethylphenyl)-1-poly[3,5-bis(3-aminomethylphenyl)-2,4,6-trioxo-1,3,5-(1H,3H,5H)-triazin-1-yl]-1,3,5-(1H,3H,5H)-triazine-2,4,6-trioneEC No 421-550-1
1166tributyl phosphate126-73-8
1168nonylphenol [1]25154-52-3 [1]
4-nonylphenol, branched [2]84852-15-3 [2]
1171vinylidene chloride(1,1-dichloroethylene)75-35-4
1172allyl chloride(3-chloropropene)107-05-1
1174bis(2-chloroethyl) ether111-44-4
1176bisphenol A(4,4′-isopropylidenediphenol)80-05-7
1178propargite (ISO)2312-35-8
1180molinate (ISO)2212-67-1
1183methyl isocyanate624-83-9
1184N,N-dimethylanilinium tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate118612-00-3
1185O,O′-(ethenylmethylsilylene) di[(4-methylpentan-2-one) oxime]EC No 421-870-1
1186a 2:1 mixture of: 4-(7-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethyl-2-chromanyl)resorcinol-4-yl-tris(6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalen-1-sulfonate) and 4-(7-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethyl-2-chromanyl)resorcinolbis(6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalen-1-sulfonate)140698-96-0
1187a mixture of: reaction product of 4,4′-methylenebis[2-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-naphthalenesulfonate (1:2) and reaction product of 4,4′-methylenebis[2-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalenesulfonate (1:3)EC No 417-980-4
1188malachite green hydrochloride [1]569-64-2 [1]
malachite green oxalate [2]18015-76-4 [2]
1192bromoxynil heptanoate (ISO)56634-95-8
1193a mixture of: 5-[(4-[(7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl) azo]-2,5-diethoxyphenyl)azo]-2-[(3-phosphonophenyl)azo]benzoic acid and 5-[(4-[(7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)azo]-2,5-diethoxyphenyl)azo]-3-[(3-phosphonophenyl) azo]benzoic acid163879-69-4
11942-{4-(2-ammoniopropylamino)-6-[4-hydroxy-3-(5-methyl-2-methoxy-4-sulfamoylphenylazo)-2-sulfonatonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-aminopropyl formateEC No 424-260-3
11955-nitro-o-toluidine [1]99-55-8 [1]
5-nitro-o-toluidine hydrochloride [2]51085-52-0 [2]
1198pymetrozine (ISO)123312-89-0
1199oxadiargyl (ISO)39807-15-3
1201N-[2-(3-acetyl-5-nitrothiophen-2-ylazo)-5-diethylaminophenyl] acetamideEC No 416-860-9
1203p-phenetidine (4-ethoxyaniline)156-43-4
1204m-phenylenediamine and its salts108-45-2
1205residues (coal tar), creosote oil distn., if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene92061-93-3
1206creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction, wash oil, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene90640-84-9
1207creosote oil, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene61789-28-4
1208creosote, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene8001-58-9
1209creosote oil, high-boiling distillate, wash oil, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene70321-79-8
1210extract residues (coal), creosote oil acid, wash oil extract residue, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene122384-77-4
1211creosote oil, low-boiling distillate, wash oil, if it contains > 0,005 % w/w benzo[a]pyrene70321-80-1
12126-Methoxy-2,3-Pyridinediamine and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products94166-62-8
12132,3-Naphthalenediol, when used as a substance in hair dye products92-44-4
12142,4-Diaminodiphenylamine, when used as a substance in hair dye products136-17-4
12152,6-Bis(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-3,5-Pyridinediamine and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products117907-42-3
12162-Methoxymethyl-p-Aminophenol and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products29785-47-5
12174,5-Diamino-1-Methylpyrazole and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products20055-01-0
12184,5-Diamino-1-((4-Chlorophenyl)Methyl)-1H-Pyrazole Sulfate, when used as a substance in hair dye products163183-00-4
12194-Chloro-2-Aminophenol, when used as a substance in hair dye products95-85-2
12204-Hydroxyindole, when used as a substance in hair dye products2380-94-1
12214-Methoxytoluene-2,5-Diamine and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products56496-88-9
12225-Amino-4-Fluoro-2-Methylphenol Sulfate, when used as a substance in hair dye products163183-01-5
1223N,N-Diethyl-m-Aminophenol, when used as a substance in hair dye products91-68-9
1224N,N-Dimethyl-2,6-Pyridinediamine and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1225N-Cyclopentyl-m-Aminophenol, when used as a substance in hair dye products104903-49-3
1226N-(2-Methoxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products72584-59-9
12272,4-Diamino-5-methylphenetol and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products113715-25-6
12281,7-Naphthalenediol, when used as a substance in hair dye products575-38-2
12293,4-Diaminobenzoic acid, when used as a substance in hair dye products619-05-6
12302-Aminomethyl-p-aminophenol and its HCl salt, when used as a substance in hair dye products79352-72-0
1231Solvent Red 1 (CI 12150), when used as a substance in hair dye products1229-55-6
1232Acid Orange 24 (CI 20170), when used as a substance in hair dye products1320-07-6
1233Acid Red 73 (CI 27290), when used as a substance in hair dye products5413-75-2
1236HC Yellow No 1173388-54-2
1237HC Orange No 381612-54-6
1238HC Green No 152136-25-1
1239HC Red No 8 and its salts97404-14-3, 13556-29-1
1240Tetrahydro-6-nitroquinoxaline and its salts158006-54-3, 41959-35-7
1241Disperse Red 15, except as impurity in Disperse Violet 1116-85-8
1243N,N′-dihexadecyl-N,N′-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)propanediamideBishydroxyethyl Biscetyl Malonamide149591-38-8
12441-Methyl-2,4,5-trihydroxybenzene (CAS No 1124-09-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12452,6-Dihydroxy-4-methylpyridine (CAS No 4664-16-8) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12465-Hydroxy-1,4-benzodioxane (CAS No 10288-36-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12473,4-Methylenedioxyphenol (CAS No 533-31-3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12483,4-Methylenedioxyaniline (CAS No 14268-66-7) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1249Hydroxypyridinone (CAS No 822-89-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12503-Nitro-4-aminophenoxyethanol (CAS No 50982-74-6) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12512-methoxy-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 3251-56-7) (4-Nitroguaiacol) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1252C.I. Acid Black 131 (CAS No 12219-01-1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12531,3,5-Trihydroxybenzene (CAS No 108-73-6) (Phloroglucinol) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12541,2,4-Benzenetriacetate (CAS No 613-03-6) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1255Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, reaction products with epichlorohydrin and 2-nitro-1,4-benzenediamine (CAS No 68478-64-8) (CAS 158571-58-5) (HC Blue No 5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1256N-Methyl-1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, reaction products with epichlorohydrin and monoethanolamine (CAS No 158571-57-4) (HC Blue No 4) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12574-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid (CAS No 121-57-3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12583,3'-(Sulfonylbis(2-nitro-4,1-phenylene)imino)bis(6-(phenylamino)) benzenesulfonic acid and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12593(or5)-((4-(Benzylmethylamino)phenyl)azo)-1,2-(or1,4)-dimethyl-1H-1,2,4-triazolium and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12602,2'-((3-Chloro-4-((2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo)phenyl)imino)bisethanol (CAS No 23355-64-8) (Disperse Brown 1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1261Benzothiazolium, 2-[[4-[ethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]phenyl]azo]-6-methoxy-3-methyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12622-[(4-Chloro-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2-methoxyphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide (CAS No 13515-40-7) (Pigment Yellow 73) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12632,2'-[(3,3'-Dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamide] (CAS No 6358-85-6) (Pigment Yellow 12) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12642,2'-(1,2-Ethenediyl)bis[5-((4-ethoxyphenyl)azo]benzenesulfonic acid) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12652,3-Dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-6-[(4-(phenylazo)-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-1H-pyrimidine (CAS No 4197-25-5) (Solvent Black 3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12663(or5)-[[4-[(7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulphonato-2-naphthyl)azo]-1-naphthyl]azo]salicylic acid and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12672-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 7-(benzoylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-[[4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]phenyl]azo]- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1268(μ-((7,7'-Iminobis(4-hydroxy-3-((2-hydroxy-5-(N-methylsulphamoyl)phenyl)azo)naphthalene-2-sulphonato))(6-)))dicuprate(2-) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12693-[(4-(Acetylamino)phenyl)azo]-4-hydroxy-7-[[[[5-hydroxy-6-(phenylazo)-7-sulfo-2-naphthalenyl]amino]carbonyl]amino]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12702-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 7,7'-(carbonyldiimino)bis(4-hydroxy-3-[[2-sulfo-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]phenyl]azo]-, (CAS No 25188-41-4) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1271Ethanaminium, N-(4-[bis[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)-N-ethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12723H-Indolium, 2-[[(4-methoxyphenyl)methylhydrazono]methyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12733H-Indolium, 2-(2-((2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)amino)ethenyl)-1,3,3-trimethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1274Nigrosine spirit soluble (CAS No 11099-03-9) (Solvent Black 5), when used as a substance in hair dye products
1275Phenoxazin-5-ium, 3,7-bis(diethylamino)-, (CAS No 47367-75-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1276Benzo[a]phenoxazin-7-ium, 9-(dimethylamino)-, and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12776-Amino-2-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-1H-benz[de]isoquinoline-1,3(2H)-dione (CAS No 2478-20-8) (Solvent Yellow 44) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12781-Amino-4-[[4-[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl]amino]anthraquinone (CAS No 12217-43-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1279Laccaic Acid (CI Natural Red 25) (CAS No 60687-93-6) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1280Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)amino]-2-(phenylamino)-, (CAS No 15347-52-1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12814-[(4-Nitrophenyl)azo]aniline (CAS No 730-40-5) (Disperse Orange 3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12824-Nitro-m-phenylenediamine (CAS No 5131-58-8) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12831-Amino-4-(methylamino)-9,10-anthracenedione (CAS No 1220-94-6) (Disperse Violet 4) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1284N-Methyl-3-nitro-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 2973-21-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1285N1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (CAS No 56932-44-6) (HC Yellow No 5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1286N1-(Tris(hydroxymethyl))methyl-4-nitro-1,2-phenylenediamine (CAS No 56932-45-7) (HC Yellow No 3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12872-Nitro-N-hydroxyethyl-p-anisidine (CAS No 57524-53-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1288N,N'-Dimethyl-N-Hydroxyethyl-3-nitro-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 10228-03-2) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12893-(N-Methyl-N-(4-methylamino-3-nitrophenyl)amino)propane-1,2-diol (CAS No 93633-79-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12904-Ethylamino-3-nitrobenzoic acid (CAS No 2788-74-1) (N-Ethyl-3-Nitro PABA) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1291(8-[(4-Amino-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-hydroxy-2-naphthyl)trimethylammonium and its salts, except Basic Red 118 (CAS 71134-97-9) as impurity in Basic Brown 17), when used as a substance in hair dye products
12925-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)-1,4-dimethyl-1H-1,2,4-triazolium and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1293m-Phenylenediamine, 4-(phenylazo)-, (CAS No 495-54-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12941,3-Benzenediamine, 4-methyl-6-(phenylazo)- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12952,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 5-(acetylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-((2-methylphenyl)azo)- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
