Second Council Directive 75/319/EEC of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of provisions laid down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action relating to proprietary medicinal products
Modified by
Commission Directive 2000/38/EC of 5 June 2000 amending Chapter Va (Pharmacovigilance) of Council Directive 75/319/EEC on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to medicinal products (Text with EEA relevance)
June 30, 2000 article 29 QUATER Completion
June 30, 2000 article 29 SEXIES Amendment
June 30, 2000 article 29 BI 3 Replacement
June 30, 2000 article 29 QUINQUIES Replacement
June 30, 2000 article 29 NONIES Replacement
June 30, 2000 article 29 SEPTIES Replacement
June 30, 2000 article 29 TER Replacement
June 30, 2000 article 29 OCTIES Replacement