Regulation (EEC) No 2622/71 of the Commission of 9 December 1971 on procedures for the importation of rye from Turkey
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Regulation (EEC) No 199/73 of the Commissionof 29 December 1972supplementing, in respect of cereals, Commission Regulations (EEC) No 2622/71, (EEC) No 837/72 and (EEC) No 1503/72 following the accession of new Member States to the Communities, 31973R0199, January 29, 1973
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3480/80of 30 December 1980amending various Regulations in the cereal and rice sectors as a result of Greek accession, 31980R3480, December 31, 1980
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3817/85of 30 December 1985amending certain Regulations relating to cereals and rice as a consequence of the accession of Portugal and Spain, 31985R3817, December 31, 1985
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 560/91of 7 March 1991amending certain Regulations relating to cereals and rice as a consequence of the accession of Portugal, 31991R0560, March 8, 1991
Commission Regulation (EC) No 777/2004of 26 April 2004adapting several regulations concerning the cereal market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 32004R0777, April 27, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1996/2006of 22 December 2006adapting several Regulations concerning the cereals market by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, 32006R1996, December 30, 2006
Commission Regulation (EC) No 402/2008of 6 May 2008on procedures for the importation of rye from Turkey(Codified version), 32008R0402, May 7, 2008
Regulation (EEC) No 2622/71 of the Commissionof 9 December 1971on procedures for the importation of rye from TurkeyTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community;Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71OJ No L 130, 16.6.1971, p. 53. of 7 June 1971 on imports of certain cereals from Turkey, and in particular Article 4 thereof;Whereas, by Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71, the Council adopted rules of application for the special arrangements for imports of rye from Turkey laid down in the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and Turkey and in the Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey;Whereas those special arrangements provide, under certain conditions, for a reduction of the levy on imports of rye from Turkey; whereas, to that end, the origin of the rye and its direct transportation from Turkey to the Community must be established and proof must be furnished that a special export tax payable by the exporter has in fact been paid;Whereas methods of administrative cooperation, including proof of origin and of the direct transportation of the rye from Turkey to a Member State were governed by Decision Nos 4/71OJ No L 197, 1.9.1971, p. 2. and 5/71OJ No L 197, 1.9.1971, p. 11. of the Council of Association, the provisions of which were made applicable by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1885/71OJ No L 197, 1.9.1971, p. 1. of 1 September 1971; whereas it suffices therefore to fix, pursuant to Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71, the procedure for proving payment of the special export tax by means of movement certificate A.TR.1; whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2019/71OJ No L 213, 21.9.1971, p. 7. of 20 September 1971 on procedures for the importation of rye from Turkey should therefore be repealed and replaced by the present Regulation;Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the Opinion of the Management Committee for Cereals,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Proof that the special export tax mentioned in Articles 2 and 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71 has been paid shall be furnished to the competent authority of the importing Member State by presentation of movement certificate A. TR. 1. In that case, one of the entries contained in the Annex to this Regulation shall be made in the "Remarks" section by the competent authority.Article 2Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2019/71 of 20 September 1971 is hereby repealed.This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXEntries referred to in Article 1in Bulgarian: Платена специална износна такса съгласно Регламент (ЕИО) № 1234/71 в размер на …in Spanish: Tasa especial aplicable a la exportación según el Reglamento (CEE) no 1234/71 satisfecha con la suma de …in Czech: Zvláštní vývozní poplatek podle nařízení č. 1234/71 zaplacen ve výši …in Danish: Særlig udførselsafgift i henhold til forordning (EØF) nr. 1234/71, betalt med et beløb på …in German: Besondere Ausfuhrabgabe gemäß Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 1234/71 in Höhe von … entrichtetin Estonian: Ekspordi erimaks makstud summas … vastavalt määrusele (EMÜ) nr 1234/71in Greek: Ειδικός φόρος κατά την εξαγωγή σύμφωνα με τον κανονισμό (ΕOK) αριθ. 1234/71 που πληρώθηκε για ποσό …in English: Special export tax under Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71 paid in the amount of …in French: Taxe spéciale à l’exportation selon le règlement (CEE) no 1234/71 acquittée pour un montant de …in Italian: Tassa speciale per l’esportazione pagata, secondo regolamento (CEE) n. 1234/71, per un importo di …in Latvian: en Saskaņā ar regulu (EEK) Nr. 1234/71, samaksāta speciālā izvešanas nodeva … apmērāin Lithuanian: Vadovaujantis reglamentu (EEB) Nr. 1234/71, sumokėtas … dydžio specialusis eksporto Hungarian: Az 1234/71/EGK rendelet szerinti különleges exportadó … összegben megfizetvein Maltese: Taxxa speċjali fuq l-esportazzjoni, skond ir-Regolament (KEE) Nru 1234/71, imħallsa għall-ammont ta’ …in Dutch: Speciale heffing bij uitvoer bedoeld in Verordening (EEG) nr. 1234/71 ten bedrage van … voldaanin Polish: Specjalny podatek eksportowy według rozporządzenia (EWG) nr 1234/71 zapłacony w wysokości …in Portuguese: Imposição especial de exportação, nos termos do Regulamento (CEE) n.o 1234/71, paga num montante de …in Romanian: Taxă specială de export, conform Regulamentului (CEE) nr. 1234/71, achitată pentru o valoare de …in Slovak: Osobitný vývozný poplatok podľa nariadenia (EHS) č. 1234/71 vo výške …in Slovenian: Posebni izvozni davek v Uredbi št. 1234/71, plačilo za znesek …in Finnish: Asetuksen (ETY) N:o 1234/71 mukainen erityisvientivero määrältään …in Swedish: Särskild exportskatt i enlighet med förordning (EEG) nr 1234/71, betalt med ett belopp på …