12964,4'-[(4-Methyl-1,3-phenylene)bis(azo)]bis[6-methyl-1,3-benzenediamine] (CAS No 4482-25-1) (Basic Brown 4) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1297Benzenaminium, 3-[[4-[[diamino(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-2-methylphenyl]azo]-N,N,N-trimethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1298Benzenaminium, 3-[[4-[[diamino(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-1-naphthalenyl]azo]-N,N,N-trimethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1299Ethanaminium, N-[4-[(4-(diethylamino)phenyl)phenylmethylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13009,10-Anthracenedione, 1-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-4-(methylamino)- (CAS No 86722-66-9) and its derivatives and salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13011,4-Diamino-2-methoxy-9,10-anthracenedione (CAS No 2872-48-2) (Disperse Red 11) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13021,4-Dihydroxy-5,8-bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]anthraquinone (CAS No 3179-90-6) (Disperse Blue 7) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13031-[(3-Aminopropyl)amino]-4-(methylamino)anthraquinone and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1304N-[6-[(2-Chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)imino]-4-methoxy-3-oxo-1,4-cyclohexadien-1-yl]acetamide (CAS No 66612-11-1) (HC Yellow No 8) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1305[6-[[3-Chloro-4-(methylamino)phenyl]imino]-4-methyl-3-oxocyclohexa-1,4-dien-1-yl]urea (CAS No 56330-88-2) (HC Red No 9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1306Phenothiazin-5-ium, 3,7-bis(dimethylamino)- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13074,6-Bis(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-m-Phenylenediamine and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13085-Amino-2,6-Dimethoxy-3-Hydroxypyridine (CAS No 104333-03-1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13094,4'-Diaminodiphenylamine (CAS No 537-65-5) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13104-Diethylamino-o-toluidine (CAS No 148-71-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1311N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 93-05-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1312N,N-Dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 99-98-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1313Toluene-3,4-Diamine (CAS No 496-72-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13142,4-Diamino-5-methylphenoxyethanol (CAS No 141614-05-3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13156-Amino-o-cresol (CAS No 17672-22-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1316Hydroxyethylaminomethyl-p-aminophenol (CAS No 110952-46-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13172-Amino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 603-85-0) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13182-Chloro-5-nitro-N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 50610-28-1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13192-Nitro-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 5307-14-2) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1320Hydroxyethyl-2,6-dinitro-p-anisidine (CAS No 122252-11-3) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13216-Nitro-2,5-pyridinediamine (CAS No 69825-83-8) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1322Phenazinium, 3,7-diamino-2,8-dimethyl-5-phenyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13233-Hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxynaphthyl)azo]-7-nitronaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid (CAS No 16279-54-2) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13243-[(2-nitro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)amino]propane-1,2-diol (CAS No 104333-00-8) (HC Yellow No 6) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13252-[(4-chloro-2-nitrophenyl)amino]ethanol (CAS No 59320-13-7) (HC Yellow No 12) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13263-[[4-[(2-Hydroxyethyl)Methylamino]-2-Nitrophenyl]Amino]-1,2-Propanediol (CAS No 173994-75-7) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13273-[[4-[Ethyl(2-Hydroxyethyl)Amino]-2-Nitrophenyl]Amino]-1,2-Propanediol (CAS No 114087-41-1) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
1328Ethanaminium, N-[4-[[4-(diethylamino)phenyl][4-(ethylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethyl- and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13294-[(4-Aminophenyl)(4-iminocyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene)methyl]-o-toluidine (CAS 3248-93-9; EINECS 221-832-2) and its hydrochloride salt (Basic Violet 14; CI 42510) (CAS 632-99-5; EINECS 211-189-6) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13304-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenylazo)benzenesulphonic acid (CAS 2050-34-2; EINECS 218-087-0) and its sodium salt (Acid Orange 6; CI 14270) (CAS 547-57-9; EINECS 208-924-8) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13313-Hydroxy-4-(phenylazo)-2-naphthoic acid (CAS 27757-79-5; EINECS 248-638-0) and its calcium salt (Pigment Red 64:1; CI 15800) (CAS 6371-76-2; EINECS 228-899-7), when used as a substance in hair dye products
13322-(6-Hydroxy-3-oxo-(3H)-xanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid; Fluorescein (CAS 2321-07-5; EINECS 219-031-8) and its disodium salt (Acid yellow 73 sodium salt; CI 45350) (CAS 518-47-8; EINECS 208-253-0), when used as a substance in hair dye products
13334′,5′-Dibromo-3′,6′-dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9′-[9H]xanthene]-3-one; 4′,5′-Dibromofluorescein; (Solvent Red 72) (CAS 596-03-2; EINECS 209-876-0) and its disodium salt (CI 45370) (CAS 4372-02-5; EINECS 224-468-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13342-(3,6-Dihydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetrabromoxanthen-9-yl)-benzoic acid; Fluorescein, 2′,4′,5′,7′-tetrabromo-; (Solvent Red 43) (CAS 15086-94-9; EINECS 239-138-3), its disodium salt (Acid Red 87; CI 45380) (CAS 17372-87-1; EINECS 241-409-6) and its aluminium salt (Pigment Red 90:1 Aluminium lake) (CAS 15876-39-8; EINECS 240-005-7) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1335Xanthylium, 9-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-(2-methylphenyl)amino)-6-((2-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)amino)-, inner salt (CAS 10213-95-3); and its sodium salt (Acid Violet 9; CI 45190) (CAS 6252-76-2; EINECS 228-377-9) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13363′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′,5′-diiodospiro(isobenzofuran-1(3H),9′-[9H]xanthene)-3-one; (Solvent Red 73) (CAS 38577-97-8; EINECS 254-010-7) and its sodium salt (Acid Red 95; CI 45425) (CAS 33239-19-9; EINECS 251-419-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13372′,4′,5′,7′-Tetraiodofluorescein (CAS 15905-32-5; EINECS 240-046-0), its disodium salt (Acid Red 51; CI 45430) (CAS 16423-68-0; EINECS 240-474-8) and its aluminium salt (Pigment Red 172 Aluminium lake)(CAS 12227-78-0; EINECS 235-440-4) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13381-Hydroxy-2,4-diaminobenzene (2,4-Diaminophenol) (CAS 95-86-3; EINECS 202-459-4) and its dihydrochloride salt (2,4-Diaminophenol HCl) (CAS 137-09-7; EINECS 205-279-4) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13391,4-Dihydroxybenzene (Hydroquinone) (CAS 123-31-9; EINECS 204-617-8) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1340[4-[[4-anilino-1-naphthyl][4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammonium chloride (Basic Blue 26; CI 44045) (CAS 2580-56-5; EINECS 219-943-6) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1341Disodium 3-[(2,4-dimethyl-5-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulphonate (Ponceau SX; CI 14700) (CAS 4548-53-2; EINECS 224-909-9) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1342Trisodium tris[5,6-dihydro-5-(hydroxyimino)-6-oxonaphthalene-2-sulphonato(2-)-N5,O6]ferrate(3-) (Acid Green 1; CI 10020) (CAS 19381-50-1; EINECS 243-010-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13434-(Phenylazo)resorcinol (Solvent Orange 1; CI 11920) (CAS 2051-85-6; EINECS 218-131-9) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13444-[(4-Ethoxyphenyl)azo]naphthol (Solvent Red 3; CI 12010) (CAS 6535-42-8; EINECS 229-439-8) and its salts, when used as a substance in hair dye products
13451-[(2-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthol (Pigment Red 4; CI 12085) (CAS 2814-77-9; EINECS 220-562-2) and its salts when used as a substance in hair dye products
13463-Hydroxy-N-(o-tolyl)-4-[(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2-carboxamide (Pigment Red 112; CI 12370) (CAS 6535-46-2; EINECS 229-440-3) and its salts when used as a substance in hair dye products
1347N-(5-Chloro-2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-[[5-[(diethylamino)sulphonyl]-2-methoxyphenyl]azo]-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxamide (Pigment Red 5; CI 12490) (CAS 6410-41-9; EINECS 229-107-2) and its salts when used as a substance in hair dye products
1348Disodium 4-[(5-chloro-4-methyl-2-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate (Pigment Red 48; CI 15865) (CAS 3564-21-4; EINECS 222-642-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1349Calcium 3-hydroxy-4-[(1-sulphonato-2-naphthyl)azo]-2-naphthoate (Pigment Red 63:1; CI 15880) (CAS 6417-83-0; EINECS 229-142-3) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1350Trisodium 3-hydroxy-4-(4′-sulphonatonaphthylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate (Acid Red 27; CI 16185) (CAS 915-67-3; EINECS 213-022-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13512,2′-[(3,3′-Dichloro[1,1′-biphenyl]-4,4′-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-oxobutyramide] (Pigment Yellow 13; CI 21100) (CAS 5102-83-0; EINECS 225-822-9) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13522,2′-[Cyclohexylidenebis[(2-methyl-4,1-phenylene)azo]]bis[4-cyclohexylphenol] (Solvent Yellow 29; CI 21230) (CAS 6706-82-7; EINECS 229-754-0) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13531-((4-Phenylazo)phenylazo)-2-naphthol (Solvent Red 23; CI 26100) (CAS 85-86-9; EINECS 201-638-4) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1354Tetrasodium 6-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[[7-sulphonato-4-[(4-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-1-naphthyl]azo]naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate (Food Black 2; CI 27755) (CAS 2118-39-0; EINECS 218-326-9) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1355Ethanaminium, N-(4-((4-(diethylamino)phenyl)(2,4-disulfophenyl)methylene)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)-N-ethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt, sodium salt (Acid Blue 1; CI 42045) (CAS 129-17-9; EINECS 204-934-1) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1356Ethanaminium, N-(4-((4-(diethylamino)phenyl)(5-hydroxy-2,4-disulfophenyl)methylene)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)-N-ethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt, calcium salt (2:1) (Acid Blue 3; CI 42051) (CAS 3536-49-0; EINECS 222-573-8) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1357Benzenemethanaminium, N-ethyl-N-(4-((4-(ethyl((3-sulfophenyl)methyl)amino)phenyl)(4-hydroxy-2-sulfophenyl)methylene)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)-3-sulfo-, hydroxide, inner salt, disodium salt (Fast Green FCF; CI 42053) (CAS 2353-45-9; EINECS 219-091-5) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13581,3-Isobenzofurandione, reaction products with methylquinoline and quinoline (Solvent Yellow 33; CI 47000) (CAS 8003-22-3; EINECS 232-318-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1359Nigrosine (CI 50420) (CAS 8005-03-6) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13608,18-Dichloro-5,15-diethyl-5,15-dihydrodiindolo[3,2-b:3′,2′-m]triphenodioxazine (Pigment Violet 23; CI 51319) (CAS 6358-30-1; EINECS 228-767-9) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13611,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone (Pigment Red 83; CI 58000) (CAS 72-48-0; EINECS 200-782-5) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1362Trisodium 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulphonate (Solvent Green 7; CI 59040) (CAS 6358-69-6; EINECS 228-783-6) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13631-Hydroxy-4-(p-toluidino)anthraquinone (Solvent Violet 13; CI 60725) (CAS 81-48-1; EINECS 201-353-5), when used as a substance in hair dye products
13641,4-bis(p-Tolylamino)anthraquinone (Solvent Green 3; CI 61565) (CAS 128-80-3; EINECS 204-909-5) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13656-Chloro-2-(6-chloro-4-methyl-3-oxobenzo[b]thien-2(3H)-ylidene)-4-methylbenzo[b]thiophene-3(2H)-one (VAT Red 1; CI 73360) (CAS 2379-74-0; EINECS 219-163-6) when used as a substance in hair dye products
13665,12-Dihydroquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione (Pigment Violet 19; CI 73900) (CAS 1047-16-1; EINECS 213-879-2) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1367(29H,31H-Phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32)copper (Pigment Blue 15; CI 74160) (CAS 147-14-8; EINECS 205-685-1) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1368Disodium [29H,31H-phthalocyaninedisulphonato(4-)-N29,N30,N31,N32]cuprate(2-) (Direct Blue 86; CI 74180) (CAS 1330-38-7; EINECS 215-537-8) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1369Polychloro copper phthalocyanine (Pigment Green 7; CI 74260) (CAS 1328-53-6; EINECS 215-524-7) when used as a substance in hair dye products
1370Diethylene glycol (DEG), for traces level see Annex III2,2′-oxydiethanolCAS No 111-46-6EC No 203-872-2
1371Phytonadione [INCI], phytomenadione [INN]CAS No 84-80-0/81818-54-4;EC No 201-564-2
