Council Directive 66/401/EEC of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of fodder plant seed
Modified by
Council Directive 78/692/EEC of 25 July 1978 amending Directives 66/400/EEC, 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC, 66/403/EEC, 68/193/EEC, 69/208/EEC and 70/458/EEC on the marketing of beet seed, fodder plant seed, cereal seed, seed potatoes, material for the vegetative propagation of the vine, seed of oil and fibre plants and vegetable seed
July 31, 1978 article 9.3 Replacement
July 31, 1978 article 9.2 Completion
July 31, 1978 article 9.1 Replacement
July 31, 1978 annex 4 Completion
July 31, 1978 article 14.3 Completion