13722-Aminophenol (o-Aminophenol; CI 76520) and its saltsCAS No 95-55-6/67845-79-8/51-19-4EC No 202-431-1/267-335-4
1373N-(2-Nitro-4-aminophenyl)-allylamine (HC Red No 16) and its saltsCAS No 160219-76-1
These substances may be used singly or in combination provided that the sum of the ratios of the levels of each of them in the cosmetic product expressed with reference to the maximum level authorized for each of them does not exceed 1.Only if the concentration exceeds 0,05 %.These substances may be used singly or in combination provided that the sum of the ratios of the levels of each of them in the cosmetic product expressed with reference to the maximum level authorized for each of them does not exceed 2.The quantity of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide is expressed as weight of sodium hydroxide. In cases of mixtures, the sum should not exceed the limits given in column d.These substances may be used singly or in combination provided that the sum of the ratios of the levels of each of them in the cosmetic product expressed with reference to the maximum level authorised for each of them does not exceed 1.The concentration of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide is expressed as weight of sodium hydroxide. In case of mixtures, the sum should not exceed the limits given in column d.As a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, No 3.Solely for products which might be used for children under three years of age and which remain in prolonged contact with the skin.As a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, No 9.As a preservative, See Annex VI, Part 1, No 23.As a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, No 8.As a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, No 34.This limit applies to the substance and not to the finished cosmetic product.The sum of those substances used in combination should not exceed the limits given in column d.The free base and salts of this hair colouring ingredient, unless prohibited under Annex II, are permitted for use.For use as a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, entry No 58.OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
Reference numberSubstanceRestrictionsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label
Field of application and/or useMaximum authorized concentration in the finished cosmetic productOther limitations and requirements
1aBoric acid, borates and tetraborates with the exception of substance No in Annex II(a)Talc(a)5 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(a)1.Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age2.Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin if the concentration of free soluble borates exceeds 1,5 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(a)1.Not to be used for children under 3 years of age2.Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin
(b)Products for all hygiène(b)0,1 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(b)1.Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(b)1.Not to be swallowed2.Not to be used for children under 3 years of age
(c)Other products (excluding bath products and hair waving products)(c)3 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(c)1.Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age2.Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin if the concentration of free soluble borates exceeds 1,5 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(c)1.Not to be used for children under 3 years of age2.Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin
1bTetraborates(a)Bath products(a)18 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(a)Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(a)Not to be used of bathing children under 3 years of age
(b)Hair waving products(b)8 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(b)Rinse well
2aThioglycollic acid and its salts(a)Hair waving or straightening products:(a) (b) (c):The directions for use drawn up in the national or official language(s) must obligatorily incorporate the following sentences:Avoid contact with eyesIn the event of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical adviceWear suitable gloves ((a) and (c) only)(a):Contains thioglycolateFollow the instructionsKeep out of reach of childrenFor professional use only(b) and (c):Contains thioglycolateFollow the instructionsKeep out of reach of children
general use8 % ready for usepH 7 to 9,5
professional use11 % ready for usepH 7 to 9,5
(b)Depilatories5 % ready for usepH 7 to 12,7
(c)Other hair-caire products which are removed after application2 % ready for usepH to 9,5The abovementioned percentages are calculated as thioglycollic acid
2bThioglycollic acid estersHair waving or straightening products:The directions for use drawn up in the national or official language(s) must obligatorily incorporate the following sentences:May cause sensitization in the event of skin contactAvoid contact with eyesIn the event of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical adviceWear suitable glovesContains thioglycolateFollow the instructionsKeep out of reach of children
general use8 % ready for use pH 6 to 9,5
professional use11 % ready for use pH 6 to 9,5For professional use only
The abovementioned percentages are calculated as thioglycollic acid
3Oxalic acid, its esters and alcaline saltsHair care products5 %For professional use only
4Ammonia6 % calculated as NH3Above 2 %: contains ammonia
5Tosylchloramide sodium (*)0·2 %
6Chlorates of alkali metals(a)Toothpaste(b)Other uses(a)5 %(b)3 %
7Dichloromethane35 %(when mixed with 1,1,1-trichloroethane, total concentration must not exceed 35 %)0·2 % as maximum impurity content
8N-substituted derivatives of p-Phenylenediamine and their salts; N-substituted derivatives of o-Phenylenediamine, with exception of those derivatives listed elsewhere in this Annex and under reference numbers 1309, 1311, and 1312 in Annex IIOxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing6 % calculated as free base
(a)general use(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.missing textContains phenylenediamines. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows
(b)professional use(b)For professional use only. Contains phenylenediamines.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.missing textWear suitable gloves.
8ap-Phenylenediamine and its salts (5)CAS No 106-50-3Einecs 203-404-7p-Phenylenediamine HClCAS No 624-18-0Einecs 210-834-9p-Phenylenediamine sulphateCAS No 16245-77-5Einecs 240-357-1Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)general use(b)professional use(a) and (b) After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2 % calculated as free base.(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Contains phenylenediamines. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.The mixing ratio is printed on the label.(b)For professional use only. Contains phenylenediamines.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Wear suitable gloves.The mixing ratio is printed on the label.
9Methylphenylenediamines, their N-substituted derivatives and their salts, with the exception of the substance under reference number 9a in this Annex and substances under reference numbers 364, 1310 and 1313 in Annex IIOxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing10 % calculated as free base
(a)general use(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Contains phenylenediamines (toluenediamines). Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.
(b)professional use(b)For professional use only.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Contains phenylenediamines (toluenediamines). Wear suitable gloves.
9aToluene-2,5-diamine and its salts (1)CAS No 95-70-5Einecs 202-442-1Toluene-2,5-diamine sulphateCAS No 615-50-9Einecs 210-431-8Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)general use(b)professional use(a) and (b) After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 4 % calculated as free base.(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Contains phenylenediamines (toluenediamines). Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.The mixing ratio is printed on the label.(b)For professional use only.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.Contains phenylenediamines (toluenediamines). Wear suitable gloves.The mixing ratio is printed on the label.
10DiaminophenolsOxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing10 % calculated as free base
(a)general use(a)Can cause an allergic reaction. missing textContains diaminophenols. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows
(b)professional use(b)For professional use only. Contains diaminophenols. Can cause allergic reaction. missing textWear suitable gloves.
11Dichlorophen (*)0,5 %Contains dichlorophen
12Hydrogen peroxide and other compounds or mixtures that release hydrogen peroxide, including carbamide peroxide and zinc peroxide(a)Hair care mixtures(a)12 % of H2O2 (40 volumes), present or released(a)Wear suitable gloves(a) (b) (c) (e)Contains hydrogen peroxideAvoid contact with eyesRinse immediately if product comes into contact with them.
(b)Skin care mixtures(b)4 % of H2O2, present or released
(c)Nail hardening mixtures(c)2 % of H2O2, present or released
(d)Oral products, including mouth rinse, tooth paste and tooth whitening or bleaching products(d)≤ 0,1 % of H2O2, present or released
(e)Tooth whitening or bleaching products(e)> 0,1 % ≤ 6 % of H2O2, present or released(e)To be only sold to dental practitioners. For each cycle of use, first use by dental practitioners as defined under Directive 2005/36/EC or under their direct supervision if an equivalent level of safety is ensured. Afterwards to be provided to the consumer to complete the cycle of use.Not to be used on a person under 18 years of age.(e)Concentration of H2O2 present or released indicated in percentage.Not to be used on a person under 18 years of age.To be only sold to dental practitioners. For each cycle of use, the first use to be only done by dental practitioners or under their direct supervision if an equivalent level of safety is ensured. Afterwards to be provided to the consumer to complete the cycle of use.
13FormaldehydeNail hardeners5 % calculated as formaldehydeProtect cuticles with grease or oil. Contains formaldehyde.
14Hydroquinone(a)Oxidising colouring agent for hair-dying:0,3 %(a)1.Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows
1.General useRinse the eyes immediately if the product comes into contact with themContains hydroquinone
2.Professional use2.For professional use onlyContains hydroquinoneRinse the eyes immediately if the product comes into contact with them
(b)Artificial nail systems0,02 % (after mixing for use)Professional use only(b)For professional use onlyAvoid skin contactRead directions for use carefully
15aPotassium or sodium hydroxide(a)Nail cuticle solvent(a)5 % by weight(a)Contains alkali. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness. Keep out of reach of children
(b)Hair straightener(b)(b)
1.General use1.2 % by weight1.Contains alkali. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness. Keep out of reach of children
2.Professional use2.4,5 % by weight2.For professional use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness.
(c)pH adjusterdepilatories(c)Up to pH 12,7(c)Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes
(d)Other uses as pH adjuster(d)Up to pH 11
15bLithium hydroxide(a)Hair straighteners(a)(a)
1.General use1.2 % by weight1.Contains alkaliAvoid contact with eyesCan cause blindnessKeep out of reach of children
2.Professional use2.4,5 % by weight2.For professional use onlyAvoid contact with eyesCan cause blindness
(b)pH ajuster — for depilatories(b)pH value not to exceed pH 12,7(b)Contains alkaliKeep out of reach of childrenAvoid contact with eyes
(c)Other uses — as pH adjuster (for rinse-off products only)(c)pH value not to exceed pH 11
15cCalcium hydroxideHair straighteners containing two components: calcium hydroxide and a guanidine salt(a)7 % by weight of calcium hydroxide(a)Contains alkaliAvoid contact with eyesKeep out of reach of childrenCan cause blindness
(b)pH ajuster — for depilatories(b)pH value not to exceed pH 12,7(b)Contains alkaliKeep out of reach of childrenAvoid contact with eyes
(c)Other uses (e.g. pH adjuster, processing aid)(c)pH value not to exceed pH 11
161-Naphthalenol1-NaphtholCAS No 90-15-3EC No 201-969-4Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
17Sodium nitriteRust inhibitor0,2 %Do not use with secondary and/or tertiary amines or other substances forming nitrosamines
18NitromethaneRust inhibitor0,3 %
19Phenol and its alkali saltsSoaps and shampoos1 % calculated as phenolContains phenol
missing text
21Quinine and its salts(a)Shampoos(a)0,5 % calculated as quinine base
(b)Hair lotions(b)0,2 % calculated as quinine base
221,3-benzenediolResorcinolCAS No 108-46-3EC No 203-585-2(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products1.general use2.professional use(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,25 %(a)1.Contains resorcinolRinse hair well after application.Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.Rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them.As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a).2.For professional use onlyContains resorcinol.Rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them.As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair lotions and shampoos(b)0,5 %(b)Contains resorcinol.
23(a)Alkali sulphides(a)Depilatories(a)2 % calculated as sulphur pH ≤ 12,7(a)Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes
(b)Alkaline earth sulphides(b)Depilatories(b)6 % calculated as sulphur pH ≤ 12,7(b)Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes
24Water-soluble zinc salts with the exception of zinc 4-hydroxy-benzenesulphonate and zinc pyrithione1 % calculated as zinc
25Zinc 4-hydroxybenzene sulphonateDeodorants, antiperspirants and astringent lotions6 % calculated as % of anhydrous substanceAvoid contact with eyes
26Sodium monofluorophosphateOral hygiene products0,15 % calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Annex, total F concentration must not exceed 0,15 %Contains ammonium monofluorophosphate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
27Sodium monofluorophosphateDitto0,15 %DittoContains sodium monofluorophosphate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
28Potassium monofluorophosphateDitto0,15 %DittoContains potassium monofluorophosphate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
29Calcium monofluorophosphateDitto0,15 %DittoContains calcium monofluorophosphate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
30Calcium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains calcium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
31Sodium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains sodium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
32Potassium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains potassium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
33Ammonium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains ammonium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
34Aluminium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains aluminium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
35Stannous fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains stannous fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
36Hexadecyl ammonium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains hexadecyl ammonium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
373-(N-Hexadecyl-N-2-hydroxyethylammonio) propylbis (2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium difluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains 3-(N-Hexadecyl-N-2-hydroxyethylammonio) propylbis (2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium difluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
38NN'N'-Tris(polyoxyethylene)-N-hexadecylpropylenediamine dihydrofluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains NN'N'-tris(polyoxyethylene)-N-hexadecylpropylenediamine dihydrofluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
39Octadecenyl-ammonium fluorideDitto0,15 %DittoContains octadecenyl-ammonium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
40Sodium fluorosilicateDitto0,15 %DittoContains sodium fluorosilicate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
41Potassium fluorosilicateDitto0,15 %DittoContains potassium fluorosilicate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
42Ammonium fluorosilicateDitto0,15 %DittoContains ammonium fluorosilicate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
43Magnesium fluorosilicateDitto0,15 %DittoContaines (SIC! Contains) magnesium fluorosilicate. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
441,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)imidazolidine-2-thione(a)Hair-care mixtures(b)Nail-care mixtures.(a)Up to 2 %(b)Up to 2 %(a)Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)(b)The pH of the product as applied must be less than 4Contains 1,3-bis (hydroxymethyl) immidazolidine-2-thione
45Benzyl alcoholCAS No 100-51-6(a)Solvent(b)fragrance/aromatic compositions/their raw materials(b)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
466-methylcoumarinOral hygiene products0,003 %
47Nicomethanol hydrofluorideOral hygiene products0,15 %calculated as FWhen mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Annex, total F concentration must not exceed 0,15 %Contains nicomethanol hydrofluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
48Silver nitrateSolely for products intended for colouring eyelashes and eyebrows4 %Contains silver nitrateRinse the eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them
49Selenium disulphideAntidandruff shampoos1 %Contains selenium disulphideAvoid contact with eyes or damaged skin
50Aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxyde complexesAlxZr(OH)yClz and the aluminium zirconium chloride sydroxide glycine complexesAntiperspirants20 % as anhydrous aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide5,4 % as zirconium1.The ratio of the number of aluminium atoms to that of zirconium atoms must be between two an 102.The ratio of the number of (Al + Zr) atoms to that of chlorine atoms must be between 0,9 and 2,13.Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)Do not apply to irritated or damaged skin
51Quinolin-8-ol and bis (8-hydroxy-quinolium) sulphateStabilizer for hydrogen peroxide in rinse-off hair-care mixtures0,3 % calculated as base
Stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide in non-rinse-off hair-care mixtures0,03 % calculated as base
52MethanolDenaturant for ethanol and isopropyl alcohol5 % calculated as a % ethanol and isopropyl acohol
53Etidronic acid and its salts (1-hydroxyethylidene-di-phosphonic acid and its salts)(a)Hair-care1,5 %expressed as etidronic acidmissing text
(b)Soap0,2 %
541-Phenoxy-propan-2-olRinse-off products only2 %As a preservative, see Annex VI, Part 1, No 43
Prohibited in oral hygiene products
55Lead acetateOnly for hair-dyeing0,6 % calculated in leadKeep away from children. Avoid all contact with the eyes. Wash hands after use. Contains lead acetate. Do not use to dye eyelashes, eyebrows or moustasches. If irritation develops, discountinue use.
56Magnesium fluorideDental hygiene products0,15 % calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Annex, total F concentration must not exceed 0,15 %Contains magnesium fluoride. For any toothpaste with compounds containing fluorine in a concentration of 0,1 to 0,15 % calculated as F unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. "for adult use only") the following labelling is obligatory:"Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor."
57Strontium chloride hexahydrate(a)Toothpaste3,5 %, calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 3,5 %Contains strontium chloride. Frequent use by children is not advisable
(b)Shampoo and face care products2,1 %, calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 2,1 %
58Strontium acetate hemihydrateToothpaste3,5 %, calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 3,5 %Contains strontium acetate. Frequent use by children is not advisable
59Talc: Hydrated magnesium silicate(a)Powdery products intended to be used for children under three years of age(b)other products(a)Keep powder away from children's nose and mouth
60Fatty acid dialkylamides and dialkanolamidesMaximum secondary amine content: 0,5 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum secondary amine content: 5 % (applies to raw materials)Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
61Monoalkylamines, monoalkanolamines and their saltsMaximum secondary amine content: 0,5 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMinimum purity: 99 %Maximum secondary amine content: 0,5 % (applies to raw materials)Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
62Trialkylamines, trialkanolamines and their salts(a)Non-rinse-off products(b)Other products(a)2,5 %(a) (b)Do not use with nitrosating systemsMinimum purity: 99 %Maximum secondary amine content: 0,5 % (applies to raw materials)Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
63Strontium hydroxidepH-regulator in depilatory products3,5 % calculated as strontium, max. pH of 12,7Keep out of reach of childrenAvoid contact with the eyes
64Strontium peroxideRinse-off hair care mixtures professional use4,5 % calculated as strontium in the ready-for-use mixtureAll products must meet the hydrogen peroxide release requirementsAvoid contact with eyesRinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with themFor professional use onlyWear suitable gloves
65Benzalkonium Chloride, bromide and saccharinate(a)Rinse-off hair (head) care products(a)3 % (as benzalkonium chloride)(a)In the final products the concentrations of benzalkonium chloride, bromide and saccharinate with an alkyl chain of C14, or less must not exceed 0,1 % (as benzalkonium chloride)(a)Avoid contact with the eyes
(b)Other products(b)0,1 % (as benzalkonium chloride)(b)Avoid contact with the eyes
66Polyacrylamides(a)Body-care leave-on products(a)Maximum residual acrylamide content 0,1 mg/kg
(b)Other cosmetic products(b)Maximum residual acrylamide content 0,5 mg/kg
67Amyl cinnamal(CAS No 122-40-7)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
68Benzyl alcohol(CAS No 100-51-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
69Cinnamyl alcohol(CAS No 104-54-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
70Citral(CAS No 5392-40-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
71Eugenol(CAS No 97-53-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
72HydroxycitronellalCAS No 107-75-5(a)Oral products(a) (b)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
(b)Other products(b)1,0 %
73IsoeugenolCAS No 97-54-1(a)Oral products(a) (b)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
74Amylcin namyl alcohol(CAS No 101-85-9)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
75Benzyl salicylate(CAS No 118-58-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
76Cinnamal(CAS No 104-55-2)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
77Coumarin(CAS No 91-64-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
78Geraniol(CAS No 106-24-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
79Hydroxy-methylpentylcyclohexenecarboxaldehyde(CAS No 31906-04-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
80Anisyl alcohol(CAS No 105-13-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
81Benzyl cinnamate(CAS No 103-41-3)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
82Farnesol(CAS No 4602-84-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
832-(4-tert-Butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde(CAS No 80-54-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
84Linalool(CAS No 78-70-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
85Benzyl benzoate(CAS No 120-51-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
86Citronellol(CAS No 106-22-9)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
87Hexyl cinnam-aldehyde(CAS No 101-86-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
88d-LimoneneCAS No 5989-27-5The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off productsPeroxide value less than 20 mmoles/L
89Methyl 2-octynoateCAS No 111-12-6(a)Oral products(a) (b)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
Methyl heptine carbonate(b)Other products(b)0,01 % when used aloneWhen present in combination with methyl octine carbonate, the combined level in the finished product should not exceed 0,01 % (of which methyl octine carbonate should not be more than 0,002 %)
903-Methyl-4-(2,6,6-tri-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-one(CAS No 127-51-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
91Oak moss extract(CAS No 90028-68-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
92Treemoss extract(CAS No 90028-67-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 6(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds:0,001 % in leave-on products0,01 % in rinse-off products
932,4-Diamino-pyrimidine-3-oxide (CAS No 74638-76-9)Hair care formulations1,5 %
94Benzoyl peroxideArtificial nail systems0,7 % (after mixing)Professional use onlyFor professional use onlyAvoid skin contactRead directions for use carefully
95Hydroquinone methyletherArtificial nail systems0,02 % (after mixing for use)Professional use onlyFor professional use onlyAvoid skin contactRead directions for use carefully
96Musk xylene (CAS No 81-15-2)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a)1,0 % in fine fragrance(b)0,4 % in eau de toilette(c)0,03 % in other products
97Musk ketone (CAS No 81-14-1)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a)1,4 % in fine fragrance(b)0,56 % in eau de toilette(c)0,042 % in other products
98Salicylic acid(CAS No 69-72-7)a)Rinse-off hair productsb)Other productsa)3,0 %b)2,0 %Not to be used in mixtures for children under three years of age, except for shampoos.For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.Not to be used for children under three years of age
99Inorganic sulfites and bisulfitesa)Oxidative hair dye productsb)Hair straightening productsc)Self tanning products for the faced)Other self tanning productsa)0,67 % expressed as free SO2b)6,7 % expressed as free SO2c)0,45 % expressed as free SO2d)0,40 % expressed as free SO2For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
100Triclocarban(CAS No 101-20-2)Rinse-off products1,5 %Purity criteria:3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazobenzene ≤ 1 ppm3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazoxybenzene ≤ 1 ppmFor purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
101Zinc pyrithione(CAS No 13463-41-7)Leave-on hair products0,1 %For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
102GlyoxalGlyoxal (INCI)CAS No 107-22-2EINECS No 203-474-9100 mg/kg
103Abies alba cone oil and extractCAS No 90028-76-5Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
104Abies alba needle oil and extractCAS No 90028-76-5Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
105Abies pectinata needle oil and extractCAS No 92128-34-2Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
106Abies sibirica needle oil and extractCAS No 91697-89-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
107Abies balsamea needle oil and extractCAS No 85085-34-3Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
108Pinus mugo pumilio leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 90082-73-8Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
109Pinus mugo leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 90082-72-7Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
110Pinus sylvestris leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 84012-35-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
111Pinus nigra leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 90082-74-9Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
112Pinus palustris leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 97435-14-8Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
113Pinus pinaster leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 90082-75-0Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
114Pinus pumila leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 97676-05-6Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
115Pinus species leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 94266-48-5Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
116Pinus cembra leaf and twig oil and extractCAS No 92202-04-5Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
117Pinus cembra leaf and twig extract acetylatedCAS No 94334-26-6Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
118Picea Mariana Leaf Oil and ExtractCAS No 91722-19-9Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
119Thuja Occidentalis Leaf Oil and ExtractCAS No 90131-58-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
120Thuja Occidentalis Stem OilCAS No 90131-58-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
1213-CareneCAS No 13466-78-93,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene (isodiprene)Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
122Cedrus atlantica wood oil and extractCAS No 92201-55-3Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
123Cupressus sempervirens leaf oil and extractCAS No 84696-07-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
124Turpentine gum (Pinus spp.)CAS No 9005-90-7Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
125Turpentine oil and rectified oilCAS No 8006-64-2Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
126Turpentine, steam distilled (Pinus spp.)CAS No 8006-64-2Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
127Terpene alcohols acetatesCAS No 69103-01-1Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
128Terpene hydrocarbonsCAS No 68956-56-9Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
129Terpenes and terpenoids with the exception of limonene (d-, l-, and dl-isomers) listed under reference numbers 167, 168 and 88 of this Annex III, part 1CAS No 65996-98-7Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
130Terpenes and terpenoidsCAS No 68917-63-5Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
131α-TerpineneCAS No 99-86-5p-Mentha-1,3-dienePeroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
132γ-TerpineneCAS No 99-85-4p-Mentha-1,4-dienePeroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
133TerpinoleneCAS No 586-62-9p-Mentha-1,4(8)-dienePeroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
134Acetyl hexamethyl indanCAS No 15323-35-0(a)Leave-on products(a)2 %
1,1,2,3,3,6-Hexamethylindan-5-yl methyl ketone(b)Rinse-off products
135Allyl butyrateCAS No 2051-78-72-Propenyl ButanoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
136Allyl cinnamateCAS No 1866-31-52-Propenyl 3-Phenyl-2-propenoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
137Allyl cyclohexylacetateCAS No 4728-82-92-Propenyl CyclohexaneacetateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
138Allyl cyclohexylpropionateCAS No 2705-87-52-Propenyl 3-CyclohexanepropanoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
139Allyl heptanoateCAS No 142-19-82-Propenyl heptanoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
140Allyl caproateCAS No 123-68-2Allyl hexanoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
141Allyl isovalerateCAS No 2835-39-42-Propenyl 3-Methyl-butanoateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
142Allyl octanoateCAS No 4230-97-12-Allyl caprylateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
143Allyl phenoxyacetateCAS No 7493-74-52-Propenyl PhenoxyacetateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
144Allyl phenylacetateCAS No 1797-74-62-Propenyl BenzeneacetateLevel of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
145Allyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoateCAS No 71500-37-3Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
146Allyl cyclohexyloxyacetateCAS No 68901-15-5Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
147Allyl isoamyloxyacetateCAS No 67634-00-8Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
148Allyl 2-methylbutoxyacetateCAS No 67634-01-9Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
149Allyl nonanoateCAS No 7493-72-3Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
150Allyl propionateCAS No 2408-20-0Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
151Allyl trimethylhexanoateCAS No 68132-80-9Level of free allyl alcohol in the ester should be less than 0,1 %
151aAllyl phenethyl etherCAS No 14289-65-7EC No 238-212-2Level of free allyl alcohol in the ether should be less than 0,1 %
152Allyl heptine carbonateCAS No 73157-43-4(allyl oct-2-ynoate)0,002 %This material should not be used in combination with any other 2-alkynoic acid ester (e.g methyl heptine carbonate)
153AmylcyclopentenoneCAS No 25564-22-12-Pentylcyclopent-2-en-1-one0,1 %
154Myroxylon balsamum var pereirae. extracts and distillatesCAS No 8007-00-9Balsam Peru oil, absolute and anhydrol(Balsam Oil Peru)0,4 %
1554-tert.-ButyldihydrocinnamaldehydeCAS No 18127-01-03-(4-tert-Butylphenyl)propion-aldehyde0,6 %
156Cuminum cyminum fruit oil and extractCAS No 84775-51-9(a)Leave-on products(b)Rinse-off products(a)0,4 % of Cumin oil
157cis-Rose ketone-1CAS No 23726-94-5(Z)-1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-1-one(cis-α-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
158trans-Rose ketone-2CAS No 23726-91-2(E)-1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-1-one(trans-β-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
159trans-Rose ketone-5CAS No 39872-57-6(E)-1-(2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-1-one(Isodamascone)0,02 %
160Rose ketone-4CAS No 23696-85-71-(2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)-2-buten-1-one (Damascenone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
161Rose ketone-3CAS No 57378-68-41-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-l-one(Delta-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
162cis-Rose ketone-2CAS No 23726-92-31-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-l-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-l-one(cis-β-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
163trans-Rose ketone-1CAS No 24720-09-01-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-l-one(trans-α-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
164Rose ketone-5CAS No 33673-71-11-(2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-l-one0,02 %
165trans-Rose ketone-3CAS No 71048-82-31-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-l-one(trans-delta-Damascone)(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,02 %
166trans-2-hexenalCAS No 6728-26-3(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,002 %
167l-LimoneneCAS No 5989-54-8(S)-p-Mentha-1,8-dienePeroxide value less than 20 mmoles/L
168dl-Limonene (racemic)CAS No 138-86-31,8(9)-p-Menthadiene; p-Mentha-1,8-diene(Dipentene)Peroxide value less than 20 mmoles/L
169PerillaldehydeCAS No 2111-75-3p-Mentha-1,8-dien-7-al(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,1 %
170IsobergamateCAS No 68683-20-5Menthadiene-7-methyl formate0,1 %
171Methoxy dicyclopentadiene carboxaldehydeCAS No 86803-90-9Octahydro-5-methoxy-4,7-Methano-1H-indene-2-carboxaldehyde0,5 %
1723-methylnon-2-enenitrileCAS No 53153-66-50,2 %
173Methyl octine carbonateCAS No 111-80-8Methyl non-2-ynoate(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,002 % when used aloneWhen present in combination with methyl heptine carbonate, the combined level in the finished product should not exceed 0,01 % (of which methyl octine carbonate should not be more than 0,002 %)
174Amylvinylcarbinyl acetateCAS No 2442-10-61-Octen-3-yl acetate(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,3 %
175PropylidenephthalideCAS No 17369-59-43-Propylidenephthalide(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,01 %
176IsocyclogeraniolCAS No 68527-77-52,4,6-Trimethyl-3-cyclohexene-1-methanol0,5 %
1772-Hexylidene cyclopentanoneCAS No 17373-89-6(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,06 %
178Methyl heptadienoneCAS No 1604-28-06-Methyl-3,5-heptadien-2-one(a)Oral products
(b)Other products(b)0,002 %
179p-methylhydrocinnamic aldehydeCAS No 5406-12-2Cresylpropionalde-hydep-Methyldihydrocinnamaldehyde0,2 %
180Liquidambar orientalis Balsam oil and extractCAS No 94891-27-7(styrax)0,6 %
181Liquidambar styraciflua balsam oil and extractCAS No 8046-19-3(styrax)0,6 %
182Acetyl hexamethyl tetralinCAS No 21145-77-7CAS No 1506-02-11-(5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-3,5,5,6,8,8-hexamethyl-2-naphthyl)ethan-1-one(AHTN)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral products(a)leave-on products: 0,1 %except:hydroalcoholic products: 1 %fine fragrance: 2,5 %fragrance cream:0,5 %(b)rinse-off products: 0,2 %
183Commiphora erythrea engler var. glabrescens engler gum extract and oilCAS No 93686-00-10,6 %
184Opopanax chironium resinCAS No 93384-32-80,6 %
185TolueneCAS No 108-88-3EC No 203-625-9Nail products25 %Keep out of reach of childrenTo be used by adults only
186Diethylene glycol (DEG)CAS No 111-46-6EC No 203-872-22,2′-oxydiethanolTraces in ingredients0,1 %
187ButoxydiglycolCAS No 112-34-5EC No 203-961-6diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (DEGBE)Solvent in hair dye products9 %No use in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
188ButoxyethanolCAS No 111-76-2EC No 203-905-0ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE)Solvent in oxidative hair dye products4,0 %No use in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
Solvent in non-oxidative hair dye products2,0 %No use in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
189Trisodium 5-hydroxy-1-(4-sulphophenyl)-4-(4-sulphophenylazo)pyrazole-3-carboxylate and aluminium lakeAcid Yellow 23CAS 1934-21-0EINECS 217-699-5Acid Yellow 23 Aluminum lakeCAS 12225-21-7EINECS 235-428-9CI 19140Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 %
190Benzenemethanaminium, N-ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl-[(3-sulfophenyl)-methyl]-amino]-phenyl] [2-sulfophenyl)methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-3-sulfo, inner salt, disodium salt and its ammonium and aluminium saltsAcid Blue 9CAS 3844-45-9EINECS 223-339-8Acid Blue 9 Ammonium saltCAS 2650-18-2EINECS 220-168-0Acid Blue 9 Aluminum lakeCAS 68921-42-6EINECS 272-939-6CI 42090Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 %
191Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-4-sulphonato-m-tolyl)azo]naphthalene-2-sulphonateCurry RedCAS 25956-17-6EINECS 247-368-0CI 16035Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,4 %
192Trisodium 1-(1-naphthylazo)-2-hydroxynaphthalene-4′,6,8-trisulphonate and aluminium lakeAcid Red 18CAS 2611-82-7EINECS 220-036-2Acid Red 18 Aluminum lakeCAS 12227-64-4EINECS 235-438-3CI 16255Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 %
193Hydrogen 3,6-bis(diethylamino)-9-(2,4-disulphonatophenyl)xanthylium, sodium saltAcid Red 52CAS 3520-42-1EINECS 222-529-8CI 45100(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)0,6 %(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %.(a)The mixing ratio must be printed on the label.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.
194Disodium 5-amino-4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonateAcid Red 33CAS 3567-66-6EINECS 222-656-9CI 17200Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 %
195Sodium 1-amino-4-(cyclohexylamino)-9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2-sulphonateAcid Blue 62CAS 4368-56-3EINECS 224-460-9CI 62045Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
1961-[(2′-Methoxyethyl)amino]-2-nitro-4-[di-(2′-hydroxyethyl)amino]benzeneHC Blue No 11CAS 23920-15-2EINECS 459-980-7Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products2,0 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
1971,5-Di-(ß-hydroxyethylamino)-2-nitro-4-chlorobenzeneHC Yellow No 10CAS 109023-83-8EINECS 416-940-3Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,1 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
1983-Methylamino-4-nitrophenoxyethanol3-Methylamino-4-nitrophenoxyethanol (INCI)CAS 59820-63-2EINECS 261-940-7Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,15 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
1992,2′-[[4-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-3-nitrophenyl]imino]bisethanolHC Blue No 2CAS 33229-34-4EINECS 251-410-3Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products2,8 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersCan cause allergic reaction
2001-Propanol, 3-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-nitrophenyl]amino]HC Violet No 2CAS 104226-19-9EINECS 410-910-3Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products2,0 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersCan cause allergic reaction
2012-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 131657-78-8) (EC No 411-440-1)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %(a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)3,0 %
2024,4′-[1,3-Propanediylbis(oxy)]bisbenzene-1,3-diamine and its tetrahydrochloride salt1,3-bis-(2,4-Diaminophenoxy)propaneCAS 81892-72-0EINECS 279-845-41,3-bis-(2,4-Diaminophenoxy)propane HClCAS 74918-21-1EINECS 278-022-7(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,2 % as free base (1,8 % as tetrahydrochloride salt)(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,2 % calculated as free base (1,8 % as tetrahydrochloride salt).(a)The mixing ratio must be printed on the label.For (a) and (b):Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.
2036-Methoxy-N2-methyl-2,3-pyridinediamine hydrochloride and dihydrochloride salt6-Methoxy-2-methylamino-3-aminopyridine HClCAS 90817-34-8 (HCl)CAS 83732-72-3 (2HCl)EINECS 280-622-9 (2HCl)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye(b)0,68 % as free base (1,0 % as dihydrochloride)(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,68 % calculated as free base (1,0 % as dihydrochloride).For a) and b):Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)The mixing ratio must be printed on the label.For (a) and (b):Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.
2042,3-Dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-diol and its hydrobromide saltDihydroxyindolineCAS 29539-03-5Dihydroxyindoline HBrCAS 138937-28-7EINECS 421-170-6Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products2,0 %Can cause allergic reaction
2054-Hydroxypropylamino-3-nitrophenol4-Hydroxypropylamino-3-nitrophenol (INCI)CAS 92952-81-3EINECS 406-305-9(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,6 %(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,6 % calculated as free base.For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)The mixing ratio must be printed on the label.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.
206Verbena absolute(Lippia citriodora Kunth.)CAS No 8024-12-20,2 %
207Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate HCl (INCI)Ethyl-Να-dodecanoyl-L-arginate hydrochlorideCAS No 60372-77-2EC No 434-630-6(a)soap(b)anti-dandruff shampoos(c)deodorants, not in form of spray0,8 %For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product. This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
2081-(beta-Aminoethyl)amino-4-(beta-hydroxyethyl)oxy-2-nitrobenzene and its saltsHC Orange No 2CAS No 85765-48-6EINECS 416-410-1Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,0 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersHair colourants can cause severe allergic reactions.Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:You have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp.You have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair.You have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.
2092-[(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)amino]ethanol and its salts2-Hydroxyethylamino-5-nitroanisoleCAS No 66095-81-6EINECS 266-138-0Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,2 %Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
2154-amino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 610-81-1) (EC No 210-236-8)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,0 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2162,7-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 582-17-2) (EC No 209-478-7)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,0 %
217m-Aminophenol (CAS No 591-27-5) (EC No 209-711-2) and its saltsm-Aminophenol HCl (CAS No 51-81-0) (EC No 200-125-2)m-Aminophenol sulphate (CAS No 68239-81-6) (EC No 269-475-1)sodium m-Aminophenol (CAS No 38171-54-9)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,2 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2182,6-Dihydroxy-3,4-dimethylpyridine (CAS No 84540-47-6) (EC No 283-141-2)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2222-Hydroxyethyl picramic acid (CAS No 99610-72-7) (EC No 412-520-9)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,0 %
223p-Methylaminophenol (CAS No 150-75-4) (EC No 205-768-2) and its sulphatep-Methylaminophenol sulphate (CAS No 55-55-0/1936-57-8) (EC No 200-237-1/217-706-1)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,68 % (as sulphate)Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
225Ethanol, 2-[4-[Ethyl[(2-Hydroxyethyl)Amino]-2-Nitrophenyl]Amino]-, (CAS No 104516-93-0) and its hydrochlorideHC Blue No 12 (CAS No 132885-85-9) (EC No 407-020-2)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,75 % (as hydrochloride)For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,5 % (as hydrochloride)
2273-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol (CAS No 61693-42-3) (EC No 262-909-0) and its hydrochloride3-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol HCl (CAS No 61693-43-4)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 % (as hydrochloride)(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,5 % (as hydrochloride)
230Phenyl methyl pyrazolone (CAS No 89-25-8) (EC No 201-891-0)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,25 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2322-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol (CAS No 55302-96-0) (EC No 259-583-7)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
234Hydroxybenzomorpholine (CAS No 26021-57-8) (EC No 247-415-5)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2372,2’-[(4-Amino-3-nitrophenyl)imino]bisethanol (CAS No 29705-39-3) and its hydrochlorideHC Red No 13 (CAS No 94158-13-1) (EC No 303-083-4(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,25 % (as hydrochloride)(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,5 % (as hydrochloride)
2382,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine (CAS No 85679-78-3 (free base)) and its hydrochloride2,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine HCl (CAS No 56216-28-5) (EC No 260-062-1)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,25 % (as hydrochloride)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
239HC Violet No 1 (CAS No 82576-75-8) (EC No 417-600-7)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,25 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)0,28 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2411,5-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 83-56-7) (EC No 201-487-4(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,0 %
242Hydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) (CAS No 128729-30-6) and its tetrahydrochlorideHydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) HCl (CAS No 128729-28-2) (EC No 416-320-2)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,4 % (as tetrahydrochloride)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2434-Amino-2-hydroxytoluene (CAS No 2835-95-2) (EC No 220-618-6)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2442,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol (CAS No 70643-19-5), its hydrochloride and its sulphate2,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol HCl (CAS No 66422-95-5) (EC No 266-357-1)2,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol sulphate (CAS No 70643-20-8) (EC No 274-713-2)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 % (as hydrochloride)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2452-Methylresorcinol (CAS No 608-25-3) (EC No 210-155-8)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,8 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,8 %
2464-Amino-m-cresol (CAS No 2835-99-6) (EC No 220-621-2)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2482-Amino-4-hydroxyethylaminoanisole (CAS No 83763-47-7) (EC No 280-733-2) and its sulphate2-Amino-4-hydroxyethylaminoanisole sulphate (CAS No 83763-48-8) (EC No 280-734-8)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 % (as sulphate)Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
249Hydroxyethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyaniline and its hydrochlorideHydroxyethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyaniline HCl (CAS No 94158-14-2) (EC No 303-085-5)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2503-Nitro-p-hydroxyethylaminophenol (CAS No 65235-31-6) (EC No 265-648-0)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 3,0 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating systemsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,85 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2514-Nitrophenyl aminoethylurea (CAS No 27080-42-8) (EC No 410-700-1)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,25 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)0,5 %
2522-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 6358-09-4) (EC No 228-762-1)(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,0 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2532,2′-[(4-Aminophenyl))imino]bis(ethanol) sulphateN,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl)-p-Phenylenediamine SulfateCAS No 54381-16-7EC No 259-134-5Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,5 % (calculated as sulphate)Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2541,3-Benzenediol, 4-chloro-4-ChlororesorcinolCAS No 95-88-5EC No 202-462-0Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,5 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2552,4,5,6-Tetraaminopyrimidine sulphateTetraaminopyrimidine SulfateCAS No 5392-28-9EC No 226-393-0(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 3,4 % (calculated as sulphate)(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)3,4 % (calculated as sulphate)
2563-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediammonium sulphateHydroxyethyl-p-Phenylenediamine SulfateCAS No 93841-25-9EC No 298-995-1Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 % (calculated as sulphate)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2571H-Indole-5,6-diolDihydroxyindoleCAS No 3131-52-0EC No 412-130-9(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,5 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)0,5 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2585-Amino-4-chloro-2-methylphenol hydrochloride5-Amino-4-Chloro-o-Cresol HClCAS No 110102-85-7Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,5 % (calculated as hydrochloride)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2591H-Indol-6-ol6-HydroxyindoleCAS No 2380-86-1EC No 417-020-4Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,5 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2601H-Indole-2,3-DioneIsatinCAS No 91-56-5EC No 202-077-8Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,6 %As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2612-Aminopyridin-3-ol2-Amino-3-HydroxypyridineCAS No 16867-03-1EC No 240-886-8Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2622-Methyl-1-naphthyl acetate1-Acetoxy-2-MethylnaphthaleneCAS No 5697-02-9EC No 454-690-7Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 % (When both 2-Methyl-1-Naphthol and 1-Acetoxy-2-Methylnaphthalene are present in a hair dye formulation, the maximum concentration on the head of 2-Methyl-1-Naphthol should not exceed 2,0 %.)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2631-Hydroxy-2-methylnaphthalene2-Methyl-1-NaphtholCAS No 7469-77-4EC No 231-265-2Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,0 % (When both 2-Methyl-1-Naphthol and 1-Acetoxy-2-Methylnaphthalene are present in a hair dye formulation, the maximum concentration on the head of 2-Methyl-1-Naphthol should not exceed 2,0 %.)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
264Disodium 5,7-dinitro-8-oxido-2-naphthalenesulfonateAcid Yellow 1CAS No 846-70-8EC No 212-690-2CI 10316(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)0,2 %(b)As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2654-Nitro-1,2-phenylenediamine4-Nitro-o-PhenylenediamineCAS No 99-56-9EC No 202-766-3Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye productsAfter mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,5 %As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
2662-(4-Amino-3-nitroanilino)ethanolHC Red No 7CAS No 24905-87-1EC No 246-521-9Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,0 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containersAs mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2672-[bis(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino]-5-nitrophenolHC Yellow No 4CAS No 59820-43-8EC No 428-840-7Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,5 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
2682-[(2-Nitrophenyl)amino]ethanolHC Yellow No 2CAS No 4926-55-0EC No 225-555-8(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 0,75 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,0 %
2694-[(2-Nitrophenyl)amino]phenolHC Orange No 1CAS No 54381-08-7EC No 259-132-4Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,0 %
2702-Nitro-N1-phenyl-benzene-1,4-diamineHC Red No 1CAS No 2784-89-6EC No 220-494-3Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products1,0 %As mentioned in reference number 208, column f
2711-Methoxy-3-(β-aminoethyl)amino-4-nitrobenzene, hydrochlorideHC Yellow No 9CAS No 86419-69-4EC No 415-480-1Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,5 % (calculated as hydrochloride)Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
2721-(4’-Aminophenylazo)-2-methyl-4-(bis-2-hydroxyethyl) aminobenzeneHC Yellow No 7CAS No 104226-21-3EC No 146-420-6Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,25 %
273N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-2-nitro-4-trifluormethyl-anilineHC Yellow No 13CAS No 10442-83-8EC No 443-760-2(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 2,5 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,5 %
274Benzenaminium, 3-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-N,N,Ntrimethyl-, chlorideBasic Yellow 57CAS No 68391-31-1EC No 269-943-5Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products2,0 %
275Ethanol, 2,2′-[[4-[(4-aminophenyl)azo]phenyl]imino]bis-Disperse Black 9CAS No 20721-50-0EC No 243-987-5Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,3 % (of the mixture in the ratio 1:1 of 2,2’-[4-(4-aminophenylazo)phenylimino]diethanol and lignosulfate)
2769,10-Anthracenedione, 1,4-bis[(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)amino]-HC Blue No 14CAS No 99788-75-7EC No 421-470-7Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products0,3 %Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers
2772-(4-Methyl-2-nitroanilino)ethanolHydroxyethyl-2-Nitro-p-ToluidineCAS No 100418-33-5EC No 408-090-7(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)1,0 %
2781-Amino-2-nitro-4-(2′,3′-dihydroxypropyl)amino-5-chlorobenzene + 1,4-bis-(2′,3′-dihydroxypropyl)amino-2-nitro-5-chlorobenzeneHC Red No 10 + HC Red No 11CAS No 95576-89-9 + 95576-92-4(a)Hair dye substance in oxidative hair dye products(a)After mixing under oxidative conditions the maximum concentration applied to hair must not exceed 1,0 %For (a) and (b):Do not use with nitrosating agentsMaximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kgKeep in nitrite-free containers(a)As mentioned in reference number 205, column f (a)
(b)Hair dye substance in non-oxidative hair dye products(b)2,0 %
Reference numberSubstanceRestrictionsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the labelAllowed until
Field of application and/or useMaximum authorized concentration in the finished cosmetic productOther limitations and requirements
1Basic Blue 7 (CAS No 2390-60-5)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0,2 %Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2007
22-Amino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 603-85-0) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %(a) (b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)3,0 %
34-Amino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 610-81-1) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %(a) (b)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)3,0 %
42,7-Naphthalenediol (CAS no 582-17-2) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
5m-Aminophenol (CAS no 591-27-5) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
62,6-Dihydroxy-3,4-dimethylpyridine (CAS No 84540-47-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
74-Hydroxypropylamino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 92952-81-3) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)5,2 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 2,6 %(a) (b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)2,6 %
86-Nitro-2,5-pyridinediamine (CAS No 69825-83-8) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agent for hair dyeing3,0 %Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2007
9HC Blue No 11 (CAS No 23920-15-2) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %(a) (b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)2,0 %
10Hydroxyethyl-2-nitro-p-toluidine (CAS No 100418-33-5) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2011
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,0 %
112-Hydroxyethylpicramic acid (CAS No 99610-72-7) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)2,0 %
12p-Methylaminophenol (CAS No 150-75-4) and its saltsOxidising colouring agent for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
132,4-Diamino-5-methylphenoxyethanol (CAS No 141614-05-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agent for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2007
14HC Violet No 2 CAS No 104226-19-9) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agent for hair dyeing2,0 %31.12.2009
15Hydroxyethyl-2,6-dinitro-p-anisidine (CAS No 122252-11-3) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agent for hair dyeing3,0 %Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2007
16HC Blue No 12 (CAS No 104516-93-0) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)1,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,75 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,5 %
172,4-Diamino-5 methyphenetol (CAS No 113715-25-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Can cause allergic reaction31.08.2006
181,3-Bis-(2,4-diaminophenoxy)propane (CAS No 81892-72-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
193-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol (CAS No 61693-43-4) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
20Phenyl methyl pyrazolone (CAS No 89-25-8) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,25 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
212-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol (CAS No 55302-96-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
22Hydroxybenzomorpholine (CAS No 26021-57-8) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
231,7-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 575-38-2) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,5 %Can cause allergic reaction31.08.2006
24HC Yellow No 10 (CAS No 109023-83-8) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0,2 %31.12.2009
252,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine (CAS No 85679-78-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,25 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
26HC Orange No 2 (CAS No 85765-48-6) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
27HC Violet No 1 (CAS No 82576-75-8) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)0,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,25 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,5 %
283-Methylamino-4-nitro-phenoxyethanol (CAS No 59820-63-2) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %31.12.2009
292-Hydroxy-ethylamino-5-nitro-anisole (CAS No 66095-81-6) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %31.12.2010
302-Chloro-5-nitro-N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 50610-28-1) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,0 %
31HC Red No 13 (CAS No 94158-13-1) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,25 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)2,5 %
321,5-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 83-56-7) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
33Hydroxypropyl bis (N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) (CAS No 128729-30-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
34o-Aminophenol (CAS No 95-55-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
354-Amino-2-hydroxytoluene (CAS No 2835-95-2) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
362,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol (CAS No 66422-95-5) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing4,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 2,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
372-Methylresorcinol (CAS No 608-25-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
384-Amino-m-cresol (CAS No 2835-99-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
392-Amino-4-hydroxyethylaminoanisole (CAS No 83763-47-7) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
403,4-Diamino-benzoicacid (CAS No 619-05-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.08.2006
416-Amino-o-cresol (CAS No 17672-22-9) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %31.12.2007
422-Aminomethyl-p-aminophenol (CAS No 79352-72-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %31.08.2006
43Hydroxyethylamino-methyl-p-aminophenol (CAS No 110952-46-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %31.12.2007
44Hydroxyethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyaniline (CAS No 81329-90-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
45Acid Black 52 (CAS No 3618-58-4) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.12.2007
462-Nitro-p-phenylenediamine (CAS No 5307-14-2) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)0,3 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,15 %31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,3 %
47HC Blue No 2 (CAS No 33229-34-4) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,8 %31.12.2009
483-Nitro-p-hydroxyethylaminophenol (CAS No 65235-31-6) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)6,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 3,0 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)6,0 %
494-Nitrophenyl aminoethylurea (CAS No 27080-42-8) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)0,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,25 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,5 %
50HC Red No 10 + HC Red No 11 (CAS No 95576-89-9 + 95576-92-4) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2011
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,0 %
51Yellow No 6 (CAS No 104333-00-8) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,0 %
52HC Yellow No 12 (CAS No 59320-13-7) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)1,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,5 %31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,5 %
53HC Blue No 10 (CAS No 102767-27-1) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.12.2007
54HC Blue No 9 (CAS No 114087-47-1) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %31.12.2007
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)1,0 %
552-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 131657-78-8) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)3,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,5 %Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)3,0 %
562-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 6358-09-4) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)2,0 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1,0 %(a)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.(b)Read and follow instructions.This product is not intended for use on persons under the age of 16.Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy.Do not colour your hair if:you have a rash on your face or sensitive, irritated and damaged scalp,you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,you have experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo in the past.31.12.2010
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)2,0 %
57Basic Blue 26 (CAS No 2580-56-5) (CI 44045) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)0,5 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,25 %31.12.2009
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,5 %
58Acid Red 33 (CAS No 3567-66-6) (CI 17200) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %31.12.2009
59Ponceau SX (CAS No 4548-53-2) (CI 14700) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2,0 %31.12.2009
60Basic Violet 14 (CAS No 632-99-5) (CI 42510) and its salts(a)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a)0,3 %In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0,15 %31.12.2009
(b)Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b)0,3 %
61Musk xylene (CAS no 81-15-2)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a)1,0 % in fine fragrance30.9.2004
(b)0,4 % in eau de toilette
(c)0,03 % in other products
62Musk ketone (CAS No 81-14-1)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a)1,4 % in fine fragrance30.9.2004
(b)0,56 % in eau de toilette
(c)0,042 % in other products
LIST OF COLOURING AGENTS ALLOWED FOR USE IN COSMETIC PRODUCTSField of applicationColumn 1Colouring agents allowed in all cosmetic products.Column 2Colouring agents allowed in all cosmetic products except those intended to be applied in the vicinity of the eyes, in particular eye make-up and eye make-up remover.Column 3Colouring agents allowed exclusively in cosmetic products intended not to come into contact with the mucous membranes.Column 4Colouring agents allowed exclusively in cosmetic products intended to come into contact only briefly with the skin.Lakes or salts of these colouring agents using substances not prohibited under Annex II or not excluded under Annex V from the scope of this Directive are equally allowed.Colouring agents whose number is preceded by the letter "E" in accordance whith the EEC Directive of 1962 concerning foodstuffs and colouring matters must fulfil the purity requirements laid down in those Directives. They continue to be subject to the general criteria set out in Annex III to the 1962 Directive concerning colouring matters where the letter "E" has been deleted therefrom.The insoluble barium, strontium and zirconium lakes, salts and pigments of these colouring agents shall also be permitted. They must pass the test for insolubility which will be determined by the procedure laid down in Article 8.
Colour index number or denominationColourField of applicationOther limitations and requirements
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12085RedX3 % maximum concentration in the finished product
12700YellowXmissing text
13015YellowXE 105
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14270OrangeXE 103
14720RedXE 122
14815RedXE 125
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15630RedX3 % maximum concentration in the finished product
15800RedXmissing text
15980OrangeXE 111
15985YellowXE 110
16185RedXE 123
16255RedXE 124
16290RedXE 126
19140YellowXE 102
20040YellowXmaximum 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine concentration in the colouring agent: 5 ppm
20470BlackXmissing text
21100YellowXmaximum 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine concentration in the colouring agent: 5 ppm
26100RedXPurity criteria:aniline ≤ 0,2 %2-naphtol ≤ 0,2 %4-aminoazobenzene ≤ 0,1 %1-(phenylazo)-2-naphtol ≤ 3 %1-[2-(phenylazo)phenylazo]-2-napthalenol ≤ 2 %
27755BlackXE 152
28440BlackXE 151
40820OrangeXE 160 e
40825OrangeXE 160 f
40850OrangeXE 161 g
42045BlueXXmissing text
42051BlueXE 131
42170GreenXmissing text
42520VioletX5 ppm maximum concentration in the finished product
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44045BlueXXmissing text
44090GreenXE 142
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45190VioletXmissing text
45350YellowX6 % maximum concentration in the finished product
45370OrangeXnot more than 1 % 2-(6-hdroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-y1) benzoic acid and 2 % 2-(bromo-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid
45396OrangeXwhen used in lipstick, the colouring agent is allowed only in free acid form and in a maximum concentration of 1 %
45405RedXnot more than 1 % 2-(6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3Η xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid and 2 % 2-(bromo-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid
45425RedXnot more than 1 % 2-(6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid and 3 % 2-(iodo-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid
45430RedXE 127 ditto
47000YellowXmissing text
47005YellowXE 104
69800BlueXE 130
73015BlueXE 132
73900VioletXmissing text
74180BlueXmissing text
75120OrangeXE 160 b
75125YellowXE 160 d
75130OrangeXE 160 a
75135YellowXE 161 d
75300YellowXE 100
75470RedXE 120
75810GreenXE 140 and E 141
77000WhiteXE 173
77220WhiteXE 170
77268:1BlackXE 153
77288GreenXfree from chromate ion
77289GreenXfree from chromate ion
77480BrownXE 175
77489OrangeXE 172
77491RedXE 172
77492YellowXE 172
77499BlackXE 172
77510BlueXfree from cyanide ions
77820WhiteXE 174
77891WhiteXE 171
LactoflavinYellowXE 101
CaramelBrownXE 150
Capsanthin, capsorubinOrangeXE 160 c
Beetroot redRedXE 162
AnthocyaninsRedXE 163
Aluminium, zinc, magnesium and calcium stearatesWhiteX
Bromothymol blueBlueX
Bromocresol greenGreenX
Acid red 195RedX
LIST OF COLOURING AGENTS PROVISIONALLY ALLOWED FOR USE IN COSMETIC PRODUCTSField of applicationColumn 1Colouring agents allowed in all cosmetic products.Column 2Colouring agents allowed in all cosmetic products except those intended to be applied in the vicinity of the eyes, in particular eye make-up and eye make-up removerColumn 3Colouring agents allowed exclusively in cosmetic products intended not to come into contact with the mucous membranes.Column 4Colouring agents allowed exclusively in cosmetic products intended to come into contact only briefly with the skin.Lakes or salts of these colouring agents using substances not prohibited under Annex II or not excluded under Annex V from the scope of this Directive are equally allowed.Colouring agents whose number is preceded by the letter "E" in accordance with the EEC Directive of 1962 concerning foodstuffs and colouring matters must fulfil the purity requirements laid down in those Directives. They continue to be subject to the general criteria set out in Annex III to the 1962 Directive concerning colouring matters where the letter "E" has been deleted therefrom.
Colour index number or denominationColourField of applicationOther limitations and requirementsAuthorization valid until
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ANNEX VLIST OF SUBSTANCES EXCLUDED FROM THE SCOPE OF THE DIRECTIVE5.Strontium and its compounds, with the exception of strontium lactate, strontium nitrate and strontium polycarboxylate listed in Annex II, strontium sulphide, strontium chloride, strontium acetate, strontium hydroxide, strontium peroxide, under the conditions laid down in Annex III, Part 1 and of strontium lakes, pigments and salts of the colouring agents listed with the reference (3) in Annex IV, Part 1.ANNEX VILIST OF PRESERVATIVES WHICH COSMETIC PRODUCTS MAY CONTAINPREAMBLE1.Preservatives are substances which may be added to cosmetic products for the primary purpose of inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in such products.2.The substances marked with the symbol (*) may also be added to cosmetic products in concentration other than those laid down in this Annex for other specific purposes apparent from the presentation of the products, e.g. as deodorants in soaps or as anti-dandruff agents in shampoos.3.Other substances used in the formulation of cosmetic products may also have anti-microbial properties and thus help in the preservation of the products, as, for instance, many essential oils and some alcohols. These substances are not included in this Annex.4.For the purposes of this list:"Salts" is taken to mean: salts of the cations sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammonium and ethanolamines; salts of the anions chloride, bromide, sulphate, acetate."Esters" is taken to mean: esters of methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, phenyl.5.All finished products containing formaldehyde or substances in this Annex and which release formaldehyde must be labelled with the warning "contains formaldehyde" where the concentration of formaldehyde in the finished product exceeds 0,05 %.PART 1LIST OF PRESERVATIVES ALLOWED
Solely for products which might be used for children under three years of age and which remain in prolonged contact with the skin.Concerns any products aimed to be applied on a large part of the body.Solely for products, other than bath products/shower gels and shampoo, which might be used for children under three years of age.Solely for products which might be used for children under three years of age.For other uses than preservatives, see Annex III, Part I, entry No 207.
Reference numberSubstanceMaximum authorized concentrationLimitations and requirementsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label
1Benzoic acid (CAS No 65-85-0) and its sodium salt (CAS No 532-32-1)Rinse-off products, except oral care products: 2,5 % (acid)Oral care products: 1,7 % (acid)Leave-on products: 0,5 % (acid)
1aSalts of benzoic acid other than that listed under reference number 1 and esters of benzoic acid0,5 % (acid)
2Propionic acid and its salts (*)2 % (acid)
3Salicylic acid and its salts (*)0,5 % (acid)Not to be used in mixtures for children under three years of age, except for shampoosNot to be used for children under three years of age
4Sorbic acid (hexa-2,4-dienoic acid) and its salts (*)0,6 % (acid)
5Formaldehyde paraformaldehyde (*)0,2 % (except for products for oral hygiene)0,1 % (products for oral hygiene)expressed as free formaldehydeProhibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
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7Biphenyl-2-ol (o-phenylphenol) and its salts (*)0,2 % expressed as the phenol
8Zinc pyrithione (*)(CAS No 13463-41-7)Hair products: 1,0 %Other products: 0,5 %Rinse-off products only.No use in products for oral hygiene
9Inorganic sulphites and hydrogen- sulphites (*)0,2 % expressed as free SO2
10Sodium iodate0,1 %Rinse-off products only
11Chlorobutanol (INN)0,5 %Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)Contains chlorobutanol
124-Hydroxybenzoic acid and its salts and esters (*)0,4 % (acid) for 1 ester,0,8 % (acid) for mixtures of esters
133-Acetyl-6-methylpyran-2,4 (3H)-dione (Dehydracetic acid) and its salts0,6 % (acid)Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
14Formic acid and its sodium salt (+)0,5 % (expressed as acid)
153,3‘-Dibromo-4,4‘-hexamethylenedioxydi-benzamidine (Dibromohexamidine) and its salts (including isethionate)0,1 %
16Thiomersal (INN)0,007 % (of Hg)If mixed with other mercurial compounds authorized by this Directive, the maximum concentration of Hg remains fixed at 0,007 %For eye make-up and eye make-up remover onlyContains thiomersal
17Phenylmercuric salts (including borate)DittoDittoContains phenylmercuric compounds
18Undec-10-enoic acid and salts (*)0,2 % (acid)See Annex VI, Part 2, No 8
19Hexetidine (INN) (*)0,1 %missing text
205-Bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane0,1 %Rinse-off products onlyAvoid formation of nitrosaminesmissing text
21Bronopol (INN) (*)0,1 %Avoid formation of nitrosamines
222,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol (*)0,15 %
23Triclocarban (INN) (*)0,2 %Purity criteria:3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazobenzene <1 ppm3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazoxybenzene <1 ppm
244-Chloro-m-cresol (*)0,2 %Prohibited in the products intended to come into contact with mucous membranes
25Tricolosan (INN) (*)0,3 %
264-Chloro-3,5-xylenol (*)0,5 %
273,3'-Bis (1-hydroxymethyl-2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl)-1,1'-methylenediurea ("Imidazolidinyl urea") (*)0,6 %
28Poly (1-hexamethylenebiguanide hydrochloride (*)0,3 %
292-Phenoxyethanol (*)1,0 %
30Hexamethylenetetramine (*) (methenamine) (INN)0,15 %
31Methenamine 3-chloroallylochloride (INNM)0,2 %
321-(4-Chlorophenoxy)-1-(imidazol-1-yl)-3,3-dimethylbutan-2-one (*)0,5 %
331,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione (*)0,6 %
34Benzyl alchohol (*)1,0 %
351-Hydroxy-4-methyl-6(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) 2-pyridon and its monoethanolamine salt (*)1,0 %0,5 %Products rinsed offFor other products
361,2-Dibromo-2,4-dicyanobutane (methyldibromo glutaronitrile)0,1 %Rinse-off products only
376,6-Dibromo-4,4-dichloro2,2‘-methylene-diphenol (Bromochlorophen) (*)0,1 %
384-Isopropyl-m-cresol0,1 %
39Mixture of 5-Chloro-2-methyl-isothiazol-3(2H)-one and 2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one with magnesium chloride and magnesium nitrate0,0015 %(of a mixture in the ratio 3:1 of 5-chloro-2-methylisothiazol 3(2H)-one and 2-methylisothiazol-3 (2H)-one
402-Benzyl-4-chlorophenol (clorophene)0.2 %
412-Chloroacetamide0,3 %Contains chloroacetamide
42Chlorhexidine (INN) and its digluconate, diacetate and dihydrochloride (+)0,3 % expressed as clorhexidine
431-Phenoxypropan-2-ol (*)1,0 %Only for rinse-off products
44Alkyl (C12-C22) trimethyl ammonium, bromide and chloride (*)0,1 %
454,4-dimethyl-1,3-oxizalidine0,1 %The pH of the finished product must not be lower than 6
46N-(Hydroxymethyl)-N-(dihydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxo-2,5-imidazolidinyl-4)-N'-(hydroxymethyl) urea0,5 %
471,6-Di (4-amidinophenoxy)-n-hexane (Hexamidine) and its salts (including isethionate and p-hydroxybenzoate) (+)0,1 %
48Glutaraldehyde (Pentane-1,5-dial)0,1 %Prohibited in aerosols (sprays)Contains glutaraldehyde (where glutaraldehyde concentration in the finished product exceeds 0,05 %)
495-Ethyl-3,7-dioxa-1-azabicyclo [3.3.0] octane0,3 %Prohibited in oral hygiene products and in products intended to come into contact with mucous membranes
503-(p-chlorophenoxy)-propane-1,2 diol (chlorphenesin)0,3 %
51Sodium hydroxymethylamino acetate (Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate)0,5 %
52Silver chloride deposited on titanium dioxide0,004 % calculated as AgCl20 % AgCl (W/W) on TiO2. Prohibited in products for children under three years of age, in oral hygiene products and in products intended for application around the eyes and on the lips
53Benzethonium Chloride (INCI)0,1 %(a)Rinse-off products,(b)Leave-on products other than for oral care use
54Belzalkonium chloride, bromide and saccharinate (+)0,1 % calculated as benzalkonium chlorideAvoid contact with eyes
55Benzylhemiformal0,15 %Only for products to be removed by rinsing
56iodopropynyl butylcarbamate(IPBC)3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamateCAS No: 55406-53-6(a)rinse-off products: 0,02 %(b)leave-on products: 0,01 %, except in deodorants/antiperspirants: 0,0075 %Not to be used in oral hygiene and lip care products(a)Not to be used in mixtures for children under three years of age, except in bath products/shower gels and shampoo(b)Not to be used in body lotion and body creamNot to be used in mixtures for children under three years of age(a)"Not to be used for children under three years of age"(b)"Not to be used for children under three years of age"
57Methylisothiazolinone (INCI)0,01 %
58Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate HCl (INCI) (*)Ethyl-Να-dodecanoyl-L-arginate hydrochlorideCAS No 60372-77-2EC No 434-630-60,4 %Not to be used in lip products, oral products and spray products.
Reference numberSubstanceMaximum authorized concentrationLimitations and requirementsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the labelAllowed until
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21Benzylhemiformal0,03 %For rinse-off products only30.6.1999
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293-lodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (iodopropynyl butylcarbamate)0,05 %Not for oral hygiene and lip products30.6.1999
ANNEX VIIList of UV filters which cosmetic products may containFor the purposes of this Directive, UV filters are substances which, contained in cosmetic sun-screen products, are specifically intended to filter certain UV rays in order to protect the skin from certain harmful effects of these rays.These UV filters may be added to other cosmetic products within the limits and under the conditions laid down in this Annex.Other UV filters used in cosmetic products solely for the purpose of protecting the product against UV rays are not included in this list.PART 1List of permitted UV filters which cosmetic products may contain
Not requiered if concentration is 0,5 % or less and when it is used only for product protection purposes.
Reference NoSubstancesMaximum authorized concentrationOther limitations and requirementsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label
14-Aminobenzoic acid5 %
2N,N,N-Trimethyl-4-(2-oxoborn-3-ylidenemethyl) anilinium methyl sulphate6 %
3Homosalate (INN)10 %
4Oxybenzone (INN)10 %Contains oxybenzone
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62-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulphonic acid and its potassium, sodium and triethanolamine salts8 %(expressed as acid)
73,3'-(1,4-Phenylenedimethylene) bis (7, 7-dimethyl-2-oxobicyclo-[2,2,1]hept-1-yl-methanesulfonic acid) and its salts10 %(expressed as acid)
81-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propane-1,3-dione5 %
9alpha-(2-Oxoborn-3-ylidene)-toluene-4-sulphonic acid and its salts6 %(expressed as acid)
102-cyano-3,3-diphenyl acrylic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester (Octocrylene)10 %(expressed as acid)
11Polymer of N-{(2 and 4)-[(2-oxoborn-3-ylidene)methyl]benzyl}acrylamide6 %
12Octyl methoxycinnamate10 %
13Ethoxylated Ethyl-4-Aminobenzoate (PEG-25 PABA)10 %
14Isopentyl-4-methoxycinnamate (Isoamyl p-Methoxycinnamate)10 %
152,4,6-Trianilino-(p-Carbo-2‘-Ethylhexyl-1‘Oxy)-1,3,5-Triazine (Octyl Triazone)5 %
16Phenol,2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-Methyl-6-(2-Methyl-3-(1,3,3,3-Tetramethyl-I-(Trimethylsilyl)Oxy)-Disiloxanyl)Propyl) (Drometrizole Trisiloxane)15 %
17Benzoic acid, 4,4-((6-(((1,1-dimethylethyl)amino)carbonyl)phenyl)amino) 1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diyl)diimino)bis-,bis-(2-ethylhexyl)ester)10 %
183-(4‘-Methylbenxylidene)-d-1 camphor (4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor)4 %
193-Benzylidene camphor (3-Benzylidene Camphor)2 %
202-Ethylhexyl salicylate (Octyl-salicylate)5 %
214-Dimethyl-amino-benzoate of ethyl-2-hexyl (octyl dimethyl PABA)8 %
222-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid (Benzophenone-5) and its sodium salt5 % (of acid)
232,2'-Methylene-bis-6-(2H-benzotriazol-2yl)-4-(tetramethyl-butyl)-1,1,3,3-phenol10 %
24Monosodium salt of 2-2'-bis-(1,4-phenylene)1H-benzimidazole-4,6-disulphonic acid)10 % (of acid)
25(1,3,5)-Triazine-2,4-bis((4-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy)-2-hydroxy)-phenyl)-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)10 %
26Dimethicodiethylbenzalmalonate (CAS No 207574-74-1)10 %
27Titanium dioxide25 %
28Benzoic acid, 2-[-4-(diethylamino)-2-hydroxybenzoyl]-, hexylester(INCI name: Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate;CAS No 302776-68-7)10 % in sunscreen products
Reference numberSubstancesMaximum authorized concentrationOther limitations and requirementsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the labelAllowed until
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52-Ethylhexyl 4-dimethylamino-benzoate8 %30.6.1999
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172-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5 sulphonic acid and sodium salt (Sulisobenzone and Sulisobenzone sodium)5 %(expressed as acid)30.6.1999
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294-Isopropylbenzyl salicylate4 %30.6.1999
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ANNEX VIIIANNEX VIIIaANNEX IXLIST OF VALIDATED ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO ANIMAL TESTINGThis Annex lists the alternative methods validated by the European Centre on Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) of the Joint Research Centre available to meet the requirements of this Directive and which are not listed in Regulation (EC) No 440/2008.
Reference numberValidated alternative methodsNature of replacement full or partial